January 2. Ross’ birthday. Went down to Elmira to Ross and Ada’s and Raymond’s; saw Ada and Andy. Lula got hurt Thursday morning. Sonny was sick all night.
January 3. Sonny didn’t feel good, so we didn’t go to church. Ruth stopped
and brought Sonny a dinner pail; Nellie got it to Mansfield.
January 4. I washed. Sonny didn’t go to school.
January 5. I ironed and sewed some. Got a letter from Ada telling me about Lula. Got a letter from Ethel. Sonny didn’t go to school. He didn’t feel good yet, Betty came up to see how he was.
January 6. Sonny didn’t go to school yet. Betty came up brought up a wash tub Nellie got for me to Mansfield and a letter too from Nellie.
January 7. Alfred Finnerty’s 3 year birthday. Sonny didn’t go to school yet. They shut down on driving for pleasure.
January 8. Sonny went to school I got my kerosene stamp. I shoveled out my driveway.
January 9. We went up to Lew Smith’s got 6 gallon gas and some groceries.
January 10. We went to church and went down to Ernest’s afternoon, and to Margaret & Lewis’. Ernest fixed the mailman’s car.
January 11. Ernest took Lewis to hospital. We went down and stayed till they got back.
January 12.
January 13. Margaret and Gertrude went to Wellsboro to see Lewis. Mr. Barnes took them. I got a letter from Lula at last.
January 14. Gertrude and I went to Elmira, I went to see how Lula was and went over town and got Sonny a pair of every day shoes. Stopped to Raymond’s; baby was sick with a cold. Marian, Buster and Margaret and Daryl went to see Lewis.
January 15. Went to Corners to women’s meeting at Dan Smith’s. We elected officers. Margaret and Marian went to see Lewis. I got a letter from Ethel.
January 16. I got a letter from Ada Ward and one from Ada Anderson, and one from Nellie.
January 17. Ernie’s 4 years birthday. We went down to Ernest’s in afternoon to see how Lewis was.
January 18. Sunday. We went to church. Stopped to Ernest’s to see how Lewis and Daryl was. They took Daryl to the hospital.
January 19. I washed. Sent Jeanette a birthday card, wrote to Nellie and Ada A. Daryl was operated on. It rained all night. Lewis came home.
January 20. I ironed. Went down to see how Daryl was. Our rain turned into snow, an awful cold night. I sent Lula a birthday card and letter. Mrs. Smith died.
January 21. Lula’s birthday. I got a letter from Ada W. Awful cold.
January 22. Mrs. Smith was buried, I went to the funeral. Stopped to school.
January 23. We went down to get groceries. Stopped to Raymond’s then went over to Lula’s; she came home with us.
January 24. We went to church. Lula went too. She went home, rode down with Ernest.
January 25. I washed. No school.
January 26. I ironed and patched.
January 27. I swept upstairs. Got a letter from Ada and one from Lula. Margaret and Ernie came up a while.
January 28. Rained all day and part of the night. Got a letter from Ada Anderson. I wrote to Ada Ward.
January 29. Snow was quite deep. I made paths. Tracy’s boys unloaded Merle’s load of manure.
January 30. We went down to Elmira for groceries. Stopped to Raymond’s. I went over to Lula’s.
January 31. We went to church.
February 1. I washed. My check came, the mail didn’t get here till 6 o’clock. I wrote to Nellie.
February 2. Groundhog day. Nice day. I ironed, went up to Lew Smith’s got my check cashed; got some gas and groceries. Sent Ada A. a birthday card and letter.
February 3. Ada A. birthday and Billy. Sonny was sick and didn’t go to school. I wrote to Ethel.
February 4. Daryl came home. Sonny didn’t go to school. Betty came up after school. Sonny wrote to Ada W. and I did too.
February 5. Sonny started to school, came back crying saying he didn’t feel good. I sent him to bed told him if he was sick to go to bed.
February 6. I baked 2 pies an apple cake and mopped.
February 7. I went to church. Left Sonny to Ernest’s he didn’t feel good. Doris’ baby was born.
February 8. Awful blustery. I washed. Sonny didn’t go to school again; I had to give him an enema.
February 9. Sonny didn’t go to school again. Betty came up after school. We give Sonny castor oil. Sonny sent Jeanette and Helen a Valentine. I sent Nellie one and a letter.
February 10. Sonny didn’t go to school; his oil went through him. Got an announcement of Doris’ baby boy. Sonny sent Helene, Lorraine, Natalia and Janet and Freddie a Valentine.
February 11. It rained. I took Sonny to school Went up to the Corners to the women’s meeting. I got a letter from Ethel. I wrote to Ada W. Sonny sent her a Valentine and one to Alfred.
February 12. I wrote to Ethel and sent her a Valentine. Got something for Doris’ baby boy. Washington’s Birthday.
February 13. I had a tooth pulled. We went down to Raymond’s to dinner; then he took me over to Dr. Roth’s. I had the tooth pulled, then we stopped to Lula’s then got some groceries and came home. I got a card from Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Smith saying there wouldn’t be any church for the preacher had an accident.
February 14. I didn’t have any church. I was going up here to church but it was so blustery and cold I didn’t go. Lula, Ada and Clarence came up to dinner.
February 15. I washed. We got Valentines from Ada W. I sent an order to Montgomery for Sonny a pair of pants and overalls. The coldest day we have had.
February 16. I was awful sick, taken about 12 o’clock at night and didn’t go back to bed till 4. I ironed and patched. Margaret and Ernie came up a while in the afternoon.
February 17. Ruth and Jullie baby came over to dinner.
February 18. I wrote to Ethel and Gladys.
February 19. I went down to Ernest’s; he came up with me and changed my tire. Took the other one down to fix it. I was sick the rest of the day, my stomach hurt me all night.
February 20. Didn’t feel good. We went up to Lew’s and got some groceries. Nice and warm.
February 21. We went to church. Steve and Martha was there. Came home then went over to Nellie’s with Ruth and Henry. Nice day awful muddy.
February 22. No mail. Washington’s birthday. I washed, very nice day. Snow and ice all gone.
February 23. Gladys was operated on for appendix. Sonny’s pants and overalls came.
February 24. I sent Gladys a get well card and sent a postal card to Ethel and one to Nellie. Got my policy from Charles Ross.
February 25. I got a letter from Ethel. Went down to Ernest’s to go to Millerton to get ration book no. 2. They didn’t go, they said they would get it to Wellsboro but didn’t.
February 26. I went down to Ernest’s to see how Gladys was.
February 27. We went down to Raymond’s, then I went over to Lula’s and ate dinner with her. Got my groceries and went back to Raymond’s, took him to the doctor but he wasn’t there. I saw Ross, we went down and got some milk he got for me.
February 28. We went to church. I read all the afternoon. Gladys came home from hospital.
March 1. I washed. No school this week on account of Scarlet Fever. Delos and Ernie came up a while, said Gladys was home.
March 2. I got a letter from Nellie wanting me to come over there and stay till warm weather. Delos and Ernie was up a while. I had a bad cold and hoarse.
March 3. I wrote to Nellie and said it was too late to think of moving. It would soon be warm weather. I couldn’t talk out loud. Delos and Ernie came up to see how my cold was.
March 4. I read most all day. The ground was white with snow, Delos came up after coupon to send for my ration book no. 2.
March 5. Got letter from Lula and card from Ada. Went up to Lew Smith’s got check cashed, got gas, stopped to Ernest’s to see Gladys.
March 6. Thawed a lot. Ada and Lula and Clarence came up and stayed to supper. Ruth stopped a while. Snowed most all day.
March 7. Went up to church but the preacher didn’t come. Betty’s birthday.
March 8. Grover Freedman died; Delos came up and told me. I washed. School commenced again. Awful cold. I sent for my license plate.
March 9. Still cold. Grover was buried. I got letter from Nellie.
March 10. Warmer. I wrote to Nellie, got a letter from Ethel. Betty and Ernie came up a while and played dominos with Sonny. The teacher was sick, there wasn’t any school. Sonny had sore throat.
March 11. Sonny had sore throat so didn’t go to school. I wrote to Ethel.
March 12. We went down to Raymond’s, stayed with Bettie while they went over town.
March 13. We went down to Lula’s then got groceries, then went down to Ross’, then to Ada’s then home.
March 14. We went to church then down to Raymond’s for dinner.
March 15. Ethel’s birthday I went over there to dinner then we went down to Doris’ to see her baby. Nice day. I saw Gene up to Lew Smith’s. Went down and got Gladys and Gertrude.
March 16. I washed. It rained so I took Sonny to school. Went down to Mosherville and got Gertrude and Gladys at night. Sent for license.
March 17. I ironed and read.
March 18. I went up stair in the other room. Sent Ross and Lula a card, got a letter from Nellie.
March 19. I wrote to Nellie and washed these kitchen windows. Took some of my geraniums up stairs. Got a letter from Ada.
March 20. Baked two pies and a cake, mopped. Went up to Lew Smith’s and got 6 gallon gas.
March 21. I didn’t go to church. Ross, Florence and Lula came up, we went down to Ernest’s a while.
March 22. I washed and wrote to Ada W.
March 23. I wrote to Nellie that I couldn’t come over on account of gas. Awful cold; snow on the ground.
March 24. Warming. Read most of the day.
March 25. Nice day.
March 26. No school, we went down to Raymond’s then over town, then to Lula’s. She came home with us. I got a letter from Ada W. and one from Ethel.
March 27. Lula was here I got a letter from Nellie.
March 28. Lula was here, she had a bad cold so we didn’t go to church. The preacher and wife stopped here. Clarence and Ada stopped here, Lula rode down with them. They had been to see Stanley, Clarence’s brother.
March 29. I washed.
March 30. I ironed and patched and wrote Ethel and read. Rained all day.
March 31. Nice day. I uncovered hatchway. Sent a card to Nellie.
April 1. Raymond’s folks came, stayed to supper. They bought a car.
April 2. My license plates didn’t come. I went down to Ernest’s found out didn’t have to have them till May 1. We went over to Nelllie’s after school. Got cold and snowed.
April 3. The ground was white with snow. Nellie and I went down to Mansfield. Ruth went away again. We came home, stopped to Lew’s got gas.
April 4. We went to church. Ernest and Gertrude came up a while towards night.
April 5. I washed. Cold.
April 6. The ground was white again but was all gone at noon. I got a letter from Ada W. and one from Gladys, and a card from Nellie and books.
April 7. I wrote three letters. One to Nellie, one to Ada W. and one to Gladys. My license plates came. Mrs. Baker called a while in the afternoon.
April 8. The ground was white again with snow. I wrote to Ethel and got a letter from Ethel.
April 9. Warmer. Went down to Gertrude’s a while.
April 10. We went down to Raymond’s then went over town got my glasses changed; Lula went with me. I got Sonny a plaid jacket.
April 11. We went to church. Raymond’s folks came, and Ada and Lula and Clarence. Raymond went home.
April 12. I washed. Sent my oil paper to Wellsboro. Went down to Mosherville and got Gertrude. Got a letter from Ethel and one from Gladys.
April 13. I ironed and patched.
April 14. I went to Elmira and got my glasses. Stopped to Raymond’s, ate dinner to Ross’ then went over to Lula’s and Gertrude came home with me. I took Sonny’s tricycle down.
April 15. Cold. Henry stopped for a pound of coffee.
April 16. Cold, it snowed most all day, turned to rain toward night. Ruth stopped and asked me to go up home with her.
April 17. I baked two pies and a cake. Mopped. A little warmer. Ruth stopped and left me a peck of potatoes.
April 18. Ada and Clarence went over to his folks, left Lula here. We went to church. Raymond’s folks came, stayed to dinner. Betty brought Billy up a while.
April 19. Rained and snowed all day. I washed.
April 20. I sent Easter cards to Mr. & Mrs. Knight, one to Gladys, Myrtle, Marie & Horace.
April 21. I sent some more Easter cards; swept up stairs.
April 22. Sent some more Easter cards.
April 23. Got a letter from Ethel and Gladys and Easter card from Ross, and Lula. I went to Elmira, got a new hat.
April 24. I made two pies and mopped. Washed kitchen windows. Got Easter cards from Ada and Clarence, and Nellie.
April 25. Easter Sunday. I didn’t go to church. Lula and Ada and Clarence came up to dinner.
April 26. I washed.
April 27. I ironed. I wrote to Ethel and Nellie and sent my oil paper back. Nellie came over, brought her curtains over for me to wash and iron.
April 28. I washed Nellie’s curtains and painted the high chair for Bettie. Delos finished splitting my wood.
April 29. I iorned Nellie’s curtains.
April 30. We went to Elmira, got Sonny’s tricycle and got him a new hat. Stopped to Lula’s and Raymond’s. Got my groceries, my check came. Got an Easter card from brother Sam.
May 1. Cold. I baked pumpkin pies. Froze ice and snowed a little.
May 2. Went to church. Lula and Raymond’s folks was here when we came home. The preacher was sick and didn’t come, we had Sunday School.
May 3. I washed. Clarence and Ada came, stayed to dinner.
May 4. I ironed. Daryl came up, got the chicken wire, Gertrude came up after him.
May 5. Merle plowed the garden and dragged it. I took the roofing off the screen doors. Got a letter from Ethel.
May 6. I planted some peas, lettuce and radishes. Got a letter from Nellie and one from Ada Anderson. I wrote to Ethel.
May 7. I planted more peas and cucumbers. Wrote to Nellie and Ada Anderson. Got a Mother’s Day card and scarf from Lula.
May 8. Wrote to Lula, sent Lula a letter. Ada and Clarence came up and brought me a nice table cloth. It rained most all day.
May 9. I didn’t go to church for Lula, Ross, Florence came. Raymond’s folks came but didn’t stay as usual. We all went to Roseville and Mansfield to the graves, then went to Nellie’s.
May 10. I washed. Got a Mother’s Day card from Ethel and Allie and a card from Mrs. Dan Smith. It rained.
May 11. Rained again. I ironed and cleaned the bedroom downstairs.
May 12. Still raining. I cleaned my pantry shelves.
May 13. I got ready to go to Elmira but my battery was gone; I couldn’t start the car. I went down to Ern’s to get him to come up and get it and take it down to Balmers.
May 14. Ernest gave me another battery so I went to Elmira. Lula was working.
May 15. I baked pies and cake and mopped. Went down to Mosherville, got my battery. Sonny finished mowing the lawn.
May 16. We went to church. Raymond’s folks came just as we got home. Bettie fell off the couch and the swing fell down with her, she bumped her head.
May 17. Monday. I washed.
May 18. Raymond’s came up to see Butchers. Stopped to dinner.
May 19. Sonny came down with the mumps. Delos birthday. I washed some more curtains.
May 20. It was raining. I ironed my curtains and sent Ada and Lula a card that Sonny has mumps.
May 21. Raining again. Sonny’s mumps better. I washed 5 windows upstairs. Got a letter from Ethel.
May 22. I wrote to Ethel. Cleaned the cabinet in the back room and mowed part lawn.
May 23. Sonny has mumps so I stayed home all day.
May 24. I cultivated my peas and planted corn, beans, beets, cucumbers.
Finished mowing lawn and washed. Marked out my potato ground.
May 25. I ironed these curtains in kitchen and planted my potatoes.
Cultivated my peas again. Sent a card to Ada W. to come up and plant potatoes.
May 26. It rained again. Took Sonny to school. Stopped to Ern’s.
May 27. I took down my lace curtains and washed them. Cleaned the room
and sent Helen a birthday card and Nellie a letter.
May 28. Helen’s birthday. I went to Elmira, got a mattress for Nellie;
potty chair for Bettie. Ate dinner to Raymond’s, got groceries and came
May 29. I sent Nellie a card to come get her mattress and bed. I mopped and mowed the lawn.
May 30. We went to church. The preacher didn’t come but we had Sunday School. Mrs. Krists’ sister died. They went to the funeral. Clarence and Ada came up and planted their potatoes. We was down to Ernest’s.
May 31. Last day of school. I washed, finished mowing the lawn.
June 1. I ironed. Nellie and Helen and Jeanette and Freddie came over after her mattress and bed. Stayed to dinner.
June 2.
June 3. I got a card from Nellie that she had a bad spell after she got home.
June 4. We went to Elmira. Lula came home with us. We stopped to Raymond’s.
June 5. Allie and Ethel came and stayed all night.
June 6. Allie and Ethel and Lula was here so we didn’t go to church.
We went down to Ernest’s after they went home. Lula rode down with Ernest.
June 7. I washed. It rained.
June 8. Raymond’s folks came up to supper. We mowed lawn and Raymond cultivated the corn. I sent a card to Nellie to come up and get flat irons Lula sent up.
June 9. I washed the doors in the other room and bought 3 ton of coal.
June 10. I washed the doors in the kitchen.
June 11. We went down to Elmira, stopped to Raymond’s. Then went and tried to find Ada. Then went to Ross’ to dinner. Went to dentist, then got my shoes. Went to Lula’s stayed all night.
June 12. Lula got a telegram to come back to Eclipse. We came home, stopped to Raymond’s to dinner. Planted some more corn.
June 13. We went to church. Raymond’s folks came after we got home. We went down to Ernest’s after they went home.
June 14. I washed. I read about Ross having an accident.
June 15. Got a card from Lula about Ross and a letter from Ada W. I was sick with the grippe.
June 16. We cultivated the garden and wrote to Lula, Ethel and Nellie.
June 17. We had thunder shower. We mowed the lawn. Sonny took grass down to Gertrude’s for hens. Wrote to Ada Anderson. I went down to Ernest’s to see Marian and Billy.
June 18. I wrote to Nellie again. I swept up stairs.
June 19. We mowed some more lawn. Sonny took grass down to Gertrude.
I cultivated some more garden.
June 20. We went to church. No one came. We went down to Ern’s a while
after dinner.
June 21. I washed. Ada and Clarence came to dinner and hoed their potatoes. I cultivated my corn and potatoes.
June 22. I ironed. Got a letter from Lula. Raymond’s came a while after supper with a different car.
June 23. Got a card from Nellie and wrote a card to Lula. We commenced to sleeping in the parlor.
June 24. I transplanted some petunias. Sent a card to Ada W. Got a letter from Ada A.
June 25. We went to Elmira in the afternoon, got Lula’s davenport and my groceries. Raymond helped me load it.
June 26.
June 27. We went to church. Went down to Ernest’s a while. Gene’s folks stopped. Nellie came up with me and got her flat iron, then Ada and Clarence came. Went through their potatoes.
June 28. I washed. Sent Lula a card. Ernest and Gertrude came up and drawed some gas out of my car.
June 29. I ironed. Went down to Ernest’s toward night.
June 30. We went to Elmira. Lula and I went to Ross’; he wasn’t home. Then we went to Ada W. I stayed all night.
July 1. Ada took us over town. I got Sonny some short pants and started home. Stopped to Lula’s then to Raymond’s, then came home. Stopped to Ernest’s. Cultivated and hoed my potatoes.
July 2. I hoed rest of garden.
July 3. Edd’s barn burnt.
July 4. We went to church. Raymond’s folks came afternoon.
July 5. I washed. Nellie and kids came over. We all went over to Ethel’s afternoon. Nellie brought ice cream and strawberries. We went down to Ern’s at night.
July 6. I ironed. Set out petunias.
July 7. We went to Elmira. Ate dinner with Ross and supper with Raymond. Went over to Lula’s but she wasn’t home. I paid for my paper and bought a alarm clock.
July 8. Marian and Billy came over and she went to doctors. We went down to Ernest’s to see them.
July 9. Got a card from Lula. We picked and canned four pints peas.
July 10.
July 11.
July 12. I washed.
July 13. Sent Helene a birthday card.
July 14. Helene’s birthday. Ruth and Henry took the baby to Elmira and stopped here. We went over to Nellie’s stayed all night.
July 15. We went to Wellsboro with Nellie and Gene; came home. Raymond’s folks came and went to Roseville with them to see Leorinda Webster. Got a letter from Ethel.
July 16. I wrote to Ethel. Nellie and Gene stopped when they came back from Elmira.
July 17. Jerome Brewer was buried.
July 18. We went to church. No one came. We went down to Ernest’s after dinner.
July 19. Lewis McClure’s birthday. I washed and ironed.
July 20. I went up to Winners and got my car inspected. Marian went
to the hospital. I went down to Ernest’s to see how she was.
July 21. Marian came back from the hospital We went down to Ernest’s to hear from her and she was there.
July 22. We went to Elmira. Went to Lula’s, went to Ross’ after dinner,
then went and got Sonny. Went back to Lula’s stayed all night.
July 23. Went up to Raymond’s; stayed with the baby while Hazel got
her hair fixed. Then came home. Got a card from Nellie.
July 24. I wrote to Nellie.
July 25. We went to church. Lula and Ada and Clarence was here when we came home. Stayed all night.
July 26. Clarence, Ada and Sonny went to see about putting Sonny in a home.
July 27. I washed. Got a card from Nellie and a letter from Ethel.
July 28. I ironed. Got a letter from Ethel and the Mansfield paper and a letter from Nellie.
July 29. Jane Daggett’s sister got killed. I wrote to Ethel and Nellie.
July 30. I fixed the barn floor and got a letter from Ada.
July 31. We went down to Lula’s and Ada’s. Stopped and got groceries and came home.
August 1. We went to church. Raymond’s folks came to dinner. We all went over to Ethel’s; they gave me some potatoes.
August 2. I washed. Nellie and kids came a while in the afternoon. She got her money.
August 3. I ironed and patched. Went down to Ernest’s after supper. We had thunder shower; Ernest brought us home.
August 4. Nellie and Gene stopped when they came from Elmira and wanted me to go over and help paper the kitchen. We went over towards night.
August 5. We tore off old paper and painted some.
August 6. We finished painting and papering, came home. Jeanette painted most of it. Freddie’s birthday.
August 7. Nellie and girls came over in the afternoon to borrow something.
August 8. Went to church. Went down to Ernest’s. Raymond’s folks came stayed to supper. Marian went to hospital.
August 9. Marian’s girl was born. I washed. Gene and Nellie, Ruth and Freddie stopped when the came from Elmira.
August 10. I ironed.
August 11.
August 12. We went to Elmira to Lula’s and Ross’ and Ada’s. Went to hospital to see Marian. Stayed all night with Lula.
August 13. We got our groceries. Stopped to Raymond’s and came home. Got a letter from Ethel. Made Nellie’s apron.
August 14. I wrote to Ethel and got a card from Nellie.
August 15. Betty’s birthday. We went to church and Sunday School. Went down to Ern’s afternoon. No one came.
August 16. I washed.
August 17. I got a letter from Marie and Horace. I ironed and patched. Sonny got a birthday card from Mr. & Mrs. Knight. Bertha Webster died.
August 18.
August 19. Got a letter from Ethel to come and can corn.
August 20. Bertha Webster was buried.
August 21. Sonny’s birthday. We went down to Ada’s; stayed all night to Lula’s.
August 22. We all went over to Ada’s to dinner, they had chicken and ice cream. We all went to the Park at night.
August 23. Clarence and Ada took Sonny to fair. Lula and I stayed to Ross’, we came home.
August 24. I washed. Sent Nellie’s skirt to her.
August 25. I ironed and patched.
August 26. We went down to Ernest’s after supper.
August 27.
August 28.
August 29. We didn’t go to church. Gene and folks and John came over to celebrate our birthday. We went down to Ernest’s to see Marian’s baby after they went home.
August 30. My birthday. I washed. Got my birthday cards from Lula, Ethel and Allie, Ada and Andy, Doris and Johnny.
August 31. We went to Elmira. Took Lula down to Ada’s; helped her can tomatoes. My car bothered all day. Stopped to Raymond’s minute. Came home.
September 1. Wrote to Ethel and Ada A. Got a card from Jeanette saying Fred Perry was coming there, so didn’t go there.
September 2.
September 3. Canned applesauce.
September 4. Baked apple pies and cake, got ready for company.
September 5. We went to church and Sunday School. Ada, Clarence and Lula was here when we got home. Raymond’s came but didn’t stay. Lula stayed all night. We went down to Ernest’s a while.
September 6. Labor Day. School commenced. Margaret’s baby girl was born. I went down after Ross but couldn’t find them so came home. Canned tomatoes and applesauce.
September 7. I washed and canned applesauce. Wrote to Lula and Ethel. We mowed the lawn.
September 8. I ironed. Canned applesauce. Got a card from Ross telling me he was in Buffalo. I wrote a card to Lula.
September 9. I went up to Corners to women’s meeting. Canned applesauce.
September 10. I helped Gertrude can corn. Got a letter from Ethel.
September 11. Gladys had her teeth out. We went down to see her to Ernest’s. I mopped, washed these windows. Got a letter from Nellie and a card from Lula. I canned six pints applesauce.
September 12. Went to church. Raymond’s was here when we got home.
September 13. I washed. Sent Margaret a card to the hospital.
September 14. I ironed; canned applesauce.
September 15. Made pillow cases and canned applesauce. Ross and Florence came up a while at night. Some man brought them up.
September 16. Rained. I wrote to Ethel and Nellie and sent Ada W. a card.
September 17. I went to Elmira. Went to Ada’s, stopped to Lula’s. She was down to Ada’s canning peaches. I stopped to Raymond’s and went over town.
September 18. I made catsup and tomato juice.
September 19. We went to church. Went down to Ernest’s, saw Margaret’s baby. No one came.
September 20. I washed. Sent Horace a birthday card.
September 21. Lula and Ada and Clarence came up after grapes.
September 22. I got my tires inspected. Canned grapes and applesauce. Edd filled silo.
September 23. Cut sweet corn and dug some potatoes.
September 24. I finished digging my potatoes.
September 25. I baked two pies and a cake. Canned applesauce. Got a letter from Nellie and a money order from Ada W. for $10.00.
September 26. We went to church. Looked for Raymond’s but they didn’t come.
September 27. Horace birthday. I washed. Carried water from the creek to wash with.
September 28. I ironed and canned grapes. Paid my taxes. Stopped to Ernest’s. Got a letter from Ethel.
September 29. I wrote to Ethel and Ada A. Canned applesauce.
September 30. I went to Elmira, stopped to Raymond’s. Then to Lula’s, then to Ross’, then to Ada W., then to super market then home. Lula commenced work again to Eclipse.
October 1. I put tape on my house slippers and fixed Sonny’s shoes; canned applesauce. Took some apples down to Gertrude and stamps. Rained all afternoon.
October 2. I mopped and canned 9 pints applesauce. Got a letter Nellie.
October 3. We went to church. No one came. We went down to Ern’s. Lewis moved back to Daggett. Gladys and Franklin was down to Ern’s; she come up. I give her a stand.
October 4. I washed. Nellie and Ruth stopped when they went to Elmira.
October 5. I ironed and patched. Peeled apples. Nellie and Ruth stopped again. They went back after tires. I got a card from Ada W.
October 6. Ada and Clarence came up and dug the rest of their potatoes and picked my spy apples. After they went home we went down to Ern’s to see Marian’s baby.
October 7. I got a letter from Ethel. I made sleeves in my blue jacket smaller and shorter, and patched.
October 8. We went over to Nellie’s after school.
October 9. We came home. I traded stoves. They brought it over and changed them.
October 10. We went to church, didn’t stay to Sunday School. We went over to Ethel’s. Lula came home with us, stayed all night.
October 11. I took Lula home and went down to Ross’, then over to Ada’s and ate dinner, then stopped to Raymond’s and came home.
October 12. I washed and peeled apples.
October 13. I ironed and canned applesauce. Got a letter from Nellie that Helen had the chicken pox. Peeled the last of apples.
October 14. I canned the last applesauce, 9 pints. Throwed the wood in the woodshed. Gertrude came up to see if Daryl and Lewis could stay up here a few nights while the carpenter was there. They stayed all night.
October 15. Rained most all day. Nellie and kids came over to dinner and got my oil stove and ax.
October 16. I baked two pies and mopped. Swept upstairs in the other room.
October 17. We got ready for church and Raymond’s folks came so we didn’t go. Margaret and Betty came up with the baby.
October 18. Ada’s birthday. I washed and canned the rest of the pears.
October 19. Marian’s birthday. I ironed and patched. Went down to Ernest’s afternoon.
October 20. I got a letter from Nellie. I went down to Ernest’s afternoon. Went up to where Gertrude was papering Lewis’ rooms.
October 21. I went to Millerton to register. Wrote to Nellie.
October 22. I went to Elmira. Stopped to Raymond’s then went over to
Lula’s then over town, then to Ross, then to Ada’s. Ate dinner there or
supper then went and got groceries. Came home. Stopped got 10 gallon oil.
October 23. Wrote to Ross, sent stamps Lula give me for him and Raymond’s address.
October 24. We went to church. Went down to Ernest’s in afternoon. No one came.
October 25. I washed. Took my car down to Ern’s to have Prestone tested. Ern came up and started it.
October 26. Rained. I wrote to Ethel.
October 27. Rained. School kids had Halloween party.
October 28. Still raining.
October 29.
October 30. We went to Elmira and went down to Ross’. Clarence and
Ada came up and went hunting. Came back to supper. I got a letter from
Nellie and one from Ethel.
October 31. We went to Church. Lula and Raymond’s folks came up to dinner, brought a chicken. My car bothered about starting.
November 1. I washed. Raymond came up, brought a carburator and put it in my car.
November 2. Election day. I ironed and patched.
November 3. I wrote to Ethel and Nellie. Varnished Sonny’s table.
November 4. I went down to Ernest’s a while in afternoon. I fixed my coat shorter. I got a letter from Ruth.
November 5. I wrote to Ruth. Went up to Lew Smith’s got my check cashed. Went on up to Winners. Stopped to Ernest’s when I came back.
November 6. I got a letter from Ethel. I mopped. Baked two apple pies and an apple cake. Leda gave me the apples.
November 7. Got all ready to go to church and Ada came, Clarence went hunting; came to dinner. Shot a rabbit for me, Ada brought one.
November 8. Rainy day. I washed.
November 9. I ironed and peeled apples that Leda gave me. Got a letter from Nellie and a card from Bertha C. and one from Eliza and one from Susie Smith to come to women’s meeting Thursday.
November 10. Raymond and Betty came up to dinner. I peeled apples again.
November 11. Armistice Day. No mail. I went up to Corners to women’s meeting; stopped to Ernest’s.
November 12. I swept up stairs. Went over to Margaret’s afternoon. Stopped to Ernest’s.
November 13. We went to Elmira. Lula wasn’t home, went down to Ross’s to dinner then over to Ada’s. Clarence’s sister was there. We stopped to Raymond’s.
November 14. We went to church then over to Nellie’s.
November 15. I washed. Cut out a waist for Freddie. Got a letter from Ethel.
November 16. I ironed and patched. Made a waist for Freddie.
November 17. Wrote to Ethel and Ada W. Got letters from Lula and Ada A.
November 18. I wrote to Lula and Ada A. Raymond’s folks came up to supper. Said he had hired out to Odessa.
November 19. Got a card from Nellie. Patched Sonny’s school coat and finished Freddie’s two waists.
November 20. Saturday. I baked two pies and a cake. Mopped. Sent Freddie’s three waists.
November 21. We went to church. Raymond’s folks and Lula came up to dinner. Betty was about sick.
November 22. I washed.
November 23. I ironed then went down to Elmira to Raymond’s and Ada W. to the super market. Betty wasn’t better. Lewis went to Wellsboro to take examination.
November 24. Gertrude’s birthday. Went down to Ada W. and stayed all night.
November 25. Thanksgiving Day. We was to Ada W. to dinner. Lula was there too.
November 26. I put roofing on screen doors.
November 27. I baked pumpkin pies and mopped. Washed these windows. Went down to Ernest’s got a spare rib.
November 28. We went to church. Looked for Raymond’s to dinner. They took Betty to doctor’s so they didn’t get here for dinner but stayed to supper. Betty had convulsion.
November 29. Monday. Ernest’s birthday. I washed. Wrote to Ethel. Went down to see how Betty was.
November 30.
November 31. Tuesday. Nellie called. I went over to see her before she went hospital.
December 1. Nellie went to hospital. Raymond moved to Odessa. Clarence stopped a few minutes, he was hunting.
December 2.
December 3.
December 4. Got a letter from Nellie. They sent her home from hospital. Went down and let Gertie read it.
December 5. Went to church then took Nellie’s letter down for Lula and
Ada and Ross to read. Jeanette came over after some more money.
December 6. I washed. Sent Nellie letter and wrote one to Ethel. Gene
stopped and said Nellie was going to take a treatment Tuesday at 11:00.
December 7. I ironed, patched. Wrote to Ethel, Lula and Ada W. about Nellie. I went down to Ernest’s to hear from Nellie. Gene said she stood her treatment all right. I was sick all night.
December 8. Lewis’ birthday. I was going to the hospital to see Nellie but was sick all night and couldn’t.
December 9. I wrote a letter to Nellie and a card to Jeanette and one to Ethel. Was sick all day. Ernest and Gertrude came up at night to see how I was.
December 10. Sonny was sick all night all day, didn’t setup any.
December 11. I felt a little better and Sonny did too. Baked 2 pies and mopped. Delos came up and got coal and emptied ashes.
December 12. Lorraine’s birthday. Went to church. Preacher didn’t come. Lula, Ada and Andy came up in afternoon. I wrote a letter to Ada Ward.
December 13. I washed. Sent Ada’s letter and wrote to Ethel. Got my policy for car insurance.
December 14. I ironed these curtains, put them up, washed windows. Sent my car insurance money. $16.06. Sent a card to Nellie.
December 15. I sent 6 Christmas cards, wrote to Raymond.
December 16. I wrote to Ethel and Lula and sent each a Christmas card.
December 17.
December 18.
December 19. We went to church. Looked for Allie’s folks but they didn’t
December 20. I washed. Went up to Lew’s got gas and kerosene oil.
December 21. I went up to Winners with car, they was ready to go to Elmira so didn’t get it fixed.
December 22. Took my car up to Winners again, got it all fixed up for $5.00. We went up home to the Christmas tree.
December 23. I got a Christmas box from Ethel and one from Doris. Card from Nellie and card from Raymond.
December 24. I got my baking done. We went over to see Nellie, her birthday. Took her pie and some eggs.
December 25. Ernest went down and got Ross and Florence and Lula, they stayed all night.
December 26. It rained and froze on so they stayed all night again. Daryl got hurt.
December 27. Ernest took them home.
December 28. I sent Raymond a birthday card and Ethel a letter. There wasn’t any school. Mrs. Eighmey was sick. I got Betty’s picture in mail. Got a card from Ada. I washed.
December 29. Raymond’s birthday. I ironed and patched. Sent for Betty’s picture for Ethel.
December 30. No school. We went over to Ethel’s.
December 31. Went to Elmira, got groceries. Went over to Lula’s. I got
my check.
Addresses: Lula Osborne Ross Thorpe Ethel McClure
308 W. Hudson Street 521 Union Place Columbia X Roads
Elmira NY Elmira NY PA RD
Nellie Perry Raymond McClure Ada Andersons
Mansfield 1081 W 14th St T. E. Anderson
PA RD Elmira Hights Elmira NY RD2#
Moved moved
Marie Thorpe Mrs. John Finnerty Lewis Thorpe
211 Lincoln St Ulster PA RD 8th moved
Laredo Texas now Towanda PA RD#6 Mansfield PA
Changed 1806 Monterrey now Cross Roads PA Millerton PA
Raymond McClure Ada Ward Andrew Steele
Odessa NY 514 Bayler Rd State Hospital
In care Charles Washbun Hillside Village Salem Oregon
Elmira NY
S. H. Steele Raymond McClure Ruth Barnes
18 Orchard Street 911 Holdrige St 657 North Broad St
Cortland NY Elmira NY moved Elizabeth New Jersey
EL2-554 moved
Raymond McClure Charles W. Ross Harriet Thorpe
1059 Penn Ave 15 South Main St. 104 S. Franklin St.
Elmira NY Mansfield PA Watkiins Glen
Ruth Barnes Myrtle Williams one dollar is wrote
1701 Caton Avenue 9 East Garfield St. 0.01
Elmira NY Cortland NY
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 26 JUL 2003 By Joyce M. Tice Email: JoyceTice@aol.com You are the visitor since the counter was installed on 16 JUL 2003 |