Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Greatsinger Cemetery, Town of Elmira, Chemung County, New York
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Greatsinger Cemetery 

Elmira, Chemung County, New York

Cecile Greatsinger of Virginia contributed the following in October 1997

The Greatsinger Cemetery is located in the extreme eastern part of the Town of Elmira, Chemung County, New York. Situated on the Greatsinger Road, the site of the burial ground is indicated by a stand of towering pine trees on a rise of ground on the north side of the dirt highway, three tenths of a mile off County Road #1, (Jerusalem Hill Road). The latter highway originates at East Water Street, Elmira, and winds to a junction with County Road #2, then curves north to North Chemung. The Greatsinger Road twists eastward off County Road #1, about 200 feet north of the intersection of that highway and County Road # 2.

The Cemetery is on a tree covered ridge which is heavily carpeted with brown pine needles, dead leaves and patches of myrtle, a lack of sunlight discouraging undergrowth. The boundaries are irregular and not readily apparent. In some places old paths can be seen winding around the ridge. There is no evidence of a main entrance. The graves closest to the highway are some 150 feet distant. In some areas the graves are located close together, with the remainder being scattered. There are many sunken sites minus grave markers, and numerous bases with no headstones. A good fifty percent of the memorials are on the ground, making it necessary to dig into pine needles and soil to uncover them. Almost all of the tombstones hod to be covered with white chalk to bring out the eroded data for accurate reading and recording.

The following list of existing markers was made by Isabel Ridall and Doris and Joseph Boyd on May 1, 1975. In some cases, such as wife, son or daughter, the surname has been added for clarity. Any data in ( ) does not appear on the headstone, but has been added for interest. Stones read in 1932, but not found in 1975 are so indicated. Also interments recorded in Elmira City records, for which no stones were found, are noted. 
(Unknown) 6 Feb ???? 4y 10m 13d (Eroded stone, on the ground with the top piece missing)
Boardman (26 Jan 1870 Water St., Elmira) (26 Jan 1870 Water St., Elmira) (6hrs) (Infant daughter of William & Nancy Boardman. City record - no stone found.)
Boardman Myron A. (28 Oct 1852) 21 Oct 1854 1y 11m 23d Son of John & Mary Ann Boardman
Bosworth Laurinda (12 Sep 1813) 1 Dec 1894 81y 2m19d
Brown Mary J. 1840 1925 (Tombstone located in a plot of ground surrounded by a two rail pipe fence)
Bunto Eleanor (Jan 1800) 22 May 1882 82y 4m Wife of Matthew Bunto (with) Matthew (Both names on marker face up, on ground)
Bunto Matthew 6 Mar 1797 26 Feb 1873 75y 11m 20d (with) Eleanor (Both names on marker face up, on ground)
Carley Frances (1842) 26 Apr 1897 54y Mother
Carnrike William (2 Aug 1796) 25 Feb 1867 70y 23d (Marker face up, on ground)
Cary Eleanor (Nov or Dec 1822) 10 Dec 1859 37y Wife of Robert Cary
Cary William (20 Oct 1812) 17 Mar 1871 58y 4m 25d My Husband
Clearwater Burt (19 Oct 1882) 14 Sep 1888 5y 10m 26d Son of Charles & Eva Clearwater
Clearwater Esther 1859 1891 (with) Fred C., & Lena, their daughter (All names on a shaft monument, in a plot enclosed by a two rail pipe fence)
Clearwater Fred C. 1861 1895 (with) Esther, his wife & Lena, their daughter (All names on a shaft monument, in a plot enclosed by a two rail pipe fence)
Clearwater Lena 1885 1901 (with) Fred C., & Esther, his wife (All names on a shaft monument, in a plot enclosed by a two rail pipe fence)
Cole Albert (1863 - 64) 21 Aug 1890 26y (Marker face up, on ground)
Dailey (Isaac) (22 Jan 1873 Elmira) (8 Mar 1873 at 75 Water St., Elmira) 1m 14d (City record - no stone found)
Dalley Emma G. (11 Dec 1839) 6 Oct 1864 24y 9m 25d Daughter of Hiram & Christina Dally (Marker face up, on ground)
Dalley Robert M. (3 Jan 1836) 21 Jun 1846 10y 5m 18d Son of Abram & Cristina Dalley (The mother's name is spelled as on stone)
Dalley Sally (19 Mar 1844) 5 Mar 1852 7y 11m 15d (This is a nice shale stone measuring about fifteen inches in length, seven inches in width & two inches in thickness.)
Decker Judith (28 Apr 1804) 16 Nov 1859 55y 6m 19d Wife of Zephaniah Decker
Decker Mary E. (1810 or 30) 15 Sep 1837 or 1857 27y Daughter of Chuncey & Mariah Decker (The father's given name is as spelled on the stone, erosion through the death date makes reading difficult)
Decker Zephaniah (29 Jan 1798) 14 Jan 1867 68y 11m 16d
Derry Lydia (1 Jan 1812) 24 Jan 1839 27y 23d Daughter of Martin & Mary Derry (Excellent lettering & design, face up on ground)
Eames Edwin M. 6 Apr 1874 53y or 59y 2m 20d (This marker was discovered under the surface of the ground. It was cleaned of dirt, pine needles & leaves, but erosion makes an accurate reading impossible)
Edwards Asa L. 1830 1902 Co., I, 141st Regt., NY Vol.
Elson Sally (1816) 26 Dec 1836 22y Wife of Abraham Elson (Spelling of name as on stone)
Elston Isaac (21 Jul 1789) 18 Mar 1846 56y 7m 28d (Marker about to fall to ground)
Elston Josephine (21 Nov 1848) 8 Aug 1850 1y 8m 18d Daughter of J. C. & Sarah Elston
Elston Margaret (1785) 21 Aug 1850 in the 66th year of her age Wife of Isaac Elston
Eston Hellen H. (28 Jan 1850) 4 Aug 1850 6m 7d Daughter of AB'M & Louisa Eston (Spelling of surname as on stone)
Goldsmith Bridget (1800) 10 Oct 1864 64y Wife of Stephen Goldsmith (Stone on ground, face up)
Goldsmith Lebeus (17 Jul 1824) 6 Dec 1860 36y 4m 19d (Marker face up, on ground)
Goldsmith Sarah M. (18 Sep 1827) 6 Jun 1857 29y 8m 19d Wife of Lebeus Goldsmith (Tombstone face up, on ground)
Goldsmith Stephen L. (Oct or Nov 1860) 6 Mar 1862 1y 4m Son of Vincent M. & Margaret A. Goldsmith (A very small shaft monument)
Goldsmith William (1834) 20 Sep 1864 30y (A narrow marker, fallen to the ground)
Greatsinger Almon (27 May 1830) 15 Mar 1875 44y 9m 16d (Age line slightly eroded)
Greatsinger Anna Mariah 6 Feb 1799 26 Oct 1866 Wife of Rev. Christian Greatsinger (Marker on ground)
Greatsinger Brinkerhoof (30 Nov 1831) 10 Apr 1836 4y 4m 10d Son of Stephen & Emma Greatsinger
Greatsinger Christian, Rev. (22 Nov 1792) 19 Mar 1879 86y 3m 28d (Marker on ground)
Greatsinger Eliza (1816 - 1817) 10 Mar 1889 72y (This shaft monument is on the ground)
Greatsinger Emma (27 Jan 1813) 22 Mar 1859 46y 1m 23d Wife of Stephen Greatsinger
Greatsinger Emma G. GOLDSMITH 1866 1898 Wife of J. Wesley Greatsinger
Greatsinger Henri Stoll (Jan or Feb 1870) 17 Mar 1871 1y 1m (with) W. Almon Judd Greatsinger Children of Almon & Mary Greatsinger (On shaft monument)
Greatsinger Jacob Lowman 1 July 1849 2 July 1918
Greatsinger Laura Whitlock (2 May 1791) 22 Aug 1877 86y 3m 20d Mother (with) William Greatsinger (On a shaft monument, fallen to the ground)
Greatsinger Mary E. 7 Jun 1832 24 Mar 1866 Wife of Almon Greatsinger (This is a tall shaft monument)
Greatsinger Phebe (3 Nov 1798) 10 Jan 1848 49y 2m 7d Wife of William Greatsinger ( Marker face up, on ground)
Greatsinger Phebe M. (23 Apr 1846) 12 Sep 1848 2y 4m 20d Daughter of Stephen & Emma Greatsinger
Greatsinger Sally Ann (25 Mar 1822) 31 Dec 1825 3y 9m 6d Daughter of William & Phebe Greatsinger (Marker face up, on ground)
Greatsinger Sarah E. (10 Jan 1829) 12 Aug 1872 43y 7m 2d Wife of Rev. Christian Greatsinger (Marker on ground)
Greatsinger W. Almon Judd (Sep or Oct 1872) 24 Dec 1873 1y 3m (with) Henri Stoll Greatsinger Children of Almon & Mary Greatsinger (On shaft monument)
Greatsinger William (16 Sep 1829) 19 Apr 1830 7m 3d Son of Rev. Christian & Anna Mariah Greatsinger
Greatsinger William (22 Dec 1788) 26 Mar 1887 88y 3m 4d Father (with) Laura Whitlock Greatsinger (On a shaft monument, fallen to the ground)
Greatsinger William (6 Aug 1824) 6 Dec 1860 36y 4m  (This stone was located in 1932 by Mrs. Staver but not found in May 1975)
Hallenbeck Adelbert Nov 1848 Mar 1873 (with) Cora Bell (Marker with two names in two places, on ground)
Hallenbeck Cora Bell Feb 1868 Oct 1869 Daughter of Adelbert & Martha Hallenbeck (with) Adelbert (Marker with two names in two places, on ground)
Harrington Harriet (1840 - 41) 11 Mar 1866 25y Daughter of W. & N. Harrington (Note the difference in surname spelling, this marker is a small one, face up, on the ground)
Herrington Matthew (Feb or Mar 1846) 11 Sep 1863 17y 6m Son of Willard & Nelly Herrington (Marker stands against father's)
Herrington Willard (1803 - 4) 17 May 1883 79y
Hicks Julia A. (28 Feb 1832 Hoosic Falls) (30 May 1870 Market St., Elmira) (38y 3m) (Daughter of John & Elsie Sheffles Millus Data from official City record. No stone found in 1975)
Hugg Catherine (2 Jan 1819) 12 Aug 1873 53y 9m 10d Wife of William Hugg (Tombstone on ground)
Hugg Edward W. 4 May 1858 20 Oct 1863 Son of William & Catherine Hugg (A very small stone)
Hugg Melinda 26 Jul 1853 21 Oct 1863 Daughter of William & Catherine Hugg
Hugg William (31 Jul 1822) 9 Feb 1902 79y 6m 9d (Marker broken into two pieces)
Hunter Emila Cornelia (16 Dec 1853) 10 June 1857 3y 5m 24d Daughter of O. C. & Maria Hunter
Hunter Lowman M. 9 Feb 1868 16 Dec 1868 Son of Myron A. & Sarah A. Hunter (A small shale stone in excellent condition, face up, on the ground)
Jenkins Chloe P. (1 May 1852) 26 Feb 1873 20y 8m 25d Wife of Stephen Jenkins (Marker on the ground, face up)
Ketchum Lucy (Nov or Dec 1801 in Otsego Co., NY) (24 Mar 1871 Water St., east of Sullivan St., Elmira) (69y 3m) (Widow, daughter of William & Elizabeth Sharpe. Data from official City Record. Tombstone not found in May 1975)
Kilmer Joseph (Aug 1807 in the United States) (26 Apr 1881 at 1319 Lake St., Elmira) (73y 8m) (A widower, a son of Peter Kilmer. Data from official City Record. Tombstone not found in May 1975)
Kilmer Willie (18 May 1868) 10 Aug 1868 2m 22d Son of Charles H. & Sarah E. Kilmer (A small marker leaning against a tree trunk)
Longcoy Barbary (1823) 20 Sep 1860 37y (Marker on the ground)
McLane Wally (Dec 1856 or Jan 1857) 11 July 1858 18m Only child of C. L. & S. E. McLane (A small stone face up, on the ground)
Mead Ebenezer (1762) 25 Aug 1835 72y
Mills John Feb 1864 4y Only son pf M. J. & Margaret O'Neill (Listed by Mrs. Staver in 1932, not found in May 1975)
Moore Harriet E. 3 Oct 1857 31 Jan 1901 (with) John J. (two names on a shaft type monument)
Moore John J. 24 Jun 1850 24 Jan 1901 (with) Harriet E., his wife (two names on a shaft type monument)
Mott Esther E. HALPIN 17 Jan 1997 68y
Rhoades Harriet (8 Jan 1821) 12 Nov 1889 68y 10m 4d Wife of William G. Rhoades (with) William G. (names on a shaft monument, on the ground)
Rhoades William G. (with) Harriet (his name appears on a shaft monument, on the ground, but there is no other data)
Rhodes Anna (GREATSINGER) (1778 - 79) 30 Aug 1859 80y (Wife of Ezekiel Rhodes) (Pension record states born 5 Jun 1777)
Rhodes Ezekiel 11 Aug 1849 103y 11m 20d (A Soldier of the Revolution) (Stone reads as given, however, his Pension Record states he was born 21 Aug 1762) (This flat marker is broken into two pieces with the top portion leaning against a tree and the bottom half firmly embedded in the ground with the tree beginning to grow around it. The grave is marked with a SAR standard and American Flag)
Robinson Freeman C. C. (Sep or Oct 1866) 16 Apr 1869 2y 6m Son of Chancy & Clarissa Robinson (Marker face up, on the ground)
Singter Willie 23 Sep 1852 7y Son of A. P. & M. A. Singter (Listed by Mrs. Staver in 1932, not found in 1975)
Sleyter Sarah (GREATSINGER) (1774) 6 Jan 1857 82y Wife of Isaac Sleyter
Smith Catharine (1839 - 40) 1876 36y (with) Timothy J., Lucy Savey, & Susan L. (Four names on a shaft monument)
Smith Florence 23 Oct 1996
Smith Lucy Savey 25 Jun 1812 in Vermont 25 Mar 1881 Baldwin, Chemung Co., NY Wife of Timothy J. Smith (with) Timothy J., Susan L., & Catharine (Four names on a shaft monument)
Smith Reuben (9 Jun 1815) 1 Dec 1844 29y 5m 22d (Listed by Mrs. Staver in 1932, not found in 1975)
Smith Samuel (21 Mar 1843) 18 Jan 1864 20y 9m 28d Son of Timothy & Lucy Savey Smith
Smith Susan L. (1851 - 52) 8 Oct 1882 30y (with) Timothy J., Lucy Savey, & Catharine (Four names on a shaft monument)
Smith Timothy J. 1 Jan 1802 Monroe, Orange Co., NY 28 Feb 1881 Baldwin, Chemung Co., NY (with) Lucy Savey, Susan L., & Catharine (Four names on a shaft monument)
Snover Emma M. (10 Oct 1861) 26 Sept 1864 2y 11m 16d Daughter of Abram & Lucinda Snover (Tombstone is on the ground, face up)
Sprague Daniel (May or June 1791) 7 Nov 1863 72y 5m (with) Marina ( This is a single flat stone on a single base, with the two inscriptions side by side. The stone is on the ground)
Sprague Marina (9 Spe 1799) 11 Aug 1885 85y 11m 2d Wife of Daniel Sprague (with) Daniel ( This is a single flat stone on a single base, with the two inscriptions side by side. The stone is on the ground)
Stannard Mercy R. 1852 1874 Daughter of Giles & Lydia Stannard "Erected by her brother"
Stannard Ruth Ann SPRAGUE 29 Oct 1830 18 Mar 1866 Wife of B. Stannard (Marker face up, on the ground, buried under leaves)
Stowell Jerusha A. (28 Jun 1836) 3 Feb 1837 7m 3d Daughter of Butler & Lorinda Stowell
Treat Ansel 6 Oct 1828 28 Apr 1902 (Marker face up, on the ground)
Treat Ansel Oscar 19 Mar 1866 6 Jan 1881 (Located by Mrs. Staver in 1932, not found in May 1975)
Treat Lewis 30 Aug 1874 22 Apr 1894 (Marker on the ground)
Van Houten Stan
VanderHoof William 1835 1901 Co. C., 7th New Jersey Vol. (Marker face up, on the ground)
Webb Gilbert McH. (16 Feb 1817) 4 Nov 1839 22y 8m 19d Son of Abram & Sally Smith Webb (Marker about to fall to ground)
Webb Sally SMITH 7 Sep 1793 Town of Monroe, Orange Co., NY 21 Mar 1864 Wife of Abram Webb (died) in the 43rd year of her widowhood (Marker leaning severly)
Weed Martha M. (14 Dec 1843) 12 Jan 1882 38y 29d Wife of J. K. Weed (Marker on ground, in two pieces)
Whipp Phebe (10 May 1827) 21 Jan 1896 68y 8m 11d
Wiese Jacob 20 Jul 1820 in Germany 5 Feb 1896 Father
Williams George J. (29 Mar 1874) 16 May 1877 3y 1m 17d Son of G. L. & J. L. Williams (Tombstone face up, on the ground)

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 26 OCT 1997
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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