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Joyce's Search Tip - February 2010 
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Hi Joyce
I am sending you the transcriptions of Anna Park’s scrapbook.  Anna Park was the sister of Ada Park Rick, both daughters of Byron T. and Jennie Rumsey Park.  I am also sending some poems by Jim Smith of Erin.
Claire Smith - June 2007

County Pioneer Dies In Oregon Be Buried Here ? George T. Mason Was Honored Many Times By Township and County ? Born in Owasso Township he Spent Practically All His Life There (Handwritten note: "Jan. 8") George T. Mason, one of the pioneers of Shiawassee County, known to all of the older inhabitants as a man of sterling worth and character died yesterday afternoon at his home in Eugene. Ore., according to word received by C. W. Jennings from his daughter, Miss Myrtle Mason. The remains will be brought for burial and announcement of the funeral arrangements later. Probably no family in the county was better known or held in higher esteem than the Masons. George t. Mason was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Mason, who came to Shiawassee County when it was largely wilderness and when Owasso was composed of but a few log cabins. He was one of a family of seven children and was born in what is now Owosso Township, in 1842. He grew up there ad spent nearly all of his life in that neighborhood, until he moved west about 10 years ago. He was one of those men whose worth is recognized by all, and honors in the way of public office were conferred on him many times. He held numerous offices in the township and for a number of years was county drain commissioner. He also served the county as state representative for two terms. Mr. Mason was a Civil war veteran. He enlisted in Company H. Eleventh Michigan Calvary, and served during the last two years of the war. Most of the time that he was in the service he was under Command of General Stoneman and participated in all of the 59 battles credited to that division. He was also orderly to General Gilliam during 80 days of raiding. After the war, he returned to this county, but went on a prospecting trip through Iowa and Wisconsin. He soon returned to this county, however, and took up his residence in Owosso Township which continued to be his home, until he went west. Mr. Mason was married on November 25, 1869 to Miss Hannah A. Shepard. Two children, Myrtle and Bertha A., were born to the union. Bertha died while in childhood. Mr. Mason was a lifelong republican and was a faithful member of the M. P. church at Burton. He was also a member of the Odd Fellows. He leaves one daughter, Miss Myrtle Mason, who is the only surviving member of the family.

Sudden Death of Mrs. George T. Mason. ? The unexpected announcement of the death of Mrs. George T. Mason brought sadness to many friends in this city and Owosso Township Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mason were in the city Saturday evening, coming at that time instead of making their usual Saturday afternoon trip at the request of Mrs. Mason to avoid the heat. Just before leaving home in the evening they had visited their garden to gather some vegetables and fruit and when returning to the house Mrs. Mason had to stop once or twice because of the shortness of breath. Coming to the city they made some purchases preparatory to entertaining friends the next day and returned home about ten o’clock. Mrs. Mason, at this time, feeling as well as usual. Mr. Mason arose about 5:30 Sunday morning and after being about the house and yard until 7 went in to call Mrs. Mason and found her dead—death probably having resulted from heart trouble. The natural expression of her face showed the death was probably instantaneous, and that she suffered no pain. Mr. Mason was completely prostrated and it was some little time before he was able to summon help. Hannah A. Shepard was born in Owosso Township, March 11, 1845, the daughter of Samuel and Ann Shepard, who were among the earliest settlers of the township. November 25th, 1869, she was married to George T. Mason and they at once went to the farm, which has been their home since. To them were born two daughters, one dying in 1876, the other, Mrs. Myrtle Merrill, who resides in Eugene, Oregon, is now enroute home. She is also survived by her brother, Hon. F. M. Shepard of Owosso Township. Mrs. Mason was a member of the Methodist Protestant church at Burton, of Owosso Township and Shiawassee Pomona Grange—being secretary of both—of the Burton Farmers’ Club and of the Woman’s Relief Corps of this city. In all these organizations she was a most active and useful member, finding in all of them an opportunity to do something for the betterment of her neighbors and friends. One of the guiding principles of her life was the Golden Rule and many a kindly act will be recalled by her friends. She was a woman of far more than ordinary attainments and ever felt that life must be lived to some purpose. But few people in the community will be missed more than Mrs. Mason with her cheerful greeting, her word of kindly encouragement and sunshine. Far more than is ordinarily the case the sympathy of the community is extended to the bereaved husband, who more than any one else knew the genuine worth of the woman who had been his constant companion and helpmate for so many years. The funeral services will be held at the home at 12 o’clock, local time and at the M. P. church, Burton, at 1 o’clock Sunday, her pastor, Rev. J. D. Young, officiating.

Historical Facts And Legends By JIM SMITH

Nearly one hundred years have died

Since Rob Park’s ax-blows fell,

As first he blazed, then cut the State Road-way,

Down through this deep, dark forest dell.

Next January 20, it will be another half-century since the late Byron T. Park, a gifted historian and writer of the town of Erin, had that bit of verse published in the weekly Ithacan, a newspaper no longer published. The verse is in reference to Robert Park, who with others of his neighbors were given 50 acres of land each, for chopping a mile of roadway through the dense state owned forest over what was known for many years as Woolever Hill (so named in honor of Jason P. Woolever, a prominent citizen, office holder and operator of a neighborhood tannery along the way) but now generally called Swartwood Hill.

A Brief Biography of Byron T. Park Historian and Writer of Former Days

Byron T. Park was the youngest son of David J. Park who with brother, Robert came to the town of Erin in 1820, where Byron spent his entire life. In his breezy style he wrote in the article referred to that his ancestors settled in the "Howling wilderness", a part of which two years later was to become the town of Erin, and he went to relate:

"As the forest giants fell with thunderous peal, the fierce, howling wolf and the dark visage Indian fled, and on March 4, 1828, a bounty was voted for every wolf caught in the town of Erin, but the records show no offer for Indian Scalps."

Farther on he wrote: "The old State Road is still here but the cabalistic mark and figure on posts, trees and fences made by the State engineer and his aids, attest that a modern ‘State Road’ will be on the trail, and the auto roll gracefully where the ox-sled once lumbered long, bearing as part of its burden, the pioneer road-cutter’s bride." The road referred to (from Erin to Swartwood) is still known as State Road, though the route was changed a bit in a few places, to avoid too steep a grade, when it became a macadam road in 1913. In his interesting newspaper story, Mr. Park told how he and his neighbors gathered at the State Road Post Office (located near the top of Woolever or Swartwood Hill, at the junction of the State and Park Hill roads) and wait anywhere from five to eleven o’clock, eager to get their mail that came only once a week, over a horse and Wagon route from Elmira to Spencer. Mr. Park’s residence was on Park Hill, a short distance from State Road. One day, several years before the State Road was macadamized, I was talking with him while out in front of his barn; he was surrounded by a large flock of turkeys he had just fed. An auto, then a rarity on such back country roads, same chugging past. The turkeys scattered in every direction, a horse in a lot near the barn jumped over the fence and disappeared over a knoll. "There", disgustedly exclaimed Mr. Park "goes what is going to be the ruination of this country!" but, at or near the same time, he was overjoyed when he exclaimed: "The telephone and the rural mail route have let us out and made us a part of civilization." What would he think or say if he could return today and see the fields, once a part of his domain, being plowed and cultivated with tractor and other self-propelled machines, the grain harvested with a combine and hauled to barn or granary by use of a pick-up truck, or loaded in one of the huge highway box cars. Members and descendants of the Park family have been prominent in the business and political life of the town of Erin and Chemung County down through the years, from 1820, until the present, when a few of them are still living within its bounds. Alexander H. Park, an older brother of Byron, served as supervisor of the town of Erin during the Civil War years, one term as chairman of the County Board; Park Station, in the northern part of the town of Erin, was named in his honor; in 1883 he erected a building in the hamlet of Erin, the downstairs of which was a general store operated by him and a brother, J. Jackson Park, for several years; the upstairs of the building was a spacious public hail, which later became the Erin Town Hall and served as such for many years. J. Jackson Park also served as supervisor of the town of Erin for one term. Both brothers also served the town of Erin in other official capacities. Manley C. Park, youngest son of Byron, served two terms as Erin’s supervisor (1924-1927) and in 1929 he was elected superintendent of the poor of Chemung County, in which office he served ten years. During his incumbency the title of the office was changed to Commissioner of Public Welfare.

Health Officer F. B. Parke Dies of Attack of the Heart (Handwritten Note: Oct. 9, 1914)

Well Known Physician Returns From His Morning Calls and Complains of Pressure About the Heart Condition Rapidly Becomes Worse and in Spite of the Heroic Efforts of His Friend and Partner, Dr. A. H. Baker, Death Comes Swiftly. Dr. Floyd B. Parke, Health Officer of Elmira, and for thirty-five years one of its leading physicians and public men, died unexpected1y at 3:15 yesterday afternoon at his home, 251 Baldwin Street. Dr. Parke died as the result of acute heart trouble. He was attended by Dr. A. H. Baker, with who he co-operated within ten minutes of his death. In a terrific battle to save his life. Dr. Parke had enjoyed good health until yesterday morning. He made his usual morning calls and returned to his office. Entering the living room of his home he said to his wife, "Eva, I am a sick man, I ache all over." This was the first intimation to Mrs. Parke that the doctor was ill. He urged her to refrain from calling a physician, explaining it to be indigestion causing gas pressure against the heart. Realizing from his appearance that the doctor was in a serious condition, Mrs. Parke disregarded his request and called his friend Dr. A. H. Baker. By this time his condition was sufficiently worse to warrant his going to bed. He and. Dr. Baker discussed his case. They resorted to everything they knew to correct the heart trouble and seemingly were making some progress when shortly after 3 o’clock the physician’s condition quickly changed and he recognized that the end was near. In a moment he sank into a coma and died within 10 minutes. The news of his death is a severe shock to Chemung County. Dr. Parke was 58 years old. He was a graduate of Buffalo University and had practiced medicine in Chemung County 25 years. He had participated in public affairs continuously, having held various public offices of high honor and trust. He was an ardent Democrat, and at the time of his death was health officer of Elmira under Democratic appointment of three and a half years ago, when the death of Dr. H. D. Wey created a vacancy in that important office. As health officer Dr. Parke was a public benefactor of first rank. The, position is one of the hardest and most exacting under the city charter. Constant detail work and co-operation to the city health department take the greater part of a man’s time. During his incumbency more things were done to improve the standard of health regulations in Elmira than had been done in the previous ten years. Dr. Parkes recommendations always were for the betterment and improvement of the department, and were carried into effect under his direction. Under Dr. Parke meat and milk inspection were raised to a high standard. The care of smallpox was such that with 35 cases brought into the city there was no spread of the disease. Dr. Parke was strict when it came to the enforcement of the health regulations. There were no special privileges with him. His fight against the house fly was a thing which was deeply imprinted on the minds of all violators and the attaches of the Board of Health. Dr. Parke had under his direction the work of the sanitary inspectors, plumbing inspector, meat and milk inspector, public health nurse, clerk of the Health Board, and other employee of the health department. The direction and handling of birth and death certificates, burial permits, etc., were under Dr. Parke. Public water supply and privately owned wells all came under his supervision. The freedom of this city from communicable disease during Dr. Parke’s incumbency as health officer is an eloquent tribute to his efficiency and intelligence during the past three and a half years. Dr. Parke was reappointed Health Officer in January, 1912, his term to continue to January, 1916. Thus he had fifteen more months to serve. Dr. Parke had been prominent in the Democratic party’s affairs in this county for a great many years. On the east side of the city he was regarded as one of the strongest assets of the party. He held the position of Coroner of Chemung County, was a member of the Board of Education, for twelve years was surgeon of the 26th Separate Company, New York State Guard, and for several years was examining surgeon for the United States government In the Bureau of Pension. In 1913 he was prominently mentioned for the position of District Health Commissioner under the law that became operative in September, 1913. Dr. Parke was a member of the Methodist Church, the Chemung County Medical Society, the Elmira Academy of Medicine, and Independent Order of Red Men. He was president of the Chemung County Medical Society at one time. He is survived by his wife Mrs. Eva Parke, and three sisters. Mrs. W. W. Hanson, of Horseheads; Mrs. Nettie Ward, of Horseheads, and Mrs. Henry C. Sears, of Ransomville, N. Y. Under provisions of a resolution passed by the Board of Health, Health Commissioner Dr. William S. Cain, of West Second Street, automatically becomes acting Health Officer during the vacancy created by the death of Parke. The funeral announcement has not been made. A special joint meeting of the Elmira Academy of Medicine and the Chemung County Medical Society will be held in the Academy rooms of the Federation building tonight at 8:15 o’clock, to take action on the death of Dr. Floyd B. Parke. (Signed) Dr. A. H. Monroe,, secretary Academy of Medicine; Dr. Clyde Carey, secretary County Society.

Historical Facts and Legends By JIM SMITH

Certification of Incorporation of the Simpson Methodist Episcopal Church of Erin

State of New York, Chemung County

We the undersigned two members of the religious society hereinafter mentioned do hereby certify that on the first day of December instant the persons of full age belonging to a religious society in which divine worship is maintained according to the rites of the Methodist Episcopal Church and not already incorporated met at the place of publick worship hereinafter occupied by said society in the town of Erin said county for the purpose of incorporating themselves and did then and there elect by plurality of voices A. H. Park, G. S. Becker, W. H. Blauvelt, Myron T. Park, Harvey Rouck, Norman Rosekrans, Charles Baker, Lewis Thomas, William Howe as such trustees of said society and the said persons did then and there also determine by like plurality of voices that the said corporation should be hereafter called and known by the name or title of Simpson M.E. Church of Erin.

Witness our hands and seals as presiding officers of the meeting aforesaid this 27th day of January 1874 Chemung County SS

G .S. Becker LS

Byron T. Park LS

On the 27th day of January personally appeared before me G. S. Becker and Byron T. Park to me known who being duly sworn did depose and say they were the presiding officers of the meeting above mentioned and that they executed the foregoing certificate and that the declarations of said certificate are true.

A. H. McDowell

Justice of the Peace

Recorded January 29, 1874 5 1/2 PM

John G. Copley Clerk

Recorded in Chemung County Clerk’s office

Page 290 Liber No. 2 Miscel1aneous Records.

(To Re Continued)

History of Methodism

The Original Board of Trustees (Continued).

BYRON T. PARK, was the youngest son of David J. Park and a brother of Alexander H. Park. He was elected as a member of the original Board of Trustees, but soon after the church was built, he withdrew his membership and cast his lot with the church on Austin Hill, originally dedicated as the Erin Hill Methodist Episcopal Church, which had been closed several years, and was instrumental in having that Church re-opened and re-dedicated as the Austin Hill Methodist Protestant Church.

He gained wide notoriety through his opposition to secret societies and, in 1876, he was a presidential elector on the Anti-Masonic ticket.

He was a lifelong farmer in the Park Hill District of the Town of Erin and the father of Manley C. Park who, after serving 3 terms as Supervisor of the Town of Erin, he was elected 3 times as Welfare Commissioner of Chemung County and served a total of ten years in that office.

NORMAN ROSEKRANS, was a son of Warren Rosekrans who came to the Town of Erin about 1830. Norman was born in 1831 and died in 1915. A lifelong resident of the Town of Erin, he was a farmer and a carpenter. He was elected as one the original Board of Trustees and continued to serve in that capacity for many years. A pillar of Simpson Church, he was ever ready and eager in his support of all its activities. So far as known, he never aspired to public office.

LEWIS P. THOMAS, familiarly known as "Uncle Lew", was born in the town of Erin August 20, 1850, and lived here his entire life. He helped build the Utica, Ithaca and Elmira Railroad, and lived to see it become the Elmira, Cortland, and Northern, then the Elmira and Cortland Branch of the Lehigh Valley and which a few months before his death, was taken up. He was a grandson of Phillip Thomas who came here in 1816 as one of the earliest settlers. He was first elected a trustee November 20, 1873 and served continuously as such for only one month less than 65 years which, it seems must be a record. He served several years as a Justice of the Peace, and was active in the Councils of the Democratic party until of a ripe old age. He died Sunday, November 19, 1938, at the age of 88. His funeral was held in the church he had served so many years, Wed., November 22, at 1:30 p.m. Rev. Arnold Mellin officiating. Burial in Scotchtown Cemetery, Town of Erin.

Van Etten Pushes Search for Doctor

Wanted: A resident physician. Place: Van Etten. The community of about 1,800 residents has been without a resident doctor for 4½ months. Efforts by its officials to obtain one have not produced results. Town Supervisor Frank J. Farrell said Tuesday he has written 30 to 40 letters to physicians throughout the country. He received only five replies, all from New York State, but none offered encouragement. "My hands are worn by writing" said Farrell in despair. He called it "just lucky" that the town has not had any emergency or trouble. The community has been without a physician since Dr. James B. Cargill retired after serving 35 years as a general practitioner there.

The nearest doctor, Dr. Henry Raime, is located at Spencer about three miles way. He makes calls at Van Etten occasionally and also serves as a temporary school physician of the Van Etten Central School.

Farrell said among the five replies two physicians had expressed interest but later backed out. A Brooklyn doctor, who said he would like to visit Van Etten, has failed to show up.

Farrell is joined by Principal Nicholas Marchase in the effort. They have obtained names of prospects from the Physician Placement Bureau, American Medica1 Association and other sources.

Former Area Teacher Dies In Jersey ? Austin H. Updyke, a former school teacher in the Elmira area, died at his home in Bogota N.J., Tuesday. He was 91. Born at Jackson Summit, Pa, Dec. 17, 1871, Mr. Updyke attended the former Mansfield State Normal School in 1894-97 he taught at schools In Trowbridge, Jobs Corners, Lawrenceville, Monroeton and Van Etten before leaving for New Jersey about 1915. He was the school superintendent of Hudson County, N.J., for 26 years before retiring. In 194__ He served as business manager of the North Hudson Hospital in Weehawken, N.J., for 10 years before retirement. The body will be removed to Elmira for funeral and burial.

Mrs. Sarah Blauvelt

Erin, Feb. 4.—The death of Mrs. Sarah Blauvelt, widow of the late James D. Blauvelt of Erin, occurred at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Mary Moll in Elmira, Sunday night. The deceased had been ill for several months. She was a life resident of Erin, a member of Erin M. E. Church and a highly respected woman. She is survived by a son. James P. Blauvelt of Erin; a daughter, Mrs. Mary Moll of Elmira; four grandchildren, Cameron. Marguerite, Marion and Virginia Blauvelt, and Kenneth Wayne Blauvelt, all of Erin.

ERIN. Jan. 13.—Mrs. Jessie Van Vliet, who recently died was born in Quincy, Mich., June 6. 1877. In early life she became connected with the church. Her home life from earliest recollection was the Christian home; therefore, it is not strange that her whole life seemed to revolve about the church. A number of years ago she came to Erin with her husband, W. S. Van Vliet, who survives her. Mrs. Van Vliet leaves a record of unremitting effort for uplife of community and Individuals. There was always room for one more task in her program. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church of Erin, N. Y., Junior League superintendent, assistant class leader, Red Cross worker, representative of the Humane Society and sick and shut-in visitor. On Wednesday morning, December 8, after a week’s illness, her spirit took its flight. She is survived by her husband, W. S. Van Vliet, and son, Lawrence, by her father, Frank A. Munson, by a brother and sister, Frank W. Musson, and Mrs. Cora A. Woodhouse, all of Binghamton. N. Y. The Erin W. C. T. U., wishing to put on record its high esteem and regard for its departed president., Mrs. Jessie Van Vliet, adopts the following resolution, that

Whereas, Mrs. Jessie Van Vliet, our late beloved president, has written on our hearts the record of a life of transparent goodness, unremitting effort for righteousness, unreserved devotion to her tasks; and Whereas, Her translation within the veil has brought to our hearts a new sense of her sterling worth and our consequent loss, leaving us to finish the tasks she loved while she has entered the new duties of heaven; and Whereas, Her departure has left a vacancy in not only our circle, but a much greater vacancy in the home of husband and son; therefore, be it

Resolved, that we, the W. C. T. U, extend our heartfelt sympathy and affection in this hour of sorrow and bereavement to Brother Van Vliet and son, Lawrence. Though the hour is dark to you, she has the eternal light where there is no night. She is rich, while we are poor. Whatever assistance we can be to you in these hours, we would esteem it a privilege to be allowed to do.

ERIN W. C. T. U.





The Eastern Star lodge of Van Etten had charge of the burial service of Mrs. Armilla Rosencrans Thursday at the Methodist church. The following were present: Rev. F. J. Paul, Mr. &. Mrs. Monroe Denmark, Mrs. Robert Brougham, Mrs. D. R. Lott, Mrs. Mabel Eicklor, Mrs. Thomas Shoemaker of Van Etten; Mrs. Manley Dodge, Spencer; Mrs. George Ennis, Mrs. Libbie Barnes and Mrs. Dwight Woolever of Swartwood. The floral offerings were profuse and beautiful. Rev. C. D. Smith of Caton, officiated, assisted by Rev. F. J. Paul of Van Etten.

Death of Mrs. Mary Westbrook ? Mrs. Mary Westbrook, widow of the late Jacob A. Westbrook, died Saturday last at the late home of her daughter, Mrs. John Bigley, in Elmira after a long illness. She was 78 years of age. The funeral was held in that city Monday and the remains were brought to this place for interment in Mount Hope cemetery. Mrs. Westbrook resided in this p1ac till the last 6 or 7 years. He is held in high esteem and respect by all who knew her. She was a professing Christian and a member of the church. She is survived by brother and sisters, including Mrs. Harriet Loomis, of Hicks, Mrs. George Swartout of this place, and Joshua Rumsey, of Cayuta; three daughters Mrs. Jonh Bigley, of Elmira, Mrs. Charles Chapman of Ellistown, and Mrs. Jesse Hobson of this place, and three sons, Joshua and Jerome of Elmira Heights, and George, of Sayre. Mr. and Mrs. John Bigley, of Elmira, Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Westbrook and children, and Jerome Westbrook, of Elmira Heights, Mr. and Mrs. George Westbrook and son, William, of Sayre, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chapman of Ellistown, were in this place to accompany the remains to their resting place.

MRS. FANNIE M. BLAUVELT ? Mrs. Fannie M. Blauvelt of Horseheads, died this morning at 1:30 o’clock after a brief illness. Mrs. Blauvelt was a member of the Horseheads Baptist Church, the Horseheads Lodge O. E. S. and the Rebekah Lodge, I. O. O. F., of that village. The decedent is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Clarence L. Houghton of Ithaca; a sister, Miss Jennie J. Wanamaker and a brother, W. L. Wanamaker both of Elmira. The remains repose in the Chilson and Shields undertaking rooms, Horseheads, where friends may call until Wednesday noon. The funeral will be held at the Horseheads M. E. Church Wednesday at 2 p.m. The Rev. Mr. Owen and the Rev. Roy Vernon will officiate. The Order of the Eastern Star will hold their service in the Church. Burial in Woodlawn Cemetery, Elmira.

The death of Miss Emma E. Osborne occurred Monday morning, of this week at 5:30 o’clock after an illness with a complication of diseases. For several years she had been in ill health but her serious illness dated only from last December. Since then her ailments kept her confined to the house the greater portion of the time, and gradually bore her down till the end. She was in her fiftieth year. Miss Osborne was borne in this town Oct. 28, 1849, and had passed her whole life here. She was a member of the M. E. church, taking an active interest in all church work, and reposing the utmost faith in her religion. She was held in high respect and esteem by all and is mourned by a host of friends besides the relatives. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Rachel Osborne; a sister, Mrs. L. F. Crum, of Ithaca; and a brother, Selah, of Elmira Heights. The funeral was held Wednesday forenoon at 10 o’clock from the house and was largely attended. The Rev. P. R. Pittman delivered a touching discourse and the Rev J. H. Ross assisted in the services. Beautiful floral tributes from the Epworth League and individuals evidenced the general regard entertained for the deceased. The interment was made in Mt. Hope cemetery.

Those from out of town in attendance at the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Osborne, of Athens; Mr. and Mrs. L.F. Crum, son Harry and daughters, Emma, Effie and Maude, of Ithaca; Fred S. Crum, of Newark, N.J., Mr. and Mrs. Selah W. Osborne and son, Roland of Elmira Heights.

HOME WEDDING AT FREDONIA ? Miss Sarah E. Hull of Fredonia Marries Justin C. Park of Elba. June 29. — The marriage of Sara Emeline Hull, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hull, and Justin Park, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Marco Park of Elba, was solemnized at noon on Tuesday, June 26th, at the home of the bride’s parents, 46 Barker Street, Fredonia. The service was performed by Rev, W.A. Thornton before a background of garden flowers, blue and white delphinium predominating. The bride was attractive in a white linen suit with matching accessories. She carried a bouquet of white rose buds and gypsophelia. Miss Edith Weaver, a classmate of the bride, was her only attendant. She was dressed in a blue crepe with white hat, gloves and shoes and carried a bouquet of Talisman roses. The best man was Kihm Richardson of Tonawanda. The wedding dinner followed the ceremony and was served to seventeen guests of the immediate families. Mr. and Mrs. Park left in the afternoon for a short motor trip in the northern part of the state. Mrs. Park is a graduate of the Elba High School, Plattsburg State Normal and Keuka College. She also taught in the Fisher’s Island Schools for three years. Mr. Park is also a (graduate of Elba High School and college at Cleveland. The couple will reside in Elba, where Mr. Park will work with his father.) End of article is torn.

The funeral services of the late Dr. Fletcher W. Brockway were held from his late home Monday at 1 p.m., and at the Austin Hill church at 2 p.m., Rev. C. D. Smith, of Van Etten, officiating, assisted by Rev. J. R. Clark, of Austin Hill. The text was, from 1 Kings, 13 chapter and the last clause of the 30 verse. The Erin choir sang three selections, "Abide With Me," "Lead Kindly Light" and "Jesus Lover of My Soul," the selections being favorite hymns of the deceased. The floral offerings were profuse and beautiful. Interment was in Austin Hill cemetery. The pallbearers were cousins of the deceased, Fenimore Rosencrans, Clark Park, Varnum McDowell, Archibald Blauvelt and Dudley and Douglas Houck. Those in attendance at the funeral from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Griffiths, of Leona, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brockway and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rumsey and family, of Swartwood; Mr. and Mrs. Burr McDowell, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Drake and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wood, of Van Etten; Mr. and Mrs. Avery Courtright, of North Chemung; Mr. and Mrs. Tupper of West Danby; Doug1as Catchim and daughters, of North Van Etten.

Mrs. Chauncey Hollenbeck, age 82 years, died Tuesday at the home at Erin. She is survived by her husband and one daughter at home. Funeral services will be held at 2 o’clock Thursday afternoon at the home of N.C. Park, Erin. Buria1 will be in Scotchtown cemetery.

MRS. CHAUNCEY HOLLENBECK. Mrs. Chauncey Hollenbeck, 82, a resident of Erin many years, died at the family home in that town Tuesday morning. (Handwritten note: Dec. 28, 1926)

Mrs. Hollenbeck is survived by her husband and a daughter at home. The funeral will be held at the home of M C. Park at Erin Thursday at 2 p.m. Burial in the Scottstown Cemetery, Erin.

Mrs. Verna H. Park died at Erin, Friday, January 12, 1923, after an illness of several months duration. She is survived by her husband, Manley Park, three little sons, Francis, Truman and Winfred; also several sisters. Mrs. Park was a woman of beautiful Christian character and was always doing kind deeds for others. She was a loving wife, a devoted mother, loving sister, a true friend and a devout Christian. The world is better that "such as she has lived and died."

DUNDEE ?MRS. CORNELIA PARK PASSES AWAY AT HOME ? Dundee, Oct. 8.—Mrs. Cornelia Park, one of the oldest residents in this section, died at the home of her son, Minor Park, Saturday night, having been in failing health since last July, when she fell and fractured her hip. As Mrs. Park was nearly eighty-nine years of age, it was not thought advisable to try and set the broken bone. The decedent was born in New Jersey September 16, 1830, her maiden name being Miss Cornelia Hummer. When a young woman she was married to Mr. Park, and about 40 years ago they moved to this section, where she has since resided; Mr. Park died about 15 years ago. The decedent leaves surviving three sons, Chester Park of Willard; Orin Park of Reading, and Minor Park, with whom she made her home; two sisters, Mrs. Susan Dunbar of Van Etten, and Mrs. Mary Vosburg of Elmira Heights; one brother, Erwin Hummer of Erin. She is also survived by 22 grandchildren. Mrs. Park had been a member of the Methodist Church for many years and her pastor, the Rev. J. C. B. Moyer, ________ at the funeral, which was ________ the home Tuesday after ______ Burial in Tyrone Union ___. (Article was ripped at bottom.)

MRS. MARSHALL DRAKE ? The funeral of Mrs. Marshall Drake was held at the family home In Erin, today at 11 a.m. Burial was in the North Lansing Cemetery.

IRVING G. MEINECKE. BUFFALO, March 1l.—(Special)—Funeral services for Irvin G. Meinecke, brother of AIfred H. Meinecke of Ellicottville, will be held at the family residence, 326 Olean Street, East Aurora, Sunday at 2 o’clock, and will be followed by burial In Oakwood Cemetery, East Aurora. Mr. Meinecke, who died yesterday, is survived by his wife, Daisy H.; a daughter, Ruth E. and three other brothers, William C. of Milwaukee, Wis., and Louis and Ernest of Buffalo. He was the father of the late Thelma B. and Alfred B. Meinecke.

Final Tribute Paid Mrs. Anna Adsit ? Beaver Dams — Anna Marie Adsit of Clifton Park died at the home of a neighbor where she had gone with her two children, Joyce Carlotta, three and one-half years, and Newman Edmund, one year and nine months. Death came without warning or apparent suffering when a blood clot went to her heart. Funeral services were conducted by the pastor of the Methodist Church of which she was a member and burial was at the side of her daughter, Beatrice Lorraine, who died in infancy. Mrs. Adsit was the daughter of Lewis Newkirk, deceased, and Flora Belle Newkirk of Pine Creek, now Mrs. Flora Ribble. She was born Sept. 3, 1907. Surviving are a brother, Donald Newkirk of Meads Creek; a sister, Mrs. Grayce Campbell of Montour Falls; her husband, Edmund Adsit, to whom she was married Jan. 1, 1933, and two children. She was a graduate of Dundee High School, Watkins Glen Training Class, Oneonta Normal School, Albany State Teachers College and had attended Columbia University for summer sessions, holding eight diplomas. She loved teaching and taught at Townsend and was principal at Pine Valley and also principal of Clifton Park High School for four years. She was a sincere Christian and her pastor fittingly closed the funeral services with a poem by Marianne Farmingham.

MRS. MARSHALL DRAKE ? Mrs. Ida Houser Drake, 69, died unexpectedly of acute indigestion at the family home at Erin Sunday. She is survived by her husband, Marshall Drake; a son, George Houser, and a grandson George Houser, Jr., of Indiana. Mrs. Drake formerly was a resident of Ludlowville and was a member of the Presbyterian Church of that village. The funeral will be held at the family home at Erin Thursday at 11 a.m. Burial in the North Lansing Cemetery.

Fenimore G. Rosekrans, 77, died unexpectedly Saturday, Sept. 14, 1940, at the family home in Erin. He is survived by his wife, Eliza B. Rosekrans; a daughter, Mrs. Theo Tupper, West Danby; a son, Gordon, of Erin, and three grandchildren. Mr. Rosekrans was a life member of Southern Light Lodge, F&AM, Breesport and a member of the Erin Methodist Church. The body will be removed from the Barber funeral home, Horseheads, to the family home late this evening. A private prayer service will be held at the home Monday at 2 p.m., followed by funeral services Monday at 2:30 p.m. in the Erin Methodist Church with the Rev. Chester Beebe of Tully and the Rev. James Gordon of Erin officiating. Burial in Scotchtown Cemetery, Erin. Masonic committal services will be held Sunday evening at the home.

MRS. ARMELLA ROSECRANS ? Mrs. Armella Rosekrans died Monday at 8 o’clock in the Arnot-Ogden Hospital, aged forty-seven years. She is survived by her husband, F. C. Rosekrans, one son Gordon, one daughter Aileen. A prayer service will be held at the home in the town of Erin Thursday morning at 11 o’clock and in the Methodist Church in Erin village at 12 o’clock. The Rev. C. D. Smith of Caton will officiate. Burial will be in Scotchtown Cemetery.

MRS. MARY E. CRUM, wife of Lafayette Crum, of Linden Avenue, Ithaca, died of rheumatism Tuesday morning, March 7th, at the age of 64 years. Deceased is survived; besides her husband, by two sons and three daughters, viz.: Frederick S., of Newark, N.J.; Dr. H. H. Crum, of Ithaca; Miss Emma A. Crum, of Long Island City, and the Misses Effie V., and Maude E. Crum, of this city. The funeral was held from the late home at 2:30 o’clock on Friday afternoon, the Rev. W. E. Brown officiating. Burial was made in the City cemetery.

SELAH W. OSBORNE ? The subject of this sketch was born in this town Sept. 22, 1857, and passed peacefully from cares of this life at his home at Elmira Heights, Tuesday. Jan. 23, at 2 o’clock a.m., after several years of suffering from diabetes. Nearly his whole life was passed in this town, he being a highly respected and worthy citizen. He was married March 18, 1884 to Miss Bell Vosburg who with their two sons, Roland Howard and Stephen Earl, survives him. They left their farm here some three years ago, going to Elmira Heights and he there passed the remainder of his life. His aged mother, Mrs. Rachel Osborne in this village, and one sister, Mrs. L F. Crum, of Ithaca also survive him. The funeral services were held from his late home at Elmira Heights last Thursday noon, the Rev. C. E. Ferguson, pastor of the M.E. church, officiating. The remains were laid to rest in the Scotchtown cemetery in the town of Erin. The sympathy of many friends in this place is extended to the bereaved family.

DEATH AT THE HEIGHTS ? Mrs. Belle Osborne of Elmwood Avenue, Elmira Heights, died, yesterday morning at her home. She was thirty-five years old and leaves a mother, one sister, two brothers and two sons, Roland and Stephen. Mrs. Osborne was a devoted member of the Oakwood Avenue Methodist church and her loss will be sincerely mourned by many. The funeral will be held at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon at the house, the Rev. C. C. Reynolds officiating. Interment will be in Scottstown Cemetery.

Truman R. Park, 23, of Breesport, died Sunday, May 17, after a brief illness. He was the son of Manley C. Park, county commissioner of welfare. He was a member of the Erin Methodist Episcopal Church, and had been working on the county home farm for his father for several years. Besides his parents, he is survived by two brothers, Francis and Wilford, and one step-brother, George, all at home. A private prayer service for the family was held Wednesday afternoon and the funeral Wednesday in the Erin Methodist Church. The Rev. Richard Wentz of Chemung and the Rev. Mr. Millin officiated. Burial in Scotchtown Cemetery, Town of Erin.

MRS. SOPHIA COURTRIGHT. A prayer service for Mrs. Sophia Courtright will be held at the family home at North Chemung Thursday at 2 p.m. and the funeral service in the M. E. Church at North Chemung at 2:30 o’clock. The Rev. Mr. Scholts will officiate. Burial in the North Chemung Cemetery.

Died in Waver1y ? Died, on Sunday, in the eighty-sixth year of her age, Mrs. Caty Ann Bloodgood, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. R Whitley, on Waverly Street. Mrs. Bloodgood was almost a life long resident of this section, but came to Waverly, only about three years ago. She was an estimable lady, highly thought of by her acquaintances. She was a member of the Methodist Church. The Rev. C. M. Surdam conducted the funeral which were held at 10 a.m. yesterday from the Whitley residence on Waverly Street. Besides her husband, the Rev. Cyrus Bloodgood, she leaves six sons, Julius, of Kansas; Jason, of California; Wiley, of Wisconsin; Hiram and J. C. Bloodgood, of Illinois; John D of Waverly; and three daughters, Mr. Fairchild, of Kansas; Mrs. Van Duzer, of Nebraska; and Mrs. _.R. Whitley of Waverly.

FORMER WAVERLIANS WED ? Miss Grace Westcott and Mr. Amos Rumsey Married Last Week ? Announcements have been received here of the marriage of Miss Grace Westcott of Summers to Mr. Amos B. Rumsey of Lynn, Mass. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride’s parents in Summers on June 30. Mrs. Rumsey is the daughter of I.S. Westcott, who was at one time a member of the firm of Bouton & Wescott, and is a graduate of the Waverly High School in the class of ‘06. Mr. Rumsey is the son of Benjamin Rumsey of South Waverly and is a graduate of the South Waverly High School. Both of the young people have a host of friends throughout this valley, who extend their congratulations.

Leon Park, 63, of 9 West Fourteenth Street, died Saturday at his home after a four years illness. He had lived here the past 32 years and had been employed as a pile drive operator. He was born Jan. 7, 1888, in Tryone. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Anna Viola Park; a son, Treslain Park, Binghamton; two daughters, Jenny Park, Binghamton and Eleanor Park, Jamestown; a brother, Hershel Park, Corning; three sisters, Mrs. Eva Vosburg, Elmira Heights; Mrs. Celeste Wolfe, and Mrs. Ethelyn Brown, both of Detroit, Mich. Funeral services will be held at 8 P.M. today from the Lind Funeral Home. Rev. Roger Morey, pastor of the Warren E.U.B. Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Scotchtown Cemetery, Erin, N.Y.

Wedding in Erin ? On Tuesday, Dec. 29, 1903, the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Hummer was made the scene of a joyous event when their daughter, Bertha Mae was united in marriage to Marco H. Park in the presence of the immediate relatives and friends. Promptly at 12 o’clock with the strains of Mendelssohn’s wedding march floating through the rooms the bridal party entered .the parlor and took their places beneath a beautiful arch of holly from the center of which hung a wedding bell of the same material, where the ceremony was performed by Rev. Mark Schuyler. The bride was very becomingly dressed in white albatross, and was accompanied by her sister, Miss Bernice, while Manley Park acted as grooms-man. Miss Alice Hawkins presided at the piano. After the ceremony the company passed into the dining room where a bountiful repast was served. In the afternoon the happy couple departed for a brief tour, after which they will make their home in Erin. Mrs. Park is one of Erin’s best known and popular young ladies, having until recently been numbered in the ranks of the teachers in Chemung county. Mr. Park is a man of unexcelled integrity, and is well known as the genial, accommodating L. V. agent at Erin. Hosts of friends unite in wishing them health, happiness and prosperity.

The home of Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Hubbard Owens Mills, NY was the scene of a very pretty wedding at noon, January 1, 1907, when their daughter, A. Lavern was united in marriage to Manley C. T. Park of Erin, N.Y. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Allen, of Athens, Pa., in the presence of the following relatives and friends: Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Hubbard and daughters. Floy and Emma May, Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Park and son, Eldred; Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Park, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Blauvelt, Misses Ada and Anna Park, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Guild, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Guild, Mr. and Mrs. A. Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Breese, the Rev. and Mrs. Allen and son. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Allen. The bride was charmingly attired in a gown of cream batiste and carried a bouquet of white carnations. After a sumptuous dinner the bride and groom departed for a brief wedding trip to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Both young people are well known and popular and have a host of friends who wish them a happy and prosperous life.

C.W. Park, Erin Man, Crushed Under Tractor ? Was Working on Land Near Elba, N.Y., When Machine Lifted and Fell On Him?Death Almost Instantaneous ? Erin, April 20. ?Funeral services for Clark W. Park, formerly of Erin were held at Elba, N.Y., Saturday. Mr. Park was killed a few days ago while operating a farm tractor. Mr. Park was working on some land which he had rented from the Western New York Farms Company at Elba, near Batavia. His son Eldred, 17 years old, was working with him. The front of the tractor was suddenly lifted from the ground and fell backwards on top of Mr. Park. His son summoned help but his father was beyond medical assistance and soon died. A fractured spine caused death. The tractor on which Mr. Park was working had become stuck in some muck land. He placed two heavy boards under the wheels in an effort to start it. When he opened the clutch the machine lifted into the air and then fell on him. Mr. Park had lived at Erin all his life until about two years ago. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Byron T. Park of Erin; his widow, four sons, Merwyn, Eldred, Theron and Clarence; and two brothers, Marco H. of Elmira and Manley C. of Erin; three sisters, Mrs. Ada Rick and Mrs. Ellen Blauvelt of Erin, and Mrs. Anna Park of ________.

J. Jackson Parke, eighty-two years old, a prominent resident of Chemung County many years, died at the home of his son, David J. Parke, in Van Etten, Thursday. The funeral will be held from the home where he died, Sunday at 1 p.m. Burial in the Austin Hill cemetery, Town of Erin, under the auspices of Mount Lebanon Lodge, F & A. M. of Van Etten. Mr. Parke is survived by a sister, Mrs. Chauncey Hollenbeck, of Erin; a brother, Byron T. Parke of Erin; two sons, David J. of Van Etten and Bartelle of Ithaca. Mr. Parke was the oldest Mason in Van Etten, having been made a member of this fraternity in 1865. He was a member of Mount Lebanon Lodge No. 775 of Van Etten and a charter and life member of Horseheads Chapter No. 261 Royal Arch Masons. Mr. Parke was held in high esteem and his passing is mourned by a large circle of friends

Mrs. Manley C. Park ? Mrs. Verna H. Park, wife of Manley Park died at the home near Erin Jan. 12, after a lingering illness. Her death brings sadness and gloom over the community for she was loved by all who knew her. She had a smile and a cheery word for those with whom she met, and at the same time a sublime faith and trust toward God. Since early in life, she had been a member of the Methodist church, being always ready for any service therein when opportunity came and longed to recover that she might labor in the Master’s vineyard. But, seeing it pleased her Lord to take her home she was resigned to His will, going down to the river, viewing the crossing and returning at two different times, to tell the story to those she was leaving that they might be comforted. After that she went, not only down to the river, but crossed to the other side, there to await the coming of those whom she left in grief, where there will be no more sorrow, no more pain nor tears; where there will be no more sad partings. "She being dead yet speaketh" by the life which she has lived among us, inspiring us to a better service, and the blessed hope of the grand reunion beyond the confines of earth. In her departure the sting of death was taken away and peace reigned supreme. She leaves to mourn her loss besides her husband, three sons, Francis, age 14; Truman, aged 10, and Wilford Manley, aged 11 weeks; her father, C. E. Hubbard, of Chemung; five sisters, Mrs. Floy Gundermann of Chemung, Mrs. Mabel Park of Elba, N.Y., Edna and Emma Mae Hubbard of Erin and Clara Belle Hubbard of Chemung.

The funeral was held at the home Jan. 16 at 11 o’clock and was conducted by Rev. J. H Richards of Wolcott, Wayne County, a former pastor _________

Card of Thanks ? We wish to thank friends, neighbors and relatives for flowers and all kindnesses extended to us during our recent bereavement. Mrs. Anna Park & Children

Mrs. Sarah Blauvelt, widow of J. D. Blauvelt, died Sunday at 11:30 p.m. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George A. Moll, 823 West Gray Street. She was a devout Christian woman’ and was highly respected. Mrs. Blauvelt is survived by a son, James P. Blauvelt, of Erin; a daughter, Mrs. George A. Moll, and a brother, Oliver Elston of Erin. The funeral will be held at the family home in Erin, Wednesday at 1 o’clock. (Handwritten Note: Jan. 31, 1926)

Mrs. Cook is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn Park of Winter Haven, Fla. formerly of Elba. Mrs. Cook is married to Arnold Cook of Houghton, a professor teaching accounting. They and their three children, Bettina, Judith and Danny reside at Houghton. Mrs. Cook has a choice to teach at the college or high school level. She is a 1943 graduate of Elba Centra1 School.

Mrs. Flora B. Ripple, 69, Monterey. Friday, Mar. 8, 1946. Survived by husband, John; son, Donald Newkirk of Monterey; daughter, Mrs. Erwin Campbell of Montour Falls; brothers, Hershel Park of Corning, Leon of Caledonia; sisters, Mrs. Byron Vosburg of Elmira Heights, Mrs. Celestia Wolfe and Mrs. Ethelyn Brown of Detroit. Body is at the Vedder Funeral Home, Montour Falls. Funeral Tuesday, 2 p.m. at the Monterey Baptist Church. Rev. Alexander Perry. Tyrone Cemetery.

THERON B. PARK ? Batavia — Funeral services for Theron B. Park, 28, manager of a Batavia auto parts’ store, who died near midnight Monday of meningitis that developed after injuries sustained in an automobile accident on the Elba Rd. Friday, will be in a local funeral home tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. Park suffered fractures of the cheekbones and nose and severe lacerations of the forehead and roof of the mouth when his head crashed through a shatterproof windshield. His car went off the road and crashed into a tree. Surviving are his widow, Marion Wheeler Park: his mother, Mrs. Mabel Hubbard Park; a son, Bruce Theron, four; and three brothers, Merwyn Park, Byron; Eldred, Elba, and Clarence, Batavia.

Ira N. Parke —VAN ETTEN — Ira N. Parke, 68, Town of Van Etten Justice of Peace, died at the Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre, Pa. on Thursday, Sept. 7, 1967, after a long illness. Mr. Parke was a member of Van Etten Community Methodist Church and served several years as a school board member. He was a retired farmer. He is survived by three daughters, Miss Sally Parke of Sayre, Pa., Mrs. Jane Wiiki of Van Etten, and Mrs. Julia Wandell of Ithaca; a stepson, John F. McCarthy of Parish; six grandchildren; a sister, Miss Ruth Parke of Van Etten; a brother, Max H. Parke of Mount Rose, Pa., nieces and nephews. His late wife was Laura Parke. A prayer service will be held at the family home at 1 p.m. Sunday, followed by a service at 2 p.m. in the Methodist Church. The Rev. Raymond Ginther will officiate. Burial will be in Mount Hope Cemetery, Van Etten. Friends may call at the family home on Cayuta Rd. Arnold Funeral Home of Van Etten is in charge of arrangements.

Mrs. Fannie Rumsey — VAN ETTEN — Mrs. Fannie Rumsey, 85, of Van Etten died Friday, Aug. 20, 1965, at a nursing home in Owego after a long illness. The widow of Abram Rumsey, who died in 1952, she was a member of the Community Methodist Church in Van Etten.

Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Butts of Van Etten and Mrs. Hilda Rick of Ithaca; a son, Adrian Rumsey of Van Etten; a sister, Miss Myrtle Rumsey of Zephyr Hills, Fla.; eight grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Monday, Aug. 23, at the Arnold Funeral Home, Van Etten, the Rev. Charles Gormley officiating. Burial will be in Mount Hope Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home from 2 to 4 and from 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday.

Austin H. Updyke, 91, of Bogota, N. J., formerly of Jackson Summit, Pa., Tuesday, Feb. 19, 1963. He was a former schoolteacher in this area. Survived by son, Gerald of Hackensack, N.J., daughters, Mrs. Mildred Cattelle of Tenafly, N. J., Dr. Elaine Updyke of Stone Mountain, Ga.; sister, Mrs. Pearl Updyke Thomas of Wellsboro; four grandchildren. Funeral arrangements incomplete.

Her 97th Birthday?Sunday, April 5th, 1964 Miss Margaret Neish of Erin entertained the following guests at dinner honoring her mother’s 97th birthday that will be April 23rd: Mrs. Mertie Rumsey, Mrs. Cora Brink, Mrs. Debba Cornell and Miss Lola McDowell.

Mrs. Lola Neish, the former Miss Lola McDowell, a lifelong resident of the town of Erin, taught in district schools of the area several years and is the widow of Alexander A. Neish, a prominent farmer of the Scotchtown district of the town of Erin.

Nearly five years ago Mrs. Neish had the misfortune to injure a hip in a fall and has been bedridden since. A shower of greeting cards is in order.

FAITHFULLY SERVES HIS COUNTYMEN — Death of Benjamin J. Rumsey Is Loss to South Waverly—To Hold Funeral Friday Afternoon. Waverly, Aug. 3.—Benjamin J. Rumsey died at his late home on Pleasant Street in South Waverly at noon yesterday, aged 64(?) years. He recently suffered a stroke of paralysis from which he did not rally. Mr. Rumsey was a citizen of value to south Waverly and was always active in every project for the benefit of the boro. He had served on the school board and for the past two years had held the office of justice of peace. He is survived by his widow and four sons: Warren, Floyd and James of Waverly and Amos of High Bridge, N.J.; one brother at Van Etten and one sister, Mrs. Byron Park of Erin, N.Y.

The funeral will be held from the late home at o’clock Friday afternoon. The Rev. J. E. Miles, pastor of the Baptist church, will officiate.

A Shower ? Tuesday evening, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Byron T. Park, a kitchen shower was given their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rick. At about, 8 o’clock the guests began to arrive from all directions. They were met at the door by the bride and groom and there bestowed their loving golden wishes on the newly married couple. They were then escorted to the various large rooms in perfect readiness for their comfort. On their way there fell such a shower of remembrance tokens that we think that Mrs. Rick’s kitchen will be well equipped with lamps, towels, brooms, dust pans, baking tins, carving sets, canned fruit, preserving kettles, agate ware of all kinds and sizes and a large number of other articles. At about 10 o’clock a luncheon was served of chicken sandwiches, cocoa and cake. The large assemblage of guests showed the high esteem in which the bridal couple were held, there being nearly 100 guests present. They began taking their departure at the midnight hour.

Mrs. Armelia Rosecrans, wife of Fen Rosecrans, died at the Arnot-Ogden hospital, Elmira, April 26. She was born at Tyrone, Schuyler County, N. Y., and was one of seven children: Treslain, Letticia, Chester, John, Orin and Minor—born to Mr. and Mrs. David Park. Of these Treslain and Minor of Tyrone; Chester of Ovid and Orin of Reading are now living. Possessing many accomp1ishments and a disposition that won a host of friends, she was greatly missed when upon her marriage she removed to Erin. During the past winter she had been suffering from a complication of diseases chief of which was heart trouble, culminating in a severe attack of abdominal trouble. The family physician was hastily summoned who strove vainly to avert the use of the surgeon’s knife for relief. But as his efforts were in vain, he decided that her only chance of recovery was an operation and to save time the trip to the hospital was made in an automobile. Sad indeed was the scene of her departure from home and loved ones, but great was her courage. Though the operation was successful, her constitution could not resist the lingering heart trouble and in spite of all that loving hands could do and the best medical skill the hospital afforded, she passed to her reward after a lingering illness of nearly two weeks.

Thus died an exce1lent example of moral wife and motherhood, one who maintained those good principles of Christianity in the home set forth by that esteemed father whom she has gone to meet, and who will be greatly mourned by those who knew her best as the highest type of true and noble womanhood. Besides the brothers mentioned, she is survived by her husband; two children, Gordon and Ileane, and an aged mother, Mrs. Cornelia Park of Tyrone. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. C. D. Smith of Caton, at the Erin Methodist church, and the interment was made in Scotchtown Cemetery.

Funeral of Marco H. Park — The Rev. C. Charles Weaver, Th. D., pastor of the Methodist Church, officiated at the funeral of Marco H. Park of Elba at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the H. E. Turner & Co. Mortuary. The Rev. Harland West of Elba assisted. Burial was in Maple Lawn Cemetery, Elba. The bearers, all nephews of Mr. Park, were Clarence Park of Batavia, Wilford Park of Elmira, Leslie Rick of Ithaca, Cameron Blauvelt of Erin, Clifford Ostrander of Groton and Francis Park of Johnson City. There were floral tributes from George E. Smith Motors, Russell Insurance Co. of Oakfield, Genesee-Orleans Vegetables Growers, Elba neighbors, Elba Presbyterian Bloom Class, Elba Methodist Church, Elba Rotary Club, Oakfield Farm Dairy and the Elba Presbyterian Church. Out-of-town people, attended from Elba, Jamestown, Almond, Erin, Elmira, Ithaca, Groton, Johnson City, Fredonia and Williamsville.

C. W. PARK, FORMER ERIN MAN, IS DEAD — Erin, April 18.? Word was received here Thursday of the death of Clark W. Park of Elba. N.Y. Mr. Park was born in the town of Erin and had spent his entire life here until about two years ago when he moved his family to Elba. He is survived by his widow and four sons, Merwin, Eldred, Theron and Clarence, all at home; his aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. Byron T. Park of Erin; three sisters; Mrs. Ada Rick and Mrs. Ellen Blauvelt of Erin, and Mrs. Anna Park.; brothers Manley Park of Erin and Marco of Elba. N. Y.

The funeral was held at his late home Saturday.

Mrs. Ada Rick, 89, of Ithaca R.D. died at Tompkins County Hospital Tuesday, Nov. 7, 1967. She was the widow of Fred Rick and formerly lived in Erin, Chemung County. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Loran Marion and a son, Leslie Rick, both of Ithaca; five grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Anna Parke of Corry, Pa. Services will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Arnold Funeral Home in Van Etten. The Rev. Raymond Ginther of Van Etten Methodist Church will officiate. Burial will be in Scotchtown Cemetery, Erin. Friends may call from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home.

Mrs. Park’s Funeral — The Rev. G. Charles Weaver, Th. D., pastor of the Methodist Church, officiated at the funeral of Mrs. Marco H. Park of Elba, at 2 p.m. Monday at the H. E. Turner Mortuary. Assisting was the Rev. William Swales, pastor of the Elba Methodist Church. Burial was In Maple Lawn Cemetery. The bearers were Reuben B. Nutting of Batavia and Mayor Anthony H. Garnish, George Talbot, George Rowcliffe, Sherman Horton and John Swartz of Elba. Floral and memorial tributes were received from the Elba Methodist Church, Mary Garnish Class of the Sunday School, Genesee-Orleans Vegetable Growers Assn. Elba Presbyterian Bloom Class and neighbors and friends. Out-of-town people attended from Elba, Erin, Almond, Fredonia and Groton.

Ellen A. wife of James P. Blauvelt of Erin, died at the Packer hospital, Sayre. Friday morning following a brief illness from pneumonia. She is survived by her husband; one son, Cameron P.; three daughters, Marguerite, Marian and Virginia; her mother, Mrs. Jennie Park; two sisters, Mrs. Fred Rick of Erin; Mrs. Anna Park of Lakewood; two brothers, Marco H. Park of Elba and Manley C. Park of Erin. Funeral services were held at the late home Monday afternoon conducted by Rev. Norman Campbell of Erin. Interment in Scotchtown cemetery. Deceased became sick and her physician diagnosed the case as appendicitis and recommended her removal to the hospital and an immediate operation. She was accordingly taken to Sayre and prior to the operation pneumonia developed and the operation could not be performed. Deceased was a native of the town of Erin being a daughter of the late Byron Park of Erin, who died suddenly less than a year ago. She was a woman of accomplishments and amiable character. To add to the husband’s sorrows, the children at home are sick with the measles.

Alfred W. Denn of Elm Street died at six o’clock Monday morning, October 21, 1889. Although he had not been confined to the house but a few days, yet he had been in very poor health for a long time. He was born in the town of Baldwin, Chemung County, N.Y. March 23, 1853, and was one of the most exemplary young men in this village and much esteemed. He was an unmarried man, and resided with his mother, his father having died in this village, August 16, 1884. Besides his aged mother he leaves one sister, Mrs. N. T. Hulet and two brothers who reside in Dakota. The funeral was held from the residence at 1:30 Wednesday afternoon, Rev. W. H. Bates of Clyde N.Y., and Rev. Linn E. Wheeler of this place officiating. The interment was made in Forest Home cemetery.

DEATH OF S. W. BLOODGOOD, End Comes Quickly After Years of Poor Health.

Early Tuesday morning Mr. S. W. Bloodgood died at his home on Main Street. He had not been well in many years, but he never complained and on Monday he had been in his garden and seemed as well as he had been at any time this spring. The family realized early in the morning that he was seriously ill, but before medical aid could be secured be had died.

Stephen Wiley Bloodgood was born at Litchfield, Pa., November 22, 1838. He was the fourth son of Cyrus and Caty Bloodgood and was of a family of ten, all of whom have lived past the meridian of life. Two brothers, Hiram and Joseph Bloodgood of Harvey, Ill., and a sister, Mrs. Frances Van Duser of Kissimmee, Fla., are still living. When this family was children much of northern Pennsylvania was a newly settled country and they saw much of hardship and privation.

When the subject of this sketch, who was the father of the writer, was nineteen, he left home and lived with ______and returned to Pennsylvania. In 1865 he was in Tennessee, working on government storehouses. After this Father was able to go to school a short time at Waverly, N. Y., and taught again at Mannorkill, N.Y. In 1866, with his father he engaged the milling business at Van Etten, N.Y., but finding his health would not permit him to work in the dust he purchased a general store. After this he built several houses. While in Van Etten he met Mary Jane Rumsey to whom he was married in 1867. Father tried farming a few years on a hill farm near Van Etten and then traded the farm for a planing mill in Spencer. In three years he had developed a good business but a fire destroyed mill, lumberyard and in fact, all the accumulations of twenty years of hard work in a few minutes. This brought the family to Wisconsin and for five years they lived on the Fairchild farm at Heart Prairie. The family home was for several years the "Big Spring Farm" east of the city. Father was a painstaking man, a good worker, rather proud of his ability as a farmer and recognizing many modern principles of the farming business before they were commonly advocated. He was a reader and had a pretty fair knowledge of the events the time. He has been seen but little of late in public, because of poor health. He was faithful in his obligations to others and as old age crept upon him he looked upon the world and upon his neighbors with an ever kindly interest. He often spoke of the beautiful world we live in and said it would be a good place to stay_____.

DEATHS VISIT lsaac Rumsey Relieved after a Long and Useful Life ? Though long delayed in some instances, the visit of Death surely comes to each individual, and the same desolation and sorrow follows in its course, be what may the conditions and circumstances attending any call to on high. Years had dealt kindly with our esteemed and honored townsman, Isaac Rumsey, and for nearly 94 years the world had received benefits from his living in it. The call came Monday forenoon of this week for him to depart and much sorrow and mourning were caused throughout the Community as news of his death spread to each household. Mr. Rumsey’s last sickness was of brief duration and was due to infirmities consequent upon his advanced age.

Mr. Rumsey was born Nov. 8, 1805, in Orange County, but removed to this section to pass the greater portion of his life. He was a man of sterling qualities and was held in general respect and esteem. His was a benevolent and cheerful nature and he was ever mindful of the comfort and pleasure of others. In his later years he was remarkably active, and kept a keen interest in the affairs of the world. He was a staunch and enthusiastic Democrat and took great pride in the exercise of his elective franchise. In his last years, when his sight almost entirely failed him, he displayed characteristic determination in always being present at the polls on election day and it was a source of much pride to him that he had not missed participating in an election for seventy years. He is survived by his wife; four sons, Jeremiah, Simeon and Isaac F., of this town, and Nicholas, of Michigan; and one daughter, Mrs. Martha Ballard of this place. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon at 2 o’clock from his late home on Rumsey Hill and was attended by a large concourse of friends from a wide section. Rev. P. R. Pittman conducted the service. Interment was made in the Getman cemetery.

MASONS WILL HAVE CHARGE OF FUNERAL — WAVERLY, Aug. 3.—The funeral of the late Benjamin Rumsey will be held from the late home Friday afternoon at 5 o’clock.

Interment will be made in Forest Home Cemetery. The services at the house will be in charge of the. Rev. John E. Miles and those at the grave will be held by the local Lodge of Masons, of which order he was a member.

Tuesday (handwritten in over Thursday) afternoon Isaac Rumsey was taken ill while driving to the mill. He was taken to the home of his daughter Mrs. Abram Rumsey and the doctor called. Mr. Rumsey was suffering from a shock and died Wednesday morning at about 6 o’clock. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife, one son Charles and three daughters, Mrs. Abram Rumsey, Myrtle and Mildred Rumsey, all of this place, beside many other relatives and friends. He has spent his life in this neighborhood and is highly respected. Funeral arrangement will appear later. (Handwritten Note: Age 69)

Isaac Rumsey died suddenly about six o’clock Wednesday morning at his home west of Van Etten. While the deceased had been in poor heal for nearly two years, yet he was about as usual until stricken and death resulting within a few minutes. Mr. Rumsey had been a life long resident of the town of Van Etten and one of her prominent citizens who enjoyed a large circle of friends, all esteeming him most highly. He had held various town offices. He is survived by his widow and three daughters, Mrs. Abraham Rumsey of Van Etten, Misses Myrtle and Mildred, who live at home and one son at home, one sister, Mrs. Byron Park, of Erin. The funeral was held at the house Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock. (Handwritten Note at top of article: June`16,1915; at bottom of article: age 67, June 18, 1915

The death of George Rumsey, aged 76 years, occurred at his home in the town of Erin, last Tuesday morning, Sept. 12. He was stricken with paralysis on Monday, and death resulted the following day. The deceased had been a resident of this vicinity for nearly his whole life. He was the last but one of eleven brothers, Isaac Rumsey being the only survivor.

Armella Park Rosekrans, died Monday, April 26th, at 8 p.m, at the Arnot-Ogden Hospital, Elmira, after an operation and short sickness. She had been in poor health for years. The funeral services were held on Thursday at the family home near Erin at 11 o’clock and at Erin church at 12:30, with burial in the Scotchtown cemetery, and were largely attended by relatives, friends and neighbors. Rev. C. D. Smith, of Caton, one of her former pastors, gave the discourse, assisted by Rev. Paul of Van Etten; and the burial services, which were beautiful and impressive, were conducted by the Order of the Eastern Star, of which she was a member. There were many beautiful and costly flowers, as a tribute of the esteem in which she was held; roses came from Michigan, carnations, roses and other flowers from Elmira, Watkins, Van Etten and other places—more than could be placed on the casket, while among the many designs was a beautiful floral star as the emblem of the Eastern Star. Armella Park Rosekrans was born at Erin, Chemung County, N. Y., August 14, 1861, and at the age of four years moved with her parents to the town of Tyrone, Schuyler county where she lived until she was united in marriage to Fenimore C. Rosekrans, of Erin, April 27, l889, since which time she has lived near Erin. She is survived by her husband, one son, Gordon, and a daughter, Aileen; also her mother, Mrs. Cornelia Park, widow of the late David Park, of Tyrone; four brothers, Treslian, of Tyrone: Chester, of Willard; Orin J. of Watkins, and Miner D., of Tyrone, and many other relatives.

The deceased was a true friend, a kind neighbor and a consistent Chistian, having united with the M. E church at Tyrone at the age of 16, and later transferred her membership to Erin, where her helpfulness and generousness will be missed.

ERIN OCTOGENARIAN SINCERELY MOURNED — Erin, April 15. — Miss Manila Park, was born in the town of Erin, November 8, 1827, died April 10. A week before she was taken ill of grip and a complicating heart trouble caused death. The funeral was held at the old homestead where she was born and in her declining years had been cared for by her brother, Byron T. Park. Her pastor, the Rev. J. H. Richards, officiated. Many friends and neighbors attended. The pallbearers were nephews Jay Parker, O. D Houck, Varnum McDowell and C.F. Rosekrans. Burial was in Austin Hill Cemetery. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. J. Wesley Houck and Mrs. Chauncey Hollenbeck, and two brothers, Byron of Erin and J. J. Park of Van Etten.

Erin News By James L Smith — Fred Rick, 83, a lifelong resident of the town of Erin, died suddenly at his Park Station home, Thursday, July 16. After his retirement as a Lehigh Valley bridge carpenter, he spent his advancing years on his farm near his boyhood home. Possessing a marvelous memory, he could recall dates and happenings of bygone years with remarkable ease. He is survived by his wife, Ada Park Rick; son, Leslie Rick; daughter, Mrs. Marie Marion, both of Ithaca; and six grandchi1d. Funeral was held at the Arnold Funeral Home, Van Etten, Saturday afternoon, July 18, the Reverends Horace R. Pittman and Pelegrino C. Buono, officiating. Burial was in Scotchtown Cemetery, Erin. Pallbearers: Raymond Smith, Herbert Mellin, Willford Park and Edward Whipple.

Park Pfeil, Miss Mabel E. Pfeil United in Marriage with Treslian Park of Binghamton

The midsummer wedding of Miss Mabel E. Pfeil, only daughter of Mrs. Frederick Pfeil and the late Mr. Pfeil of this city and Treslian Park of Binghamton, N. Y., only son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Park of Lakewood took place Thursday afternoon in the chapel of St. Luke’s Episcopal church, Rev. Dr. Lewis E. Ward officiated. The bride was lovely in a powder blue gown with a corsage of pink roses and white sweet peas. Mrs. Everett C. Anderson was the matron of honor, gowned in dusty rose and wore a corsage of yellow roses and white sweet peas. The best man was Everett C. Anderson of this city. The bride’s mother wore a redingote of blue and white sheer print and a corsage of pink roses and white sweet peas and the bridegroom’s mother, flowered print gown with a corsage of pink roses and sweet peas. A reception followed the ceremony at the Apple Inn with covers for 16. Pink and white appointments, sweet peas predominating with a large heart shaped wedding cake were the attractive table appointments. Mr. and Mrs. Park left to take up residence in Binghamton where the bridegroom is employed at the Reiter Electrical Company. The bride was formerly employed at the Jamestown Mutual Insurance Company.

Pre-nuptial affairs were given for the bride by the choir of the St. Luke’s church, the filing department of the Mutual Insurance Company, Mrs. Everett C. Anderson, Mrs. Mary Olsen and Miss Adeline Buck. The groom was honored at a bachelor dinner in the Apple Inn on Wednesday.

Rensaelaer Rumsey was born in Monroe, Orange Co., N.Y. and departed this life at his home in VanEttenville, Sept. 5, 1887, aged 69 years. He had been quite out of health for a few weeks and was apparently better when the disease went to his heart and he died in a few moments. Brother Rumsey had resided in VanEttenville forty-four years. At the age of thirty-six he was converted under the Labors of Oliver McDowel and united with the Methodist Episcopal Church. The evening following his conversion the Holy Ghost came upon him in such power that he was unable to help himself for two hours. In this state he was taken to his home, and when he was able to speak he praised God and rejoiced with "joy unspeakable and full of glory" During the first ten years of his Christian life he was a number of times blessed in the same way. He was appointed class leader in less than a year later his conversion, and held official relation to the church until within a few months of his death. Brother Rumsey was a good citizen, a devoted husband, a kind father, and was highly respected and lived by both the members of the church and those who were not. His last conversation was about his own conversion and the work of the Lord in our midst.

Mrs. Rosaline Rumsey — Van Etten, Dec. 29. (handwritten note: 1926)— Mrs. Rosaline Rumsey of Van Etten, died Wednesday evening, aged 71 years. Mrs. Rumsey is survived by a son Charles T. at home; three daughters, Mrs. Fannie Rumsey, Mildred Davis and Miss Myrtle Rumsey, all of Van Etten. The funeral was held at the family home Saturday afternoon. The Rev. H. E. Erway of Victory officiated. Burial was in Mt. Hope cemetery.

FAITHFULLY SERVES HIS COUNTRYMEN, Death of Benjamin J. Rumsey Is Loss to South Waverly—To Hold Funeral Friday Afternoon. ? Waverly, Aug. 3.—Benjamin J. Rumsey died at his late home on Pleasant Street in South Waverly at noon yesterday, aged 64 years. He recently suffered a stroke of paralysis from which he did not rally. Mr. Rumsey was a citizen of value to south Waverly and was always active in every project for the benefit of the boro. He had served on the school board and for the past two years had held the Office of justice of peace. He is survived by his widow and four sons: Warren, Floyd and James of Waverly and Amos of High Bridge, N. J.,; one brother at Van Etten and one sister, Mrs. Byron Clark of Erin, N.Y. The funeral will be held from the late home at 3 o’clock Friday afternoon. The Rev. J. E. Miles, pastor of the Baptist church, will officiate.

Continued on Page 280

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By Joyce M. Tice
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