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Will of Ezra Rutty 1813
This is a transcription of the "Will and Testament of Ezra Rutty" of Canton , Bradford County, PA by Susan Austin

Will of Ezra RUTTY
This was written before the formation of Bradford County in 1812 hence, the Luzerne County location.

The Will of Ezra Rutty (September 14, 1741-May 02, 1814)

In the name of God I Ezra Rutty of the township of Claverach in the county of Luzerne being sick but of good sound memory thanks be to God for the same and calling to mind the frailty of this frail and transitory life do make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say after all my just debts are payd by my executors I give and beque unto my derly and well beloved wife Mary Rutty during her natural life the one third of all my estate both rail ad personal excepting and always to be excepted out of Lott number [forty] seven, out of which she is to have no part,and after her decease is to fall back to Ezra Rutty my son. Item I give and beque unto my son Ezra the remaining part of all my estate both rail and personall to him his heirs and assings forever but if my son Ezra should die without lawful issue then in that case to fall back to Samuel Ruttys two sons Willard and Ezra and I do appoint my two sons Samuel and Ezra to be my exectutors of this my last will and testament hereby directing all former wills by me made I then. I give unto each of my daughters each of them twenty dollars to Martha, Rebecka, Ann, Sarah, Ester, Mary, Deborah, and Orilly which are my eight daughters. In witness where I have here unto set my hand and seal this thirtenth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and five Ezra Rutty. seal Witness present at the time of signing John Collins, Joseph Mercon, Wm. Coolbaugh Probate rec. Dec. 23, 1812

Samuel Rutty & Ezra Rutty Executors of Ezra Rutty, deceased

In conformity to the foregoing will letter Testaments granted to Samuel Rutty & Ezra Rutty therein they having first been duly qualified well to perform exhibit a true inventory under a just account of there said Administration under seal of the Register Office Dec. 25, 1818.

Submitted by Susan Austin

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On September 1998
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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