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Recipes From Grandma - Page One
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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In times past, just as now, many recipes were copied from magazines and passed around among friends and family. They became part of the family's traditions in that way. I have notebooks in which my young grandmother in the 1910 era copied recipes in this way or pasted recipe clippings into her scrapbook. I will include those here as well.
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Hi Joyce,

Seeing your request for Grandma's Recipes gave me the reason to do something I've been putting off...transcribe Grandma's recipe book.  They are written in her own hand.

Some of the recipes are credited to other people, usually sisters or aunts.  Few of them have actual instructions on how to blend the ingredients as we would see today.

My grandmother,  Leah Merrill   [married to Milford Hulslander] started her own recipe booklet in an old Lehigh Valley Railroad Company book-form.  Her father worked for the LVRC, so I suppose this little booklet was handy.  If's falling apart.  I have to admit, I have not tested any of these recipes, but my mother says she enjoyed her mother's cooking.

Suzanne Congdon

From the recipe book of
Leah MERRILL Hulslander
Started while in Ithaca in 1926

Molasses Cake

½ cup sugar
Shortening – size of egg
1 egg
1 cup molasses
2 ½ cups flour
1 teaspoon soda in 1 cup hot water

Boston Lemon Pie
credited to Mary Decker Totten

1 cup sugar
2 tablespoons flour
1 cup milk
2 egg yolks
Juice and rind of one lemon
2 egg whites
Beat the egg white stiff and fold in last

Diabetic Mayonaise

1 teaspoon mustard
1 teaspoon salt
Yolk of 1 or 2 eggs
¼ cup vinegar
1 ¼ cup mineral oil
Few grains saccharin

Mama’s Graham Bread
(Mama would be Anna Hartshorn Merrill)

2 cups graham flour
1 cup wheat flour
A little shortening
2 cups sour milk or buttermilk
Soda according to how sour the milk is
½ cup brown sugar
½ cup molasses

Aunt Lina’s Chocolate Cake
(Aunt Lina is Perlina Grace Hartshorn)

1 cup sugar
½ cup cocoa fill with boiling water
½ cup shortening
½ cup sour milk
1 teaspoon soda
2 scant cups flour

Coffee Cake
(Mrs. Max [Lois Blanche Merrill] Ludwig)

½ cup shortening
1 ½ cups sugar
1 ½ cups cold strong coffee
½ cup molasses
1 teaspoon soda
1 cup raisins
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon cloves
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon baking powder
Flour (no measurement given)

Golden Corn Cake
(Mrs. Clara Johnston)

1 cup corn meal
1 cup flour
¼ cup sugar
1 cup milk
¾ teaspoon salt
6 teaspoons baking powder
1 egg
2 tablespoons melted butter

Mix and sift dry ingredients
Add milk and egg
Bake in hot over 20 min.

Quick Drop Cakes

1 ½ cups flour
1 level teaspoon nutmeg
1 scant cup sugar
1 egg beaten separately
1 cup sour milk
Butter size of egg – melted
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon soda
 Yum Yum Cake

2 cups sugar
1 lb raisins
2 heaping tablespoons lard
1 teaspoon cloves
2 teaspoon cinnamon

Boil all 5 mins, then cool and add 1 teaspoon soda, 1 teaspoon salt and 3 cups flour


2 cups brown sugar
3 eggs
1 cup butter or shortening
½ cup molasses
½ cup cold coffee
1 cup raisins chopped
1 cup nut meats
1 teaspoons soda
Enough flour to drop nicely

Cream Sponge Cake

3 eggs beaten separately
1 ½ cup sugar
1 ½ cup flour
2 teaspoon baking powder
½ cup boiling water

Filling for Cream Sponge Cake
1 cup milk
1 tablespoon butter
1 egg yolk
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons flour

Chocolate Cake

1 cup sugar
1 cup flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
Pinch salt
Sift together put in bowl
2 eggs
½ cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
Add to above mixture
Melt 3 tablespoons butter
1 ½ square chocolate 
Beat all together with egg beater.  Bake 30 min.


1 1/3 square chocolate 
Lump of butter size of walnut
Melt together
Mix in bowl with 4 x sugar and coffee as needed
Vanilla and salt

Picture Rock Cake

2 cups brown sugar
½ cup shortening
2 eggs
1 cup sour milk
1 teaspoon soda
Salt and spice to taste
1 ½ cup raisins
3 cups flour

Molasses Jumbles

1 cup sugar
1 cup molasses
1 cup shortening
2 teaspoons soda
1 ½ teasponns cinnamon

Icebox Bread
(Sarah Eleanor Merrill Drake)

3 cups warm water
1 small cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons melted lard
1 yeast
2 eggs
6 or 7 cups flour

Put 1 yeast in 1 cup warm water.  After this gets light, add rest of ingredients and knead until don’t stick to board.

 Graham Cracker Cake

1 cup sugar
½ cup shortening
3 eggs
1 scant cup milk
23 graham crackers (1 ½ cup crushed)
2 teaspoons baking powder
Pinch salt
1 cup nut meats

Cream shortening and sugar together 
Add beaten egg yolks and milk
Roll crackers and mix with salt, baking powder and add to wet mixture
Beat whites of eggs and fold in last.

Vanilla Taffy

Two cups sugar, ¾ cups vinegar, ½ cup water, butter size of a walnut, cook until it hardens in water, and then add 1 teaspoon vanilla, then put in buttered pans and let it harden.  Then pull.


Two cups sugar, 1 cup milk, ½ cake of bakers chocolate or a tablespoon heaping full, boil together until it hardens in water.  Then add a tablespoon full of butter and cook for a short time.  Take from stove and stir until nearly hard if nuts or coconut are being put in before being poured into pans.  (If cream is being used instead of milk, it will stay soft for several days)

Hi Joyce

    This recipe could be famous! It was developed by Louanna Cobb Brown (1876-1941) from the Beaver Meadows area. The original receipt is attached from the handwritten book given to me by Gwen Pickett. However it burned in our house fire. I have one jpeg frm the book.

Carol HOOSE Brotzman

Cough Drop Recipe
invented by Luanna Cobb Brown, wife of Perry Brown  and Possibly "Lifted"
by Leroy Featherbay, a half brother of Perry Brown. He allegedly sold it  to the Luden's Company. This is just the local legend.

Developed by Ina Beeman Wooton (November 28, 1890 - January 21, 1972), wife of Harry Olin Wootton (December 31, 1892 -May 18, 1961):

2 Tablespoons flax seed
1 Quart of Butter
Boil down to one pint
Juice of one lemon
¼ pound of hard candy
1-cup brown sugar
Heat till candy is dissolved

The following are other family recipes: 

Chocolate Syrup World War II style,
This was one of my mother in law's Jeanette Salsman Brotzman's (1925-1992)  recipes.

1 1/2 cups water 

3 cups sugar 

1 1/2 cups cocoa 

1-tablespoon vanilla extract 

1/4-teaspoon salt 

In a small pot, bring water and sugar to a boil and stir in cocoa, vanilla, salt.  Stir until all of the solids have dissolved. Boil until sauce until slightly thickened, syrupy.  Let cool and refrigerate. Pour into cold milk and stir for delicious chocolate milk.

My mother in law made this all the time.


From and old Silvara Ladies Aide cook book 

Soft butter, for greasing the pan 

Flour, for dusting the buttered pan 

4 large eggs 

1-cup sugar, sifted 

1 cup brown sugar, sifted 

8 ounces melted butter 

11/4 cups cocoa, sifted 

2 teaspoons vanilla extract 

1/2-cup flour, sifted 

1/2-teaspoon salt

Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F. Butter and flour an 8-inch square pan. 

In a mixer beat the eggs at medium speed until fluffy and light yellow. Add both sugars. Add remaining ingredients, and mix to combine. 

Pour the batter into a greased and floured 8-inch square pan and bake for 45 minutes. A toothpick inserted into the center of the pan should come out clean when it is done.

Banana Cake
from Amanda Jeanette Kelley Salsman (1886-1953), my mother in laws mother

Preheat the oven to 350F (180C). Grease the bottom of pan

Beat together 

2/3-cup soft butter 

1¼ cup packed brown sugar 

2 eggs 

1 tsp vanilla 

Sift together separately 

2 cups flour 

2 tsp baking powder 

1 tsp baking soda 

½ tsp salt 

add alternately to the egg mixture with 

Sour milk (substitute 1 tbsp vinegar and plain milk) 

3 mashed very ripe bananas 

Pour into the prepared pan, 35 to 40 minutes (bunt or loaf pan) or until centers are set. 

Chocolate Fudge
 Ellen Lorena Crawford Shefler's (1896-1990) recipe, she was my grandmom

Boil 4 cups sugar

1-cup butter

1 2/3 cup milk

Cook over medium heat to softball stage (236 degrees), stirring frequently. Remove from heat.


2 cups semi-sweet chocolate pieces, milk chocolate

1 pint marshmallow sauce

1 tsp. vanilla

Beat until chocolate melts. Pour into buttered cookie sheets with sides

Home made egg noodles
 From the Salsman side of the family, Amanda Jeanette Kelley Salsman and her daughter Jeanette Amanda Salsman Brotzman.

2 eggs

2 cups of flour

2 tablespoons water

Pinch salt 

Mix these ingredients together like piecrust, you might have to add more water, but you want it to be the consistency that you can roll without being too dry. Roll it out any shape, long round, what ever to no less than ¼ inch thick. Then lightly cover with flour. Roll it up like a jelly roll log. Then with a sharp knife make long slits half way down the roll, then short cuts across them to obtain smaller noodles. Repeat with the other half of the roll. Put these noodles into clean bowl and toss with flour. In the mean time you have fresh chicken, ham or turkey broth boiling. The broth should be lightly salted. None of the canned stuff works well. When it is boiling, drop these noodles, a little at a time in. Let boil about 15 minutes. It will make its own gravy too.

Recipes From a circa 1910 Scrapbook of Mildred Mudge [1895-1925], Joyce's grandmother. She later married Lee D. Tice in 1913.
These recipes were cut from various newspapers and pasted into a recycled agricultural manual in alphabetic order with a handwritten index. Remember that these refer to a wood stove rather than the electric or gas we are accustomed to. 
Pages122 to 128 Continued on Page 129
See Also Clothing Care from the same scrapbook.
Thanks to Carla McDonald for typing these for us.
Scrapbook Page 122
An Apple Cake.
Mix and bake a two-layer cake in the usual way.  Put three peeled and grated apples on the stove and add to them a cupful of sugar, the juice and grated rind of a lemon, and a well beaten egg.  Stand the pan containing this mixture in a vessel of boiling water and stir its contents every few minutes until boiling hot and quite thick.  When cold, spread between the layers and ice the top with frosting.

Apple Butter.
The best recipe for this butter is the one calling for sweet apples and cider boiled together.  No spices should be used as they hide the unique flavor that is acquired by boiling cider and sweet apples together.  There is also no sugar used, as the fruit itself provides all the sweetness necessary.  Sugar added to it would make it in?ipid.  Without, it has a delightful piquancy and is delicious for school luncheons or country suppers with homemade bread and butter.  It is also good **last line is cut off** chops.  Place the sweet apples, cut in strips and freed from seeds and skins, in a porcelain lined kettle.  Have ready some sweet cider boiled down to half its original bulk.  Add just enough to the apples to prevent them burning, and let them cook steadily all day until they are a thick, dark mass.  When done seal hot in sterilized jars.  If as it cooks the mixture does not grow as thick as it should, add more apples.  Only a kettle that is entirely free from chipped places can be used for this acid butter.  If the butter is not ready at the end of a day’s cooking lay it aside closely covered, and continue the cooking the next day.  Sometimes the cider before using is cooked until as thick as molasses, and when cooked it is strained through a sieve before being added to the apples.  Half sweet and half sour apples may be used instead of only the sweet.  In that case a little sugar, just enough to prevent the mixture being sour, should be used.

Apple Fritters.
Three-fourths pint of sour milk or cream, ½ teaspoonful each of soda, baking powder and salt.  Add 2 well beaten eggs, sugar to taste and enough flour to make a thin batter.  Into this slice 6 tart apples which have been pared. Drop by spoonful into a skillet ¾ full of smoking hot fat and fry a rich brown.  Serve with sirup.  –Mrs. Orville E. Isley

A Raspberry Dessert.
A raspberry dessert, sometimes but erroneously termed shortcake, is made by splitting a layer of very delicate sponge cake and spreading a thick layer of raspberries between the two parts.  Over the top sprinkle some more berries and garnish with a big wreath of whipped cream.

A Roast Goose.
In selecting a goose make sure that the skin is white and the fat yellow if you desire a young fowl.  The fat of old ones is likely to be red.  It is safer to let it hang in a cool place two or three days before using.  After cleaning wash the inside very thoroughly with soda water to remove the oily flavor and wipe dry before rubbing the inside with salt.  Wind the legs with strips of white muslin to prevent their being too brown or burned.  After the fowl is about done remove cloth and brown lightly.  Baste frequently, allowing plenty of hot water and a large spoonful of salt.  Dressing for Goose:  Dip dry bread in cold water, crumble fine, add a good-sized onion which has been parboiled at least ten minutes and chopped fine, one sour apple, salt and pepper to taste, and one-half cup of melted butter.  Dressing without eggs is thought by many housekeepers to be lighter and richer.  –Carrie May Ashton, Winnebago

We cut our first mess of asparagus last night from the garden, and I will tell you how I cooked it.  After washing it clean I cut it into pieces an inch long, beginning at the top and cutting as far down the talk as it was tender.  I boiled it in slightly salted water about twenty minutes, then drained off all the water that was left, added a little butter quite a good lot of cream and salt to taste.  We think asparagus cooked in this way and served on stale or toasted bread is delicious and we never tire of it.  I can tell the Tribune Farmer readers how I can it for winter if any one would care to know, and also my newest and best way of canning sweet corn, and how I can my raspberries, etc.  –Mrs. Oscar N. Cox.

Attractive Luncheons.
To the Editor of the Tribune Farmer.
Sir:  Putting up luncheons for men or children is a task dreaded by many women.  The first requisite is to provide ample space for the food, so that it will not be crushed and unappetizing.  If there is a need for sauce, put it in a dish with a tight cover.  Porcelain screw top dishes which have contained toilet preparations are excellent for this purpose.  Have a gill milk bottle or can for milk for coffee or tea.  Tea will steep in a tightly covered dish if cold water is poured on the leaves and allowed to stand three or four hours.  Sandwiches are most palatable when the bread is cut thin, and if wrapped in paraffin paper will remain moist.  Cold boiled eggs are nutritious if placed in cold water, brought to a boil and allowed to cook for ten minutes.  When used as sandwich filling they should be mashed, seasoned with salt, pepper and a little mustard, and mixed with a little cream or milk.  Another way is to chop or mash them and season with salt, pepper and vinegar.  Beans make a good moist sandwich filling.  Mash them and mix with cream or vinegar, seasoning with salt and pepper.  Sardines, highly seasoned with pepper, salt and vinegar, are relished by many.  Those which come in mustard dressing are best.  Cold meat which has been ground or chopped, seasoned and moistened with cream or milk is good.  A good mustard dressing to use on meats, eggs, etc., and one which will keep for some time, is made as follows:  Bring one cup of vinegar to a boil and pour if over one beaten egg, added to one tablespoonful of flour, one tablespoonful of mustard, one teaspoonful of sugar (or not, as you choose), pepper and one-quarter teaspoon of salt.  A piece of butter the size of an egg may be added as the mixture is removed from the stove.  Cook five minutes.  This is good with lettuce or any salad.  A salad made of apples and celery is especially nice with this dressing.  Nuts will be found a good addition.  For sweet sandwiches use preserves, jelly, jam, sliced banana sprinkled with sugar, brown sugar moistened, maple sugar seraped, sliced oranges with sugar, peanuts mashed or peanut butter.  Nuts of any kind sprinkled wit salt or mashed and moistened with milk make a variation.  Do not forget the ever present ham.  The top end of cooked ham which has been sliced may be bought for about 10 cents.  –F. M. Hawkins.

Aunt Sarah’s Ginger Cookies.
One cup each of molasses, sugar and shortening, one tablespoonful of vinegar, two teaspoonfuls of soda dissolved in two-thirds cup of boiling water, a teaspoonful each of ginger and cinnamon, and flour to make very stiff.  Roll, cut and bake in a quick oven, taking care the cookies do not burn.

Baked Batter Pudding.
One quart milk, four eggs, one-half teaspoon salt, and eight tablespoons of sifted flour.  Beat until thoroughly blended, then bake in a buttered dish for about twenty minutes in a hot oven.  Serve with a sauce made of butter creamed with sugar, and flavored with lemon juice.

Baked Beans.
Pick over and wash one quart of navy- or marrow-beans, and put them on the fire with enough cold water to cover.  Add a rounding teaspoonful of soda and when the water boils drain and rinse the beans in clear water.  Put them in the bean-pot or jar, just cover with milk, add soda the size of half a pea, cover, place in the oven and bake one hour, then add a rounding teaspoonful of salt.  Keep the milk just over the top of the beans and bake eight or nine hours, or until the beans are a beautiful red-brown.  They must be creamy when done, and every bean whole, to be at their best.  Try this; you will call it a delicious dish.  –Mrs. Claude Look.

Baked Ice Cream.
I was at a luncheon recently where the hostess served ice cream baked with a sponge cake and the cream had not melted in the baking.  You will do me a great favor if you will tell me how it was done.  –Mrs. T. Rainey, Denver, Colo.

I think the delicacy your hostess served was Baked Alaska.  For it you will need the whites of six eggs, six tablespoons powdered sugar, a scant teaspoon vanilla, a thin sheet of sponge cake and a two-quart brick of ice cream.  Beat the whites of the eggs very stiff, add the sugar gradually and then stir in the vanilla, beating vigorously all the time.  This makes the meringue.  Cover a board with white paper, lay the sponge cake on the board, turn the brick of ice cream on it (the slice of cake should extend beyond the ice cream at least half an inch), cover the whole with the meringue, spreading it quickly and smoothly over the entire shape.  Set the board into a hot oven and brown quickly.  The board, the paper and the meringue are all poor conductors of heat and the meringue will have plenty of time to brown before the ice cream begins to melt.  Slip from the paper to an ice cold ice cream platter and serve at once.

Baked Indian Pudding.
Into a buttered pan put seven heaping tablespoons of corn meal, one-half cup each of molasses and sugar, one tablespoon of butter, one-half teaspoon each of ginger, cinnamon, and salt.  Add one quart of boiling milk, and bake one hour.  Stir in one-half cup of cold milk and bake two hours.  –Elma Iona Locke.

Scrapbook Page 124
Baked Pumpkin.
Peel and cut the pumpkin into pieces as for stewing.  Arrange them in a pan, sprinkle with sugar, bits of butter and dust lightly with ground cinnamon.  Bake until tender and serve hot.

Baked Rhubarb.
Cut the rhubarb in pieces about an inch long, put them in an earthen pie plate, then cover heavily with sugar and bake.  Serve with cream and a plain cake for dessert.  Do not bake the rhubarb in a tin plate.  Use the earthenware pie plate and there will be no danger from the acid.

Bavarian Cream.
Refreshing Form of Dessert After a Hearty Dinner.
A Bavarian cream one of the most delightful of the unfrozen desserts, is particularly suited to follow a hearty dinner in cold weather, as it is light and refreshing, without being unpleasantly chilly.  Almost any recipe for ice cream is available for this dish, if enough gelatin to stiffen it be added.  The Bavarian creams that call for beaten white of eggs, instead of cream, are cheap imitations, and properly belong to the class of desserts known as “sponge puddings.”  Often a Bavarian cream is made elaborate by being served within a circle of cake, jelly, ice cream or sherbet.  For instance, a strawberry Bavarian is sometimes moulded in a layer over a base of vanilla ice cream, or in a ring mould around it.  To enrich the former, make it out of preserved fruit.  A celebrated French chef recommends serving Bavarian in the dish in which it was moulded.  By this method, he says, it becomes more delicate and needs less gelatin than if it had to be turned out.  It can be moulded either in a crystal or a silver dish, which should come to the table on a platter surrounded by ice.  For a fancy Bavarian spread a mould with layers of variously flavored and colored creams, or line a mould with chocolate Bavarian and fill it with vanilla and strawberry in equal quantities.  To insure an easy removal of the Bavarian it is necessary to rub the mould with the white of an egg before pouring in the mixture.  Sweet almond oil is sometimes used for this purpose, while many French cooks use sugar which has been cooked to the caramel stage.  While the jelly is congealing cover it with a sheet of white paper.  Whipped cream, unflavored and unsweetened, is the best sauce to serve with a Bavarian.  A coffee Bavarian is one of the best desserts if prepared according to the following recipe:  Have ready a pint of rich milk, three rounded tablespoonfuls of the best pulverized coffee, the yoke of three eggs, a cupful of granulated sugar, an ounce of granulated gelatin, or enough to stiffen the liquid when it is chilled, and a pint of cream that is rich enough to whip.  Put the milk in a double boiler and place the coffee on a plate in a very hot oven. As soon as the milk boils stir the hot coffeee into it and let it infuse on thre back of the stove. Beat up the yolks of the eggs, add the sugar, and gradually stir both into the milk.  Cook it until the custard coats the spoon, stirring it constantly to prevent curdling.  When you remove it from the fire add the gelatin.  Put the mixture into a pan and set it in a cold place.  Now beat the cream to as stiff a froth as possible.  Just as the mixture eis thickening fold the cream through it, turn into a mould and set on a pan of crushed ice.  When firm throughout turn it out on a crystal platter, decorate with snowy whipped cream and serve.  For maple mousse follow the rule for coffee Bavarian, omitting the granulated sugar and the powdered coffee.  Use in place of the latter one and a half cupfuls of crushed maple sugar.  A very delicate ginger cream calls for no custard foundation.  Have ready one pint of cream, a scant three-quarters of a cupful of sugar, about half a package of gelatin, or enough to stiffen; syrup from a jar of preserved ginger to suit the taste, and two or three tablespoonfuls of the sliced preserve.  Soak the gelatin till soft, then mix it with the sugar and add it to a little of the cream, which should be boiling hot.  When melted add the sugar and beat all together; then slowly fold it throughout the cream, which should have been beaten to a stiff froth.  Add the syrup and slices of ginger.  Put the mixture in a mould and immediately set it on ice.

Beets For Winter Use.
Vinegar, beets, two ounces whole pepper, two ounces allspice to every gallon of vinegar.  Carefully remove all dirt from the beets.  Let them simmer in boiling water one and one-half hours, then take them out and leave to cool.  Boil the remaining ingredients for 10 or 15 minutes, then add a little salt and sugar and leave to cool.  When cold pour it over the beets (which you have previously pared and cut into thin slices).  Make air-tight and they will keep perfectly, and are fine.

Berlin Cakes.
Mix the yolks of three hard-boiled eggs with four raw yolks until cream; add one-half cup of sugar, one cup of unsalted butter and one and one-half cups of flour.  Mix flour and butter alternately into the yolks, kneading well as you put it in.  Roll the dough into short ends, about the thickness of your finger, and twist into round shapes.  Dip into the beaten white of the eggs, then in granulated sugar, place in buttered pans and bake in a moderate oven.  These are very nice and will keep for months.

Berry Pudding.
Make a corn starch blanc mange according to the recipe given on the package.  Wet a pudding mold with cold water and pour half of the pudding into it, then half of the berries.  Cover these with the remainder of the pudding and finish with the rest of the berries on top.  Bake, or steam, and serve with whipped cream or any preferred pudding sauce.

Best Yeast.
Pare, boil and mash twelve medium-sized potatoes, add one-half pint each of salt and sugar, and one pint of flour, stirred smooth in a little cold water:  cook all together in one gallon of hot water, using that in which the potatoes were boiled, remove from the fire, add one gallon of cold water and strain into an earthen crock.  When cool add three yeast cakes, dissolved, let stand twenty-four hours and it is ready for use.  Make bread as usual, using no other wetting than the yeast; set the sponge in the morning and you can bake your bread by noon.  In a cool place this yeast will keep for two weeks, and I am sure no one who tries it will ever use any other.

Black Bean Soup.
Soak one pint of beans over night, in the morning drain off and cover with fresh water, bring to the boiling point, drain, then add two quarts of cold water and simmer slowly for an hour.  Then add medium-sized onion, eight cloves, little cinnamon, white pepper, salt, one stick chopped celery, and let boil gently for an hour.  Press through a colander, dilute with hot milk or water if necessary and add a generous amount of butter.  Serve hot with chopped hard-boiled eggs or toasted bread.

Blackberry Molds with Whipped Cream.
This is an attractive looking dessert as well as a delicious one.  Soak an ounce box of granulated gelatin in a little cold water until it is dissolved.  Boil one cup of blackberries in enough water to make a pint of hot juice, strain, reheat the strained juice to the boiling point, pour it over the dissolved the gelatine and turn into cups to cool.When ready to serve, remove from the cups and put on a long narrow dish, pour whipped cream around the sides and serve cold.  The black molds peering above the whipped cream makes a pretty dish.

Blueberry Muffins.
Two and one-half cups of flour well sifted, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, three-fourths cup of sugar, one cup of milk, two eggs beaten slightly, butter the size of an egg melted, large pinch of salt, one large cup of berries.  Mix sugar, flour, baking powder, salt, add milk, then eggs, last add berries slightly floured.  Bake twenty minutes in moderate oven.

Boiled Cabbage.
Cut the cabbage in quarters, wash it thoroughly, and plunge it into a kettle holding plenty of boiling water, to which has been added a tablespoonful of salt and a generous pinch of soda.  Put on the cover and bring to a boil as speedily as possible, then take off the cover and let it boil thirty-five minutes very fast – or until tender; drain it, chop slightly, and season with pepper and butter.  We think it very nice cooked in this way; instead of a yellow, wilted vegetable, gull of dyspepsia, you have a very wholesome dish, and may come in from the fresh air and scarcely perceive an odor.

Boiled Eggs with Sauce.
Make a sauce of one cup of milk, two tablespoonfuls of butter, two of flour, stirred smooth in a little cold milk, one-fourth teaspoonful of salt and a dash of pepper.  Cook smooth in a double-boiler, stirring the while, and pour hot over cold boiled eggs, sliced.  Very nice, and a good way to utilize left-over eggs.  –Olivia Potter.

Breakfast Muffins.
Corn and Breakfast Dishes Made from Tried Rules.
What more delicious breakfast at this season than a simple one of light, crisp muffins, fresh strawberries and the best of fragrant coffee.  Here are a few good rules for muffins:  For those of plain wheat use one quart of flour, two cupfuls of milk, half a cupful of sugar, two eggs, two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar, one of soda, half a teaspoonful of salt and butter the size of an egg.  Sift the flour, soda, cream of tartar, sugar and salt together.  Beat the eggs into the milk, adding both to the sifted flour.  Melt the butter with four tablespoonfuls of boiling water and add that also.  After beating thoroughly bake in buttered muffin tins from twenty-five to thirty-five minutes in a hot oven.  A few chopped dates stirred into a batter such as this will make an agreeable change from plain muffins.  Boiled rice makes a good addition to a wheat muffin batter, and it is an economical way of using up cold rice.  One good rule calls for a quart of flour, a pint of milk, a pint of cold boiled rice, three eggs, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, a teaspoonful of salt, one of soda and two of cream of tartar.  Beat well and bake thirty-five minutes in muffin pans.  For raised wheat muffins scald a pint of milk and let it cool until lukewarm.  Then add a scant half cake of yeast.  Rub a scant half cup of butter or shortening through a quart of well warmed flour.  Then add the yeast and the milk, beating well until the batter blisters.  Let it rise overnight.  In the morning fill muffin cups half full of batter and let it rise an hour or until very light, and bake about half an hour.  Corn muffins are an ideal **last line cut off** cup of sugar, a scant half cup of butter, two beaten eggs, a half cup of cornmeal, one and a half cups of flour and three teaspoonfuls of baking powder.  Mix together in the usual way and bake about half and hour.  Another rule for corn muffins includes three eggs, two heaping tablespoonfuls of better, four of sugar, two cups of milk, in which a scant teaspoonful of soda has been dissolved, one and a half cups of flour, one large cup of cornmeal and two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar.  These muffins are somewhat more expensive that the ordinary kind, but they have the consistency and lightness of cake.  Cream the butter and sugar, add the yolks of eggs and then the milk and soda.  Sift the flour, cornmeal and cream of tartar together into another bowl.  Repeat the sifting twice.  Stir the other mixture into the sifted flour.  When it has become a smooth batter add the whites of the three eggs beaten to a stiff froth.  After folding them in bake the batter in a quick oven.  For graham muffins have on hand half a cup of sugar, an egg, a tablespoonful of butter, a pint of sour milk, a teaspoonful of soda and enough graham to stiffen.  Examine the graham very carefully, as it is impossible to sift it through the ordinary sifter.  Then mix together in the usual way.  Cornmeal muffins may be prepared in the same way, using two cups of cornmeal and one of flour instead of graham.  They will, of course, make cheaper and coarser muffins than the other rules for cornmeal muffins, but some people may like them just about as well.  Graham muffins are sometimes fried in deep fat just like fritters.  They make a change.  Maria Parloa prepares them in the following fashion:  Measure out one and a half pints of graham flour, half a pint of flour, half a cup of sugar, a teaspoonful of salt, a teaspoonful of soda, two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar, or, if you prefer, two rounded teaspoonfuls of baking powder, a pint of milk and two well beaten eggs.  Mix together in the usual way and fry in smoking hot lard.

Let two quarts of cream come to a boil, pour this over three well-beaten eggs to which has been added two cups of sugar.  Put one cup of sugar in a hot, dry skillet and melt to a syrup.  When it throws off a dense smoke, pour into the boiling custard and let it stand over night.  In the morning add one pint of cream and freeze.  (If one can not procure this much cream, it can be made half and half).

Cabbage Cooked with Pork
For a small head of cabbage use about half a pound of mixed salt pork.  Boil the pork gently for three or four hours.  Prepare the cabbage as for plain boiled cabbage.  Drain well and put on to boil with the pork.  Boil rapidly from twenty-five to forty-five minutes.  Serve the pork with the cabbage.  The vegetable may require a little more salt.  Smoked bacon or ham may be substituted for the pork.  Cabbage may be cooked in water in which corned beef was boiled.

Cabbage Slaw.
Chop a small head of cabbage fine, sprinkle with salt, put into a pan and pour on enough water to barely cover.  Add three or four tablespoonfuls of vinegar, one or two beaten eggs with a tablespoonful of sugar, stir all rapidly and let boil up for a minute or two, then add a piece of butter as large as an egg and it is ready to serve.  Will some one send me a good recipe for cream pie?  --Nell

Cabbage with Sausage
Six sausages, one quart cabbage, on-half teaspoonful pepper; salt, if necessary.

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From the frying pan and pour off all but three tablespoonfuls of the fat.  Put the minced cabbage in the frying pan and cook six minutes.  Arrange in a hot dish and garnish with the sausages.  Serve mashed potatoes with this dish.

Cake As A Refreshment.
One grows so tired of serving cake and coffee in the usual manner.  It is nice to make a layer cake and serve two blocks filled in with chocolate cream.  This is whipped cream in which powdered sweet chocolate is beaten.  Make the filling one-half inch thick and serve on a small plate with a small oyster fork, since this cake can not be eaten by hand.  In serving the coffee dot it with whipped cream.  It is better than using cream in jugs, and most persons take cream in coffee.  Never forget to give the tray a dainty touch with a neat doily and a few flowers.

Cambridge Steak.
Put in a spider two large spoonfuls of drippings, or the fat fried from salt port, and in this slice eight fair-sized onions; add two tablespoonfuls of hot water and cook fifteen minutes, stirring often.  Take up the onions, leaving a little on the bottom of the spider, and on this lay a slice of round steak prepared and salted, on this some of the onion and another slice of steak seasoned as before, covering with the remainder of the onion.  Add a scant half pint of water, cover and simmer gently three-quarters of an hour.  Place the steak on a hot platter and surround with the onions.

A new candy is made very much the same as the icing for cake.  To one cup of granulated sugar add sufficient water to dissolve, and boil until a small portion, taken out to be cooled, will form a ball of taffy wax.  In this stir the whites of two or three well-beaten eggs, vanilla and a cup of ground nuts.  Stir the mixture into a foam; drop with a spoon on greased paper, and brown to a delicate cream in the oven.  These are served as bonbons at informal house parties.

Canned Blackberries.
To seven pounds of blackberries, use three pounds of sugar and one-half pint of vinegar.  Dissolve sugar in vinegar, when hot add the berries, scald thoroughly and seal at once.  When making jelly I simply pour a little melted paraffin on top of each glass, or put on a small lump, let it melt and spread itself.  Thus protected, jelly will keep indefinitely without molding.  –Mrs. Wm. Bigelow.

Canned Watermelon.
Pare off the thin green rind, cut the melon (or white rind) in pieces and weigh it.  Cook in clear water until likely to break.  Take out the pieces in a dish.  There will be nearly enough juice that drains from the pieces; add a little from the kettle if necessary.  With the juice put sugar to the amount of one-half pound to a pound of the fruit as it weighed when raw. When the sugar is dissolved, put in the melon and cook until even and clear.  Flavor as desired and can.

I am going to add my recipe for canning sweet corn.  Put eighteen cupfuls of corn cut from the cob into the preserving pan with one cupful of sugar, one scant cupfuls of salt and one cupful of hot water.  Cook twenty minutes.  This quantity will fill three quart cans.  –Fannie Wilder

Caramel Cake.
One and one-half cups of sugar, three-fourths cup of butter, cream together, add three well-beaten eggs, one-half cup of milk and two and one-fourth cups of flour, in which have been sifted one and one-half teaspoonfuls of baking powder.  Bake in layers.  Filling:  Boil together until it threads one cup of sugar, six tablespoonfuls of milk, and a piece of butter the size of a walnut, flavor and stir until cool.

Carnation Cream.
This is not only tasty but it is excellent to carry out the color scheme for a red or carnation luncheon.  In a plain sherbet glass, through which the colors can be clearly seen, put vanilla ice cream, filling it two-thirds full, then pour over it a large spoonful of crushed strawberries or red raspberries and add a cone of whipped cream.  Add a maraschino cherry on top.  This is one of the simplest and prettiest ways of serving ice cream.

Chautauqua Flip.
For one glass, mix a well-beaten egg, two tablespoons grape juice, one tablespoon sweet cream.  Fill the glass two-thirds full of water and the remainder with seltzer.  Add shaved ice and serve.  A bit of nutmeg grated on the top adds to the delicacy of this beverage if one likes nutmeg.

Cheese Paste for Sandwich.
Melt a tablespoon of butter in a saucepan, turn into it one-fourth pound of grated cheese, one-eighth teaspoon cayenne pepper; stir until melted.  Beat into it gradually the beaten yolk of one egg to which one-fourth cup of cream has been added, stir constantly until it is thick and smooth.  Let it get cold before spreading on the bread.

Cherry Preserves.
A cherry preserve that calls for minimum amount of sugar is prepared with half a pound of sugar to every pound of fruit.  For this preserve, however, the fruit should be very sweet.  If you prefer to can the fruit instead of preserving it, even less sugar may be used.

Children’s School Lunches.
A mother cannot give too much thought to the contents of the school lunch boxes, because the health of her children depends largely on what those boxes contain every noon of the winter months.  There is nothing which becomes to tiresome to the child as eating day after day, cold and untempting slices of bread spread with the same kind of meat.  First come the sandwiches.  While cold sliced meat is good, other fillings are even more tasty.  The end pieces of a boiled ham, run through the chopper, with a dash of mustard is more tasty than the slice of ham unchopped.  Nut meats, cheese and hard boiled egg, all taste better if run through the chopper and they spread much more easily.  Dried chipped beef, a little canned salmon, sardines or potted tongue all make appetizing and good fillings.

Chilled Fruit Cup
For a dainty dessert, cut into small pieces bananas, oranges, pineapples, grapefruit, strawberries, cherries or any fruit available and let it stand on ice until thoroughly chilled.  Fill tall sherbet glasses, cover with sweetened fruit juice, top with whipped cream and serve.

Chinese Ching.
To one glass of iced tea add the juice of one orange and three drops each of essence of cloves and of peppermint.  Sugar to taste.

Chocolate Cake.
Melt one square of chocolate, then add one cupful of brown sugar – white  ??? do – and one large spoonful of butter or drippings, one cupful of apple sauce freed from humps ??? sweetened as for table use, a pinch of salt, one ???spoonful of soda dissolved in one spoonful of hot ?????er, one and a half cupfuls of flour.  Bake one ????? in a moderate oven.  Frost with mill frosting.

Chocolate Caramels.
Two cups of brown sugar, one-half cup each of molasses, milk, and grated chocolate: melt slowly, stirring, then boil gently until it ropes.  Pour into buttered pans, and mark off in cubes when cool.

Chocolate Filling.
Beat the whites of the two eggs left from the batter until stiff, adding to them one cup of powdered sugar, or enough to make the frosting quite stiff.  Add one square of chocolate that has been melted.  Spread the tops of two of the cakes with a thin layer of slightly acid jelly, such as currant, plum or grape, then put the cakes together with the chocolate frosting.  Spread the top layer with some of the frosting.  This cake keeps well if put in a tin box and covered.

Chocolate Filling No. 2
Boil one cup fine granulated sugar with one-third cup hot water until it spins a thread.  Have ready the white of one egg beaten stiff with one-eighth teaspoonful cream of tartar.  Pour the boiling syrup slowly into the egg, beating steadily until thick enough to spread.  Add two tablespoonfuls powdered cocoa or chocolate while the syrup is still hot, and the last thing add two tablespoonfuls whipped cream, if you wish it extra nice.  Spread between the layers and on top and sides

Chocolate Filling (requested).
To four ounces plain grated chocolate add one cup of white sugar, two tablespoonfuls corn starch, one-half cup of sweet milk and a speck of salt:  cook in a double-boiler until the mixture thickens, stirring constantly.  When cool flavor with a teaspoonful or two (if a strong flavor is liked) of vanilla, and spread between layers and on top of cake.  This is a delicious filling.

Chocolate Fudge (requested).
Boil together three cups of sugar, one cup of syrup, two tablespoonfuls of grated chocolate, one cup of sweet milk and one tablespoonful of butter, until it forms a soft ball when dropped into ice-cold water.  Then beat until cold, pour into shallow, buttered dishes, and mark off in squares when it has cooled a little.  Add vanilla flavoring, if liked.  Nut fudge may be made in the same way, with or without the chocolate, by adding a cup of nut-meats.  –Sunflower

Chocolate-Fudge Cake.
Two eggs, beaten light, one cup of sugar, one-fourth cup butter and lard, mixed one-fourth cup each of hot water and sweet milk, one-half teaspoonful soda, one teaspoonful cream of tartar, and one and one-fourth cups of flour.  –Mollie.

Chocolate Ice Cream.
Place a cone of the chocolate ice cream upon a plate, lay a row of thin banana slices around the base and upon the bananas place halves of English walnuts.  Chopped walnuts may be sprinkled over the ice cream if one likes the flavor.

Chocolate Sauce for Vanilla Ice Cream.
Vanilla ice cream is frequently served with a chocolate sauce for which two recipes are given:  No. 1 – One ounce chocolate, one-third cup water, one cup sugar, one tablespoon butter, one-half teaspoon vanilla.  Melt the chocolate, add sugar, butter and water.  Boil fifteen minutes, cool slightly, add vanilla and serve with the ice cream.  Serve the cream on a plate and then serve the sauce just as you would the sauce for a pudding.  No. 2 – Two ounces chocolate, one-half cup boiling water, three-fourths cup powdered sugar.  Stir ingredients together and cook in double boiler until it is of the consistency of molasses.  Serve hot with the vanilla ice cream.

Chocolate Popcorn Balls.
Pop some popcorn and pick out only the crisp, tender grains.  Place in a saucepan two cupfuls of granulated sugar, one-half cupful of water and one fourth teaspoonful of cream of tartar.  Boil until it spins a thread or forms a hard ball when dropped into cold water; then flavor with a teaspoonful of vanilla.  Pour part of this sugar syrup over the popcorn, and let teh remainder stand on the back of the range.

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Cocoa Fudge.
One and one-half cups sugar, one-half cup of sweet milk, a small piece of butter, six teaspoons of cocoa, one-half teaspoon of vanilla.  Mix sugar and cocoa and add milk.  Let boil, stirring so it won’t burn.  Add butter and vanilla.  When it forms a small ball when dropped in cold water take from fire and beat.  This makes it creamy.  Pour in buttered tins and mark in squares.

Cocoanut Fudge.
This, if made properly, should be the consistency of mellow fudge:  To three cups of sugar add the cream of one cocoanut.  Boil over slow, but steady fire until it forms a soft ball in cold water.  Then add the dry pressed cocoanut left from the cream.  Boil up a little longer and test again in cold water.  If it forms a soft ball, take from the fire and stir quickly until it thickens.  Pour on buttered platter and cut in squares when cold.

Codfish Fritters.
The old standby, codfish, which we have made into cakes, served in cream gravy and baked with mashed potatoes, may also be served in fritters.  Cut the codfish in strips about the size of the finger, soak over night to freshen and in the morning take from the water, dry in a towel, dip each piece in a batter made of eggs, milk and flour, and fry brown in hot fat.

Codfish Soufflé.
Use the leftover codfish in a soufflé.  Mix one cup of boiled and flaked codfish, one cup mashed potatoes, one-half cup milk, one well-beaten egg, salt and pepper to taste and put into a buttered baking dish and bake until brown.  Serve hot.

Coffee Cake.
To a half cup of butter add and stir to a cream, a cupful of brown sugar.  Next add two eggs, beat for a minute to two, and then add a cupful of strong coffee, two cupfuls and a half of flour, a cupful of seeded raisins, a teaspoonful of ground cinnamon, and two teaspoonfuls of baking powder.  Stir thoroughly, then pour into a paper lined cake pan and bake.  It should be left forty-five minutes in an oven hot enough to brown flour in five minutes.

Cold Cabbage Slaw.
Take a good-sized cabbage and chop up fine, then prepare a dressing as follows:  One cup vinegar, one scant teaspoonful of salt, one tablespoonful sugar, one tablespoonful mustard, one cup good thick cream, two eggs well beaten.  Put the vinegar, salt and sugar on to warm and just before it boils stir in the mustard which should be well mixed, then the eggs, and then the cream.  Let all boil and pour over the cabbage, drain off and warm again.  Do this several times until the cabbage is well scalded.  –Mrs. T. Chue.

Cold Slaw.
Prepare the cold slaw by running it through the meat chopper.  It saves time  **last line is cut off**

Cooked Rice.
Few people know how to cook rice to make it palatable.  It is usually heavy and soggy.  Cook rice until it is done, add a little lemon juice and place the pan in the oven for the remaining water to evaporate.  It will puff into large, flaky grains and look much nicer.

Cookies for School Children.
Stir to a cream two cupfuls of butter and two cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of milk.  Flavor with a little nutmeg and a pinch of ground cinnamon.  Mix five cupfuls of flour and three tablespoonfuls of baking powder together, form the dough, roll in very thin sheets, cut the cakes in fancy shapes, powder with sugar and bake in a quick oven.

Cooking Potatoes.
It is said there are eight hundred ways of cooking potatoes.  Certainly there are a number of ways, yet none more delicious than slicing large potatoes into strips and boiling them until a light brown in deep fat.  After the potatoes are washed and pared, be sure to dry them between a clean towel, since the water may cause the boiling lard to splash on the stove and catch fire.  It is advisable to keep a pan of flour handy to extinguish flames in case the fat does take fire.

Corn Again.
Cut from the cobs enough sweet corn for 10 quarts.  Place in an earthen dish or jar.  Stir into it thoroughly one cup of salt.  Let stand until a liquor forms.  Put in canning kettle without adding water.  Let come to a boil.  Boil 15 minutes and can as you would cherries or other fruit.  When using to eat put into a dish of cold water.  Stir it, drain off, boil a short time and season to taste.  –S.J. Stillwill, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Corn Gems.
One cup of sour milk, one-half cup of sweet milk, one cup of bolted corn-meal, one-half cup white flour, a scant teaspoonful of soda, same of salt, two tablespoonfuls of sugar and when eggs are plenty, one beaten egg; they are very nice without the egg, however.  Bake in a buttered roll- or gem-pan, in a hot oven.

Cracker Ham Sandwiches.
Summer sandwiches made of the long narrow crackers are tasty and look pretty when piled criss-cross on a plate.  Here is a good filling for a ham sandwich quite out of the ordinary.  Grind one pint of boiled ham, four hard boiled eggs and six olives in a meat chopper.  Season with pepper or paprika and mayonnaise dressing.  Spread on the crackers and serve.

Creamed Cabbage.
One pint boiled and minced cabbage, one-half pint hot milk, one tablespoonful butter, one teaspoonful flour, one-half teaspoonful salt, one-half teaspoonful pepper.  Put the cabbage, hot milk, salt and pepper in a stew pan and on the fire.  Beat **last line is cut off**

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 04 JAN 2008
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice


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