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Postcard From Joyce's Collection
1900 Bradford County Directory
Sheshequin Township
Bradford County Directory - Table of Contents

Transcribed and Submitted by Patty DECKER Shumway

1900 Sheshequin Township Directory

For explanations, &c., see page 17.

Postoffice address Athens unless otherwise designated in (parenthesis)

1900 Sheshequin Township Directory

For explanations, &c., see page 17
Post office address, Sheshequin, unless otherwise designated in (parenthesis)

Alliger, Cornelius W., (Ulster) r 37 ½, cigar manuf in Ulster
Alliger, Dewitt, (Trinket) r 24, carpenter, dairy 5 cows and farmer 63
Anthony, John, r 37 ½, fireman
Austin, Orpha, (Trinket) r 15
Ayer, Oscar F., r 37 ½, propr. Valley Mills, dealer in flour, feed and grain, also saw, planning, shingle mills, &c., lumber dealer
Bailey, Eugene, (Ghent) r 44, dairy 12 cows, 12 sheep and farmer 100
Bell, Elias B., r 37 ½, h and lot
Barner, Harry L., (Hornbrook), r 75, laborer
Barner, Maggie, (Hornbrook), r 75, school teacher
Barner, Nettie, (Hornbrook) r 77
Barner, Stephen G., (Hornbrook) r 75, dairy 6 cows and farmer 100
Barnes, Thomas, (Hornbrook) r 58, dairy 6 cows and farmer 110
Bartlett, Charles E., (Black) r 64, dairy 25 cows and farmer on shares for A. J. Webb of Wysox, 180
Baxter, Jay, (North Rome) r 44, thresher, dairy 8 cows and farmer 125
Baxter, John N., (North Rome) r 44, farmer, son of Jay
Baker, James M., r 37, dairy 7 cows and farmer on shares for S. G. Minier, 90
Bartholomew, John C., r 20, farmer 60
Berbeck, Daniel, (Ulster) r 38, laborer
Bidlack, Daniel M., (Ghent) r 35, postmaster
Bidlack, Horace G., (Ghent) r 32, dairy 6 cows and farmer 50
Bidlack, James, (Trinket) r 14, retired
Bidlack, Job, (Trinket) r 14, farmer 40
Bidlack, Mercur, (Ghent) r 31, laborer
Bidlack, Parley L., (Ghent) r 35, asst postmaster, dairy 6 cows, 21 sheep and farmer 104
Bidlack, Stephen, (North Rome) off r 49, dairy 4 cows and farmer 75
Bidlack, Stephen P., (North Rome) off r 29, farmer 40, also on shares for Stephen 75
Bidlack, William, (North Rome) off r 29, dairy 6 cows and farmer 64
Billings, Abigail, (Glosser) r 12 cor 14, widow Alphonso, farm 60
Billings, Wayne, (Glosser) r 12 cor 14, dairy 4 cows, farmer 60
Blackman, Harry L., (Hornbrook) r 74, school director, tobacco grower 3 and farmer on shares for George W. Blackman of Towanda, 120
Blackman, J. Franklin, (Hornbrook) r 77, dairy 14 cows and farmer 125
Blackman, W. Wallace, (Hornbrook) r 77, milk dealer, dairy 14 cows and farmer on shares for Joseph F., h and lot
Blair, Hiram Rev., (Hornbrook) r 79
Boyce, Oren, (Ghent) r 44, mail carrier and farmer 36
Brainard, Archie, (North Rome) r 29, carpenter
Brainard, Ethelinda, (North Rome) r 29, widow Samuel, h and lot
Brigham, Eubulus H., (Hornbrook), r 79, farmer 55
Brigham, Frank B., (Hornbrook), r 78, dairy 8 cows and farmer 120
Brink, William S., off r 4, farmer 72
Brown, Anna, r 4, nurse
Brown, C. Jesse, r 20, h and lot
Brown, Joseph J., r 4, farmer 55
Brown, Victor, r 4, farmer
Brundage, William, (Athens) r 1, farmer 7
Bustin, Anna, r 39
Bustin, Dennis, r 39, dairy 8 cows and farmer 170
Bustin, George, r 39, dairy 5 cows and farmer 80
Bustin, George D., r 39, dairy 5 cows and farmer 75
Bustin, George W., (Black) r 66, dairy 6 cows, 30 sheep and farmer 120
Bustin, John, r 39, laborer
Bustin, Patrick J., r 39, dairy 5 cows and farmer 60
Bustin, Richard, r 39, laborer
Bustin, Richard M., off r 56 ½, mason and farmer 20
Bustin, Thomas, (Black) r 50, dairy 14 cows and farmer 170
Cahill, William, (Athens) r 20, laborer
Carman, John, (Ghent) r 36, dairy 4 cows and farmer 40
Chaffee, Abram G., r 21, farmer 140
Chaffee, Dudley, (Hornbrook) r 76, blacksmith and farmer 40
Chaffee, D. Wilmot, r 37 ½, dairy 10 cows and farmer 200
Chaffee, George, (Hornbrook) r 59, farmer 100
Chaffee, I. Pratt, (Hornbrook) r 77, dairy 11 cows and farmer on shares for John H., 125
Chaffee, Jackson S., (Hornbrook) r 59, dairy 5 cows and farmer on shares for George, 100
Chaffee, John H., (Hornbrook) r 77, farmer 125
Chaffee, Wilder B., r 21, farmer
Chandler, Asa, (Trinket) r 15, laborer
Chandler, George, (Trinket) r 15, farmer 52
Chandler, Robert, (Trinket) r 7 ½, laborer, h and lot
Chapman, Albert, (Hornbrook) r 63, laborer
Chapman, Alonzo, (Hornbrook) r 63, dairy 5 cows and farmer 160
Childs, George, r 37 ½, farmer with John H., 175
Childs, John H., r 37 ½, dealer in horses, tobacco grower 4, dairy 15 cows and farmer with George, 175
Childs, Wichester C., (Black) r 75, farmer 25
Christian, Augustus, (Trinket) r 15, mgr. Trinket Cheese Association
Clark, John L., r 28, dairy 10 cows and farmer 120
Cole, John F., off r 37 ½, laborer, h and lot
Cole, William, (Ghent) r 42, laborer
Colegrove, Henry, (Vawter) r 10, dairy 5 cows and farmer 60
Conrad, John, (Trinket) off r 12, farmer 10
Coolbaugh, Fred, (Towanda) r 74, laborer
Cotton, Arvilla, r 28, widow Thomas B., dairy 6 cows and farmer 95
Coveney, William (Athens) r 2, farmer 75
Coyle, Thomas, r 39, tobacco grower 4 and farmer, leases of Mrs. Hughes, 37
Crawford, John L., r 37 ½, laborer
Crotsley, Louise, r 33, widow John
Crowley, Anna, (Black) r 66, dressmaker
Crowley, James, (Black) r 66, dairy 10 cows and farmer 125
Crowley, John, (Black) r 66, laborer
Culver, Lafayette J., r 38, farmer 400
Davidson, Sally, r 20, widow Douglass, farm 48
Davidson, Samuel, (Ghent) r 35 cor 42, dairy 5 cows and farmer 50
Deats, Alfred C., r 39, mason, h and lot
Delpuech, Adelle F., r 58
Delpuech, Aline M., r 58
Delpuech, Andrew G., r 58, farmer
Delpuech, Catharine, r 58, widow William J., farm 180
Delpuech, Clarence, r 58
Desmond, James, r 58, laborer
Douglass, Elias, (Hornbrook) r 78, carpenter, h and lot
Douglass, Levi H., (Hornbrook) r 59 cor 60, postmaster and general merchant
Dowd, John, (Hornbrook) r 75, laborer
Dowd, Thomas, (Hornbrook) r 75, h and lot
Drake, Hovey, r 39, laborer
Duggan, Henry, r 20, dairy 12 cows, tobacco grower 1 ½ and farmer 198
Duggan, John B., r 20, farmer
Duggan, Vaughn O., r 20, farmer
Eiklor, Daniel, (Trinket) r 13, farmer 50
Eiklor, Godfrey, (Trinket) r 13, farmer on shares for Daniel, 50
Ellis, Alice Mrs., off r 4
Elsbree, Walter S., r 37 ½, mail carrier and town clerk
Fice, Anna M., (Trinket) r 13, widow George A.
Fice, Dana, r 19, farmer, son of John D.
Fice, George A., r 18, farmer 50
Fice, Isaac A., (Brink Hill) r 7, hay presser, dairy 5 cows and farmer 75
Fice, John D., r 19, dairy 4 cows, 16 sheep and farmer 189, and in Litchfield, 93
Fice, William, (Trinket) r 13, dairy 8 cows and farmer 70
Fiester, Frances D., r 21, farmer 100
Fiester, Rebekah, r 21, widow Jacob, h and lot
Fish, Charles H., r 21, farmer with Lloyd
Fish, E. Clayton, r 21, student
Fish, Lloyd, r 21, breeder of thoroughbred Holstein cattle, dairy 12 cows, tobacco grower 1 ½ and farmer 140
Forbes, Elisha, (Athens) r 1, farmer 60
Fox, William D., (Hornbrook) r 77, tobacco grower 3 and farmer 60
Franklin, George W., (Towanda) r 76, propr. stone quarry
Frederick, James, (Glosser) r 28, 60 sheep and farmer 120
Frederick, S. Fred, (Glosser) r 28, com. trav.
French, Abrazina, r 4, dairy 5 cows and farmer 63
French, Ernest, r 4, farmer
French, Jeremiah J., (Trinket) r 24, dairy 5 cows, 20 sheep and farmer 132
French, May, (Trinket) r 24
French, Melvin H., r 23, tobacco grower 1 and farmer 60
French, Myra, (Trinket) r 24
French, Peter, (Hornbrook) r 54, laborer
Fuller, Clark J., r 38 ½, laborer
Fuller, Wilson, r 37, laborer, h and lot
Gaylord, Henry, r 37 ½, laborer, h and lot
Ghent Methodist Episcopal Church, (Ghent) r 35, Rev. L. P. Howard, pastor
Gillett, Addison R., r 37, dairy 20 cows, farmer 135
Gillett, Allen D., (Ghent) r 40, dairy 9 cows, farmer 125
Gillett, Fred, r 37, farmer, son of A. R.
Gillett, Vienna, (Ghent) r 40, widow Darwin F.
Gillette, Bird L., (Hornbrook) r 56, dairy 8 cows, farmer 100
Gillette, Burton J., (Hornbrook) r 56, cooper, dairy 8 cows and farmer 80
Gillette, Catharine, (Hornbrook) r 59, widow Jerome, farm 12
Gillette, Eunice, (Hornbrook) r 56, school teacher
Gillette, Lewis, (Hornbrook) r 56, school teacher
Gillette, Rosseter, (Hornbrook) r 57, farmer 150
Gillette, Wells, (Hornbrook) r 55, farmer 60
Golden, Thomas F., r 37 ½, cigar manuf.
Gooding, Edward W., (Hornbrook) r 77, farmer 100
Gooding, Ellsworth, (Hornbrook) r 77, dairy 15 cows, farmer 75
Gore, Abraham, r 37, retired
Gore, Abram L., r 37, dairy 5 cows, farmer 71
Gore, Albert B., r 37, laborer
Gore, Benjamin, r 35, town commissioner, dairy 6 cows and farmer 100
Gore, Daniel, r 36, retired
Gore, Mahlon H., r 37 ½, wagon maker at Ulster and farmer 150
Gori, Phillip C., r 38, cigar manuf.
Griffin, Samuel, r 20, farmer 60
Griffin, Susan M., r 30, widow Samuel
Griffith, Charles, r 4, laborer, h and lot
Griffith, Herman, r 4, laborer
Harvey, Charles, (North Rome) r 30, dairy 7 cows, farmer 60
Heavner, Charles, (Trinket) r 18, 40 sheep, tobacco grower 2, farmer 155
Heavner, Fred, (Glosser) r 12 cor 13, postmaster, dairy 7 cows and farmer 117
Henderson, William, (Brink Hill) r 6, dairy 7 cows, farmer 75
Hesley, Orpha Mrs., (Hornbrook) r 61
Hill, Jonathan, r 19, laborer
Hiney, Esther, (Trinket) r 7 ½, widow Charles, h and lot
Hiney, Riley, (Trinket) r 7 ½, laborer
Hinkley, Henry, (Hornbrook) r 79, basket manuf
Hinkley, William, (Hornbrook) r 79, basket maker
Hochstaffle, Joseph, (Hornbrook) r 60, laborer, h and lot
Hornbrook Methodist Episcopal Church, (Hornbrook) r 77, Rev. I. P. Howard, pastor
Horton, Asa, (Ghent) r 44, laborer
Horton, Alfred, (North Rome) r 29, dairy 10 cows, farmer 125
Horton, Burton, r 37 ½, farmer 70
Horton, Charles J., (Hornbrook) r 79, dairy 6 cows, farmer 50
Horton, Clayton, (Ghent) r 31, school director, breeder of buff Plymouth Rock and buff Leghorn fowls, dairy 15 cows and farmer 110
Horton, Dana, (Ghent) r 35, school teacher
Horton, David, (Hornbrook) r 77, farmer 40
Horton, Dorrance J., (Ghent) r 44, dairy 6 cows and farmer 50
Horton, Earl W., (Hornbrook) r 77 cor 61, agent agricultural implements, dairy 10 cows and farmer 160
Horton, Edwin, (Ghent) r 47, dairy 5 cows and farmer, leases of Joseph, 64
Horton, Elisha, (Hornbrook) r 79, tobacco grower 1 and market gardener, farmer 10
Horton, Elmer O., (Towanda) r 74, farmer 100
Horton, Eugene G., r 39, laborer
Horton, Floyd, (Black) r 65, farmer
Horton, George, (Black) r 65, farmer, half interest in 80
Horton, George W., (Ghent) r 35, dairy 12 cows and farmer 100
Horton, Harry, (Hornbrook) r 79, laborer
Horton, Horace, (Hornbrook) r 74, farmer 23
Horton, Horace Jr., (Black) r 65, farmer
Horton, Huston, (Black) r 64, dairy 6 cows and farmer 36
Horton, Ida, (Hornbrook) r 59
Horton, I. Jackson, (Black) r 63 cor 76, dairy 6 cows, farmer 44
Horton, Isaac J., (Ghent) r 31, dairy 8 cows and farmer 60
Horton, Joseph, (Ghent) r 37, farmer 64
Horton, Joseph F., (Ghent) r 35, dairy 5 cows and farmer 50
Horton, Landon C., (Hornbrook) r 61, dairy 10 cows and farmer on shares for Earl W., 160
Horton, Leslie B., (North Rome) r 29, farmer, son of Alfred
Horton, Lucinda D., (Hornbrook) r 59, widow Benjamin, farmer 30
Horton, Lydia, (Ghent) r 32, widow Birdsey
Horton, Mahlon, (Ghent) r 42, school teacher, dairy 6 cows and farmer 67
Horton, Mary, r 37 ½, widow James, h and lot
Horton, Mary I., (Hornbrook) r 79, widow Ransom
Horton, Milton L., (Black) r 53, farmer 80
Horton, Myrtle, (Hornbrook) r 59
Horton, Olin D., (Ghent) r 35, farmer, son of George W.
Horton, Rhoda R., (Hornbrook) r 79, widow Daniel J.
Horton, Sally, (Hornbrook) r 61, widow Ulysses
Horton, Sevillian, (Hornbrook) r 79, laborer
Horton, Spaulding, (Hornbrook) r 77, farmer on shares for David, 40
Horton, Sylvester, r 39, laborer, h and lot
Horton, Ulysses D., (Hornbrook) r 58, dairy 12 cows and farmer on shares for G. L. Horton of Ulster, 100
Horton, William, (Ghent) r 47, farmer 50
Hosley, Hiram W., r 37 ½, blacksmith
Howard, I. P. Rev., (Hornbrook) r 77, pastor Hornbrook, Ghent, North Ghent and Union Corners, M. E. Churches
Hulse, Mary, r 23, widow Darius
Humphrey, Milton D., (Trinket) r 14, farmer 135
Johnson, Edward, (Hornbrook) r 57, dairy 5 cows and farmer, leases of Mrs. H. Horton, 135
Johnson, Horace H., (Towanda) r 74, farmer 50
Johnson, James L., r 37 ½, laborer
Johnson, James L. Jr., r 37 ½, laborer
Johnson, Willie W., r 37 ½, laborer
Jones, Ezekiel D., (Hornbrook) r 78, h and lot, owned by wife
Jones, Ira, (Hornbrook) r 79, laborer
Jones, Walter, (Hornbrook) r 58, dairy 10 cows and farmer on shares for Frank Brigham, 100
Jones, William, (Hornbrook) r 79, stone cutter, h and lot

Keir, Adam, (Trinket) r 26, breeder grade Jersey cattle, dairy 14 cows, 10 sheep and farmer 150
Keir, Agnes, (Trinket) r 26, school teacher
Keir, Ann, (Brink Hill) r 5, widow Adam
Keir, George, (Brink Hill) r 5, farmer
Keir, Janet, (Brink Hill) r 5
Keir, Mary, (Brink Hill) r 5, school teacher
Keir, Monty, (Trinket) r 26
Keir, Thomas, (Trinket) r 26, farmer, son of Adam
Keir, William, (Brink Hill) r 5, dairy 5 cows and farmer 96
Kellum, Ida, (Ulster) r 59, widow Dwight
Kilmer, Fred, (Black) r 64, dairy 12 cows, farmer with Henry C. and Jeremiah 150
Kilmer, Henry C., (Black) r 67 cor 65, dairy 12 cows and farmer with Fred and Jeremiah 150
Kilmer, Jeremiah, (Black) r 67 cor 65, postmaster and farmer with Henry C. and Fred 150
Kilmer, Lewis H., r 3 ½, h and lot
Kingsbery, Lemuel S., r 21, dairy 13 cows, farmer 250
Kinner, Asa, r 37 ½, farmer 60
Lees, John, (Athens) r 1, laborer
Lent, H. Bird, (Hornbrook) r 77, blacksmith
Lent, William J., (Hornbrook) r 77
Litzelman, Howard J., r 37 ½, merchant
Litzelman, Michael, r 39, dairy 8 cows and farmer 95
Litzelman, Thaddeus J., r 39, student
Longstaff, Mary, r 39
Mahoney, John, r 39, dairy 6 cows and farmer 45
Mahoney, Mary, (Hornbrook) r 54, widow Michael
Mahoney, Timothy D., (Ghent) r 36, mason and farmer 70
Mallory, Rufus K., (Athens) r 20 cor 3, dairy 10 cows, farmer 178
Maloney, Margaret, (Towanda) r 49, widow Michael, dairy 17 cows and farmer 250
Maloney, Thomas, (Towanda) r 49, farmer
Marshall, Samuel G., off r 37 ½, town treasurer, h and lot
Martin, George, r 37 ½
Mathers, Orlando W., r 39, miller
McAllister, George, (Ghent) r 37, theological student
McDonald, Robert, r 37 ½, wagonmaker and musician, h and lot
McKee, Ella, (Hornbrook) r 54, widow William, dairy 10 cows and farmer 140
Merold, George, (Trinket) r 7 ½, laborer
Merold, Henry, (Trinket) r 15, dairy 8 cows and farmer 100
Merrill, Ira, (Vawter) r 10, dairy 5 cows and farmer 84
Merrill, Milo, (Ghent) r 43, dairy 8 cows and farmer 100
Merrill, Silas, r 20, farmer on shares for S. K. Osborn of Waverly, NY, 100
Middaugh, Moses E., (Hornbrook) r 78, painter, h and lot
Middaugh, William, r 39, laborer, h and lot
Miller, Amanda, (Black) r 65, widow Theodore, dairy 7 cows
Miller, Edward, (Black) off r 65, farmer 100
Minier, Samuel, r 37 ½, farmer 90, h and lot
Moore, Smith P., r 37 ½, carpenter, h and lot
Morley, Fred, r 37 ½ cor 39, laborer
Morley, Hughson, (Trinket) r 7 ½, laborer
Murphy, George H., (North Rome) r 44, dairy 8 cows and farmer on shares for Ira, 100
Murphy, Ira, (North Rome) r 44, farmer 100
Newell, David, (Hornbrook) r 76, dairy 9 cows and farmer 80
Newell, John, (Hornbrook) r 76, farmer, son of David
Newman, John E., r 20, farmer 167
North Ghent Methodist Episcopal Church, (Hornbrook) r 16, Rev. I. P. Howard, pastor
O’Brien, Timothy, (Hornbrook) r 54, laborer
Orshaw, Jesse N., (Ulster) r 23, dairy 4 cows and farmer 68
Osborn, Martin, (Trinket) r 15, farmer on shares for Henry Merold, 100
Parks, Ella M., (Brink Hill) r 4, farmer with Elmer L., 40
Parks, Elmer L., (Brink Hill) r 5, farmer with Ella M., 40
Payne, Abbie A. Mrs., (Ghent) r 30, dairy 6 cows and farmer 50
Payne, Charles E., (Glosser) r 12, thresher and hay presser, dairy 12 cows and farmer 109
Payne, Frank D., (Brink Hill) r 7, farmer
Payne, John H., (Trinket) r 26, postmaster, propr. saw and feed mill, thresher, dairy 12 cows and farmer 146
Payne, Martin, (Glosser) r 13, dairy 6 cows and farmer 155
Payne, Martin R., (Glosser) r 13, dairy 6 cows and farmer 150
Payne, Silas W., (Brink Hill) r 7, dairy 5 cows and farmer 64
Peck, Lucy, (Hornbrook) r 59, widow Luther
Peck, William L., (Hornbrook) r 59, dairy 4 cows and farmer 60
Pepper, Jasper W., r 38, laborer
Phelps, John J., r 37 ½, farmer on shares for Mrs. C. F. Gore of Athens, 50
Post, Burton, (Black) r 69, school teacher
Post, Dorsey, (Black) r 72 cor 72 ½, school teacher, h and lot
Post, Horace, (Black) r 67, farmer 12
Post, Lawrence, (Black) r 70, farmer 14
Post, Lemuel, (Black) r 67, carpenter
Post, Lovena, (Black) r 70
Post, Peter, (Black) r 67, laborer
Post, Rodney, (Black) r 70, painter
Post, William, (Black) r 69, farmer, h and lot
Powers, Warren W., off r 37 ½, h and lot
Powers, William, r 22, tobacco grower 2 and farmer 75
Preston, Harriet, Hornbrook, r 75, widow George
Preston, T. Bradley, (Black) r 65, laborer
Quarry Glen Club House, r 74 n 79
Ransom, Elizabeth, (Ghent) r 47, widow Chauncey
Ranson, Reuben, (Ghent) r 47, dairy 9 cows and farmer 58
Repbein, Mary Mrs., (Ghent) r 47
Reynolds, J. Clark, r 23, manuf barrel swings, dairy 7 cows and farmer 60
Robinson, Bettie, (Hornbrook) r 61
Robinson, Fred O., (Black) r 53, dairy 7 cows and farmer, leases of M. L. Horton 80, h and lot
Robinson, Leander, (Hornbrook) r 61, dairy 12 cows and farmer on shares for J. H. Chaffee 100
Robinson, Llewellyn C., (Hornbrook) r 77, laborer, h and lot
Rogers, Herbert E., r 37 ½, merchant
Rogers, Jacob P., r 37 ½, propr. Valley House
Sackett, Grace, (Ghent) r 45, dressmaker
Sackett, William S., (Ghent) r 45, dairy 5 cows and farmer 70
Schlosser, Henry, (Hornbrook) r 77 cor 61, mason, h and lot owned by wife
Schryver, John N., (Black) r 69, carpet weaver
Segar, George, (Athens) r 3, farmer 100
Sells, Phaon J., (Hornbrook) r 60, butcher, tobacco grower 1 ½, and farmer 32
Sheeler, Aaron, r 21, farmer, h and lot
Sheeler, Amaziah, (Trinket) r 18, 37 sheep, owner of Wilkes Mambrino stock horse Jabez Jr., dairy 10 cows, and farmer 158, h and lot in Sayre
Sheeler, Arthur, (Trinket) r 18, farmer, son of Amaziah
Sheeler, John, r 21, laborer
Sheeler, Maria, (Brink Hill) r 7, widow William R.
Sheeler, Orrin D., (Glosser) r 12, laborer
Sheeler, Samuel, (Hornbrook) r 58, laborer
Sheeler, Walter, r 21, laborer
Sherman, Andrew, r 20, farmer on shares for J. M. Smith 100
Shores, Abram, (Black) r 75, dairy 5 cows and farmer on shares for Mrs. Salina Vann, 60
Shores, Hiram J., r 1, former 12
Shores, Horton, (Black) r 65, dairy 12 cows, farmer 120 and one-half interest in 80
Shores, Ira, (Black) r 68, carpenter and farmer 53
Shores, Isaac J., (Black) r 52, dairy 8 cows and farmer 130
Shores, Oscar, (Black) r 66, farmer 38
Shores, Wallace, (Black) off r 71, farmer 60
Shower, Philip, (Ghent) off r 43, farmer 40
Smith, Clark, (Black) r 71, dairy 6 cows, 30 sheep and farmer 110
Smith, George, r 20, farmer 50
Smith, George S., r 37, school director, dairy 8 cows and farmer 60
Smith, Guy L., r 37, dairy 15 cows and farmer 146
Smith, Henry C., (Black) r 75, dairy 5 cows and farmer 78
Smith, Ira, r 20, farmer 170
Smith, James, (Black) r 69, farmer 90
Smith, John M., r 37 ½, farmer 125
Smith, Louise, (Black) r 71, school teacher
Smith, Marshall, (Black) r 69, dairy 11 cows and farmer on shares for James, 90
Smith, Miller, (Hornbrook) r 74, retired
Smith, Milton F., r 33, town commissioner, breeder Augora goats, dairy 10 cows and farmer 250
Smith, Richard, off r 37, farmer, leases of B. Randall estate 60
Smith, Theodore G., (Black) r 64, dairy 9 cows and farmer 100
Snyder, Burt E., r 21, farmer 126, owned by William
Snyder, William, r 21, farmer 276
Snyder, William M., r 21, postmaster, dealer in live stock, hay, agricultural implements, tobacco grower 4 and farmer 150, owned by William
Soper, Edward O., (Ghent) r 36 cor 34, farmer 51, owned by wife
Spangenberg, William, r 37 ½, h and lot, owned by wife
Stephens, J. Frank, (Trinket) r 24, dairy 8 cows and farmer 95
Stephenson, James H., (Ghent) r 46, farmer 26
Stephenson, Madison, (Ghent) r 48, dairy 6 cows and farmer 100, owned by William E.
Stephenson, William E., (Ghent) r 48, farmer 100
Stevens, Oscar J., r 20, farmer 50
Swain, Milton C., (Ghent) r 30, dairy 6 cows and farmer 14
Sweet, Henry, r 2, farmer on shares for Francis D. Fiester, 100
Sweet, Samuel A., r 20, farmer 47
Terrill, Burton, r 19, farmer, son of C. B.
Terrill, Curtis B., r 19, 50 sheep and farmer 100
Terrill, Delbert, (Hornbrook) r 75, slater
Thompson, Abram J., (Trinket) r 16, farmer 50
Thompson, Harry, (Brink Hill) r 7, farmer 50
Thompson, Hartley W., (Trinket) r 25, farmer, son of Isaac M.
Thompson, Isaac M., (Trinket) r 25, dairy 7 cows and farmer 90
Tomkins, Darius, r 39
Tomkins, George, r 39, laborer, h and lot
Tomkins, John, r 39, clerk
Tomkins, Miles, r 37, dairy 18 cows and farmer 75, and on shares for F. Page of Athens, 250
Tompkins, Caturah, r 6, widow Hiram
Tompkins, Charles, (Ulster) r 6, blacksmith and farmer, life lease 44
Tompkins, Frank J., r 21, carpenter and farmer 16
Tompkins, Omer, (Trinket) r 7 cor 17, carpenter, dairy 6 cows and farmer 64
Tompkins, Seymour, (Ulster) r 6, laborer
Tompkins, William, r 6, dairy 5 cows and farmer 134
Towner, Gerald E., (Towanda) r 75, prop. stone quarry and tobacco grower 2
Towner, Hartley, (Glosser) r 13, dairy 7 cows and farmer 63
Towner, Joseph, (Towanda) r 77 cor 76, dairy 8 cows and farmer 93
Towner, Minerva, r 20, widow Washington
Towner, Myrtie, (Glosser) r 13, school teacher
Trinket Cheese Association, (Trinket) r 15, A. Christian, mgr.
Tuttle, Anna, (Black) r 70 ½
Tuttle, Byron H., (Black) r 75, dairy 12 cows, farmer on shares for Horace Horton, 168
Tuttle, Charles, (Black) r 70 ½, laborer
Tuttle, Jacob, (Black) r 70 ½, dairy 8 cows, farmer 57
Union Corners Methodist Episcopal Church, (Hornbrook) r 64 cor 75, Rev. I. P. Howard, pastor
Valley House, r 37 ½, J. P. Rogers, prop.
Vallilee, John J., r 21, mason and farmer on shares for John A. Vallilee of Pittsburg, 60
VanDuzer, Austin S., (Brink Hill) r 9, dairy 26 cows, farmer 300
Vann, Charles, (Ghent) r 41, dairy 4 cows, farmer 70
Vann, Herbert J., (Black) r 62, dairy 5 cows and farmer 84, owned by Charles
Vann, Selina, (Black) r 75, widow Henry, farm 60
VanSice, Cornelius J., (Trinket) r 18, dairy 13 cows, farmer 120
VanSice, James, (Trinket) off r 14, laborer
VanSice, Jeremiah, (Glosser) r 28, farmer 24
VanSice, Moses B., (Hornbrook) r 60, laborer, h and lot
VanSice, Lucy, r 23
VanSice, Smith, (Trinket) r 18, farmer
VanSice, William R., r 23, breeder Brown Leghorn fowls and farmer 18
Verbeck, Joseph H., (Ulster) r 27, farmer on shares for Phillip 40
Verbeck, Philip, (Ulster) r 27, farmer 40
Vibbert, James, (Trinket) r 7, laborer
Vosburg, John, r 24, prop. meat market and farmer, leases of Harriet Coffin of Athens 90
Vought, Edward M., (Ghent) r 35, town commissioner, dairy 12 cows and farmer 96
Vought, Frank M., (Hornbrook) r 58, assessor, dairy 16 cows, farmer 110
Vought, Joseph M., (Ghent) off r 35, justice of the peace, dairy 10 cows, farmer 100
Vought, Lydia, (Ghent) r 35, widow Edward C.
Wanck, John, (Hornbrook) r 59, dairy 10 cows, farmer 75
Watkins, Benjamin F., (Ulster) r 38 ½, saw mill in Ulster, h and lot
Watkins, Edward, r 37, thresher agent for Osborne Harvesting machinery and Hallock’s Weeders, dairy 6 cows, farmer 55
Watkins, Isaac, (Ghent) r 32, dairy 8 cows, farmer 175
Watkins, Ward, r 20, farmer 45
Webb, Cyrenius, (Black) r 41, dairy 4 cows, farmer 150
Welsh, Ann, off r 37 ½, widow John, h and lot
Whalen, Lawrence, r 37 ½, blacksmith
White, Anson, r 21, farmer on shares for L. S. Kingsbury 250
Wickizer, Gerard, r 37 ½, broom manuf., h and lot
Wickizer, Bird, (Black) r 75, laborer
Wickwire, Charles, (Black) r 75, laborer
Wickwire, Sterling, (Black) r 75, dairy 16 cows and farmer on shares for M. E. Horton of Towanda, 150
Wilkinson, Alphonso, r 1, tobacco grower 4, dairy 10 cows and farmer on shares for Judson Macafee of Athens, 162
Wilkinson, Harry A., r 21, laborer
Wilkinson, William T., r 1, farmer
Willer, Thomas, (Ulster) r 59, wagonmaker, h and lot
Wolfe, Peter Q., r 20, farmer
Wolfe, William, r 20, laborer
Woodward, Frank, (Hornbrook) r 40, dairy 10 cows and farmer on shares for Theodore Macafee of Towanda, 176
Wright, James S., (Ghent) r 42, dairy 10 cows and farmer 170
Wright, Sanders S. Rev., (Ghent) r 36, farmer 104
Wright, William S., r 37 ½, laborer
Young, Frank B., (Ghent) r 42, town auditor, dairy 8 cows and farmer 96
Young, Isaac L., (Athens) r 20, farmer 90, and 65 owned by wife
Zeller, Frank, (Brink Hill) r 9, dairy 11 cows and farmer 102

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 04 FEB 2009
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice