Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1840 Census Records for  Bradford County PA 
1840 Windham Township Census

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Transcribed for Tri Counties by John Hoff III,
formatted by Linda Zapf Cracraft and  Joyce M. Tice.

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 -
Do You Know that you can search just the Census Records on the site by using the three county level Census  buttons in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page

You can further limit your search by choosing the find all words option and entering a year or township name along with your surname. Remember that alternate spellings of surnames WILL affect your search results.

 * Indicates a questionable reading. … Indicates indecipherable letter or letters. First set of numbers indicates males in family. Second set of numbers indicates females in family. Under 5, 5 to 10, 10 to 15, 15 to 20, 20 to 30, 30 to 40, 40 to 50, 50 to 60, 60 to 70, 70 to 80, 80 to 90, 90 to 100, 100 and up.

Black Age Categories Under 10, 10 to 24, 24 to 36, 36 to 55, 55 to 100, 100 and up

Albright Peter 300001 00001 5 405
Ames David 200001 00001 4 405
Anthony John 020001 110001 6 406
Arnold Hiram 210011001 001201 10 406
Babcock Benj. 00002001 00011001 6 407
Babcock J.G.B. 00001 10001 3 407
Babcock Wm. D. 20001 00001 4 407
Baily David 00000001 00100001 3 408
Barnes Wyatt 211101 1100001 9 409
Bartram J. 11100001 00001001 6 407
Beebe Henry 10001 100010001 5 405
Benjamin Abm. 0001001 0010101 5 408
Bixby Richard 01232001 0100101 12 409
Bostwick Stephen 0112001 0110101 9 407
Bradford Lorain (Loren) 1010001 0100001 5 410
Bragg David 120001 1100001 7 406
Brainard Saml. 00001 00001 2 406
Bronson Isaac 00000000001 0000100001 3 407 Isaac 81
Bronson Elisha 0220001 110101 9 407
Bu..k* Mathew 101000001 0100001 5 408
Burgess Benj. 00120001 0110001 7 406
Bush James 01000001 00121001 7 405
Butler Walter 1003001 021001 9 406
Carpenter Orsemus 110001 12001 7 405
Cheney E.P. 00001 00001 2 408
Cook Simeon 01101001 00000001 5 408
Cowley Norman 0010201 000001 5 408
Crandall Saml. 010001 21001 6 408
Crandall Danl. 10001 10001 4 408
Crandall Henry 000001 21001 5 409
Crandall A.orD. J. 00111 00001001 5 409
Crandall Benj. 000101001 00001001 5 409
Darling Adolphus 100001 111001 6 405
Darling Hezekiah 100001 010001 4 409
Dimmon* Richard 10002 00011 5 407
Doane Reuben 100001 00101 4 406
Doane Nathan 1011001 0022001 9 406
Doane Daniel 0000010001 000000001 3 408
Doane Seth 11110001 001101 8 408
Doane Joseph 0112101 1011101 11 408
Dodd Lewis 1110001 00111 7 409
Dunham Geo. 11001 01001 5 405
Dunham Abraham 00002001 000101 5 405
Dunham Sylvanus 00001 0000100001 3 405
Dunham John 20001 00101 5 406
Dunham Henry 2100001 0120010001 9 407 Martha 77
Eagleston Danl. 00101 00001001 4 408
Eagleston H.G. 200001 01001 5 409
Eagleston Ansel 000001 00000001 2 409
Ellsbree Martin 2112001 0010001 9 405
Ellsbree Joseph 10210001 0001101 8 405
Ellsworth Oliver 00002 1001 4 405
Ellsworth Jos.  30001 01001 6 408
Finch James 110001 11011 7 405
Fletcher J. 01120001 00100001 7 408
Fox Geo.  000101 0120000001 6 405
Fox Harvey 0001001 111001 6 408
Gardner Danl. 01120001 01000001 7 406
Gibbs Joseph 0000000001 0000000001 2 409 Joseph 77
Gleason Hiram 310001 010001 7 405
Gould Danl. 010001 30001 6 407
Gould Wm. 0000001001 000000001 3 407
Gould Warren 00001 10001 3 409
Granger Martin 001001 0000001 3 406
Grimley Wm.  110001 111001 7 406
Hager James 0000001 0000001 2 406
Hand Alexander 01110001 1101101 9 405
Hartshorn Wm. L. 0001101 0121201 10 408
Hayward Isaac 1100001 12201 9 408
Higgins James 200001 00001 4 405
Holcomb …dad/Bildad* 100001 21001 6 405
Hotchkiss Ziba 011101 010001 6 408
Jakaway/Jakway Hosea 010000001 000000001 3 408
Jakaway/Jakway Saml. R. 0101001 212101 10 409
Jakaway/Jakway Geo. 1010001 11001 6 409
Johnson Stephen 011101 000101 6 406
Johnson Parley 01100101 01120001 9 406
Johnson Parley Jr.  011002 11011 8 406
Kenyon Sylvenus 1211001 020101 10 408
Kenyon Saml. 110001 11001 6 409
Kenyon Paulina 0001 110001 4 409
Kenyon James 21001 00101 6 409
Kenyon P.H. 220001 00001 6 409
Kenyon Pardon 110001 011001 6 409
Lawrence Ezekiel 200001 00001 4 406
Loomis Squire 0011001 010001 5 407
Lounsbury Norman 200101 10001 6 407
Lynn/Lunn/Lung* Jesse 110001 110001 6 407
Lyon Elijah 00001 0001 2 405
Mackey Wm. 0000001 0101001 4 405
Maine James 100001 00001 3 408
Manchester Henry 111001 120001 8 405
Merchant A.C. 101001 00001 4 406
Miller Wm. 20110001 010001 7 409
Moser (Mosier) Erastus 110001 110001 6 406
Neal Harvey 011101 110001 7 409
Neal Edward* 000101 20001 5 409
Neal Levinus* 01101001 00021001 8 409
Nelson Robt. 110001 000101 5 405
Nelson James 00001 00001 2 405
Olmstead James 22001 000001 6 407
Osburn Peter 20110001 0011201 10 409
Paine Jonathan 001000011 0001001 5 405
Pease Levi 000001 3000010001 6 406
Pitcher Geo. W. 110001 02001 6 408
Plum (Plumb) John 0000010001 0000000001 3 407 John 75
Prince G.W. 10001 10101 5 405
Reel Jacob 0010001 100001 4 405
Reel Benj. 100001 01001 4 407
Rogers Platt 0111001 001110101 9 407
Rogers Nathl. 0100001 0000001 3 407
Rogers* Henry 000001 000001 2 407
Russell Chr. 111001 111001 8 405
Russell Clarissa 00011 00003001 6 405
Russell Henry 11001001 0010001 6 406
Russell Julius 1021101 0100001 8 406
Russell Wm. 1101001 011111 9 410
Shaw* Robert 0110001 011000101 7 407
Sherman Wm. 010001 000001 3 409
Sherman Andrew 002100001 0100001 6 409
Sherwood Stratton 001200000001 0020001 7 410 Stratton 91
Shoemaker Eunice 00011 000010002 5 406
Shoemaker Elijah 100011 20011 7 406
Sibley Wm. 00001 10001 3 406
Sibley Solomon 00001 00001 2 406
Simpson Michael 00000001 0000101 3 408
Smith Jacob 000100001 00000001 3 406
Smith Rennselaer 121101 220101 12 406
Smith Seth 001210001 00012001 9 406
Smith James 00200101 0102001 8 409
Spencer G.S. 000000001 000000001 2 408
Sweet Clark 000020001 00110001 6 405
Sweet Abel 210001 02001 7 410
Taylor Israel 01202001 0100001 8 407
Thurston Hubbard 0201001 111201 10 409
Todd Hiram 200001 00001 4 408
Treadwell John 101001 000001 4 409
Tripp J.R. 0000001 010001001 4 407
Tripp Peleg 10001 00001 3 407
Tripp Gideon 0011201 0011001 8 407
Tupper Harrison 00001 10001 3 407
Tweed R… 00001 00001 2 406
Tyrell (Terrill) Reuben 00020001 01000001 5 405
Verbeck Amos 01122001 10100001 12 407
Verbeck Saml. W. 10011 01001 5 407
Verbeck Sylvenus 100001 10001 4 407
Walker Chas. 00001 1001 3 409
Washburn Mary 0100001 2 408
Washburn Silas 000010001 00000011 4 408
Washburn Uriah 00101001 0011001 6 408
Washburn Reuben 00001 00111 4 408
Wheat Thomas 1100001 0010001 5 409
Willey Thos. 0000001 0000000001 2 410
Wood Milton 0100001 0000001 3 408
Wright Uriah 0020001 111100101 9 407

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 09/09/99
By Joyce M. Tice

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