Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Fred Price Cemetery

Price Cemetery #1

Town of Chemung, Chemung County, New York

This is part of the Tri-Counties Genealogy & History Sites of Joyce M. Tice

No Unauthorized Commercial Use May Be Made of This Material

Read by Isabell Ridall and Doris & Joseph Boyd in 1975

Typed by Deborah M. VANHOOK Park

Photo by Joyce M. Tice July , 1999

Joyce's Search Tip - December 2007 -
Do You Know that you can search just the 860 pages of Chemung County Cemetery Records on the site by using the Cemeteries -Chemung button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? If you use that partition follow these steps to search just one cemetery
1. Choose Cemeteries - Chemung
2. Enter part of the cemetery name [ie Comfort or Carr] AND a surname.
3. Choose the Find ALL Words option. Then it will find just the pages with that surname in the one cemetery you indicated. 
Name of Cemetery:  Fred Price #1 Cemetery
Read by: Miss Isabel Ridall and Joseph C. & Doris Boyd, accompanied by Mr. Robert Grace
Date read: April 29,1975
Typed by: Debora M. Vanhook Park
Location: Chemung, Chemung County, NY

The Price Cemetery # 1 is located in the extreme north-central part of the Town of Chemung, Chemung County, New York, and it is about ½ mile from the nearest public highway. It is situated to the west of the Simcoe Road and it is necessary to walk across a damp, rough-surfaced field, which has lain fallow for many years. The site is upon an embankment, which borders the original road, is dotted with very small saplings, but is free of high weeds and brush. The remains of farm buildings can be seen along the abandoned highway near the cemetery. In 1932, Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Staver reported that it had been completely destroyed with tombstones vanished and the area permitted to grow to wild berry bushes. They also reported that at one time there were as many as thirty graves, several with inscribed markers and numerous shale memorials. There is no indication that the Stavers actually visited the cemetery and merely conversed with individuals who remembered the old burial ground. One of these persons was a Mrs. George Kent of Lockwood, New York, who gave them the names of those whom she remembered as being buried at the site. Such persons are mentioned in the record.

Mr. Robert Grace, upon whose land the Price #2 Cemetery (Harvey & Rebecca Price Cemetery) is located, stated that many years an unnamed individual plowed the graveyard and piled most of the tombstones along the edge of the embankment. None were found in 1975. The reason for this unwarranted action is not known. In 1975, the location is open with no bushes. There were about a dozen unmarked, sunken graves, with a like number of darkened stubs of tombstones. Doris Boyd unearthed four inscribed markers. There are no signs of the original boundaries, but it is estimated that the plot may have been as large as 150 feet by 50 feet.

Miss Isabel Ridall and Joseph C. and Doris Boyd, accompanied by Mr. Robert Grace, acting as a guide made the following record of the four tombstones uncovered on April 29, 1975. Data in brackets does not appear on the newly found tombstones, but has been added for interest. Likewise, in the case of a wife, son, and/or daughter, the surname has been added for clarity.
Last name First Name Date of Birth Date of Death Age Inscription, Relationship, Comments
FREEMAN Emily Jane 2/18/1846 5/28/1861 15y3m10d Daughter of Daniel and Sarah FREEMAN; this tombstone was dug out of the ground where it lay for years completely covered up. It now lays face-up.
GILBERT Cephus       Data from Mrs. George Kent via the Staver Record of 1932; no tombstone found; was killed in a mill explosion.
GILBERT Elizabeth PRICE 1827or1828 1893 65y Wife of Cephus GILBERT. No tombstone found. Data from Mrs. George Kent via the Staver Record of 1932. 
GILBERT Alice     21 y Daughter of Cephus & Elizabeth GILBERT. No tombstone found; data from Mrs. George Kent via the Staver Record of 1932.
PRICE Elizabeth PRICE       See entry for Elizabeth PRICE GILBERT
PRICE Rebecca SNYDER 4/1/1827 ?   Daughter of Henry SNYDER and wife of Harvey PRICE. No tombstone; data from Mrs. George Kent via the Staver Record of 1932.
SYNDER Henry       No tombstone found. A soldier of the Revolution; served in the Ulster County Militia, 4th Regt., under Col. Johannes Hardenburg. Data from "N.Y. in the Revolution", pg 202; also Mrs. G. Kent.
SNYDER Henry 1790or91 11/13/1855 54y Tombstone was dug out of the ground, where it lay for many years completely covered. It now lays face-up on the ground.
SNYDER Catherine 12/13/1788 7/3/1869 80y6m20d This tombstone was dug out of the ground and now lays face-up.
SNYDER Mary 4 or 5/1794 1/25/1853 58y8m Tombstone was dug out of the ground and now lays face-up.
SYNDER Rebecca        See entry for Rebecca SNYDER PRICE.
          Two foot-stones were uncovered, marked with the initials "M.R" and S.I.H."

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 7/21/99
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On  07/02/1999
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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