The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Women's Suffrage Movement Clippings
Bradford County PA
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The demand of women in our country to vote began in the colony of Maryland in 1647, before we were the United States. In the U.S. the Women's Suffrage Movement was organizedin 1848 and continued actively until the Constitution was finally ammended, 72 years later,  in 1920. There are many thorough treatments of the issue that I am including near the bottom of this page.
In New Suffrage Hat
Miss Alberta Hill, a prominent suffrage worker of New York, wearing the new hat designed for the "votes for women" advocates.  It is of felt, trimmed with a band of suffrage colors. [Troy Gazette Register 1915]
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The Woman's Liberty Bell is Warmly Received in Troy
The Woman's Liberty bell on its tour of the State as part of the Suffragist Campaign for "votes for women," was warmly received in Troy on Thursday morning.  Officers and members of the local organization in automobiles, with Mayor McGlenn, met the party out Canton way and escorted them to the centre of town where the Mayor in a few well-chosen sentences welcomed the delegation to Troy.  He said his first vote back in 1895 was cast in the equal suffrage state of Colorado, and he hoped to see the franchise granted to women in Pennsylvania in 1916.  The gathering was not unlike any other rally except that with the one exception all of the speakers were women.  They knew what they wanted and went about it in a very business like, vote-getting manner.

The speakers were Mrs. Frank Roessing of Pittsburg, State President, Miss Louise Hall of Harrisburg, and Miss Helen Todd of California.  They were accompanied to Troy by Mrs. Hagerman, County Chairman; Miss Marks of Towanda, Mrs. Taylor of Canton, and a number of others.  From Troy the party went to Mansfield, Wellsboro and other points in Tioga County.  They were accompanied as far as Mansfield by Mrs. A. W. Sharpless, Mrs. M. H. McGlenn, Mrs. W. S. Sweet and Mrs. H. K. Mitchell.

The Woman's Liberty bell is an exact reproduction of the original Liberty Bell when it was in perfect condition.  It is being transported through the state, visiting every county, by motor truck, and is not to be rung until votes are granted to women. [Troy Gazette Register 1915]

Her Back A Poster
The daring band of "sandwich women" who invaded the New York subway during the recent campaign, bearing placards imprinted with the reasons why one should vote for the "cause," were outdone by the most startling manner of appealing to the voter, which has up to the present day been used by the suffragists.

A beautiful and very attractive young woman is Miss Dorothy Newell, the young lady who made all New York sit up with her appeal for "Votes for Women."  It required considerable daring to promote the publicity Miss Newell had mapped out for the cause.

In leading hotels and Broadway cafes where the usual election eve crowds assemble, Miss Newell displayed her charming back with the alluring appeal "Votes for Women" painted in large black letters thereon. [Troy Gazette Register 1915]
Wellsboro Gazette – May 29, 1912 [Wellsboro. Tioga County PA]
Woman Suffrage Notes.
What Women Are Saying and Doing for the Cause.

Philadelphia is the city chosen for the 44th annual convention of the National Woman Suffrage Association.  The convention will meet the latter part of November, and men and women of national and international prominence will take part in the program.

One of the delegates from the state of Washington to the National Democratic Convention at Baltimore next month will be Mrs. May Arkwright Hutton, of Spokane, who voted for many years in Idaho before taking up her residence in Washington.  At the close of the Democratic convention, Mrs. Hutton will tour Ohio, her native state, in the interest of woman suffrage.

The San Francisco Post of May 2nd says: “San Francisco’s first presidential primary election proved the efficiency of woman suffrage.  The refining influence of the feminine voters was felt from the waterfront districts to the most remote precincts.  The police reports show that no single act of violence characterized the voting.  The women turned out in force from early morning until the polls closed at six o’clock.”

“Michigan bids fair to be a leader in the Middle West in granting suffrage to its women,” declares the Sault Ste. Marie News.  “The old argument that the home is woman’s only sphere does not answer arguments advanced by those favoring woman suffrage.  It is acknowledged that votes for women would bring an increased number of intelligent electors into politics, and no one can deny that the country demands such a boon.”

Splendid progress and great activity are reported by the suffrage leaders in Oregon, who are confident of securing the vote at the November election.  Mrs. Frances Squire Potter of Chicago, one of the most convincing women speakers in this country, is among those who will assist in the state campaign.

Mrs. Catherine Hoffman, chairman of the Kansas Press Committee, writes as follows:  “There are 800 newspapers of prominence in the state.  I have written every editor and received replies from all.  There was one who openly declared that he would fight our cause, and he was the only one who opposed us.  But he has come to realize the mistake of the policy on which he started and has become a convert to equal suffrage.”

The right to vote in parish meetings was granted to the women of the Episcopal church in New Jersey, at the annual convention of the state diocese held last week.  This is considered a great step toward the political enfranchisement of New Jersey women.  The recent diocesan convention of the Episcopal church of North Carolina also extended to women the right to vote on church affairs in the diocese.

The suffrage bill introduced by the Swedish government and endorsed by the King and the Prime Minister indicates that the women of Sweden will be granted full electoral rights.  The bill provides that women shall have the vote on exactly the same condition as men and that they may be elected to either chamber of Parliament.

The Intercollegiate Civic League will submit to a referendum vote of its members throughout the United States a proposal to admit women to equal membership in the organization.  A vote favorable to the proposal will be regarded as an endorsement of the equal suffrage movement.

Wellsboro Gazette, November 19, 1914
Suffrage Party Work
An organization Formed in Charleston - Addresses by the Workers
A Woman Suffrage party meeting was held at the Welsh Congregational church in Charleston last Saturday evening by county officers. The meeting was opened with a song by the Welsh Choir of Charleston. B.F. Edwards, chairman of the meeting, introduced Hon. R.K. Young, who spoke in favor of the right of franchise being granted to women, not only as a matter of right and justice, and it is only justice that women be allowed to take part in the government under which they live - but also for the reason that we need the help of the women of this country in solving the questions that are crowding in upon us, and which must be satisfactorily solved if this democratic form of government is to be a success. Mrs. Mary Darrin spoke of the early suffrage movement and its progress up to the present time, the need and reasons why women should vote and of the results that have been accomplished in the States where women have the ballot, especially in regard to the placing of good laws on their statute books, such as the equal Guardianship law, White Slave law, Workingmen's Compensation law, the Minimum Wage law and many others. Miss Katherine Potter, chairman of the Woman Suffrage party, then spoke concerning our democratic form of government, saying that today where women do not have the ballot, it is only aristocracy of sex; one half of the citizens are deprived from having any voice in the government under which they live, and it will not be a true democracy until the women are given the right of franchise. She also spoke of the increasing need of the ballot for women to aid in eliminating the many evils that exist in our own State today. She described the work of the Woman Suffrage party in Pennsylvania and the manner of organization in the several townships and boroughs of the county. Miss Potter, assisted by Mrs. Mary Darrin and Miss May A. Stickley, took up the matter of the organization of Charleston township. Mrs. Harriet Evans was appointed Leader. The Welsh Choir rendered several fine selections during the evening, which were greatly enjoyed by the audience.
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 17 JAN 2008 
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice
The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933