Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1911 Canton Souvenir Book & Directory
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
1911 Canton Souvenir Book & Directory
Township: Canton Borough 
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Part Two of 1911 Canton Directory

** Foreword**

In presenting the Souvenir Directory of Canton to the public, the publishers wish to express their hearty appreciation of the assistance rendered them by the public spirited citizens, and especially the financial support of the business men whose advertisements appear in the following pages, without which the publication of such a book would be practically impossible as the low price which it is sold would not warrant the labor and money expended.

The primary object of the volume is to give a comprehensive directory of our thriving town, and the directory pages have been made up with much labor and painstaking care, however in a work of this nature absolute accuracy is almost impossible and we ask that the omissions and mistakes which have undoubtedly crept into this work be regarded with indulgency by its readers.

The secondary object of the volume is to present a number of souvenir features which will be of interest both to every citizen of the town and also to many non-residents, who are interested in Canton in various indirect ways. These features are of value not only at the present time but will later render the work valuable as a book of reference. The pictures in its pages are reproductions made from actual photographs, many of them taken especially for this work and are as up-to-date as it was possible to make them. These alone in coming years will be worth many times the prices of the book as a means of noting the progress this town is so rapidly making.

Again thanking the public for their cheerful assistance the work is presented to them and we trust it may meet their approval.


** Canton, Pennsylvania **

The town of Canton lies among the northern foothills of the Allegheny Mountains, in the extreme southwestern corner of Bradford County, in the center of a fertile and prosperous farming region. It has never been boomed but it has enjoyed a steady growth for many decades. The figures of the last census give its population as 1637. This is a substantial growth over the figures of 1900. However the principal growth of what really constitutes a part of the town has been on improvement grounds just outside the former boro limits, know as the East End. As this district with a population of 167 was recently annexed to the boro it makes a total population of 1804.

The industries (which will be discussed at length on another page) vary widely in their products but are prosperous and furnish profitable employment to many residents of the town. The mercantile interests are well represented by advertisements in the following page, and the stores owned and managed by reliable and obliging merchants are always filled with every article necessary to the comfort of man. This makes Canton the ideal shopping place of this section of the country.

The municipal affairs are managed by an efficient corps of officers, the profession men are widely noted for their ability, the citizens principally own their homes and are of a very desirable sort; the town has six thriving churches; (an illustration of them appears on another page) several of the most prominent fraternities of the United States have strong lodges here whose rosters contain the names of many of the leading citizens; socially the town contains several musical and literary clubs with a highly creditable membership, two national banks, whose combined deposits are nearing the million mark, are the custodians of the peoples’ funds; its public schools are above the average for a town of this size and the instructors and coriculum of the high school makes it rank as a school of the first grade; our library has a total of 6000 volumes and enjoys a patronage of which the directors are justly proud; one of the best theaters in northern Pennsylvania is located in Canton, its equipment is up to date in every respect and affords to its patrons both comfort and safety; about one and one-half miles north of Canton are the famous Minnequa Springs, the waters of which have a wide reputation for their medicinal properties, and around which are several cottages and summer homes of city people; about a mile sourth of Canton is the beautiful and picturesque Lake Nepahwin, where is located a state Y.M.C.A. camp and also the cottages of many of Canton’s residents,; the views from the surrounding mountains are surpassed in few places in Pennsylvania. All these features together with its excellent climate, splendid water supply and railroad capabilities, make the town a desirable place for those seeking either industrial location or a pleasant residence site. Parties seeking a location will do well to communicate with the Canton Commercial Club.


Abbott, Mrs. Nellie Teacher Main
Adams, P. B. Laborer Minnequa Avenue
Adams, Stephen Blacksmith Bds., Minnequa Avenue
Adams, E. J. Cobbler Bds., Minnequa Avenue
Adams, Miss Mary Clerk Bds., Minnequa Avenue
Adams, Miss Margaret Clerk Bds., Minnequa Avenue
Adams, Mrs. Jno.   Bds., Troy
Anderson, Mrs. Fannie   Tioga
Anderson, R. W. Clerk Bds., Tioga
Anderson, T. B. Operator Bds., Tioga
Allen, Elwin Produce Dealer Washington
Allen, F. C. Painter S. Main
Allen, Wallace Salesman Bds., Troy
Albright, Harry Laborer Bds., Main
Alexander, Thomas Laborer Union
Ameigh, Fred Oilman W. Union
Andrus, M. D. Carpenter Troy
Andrus, Mrs. Clara   Minnequa Ave.
Andrus, Sam Laborer South Center
Andrus, Miss Ethel Clerk Bds., S. Center
Andrus, Thomas Laborer Bds., S. Center
Andrus, Howard Laborer Center
Andrus, Ethan Laborer West Union
Andrus, Mack Lineman Troy
Andrews, Late Laborer Crooks Terrace
Andrews, Geo. Operator Crooks Terrace
Andrews, Ralph Laborer Main
Andrews, Forrest E. Clerk Troy
Annabel, Mrs. Anna   Lake Road
Ayers, Mrs. Augusta   Center
Ayers, Miss Helen Clerk Bds., Center
Ayers, A. M.   Troy
Ayers, Howard Laborer Main
Ayers, Miss Ethel Milliner Bds., Center
Bacon, W. V. Merchant Center
Baldwin, Electa   Center
Baldwin, Miss Dorothy Clerk Bds., Union
Bailey, E. J. Monuments Troy
Bailey, Miss Floy Dressmaker Bds., Troy
Bailey, O. F. Painter Sullivan
Bailey, D. K. Laborer Center
Bailey, Herbert Laborer Minnequa Ave.
Barnes, E. T. Salesman Center
Barnes, Mrs. Kathryn   Union
Barnes, Miss Edith Teacher Bds., Union
Barnes, Miss Maud Stenographer Bds., Union
Barrow, M. L. Jeweler Bds., Lycoming
Bassett, Martin Laborer S. Main
Bassett, Will Laborer Washington
Bassett, Harry Laborer Washington
Bastain, Daniel Laborer Clinton
Baxter, Franklin Constable Troy
Baxter, Henry Printer S. Main
Beals, Addison Laborer Sullivan
Beals, Will Laborer Bds., Sullivan
Beardslee, Miss Lucy Dressmaker Main
Beardslee, Miss Ester Dressmaker Main
Becker, Miller Clerk Troy
Beers, Miss Ella Teacher Bs. Troy
Bellows, Seymour Laborer Crooks Terrace
Benedict, Bingham   Bds., Center
Benedict, E. C. Painter Union
Benedict, Miss Bessie Clerk Bds., Union
Benedict, H. J. Bookkeeper Elm
Benedict, S. S. Bookkeeper Bds., Elm
Benedict, Will C. Clerk Bds., Elm
Benedict, Ray B. Carpenter Bds., Elm
Benedict, Ralph J. Printer Bds., Elm
Bennett, Miss Florence Stenographer Troy
Berg, John Carver Bds., Main
Berg, Charles Carver Bds, Main
Berry, Mrs. Eva Dressmaker Lycoming
Biddle, Fiddelo   S. Main
Biddle, Amerian   Center
Biddle, Claude Merchant Bds., Troy
Biddle, Bly Poultryman Lycoming
Biddle, A. E.  Laborer Troy
Black, Will Blacksmith Minnequa Ave.
Black, Miss Nelle M. Teacher Bds., Minnequa
Black, Charles E. Liveryman Main
Blakeman, J. G. Merchant Union
Blakeman, Miss Marion Dressmaker Minnequa Ave.
Brady, Rev. C. A. Pastor Washington
Brague, M. J. Merchant Troy
Brague, J. M. Painter Second
Brague, Archie Laborer Second
Brann, M. J. Merchant Main
Brain, John A.   S. Main
Brann, John F. Butcher Main
Brann, Juarnes H. Insurance Agent Troy
Brann, John Mail Carrier Lycoming
Brann, Thomas M.   Washington
Brann, Mrs. T. M.   Main
Brann, Miss Bridget   Bds., Main
Breese, Henry Laborer Crooks Terrace
Brooks, Lee Lawyer Union
Brooks, J. E. Laborer Crooks Terrace
Brooks, P. C. Laborer Crooks Terrace
Brooks, Mrs. Jane   Bds., Carson
Brown, R. U.   Minnequa Ave.
Brown, C.C.   Union
Brown, Miss Maud Teacher Bds., Union
Brown, Miss Pauline Teacher Bds., Union
Brown, Mrs. C. M.   Main
Brown, Ed Laborer Bds., Main
Bruce, H. E. Machinist First
Bullock, Charles E. Notary Public S. Main
Bullock, Mrs. Harriett   Troy
Bullock, Jesse E. Showman S. Main
Bullock, Howard C. Optometrist Troy
Bunyan, Andrew Street Com. Washington
Bunyan, Max Printer Bds., Washington
Burk, Timothy Merchant Troy
Burk, James Lawyer Bds., Troy
Burk, Thomas Merchant Troy
Burk, Robert Clerk Bds., Troy
Burhardt, Henry Laborer Lycoming
Burlingame, J. F. Buttermaker Minnequa Avenue
Burr, Admon Clerk Troy
Burr, Allen Laborer Lycoming
Burrows, Harry Barber Troy
Burt, Almeron Mason Center
Bush, Mrs. Melissa   Union
Bush, Will Laborer Bds., Union
Bush, Miss Jennie   Bds., Union
Bussom, Frank J. Foreman Union
Butler, J. B. J. of P. Washington
Call, Harry Cigar Maker Bds., Troy
Camp, George Laborer Center
Campbell, Mrs. Lewis   S. Main
Campbell, George Laborer Carlston
Campbell, Fred Laborer Bds., S. Main
Campbell, Joseph Laborer Bds., S. Main
Carl, Rollie Laborer Bds., Minnequa Ave.
Carl, Harry Laborer Union
Carnegie, E. J. Band Sawyer Minnequa Avenue
Catlin, Holister   Bds., S. Main
Cease, Charles Blacksmith Second
Cease, Nelson Sawyer S. Center
Cease, A. H. Laborer Main
Chamberlain, Mrs. George   Troy
Chamberlain, Ira Clerk Bds., Troy
Chamberlain, Miss Mattie   Bds., Troy
Channell, Mrs. F. S. Milliner Bds. Tioga
Chapman, L. J. Foreman Troy
Chase, Hiram Laborer Carlton
Churchill, Elmer Carpenter Center
Churchill, Ellory Laborer Bds., Center
Churchill, Lawrence Laborer Bds., Troy
Clancy, Miss Nora   Lycoming
Clark, J. F. Burgess Center
Clark, H. L. Canton Ill. Co. Union
Clark, Byron Bookkeeper Bds. W. Union
Clark, S. W.   S. Main
Clayton, W. H. Merchant Troy
Cleveland, Dr. J. E. Retired Physician Union
Cleveland, E. J. Lawyer Troy
Close, M. N. Blacksmith Sullivan
Collins, W. H. Undertaker Center
Collins, Al Laborer Union
Cotwell, Mrs. Fannie   Center
Cook, Mrs. Tressa   Crooks Terrace
Cook, Walker Laborer Bds., Crooks Terrace
Coons, G. M. Lumberman Troy
Coons, Howard Bookkeeper Bds., Troy
Coons, Mrs. Frances   Union
Coon, Lent Laborer Main
Crandall, James A.  Carpenter S. Main
Craven, Thomas   Lycoming
Craven, H. I. Poultryman Lycoming
Craw, Miss Ida   Bds., S. Main
Crawford, H. Lumberman Main
Crawford, Byron Lumberman Second
Crawford, James Lumberman S. Center
Crawford, Charles J. Bookkeeper Main
Crawford, Will Auto Dealer S. Center
Crawford, Jr., Hugh Chauffer Bds., S. Center
Crayton, George Laborer Sullivan
Crippen, Jewel Laborer Washington
Crist, F. M. Merchant S. Center
Crosby, Erastus Laborer Lycoming
Cupp, Miss Lillian Operator Center
Dann, Dr. A. E. Physician Center
Darling, Harry Laborer Crooks Terrace
Davis, Mrs. Sarah   Second
Davis, Miss Daisy Stenographer Bds., Second
Davis, Charles Laborer Union
Davison, Dr. W. T. Physician Center
Davison, B. J. Druggist Lake Road
Davison, Miss Marjorie Clerk Bds., Lake Road
Decker, Elmo` Laborer Main
Deboiser, Will Cigar Maker Minnequa Avenue
Delmont, R. F.   Lycoming
Delmont, Frank Harness Marker Bds., Lycoming
Deiffendelfer, F. R. Laborer Main
Derr, George Baker Bds., Troy
Derrah, Ch. D.   Minnequa Avenue
Dickinson, Will Laborer Sullivan
Doll, George H. Laborer Main
Dorman, Dr. R. O. Dentist Main
Doty, Earl H. Traveling Salesman Troy
Dougherty, Ed Laborer Second
Dougherty, Arthur Laborer Bds., Troy
Dougherty, Joseph Laborer Bds., Troy
Douglas, W. R. Baker Second
Drumader, J. H.   Bds., Troy
Dunbar, R. J. Wagon Maker Tioga
Eaton, Clarence Baker Center
Egan, Miss Tressa Stenographer Bds. S. Center
Emeigh, E. C. Printer Bds., Union
Ertel, Miss Mary Operator Center
Farrell, W. L. Laborer Washington
Fassett, T. M. Bookkeeper Main
Fellows, David Carpenter Minnequa Avenue
Fellows, Miss Edna Teacher Bds., Minnequa Avenue
Fellows, Martin Laborer Minnequa Avenue
Fellows, Myron   Minnequa Avenue
Fenner, Orren Liveryman Troy
Fenton, Skinner Game Warden Center
Field, O. L. Laborer Main
Field, Miss Evelyn Clerk Bds., Main
Field, Thomas Laborer Bds., Main
Fitch, D. T. Butcher Union
Fitch, Mrs. Margaret   Troy
Fitch, Mrs. Adell Nurse Troy
Fitzpatrick, D. N. Merchant Union
Fitzwater, G. E. Teamster Troy
Fleming, Burlie Laborer Bds., Carson
Fletcher, S. G.  Laborer McIntosh Alley
Fletcher, Kay Jeweler Bds., McIntosh Alley
Fletcher, O. M.   Troy
Foss, J. W. Carpenter Troy
Foss, Rolland Cigar Maker Bds., Troy
Foss, Carl Operator Bds., Troy
Foss, Mrs. E. A. Milliner Union
Foss, Mrs. A. D.   Union
Foster, William M. Editor World Main
Foster, Mr. M. R.   Main
Fowler, J. D. Laborer Lycoming
Furman, Fred Mail Carrier Troy
Furman, Alvin Operator Center
Fry, Irvin Laborer Carlton
Gates, H. C. Bank Cashier Center
Gates, Mrs. M. J.   First
Gier, Lawrence Harness Maker Bds., Troy
Gleason, Mrs. E. M.   Main
Gleckner, W. W. Harness Manufacturer Union
Gleckner, Robert Harness Manufacturer Union
Gleckner, Charles V. Harness Manufacturer Union
Gieckner, W. V. Salesman Washington
Gleckner, Byron Sales Bds., Union
Goff, George Sr. Foreman Troy
Goff, George, Jr. Laborer Bds., Troy
Goff, Lawrence Laborer Bds. Troy
Goff, Elmer Laborer Union
Goldstein, J. P. Merchant Center
Granteer, Mrs. John   Troy
Granteer, Charles Clerk Troy
Gray, Charles Salesman S. Main
Green, T. S. Merchant Minnequa Avenue
Green, John Laborer Minnequa Avenue
Green, Mrs. Mary Nurse Minnequa Avenue
Green, Charles, Sr. Mason Union
Greenleaf, Lee Jeweler Main
Greenleaf, Ester   Brann
Gregory, M. E. Laborer Washington
Griffin, H. E.   S. Main
Griffin, Mrs. T. A.  Operator Troy
Griffin, Miss Alice   Bds., S. Main
Griswold, Mrs. O. C..   Center
Griswold, Floyd Bank Clerk Bds., Center
Griswold, Miss Lenna   Center
Hackett, A. P. Laborer Second
Hackett, Fred Laborer Center
Hackett, James Hostlier Clinton
Hackett, Edd Laborer Troy
Hagar, J. W. Carpenter Main
Hagar, Miss Mabel Teacher Bds., Main
Hagar, Willard N. C. R. Clerk Bds., Main
Halford, Ed Laborer Union
Hallett, Edward W. Bookkeeper Center
Hallett, E. N. Salesman Troy
Hanscum, Charles Laborer Bds., Union
Harding, C. M.  Salesman Center
Hartranft, Mrs. J. A.   Sullivan
Hartson, John Harness Maker Bds., Troy
Havens, E. B. Pressman Tioga
Haviland, Mrs. Carrie   Center
Hawkins, Charles Clerk Troy
Hawkins, Ed Barber Center
Hawkins, Carl Pressman Bds., Troy
Hawkins, Harry Clerk Bds., Troy
Hawkins, Agnes   Bds., Troy
Hawkins, Robert Hostiler Bds., Troy
Hazelton, Mrs. Ida I.   Center
Heim, W. H. Photographer Center
Hemenway, Joseph Mason Minnequa
Hemenway, Harry Mason Bds., Minnequa
Hendelman, H. Merchant Main
Hetler, Ray Carver Bds., Troy
Herman, Frank Butcher Troy
Hickey, Mrs. T. S.   S. Center
Hickey, Miss Aileen Clerk Bds., S. Center
Hickok, T. S. Lawyer Lycoming
Hickok, S. J.   Union
Hill, Lowell Clerk Troy
Hollis, Horace Laborer Center
Hoffa, Mrs. Dora   Troy
Hoffa, Charles Laborer Bds., Troy
Hopkins, Lazelle Laborer Minnequa
Hopkins, Will Laborer S. Main
Hopkins, Mrs. Emma   Tioga
Hopkins, Melville Clerk Bds., Tioga
Holmes, Charles M.   Bds., Lycoming
Hosier, Watson Laborer Lycoming
Horton, John Clerk Bds., Troy
Houses, C. B. Printer Bds., Troy
Howe, James Laborer Washington
Hull, F. W. Salesman Center
Hull, Rev. W. G. Pastor Union
Hurley, Mrs. Ellen   Second
Hurley, T. D. Drayman Main
Hurley, Will Laborer Washington
Innes, Daniel Bank President S. Main
Innes, Charles A. Assistant Cashier Center
Innes, Floyd   Troy
Innes, E. R. Merchant S. Main
Innes, John A. Bank President Center
Iness, John Jr.   Center
Innes, Daniel T.   S. Main
Innes, Theo. S. Laborer Main
Innes, Colin A. High Constable Center
Innes, Fred   Center
Inscho, Mrs. William   Washington
Inscho, Miss Belle   Washington
Jaquish, O. W. Professor Lycoming
Jaquish, O. W.   Troy
Jenkins, Harvey Laborer S. Main
Jewell, S. H. Coal Dealer Union
John, Ralston Shipping Clerk Bds., Troy
Johnson, D. W. Farmer S. Main
Jones, E. C. Station Agent Center
Jones, Mrs. L. A.   Troy
Jones, Guy Laborer Bds., Troy
Jones, Miss Jessie   Bds., Troy
Jones, Herman Laborer Bds., Troy
Jones, Will Teamster Troy
Kenney, Dr. C. C. Dentist Troy
Kelley, E. B.   Union
Kellogg, John Teamster Second
Kellogg, Charles Printer Minnequa
Kellogg, Clarence Laborer Bds., Second
Keltz, Paul Laborer Bds., Troy
Krsie, Miss Mary Music Teacher Main
Krise, Gid Laborer Sullivan
Landon, Newton   Lycoming
Landon, M. Farmer Main
Landon, Harry Laborer Troy
Landon, Hiram Laborer Bds., Main
Landon, Art   Lycoming
Landon, Harry Laborer Union
Landy, Sam Junk Dealer McIntosh Alley
Lane, Mrs. Hiram   Union
Lane, Miss Nellie Milliner Bds., Union
Leahy, Ed Farmer Troy
Leavitt, Mrs. Emeline   Main
Leach, John Salesman Union
Leonard, Mrs. Emma   Troy
Leonard, Charles Plumer Bds., Troy
Leonard, Leon Laborer Bds., Troy
Lewis, Dr. W. S. Retired Physician Center
Lewis, Z. F. Laborer Main
Lewis, Mrs. E. M.   Union
Lindley, E. S. Merchant Minnequa Avenue
Lindley, Mrs. S. H.   Center
Lindley, Mrs. D. G.   Center
Loomis, Myron Farmer S. Main
Loomis, James Farmer Bds., S. Main
Loomis, Arthur Laborer Union
Lovejoy, Leo Laborer Minnequa Avenue
Lucky, Earnest Laborer Bds., Troy
Lundy, H. F. Merchant Tioga
Luther, Mrs. Mae   Minnequa Avenue
Lyon, Mrs. L. A. Merchant Troy
Lyon, R. E. Chauffer Troy
Lyon, Lew Driver Bds., Troy
Lynch, Martin Laborer Mt. Road
Lynch, Miss Mary Teacher Bds., Mt. Road
Lyvers, Robert Printer Bds., Carson
Mandeville, Charles Machinist Troy
Mandelville, Eugene Laborer Clinton
Manley, J. J. Drayman Minnequa Avenue.
Manley, Mrs. R. M.   Minnequa Avenue
Manley, Jared Laborer Sullivan
Manley, Fred Blacksmith S. Center
Manley, C. W. Clerk First
Marble, L. M.   Union
Marlow, Frank Machinist Union
Martin, L. A. Machinist Union
Martin, Q. A. Machinist Union
Mason, C. H.   Troy
Mason, James   Union
Max, ynn Laborer Troy
Mason, J. B. Cigar Manufacturer Sullivan
Mayer, Dr. F. B. Veterinary Bds., Troy
McCarthy, Mrs. Mary E.   Troy
McCarthy, M. E. Merchant Troy
McCarthy, Miss Alice   Troy
McCauley, Ray Cigar Maker Bds. Washington
McCraney, Ward Barber Union
McDonald, Mrs. Mary J.   Troy
McDonald, Sam Lumber Dealer Troy
McFadden, L. T. Bank Cashier Tioga
McNeil, Daniel Laborer Center
McNeil, Will Laborer Bds., Mt. Road
McNeil, Ray Laborer Bds., Mt. Road
McNeil, Otis Laborer Bds., Mt. Road
McNett, Harry Postal Clerk Washington
Merritt, J. W. Merchant Union
Meyers, N. F. Insurance Agent Washington
Myer, Miss Emma Stenographer Bds., Union
Middaugh, Mrs. E.   Main
Middaugh, Earl Laborer Bds., Main
Miller, J. C.   Clinton
Miller, Andrew Cigar Marker Bds., Troy
Minard, E. J.   Troy
Mitchell, W. L. Merchant Main
Mitchell, James   Troy
Mix, C. T. Butcher Main
Mix, Mrs. Harriett   Minnequa Avenue
Montanye, N. M.   Union
Moody, L. M. Clerk Washington
Moore, Mrs. Roger   Minnequa Avenue
Morgan, Henry   Union
Musser, Mrs. Emma   Main
Nailen, Jack Laborer Sullivan
Nailen, D. P. Clerk Sullivan
Nailen, Miss Kate Clerk Bds., Lycoming
Nailen, Miss Maime Clerk Bds., Lycoming
Nailen, Miss Josphine Clerk Bds., Lycoming
Nasadoski, S. J. Tailor Second
Naylor, Fred Laborer Main
Newell, Floyd Laborer S. Center
Newell, Fred Editor Sentinel Main
Newell, Fred Jr. Printer Bds., Main
Newman, G. E. Druggist Troy
Newman, W. S. Painter Center
Newman, Sam Clerk Troy
Norman, Burt Laborer Troy
O’Day, Conn   Carson
O’Donnell, Mrs. Kathryn   Troy
O’Donnell, Miss Mae Clerk Bds., Troy
Ogden, E. A. Laborer Washington
Ogden, Solon Laborer Bds., Washington
Osborn, W. N. Laborer Center
Osborn, Miss Mary   Center
Osborn, Miss Rose Nurse Center
Owen, Frank Clerk Tioga
Owen, Herrick Clerk Bds., Tioga
Owen, David Cobbler Lycoming
Owen, Mrs. Mary   Washington
Owen, Mrs. William   Minnequa Ave.
Owen, Miss Elizabeth   Washington
Packard, George A. Express Agent Center
Packard, John Laborer Crooks Terrace
Page, Ansel Laborer Minnequa Avenue
Palm, A. H. Insurance Agent Main
Parker, Mrs. Clara   Union
Parsons, Dr. J. W. Physician Main
Parsons, Charles Carpenter Carson
Parsons, Miss Sadie Librarian Carson
Patterson, Mrs. L. Milliner Main
Patterson, George Carpenter Sullivan
Patrick, Miss Frances Dress Maker Troy
Perry, Lloyd Hostler Bds. Union
Perry, Charles Teamster Union
Pierce, Miss Alice   Troy
Pierce, Burdett Laborer Bds., Troy
Pitcher, Mrs. Maria   Tioga
Porter, W. N.   Troy
Porter, Mrs. Fidelia   First
Powers, Mrs. John   Troy
Powers, Miss Kathryn Teacher Bds., Troy
Powers, Jefferson Laborer Troy
Powers, Mrs. Emory   S. Main
Powers, Thomas Laborer Carson
Preston, M. C. Merchant Sullivan
Preston, J. J. Merchant Minnequa Avenue
Preston, Mrs. Mary   Lycoming
Preston, Miss Eva Teacher Bds., Sullivan
Putman, Harry Miller Troy
Putman, Arthur Mail Carrier Troy
Randall, Mrs. J. O.   Main
Randall, Miss Nettie Teacher Bds., Main
Randall, A. W. Laborer Carlton
Randall, Sam Clerk Bds., S. Main
Remstrom, Charles Laborer Bds., S. Center
Rhinebolt, F. H. Laborer Lycoming
Rhoads, George Laborer Bds., Troy
Rice, Miss Grace Bookkeeper Bds., Sullivan
Rice, Walter Laborer Lycoming
Rider, F. A. Telephone Manager Center
Rinker, Will Laborer Troy
Roberts, Newton Laborer Minnequa Avenue
Roberts, Harry Harness Maker Minnequa Avenue
Robinson, Mrs. N.   Prestons Alley
Rockwell, R. E. Merchant Troy
Rockwell, Homer Miller Troy
Rockwell, Martin Miller Bds., Troy
Rockwell, Mrs. Christine   Troy
Rockwell, Mrs. Mary   Union
Rockwell, Elmer Laborer S. Center
Rockwell, Elisha Carpenter Minnequa Avenue
Rockwell, Miss Harriett   Bds., Minnequa Avenue
Rockwell, J. E. Wool Carding S. Main
Rolison, Mrs. Margaret Caterer Union
Rolison, Mrs. S. R.   Union
Rolison, C. A. Printer Sullivan
Root, L. F. Merchant Center
Ross, L. Butcher Lycoming
Ross, Harry Butcher Center
Ronan, Thomas Plumber Union
Ronan, Mrs. P. J.   Carson
Ronan, Frank Laborer Bds., Center
Roupp, J. C. Carpenter Troy
Rundell, Fay Laborer Union
Rundell, C. Frank Barber Minnequa Avenue
Rundell, Mrs. Wilmot   Carson
Rundell, Miss Laura Compositor Bds., Carson
Rundell, E. B. Mason Carson
Russell, George Laborer S. Main
Ryan, M. J. Laborer Center
Sawyer, F. A. Contractor Main
Scudder, T. B.   Minnequa Avenue
Sechrist, W. C. Lawyer Lycoming
Sellard, I. R. Laborer Center
Shaffenaker, J. E. Blacksmith Washington
Shaffer, John Cigar Maker Main
Schaffer, George Printer Bds., Main
Shepard, Mrs. Margaret   Union
Shepard, Miss Jane Bookkeeper Union
Shoemaker, Mrs. Porter Sales Agent Main
Shipman, Charles Carpenter Union
Slade, P. A. Dr. Optics Troy
Slade, Frank Laborer Bds., Troy
Smiley, Burt R. Teamster Main
Smith, D. A. Hotel proprietor Troy
Smith, Ed Clerk Troy
Smith, Leon Finisher Bds., Troy
Smith, Mrs. O.   Elm
Smith, Percy Laborer Lycoming
Smith, Mrs. Amy P.   Center
Smith, Mrs. O. T.   Center
Smith, Fernando Laborer Washington
Smith, Mrs. George   Sullivan
Smith, Lavern Mechanic Sullivan
Smith, Roy Printer Bds., Sullivan
Smith, Edgar Laborer Bds., S. Main
Smith, Olon Blacksmith Bds., Troy
Smith Orrin Laborer Main
Snively, Douglas Laborer Bds., Minnequa Avenue
Snyder, N. J.   Minnequa Avenue
Snyder, Mrs. Mary Cook Main
Spalding, Miss Crissie Operator Bds., Center
Sparks, Frank Laborer Bds., Mt. Road
Sparks, Nathan Laborer Bds., Mt. Road
Spencer, Mrs. E. M.   Tioga
Spencer, Miss Lillian Clerk Bds., Tioga
Spencer, John Retired Farmer Center
Spencer, Rodney L. Harness Maker Center
Stalker, J. K. Sec’y Sheldon Bds., Troy
Stalter, Fred Laborer McIntosh Alley
Steers, Mrs. Mary Nurse Troy
Steers, Miss Minnie Dress Maker Bds., Troy
Steers, Miss Nettie Cigar Maker Bds., Troy
Sterling, Fred Taxidermist Troy
Stevens, A. C. Salesman Union
Stone, H. C. Retired Farmer Main
Stone, Mrs. Carrie   Center
Stone, Mrs. S. V.  Dressmaker Center
Stone, Mrs. Mary   Center
Stone, J. W. Lawyer Minnequa Avenue
Stover, Harry Laborer Washington
Strope, J. E. Laborer Main
Struble, M. R. Hotel Proprietor Troy
Struble, Sidney Harnessmaker Bds., Troy
Stull, F. S. Merchant Union
Stull, Levi   Sullivan
Stull, Mrs. Emma Dressmaker Sullivan
Stull, Douglas Barber Bds., Sullivan
Stull, Nelson Clerk Bds., Troy
Stull, Mrs. Dayton   Main
Swayze, A. Salesman Center
Taber, Mrs. Lilly A.   S. Main
Taber, Miss Mame Clerk Bds., S. Main
Taylor, F. W. Supt. of Swayze Center
Taylor, H. H.   Minnequa Avenue
Taylor, Floyd   Bds., Minnequa Avenue
Teague, Miss Edna Stenographer Bds., Washington
Teeter, C. W. Laborer Minnequa Avenue
Teeter, A. J.   Minnequa Avenue
Teeter, C. L. Farmer Washington
Teeter, Lowell Clerk Bds., Minnequa Avenue
Terry, William Florist Little
Terry, James Florist Bds., Little
Terry, George Florist Little
Terry, G. M.   S. Main
Terry, Mrs. Alice   S. Main
Thomas, E. H.   Troy
Thomas, L. G. Postmaster Minnequa Avenue
Thomas, Delos Clerk Bds., Troy
Thorne, Mrs. S. B.   Main
Thomas, C. B. Mason Minnequa Avenue
Tillotson, Dent Laborer Mt. Road
Tilloston, Lewis Clerk Minnequa Avenue
Towner, Sr. Ed Laborer Sullivan
Towner, Jr. Ed. Laborer Lycoming
Towner, Thomas Laborer Bds., Sullivan
Towner, Charles Laborer Bds., Sullivan
Trapp, George Clerk Washington
Trippe, F. H. Salesman Center
Trippe, J. W. Merchant Center
Tripp, Deville Merchant Union
Turner, John   Second
Turner, Mrs. James   Tioga
Tyler, Elva   Center
Utley, Dr. F. A. Dentist Lycoming
VanDyke, Mrs. Sarah   Main
VanDyke, Murray Laborer Troy
VanDyke, Mrs. Hannah   Center
VanDyke, Mrs. Clara A.   Minnequa Avenue
Vroman, Mrs. Dora   Troy
Vroman, Rue Laborer Bds., Troy
Walburn, I. Laborer Troy
Walburn, Miss Helen   Troy
Walter, Harry G. Liveryman Union
Walker, B. M.   Union
Walter, Fred B. Traveling Salesman Union
Walter, Thad L. Clerk Bds., Union
Walter, Florence Clerk Bds., Union
Walter, Dr. A. J. Dentist Washington
Ward, Miss Marion Operator Bds., Troy
Warren, Clyde Laborer Troy
Watts, T. W.   Troy
Watts, Miss Lula Stenographer Bds., Troy
Watts, Mrs. Deliva   Lycoming
Watts, William Laborer Brann
Wenrick, Rev. G. W. S. Pastor Center
Werline, D. R.   Center
Westgate, O. B.   Bds., Tioga
Westgate, Mrs. Ora Milliner Sullivan
Westgate, Miss Marion Milliner Bds., Sullivan
Wheat, Theodore Laborer Center
Wheatley, William Farmer Main
Whiting, John Sawyer Minnequa Avenue
Whitman, Harry M. Telephone Manager Center
Whitman, Mrs. Frances   Center
Whitman, Miss Linda   Bds., Center
Whitman, J. O. Druggist Center
Whitman, F. E. Traveling Salesman Union
Whitman, C. L.   Center
Wilcox, E. B. Salesman Main
Wilcox, Harry Printers Bds., Union
Wilcox, Miss Nettie Teacher Bds., Sullivan
Wilcox, C. B. Postal Clerk Clinton
Wilcox, Sam   S. Center
Wight, Mrs. Polly Nurse Minnequa Avenue
Wight, Miss Fannie Clerk Minnequa Avenue
Whilhelm, Jay R.   Troy
Wilhelm, Leonard   Bds., Troy
Willett, Jack Merchant Bds., Troy
Williams, Charles M. Laundryman Main
Williams, Mrs. Emma   Center
Williams, Ed Electrician Troy
Williams, Earl Painter Union
Williams, Otis Carpenter Elm
Williams, S. F. Contractor Elm
Williams, C. B. Conttractor Sullivan
Williams, Mrs. Alvira   Sullivan
Williams, Galen Liveryman Minnequa Avenue
Williams, Sam Expressman Bds., Troy
Wirth, Mant H. Cigar Mfg’r. Main
Wirth, Chancey Bookkeeper Bds., Main
Wilson, Mrs. Frances M.   First
Wilson, Miss Marie Bookkeeper Bds., First
Wilson, Mrs. I. N.   Minnequa Avenue
Wilson, E. E.   Troy
Wilson, M. E.   Bds., Troy
Wright, Will Foreman Union
Wright, Miss Helen Teacher Bds., Troy
Wright, Fred Clerk Union
Wright, C. K.   Elm
Wolfe, Chas. Merchant Main
Wolfe, Isaac Laborer Bds., Main
Wolfe, Thad Carpenter Union
Woolley, Dr. H. C. Physician Main
Wynne, John Laborer Center
Wynne, E. J. Merchant Troy
Wynne, Mrs. Mary   Lycoming
Wynne, Andrew Merchant Bds., Lycoming
Young, Philip A. Plumber Main

Part Two of 1911 Canton Directory
First Added to the Site  on 23 DEC 2002
By Joyce M. Tice

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