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Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
A Chemung County Quiz - Answers
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Article: Chemung County Quiz 
Chemung County
Article by Helen Mac Dougall Samson (1909-1995) in 1976
Sent in by Walt Samson
Retyped by Debra Rickman
Postcard from Joyce's Collection - Since it is still a New Year, I have added a decoration from a 1913 New Year Card. 
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From the Past

By Helen M. Samson


1. American Girl was a famous race horse who had just won nine races when she was entered in a race at the Elmira track. She dropped dead at the quarter pole and citizens erected her statue in Eldridge Park. This was in 1875.

2. "Tomatl" tomatoes were used by the Indians but planted as a poisonous decorative plant by the early white Americans. Other vegetables eaten by local tribes were green beans, kidney beans, lima beans as well as potatoes. Pemmican was the dried and pounded meat of deer or buffalo, mixed with hot fat and dried berries for flavor. It would keep for a long time.

3. This distillery was in Lowman with offices in Elmira. One of the owners was a descendant of the Lowman family which settled the town in 1788.

4. It was in Millport and was a two story building with the upper grades upstairs and the little people on the ground floor. There were two stairways, one for boys and one for girls. It was removed in 1930.

5. For a short time when the county was first erected, the line extended in a sort of point into the present Schuyler County and included the end of the Kayuta Lake.

6. On September 20. 1906, the "arrow" was stationed in a field west of the Fair Grounds. It was a balloon and floated because it was inflated with hydrogen generated on board with zinc and sulfuric acid. That day was the opening day of the Fair and the ship was flown over Elmira Heights and finally brought down on the grounds. It certainly was the first flight of any airship in the county.

7. The name J.P. Ward appears on countless photographs carefully saved by families whose ancestors lived in and around Horseheads. His business is listed in directories around 18__. One of the older citizens of Horseheads remembers having her picture taken by him at the age of three. She said that the studio was in the Mosher block, three stories up. The pictures taken by the best photographer around still show the unsmiling stern faces of grandparents and dressed up children as cleverly as they did in 1860. But who could smile while ones head was held tightly in a vine while the slow process of picture taking went on? Mrs. Mary VanDuser still has the picture taken of her by Mr. Ward.
The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933