Part I

This page is part of the Tri-County Genealogy Site by Joyce M. Tice

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Typed and submitted by Barbara COMSTOCK Coy

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Bradford Reporter Towanda, Pa., Feb. 14, 1884.


BRADFORD REPORTER H. F. Marsh, Editor Towanda, Pa., Dec. 13, 1883

TROY TOWNSHIP Early History The name of Troy township on the original maps, as giving by the Connecticut title, was Augusta, and when this name was changed to the classic one it now bears, we are not informed, but it was some time after the original survey of 1794 from which the birth of the township dates. The territory was originally granted to persons who had lost by holding under Connecticut titles elsewhere, but the same titles proved poor in the new grant, and the men holding Connecticut tiles were compelled to repurchase. In 1793 we are told Nathaniel Allen located on Sugar Creek, and a year or two later he took up his residence near what is now East Troy. He was at one time the owner of the Connecticut title to large tracts of land, but he had to buy a perfect title from the Pennsylvania company. In 1798 Reuben Case, the father of Gen. Elibu Case took up land about two miles from the now flourishing village of Troy, and it was not long till there was a road between the primitive farms of these hardy pioneers and neighbors who were separated by four miles of primeval forest. Hon. Reuben Wilbur, Ezra Long, Samuel Rockwell, Elibu Smead, Aaron Case, Adriel Hebard, Timothy Nichols, Elder Rich, Dr. Almerin Herrick, Churchill Barnes, John Dobbins, Isaac N. and Ebenezer Pomeroy, Elibu Newberry, Benj. Obiatt, Zoroaster Porter, Vine Baldwin, Daniel Gregory, James Lucas and Ansel Williams, were among the early settlers whose thrift, energy and resolute persistence in hard work laid the broad and stable foundations of a prosperous township.

It was not dangerous territory when the pioneers of Troy settled, at least there was small danger from Indians, but it was territory which was hard to subdue, heavy timbered and requiring much work to clear, and as the early settlers sat around the huge open fireplace where venison was "jerking" and looked back over the day's work, they looked over toil unknown today; the hard swing of the old-fashioned single-bitted ax, and the rough logging where in the fallow among numberless roots and stumps was heard the "whoa", "gee," and "haw" and the rattle of the old ox chain. The fertile fields of Troy, clear smooth and stumpless now were forests and game coverts, and the biggest day of the year was the day of fallow burning, when the flames raged over acres and acres, lighting up from without the dingy little log cabins which the tallow dips and broad fire place never half so well lighted from within.

Then came burning the log heaps, and the brilliant fires at night threw a beautiful illumination upon the dark forests beyond, giving the esthetic pioneers, (if there were any before modern demand coined the word) a view from their cabin doors which their better housed descendants have seldom or never seen. In the little log cabins with fire places twelve or fourteen feet across, there were many happy times, even if hard work kept all busy, and the wolf sometimes came close to the door. The Allens and Cases and Rockwells and scores of others had the true pioneer grit, and they never tired or became discouraged. They went to the Troy wilderness to build homes, and they built them undismayed by forest or beast. Unlike the country where King Uther went, in this new land man was ever more and more and the beast less and less, until the home foundations were solidly laid for property and comfort.

The first meeting house was built in 1808, of hewn logs, and here Elder Rich gave spiritual comfort to the hardy settlers. He was the first adult buried in the little cemetery attached to the church. About the same time a carding and cloth dressing mill was put in operation. Another of the early buildings was the old "shad school house". The first board building was put up by Gen, Elihu Case in 1798.

The beginning of the now flourishing borough of Troy was about 1820, and even then the name of village would have been a largely unearned title. In 1827 there were a few houses only in the place, one being where Hon. Delos Rockwell now lives, and another on the site of E. B. Parson's house. Col. Pomeroy's tavern, the old school house, Dr. Herrick's home, Joseph Well's house, Kress' store, the first grist mill, the little tannery, O. P. Ballard's store and house, Capt. Hickok's mill, Vine Baldwins tavern, the Hebard and Case houses and Reuben Smead's home completed the embryo city of modern Troy

Troy Present History

A visit to the township of Troy finds us traversing pleasant valleys, and a beautiful rolling country with an occasional rising point, which adds to the interest and variety of the scenery.There being but little wooded land, many fine and prosperous farms dotted with elegant houses, and neat and spacious barns, meet our gaze. Through the principal valley flows Sugar Creek, which of course is sweet by name, but not by nature, as it has neither beds of sugar, for a source of sweetened waters. It is, however, a noble stream without any sugar qualities. With it, its tributaries and many excellent living springs the township is well watered. The soil of Troy township is very fertile and yields in great profusion the fruits of our clime. It is especially adapted to growing grass, buckwheat, oats, corn and potatoes, and as is seen, is a natural stock-raising and dairying locality. In fine blooded stock, and dairy products, Troy ranks second to no other township in the county, thus making it an important factor in "the greatest butter county in the state."

The farmers of this locality are wide-awake and up with the times. Their farms are much improved, their stock and barns fine, and any scheme to make them better farmers is readily ventured. Ten years ago the farmers of western Bradford organized the Troy Farmers' Club, having for its object "the discussion of methods of farming," or in fact anything whereby they might become more successful farmers and dairymen. At the time of its organization there was but little blooded stock in western Bradford, where there are now hundreds of heads. Farming in its several departments received a great impulse dating from the organization of the club, and it is estimated that the aggregate increase in products of all kinds have been doubled since nine years ago when the club held its first annual exhibition there was not in existence in Bradford or Tioga county a successfully organized Agricultural Society. While now Bradford boasts of four and Tioga of two. We would ask, has not the purpose of the organization been fully realized and its influence felt upon agriculture? Let there be four more such organizations in Bradford county.

We would state that the meetings of the Troy Farmers' Club are held every week, and has for its present officers: President-A. H. Thomas Vice-President-J. B. McKean Secretary-Geo.M. Card Treasurer-S. W. Pomeroy

In the way of blooded stock we find in Troy the Durhams, the Jersey's, the Devonshires, the Ayrshires, and the Guernsey's. The Jerseys are in the lead. The farmers also pride themselves in fine blooded horses and sheep.

The Troy Creamery is a labor saving industry, highly profitable to her dairymen. All that is required of them, is to simply strain the milk in cans which were furnished by the Creamery for that purpose. Each can contains a gauge, which marks the number of pounds of butter which the cream will make, and for which the highest market price is paid. The cream is gathered every morning by the milk man, and the milk left behind for the farmers' calves and pigs. The industry is yet new, but during the summer has handled the cream of nearly a thousand cows. But Mr. editor you will allow me to digress from this subject for a time, and relate my visits with old people. A few days since through the kindness of Dr. Gamble of East Troy, we were driven to the homes of Ira and J. V. Ballard, old citizens of this township. We found them very kind and interesting gentlemen, recounting "many pleasing facts of early times." Mr. Ira Ballard, born in 1800, well remembers the notable eclipse of 1806. He says "when the day began to darken people became alarmed and thought the end of the world was near at hand. A good Dutch mother became very much frightened and came running to our log cabin with her babe under her arm. It was sometime before she could be made to believe it was only an eclipse." He also recollects Perry's great victory on Lake Erie, 1813, the burning of Washington, 1814, the battle of Plattsburg, 1813 and many other notable events of interest to us all on the one occasion when this counts. Mr. B. remembers seeing a large bear come to his fathers hog lot and seizing a porker, put off again to the woods. Bruin was, however, captured a day or two later. Mr. B. pictures the "early entertainments" quite differently from those of today. Spinning bees were common. When a neighbor wished a lot of flax spun, and the young people a good time-the young men would carry tow to their "gals" to be spun for the neighbor having the bee. In the evening the young ladies would bring in their work, and be met by the young gentlemen who would join with them in "Winkum and Ketchum" and other games. When the sports of the evening were ended each young gentleman saw to it, that nothing harmed his "flaxen choice" on her homeward walk." "When a young couple had decided that question of questions and the "fatal day" had been fixed, in their homespun garments, unattended, they would make their way on foot or horseback, (both riding the same horse, she behind him) to the justice and have the knot tied, after which they would return as if nothing of great importance had taken place. The usual fee of the justice for such a job was a bushel of corn." How much different the weddings of today.

"There were no carriages or railroads in early days, so when we wished to go visiting, the best conveyance we could afford would be a rude sleigh, partly filled with straw and drawn by oxen."

"Wolves in great numbers used to gather around our log cabin at night, and make us almost frantic with their furious howls. One evening we let the dog out on them, and all we saw of him afterward was a couple of ears and a few picked bones."

Mr. Ezra Loomis, another aged citizen, relates"that when a boy he used to attend school at East Troy. Among his school-mates was one Daniel Barnes, who used to come to school in the middle of the winter, barefooted. He would join the other boys in their sports on the ice, but would never complain of cold feet. In later years he became a Mormon and emigrated with Joe Smith out west." Pardon us for taking so much space, but we cannot close without saying a few words about the pleasant and generous people we have met in this part of the country. They are largely of New England ancestors, enterprising and highly intelligent, with an open heart and hand to the weary tourist-even be he nothing more than a ?(can't read) man. We notice the people take much pride in their excellent public schools, which are the safeguards and future hopes of our nation; and, too, that they believe in electing only square competent men to office; and here we must mention the township officers: Justices of the Peace-Jos. A. Ball, Hiram Case Supervisors-Wm. R. Sims, Joel Calkins, A. Rockwell Clerk-N. A. Maynard Treasurer-H. P. Lament School Directors-Dr. F. A. Gamble, Geo. F. Taylor, L. F. Calkins, I. Baker, S. Palmer, A. Van Horn Assessor-L. Van Horn Auditors-M. O. Loomis, A. B. Waldron, H. Greener Judge of Election-Chas. Manley Inspectors-H. Cole, T. Manley

BRADFORD REPORTER H. F. Marsh, Editor Towanda, Pa. Dec. 20, 1883

TROY TOWNSHIP Troy Borough Twenty two miles from Towanda, in a pleasant valley with picturesque hills on all sides is located Troy borough, or "the town of butter." It comprises a population of 1,300 inhabitants, and is one of the handsomest and most orderly towns in northern Pennsylvania. The residences are elegant, the stores spacious, well arranged, and finely finished. Each business place has sheds attached for the accommodations of farmers, thus ridding the streets of "the every annoying teams." The several business places are in the main, conducted by skilled energetic young men, each emulating the others in the finest display and exhibition of goods, the most prompt and systematic method of dispatching business, and the most agreeable way of pleasing their customers. The town affords an excellent public school in which the citizens have an especial pride, and five fine church edifices in which the "good work" is grandly, nobly, carried on. There being no grog shops, there is no drunkenness, no swearing, no rudeness, no need of police; Troy is a very enterprising town and well may the "Trojans" be proud of their homes. Being situated in the center of a great dairying, and stock-raising locality, and on the Northern Central railroad, makes it an important point in the shipment of butter, stock, and buckwheat flour. Troy ships more than one-half the butter sold in Bradford county. Had one visited the site of the town in 1810, he would have found among the huge hemlocks, four log cabins. Near the terminus of what is now Redington-Row, on the bank of the Creek lived Zica Dunbar, and two other families in one of them. Elihu Smead had a little log house, where the Presbyterian church now stands. Opposite Paine's foundry in a double log house lived Adriel Hebard, and with him "old daddy Mills" as he was called, at the saw mill, made the fourth

The first grocery was kept by Hopkins and Stevens, where Ballard's block now is. They sold out to O. P. Ballard who was the first regular merchant. He brought his goods from Philadelphia by teams. A Mr. Phillips kept the primitive hotel, where the clothing store of E. S. Jewell now stands. Joseph Mills had a saw mill near the present site of the tannery of S. Bowen. As we made mention in our last letter of the other points of interest as connected with early Troy, we will now confine ourself to modern Troy.

Redington, Leonard & Co. The firm of what is now known as Redington, Leonard & Co., was organized in 1866, under the firm name of Redington, Maxwell, & Leonard, Mr. Maxwell retired in 1878, and Mr. Redington died in the same year, his interest now being held and conducted by his heirs. The finely arranged store of the firm--, a brick structure of three stories with a length of 175 feet, opens on Main Street. One entering on the first floor finds a spacious room filled with choicest articles of all kinds. Here are found the richest silks and velvets, the choicest dress goods, trimmings, hosiery, gloves, and laces, white goods, cloths, and cashmeres in complete stock and a superior line of domestics, ladies', misses, and children's shoes.

Passing through the dry goods department we enter the grocery department which is always found well filled, with the very best staple goods, and which are sold at prices so low that no man need go hungry.

Next after the grocery department we come to the butter rooms, where are piled hundreds of tubs and firkins. Their butter trade is truly immense, the greatest in Bradford county, and for the size of the place the largest in the United States. From Nov. 15 to Dec. 1, 1883, they paid for butter alone, $21,203, which would make for the last two weeks of November a shipment of a grand total of 46 tons.

On the second floor is kept ladies' shawls, cloaks, and wraps in great variety, carpets, oil cloths, shades and shading, wall paper, and a complete line of the very latest styles of ready-made clothing.

The third floor is used for surplus goods, etc. A finely cemented cellar, 25 by 175 feet, used for the storing of butter, sugars, molasses, etc. The firm is one of the most reliable in northern Pennsylvania; and its vast trade shows it has the fullest confidence of the people. The name it has given so it will maintain. Remember it keeps the most and best of everything.

Newberry, Peck & Co. The firm of Newberry and Peck was established in 1853, and became Newberry, Peck & Co., in 1874. Mr. Newberry received his early training in the merchantile business in the store of G. F. Redington, and Mr. Peck in that of Eli Beard. Messrs. Redington and Peck bought out the interests of G. F. Redington in 1853.

In 1874, M. E. Bailey and Isaac Clever, who had proven themselves faithful and competent clerks under Newberry and Peck were taken into Partnership. The firm occupied their present completely arranged three story brick store, on Main Street, in the Spring of 1881. In justice to the proprietors we must say that they have one of the handsomest and most completely arranged stores in the northern part of the State.

On the first floor are loaded shelves and counters, is found the finest line of dry goods ever placed on the market. They include silks, satins, and velvets, fine cloaking in plush satin and silk, and trimmings of all kinds; a grand display of fine black dress goods shows that this line of trade is made a specialty as is ladies and children's shoes which are kept in large and choice stock. Cloths, linens, prints, muslins, and gingham's kept to fill the loaded shelves; gloves, domestics, and anything in the dry good line is found here. Attached to the dry goods department is their depot of groceries and provisions, where is kept only first class staple groceries. After the grocery department comes their butter rooms which are constantly filled with tons of butter, showing the vastness of their trade in this department. Going to the second floor, by the automatic elevator which runs from the cellar to the garret, you find a full line of ready made clothing, a choice and complete line of tailor's made garments for ladies, misses, and children, including ladies Russian circular and Colman's in Rhadam, sicilian and sultan-barre, imported diagonals, etc., also a full line of ladies' Jersey jackets; large stock of roll paper, ceiling decorations of many beautiful styles, and fancy borders, also gents light and heavy goods. The third floor contains robes, blankets, flannels, case goods, and surplus stock. Each department is under the immediate direction of the partner making that branch of trade a specialty. If you wish to visit one of the most enterprising and reliable firms in Troy don't forget what we have said about their large and superior stock of goods.

Dobbins and Correll Firm established March 1, 1883, formerly known as Dobbins Johnson, occupy Oliver's new block, Main Street, and are dealers in all kinds of hardware. In their finely kept store may be found stoves in many styles among which we would mention: Acorn and Dock Ash ranges, Westministers and parlor and heating stoves in great variety, also World's best Furnaces, shelf hardware in full and complete stock, tin-ware of all descriptions, oils, paints, doors, blinds, sash, and all kinds of building material. The firm is doing an active business and should you desire anything first-class, from a first-class stove, kept by first-class men, don't forget the name and place.

Wooster and Boothe, Firm established May, 1878, Main street; dealers in fancy groceries, notions of all kinds, and glass and crockery wares. Among their complete and choice stock may be found French and English china decorated; full line of majolica wares, decorated English ware, including dinner, tea and toilet set; glassware of all descriptions lamps (can't read this word) variety and styles including ?? Hubbard makes, ??; also a full line of gloves and a superior line of ladies' flue shoes. The firm have an extensive butter trade and make large shipments of buckwheat flour, some seasons shipping 200 tons. From the crowds constantly thronging their store and the superior article found there, one can best judge it is the popular place to buy anything in their line. Examine their stock and prices.

Gernert, Lahpkin and Moore,Firm established in 1882, located on Canton and min streets. In their finely arranged and well conducted store, may be found anything choice in the line of general merchandise. We would call especial attention to their full and elegant line of dress goods, their silks, satins, velvets, trimmings, cloaks, cashmeres and woolen goods of every description. Notions, domestics and gents' furnishing goods are constantly kept in choice and complete stock, also, a full line of ladies' cloaks and dolmans, a complete stock of ladies' and gents' fine shoes of the very best make are always found in their stock, also ladies' and gents' rubber boots and shoes. In their grocery department may be found anything first-class in the line of staple goods. We must also mention their elegant line of wall paper, window shades, curtains, and curtain frames, oil cloths and other articles too numerous to mention. The firm is doing a very prosperous business, and no one can afford to leave Troy without seeing their goods and prices. The firm is a most reliable one, and has won the confidence of all. (Other business places next week.)

BRADFORD REPORTER Towanda, Pa., Dec. 17, 1883


Dewitt and Ballard Firm established 1880, moved into the handsome store they now occupy in the Oliver Block, on Main street, in October, 1882. This is famous business ground. Here, Hopkins and Stevens did the first dabbling in the mercantile business, and afterwards sold out to O. P. Ballard, the first regular merchant of Troy. Since O. P. Ballard's time the site has been occupied by several successful merchants; among whom we may mention Thos. Maxwell, Dewy and Winston, M. A. Gates, Oliver and Son and the present interprising firm. Their store is a three story brick 80 x 72 feet, most elegantly finished within. On loaded shelves and counters running the entire length of the room may be found in great variety any thing choice in the line of general merchandise. Their choice array of dress goods, including black and colored silks, velvets, cashmeres, shoodah cloths and fine dress flannels, is enough to delight the eyes of any one of taste. Prints, calicoes, domestics, fine cloths, and cashmeres are kept in complete stock, as are ladies' and gents' fine shoes, knit goods and shawls are found in great variety, from the richest to the new cheap styles; also a choice line of fancy yarns, ribbons, silks, thread, buttons, fine furnishing goods. A well-filled show case exhibits richly bound albums, silver-ware and holiday goods in great variety. Lamps and hanging lamps adorn the shelves, and a full supply of wooden and willow ware. The grocery department is compact but well filled, and a full line of the choicest articles and best quality are kept including the celebrated William sport flour.

On the second floor may be found a large room devoted to the boot and shoe and hat and cap department. Here the customer will find a surprising array of hats and caps suited to all ages and tastes, from the cheapest to the highest priced and latest styles. The supply of boots and shoes is extensive and embraces the best make from the several leading firms. A large room to the right is filled with pictures, chromos, brackets, chairs, rockers, tables and what-nots.

The warehouse is commodious, its lower story making a first-class butter room, which is at times a very busy scene. Their butter business is already a large one and constantly growing, their shipments having been over 60,000 pounds in excess of last year. The upper story of the warehouse is fitted up for the manufacture of picture frames. A large stock of elegant mouldings is kept on hand, and the firm deals in rich gold frames, supplying them promptly to order. A supply of the celebrated Crick's patent spring bed is also on hand at this place.No one should visit Troy without giving the firm a call, and be convinced by their stock and prices that it is one of the popular places to buy.

B. B. Mitchell, Druggist, Main street, has been actively engaged in pharmacy and other departments of the mercantile business since 1800. He has occupied his present store since 1873, giving his attention to the drug business. His store is one of the handsomest in Troy, and is filled only with the choicest articles found at a first-class drug store. The drugs are fresh, of all descriptions, and in complete stock-the fancy goods elegant and the more complete line ever brought to Troy-the stationery the finest and best. Richly bound albums, books and bibles adorn the elegant show cases and loaded tables. Books of poems of all descriptions, beautifully bound, are found in choice and complete stock-blank and school work in great variety, and all kinds of school supplies. Anything fine in the line of ladies' shopping bags, pocket books, celluloid sets, odor stands, autograph albums, fancy French goods, Christmas cards, etc., is constantly kept on hand; also a full line of bird cages, vases flower pots and holiday goods of all descriptions. We would call especial attention to the very fine line of family bibles, standard works and artist's materials, also Mitchell's celebrated horse salve which is a panacea for all diseases of the horse. Remember at Mitchell's is found only the finest goods which are sold at prices most reasonable. Give him a call and go home happy.

Kennedy and Howe Manufacturers of cigars, and smoking tobacco, Main street, firm established 1882. Their establishment is one of the three cigar manufacturing companies in Bradford county, and second to none of them in the number and quality of cigars, manufactured. Their brands are new and very popular, among which are the "Modern" and "All Wool"; the greater part of the tobacco used is of the finest quality imported, costing from $1.35 to $1.85 per pound, only experienced and skillful workmen are employed, and consequently only first-class cigars produced. Messers. K. and H. are most reliable young men and are extending their reputation and trade. They deal largely in Bradford, Tioga, Sullivan, and other neighboring counties, also in various parts of the State, and make shipments to Kansas, Minnesota and Michigan. We most heartily commend them to the favorable notice of all. Try their cigars and be convinced of what we have said.

D. E. McMahan Troy Variety store and Bazar, Main street, began business in 1882, keeps a choice line of groceries, confectioneries, tobaccos, and cigars; also great variety of miscellaneous holiday goods and manufactures picture frames of all descriptions. A dining-room is connected where may be had warm meals at all hours. Don't forget to give him a call.

I. A. Pierce Hardware, crockery, and miscellaneous ware, Main street, began the mercantile business in 1849, keeps a full line of shelf hardware which he is selling at cost.

Austin Mitchell, Foundrymen and machine shops, at the old stand of S. W. Paine, manufactures flows, cultivators, horse hoes, land rollers, threshing machine repairs, and all kinds machinery for grist and saw mills; also the Ingham smutter. Especial attention is given to the repairing of machinery of all kinds, and anything from a sewing machine to steam engine is put in running order. Mr. M. is an old and reliable machinist, well known to the people of western Bradford. Remember his work is always guaranteed, and done on time It is the place to have repairing done.

Pomeroy Brothers, Bankers, Began the banking business at Troy in 1861. This is one of the most flourishing and commendable institutions of western Bradford. Through a strict adherence to business, and economy the institution has grown to its hundreds of thousands of dollars in wealth. In 1869 Pomeroy Bros., and Smith, established a branch banking business at Blossburg, Tioga county. Pomeroy Bros., also have a very large real estate business amounting to over $150,000. The wealth of the Pomeroy's is hardly known, but is indeed, very great. They began life as poor boys, and without any help through "good habits, industry and economy" have accumulated their vast wealth. To sketch their successful history it would take more space than we could give at this time, but we would ask every young man to remember the key to their success.

E. S. Jewell, Clothing, hats, caps, and furnishing goods, corner Main and Canton streets, place formerly occupied by Jewell and Pomeroy from 1860 to 1870, when Mr. J. bought out Mr. P. In this store may be found suits of all styles and sizes, hats and caps of all descriptions, boots and shoes of the finest make, gents' furnishing goods in choice and complete stock, anything in the line of clothing that will beautify and keep warm one's person. Remember the old stand what can be had there at prices most reasonable.

E. J. Hill, Jeweler, Canton street, began business in 1881, associating with J. H. Baldwin. In 1883 bought out the interest of Mr. B. In Mr. Hill's store may be found a full line of gold and silver watches, clocks and plated ware, gold silver and steel spectacles and nose glasses, rings, thimbles, pen goods, and pencils. He also deals largely in diamonds and gives especial attention to watch making and repairing. Mr. H. handles only first-class goods and is a young man worthy the confidence and patronage of all. Remember him and give him a call.

Stuart Bros., Druggists, book-sellers and dealers in fancy goods, Canton street, at the old stand of G. F. Redington, established as a drug store in 1853, and conducted by Redington and Son until 1876 when they sold out to Stuart Brothers. They carry a full line of all kinds of drugs, school books, fine stationery, musical goods, toilets, albums, perfumes, paints, oils, varnishes, artists materials, tobacco, cigars, etc. They are doing a prosperous business.

J. H. Grant, Jeweler, Canton street, has been a jeweler since fifteen years of age, came from Cortland, N. Y., to Troy in 1853. In his elegant show cases may be seen ladies' and gents' gold and silver watches of all descriptions, solid silver and silver plated ware, gold, silver and steel spectacles and eye glasses, studs, pins, silver knives and forks, and a complete and choice stock of holiday goods; clocks are kept in great variety, and an elegant line of wedding presents. He also deals in diamonds, and gives especial attention to the making and repairing of watches. Only first-class goods are sold, and at prices so reasonable that no one need go void of an ornament of silver or gold. Try him and his prices.

Frank and Levy, Dealers in ready-made clothing, hats, caps, boots, shoes, etc., Canton street, came from Elmira to Troy in 1883, and opened business. They are well known to the people of this section, having been traveling salesmen in the vicinity for twelve years. Mr. Levy is a partner of Roseman and Levy, jewelers, at Elmira, his interest being represented at Troy by his brother, Moses Levy. In their store may be found a choice display of ready made clothing in sizes ranging from the six year old to the largest adult, hats, caps, ready-made shirts, boots, shoes and anything choice kept in a first-class clothing house, gents furnishing goods are also kept in choice and complete stock. They have but one price, and the sell the choicest and best of everything. Don't forget the name and place.

C. M. Grobs Grocers and provisions, Canton street, began business in 1866. In his well filled store may be found at all times, a full and choice stock of teas, coffees, sugars, molasses, syrups and canned goods of all descriptions. Mr. G. has a pride in keeping flour only of the very best brand; and pork and hams of the choicest quality. He carries a full line of confectioneries, fruits and nuts of all descriptions, and anything found in a first-class grocery store. It is the reliable place to buy any thing in the grocery or provision line.

Dewy & Co., Dealers in hides, wool, pelts, furs, poultry, eggs, game, leather, and findings, Canton street. Firm established 1865. Hides and wool are made a specialty and great quantities of poultry shipped. Remember where you can get the highest price for your poultry, game, eggs and other articles which Dewy & Co. handle.

G. Bradley Variety store, with dining room attached, Canton street, began business 1874, deals in fine confectionery, fruits, toys, cigars, notions of all kinds, holiday goods in great variety, and anything in fact to make children happy. A specialty is made of fine confectionery, and warm meals are served at all hours. You can't afford to pass him by without giving him a call.

R. P. Redington, Hardware, Canton street, opened under Opera building, in the fall of '82, carries a full line of shelf hardware, stoves, pocket-cutlery, paints, oils, knives, forks and anything found in a general hardware store.

M. Gustin, Photographer, having been engaged in that business since 1852. He takes elegant cabinets of all styles, cards and tintypes; also does copying in India ink. He can make you look prettier than yourself, if you don't believe it give him a trial and be convinced. Mr. G. took the first ambrotype in the county. Mr. G. is the proprietor of the Pisgah tower, and is making valuable improvements for the coming summer, where those troubled with hay fever may find a home and cure. (Troy Borough concluded next week, and East Troy) 

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