![]() |
Covell Lyman, late dry goods dealer, h Water c Fox Covell Robert, late farmer, h College av, first N of Washington av Covell Robert, dry goods, h Lake, second N of Cross Covell Robert jr. (R. Covell jr. & Co.), h Lake opp courthouse COVELL R. JR. & CO. (Robert Covell jr. and John Cass), dry goods and groceries, 8 Water Cowen Thaddeus H., salesman, h High n Church COWEN THADDEUS C., com. merch. and auctioneer, 12 Lake; h High bet Church and Cross Cowles Augustus W. Rev., President Elmira College, h College av opp College Cowles Henry D., salesman, h Main c Cross Craig John, telegraph operator, h Haight’s hotel Craig Robert, carder, h Factory, fourth E of Sullivan Crane Abijah, mason, h 1st n Walnut Crane Theodore W., lumber-dealer, 2d cor Baldwin; h Main c 1st Creed James A., late shoemaker, h Cross c Harriet Cregan Jeffrey, cooper, h Lake, fifth N of Clinton Crelman Matthew, tailor, h Conongue opp John Crittenden Richard, blacksmith, h John, second from De Witt Croger George A., barber, h Lake n the Canal Croger George )col’d), laborer, h Lake n the Canal Cromerll Edgar (J. Thompson & Co.), grocer, Main c 3d; h 3d, first ab Main |
Crosby Walter, salesman, h S Lake n village line
Crow Martin, laborer, h High opp Jay
Crowell Eliza, h College av n Gray
Cruttenden Harriet, children’s school, Gregg n Cross
Cuddington Peter B., tanner, h Gray, seventh ab Columbia
Culp Harriet, wid. John, h Fox n Carroll
Culp James B., fruit shop, Lake opp Haight’s hotel
Culp Sophia, seamstress, h Fox n Carroll
Culver William (col’d), laborer, h Franklin n new rd
Cummings Edward, brewer, h Wisner c 1st
Cummings James, mason, h 1st, second ab Wisner
Cummins Mark, carpenter, h Jay c Oak
Cunningham Catharine, boarding, h Cross, second E of Main
Cunningham Imogene, teacher, h Cross, second E of Main
Curley John, laborer, h William, second N of Clinton
Curran Daniel, laborer, h E 3d, fourth N of High
Currey Michael, laborer, h 6th c Magee
Curtis William L., clerk, h William, second from Church
Cutter Andrew J., peddler, h 2d, first ab Main
Daabs Jacob, butcher, h S Lake c Franklin
Daily Patrick C., jewelry peddler, h Hudson n Harmon
Daley Dennis, laborer, h Washington n John
Dalton Michael, laborer, h Hatch, first N of 6th
Daniels William H., carpenter, h E 2d, second W of Sullivan
Darmstadt Adam, distiller, h at Handy hollow
Dart H., wagon-maker, h National hotel
Daved Ann, milliner, h Gray c College av
Daved Harriet, tailoress, h Gray c College av
Davenport Ephraim (Gridley & Davenport), h Baldwin, first N of Church
Davidge John (col’d), laborer, h Sullivan n Cross
Davidson Ann M., h Canal, first S of Washington av
Davidson David N., peddler, h Cross n Washington
Davidson Fannie J., h Canal, first S of Washington av
Davidson S. C., tailoress, h Canal, first S of Washington av
Davis Abraham A., h Hine, first N of Mt. Zoar
Davis Alvin, painter, h 4th n Davis
Davis C. L., blacksmith, Cross bet Baldwin and Lake; h at South port
Davis Edwin, teamster, h 2d, first ab College av
Davis George, teamster, h Washington c E 2d
DAVIS GEORGE L., lawyer, justice of peace, commissioner of deeds and notary public, 3 Water; h William n Beach
Davis Henry A., flour, feed and grain, 3 Brainard block, Baldwin; h Hine, first N of Mt Zoar
Davis I. W., patent rights, Gray, fourth ab College av
Davis James, teamster, h 2d, first ab College av
Davis John, late hardware, h Church c Columbia
Davis John, shoemaker, h Cross n Orchard
Davis Joseph, clerk, h Cross n Sullivan
Davis Samuel, tailor, Holden block (up stairs); h Hudson n R. R.
Davis William, h College av c 1st
Davis William (col’d), mason, h Hatch c 6th
Davis William H., law student, h William n Beach
Davis William H., laborer, h 2d, second ab Davis
Davis William R., silver-plater, 5th n Magee; h Church, first W of Orchard
Deal Jacob, brewer, h 2d, third E of Wisner
Dean Alanson, h William, fourth N of Clinton
Deans Polly, wid. Asa, h Baldwin, fourth N of 4th
Deans Sarah A., vestmaker, h Baldwin, fourth N of 4th
Decker Ann, h Baldwin c 3d
Decker David, tanner and currier, h Clinton c College av
Decker David (D. Decker & Son), h College av c Gray
Decker Eliza, h W Union n 3d
Decker Levi, laborer, h West Hill road n Walnut
Decker Mary, h W Union n 3d
Decker Mary, dressmaker, 11 Water
Decker John, salesman, h Gray n Canal
Decker Peter, saloon, E Water n Lake; h W Union n Main
Decker Samuel T. (D. Decker & Son), h Water n College av
Decker D. & Son (David and Samuel T. Decker), wood turners and mineral water, Water bet Main and College av
De Groff David A., h E Union, third N of 3d
Deickert Henry, brickmaker, h Lake c 4th
De Labar Clara, wid. Jacob, dressmaker, 25 Lake
DELAVAN HOUSE, Wisner opp depot
Dempsey Bartholomew, shoemaker, h Hudson n S Main
Dempsey Bartholomew, laborer, h on river n Fulton
Dempsey Dennis, laborer, h at Buttonwoods
Dempsey Fenton, h Hudson n Walnut
Dempsey James, laborer, h Wisner n 1st
Dempsey Patrick, shoemaker, h Hudson n Warren
Dempsey Timothy, laborer, h John n Orchard
Demunn Aaron L., clerk, h Conongue, first N of Church
Dennison John, spinner, h Factory, third E of Sullivan
Densmore Joseph D., painter, h Sullivan bet Cross & John
Denton S. B., police constable, h Clinton n Davis
Derby Abner, shoecutter, h S Water n R R
Derby Abner L. (W. A. Bigelow & Co), h S Lake c Sly
De Viall Ethan, street com’r, h Church c Washington
De VOE FREDERICK A., prop’r Elmira Weekly Gazette, h Baldwin, opp Methodist church
Devoe Jeremiah, farmer, h Gray, fifth ab Columbia
DEWEY EDWIN H., salesman, h Gray, first W of Elm
DEWEY ELIJAH H., boots and shoes, 3 Brainard block; h Gray, first W of Elm
De WITT ABRAM M., grocer and provision dealer, Baldwin opp Ely’s block
De Witt Calvin S., gunsmith, h Conongue, 2d N of Cross
De Witt Chauncey, h 2d n College av
De Witt James, jailer, h r court-house
De WITT SUTHERLAND, agent Howard’s and U. S. expresses, h William, second N of 2d
Dewitt William H., h De Witt bet Church and Cross
De WITT WILLIAM P., gunsmith, ammunition dealer and locksmith, E Water opp Chemung Canal Bk.; h Conongue, second N of Cross
Dexter Aaron, h College av c Gray
Dexter John M., (Dexter & Elmore), h Gray c College av
DEXTER & ELMORE (John M. Dexter and Thaddeus W. Elmore), china, glass and earthenware and gas-fixtures, 50 Water
Dias Robert, laborer, h 2d, third ab Wisner
Dickins Viann, seamstress, h Jay, third E of Oak
Dickinson George S. (Barton & Dickinson), grocer, 8 Lake; h E Union n Lake
Dickinson Henry B., saddler, h Lake c 3d
Dickinson John W., R R agent, h E Union n Lake
Dildi James, laborer, h Hudson n S Lake
Dingleby William W., upholsterer, h Brainard house
Disbrow Noah, boot and shoemaker, h Main n 4th
Disney Thomas S., shoemaker, h Jay c Oak
Dittmar Henry, hairdresser, Delavan house
Diven Alexander, clerk, Elmira Blk, h Lake
Diven Alexander S., (Diven, Hathaway & Woods), h Willow Brook
Diven George M., law-student, h Willow Brook
DIVEN, HATHAWAY & WOODS (Alexander S. Diven, Samuel G. Hathaway, jr., & James L. Woods), lawyers, 57 Water
Dixon John, laborer, h Hatch, fourth N of 7th
Dobbins A. J., conductor, h 3d n Magee
Dohm Andrew, segar-maker, h Sullivan bet Cross & Church
Dohm John, carriage-maker, h Sullivan bet Cross & Church
Dolan Mary, h 1st n Wisner
Dolan Patsey, laborer, h Hatch 4th N of 6th
Donald A, cartman, h Mt. Zoar n Fulton
Donnell William P., h Magee n 3d
Donohue Andrew, laborer, h Oak n Clinton
Doran Michael, laborer, h Canal, fourth S of Washington av
Dorr David, blacksmith, h Sullivan, second S of Clinton
Dorr John, h Sullivan, second S of Clinton
Dorsen Patrick, laborer, h 1st c Wisner
Dorsey Charles, barber, h Lake c Baldwin
DOUNCE O. C. MRS., agent sewing machines, Church, second E of Davis
DOUNCE W. J., bookkeeper, h church, second E of Davis
Dower Joseph, shoemaker, h Hoffman n Village line
DOWLING JAMES H., baker, h on Canal c Gray
Dowling Laughlin, mason, h Fulton n Mt Zoar
Downey Robert, bartender, Brainard house
Doyle David T., tinsmith, h W Union, second N of 5th
Drake Andrew J. (A. J. & B. Drake), h Main, first S of 5th
Drake Asa, h Lake n 4th
Drake Benjamin (A. J. & B. Drake), h Main, first S of 5th
Drake Henry E., jeweller, h Lake c E 2d
Drake James, overseer, W and E R R engine house; h Davis, first N of 6th
Drake Norman B., carriage-maker, h Main, first S of 5th
DRAKE THEODORE M., baker, h on the Canal c Gray
DRAKE A. J. & B. (Andrew J. & Benjamin Drake), carriage-makers, Water, third E of R R
Drew Joseph, porter, h Lake opp 4th
Drew William, laborer, h 1st n Canal
Driscoll Mary, domestic, h De Witt n Cross
Droescher Albert R., hairdresser, h Church n R R
Drury Orlando a., salesman, h S Lake c Sly
Dubois Edward D., h Washington av n R R
Dudley James T., clerk, h Haight’s hotel
Dudley William L., clerk, h Water, first ab Wisner
Dumars Robert R. R. (Dumars, VanGelder & Paine), Elmira Daily Press, h Church, second E of College av
DUMARS, VAN GELDER & PAINE (Robert R. R. Dumars, Phineas C. Van Gelder & James H. Paine), props. Elmira Daily Press, Water c Lake
Dunbar Garrett R., painter, h William, third N of E 2d
Dundas William, woollen manuf., h Oak, first N of Factory
Dunker Louis, shoemaker, h Orchard n Cross
Dunlavy Mary Ann, weaver, h Factory, sixth E of Sullivan
Dunn Barney, machinist, h College av n 1st
Dunn Fannie S., dressmaker, h 46 Water
Dunn Helen, h college av c Church
Dunn Henry T., clerk, h Cross c William
Dunn James, tinsmith, h Columbia c Church
Dunn James, h college av c Church
DUNN JAMES (Dunn, Spaulding & Babcock), lawyer, Lake c Water; h Cross c William
Dunn Marilla, h Water, first W of Wisner
Dunn Sarah, h College av c Church
Dunn Thomas, h De Witt n Cross
DUNN THOMPSON, dry goods, boots and shoes and groceries, Lake c Water, and same (Pine Valley), and wood dealer, Cross c R R; h W Union c 4th
DUNN, SPAULDING & BABCOCK (James Dunn, Thomas S. Spaulding and Erastus F. Babcock), lawyers, Lake c Water
Dunn’s Block, Water opp Brainard house
Durbon Aurelia L., teacher, h Gray, second ab Davis
Durbon Julia C., teacher, h Gray, second ab Davis
Durbon Kingsley L., teacher, h Gray, second ab Davis
Durland Daniel, clerk, Gray n Baldwin
Dusenberry Eliza, wid. Sylvanus, h Water bet Lake and Fox
Duvay Margaret, h 2d, second W of the Canal
Dwyer Honora, domestic, h Main n 2d
Dyke William (col’d), laborer, h Dickinson, third S of 5th
DYER MORGAN, agent, foundry, iron fence and agricultural implements, Water c Wisner; h S Water bet R R and S Main
Eaton James, hostler, bds William, third N of Church
EATON LEWIS, dentist, 51 Water; h Brainard house
Easton William H., peddler, h S Water n Fulton
Edmister George (Edmister & Lombard), National hotel
EDMISTER & LOMBARD (George Edmister and Horatio J. Lombard), proprietors National hotel
Edwards Henry B., foreman planing-mill, h Lake, third N of Clinton
Edwards Orrin, bootmaker, Water, second E Chemung Canal; h Water n Grove
Edwards Thomas C., fancy goods, Lake c Carroll; h Baldwin, third S of Church
Efner Sara M., teacher, Elmira Ladies’ Seminary
Egbert William, carpenter, h Columbia bet 1st and 2d
Egelston Egbert, cooper, h Ann c Sly
ELDRIDGE EDWIN, M. D., railroad contractor, 2 Brainard; h S Main, first S of the river
Eliason Julius (Eliason, Greener & Co.), h Cross, second E of Main
Eliason, Greener & Co., (Julius Eliason and Jacob Greener), piano-manuf’s and music-dealers, 51 Water
Elliott Henry W. druggist, 6 Union block; h William cor E 2d
Elliott M. Mrs., h Baldwin, first N of 5th
Ellis Daniel M., carriage-maker, Fox n Carroll; h Cross c Judson
Ellis Willis C., wagon-maker, h Sullivan bet Church and Cross
Ellison Elanson, laborer, h Lake, second N of Washington
Ells George, paper-carrier, h Church opp Gregg
Elmendorf George, painter, h Gray n Walnut
Elmendorf William, restaurant, 76 Water
ELMIRA BANK, Ely’s block c Carroll
Elmira and Canandaigua R R Depot, Wisner bet 3d and Clinton
Elmira Female College, S E c College and Washington av
ELMIRA GAS LIGHT CO., office Concert Hall block
Elmira Gas Works, E Water opp De Witt
ELMIRA HOTEL, John F. Mastin, proprietor, Water, first W of Chemung Canal
Elmira Ladies’ Seminary, Main n Third
Elmira Water Cure, S. O. Gleason & co., Factory E of Newtown creek
ELMIRA WEEKLY GAZETTE, office Lake c Carroll
Elmira Woollen Manufacturing Co., Factory E of Sullivan
Elmore David, gas-fitter, h S Water n S Main
Elmore Thaddeus W., (Dexter & Elmore), china, glass, and earthenware, 50 Water; h S Water W of S Main
Elore Alexander, fireman, h High cor E 2d
Elwell John, h 1st n Elm
Elwert Robert, fireman, h Forrest house
ELY ANSON C., cashier Elmira Bank and prop. Elmira Flour Mills, Water W of College av; h Main c Church
Ely’s Block, Baldwin bet Water and Cross
Ely’s Hall, Ely’s block
Enck Charles, barber, h American hotel
Evans Jacob, cabinet-maker, h Gray, third ab Columbia
EVANS SAMUEL, machinist and blacksmith, Cross, first E of R R; h Partridge, first E of S Main
Everson Charles, tailor, h Orchard, first N of Church
Everts John Sutton (Holden & Everts), grocer, 22 Water; h National hotel
EWING JAMES, carriage-maker, Cross c William; h Washington bet Cross and Church
Ewing Stephen, clerk, h Washington bet Cross and Church
Extein William, gardener, h High n Cross
Ezeski Joseph, boots and shoes, Lake n Cross; h Conongue bet Cross and Church
Fahr Peter, tanner, h E Union c Lake
Fairchild S., mechanic, h Franklin house
Fairman Charles G., editor Elmira Advertiser, h High, second N of Water
FAIRMAN SEYMOUR B. (Fairman & Co.), proprietor and editor Elmira Advertiser, 8 Lake; h Hudson, second E of Main
FAIRMAN & CO. (Seymour B. Fairman), proprietors Elmira Advertiser, 8 Lake
Fancher Sutherland, mason, h Washington bet Cross and John
Farley Christopher, watchman, h Perry c Clinton
Farnham E., h Gray, first bel Elm
Farnham George W., carriage-trimmer, h Harmon near Hudson
Farrel Charles S., teacher, h 4th c College av
Farrington John S., (Enos Spalding & Co.), grocer, 26 Lake; h Church c Columbia
Farrow John, express driver, h 5th c Columbia
Fassett Newton P., (Robertson & Fassett), lawyer, Ely’s block; h Church c Davis
FASSETT TRUMAN, livery stables, Cross bet Baldwin and Lake; h Baldwin, fourth N of Cross
Fay Cyrus, clerk, h 1st W of College av
Fay Julius W., carpenter, h 1st, first ab College av
Feaby John, h Henry n R R
Fenner Benjamin P., carpenter, Cross n Baldwin; h John c Orchard
Ferguson Alonzo B., carpenter, h W Union n 5th
Ferris M. H., agent, h Main c 4th
Ferris William, limeburner, h Washington av n R R
Fields Julia, waiter, Elmira hotel
Fifield George, brewer, h Baldwin c 3d
Finch A., ticket agent for N. Y. and E. and Williamsport and Elmira and Elmira and Canandaigua Railroads, h at Binghamton; bds Delevan house
Finch Edwin, saddler, h Broadway n Fulton
Finley William, boot and shoedealer, h Elmira hotel
Finn Edward, laborer, h 3d n College av
Finn Michael, tanner, h college av c 3d
Finnigan Ellen, wid. John, h High, second N of E 2d
Finnigan Thomas, peddler, h High, second N of E 2d
Fish Charles, tailor, h Ann n S Lake
Fisher A. F., peddler, h Columbia c Church
Fisher Cordelia, tailoress, h E Union c 2d
Fisher E. D., book and job printer, 12 Lake; h Wisner n R R depot
Fitch Arthur, clerk, h 1st, first W of Columbia
Fitch Lewis, produce-dealer, h Walnut c North
Fitch Lewis W., salesman, h 1st, first W of Columbia
FITCH M. P., wool-dealer, 4 Brainard block; h 6th c Davis
Fitzgerald Ann, wid. Francis, h E 3d, fourth N of High
Fitzgerald David, laborer, h E 3d, third E of High
Ftizgerald Frederick, farmer, h Hoffman n North
Fitzgerald Mary, h Hatch, second N of 5th
Fitzgerald Michael, factory-hand, h Factory, second E of Sullivan
Fitzgibbon Michael, laborer, h Wisner, fifth N of 5th
Fitzpatrick John, laborer, h Wisner, first S of 1st
Fitzpatrick Patrick, laborer, h Wisner, fourth N of 5th
Fix Julius, segar-maker, h Water c Walnut
Flett James C., carman, h Sturgess n R R
Flinn Thomas, laborer, h Monroe n Chemung River
Flood Patrick H., physician, E Water bet Conongue and De Witt
Flynn James, law student, h Church, first E of Lake
Flynn Patrick, laborer, h E 3d, second E of High
Flynn Stephen, lumberman, h Canal, fifth S of Washington av
Ford Edward, clerk, h Water, first ab Wisner
FORSYTH A., house, sign, carriage and ornamental painter, Water, second W of Chemung Canal; h conongue bet E 2d and Clinton
Foster Jesse, farmer, h Water, opp race-course
Foster Luther C., teacher, h S Water n S Main
Foster Myron H., express-messenger, h Baldwin c 2d
Foster William, farmer, h Water opp race-course
Foster William W., carpenter, h Main n 4th
Fowler Nathaniel B. (Wines, Fowler & Co.), h at Bath
Fox Dana, h Church, fourth ab Columbia
Fox L. M., music-teacher, h college av bet 1st and 2d
Fraley Michael, laborer, h 3d, fifth ab Main
Fraley P., h Wisner, first S of 1st
Franklin House, Water c Main
Franklin Joseph, grocer, 5th cor Baldwin
Fraser Jefferson, patent agent, h S Water n R R
Fraser Olive, engraver, Lake c Carroll; h Water n S Main
Frasier F. A., later painter, h Main c 3d
Frede William, wool-scourer, h Factory, third E of Sullivan
Frederick Henry, h S Lake c Mt. Zoar
Freeborn Margaret, weaver, h Factory, sixth E of Sullivan
French Asa, mason, h S Water n S Main
French Edson M., medical student, h Water, first ab Davis
French Fanny, vestmaker, h Baldwin, fourth N of 5th
French George W., mason, h Lake opp 4th
French Horace C., clerk, h Water, second W of Davis
French James, shoemaker, h Carroll, first W of Lake
French James S., tax-collector, h Cross c Conongue
French Philip, tinsmith, E Water n Lake
French Philip (French & Northrup), grocer, Water c Basin; h Water, second W of Davis
FRENCH & NORTHRUP (Philip French and Ovid B. Northrup), grocers and provision dealers, Water c Basin
Frisbie Augustus, messenger, h Baldwin, 4th N of Church
Frost Jason, cooper, h Columbia n 5th
Fry Albert G., late farmer, h Oak, first N of E 2d
Fuller A. F., eating saloon, Wisner, fourth ab Water
Fuller John, miller, h Water, first ab College av
Fuller William, shoemaker, h Fulton n S Water
Ferguson William H., (McLafferty, Sackett & Co.), confectioner, 25 Lake; h Conongue, second N of Church
Furniss Andrew, spinner, h Factory, third E of Sullivan
Gabriel Benedict, patent rights, h Clinton c Davis
Gager Ann, dressmaker, 53 Water
Gahegan John G., gardener, h Perry, third N of E 2d
GALATIAN ANDREW B., justice of peace, 63 Water opp Brainard house, and prop’r Coldspring brewery, Water bet College av and Main; h 2d, third W of Main
Galatian Cornelia (F. & C. Galatian), 2d, first bel Main
Galatian Frances (F. & C. Galatian), 2d, first bel Main
Galatian F. & C. (Frances and Cornelia Galatian), 2d, first bel Main
Gallagher James, saloon, Wisner, third ab 2d
Gallagher James H., contractor, h 1st c Columbia
Gallagher Timothy, laborer, h Wisner, sixth N 5th
Galvin James, laborer, h 3d n College av
Gannon Thomas, shoemaker, h Cross n Orchard
Gardiner J. H. Mrs., h Lake n E 3d
Gardiner N. D., physician, Water E of Lake; h National hotel
Gardiner Nelson W., hats and caps, 17 Water; h Water c Davis
Gardner Amos, h N Oak n 5th
Gardner Chauncey W., clerk, h Lake c E Union
Garity Thomas, mason, h Baldwin, fifth S of Clinton
Garr Jacob, moulder, h Magee n Washington av
Garrett Truman, h church opp Gregg
Gates George, clerk, h Cross n Lake
Gates Whitney, mail-carrier, h Cross n Lake
Gearing Margaret, tailoress, h 1st c College av
Geary Michael, wool-puller, h E 3d n Oak
Geist Joseph, painter, h Hudson n Fulton
GEM HOTEL, Schnell & Baldwin, proprietors, Wisner opp depot
George Henry, tailor, h De Witt n Cross
Gepson Orvin, cooper, h Columbia c 4th
Gerow Hannah, wid. James, h 3d c W Union
Gibbard Philip, grocer, junction canals n Washington av
Gibbons K. Mrs., h Ann n S Lake
Gibbons Mary E., h Ann n S Lake
Gibbons Patrick, laborer, h 1st c Wisner
GIBBS LEVI, lawyer, 3 Water; h 1st, fourth W of College av
Gibson Allen, millwright, h Church, first bel Main
Gibson Lyman, late merchant, h Lake n 2d
GIBSON WILLIAM L., agent Stewart’s steam valve, and lumber-dealer, 6 Ely’s block; h Baldwin, first N of 2d
Gilbert Henry S. (Selorer & Gilbert, h Church bet Walnut and Grove
Gilbert Joseph C., barber, h 3d ab Main
Gilbert Stephen, sash and blindmaker, h S Main n Hudson
Giles H. A., printer, h National hotel
Giles William E., printer, h National hotel
Gill James, segar-maker, h American hotel
Gillett Charles E., conductor, h Delavan house
Gillett Louisa M., ass’t matron Elmira Female College
GILLETT SOLOMON L., Treasurer Elmira S Bank, h Church c Baldwin
Ginnane Bridget, wid. John, grocer, Wisner n 5th
GLADKE JACOB, clothier, 11 Water; h De Witt, third W of Cross
Gladke Joseph, clothier, h De Witt n John
Gleason Elmira, wid. Henry, h Church n College av
Gleason Silas O. (S. O. Gleason & Co.), Factory E of Newtown creek
Gleason S. O. & Co. (Silas O. Gleason, Marshall Hale and Fox Holden), Elmira Water Cure, Factory E of Newtown creek
Glenny Henry, tailor, Water c Lake; h S Main c Miller
Glines Merritt, conductor, h Delavan house
Godfrey John, pattern-maker, h National hotel
Gohring George E., tailor, h S Water n R R
Going Joseph, laborer, h Franklin n New Road
Goldsmith Benjamin, grocer, E Water n Conongue; h E Water opp Fox
Goldsmith George, bartender, h Forrest house
Goldsmith Margaret, wid. John, h 1 E Water c Monroe
Goldsmith Sarah, wid. Hiram, h Sullivan n Clinton
Goodell De Bruce, machinist, h S Water n S Main
Goodman William F. (col’d), whitewasher, Lake under Haight’s hotel; h 5th n N Oak
Goodrich Chauncey, blacksmith, h Gray n Davis
Goodrich John R., clerk, h 1st n College av
Goodwin A., teacher, h Columbia c 1st
Goodwin Francis, private watchman, h Canal, first N of 5th
Goreman Edward, engineer, h Magee, first S of Washington av
Gorther James (col’d), laborer, h Dickinson, fourth S of 5th
Gorman Martin, laborer, h Perry, fourth N of E 3d
Gould Francis H., boring machine, h S Main c Henry
Gould John, carpenter, h 1st c Columbia
Goulden Joseph, cabinet-maker, h High, first N of Church
Grace Patrick, laborer, h E Water n High
Grady John, laborer, h 1st n Wisner
Grady Michael, laborer, h Wisner bet 1st and 2d
Grady Thomas, laborer, h 1st n Wisner
Granger Samuel, plough manuf., h Canal n 7th
Grant Albert (col’d), laborer, h Baldwin n 5th
Gray Charles, h Perry n 3d
GRAY P. WELLS, physician (homeopathic), 8 Ely’s block; h Water, third W of Main
Green Elnathan J., machinist, h Gray, first ab Columbia
Greener Jacob (Eliason, Greener & Co.), pianoforte-manuf., 51 Water; h Gray, second W of Baldwin
Gregg John H., h Conongue c John
Gregg John W., clerk, h Church bet Orchard and Washington
GREGG WILLIAM M., late sheriff, h E 2d c Sullivan
GREGG WILLIAM H., physician, 4 Water; h John cor De Witt
GREGG & COVELL (William H. Gregg and John D. Covell), druggists, 4 Water
Gregory Hiram, cartman, h 2d, first ab Davis
Gregory Margaret, dressmaker, h College av n Church
Gregory Oscar, carriage manuf., h College av n Church
Gridley Grandison A. (Gridley & Davenport), hardware, 7 Water; h S Water n S Lake
GRIDLEY & DAVENPORT (Grandison A. Gridley and Ephraim Davenport), hardware, stoves and tinware, 7 Water
Griffin Bradley, lumber-dealer, h Church n Columbia
Griffin Joanna, machine sewer, h Southport
Griffin John, blacksmith, h Partridge n S Lake
Griffin Margaret, h 1st n Wisner
Griffin Mary, wid. Thomas, h E Water bet High and Washington
Griffith Fleming R., wines and liquors, Carroll, third E of Baldwin; h Haight’s hotel
Griggs George W., carpenter, h Walnut n West Hill road
Grigg Richard, carpenter, h Hudson n R R
Griswold Giles, foreman shoe store, h Water n Walnut
Groves Louis (col’d), laborer, h Dickinson c 4th
Guinane Patrick, laborer, h Perry, fourth S of Clinton
Gumme Henry (Schwenke & Gumme), h Water c College av
Gunn Stephen J., segar-maker, h John bet Conongue and De Witt
Gusler John, shearer, h E 2d c High
Gusler William, shearer, h E 2d c High
Hackett Matthew, gigger h Church c Sullivan
Hackley Henry D., hardware, h Wisner, first ab Gray