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Joyce's Search Tip - February 2010 
Do You Know that you can search just the 700 pages of Clippings and Scrapbooks on the site by using the Clippings button in the Partitioned search engine on the Current What's New Page?  
You'll also find obituary and other newspaper clippings using the three county-level Obits by Cemetery buttons. Additional clippings can be found in the Birth, Marriage, and some other partitions. 

This was the scrapbook of SARAH DAUGHERTY "KEEN". She was born 19 January 1835 in Sussex County, NJ, died 25 February 1909 on Keene Summit, Standing Stone Township, Bradford County, PA. She was a daughter of Theodore & Maria (Crawn) Daugherty, and the wife of John A. Keen, Sr.

The clippings were from the late 1870's into 1884. They were pasted on the pages of an old book. Evidently all were pasted in at the same time, as they were not arranged by date, but within the separate topics of deaths, marriages, and miscellaneous.

Submitted by Joan Kintner


SHOEMAKER. In Standing Stone, Friday, Dec. 21st, 1883, Mr. IRA R. SHOEMAKER, aged 51 years, 10 months and 25 days. Fourteen years ago he gave his heart to God and his hand to the M.E. Church, and was faithful unto death, always doing his duty. He was a loving husband and a kind and affectionate father. He leaves a wife and four children (two sons and two daughters) and a large circle of friends to mourn his loss.

N. L. PARK, of the firm of Smith & Park, merchants, at Wysauking, died yesterday afternoon. Deceased and wife were taken with the measles, a short time since, and Mrs. P. recovered, but with her husband the disease assumed a virulent form which baffled the skill of physicians. The deceased was a son of Capt. I. A. Park, of Herrick, and was about 30 years old. He was a gentleman of exemplary character, great moral worth, and excellent business habits. His early death will prove a serious loss to the business community, and will be sincerely mourned by a large circle of friends. His bereaved young widow has the sincere condolence of the entire community in her great affliction.

M. B. OWEN died at his residence in this place early Thursday morning. Mr. Owen was born in Wysox in 1836, and was the oldest child of the late John Owen. At the age of eighteen he went to Albany, N.Y., and engaged in the mercantile business with an uncle, and remained there until 1863, when he married Miss Sidney C. Lent, daughter of Albert Lent, Esq., of Wysox. Soon after he went to New York and opened a wholesale grocery house. Several years later he accepted a position with Willets & Co., an extensive New York house, as traveling salesman. In 1876 he came to Towanda and purchased the Red, White and Blue Tea Store. His large business experience, economical habits and close attention to business soon won for him a prosperous trade, and four years ago he associated with him his brother. Mr. Owen's reputation has always been that of an honest, prudent and upright business man, and his death, just in the prime of life, is a severe blow to his devoted wife and other relatives and will be sincerely mourned by all who knew him. He was a member of the M.E. Church. [d. 13 Jan. 1881]

STEPHEN SCHOONOVER, a man employed with the steam shovel near Wyalusing, was killed last week Wednesday. He was at the time of the accident under the shovel, and was caught between the bale and timber. He lived only a short time, his head being crushed. Mr. S. was a young married man and leaves a wife and child living in Wysox. [Transcriber's note: He died 16 May 1883, son of Richard & Lucinda (Hendershot) Schoonover of Standing Stone Twp. His marriage is listed below.]

ENNIS. On Friday evening, 1st inst., at 9 o'clock at the house of her son, Mr. John Rahm, MRS. ELEANOR Ennis, relect of the late ALEXANDER ENNIS, Esq., of Standing Stone. ...She was born in Standing Stone township, and was a daughter of the late ASA STEVENS, Esq. within two and a half years she has lost both father and husband by death. She was the oldest child of her father's family, and lived respected and beloved for the 64 years of her life in the same community. ...The funeral was attended by a large concourse of mourning friends at the Universalist Church in Standing Stone, and her body was placed to rest with her husband's in the Stevens' burying-ground in that place. [d. 1 Apr. 1881]

BARNES. Died in Orwell, March 4, 1881, Doctor JESSE BARNES, age 66 years. Dr. Barnes was a noted doctor for 10 or 12 years; has traveled extensively; and his services as a doctor were appreciated. His success in all lingering complaints was remarkable. ...If to him it seemed expedient, he heeded not the storm, night or day. The rich and poor were alike to him. He would travel just as far and equally as faithfully to attend the case of a poor patient as a rich one, pay or no pay. His whole sole object seemed to be to relieve the distressed and afflicted. For years his practice has been extensive. Seldom could he be found at home, except on Sunday, his appointed day to be at home, at which time his house was seemingly thronged. The teams hitched and standing at his house from morning till night, would cause a stranger to think there was preaching at the house. He was by nature a physician, and conscientiously honest. He was a consistent Christian, and for more than thirty years a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He leaves a wife and three married daughters, and one son, who all have the sympathy of their neighbors.

BUTTLES. In South Hill [Orwell Twp.] 7th inst., Mrs. Buttles, wife of Jarvis Buttles, age 65 years. She arose early in the morning apparently in good health, and went about her usual household duties; suddenly she was taken with severe suffering and said she was dying – laid down upon a lounge, and in a few moments stopped breathing. The funeral was held at the house on Monday at 2 o'clock p.m. ...The consolations of the Gospel were given by Rev. Mr. Barner, assisted by Rev. Mr. Netherton. ...

[b. 8 Oct. 1816, d. 7 Aug. 1881]

BUTTLES. Herrick Twp. [1883] We have had three funerals here during the past week. First, MRS. ELLA BUTTLES, wife of Elihue Buttles, and daughter of George ATWOOD, died at her residence in Orwell township, Feb. 8, after a long and painful illness.

On Feb. 9, daughter of Wilber WATERMAN, aged seven years, being a great sufferer for several years from affection of the brain.

One of the saddest deaths that has occurred in our neighborhood in some time was on the 10th inst., at her father's home after much suffering, -- MRS. ANNA STRUPPLER, late wife of A. H. Struppler, and last and only daughter and child of Jeremiah and Sarah ANDERSON. ... Her remains were taken to the East Herrick cemetery for interment on the 13th ...

BOSTWICK. Sept. 18, 1882, WILLIS, son of William and Esther Bostwick of Rummerfield, aged 9 months and four days.

STROUD. At West Franklin, Sept. 13, 1882, LULA C., only child of W. F. and Alice Stroud, aged 3 years, 5 months and 19 days.

FULFORD. In Standing Stone, Friday morning, Dec. 5, 1879, of consumption, LETTIE A., wife of Henry Fulford, in the 24th year of her age.

ARMSTRONG. CARRIE M., daughter of J. B. and Celestia Armstrong, died December 24th, 1879, aged 12 years, 5 months and 3 days.

TIMMERMAN. In Burlington, October 31st, 1879, MRS. MARY A. Timmerman, wife of Charles Timmerman, aged 36 years and 7 days.

VOSBURG. At her home in California, December 22d, 1880, BARBARY Vosburg. Mrs. Vosburg's death was caused by her clothes taking fire from a pan of ashes and coals from the fire-place, which she was carrying out doors. She lingered over three weeks in the most excruciating pain, but bore her suffering with great fortitude and Christian resignation. She leaves a devoted husband, an affectionate son (by her first husband), with numerous relatives and other friends, both in this county and in California, to mourn her loss. ...She was from its organization a worthy member of the Baptist Church of Towanda, from which she and her husband took letters some two years ago.

VINCENT. In Towanda, 18th ult., of typhoid fever, Mrs. Albro Vincent, aged 61 years and 4 months.

[d. 18 Jan. 1882]

WOOD. In Rome township, with cholera infantum, GRACE M., only child of Frank and Libbie Wood, aged 3 months and 17 days. [Nov. 1881]

HARDENSTINE. At Standing Stone, on May 8, 1879, of diphtheria, CORA HARDENSTINE, aged 2 years, 3 months and 4 days.

GUY. In Herrickville, Oct. 31, 1881, Miss SARAH JANE GUY, aged 19 years.

WILLIAM KINGSLEY, a former well known and highly esteemed citizen of Standing Stone township, and who went west some two years ago, died very suddenly in Fremont, Neb., on Sunday night. He had been in the enjoyment of apparently good health and went to bed feeling as well as usual. Shortly after retiring he spoke of a peculiar sensation and in fifteen minutes was dead. The deceased was a brother of Myron Kingsley, one of the republican candidates for county commissioner. [d. 16 Oct. 1881]

McINTIRE. At Standing Stone, June 25, 1882, RUTH M., wife of George McIntire, aged 51 years. [Transcriber's note: Ruth was sister of Mrs. Amret Huff whose Van Ness marriage is listed below.]

STALFORD, SUSIE, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Stalford of Rummerfield, who died of measles Feb. 6th, 1883, aged 5 years, 1 month and 2 days.

EDWIN C. ALLEN. One of the victims of the terrible accident which occurred on Saturday, the 12th inst., at Pittston Pa., was a native of this county – Edwin C. Allen, of Wysox. He was a young man of 21 years of age, and lived in Wysox until four years ago when he went to Pittston. At the time of his death he held the position of Stock Boss of the L.V.R.R. Coal Co. He was in the mine when the accident happened and was instantly killed. His remains were brought to Wysox on the 4 a.m. train on Sunday last, in charge of Mr. Wesley McCabe and Messrs. Eastman, Towner, Hermans and Lyon his companions. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. Stewart of this place at the Presbyterian Church in Wysox. [Transcriber's note: buried in Wysox Cem. is Edwin C. Allen, 30 April 1855 – 12 Feb. 1876.]

MINGLE. At Standing Stone, Jan. 21, 1883, WILLIE, son of William and L. Mingle, aged 19 years, 9 months and 27 days.

LYNCH. Wednesday, Jan. 10, 1883, at his home on the State Road, Standing Stone township, PATRICK LYNCH, an old and respected citizen. He was one of the old pioneers who started a home in the wilderness and made that section of Standing Stone what it now is. He was such a noble, kind-hearted old gentleman that he went almost altogether by the name of "Uncle Lynch." One by one they drop away. A few years and we will not have one of the old settlers left us. The funeral took place on Friday and was attended by a large concourse of relatives and friends. He was buried in the old Catholic burying ground, State Road.

BUSH. In Standing Stone, Feb. 4, 1883, of measles, REED M., eldest son of S. V. and Tillie H. Bush, aged 10 years.

O'BRIEN. Nothing has moved us like the unexpected death of our kind and loving friend, Kittie O'Brien, daughter of Martin and Ellen O'Brien, of this place, who departed this life on Thursday last, after a brief illness of five days, in the fifteenth year of her age. ..... The burial took place on Sunday at the McGovern burying grounds, witnessed by a large concourse of friends. Overton, Jan. 15, 1883. [died Jan. 11.]

HUFF. At Lime Hill, March 29, 1884, MRS. EMMA E., wife of ROBERT D. HUFF, at the age of 24 years. ..... The funeral was attended in the church at Lime Hill, which was densely filled with a large company of neighbors and relatives, where the services were conducted by the Rev. David Craft, who a little more than a year before had officiated at her marriage. Besides other and appropriate floral offerings the pulpit and organ were neatly draped in black, relieved with white flowers, while upon the folds of crape with which her vacant chair in the choir was hung, lay a full blown calla with a broken stem. ..... [Transcriber's note: She was EMMA ZEIGLER, b. 4 April 1860, d. 29 March 1884, who is in the marriages listed below.]

WATKINS. Killed by a Horse. A Sad Casuality at Milan Sunday Night. The Advertiser's correspondent sends that paper the following in reference to the killing of MRS. RHODA WATKINS, of Milan, on Sunday evening: "On Sunday night last, Mrs. Rhoda Watkins, wife of AMASA WATKINS, a prominent merchant of Milan, was instantly killed by a kick from a horse, the particulars of which are substantially as follows: They had just returned from Waverly, and Mrs. Watkins went to the barn in company with her husband as was frequently her practice, and was assisting him in feeding the horses; she had a measure in one hand and a lantern in the other, and while passing behind one of the horses, it became frightened and kicked, striking her in the forehead, fracturing the skull, and killing her instantly. Mr. Watkins informs us that he heard a noise, and immediately the light was extinguished. Speaking to his wife, and not getting any response, he groped his way, and soon came to her dead body. Mrs. Watkins was a very amiable and talented lady, and her sudden death has cast a gloom over the entire neighborhood. ...The funeral will take place from the house on Wednesday, at 11 o'clock." [Transcriber's note: In Milan Cem. inscriptions, Rhoda Watkins b. 12 Feb. 1843, d. 22 Jan. 1882.]


At the Presbyterian Parsonage, Monroeton, Dec. 30th, by Rev. Hallock Armstrong, Mr. HOWARD BROWN of Wysox and Miss ANNA HUFF of Standing Stone. [1881]

At the residence of Mr. Henry Fisher, Standing Stone, by Rev. D. Cook, Mr. FRANK J. KINGSLEY and Miss LYDIA S. FISHER. [Oct. 1879]

At the residence of Mr. Geo. Brown on the evening of the 11th inst., by Rev. Wm. Taylor, M.D., Mr. JACOB EMERY of Standing Stone, and MRS. MINERVA SCHOUTEN of East Burlington. [Transcriber's note: Married 11 Jan. 1880 in Burlington Twp. This was the 3rd marriage of MINERVA (VOSBURG) Morehouse Schouten, and also Jacob Emery's 3rd marriage.]

In Towanda on the 11th inst., by the Rev. J. S. Stewart, D.D., MILTON HUYCK and MRS. MARGARET E. SMITH, both of Towanda. [m. 11 March 1880]

At his office in Towanda, by C. M. Hall, J.P., Mr. UYLSSES ACLA to Miss ELIZA NEWELL, both of Asylum. [Sept. 1881]

At the Presbyterian parsonage, Monroeton, Feb. 27th, by Rev. Hallock Armstrong, Mr. CHARLES L. WOODBURN and Miss HENRIETTA S. ALLEN, both of Wysox. [1881]

At the Baptist Parsonage, Wellsburg [Chemung Co., NY], January 11th, 1882, by P. E. Everett, Mr. JOHN C. KAYS, New Jersey, and Miss MARTHA HUFF, of Bradford Co., Pa.

At the Presbyterian parsonage in Monroeton, July 3, 1880, by Rev. Hallock Armstrong, Mr. STEPHEN SCHOONOVER, of Standing Stone, and Miss BERNICE ACKLEY, of Macedonia.

At the home of the bride, December 21st, 1881, by Rev. S. B. Keeney, Mr. GEORGE BROWN, of Herrickville, Pa., and Miss STELLA SMITH of Rome, Pa.

At the residence of J. H. Teeter, Esq., in Cameron, N.Y., July 2, 1871, by Rev. J. Stewart, DAYTON H. ALLEN to LOUISA E. FRUTCHEY, all of Herrick, Bradford County, Pa.

At the M.E. Parsonage, Rome, Nov. 16, by Rev. S. B. Keeney, Mr. DARWIN C. SHORES to Miss HATTIE TUTTLE, both of Wysox.

At the residence of the bride's father, Albert Lent, in Wysox, on Thursday, Dec. 1, by Rev. S. B. Keeney, of Rome, Mr. E. G. OWEN and Miss SUSIE A. LENT, of Wysox. [1881]

At the house of Daniel A. Frazer in Standing Stone, July 4, 1882, Mr. GEORGE W. DIXON and Miss SARAH J. FRAZER, both of Standing Stone.

At Standing Stone, April 16, by Rev. J. M. H. Smith, Mr. HENRY G. FULFORD and Miss BIDDIE M. ENNIS, both of Standing Stone. [1882]

In Orwell, June 26th, 1882, by Rev. A. B. Lung, Mr. THOMAS E. ALGER of Meshoppen, Pa., to Miss GUSSIE M. LUNG, daughter of the officiating minister.

At the Presbyterian parsonage, Monroeton, on the 6th of July, 1882, by Rev. Phaon S. Kobler, Mr. WILLIAM SILL and Miss ELLIE KILDUFF, both of Wysox.

In Wysox, Feb. 22, 1882, by Rev. E. T. Dutcher, Mr. DAYTON C. ENNIS to Miss ELIZA VAN KUREN, all of Standing Stone.

At the M.E. Parsonage, in Rome, Wednesday, September 6, 1882, by Rev. S. B. Keeney, Mr. GEORGE S. ALLEN, of Herrick, and Miss MAGGIE I. ALLIS, of Wysox.

In Pike, Sept. 9, 1882, by Rev. Luther Peck, Miss JOSIE A. ALDERSON to Mr. ERWIN PLATT, recently from Arizona. [Transcriber's note: He was a local man, son of Anson & Jane (Daugherty) Platt.]

At the M.E. parsonage, Camptown, Sept. 28, 1882, by Rev. J. R. Angel, Mr. BURTON BRINK of Herrick and Miss ALICE A. DURAND, of Herrick.

At the M.E. parsonage, Camptown, Sept. 28, 1882, by Rev. J. R. Angel, Mr. THEODORE BRINK of Wysox, and Miss EMMA J. PICKETT of Stevensville.

At the home of the bride, November 15, 1882, by Rev. A. B. Lung, Mr. F. T. ALLEN, of Wysox, and Miss BINA DAUGHERTY, of Orwell. [Transcriber's note: He was Tracy F. Allen and she was Albina, dau. of Hiram & Irena (Tuttle) Daugherty.]

At the residence of the bride's parents, Rome, January 1, 1883, by Rev. S. B. Keeney, Mr. J. D. SLEEPER, of Warren, and Miss FLORA C. ARNOLD, of Rome.

At the Methodist Parsonage in Orwell, April 29th, 1883, by the Rev. W. R. Netherton, Mr. A. E. TURRILL, of Herrickville, and Miss ELLA ROBINSON, of Orwell.

At the Church of SS. Peter and Paul, April 26, 1883, by Rev. Father Keiley, Mr. GEORGE BUSTIN, of Pond Hill, and Miss FRANCES FOYLE, of Herrickville.

In Rome, 23d inst., by Rev. N. S. DeWitt, Mr. DENNIS SCHOONOVER, of Towanda, and Miss TILLIE SHOEMAKER, of Standing Stone. [m. 23 June 1883]

In Rome, 23d inst., by Rev. N. S. DeWitt, Mr. HENRY R. SIBLE, of Towanda, and Miss SARAH SCHOONOVER, of Standing Stone. [m. 23 June 1883]

In Wysox, May 29, 1883, by Rev. E. T. Dutcher, Mr. NELSON VAN NESS, of Standing Stone, to MRS. AMRET HUFF, of the former place. [Transcriber's note: Amret was sister of Mrs. Ruth McIntire whose death is listed above.]

In Rome, September 26. 1883, by Rev. N. S. DeWitt, Mr. WILLIAM J. VAN NESS and Miss VONIA A. VAN NESS, both of Standing Stone.

At the bride's home, Nov. 14th, by Rev. N. S. DeWitt, Mr. ALBERT LENT, of Wysox, and MRS. ELIZABETH REEL, of Rome. [1883]

At the Church of SS. Peter and Paul, on Tuesday, the 28th ult., at half-past 8 A.M., Miss BRIDGET BRENNAN became the wife of JOHN O'HERON. The happy couple then, accompanied by a number of their friends, proceeded to the house of James Brennan, brother of the bride, where they spent the rest of the day. The refreshments were delicious, and the presents were numerous and elegant. Among those present we noticed Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Brennan of Standing Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Rooney of Corning, N.Y., Mary Lynch of Waverly, Susan Meehan, Bridget Lynch, Mary Irving, Mrs. D. S. Kennedy of Wysox, Henry Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Barrett, Katie Kennedy, Maggie Irving, Julia Hurley, Andrew Brennan, Lawrence O'Heron, Michael McMahon, of Towanda, and a great many others that I have forgotten. In the afternoon the guests went home, leaving many kind wishes to the happy couple, who are well liked by all who know them. [m. 28 Nov. 1882]

...the following in the Wilkes-Barre department of the Scranton Republican of Wednesday, May 9th: "The nuptials of Miss NELLIE WRIGHT DILLEY, daughter of Mr. Urbane Dilley, and Dr. CHARLES REED of Wysox, Pa., were celebrated yesterday morning at the residence of the bride's parents, 165 South Main Street. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. O. Woodruff, of the Franklin Street M.E. Church .... Dr. and Mrs. Reed took the 2 o'clock train for New York for a ten days' wedding tour. They will reside at Wysox." [m. 8 May 1883]

At the M.E. Parsonage, Tuesday, by the Rev. Luther Peck, Mr. FRANKLIN R. HAKES, of Towanda, and Miss EMMA PLATT, of East Towanda. [m. first week of Sept. 1883]

At the residence of G. T. Erconbrack in Athens, Aug. 15, 1883, by Rev. W. H. Sawtelle, Mr. GEORGE K. SMITH, of Monroe, Orange Co., N.Y., and Miss BARBARA E. LENT, of Wysox, Pa.

Mr. JOSEPH E. FOYLE of Herrick, and MAGGIE M. DONOVAN, were married at the Catholic Church, this place, Tuesday morning last. After the marriage ceremony the happy couple, together with numerous friends, partook of a sumptuous dinner at the Elwell House. [m. 22 Feb. 1881]

At the house of the bride's parents in East Troupsburg, N.Y., Sept. 4th, 1883, by Rev. C. B. Smith, Mr. G. W. VAN NESS of Standing Stone, Pa., and Miss NANCY M. GURNSEY.

At Homet's Ferry, Jan. 11, 1883, by Rev. D. Craft, Mr. ROBERT D. HUFF of Lime Hill, and Miss EMMA E. ZEIGLER, of Homet's Ferry.

At the home of the bride, in Sheshequin, Dec. 19, 1883, by Rev. J. S. Stewart, D.D., Mr. VICTOR E. PIOLLET, 2d, of Wysox, and Miss CARRIE M. CULVER.

At the home of the bride's parents, Feb. 20, 1884, by the Rev. W. R. Netherton, Mr. JACOB H. EMERY, of Standing Stone, and Miss CARRIE A. PARK, of Orwell. [Transcriber's note: He was a nephew of the Jacob Emery whose 1880 marriage is listed above.]

At the parsonage, Camptown, Feb. 20, 1884, by Rev. E. N. Sabin, Mr. BYRON VAN NESS to Miss SUSIE FULFORD, all of Standing Stone.

At the residence of the bride's parents, Feb. 20, 1884, by Rev. David Craft, Mr. C. F. PARK of South Hill, and Miss IDA, daughter of P. W. MOWRY, Esq., of Asylum.

Miss JESSIE MITTEN, of Wyalusing, and THOMAS CLAGGETT, of Standing Stone, were married at Wyalusing Wednesday. [m. 9 Jan. 1884]

A happy occasion was the marriage on Tuesday, the 11th inst., of Mr. WILL T. MORROW, son of Hamilton Morrow, Esq., of Herrick, and Miss CARESTA REED, daughter of Dr. M. E. Reed, of Camptown, and niece of Mr. J. C. Beardsley, of Herrick, at whose residence the ceremony took place. Rev. E. N. Sabin, of Camptown, performed the ceremony..... After partaking of this elegant repast, Mr. and Mrs. Morrow, accompanied by several of the guests, started for Towanda, where they took No. 2 for an extended trip to Buffalo, Niagara, Rochester and Elmira.

By the Rev. S. Moore, on March 12, 1884, Mr. ALBERT M. KINGSLEY and Miss M. HELEN STEVENS, both of Standing Stone.

On March 18, 1884, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. L. A. York, by the Rev. Phaon S. Kohler, Mr. D. ABRAHAM CRAWN and Miss MARY N. YORK, both of Wysox.

In Rome, April 16, 1884, by Rev. N. S. DeWitt, Mr. P. C. VAN NESS and Miss ANNA HENDERSHOT, both of Standing Stone.

In the home of the bride's parents, March 26, 1884, by Rev. N. S. DeWitt, Mr. WILLIAM B. WELLS and Miss FANNIE C. ARNOLD, both of Rome.

On Wednesday, Feb. 27th, at 11 o'clock A.M., at the residence of Mr. Allen Conklin of Wysox, this county, quite a fashionable wedding took place between JOHN DEVLIN, M.D., and Miss SUSIE CONKLIN. Dr. Devlin is a very prominent and highly respected physician of New York city. ...... The bride and groom left the residence of Mr. Conklin in a closed carriage for Towanda, where they took the 3 P.M. train for Philadelphia. From thence they will go to Washington and Baltimore, where they will spend a short time before going home to New York city. [1884]

P A R T I E S and Miscellaeous

One of the most pleasant social gatherings, known as a surprise party, occurred at the home of Mr. HIRAM VAN NESS, in Standing Stone, on Thursday, September 8, being the sixty-third birthday of Mrs. Van Ness. About 11 o'clock a.m., two processions, composed of fifteen wagons, might have been seen approaching Farmer Van Ness' hospitable mansion, coming simultaneously from opposite directions, and very soon the relatives and intimate friends of Mr. and Mrs. Van Ness were assembled. The complete surprise of Mrs. V. was greatly enjoyed by all, as she had so often remarked (and truthfully) that "surprises were only so in name; no one could surprise her." But when she felt the cordial hand-grasp of friends from Franklin, Towanda, Wysox, Durell, Rome, Orwell, Wyalusing and other places, her faith in her hitherto firm opinion was greatly shaken.

The merits of the excellent dinner, which our farmer's wives know so well how to prepare, were soon tested to the evident satisfaction of all participants.

Perhaps we have become accustomed to the intense heat, or have donned a suitable apparel for the sultry day, most certainly there seems no barrier to our perfect enjoyment as we sit in groups on the pleasant lawn, the vine-shaded porch or in the cozy parlor discussing the political question, the general news of the day, the latest fashions and other matters both important and unimportant.

One of the most important features of the occasion was the presentation of gifts by Mr. Geo. Stevens. Among the many we noticed a comfortable rocker with adjustable shelf, a pair of gold-bowed spectacles, two or more handsome dress patterns, silver forks, cake stand, several pieces of majollica and various other articles of utility and beauty. And right here we must make note of the delicious cake of maple sugar, provided by some thoughtful friend, but which grew beautifully less in our fruitless attempts to re-scallop it.

One peculiarity of Mrs. Van Ness is her aversion to riding on the cars. Although living but a short distance from the Lehigh Valley Railroad, and having relatives living in Williamsport, Towanda and other places along the line whom she frequently visits, she has never yet ridden behind the steam locomotive.

About 4 o'clock p.m., the company began to disperse, all wishing Mrs. Van Ness many birthdays as pleasant as the one just celebrated.

[Transcriber's note: Typically for that era, "Mrs. Van Ness" was not identified by her own name, even though she was the object of the birthday party. She was LODESKA HUYCK, b. 8 Sept. 1818, d. 10 Aug. 1896, dau. of Abram & Asenath (Schoonover) Huyck of Standing Stone Twp. Her husband Hiram Van Ness was b. 14 May 1820, d. 26/28 Aug. 1888, son of George & Hannah (Emery) Van Ness of Standing Stone Twp. Lodeska was a step-sister of her husband Hiram Van Ness, because his father George's 2nd wife was Lodeska's mother Asenath.]

Family Gathering. The children, relatives and friends of Enoch and Elizabeth Towner, of Rome, Bradford County, met July 12th, (as is their custom annually) at the house of Alvin D. Towner, the homestead of the family, to celebrate the 90th birthday of ELIZABETH TOWNER, widow of the late ENOCH TOWNER. The occasion was one of unusual interest, and much social enjoyment to all present, and to none more so than to Mother Towner. For one of her age Mother Towner retains her faculties remarkably. She being a great reader, converses intelligently upon the topics of the day. Her relation of many occurrences of pioneer life in northern Pennsylvania are interesting. Her father, JAMES MOORE, settled in Bradford County when she was very young. Of eleven children living of the Towner family, five sons and three daughters were present. Three daughters whose homes were far distant were absent. Five generations were represented -- Mother Towner has lived to embrace her great-great-grandson. After partaking to the number of seventy of the contents of the well-filled baskets and listening to excellent music, the company parted indulging the hope that Mother Towner may live to enjoy many birthday anniversaries. [Transcriber's note: This must have been 1881 and her last birthday. She was born 12 July 1791 in upstate NY, died 10 Feb. 1882 on Towner Hill, Rome Twp., Bradford Co. PA, daughter of James & Eunice (Van Buren) Moore. Her husband Enoch Towner was born 1 Oct. 1781, died 19 May 1874. Alvin Towner was her son.]

His 77th Birthday. The friends of Rev. JOEL JEWELL, especially from Sylvania, dined with him and his lady at Troy, Pa., on the 11th of February, leaving some sixty dollars, besides many good wishes. The clergyman gave the donors the following "Thoughts on His 77th Birthday" – [a five-verse poem followed]. [This must have been in 1880.]

A Birthday Dinner. The children of Mr. J. J. VAN NESS, of Standing Stone, presented him with a handsome easy chair on the occasion of his 57th birthday, last Wednesday. The day before, preparation was made by inducing Mr. Van Ness to visit a neighbor, Mr. Henderson Roof, and in his absence an abundance of fine dishes were cooked for the birthday feast. That morning a son, living in Wysox, went to his father's to assist him about work as he had frequently done, and together they went into the woods some distance from the house. Returning at noon Mr. Van Ness was completely surprised to find his children and their families living near, all present, the elaborate dinner, and above all, the chair given by his children, placed at the table, in which was a motto handsomely worked by his daughter, entitled "Sweet Home." Mr. Van Ness was overcome with surprise and joy.

[Transcriber's note: This must have been 1881. He was JOHN JASON VAN NESS, b. 3 March 1824, d. 8 April 1895, son of John H. & Sarah (Dunn) Van Ness.]

We clip the following notice of one of Standing Stone's most upright and industrious citizens, from a late issue of the Scranton Daily Times: "Bradford County produce is coming in pretty freely these days. One farmer, Mr. PATRICK KANE, yesterday brought down twenty-four slaughtered hogs of his own raising, some of them weighing over four hundred pounds. Mr. Kane worked in the mines here for twelve years, during which time he saved up enough from his earnings to buy a hundred acre farm of fine quality. He has since added another fif[?] acres to it and is now as prosperous as any yeoman of Bradford. This is what our miners can do, who have pl[?] industry and good habits."

Disgraceful Affair. On Thursday evening last, a lot of boys gathered at the house of Mr. MORROW, on Oak Hill, on the occasion of the marriage of his daughter, and made all kinds of hideous noises, firing of guns, etc. As FRANK BEEMAN was discharging his gun, it burst, tearing his hand and face terribly. Let this accident serve as a warning to others. LeRaysville Advertiser.

Raspberries. Mr. S. S. VAN NESS, of Macedonia, left with us a basket of the finest red raspberries we ever saw. They were as hardy and clean as black raspberries. They are known as the Brandywine species, and the canes were purchased in Philadelphia for $10 per hundred. The flavor was excellent. Mr. Van Ness has on hand the canes for sale and it would be a paying investment for any one to buy some and set out along the fence. [Transcriber's note: He was SOPHRONUS S. VAN NESS, b.abt. 1832, died in Iowa, s/o Isaac Whitfield & Osee (Shay) Van Ness.)

Family Gathering. One of our most respected citizens, Mr. OLIVER D. CHAMBERLAIN, was very much surprised on Saturday, January 28, 1882. Pursuing the even tenor of his way and "working at his trade," as his custom is. Someone said, "Uncle Oliver, there has a team drove up to your house; I guess you must have company," and sure enough it was a company of about twenty-five or thirty relatives of his come "pat" upon him, and about dinner time too. But they brought one of the most bountiful dinners to which the writer ever sat down. Uncle Oliver and his whole family were a good deal "exercised," and did not know what to say – such things puts one about so. The whole company was in the best of spirits, and spent the afternoon in happy conversation, and in recalling family interests of the past which touch the tender chords of human sympathy. The presents were in some degree a slight testimonial of the favor and brotherly love in which Uncle Oliver and his family are held.

Standing Stone, Sept. 9th, 1882. Our friend and faithful sexton, JEHIEL VAN NESS, and family, were surprised September 9th by more than a hundred of their friends and neighbors coming in from all directions at 12 o'clock and finding him at work at his trade, and his wife doing duty in the house. After friendly greetings were over, a table was spread with rich provisions prepared by the ladies present, which all seemed to enjoy. Music was introduced and the occasion was made joyful by the songs and choruses from the singers present, among whom were some from East Herrick and Springville. After which the Rev. G. O. Beers, assisted by N. W. Barnes, in behalf of the friends present, presented to Mr. and Mrs. Van Ness some valuable presents, the last being a purse of twenty-two dollars and thirty-four cents. After singing "Shall I be there," prayer was offered by Rev. G. O. Beers, and all joined in singing "Shall we gather at the River." Then the parting word was said and we went our respective ways, feeling we had had a pleasant time in trying to show our appreciation of the faithful labors of our good sexton. Among the guests present we noticed our jovial friend John Keene, and wife, and our old neighbor B. L. Van Ness, and family; also Mr. and Mrs. Hagactor of Springville, and many others which we have not time to mention. [Transcriber's note: JEHIEL VAN NESS, a shoemaker, was b. 25 Feb. 1827, d. 17 Sept. 1900, s/o Daniel & Martha (Huff) Van Ness.]

Allis Hollow items. There was another joyful gathering at WILLIAM PICKERING's. On the evening of the 8th of January Mr. Pickering's elegant residence, in Allis Hollow [Orwell Twp.] was again filled with young people anxious to enjoy themselves, for they all knew they would be under the hospitable roof of Mr. Pickering. The guests began to arrive about seven o'clock, and at nine over eighty had arrived. About 11 the cry of supper was heard, and there was a rush to the tables, which were kept filled until two o'clock. This joyful gathering was in honor of Miss SARAH DAVIES [probably Sarah Davis], and Mr. ERNEST BROWN's birthday. They were the receivers of many presents, useful and nice. A great many of the guests were from a distance.

Birthday Party. As birthday gatherings are in order, here is one from Standing Stone.

The children of Mr. HUGH PARK, with a few relatives met at his home, on Saturday, Aug. 25, to celebrate his 58th birthday. The day was pleasant and everything passed off pleasantly. About two o'clock the company sat down to a well-loaded table, and the roast lamb, cakes, pies and pudding vanished in a way that said they were good. Miss Tina Wallace, of Towanda, remembered the family by sending some nice fruit, oranges, peaches, etc., for dessert. Mr. Park received several handsome presents. Among them being a twenty dollar suit of clothes, presented by his two oldest sons, and a cup and saucer by Mrs. Baker, of Towanda. Some of the friends remained over night. The rest repaired to their homes feeling better for having helped to drown care and sorrow for a day at least, for one who grieves for the kind and loving wife who was taken from his side last spring. [Transcriber's note: HUGH PARK was born 25 Aug. 1825 in Scotland, died 20 Dec. 1899 in Standing Stone Twp., Bradford Co., PA. "1883" was written on this clipping, and Hugh's wife had died in March of that year. She was CAROLINE WALKER, b. 16 Sept. 1822 in Broome Co., NY, d. 16 March 1883 in Standing Stone Twp.]

Surprise Party at Standing Stone. ... The citizens ...of Standing Stone have felt for some time that they should pay some tribute of gratitude and appreciation to one of their number, Mr. DAVID S. VAN NESS, for his earnest and faithful labors in the Sabbath and singing schools in that vicinity. ...on Saturday last, while Mr. V. and his good wife were busy planning work to close up the labors of the week, they suddenly found their house surrounded by a band of invaders who kept pouring in upon them until one hundred and twenty-five of their friends and neighbors were present. The visitors at once made themselves at home, and tables were improvised and from various baskets and hampers came such an abundant "feast of good things" as only farmers wives can produce. Then began the "feeding of the multitude," and not until the spacious tables had been filled three times were all cared for. Then Van Ness and his amiable lady were called out, and while surrounded by a throng of friends, the crowning event of the day took place. Rev. N. W. Barnes, of Herrick, in a brief but well chosen speech, presented in behalf of the assembled friends a handsome array of presents, beginning with an elegant extension table, which was opened to its fullest capacity and covered with a collection of gifts, the work of loving hearts and hands. There were elegant articles of china and glassware, a beautiful lamp and many packages of fancy goods and dry goods, some of them unmistakably feminine, so we opine they were not all meant for the host. A strong, serviceable neck-yoke, neatly ironed and painted, bore the name of its noble hearted giver, David King, and last, but not least, a handsome sum of money was placed in their hands, the result of a collection taken by the ladies. .....Mr. Van Ness was completely overcome by surprise, and could find no words to express the deep sense of gratitude he felt toward the friends who had paid him this homage. ...... The music was under the direction of Prof. J. J. Barnes, of Herrick... Among those present we noticed Rev. N. W. Barnes and wife, Miss Addie Barnes, J. J. Barnes, Mrs. Will Platt and G. W. Van Ness, of Herrick; Mr. and Mrs. Orshall, of South Hill; Mrs. Wm. Bostwick, of Rummerfield; J. J. Stevens and wife, Chas. Stevens and wife, T. J. Roof and wife, Henderson Roof and wife, Geo. E. Van Ness and wife, Hiram Van Ness and wife, Sam Van Ness and wife, Asa Ennis and wife, Mrs. J. R. Fulford, Galen Van Ness and wife, Frank Van Ness and wife, Geo. Van Ness, Vincent Van Ness and wife, S. Van Kuren and wife, of [remainder missing]. [Transcriber's note: DAVID S. VAN NESS, b. 17 Nov. 1833, d. 29/30 Aug. 1910, s/o Isaac Whitfield & Osee (Shay) Van Ness.]

On Saturday last the relatives and friends of MRS. BELINDA TERWILLIGER gave a surprise party, it being her 66th birthday. Four of her children were present – Mrs. H. A. Johnson, of Towanda; Mrs. Charles Yontz, Mrs. Ella Westbrook and Mr. F. Terwilliger, of Standing Stone. The following neighbors and friends were among those who made up the pleasant party: Mrs. J. Stevens, Mrs. C. Stevens, Mrs. Simon Stevens, Mrs. E. Lacey, Mrs. A. Fulford, Mrs. H. W. Tracy, Mrs. J. L. Johnson and Mrs. H. Holden. She received some handsome and valuable presents.

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

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By Joyce M. Tice
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