Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1840 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
1840 Asylum Township Census

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Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

 * Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates indecipherable letter or letters. First set of numbers indicates males in family. Second set of numbers indicates females in family. Under 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60, 60 to 70, 70 to 80, 80 to 90, 90 to 100, 100 and up.

Black Age Categories Under 10, 10 to 24, 24 to 36, 36 to 55, 55 to 100, 100 and up.

Abbot James H. 12001 10001 6 257
Ackla William 210001 00001 5 257
Ackla Jonathan 002001 111001001 8 257
Bailey Mary 001 00000001 2 257
Bailey Peter 00001 10001 3 262
Baker Daniel 00001 1 261
Barnes Reuben 000001 000001 2 261
Bauer* James C. 120001 101001 7 262
Beeman Seymour 000000001 1 261
Benjamin John 00001 0001 2 262
Bennet David 101001 211101 9 257
Bennet Jere 0000001 1 258
Bennet Benjamin* 00000001 00010001 3 262
Birney George 00001 1 260
Birney Harry 10001 120001 6 261
Bowman Uriah 00101001 0010101 6 258
Bramhall Moses 320101 0001001 9 261
Braund* William 20020001 1100001 8 258
Brown John 010001 110001 5 261
Brunges/Brungee John 100001 00001 3 261
Caldwell William 00001 1 261
Campbell Cobb 20001 0001 4 257
Canada Patrick 00001 10001 3 263
Carrick Jacob 100001 100001 4 262
Chamberlain Oliver 10001 20001 5 258
Chamberlain Gilbert 000101 000011 4 259
Chamberlain John F. 10001 10001 4 259
Champlain Jabez 0000000001 000000001 2 258
Chapman Enos G. 00001 0001 2 259
Chilson Morie 011 111001 6 263
Clark Ebenezer P. 12100001 3100101 11 257
Clark Almar 11000001 1000001 5 258
Conger Benjamin 1201001 1031001 11 261
Copley Lauren 110001 10001 5 257
Corban Daniel H. 00001 1 259
Cornelius Peter 0000001 0000001 2 262
Cornelius H.W. 00000000001 000000001 2 262 Henry W. 81
Covey Samuel W. 10001 0001 3 262
Davis Andrew 01000100001 100001 5 260
Decker Madison 2101001 12011 10 257
Dewall William 000000001 000020001 4 259
Dickerson Francis 00001 0001 2 262
Dodge Edmund 001010001 00102001 7 259
Dowell John 0000001 200001 4 257
Dudley Urban 1000001 110001 5 263
Eggleston Dennis 0001000001 0010001 4 262
Eggleston Sylvanus 00001 00001 2 262
Elsworth Ebenezer 111001 110001 7 258
Ely Aaron 311101 110101 11 260
Ely Richard H. 0000011001 0000000001 4 260
Emory Ross 010001 2 257
Farley John 00001 1 257
Fisher William 00001 0001 2 257
Fitch Gideon Jr. 210001 00001 5 261
Foster James 00000001 0000001 2 263
Franklin George 100001 12001 6 257
Fraser John 1120001 220001 10 263
Frisbie William 00001 0001 2 262
Fritchy Jacob 1321001 010101 11 260
Gamble James 00121001 0200201 10 261
Gamble Joseph 0111001 1102001 9 261
Gamble William 10001 00001 3 261
Garrison Abraham 1200001 0000001 5 260
Gilbert Oliver 00011001 010101 6 258
Gordon George 100001 200101 6 258
Grant William 00001 00001 2 261
Gray Philip 0001 1 261
Griffin Jabez 10001 0001 3 262
Groves Benjamin 000001 1 260
Hancock George 12101 100001 7 257
Hancock Abner 00000001 1 259
Hancock Elizabeth 00000001 1 262
Harford Samuel 0010001 022101 8 261
Harmon Abigail 1 2220001 8 258
Heman Lyman 1000001 00001 3 262
Heman Jonathan 00100001001 0000000101 5 262
Heman John 0001 0001 2 262
Heman Harry 01001 21001 6 262
Heman Richard 00001 0001 2 262
Henry George 11001 10001 5 258
Hollenback Henry A. 10001 10001 4 263
Homet Francis 1000001 010001 4 258
Homet Joseph 000001 00101 3 258
Hoover William 10001 1001 4 257
Horton John Jr. 0101001 01211 8 258
Horton Jason 000001 000001 2 259
Horton John 0000000001 0000000001 2 259
Horton Edmund 000001 10001 3 259
Horton G.F. 101001 111001 7 259
Horton Mary 000021 00120001 7 260
Ingham Benjamin P. 000001 111101 6 260
Ingham Thomas 0011001 0100111 7 260
Jackson Samuel 1201001 0011 7 263
Jennings C.G. 0011001 110001 6 258
Jennings Ira 0111101 0011001 8 262
Johnson Lewis 10001 0001 3 257
Johnson Richard 00001 100001 3 263
Justin William 01001 10001 4 263
Kelsh* William 00001 10001 3 257
King John 1011001 1011101 9 257
Lake Isaac B. 00001 1 258
Langdon Joseph 210011 120011 10 261
Laporte John 0102002 00021001 9 257
Larabee William 0110001 002001 6 259
Latimore Jacob 100001 20001 5 263
Marsh Sydney 00000001 000001 2 257
Martin Daniel 00001 01001 3 261
McCracken Robert 00001 0001 2 257
Merit John 000001 1 259
Metcalf George W. 00001 1 259
Middaugh Isaac 110001 11001 6 258
Middaugh Simeon 000001 000001 2 258
Miller Gilbert 200001 011001 6 258
Miller Joanna 0001 1000001 3 258
Miller Hiram 00002 0001 3 258
Miller Daniel 110001 11001 6 260
Miller William C. 230001 000011 8 260
Miller Michael 00001 1 261
Miller Samuel E. 100001 11001 5 262
Miller Jacob 00001 0000000001 2 263
Moody Ulysses 00001 00001 2 258
Moody Jane 111 101001 6 258
Morrow John 102201 0110001 9 260
Morrow Joseph 000001 0001 2 260
Moshier Nathaniel 1101001 0100001 6 259
Ney William 00001 1 260
Oliphant Santy 0121001 2100001 9 260
Owen James 00001001 00010001 4 260
Page Lewis 000001 00001 2 260
Page Warren 00001 0001 2 261
Passmore William 00001 10001 3 261
Patterson William 202000001 1120001 10 258
Pool Abraham 1011001 0110001 7 262
Pool Henry Jr. 321000100001 011001 11 262 Anthony Vander-
Pool Anthony 00001 0001 2 262 pool 95
Pool William 00001 00001 2 262
Pool Richard 1100001 00001 4 262
Pool Anthony 01000001 0010001 4 263
Pool Richard 00110001 00100001 5 263
Pool Samuel 10001 10001 4 263
Preston George 000001 11001 4 261
Preston Clarissa 000000001 1 261
Preston Ederick 30001 00001 5 261
Proof William 000001 1 259
Quick John M. 0101101 2101101 10 260
Quick Paul 2100001 00001 5 260
Quick Cornelius 10110001 00001001 6 261
Quick George 110001 110001 6 261
Quick Harriet 1 00001 2 261
Rapp Jacob 100001 010101 5 257
Record Justus A. 10001 10001 4 263
Roof Charles 210011 010201 9 258
Rosecranse John 21001 00001 5 260
Schoonover Chester 00001 00001 2 258
Schoonover Thomas 020001 0001001 5 259
Schoonover Isaiah 01001001 000010001 5 263
Schoonover James 100001 10001 4 263
Schoonover Joseph 00101001 01121001 9 263
Scriben Oliver 10001 20001 5 259
Scriven Matthias 0110001 111001 7 259
Scriven Stephen 020001 10001 5 259
Seward Milton 0000001 1 259
Sharick Solomon F. 00001 1 258
Sharts/Shorts* John 01111001 0101101 9 260
Smith Daniel 0100101 0110001 6 260
Smith Huldah 101001 3 261
Spalding Richard A. 00001 1 260
Stevens Thomas 101001 0000001 4 257
Strong Jonathan 0020101 010001 6 257
Strong Brookin 0001 1 259
Sutton Hannah 00001 0000101 3 261
Terrel James H. 00001 10001 3 263
Terry William 00101001 00230001 9 259
Terry George 0100001 00111010001 7 259
Terry Ebenezer 1111001 0121001 10 259
Terry Nathaniel 00010001 02012001 8 259
Terry Miner 20001 01001 5 259
Thomas Hiram 000001 1 262
Thompson Charles 00001 1 259
Thompson William 00110001 0123001 10 263
Vangorder Abraham 000000001 000000001 2 258
Vangorder Levi M. 11001 00001 4 258
Varguson Samuel 111101 0110001 8 263
Vial Francis 00001 00001 2 257
Vial Charles 00001 1 257
Vial Nathaniel 000000001 000000001 2 258
Vincent William 1210001 1200001 9 262
Vosburgh Benjamin 0101001 201001 7 259
Wage George 110001 100001 5 257
Washborn Wellington 210001 11001 7 260
Wayman John 121001 120001 9 263
Wells Nathan 00001 1 259
Wells C.F. Jr. 00001 1 260
Wheeler Isaac 013001 00001 6 263
Whipple Racheal 0013 21101001 10 257
Whipple Jonathan 100101 10001 5 261
White Philander 000001 20001 4 263
Wilson Betsey 00032 0000100011 8 260
Wilson Daniel 000001 1001 3 260
Winslow Eddy 00000101 000100001 4 260
Winslow Rufus 200001 01001 5 260
Wood George 00001 0001 2 257
Wood Levi 00001 0001 2 262
Wood John Jr. 01100010001 00100001 6 262 John 86

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 09/29/99
By Joyce M. Tice

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