Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1830 Census Records for Bradford County PA 
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1830 Wysox Township Census

Typed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III of Oklahoma, formatted by Joyce M. Tice
* Indicates a questionable reading. First set of numbers indicates males in family. Second set of numbers indicates females in family. Under 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60, 60 to 70, 70 to 80, 80 to 90, 90 to 100, 100 and up.
Allen William 1002001 0001101 7 56
Allen Moses 00001 00001 2 56
Allen Joseph 210001 001001 6 58
Allen John 00101 3210010001 10 59
Allen Andrew 0000001   1 59
Allen Sally 01 000001 2 59
Allen Stephen 0000000001 000000001 2 60
Allen John 001001 210001 6 60
Allen  Ona/Onee 10001 0001 3 60
Annis/Innes Levi 1001101 000001 5 57
Annis/Innes Isaac 1311101 0012101 13 57
Annis/Innes Cornelius 00000001 000000001 2 57
Atwood John 12000001 0020001 7 54
Baily Willber 000010001 00000001 3 53
Baily Asa 010001 000001 3 53
Barnes Sylvester 1311001 0111001 11 58
Barstow Seth 00201001 00121011 10 53
Bayle/Bagle* George 200001 000001 4 54
Benedict William A. 00001   1 58
Benjamin Squire 000001 20001 4 55
Bishop Elisha 000010001 00001111 6 55
Blackman Franklin 0210001 1111101 10 60
Blackman Lyda* 222 000001 7 60
Bloofelt Elijah 10001 10001 4 61
Brown Benjamin 1202001 111001 10 56
Brown Asa 10001 00001 3 58
Brown Frank 100001 11001 5 59
Bull D.M. 00011 1001 4 54
Bull John 10010001 0022201 10 59
Bull Ebenezer 000001 21001 5 60
Bull Isaac 0011001 1012101 9 60
Butler Daniel 00000001 010011 4 59
Clark Ebeneazer 1120001 101001 8 61
Cole Daniel 00001   1 55
Coolbaugh Cornelius 220001 20001 8 55
Coolbaugh Daniel 0011001 0011001 6 55
Coolbaugh Samuel 0120001 210001 8 59
Culver Daniel 00001 00001 2 60
Davidson John 00001   1 60
Davison George 110301 110001 9 60
Delong John . 0101101 1011001 8 54
Delong Richard 00001 00001 2 55
Dimony Phillop T.* 00001   1 60
Dobson John 01201 0000001 5 60
Doltan Henry 011001 21101 8 54
Dolton John Jr. 30001 010001 6 54
Dolton Simon 20001 000001 4 54
Dolton John 00010001 00010001 4 54
Drake William 0111 001201 7 60
Drake Francis 1100001 001001 5 61
Drake Joseph R. 100001 110001 5 61
Dressor Benjamin 0121001 101001 8 53
Dyer John 211001 001001 7 53
Easterbrooks Weltha 01111 0011001 7 56
Eastman Justas 00000001 100101 4 58
Eddy Rubin 1102001 0101101 9 53
Elliott John 0010201 00102 7 58
Elliott William 0000000001 000000001 2 58
Fergason Ebeneazer 010001 32001 8 54
Fergason William 10011 000010001 5 61
Ferguson Stephen 210001 000001 5 61
Ferguson Benjamin 21001 00001 5 61
Foot Ransom 000001   1 56
Fox Harry 000001   1 54
Freeman Schglel 00001   1 58
Gibbs John 00001 00001 2 53
Gidford* Jeremiah 100001 21101 7 61
Gore* Cylas* 1210001 111101 10 58
Green William 000000001   1 54
Green James 111101 211001 10 59
Griffis Ezekel 000101 001001 4 58
Groff Anson 01001 00001 3 57
H….d* Timothy 00001   1 56
Hawkins Albert 01001 0001 3 54
Hawkins Wakeman 200001 01001 5 59
Hawkins William 121001 020001 8 59
Hawley Richard 000001   1 57
Hawly Daniel 1010001 22001 8 53
James 1100101 111001001 9 56
Hawly Richard 00101   2 56
Haywood John 000000001 000000001 2 59
Hinman Abner C.J. 2110001 011101 9 54
Horten Richard Jr. 10001 10001 4 60
Horten Richard 000000001 00010001 3 60
Horten Elijah 101110001 00100001 7 61
Horten  William 1110001 1111001 9 61
Horten Elijah Jr. 120001 01001 6 61
Horten Isaac J. 120111 120001 10 61
Huff Isaac 11011 10001 6 56
Huff Samuel 100101 100001 5 56
Huff Henry 121001 100001 7 57
Huyck William 010000001 000000001 3 56
Huyck Isaac 20001 10001 5 56
Huygk Abraham 010001 22001 7 56
Innes/Annis Levi 1001101  000001 5 57
Innes/Annis Isaac 1311101 0012101 13 57
Innes/Annis Cornelius 00000001 000000001 2 57
Johnson Hiram 00001 10001 3 53
Johnson Peter 01003001 00100001 7 54
Johnson Cyrus P. 10001 10001 4 55
Johnson (Black) Armstrong 00101 00001 3 55
Judson Cornelius 10001 00101 4 53
Kindle David 0100001 00001 3 53
Kinner* Timothy 200001 011001 6 60
Kinner* Asa 000010001 000010001 4 60
Kipp James 0010001 121001 7 55
Lamfier Jason 210001 012001 8 53
Lent Abraham 2202001 1011001 11 58
Lent Matthias 100001 10001 4 59
Lent John 010010001 001100001 6 59
Lent Joseph 0021001 0310101 10 60
Lent Henry 01001 1001 4 60
Lyon Truxton 12001 100001 6 56
Lyons John 0020001 12101 8 57
Marsh Ephraim 00000001 00000001 2 58
Martin John 210001 21001 8 59
Martin Ralph 0002000001 0000100101 6 59
Martin Abraham 100001 01201 6 60
Mayer* Nathaniel 00001 20001 4 56
McMullen Alexander 00001   1 56
Merithew Stephen 0220001 11011 9 55
Mertithew Samuel 001100001 01101001 7 55
Miller Hiram 100001 10001 4 58
Miller Asa 00001 11001 4 58
Miner Daniel 0011001 1000001 5 62
Mingle Jacob 0211001 0010001 7 56
Mix Amos 0000000001 001000001 3 59
Mix George A. 01001 10001 4 59
Monroe Daniel 200001 010001 5 55
Morgan Henry 2101101 012001 10 54
Myer/Myre Suzanna 0011 001010001 5 59
Myer/Myre Jacob 000211 10001 6 59
Myre William 10222011 00222001 16 58
Newel Benjamin 20001 12001 7 61
Newel Abel 000110001 00000001 4 61
Newel Hezekiah 220001 00001 6 62
Nicholes Ranselear 0111001 020001 7 53
Northrop John 10001 00001 3 55
Northrup Abijah 11111001 00120001 10 55
Overfield Charles 00001   1 53
Owen David H. 00001 10101 4 54
Owin David 11002001 02000101 9 55
Pain* Hiram 00001   1 54
Pain* Harry* No Data   1 54
Pain* Harry* No Data No Data 6 61
Parks John 2110001 012001 9 58
Patrick Sheppard 01010001 11000010001 7 56
Patridge Stephen 020001 111001 7 62
Pierce Shepard 11010001 2112011001 13 55
Pierce Deneson A. 010001 10011 5 58
Piollett Josephatt 00110001 0111001 7 55
Post Elias 210101 000001001 7 61
Post Aaron 210001 010001 6 61
Post John 0000101 0122101 9 61
Powel Joseph 101001 101001 6 62
Price Elijah 000001 100010001 4 62
Primer (Black) Jacob 00111 00001 4 58
Renolds Samuel 10001 00001 3 58
Richardson Lyman 0011001 010001 5 55
Richardson William 200001 01001 5 59
Ridgeway Martin 10001 10001 4 55
Ridgeway Elenor 00011 0110001 5 55
Ridgeway David 0011 00000001 3 58
Rippeth William 010001 012001 6 62
Rockwell Levi 10001 10001 4 60
S….* Sally   01110001 4 58
S……g* Benjamin 20001 00001 4 57
Sheffield Christopher 0210001 301101 10 59
Shoares Aaron 00001 0001 2 60
Shoares William 10111001 001201 9 61
Shoares Nathaniel 2010001 122001 10 62
Shoares Joshua 0211201 1101001 11 62
Shoares Kaleb 1102001 121201 12 62
Shores Anthony K. 111001 101001 7 60
Sickler Phillop 00101001 0210001 7 54
Sickler Phillop Jr. 000111001 0001001 6 55
Sickler Edmond 10001 10001 4 55
Smith Ebeneazer 0000001   1 59
Smith James 0100001 00000001 3 61
Smith Jesse Jr. 00001 1001 3 61
Smith Jesse 000000001 000000001 2 62
Smith William 10001 11001 5 62
Sp…..* Anthony K. 021001 101001 7 61
Spalding George W. 120101 000001 6 53
Spencer Swan 0011 00000001 3 61
Stantin Daniel 011001 00101 5 53
Stevens Jonathan 001000001 001000001 4 57
Stevens Albegince 0110001 10101 6 57
Stevens Asa 120001 002001 7 57
Stevens Jonathan 10001 30001 6 57
Strickland Stephen 110101 111001 8 55
Strope Henry 120001 111001 8 59
Swick John 00001   1 62
Sy…s* John 111001 200101 8 59
Terwiliger John 00001 1001 3 57
Tracy Elija 1000101 0001001 5 53
Tracy Henry W. 00001   1 56
Trumble Simon 00001 00001001 3 58
Tuttle Polly 00001 00001001001 4 55
Tuttle Joel 10001001 0211001 8 57
Tuttle Alfred 10001 00001 3 57
Tuttle Chester 010001 220001 7 57
Tuttle Jerusha 0012201 00110001 9 60
Tuttle Joseph 00001 0001 2 61
Vanhorn William D. 10011 01001 5 55
Vanness John 221001 110001 9 57
Vannest Isaac W. 12101 210001 9 56
Vannest Geoge 111101 2210001 11 57
Vannest Isaac 001000001 00000001 3 57
Vannest Daniel T. 210001 200002 8 57
Vanunen* Amner 10001 00001 3 58
Vargison Rufas 00123001 00100001 9 53
Vargison Moses 10001 10001 4 54
Vargison John 010011 10001 5 54
Vargison David 00120001 0120001 8 57
Vargison William 11001 01101 6 57
Vargison Sally 01 0010001 3 59
Vibbart George 120001 001001 6 61
Vought David 02210001 0021001 10 56
Wadsworth Samuel 00000000001 0000000001 2 53
Walker Levi 1000001 12001 6 53
Warden John 001113 0014 11 56
Warren Achaniyer* 00111001 001101 7 54
Watson Augustus 1000001 032001 8 53
Wattles Aaron 103101 210001 10 58
Westbrook Henry 11001 02001 6 57
Westbrook William 000001 000001 2 57
Westbrook Isaac 01101 1001 5 57
Wheeler Rowlin 00001 30001 5 60
Whitney Elliot 00000000001 0000000001 2 53
Whitney Alanson 00001 00001 2 53
Whitney Elisha Jr. 120001 10101 7 53
Whitney Alvin 101001 110001 6 54
Whitney Elisha 00000000001 0000000001 2 54
Whitney Ebenezer 220001 110001 8 58
Wickizer Jacob 2211001 2011101 13 54
Wigton William 0211001 1021001001 11 56
Woodburn Moses 220001 010001 7 53
Woodburn Naphthly 001300001 01101 8 53
York Miner 000010001 00012001 6 56
York Amos 211001 111001 9 56

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 8/11/98
By Joyce M. Tice

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