The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
1948 - News from Roseville PA

In 1944 the East Smithfield Dairy Milk Truck fell 
through the bridge in Roseville
Photo from Anne HARRIS Clark
Article - 1948 Roseville News Columns
Township: Roseville, Rutland Township, Tioga County PA
Year: 1948
Articles by Eugene Crippen of Roseville
Submitted by Creig Crippen
Retyped by Cathy Knights
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These articles appeared in the Troy Gazette-Register 1948
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On Letterhead depicted below:

Troy Gazette-Register


Troy, Pa.,

August 18, 1948

Eugene Crippen

Rutland, PA


We shall be very glad to have you send us the Roseville items. We are sending you some paper, envelopes and postage. When you run out of supplies just let us know and we will send you more.

Yours truly,

"Copy signed as follows:

Ralph H. Van Keuren


Troy Gazette-Register

Justice of the Peace and Mrs. Thomas Harris and family have returned from a ten day vacation spent in Atlantic City, N.J.
Rev. Owen Barrett, pastor of the M.E. church has returned to his home, in Daggett, following an operation at the Blossburg Hospital.
Rev. Orey E. Crippen, of East Smithfield, called on friends in town one day last week.
James Chambers entertained his brother, from Philadelphia, over the weekend.
Rev. and Mrs. Sampson and family with Vivan Crippen and daughter and the Misses Susan and Lyndia Saylor, of Elmira, N.Y., called on friends in town last Friday.
Charles Cudworth is constructing a cinder block garage.
The school rooms are being redecorated and some minor repairs made to the exterior of the building, preparatory to the opening of School Sept. 7th.
Miss Clara Bolt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bolt, is slowly recovering from an appendicitis operation at the Blossburg Hospital.
Mr. John Benson, the popular Sears farm equipment representative, is busy at the Elmira Fair this week.
Thrashing is under way and the farmers report very good yields of both wheat and oats.

Rutland, Pa., August 16th 1948
 Troy, Pa.

 I have discovered that you have some subscribers in this area and wonder if you would care for items like the above now and then.

Last Saturday, while trimming some shrubbery on her lawn, Mrs. Jonah Stout fell from a step ladder and broke her arm.
Mr. and Mrs. DeLong of DeLand Florida were calling on friends in town last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Norris Warriner and Merle and Clarence Hunt, collided with a culvert heading near Daggett, one evening last week while returning from the Elmira Fair.  No one was critically injured, but all four were hospitalized and the car is reported a total wreck.
Lt. and Mrs. Smith of Alabama are visiting the home of Mrs. Smith’s brother, Thomas Harris.
Mrs. Orey E. Crippen and daughter, Ada, of East Smithfield, are spending the week with Mrs. Crippen’s mother, Mrs. Mertie Frost.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Longwell have returned from a vacation trip that included a motor tour of southern Canada.
Mrs. Rosetta Stout has returned to her home, after a sojourn in the Wellsboro Hospital with a broken shoulder.  Mrs. Stout is much improved.
The annual all day meeting in the Rutland Church is reported to have been a marked success this year.  A former Pastor and the grandson of one of the early members were among the speakers.  This church was organized about one hundred forty years ago and the present building constructed in 1841.  The area that once supported an active church on Rutland Hill now has a population of less than two dozen people.

Eugene Crippen
 Rutland, Pa.
 August 23rd 1948


Donald Woodworth and family of Detroit, Michigan spent the weekend with Mr. Woodworth’s brother, Jack Woodworth.
Rev. Orey E. Crippen filled the Baptist Church Pulpit Sunday morning.  Rev. Crippen is a former Pastor.
Mrs. James Chambers is visiting friends in Oklahoma.
Mrs. Jesse W. Dierstein and daughters, Jean and Doris, are spending their vacation with Mrs. Dierstein’s father.
During the ball game between Millerton and Roseville, Sunday afternoon, two of the Roseville boys, Charles Moore and Lester Jenkins, were injured requiring medical attention.
Mr. Lockwood, of Mansfield, is spending a few weeks with his daughter, Mrs. Walter Herrington.

Troy Gazette-Register
From:  Eugene Crippen
 Rutland, Pa.
 August 30th 1948


Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stout, of Rochester, N.Y., spent the Labor Day week end with Mr. Stout’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stout.

Mrs. C. A. Rouse has returned from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Byron Evert, in Elmira, NY.

Miss Hazel Soper is spending her vacation in Roseville, with her sisters, Mrs. Charles Cudworth and Mrs. Jack Woodworth.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harris are entertaining Mr. Harris’ father and mother of Bradford, PA.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stone have returned from a fishing trip in northern N.Y.

The Roseville ball team won their first "play off" fame from Milan last Saturday on the Burlington field, by the score of 6 – 4.

A cloud hangs over the open of the local schools this week, caused in part at least by what appears to be a misunderstanding of the necessity for closing some of the school rooms and raising taxes at the same time.

Mrs. R. W. Westlake was recently called by her daughter, _______ Stowell, to come to Elmira at once, the occasion, to greet a new granddaughter.

Miss Esther Benson, one of the local teachers, is ill and unable to report for the opening of school.

Troy Gazette-Register
Troy, PA.
From: Eugene Crippen
Rutland, PA
Date: September 6th, 1948


Mrs. Sidney Pawlison, of Corning, N.Y., has returned home after spending a vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Benson.

Mrs. James Chambers has returned from a visit with her daughter in Chickasha, Oklahoma.

Rev. Orey E. Crippen was a caller and dinner guest in the home of his brother, Eugene Crippen, one evening last week.

The rumor is going about town that our popular young merchant, R. L. Westlake, is soon to take unto himself a wife. Gretchen Cary, president of our young peoples group, is the young lady mentioned in the rumor. Redg. And Gretchen you have our best wishes.

The editorial in last week’s Gazette-Register, "The passing of VINNY’S," brings to my mind some of the high spots in my own boyhood days. Days when I would journey to Troy with my father, wonder at the stacks of merchandise in the Lampkin Brothers Department Store, have my hair cut by Jim Smith, the barber, marvel at the amount of greenbacks remaining on the counter of the Pomery Bank, after father had cashed a check and be astonished by the neatness and efficiency of the B.B. Mitchell Drug Store. The crowning event would be dinner at the Williams House. Those were the horse and buggy days when boys could not go to town every Saturday night to the movies. We wonder how many who read these lines remember those land marks of Troy that has passed?

William Kaiser, of Coryland, has purchased the local milk route from A. B. Smith.

Robert Ginrich, our local plumbing contractor, is busy installing bath room fixtures, water systems and other gadgets that bring town and city conveniences to the farmer.

Troy Gazette-Register
Troy, Pa.
From Eugene Crippen
Rutland, Pa.
Date September 13th, 1948


Last Friday Donald Eddy was severely injured while working about a lumber mill owned and operated by Lewis Wright. No one saw the accident and the details are not clear. Donald is in the Brown Hospital, Troy.

The Roseville ball team came out second best in the play "off" series with East Smithfield. At least we won one game, out of three.

Mrs. J. W. Dierstein and daughters have returned to their home in Charlotte N.C. after spending a vacation with friends and relatives in Roseville.

T/Sgt. Creig B. Crippen is spending a thirty day furlough with his father. He has returned from a three year tour of duty in Japan and Okinawa.

Troy Gazette-Register
Troy, Pa.
FromEugene Crippen
Rutland, Pa.
Date September 21st , 1948


Mrs. Louise Armstrong of Elmira was a recent caller on friends in Roseville.

Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gould spent the weekend with Mrs. Gould’s sister, Mrs. Irene Holcomb at the Holcomb cottage on Lake Keuka.

Roy James of Mansfield, a former resident of Roseville, came to town one day last week for a chat with old friends.

Miss Florence Crippen, Matron of the Green Home for old ladies, at Roaring Branch, Pa., spent the weekend with her brother Eugene Crippen.

Mr. and Mrs. John Wilcox were calling on friends in town one day last week.

Miss Esther Benson, who has been a member of the local school faculty for several years, has resigned on account of ill health.

Troy Gazette-Register
Troy, Pa.
From Eugene Crippen
Date September 27th, 1948


Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Reynolds visited friends in East Smithfield one day last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bement, Elmira, N.Y., spent Sunday evening with Mr. Bement’s brother in Roseville.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Woodworth, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Benson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Soper, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Swain, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Benson, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Crum, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Dee Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Seely, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crumb, Mr. Harry Longwell and Miss Belle Sweely were among those who attended the Blossburg Fair last week.

Rev. Barton Van Vliet, Sunbury, Pa., was a business caller in town Saturday of last week.

The teachers and officers of the Union Sunday School met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sterling Tuesday evening.

Leon Pratt is a patient in the Packer Hospital, Sayre, Pa.

This section experienced the first killing frost of the season, Monday morning, Oct. 4th.

Troy Gazette-Register
From: Eugene Crippen
Date: October 4th, 1948


Last week Friday Mr. Gerber, Leesburg, Va., a former proprietor of the Roseville Feed and Supply Company, called on friends about town.

Rev. Owen Barrett, who has been ill for several weeks, was able to again fill his pulpit in the M.E. Church Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kennedy, Springfield, spent last Sunday with Mrs. Kennedy’s sister, Mrs. Charles Cudworth.

The Baptist Church was well filled last Sunday morning to witness the Sunday School promotion program.

Carlile Cook, driving down Main Street in Mansfield last Saturday failed to see a freight train; as a result, his car was in need of the services of an expert mechanic. Mr. Cook was not seriously injured.

Troy Gazette-Register
From: Eugene Crippen
Date: October 4th, 1948


An announcement has been received announcing the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Pawlison, Corning, N.Y. Mrs. Pawlison is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Benson.

Mrs. Merion O’Shea, Toledo, Ohio, has returned from a visit with her sister, Mrs. Ray Soper. Mr. and Mrs. Soper accompanied Mrs. O’Shea to the Ohio city.

Mrs. Daisy Harvey spent Tuesday with friends in Elmira.

Friday evening Oct. 22nd the Helping Hand Club will give a Halloween party for the younger set.

Monday morning a large doe was found dead on the highway about one half mile west of the village. There were no marks to indicate that it had been hit by a car. Those who saw the carcass deducted that she must have jumped a fence at the top of the high bank and landed on the highway in such a manner as to break her neck. Mr. Jack Woodworth, the local highway foreman, removed the carcass and called the proper official. Deer seem to be plentiful in this area.

The season’s first snow greeted early risers Monday morning.

Claude Bold and Burr Haynes returned Monday from a Canadian fishing trip

Troy Gazette-Register
From: Eugene Crippen
Date: October 18th, 1948


One evening last week Robert Westlake ran a borrowed motorbike into the rear of a parked dump truck. The bike slide under the truck and escaped damage, but Robert received several cuts about the head and face.

The body of Harry Warner, Coryland, was interned in the Roseville cemetery last week Friday. Mrs. Warner was formerly Miss Maude Sweely of this community.

Mrs. William Sweely, Elmira, N.Y., formerly of Roseville, is seriously ill in a Buffalo hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred DeLong, Starkey, N.Y., were business callers in town the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Smith spent the weekend with friends in Virginia.

Mr. and Mrs. Rexford Crippen, Deland Florida, are visiting Mr. Crippen’s mother, Mrs. Grace Crippen.

Last Saturday evening a motorist sideswiped a line of guard posts on West Main Street taking out six of them. The Highway Department should be proud of the fact that it slowed him down, but did not stop him.

Mr. and Mrs. Dee Stevens recently returned from a motor tour that included several of the New England States.

Last week several of our citizens turned duck hunters, but we have yet to hear of any roast duck as a result.

Troy Gazette-Register
From: Eugene Crippen
Date: October 25th, 1948


Lee Swain, Jr., who is employed by the Osborne Construction Company, at Franklin, Pa., is spending a few days with this parents Mr. and Mrs. Lee Swain, Sr.

The hunting season opened with a BANG Monday morning and judging by the report heard about town Monday evening the game could have been piled like cord wood the length of Main Street.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kennedy called on friends in Mansfield Monday.

Mr. Elmer Rose, Mansfield, visited his sister, Mrs. Susie Updyke, one afternoon last week.

The school children enjoyed a vacation last week Thursday and Friday while the teachers attended Tioga County Institute in Wellsboro.

Thanksgiving should be a big day this year. We not only have bounteous harvests to be thankful for, but the politicians will be licking their wounds and not clogging the air waves and the printed pages with their platitudes.

Troy Gazette-Register
From: Eugene Crippen
Date: November 1st, 1948


Mrs. Mertie Frost, who is employed in Troy, spent election day at her home.

Roseville Borough made a fair record election day, when 96% of those qualified to vote, cast their ballot. The ladies, as usual, served a wonderful election day dinner.

Eugene Crippen with his son T/Sgt. Creig B. Crippen are spending a few weeks in the south. Visiting Creig’s brother, Orey William, in Florida and his sister, Mrs. J. W. Dierstein, in North Carolina.

Mrs. Neal Rouse spent several days of last week, with her grandson, Donald Rouse on Rutland Hill.

C. J. Furman, who has been ill for several weeks, was out to vote election day. It would require more than a slight illness to keep O.J. from voting.

Troy Gazette-Register
From: Eugene Crippen
Date: November 9th, 1948


Whenever people from different States in the American Union meet, the conversation sooner or later turns to a discussion of the merits and demerits of each one’s home State. As a matter of fact each State has some outstanding quality of which her sons and daughters may point with pride. Pennsylvania is no exception. Of course we do not point with pride to our climate neither do we hold up our politics as being of the lily white variety. Yet within the boundaries of Pennsylvania are many things of which we should be proud. Many things Pennsylvania may point with pride. Our scenery, our industries, our abundance of natural resources, our large cities and our State Capitol.

Not long ago, when starting a southern trip, we had the good fortune to spend some time in Harrisburg in the company of a young man who had spent several years as a state employee in and about the group of buildings of which the Capitol is the center. We had visited the capitol before, but never realized its beauty nor extent. Before we had visited the capitol before, but never realized it’s beauty nor extent. Before we had passed the museum and the educational building with little more than a passing glance. The museum with it’s many reminders of Pennsylvania of the past. The education building with it’s library and Forum. The Forum with an astronomical ceiling and an outline of world history of the walls of the lobby not to mention the remarkable acoustics of the Forum. Anyone wishing to know more about our great State should spend several hours in each of these buildings. Yes, several days could be spent in the educational building by anyone thirsting for knowledge. One issue of the Gazette-Register is not large enough to print a description of this magnificent group of Capitol buildings.

Harrisburg’s River Front park, is worthy of at least passing notice when one is visiting the Pennsylvania State Capitol. Several miles of concrete steps lead down to the waters edge, adding much to the city’s appearance as one approaching from the west. The day we visited the park hundreds of ducks were floating on the river. They would float to within about a hundred yards of the bridge and then fly up stream to repeat the trip. A visit to Harrisburg should be on the "must see" of every Pennsylvanian.

Printed in the Troy Gazette-Register
From: Eugene Crippen
Date: December 9th, 1948

Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
1947 - News from Roseville PA


Our community was saddened last week by the tragic death of Mr. Harry Paris.  Mr. Paris had been an employee of the Copp farm for about seven years.  One day last week he was plowing in a field that could not be seen from the house and when he did not return at the usual time Mrs. Paris became worried and summoned Mr. Copp.  Mr. Copp in company of a neighbor, Lee Kennedy, proceeded to investigate, they found that in making a turn he appeared to have driven too near the edge of a gully and the tractor slid or tipped into the gully and rolled to the bottom thirty feet below.  When found Mr. Paris was alive, but did not survive the trip to the hospital.  He leaves a widow and six children, the youngest of whom is about ten years of age.
Election Day past very quietly.  A slight difference in opinion regarding the question as to whom would make the best School Director, seemed to be the only controversial question.  Mr. Raymond VanZile won the six year term and the four year term went to Mr. Harry Trowbridge.
Mrs. Incel Tears, one of the teachers in the Rutland Schools, is ill in her home.  Last Thursday was the first day Mrs. Tears has been absent from her school room during the twelve years she has been associated with the Rutland Schools.
Mrs. Charles Moore entertained a “brush party” Thursday of last week.
Mrs. Robert Ginrich played hostess to the Neighborhood Club Friday afternoon.
Owing to ill health Mrs. Lordina Webster has given up her apartment and is living with her brother, Glenn Could.
Mrs. Rexford Crippen has returned from the Soldiers and Sailors Hospital in Wellsboro, where she underwent an operation.
William Kennedy is ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Lester Jenkins.
John Grubham, of East Smithfield, spent the week end at the home of his daughter Mrs. George Benson.
Hunters are reporting much success in finding game and are not shooting each other.  As reports from Wellsboro would indicate they are doing in that part of the county.
Luther Benson, having sold his farm, is toying with the idea of spending the winter in Florida.
Mr. Crisbell, a student at the Teachers College, filled the Baptist pulpit Sunday and we understand is to return for the coming Sunday service.


The Wilbur milk truck, that hauls milk from near Mosherville to the Troy Creamery was completely ruined one day last week when, on the return trip, it ran into a large maple tree on the Ross Soper farm, three miles east of Roseville.  The driver was hospitalized, but not seriously injured.  A faulty steering gear was reported as the cause for the accident.
Charles Shelman and family have occupied the Copp house, vacated recently by the Cudworths.
Mrs. Rosetia Stout is in the Wellsboro Hospital suffering from a broken shoulder, the result of a fall in her home.
John Benson gave a demonstration of Sears farm equipment on the Kenneth Williams farm, two miles west of Roseville, last Thursday afternoon.
The ladies of the Neighborhood Club held a Bazaar and Harvest supper in the basement of the Baptist Church Friday afternoon and evening.
Ray Soper has gone into the chicken business, having purchased the entire flock of a Bradford County poultry-man.
Sil. Stevens is confined to his home.  Until recently the 82 year old boy has been very active, a familiar figure about town.
The question of a new school building for the Rutland District is being agitated.  It is certainly one of our community needs.  The responsibility for the economic as well as for the political stability of our State and Nation will soon rest on the shoulders of the school children of today.  It is our duty to provide them future citizens with the tools necessary to enable them to equip themselves for the tasks that lie at hand.  Education, to accomplish its aims, must have a vision of future conditions and never remain static.
The condition of the highway over the weekend was very dangerous.  A party of Elmiran’s returning from a weekend trip Sunday evening turned their car around several times on the highway near the foot, of the north side, of Patchogue Hill.  The car landed in the ditch badly damaged; requiring the services of a wrecker to get it to a garage, but no one of the six occupants were injured.


A Covington trucker had the misfortune, one evening last week, to have his lights out as he was going down the north side of Prutsman Hill.  Before the truck could be brought to a stop it crashed into the side of a concrete bridge near Hamilton’s Corners.  The truck was seriously damaged and the driver taken to the hospital suffering from custs and bruises.
Earl Kennedy has been spending several days with his father, Roy Kennedy.
Rexford Crippen and family will, in the near future, move to Deland Florida where they have purchased property.
Dee Watson has been surveying the sight for an Airport near Troy.
William Kennedy, a life long resident of this community, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Lester Jenkins, Saturday morning.  William was 72 years of age.
Mr. & Mrs. Redg. Westlake Sr., have returned from a visit with friends in Cleveland, Ohio.
Some of the readers of the Advertiser will  remember Creig B. Crippen of the Mansfield Senior High School Class of 1936.  Creig is no a T/Sgt. In the Air force stationed on Okinawa.  A letter to his father, received this week, was written in Manila where Creig was spending a short furlough visiting the field where he was stationed at the time of Pearl Harbor.  A quotation from that letter follows;  “The sun shone this morning so I took some pictures.  Traveled about what used to the Walled City.  It used to be full of little shops in narrow streets and alleys just wide enough to walk through.  Also inside the Walled City were six or seven beautiful Cathedrals.  The walls of these Cathedrals is all that is left now and there are several breaks in the old Spanish Wall about the area.  Among the pictures I have at home are two or three of the Franciscan Church, the oldest church in the city.  I remember where it was located, but it took me half an hour to locate it this time.  I recognized it from the base of the statue that stood in front of the church.  The statue is gone also the marble slab that had the Spanish inscription.  There is nothing of the main building left except the walls.  I presume they buried priests and high church officials there, and that is the only room with a roof.  All the tombs have been broken open and the bones are scattered about the room.  The Japs were looking for rings and other jewelry that might have been buried with the bodies.  It makes tears come to one’s eyes to think of these beautiful buildings as they were in 1941 and then look on that area today.  If I had had no reason for hating the Japs before, I would have after visiting the Walled City of Manila.”

For Mansfield Advertiser
From:  Eugene Crippen
            November 24, 1947
            Rutland, PA

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 16 JAN 2004
By Joyce M. Tice
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The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933