Bradford County PA
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Tioga County PA
Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Diaries & Letters of Tri-Counties
Myra Holcomb of Alba to her brother
Photo: Myra Holcomb
Township: Alba, Canton Township, Tioga County PA
Year: est. 1919
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Submitted by Linda LUDWIG Metzer with annotations in parentheses.
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In a letter written by Myra (Holcomb) (John Ball Shadduck) to her brother Lamarr, (Holcombe) Feb 6, 1919 (Myra  is in Alba, PA and Lamarr is stationed somewhere in Eirope during World War I)
(This is copied as Myra wrote it, using her spellings)
"Your letter of January received and today our from Vell (Holcombe) written Jan 15.  I think they will need a entry bag if they even find you.  I know we have written and others.  John (Shadduck) and I have had the flue.  I am feeling rite good again, we hope John (Shadduck) will be out in a few days.  We have not had much snow yet, only on hill.  Armena men have been drawing paper wood by here a few days but the last two weeks have been more like spring.  Even robins and sparows.  Louis (Shadduck) is boarding at home now and trying to finish his last year at Troy.  He goes back and forth in strain cars and now looks after the chores, 3 cows, 2 colls, 2 calf and 2 yearlings so you see we are farming yet on a small scale.  The lastest news here in Alba where Fitch is to have a market (post office will be now)
Dean (Shadduck) and Marion (Brooks) (Shadduck) have been quite well they are thinking of selling if they can.
Erwin (Irving Comfort) and Goldie (Shadduck) (Comfort) have had colds.  All have escaped flue they are at Northeast (PA) yet.  Granma (Malvina-Amanda Malvina (Dickerson) (Shadduck) (Clarke) keeps about there some All the rest are well so far.  Alvin was down and stayed over night with us a short time ago.  Well there's been some changes Ervin S (Shaddick)  came and took Granma (Malvina-Amanda Malvina Dickerson (Shadduck) (Clarke) over to his place Thursday afternoon.  The girl would not go with them.  Durwood  (Shaddick) was married at Thanksgiving time.  We had a Miss Woodhead with us 14 weeks one of Dr Molyeux cousins.  She works at Eagles Mere summer so would left us soon anyway.  I wish you could tell us more where you are located.  We have a little snow again today.  No sleighing yet.  John (Shadduck) is still gaining and well I am all alone once more, Miss Woodhead went yesterday.  We are still on the gain today pm.
Your sister, Myra A Shadduck"

She enclosed a Feb 1919 newspaper clipping
Mrs Ernest Holcomb (Nellie S Fellows) is in the Sayre hospital for an operation.
Miss Amy Kelley is alarmingly ill with heart trouble at Packer hospital.
Dr and Mrs Bevan and son and Thomas Mott and wife visited at R L Bevans (Richard Lewis and Della-Adella Kennedy Morse Bevan) in Franklindale Sunday.
James Holcomb and wife of West Franklin visitied his mother and sister in this place Sunday.
Dr Bevan had professional business in Sayre a couple of days last week.
Mrs Almanda Holcomb is confined to her bed by illness.  Miss Ida Walburn is helping to care for her.
Chester Whipple is in the Blossburg hospital where a serious operation was performed by Dr. Molyneux a few days ago, he is going well.
The ladies organized S. S. class drove over to Granville Center on Wednesday and spent the day with Rev and Mrs Bryan.  Those present were Mr and Mrs (Marcia-Mary M Bailey) Burton Saxton, H D (Harry D) Stone and wife (Mary Alice Palmer), Frank Stone and wife (Nettie-Annettie Schanbacher), R E Palmer ad wife, J O (James Orrin) Tomlinson and wife (Dora A Palmer), Seymour Kelley and wife (Edith Rockwell), R Morse and wife, Mrs (Semantha Martha Fellows) A T (Albert Tell) Lilley, Mrs Ruby (G Mason) (E Lloyd) Lewis, Mrs Jennie (Roseanna Jane Cook) (Vell-Survellon Burr) Holcomb, Mrs Elon Mott, Mrs Alma (Lucinda LaMont) (Wesley) Mott, Mrs Hazel (Grittiths) (Clarence L) Mott, Mrs Hazel (Pauline Hill) (Link-Carlyle Bly) Morse, Mrs Edith Masos, Mrs Grace (Allen) (Earl M) Tomlinson, Mrs Electra (Anna Electra Allen) (Samuel Ashton) Morse and daughter Phoebe Morse,  Mrs Effie Coon, Mrs Ettie (McCraney) (Leland D) Morse, Mrs Betsey (Elizabeth Williams) (John W) Morse, Mrs Elosia (L Greeneough) (Milton L) McCraney, Misses Carrie and Minnie Holcomb and Ida Walburn.
Mark Merritt and family of Cowley were visitors at Robert Chilsons' Sunday.
Robert Mason Sr is spending some time with relatives in Sayre.
Those on the sick list are:  Mrs Effie Coon, Walter Colton, Mrs J J Holzworth and Reed Klibora."

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