![]() |
Stephens John, bds 68 Lake Stephens Robert, law student, bds 68 Lake Sterling William A., lab, at 73 church Stern Moses, (D.Straus & Co.) res Wellsville Stevens Charles, shoemaker, Bigelow & Richardson Stevens Lafayette, machinist, h 72 Gray Stevens Mrs. Mary, h 79 Church Stevens Samuel, miller, h 70 Gray Stewart Charles, h 4 Ann Stewart Robert A., machinist, bds National Hotel Stewart Thomas H., (col’d) lab, h 86 Baldwin Stewart William, boatman, h 200 Church Stiles Isaac, shoemaker, 35 Lake, h 56 Cross Stiles Isaac P., shoemaker, bds 56 Cross Stiles Samuel, printer, bds 56 Cross Stilson William, shoemaker, h 109 Lake |
Stockweather George, boatbuilder, bds with H. S. Snyder
Stocum Mrs. C. M., milliner, 134 Water, up stairs, h same
Stocum Eliphalet, carp, Cross nr Lake, h 134 Water
Stoddard Holmes, lab, h 7 W Union
Stoll Joseph C., saloon, 101 Wisner, h same
Stoll William, h 264 Church
Stoll Wm. H., clerk, bds 264 Church
Stone David J., carp, h Mt. Zoar, nr Southern limits
Stone Err, carp, h Fulton nr Mt. Zoar
Stone Henry S., clothier, h Franklin nr S Main
Stone Lorain J., carp., h Broadway nr Mt. Zoar
Stone Newton A., carp., h 274 Church
Story Charles F., carp, h 49 Baldwin
Stow Charles W., lab, h 16 DeWitt
Stowell A., carp, h 7 Willow
Stowell Abel, carp., h 21 William
Stowell Charles M., carp., bds 21 William
Stowell Francis A., clerk, bds 21 William
Stowell John E., clerk, bds 21 William
Stowell Mrs. Sarah, dressmaker, h 12 College av
Stowell William H., clerk, bds 21 William
Strachen John, blacksmith, h 4 Dickinson
Strachen Thomas, blacksmith, 88 Baldwin, h Dickinson
Straight William E., orderly sergt, U. S. disbursing office
Strang Henry W., clerk, bds 74 Lake
Strang Samuel B., h 74 Lake
Stratton John C., lab, h 27 Sullivan
Straus D. & Co., (David S., Moses Stern) mer tailors, 139 Water
Straus David, (D. S. & Co.) h 56 Water
Straus Henry D., clerk, bds 56 Water
Straus L. & Co., (Louis S., Geo. Hochstetter, Albert Samuels) dry goods, 164 Water
Straus Louis, (L. S. & Co.) bds Brainard House
Strawn A. B., mason, bds Mansion House
Strong Dennis (col’d) lab, h 16 Perry
Struthers Robert, iron worker, h 37 Dickinson
Stryker Samuel G., mer tailor, 10 Lake, h 6 Ann
Stryker Seth C., clerk, bds 6 Ann
Stuart ---, bridge builder, bds 1 Magee
Stuart Charles B., (S. & Ufford) h 132 Church
STUART & UFFORD, (Charles B. S., Daniel E. U.) mer. tailors, boots and shoes, hats, caps and furs, etc, 20 and 22 Lake
Stuempfle John, blacksmith, h 45 Dickinson
Suffern Miss Eliza, h 24 High
Sullivan Bartholomew, lab, h Broadway nr Fulton
Sullivan Cornelius, lab, h 98 Main
Sullivan Cornelius, foreman Mercur’s coal yard, h nr head Dickinson
Sullivan Daniel, lab, h Walnut nr Hudson
Sullivan Mrs. Deborah, h cor First and Chemung Canal
Sullivan J. Michael, printer, bds 8 Fox
Sullivan John, blacksmith, h 50 College av
Sullivan John, lab, bds cor First and Chemung Canal
Sullivan John, lab., h 73 Sullivan
Sullivan John, lab., h 8 Water bet Fulton and Harmon
Sullivan Patrick, lab., bds 209 Wisner
Sullivan Patrick, lab, h River bank, nr Hudson
Sullivan Thomas, lab., h River bank nr Fulton
Sullivan William, carriage maker, h 8 Fox
Surgenty Joseph, tailor, h 13 Gregg
Susbery Samuel, (col’d) boatman, bds 13 Dickenson
Susbery Willis, (col’d) boatman, h 13 Dickinson
Sutton Nelson, spinner, h 66 Factory
Swails Mrs. Joanna, h 25 Jay
Swails Stephen A., boatman, h 25 Jay
Swan Robert, (McKinney & S.) h 30 S Water
Swansbrough Leonard, lab., h 88 Gray
Swartz Fabian, h 43 Cross
Swayze Wilson S., mason, h 6 Jay
Sweeney John, lab., cor High and E Third
Sweet Asa W., carp., h 28 S Lake
Sweet Wesley, chair maker, h 31 William
Sykes Jesse F., harness maker, h 15 Orchard
Sykes Warren F., bds 15 Orchard
Tackman Frederick, cabinet maker, h 13 Orchard
Tanner Mrs. Elizabeth, h 8 Jay
Tate John, h 11 Henry
Taylor Abraham J., tanner, h 57 Factory
Taylor Benjamin W., boatman, h 40 Carroll
Taylor Mrs. Charity (col’d) laundress, h 14 Perry
Taylor Elias W., ointment maker, h 78 Fifth
Taylor Odell, carp. bds 57 Factory
Taylor Richard, (col’d) lab, h 6 Dickinson
Taylor Samuel B., jeweler, bds 93 Cross
Taylor Silas B., boat builder, bds Canal Junction
Taylor Silas G., clerk, h Canal Junction
Temple Mrs. N. C., h 65 Gray
Tenbroeck Peter B., wagon maker, h 40 Washington
Tenbroeck William R., clerk, bds 40 Washington
TENNY DeWITT C., physician, (and T. & Co.) 200 Water, house 42 William
Tenny & Co., (DeWitt C. T., Nathan B. Evans) druggists, 200 Water
Terry Ebenezer, drayman, bds 206 Church
Terry John K., (Pickering & T.) h 10 Hudson
Terwilliger John L., carp., h 62 Cross
Thayer Wm. M., (T. & Whitley) bds 63 Baldwin
THAYER & WHITLEY, (William M. T., John W. Jr.) eds and proprs Elmira Daily Press cor Lake and Water
Third Ward Hotel, Richard Spragget propr, 6 S Lake
Thomas Henry, (col’d) lab, h 106 Baldwin
Thomas James M., saddlery hardware, (and T. & Barnes) bds 7 Gray
Thomas John, (col’d) lab., h 28 Conongue
Thomas John G., machinist, bds Troy House
Thomas Joseph, lab., h 115 Lake
Thomas Samuel, (col’d) lab., h 30 Perry
Thomas Thomas M., iron worker, h 90 Baldwin
Thomas William, (col’d) whitewasher, h 14 Dickinson
Thomas & Barnes, (James M. T., Wm. H. B.) silver platers 38 Carroll
Thompson Albert H., shoemaker, h cor S. Main and Henry
Thompson George, clerk, bds American Hotel
Thompson Mrs. H. I., millinery rooms, 129 Water, bds Brainard House
Thompson Isaac S., shoemaker, bds cor S Main and Henry
Thompson J. Russell, lumberman, h cor Lake and Washington av
Thompson James, lab., h cor Fourth and Davis
Thompson Jeremiah, cartman, h 14 First
Thompson John T., painter, h 6 Grove
Thompson John M., butcher, h Hatch nr Fifth
Thompson William, cartman, bds 14 Lake
Thompson William C., h 30 S Lake
Thornton William, (col’d) lab., h 41 Dickinson
Thorp John, lab., h 113 Second
Thro C. & J., (Charles and Joseph) Western Hotel, 141 Wisner
Thro Charles, (C. & J. T.) Western Hotel
Thro David C., ex messenger, h 117 Lake
Thro Joseph F., (C. & J. T.) h 116 Lake
Thurber Benjamin H., clerk, bds Haight’s Hotel
Thurber Mrs. Hannah A., boarding house, 30 Baldwin
Thurston Ariel S., lawyer, 15 Lake, h 87 Lake
Thurston Miss C., teacher, h 41 Main
Tidd Horton, editor Elmira Gazette, bds Haight’s Hotel
Tierney Daniel, lab., h 22 First
Tierney Daniel, lab., h 5 Hatch
Tierney Michael, barkeeper, Brainard House
TILLMAN JOHN M., harness maker, 41 Lake, h 40 High
Tillson James, machinist, h 113 Lake
Tilly Alexander, brewer, h 60 Second
Tilly Arthur T., carp., bds 60 Second
Timms Wm., pedlar, h 111 Gray
Todtmann Mrs. Julia, grocery, 87 Church, h same’
Toles Mrs. Sarah M., h 21 E Union
Tomlinson, Solomon B., lawyer and county clerk, h 76 W Second
Tompkins Solomon, painter, h 12 Hudson
Tompkins William C., harness Maker, h 88 Gray
Town Hall, Cross bet Lake and Baldwin
Towner James A., news agt, post office building, h 134 Church
Tongue Jonathan, carp, h 48 Main
Toole John, clerk, bds Wmspt & Elmira Hotel
Tracy William, Fireman, bds 1 Magee
Trainor James, lab, h 39 Canal
Trainor James, lab, h 10 Canal
Trainor John, lab, bds 10 Canal
Trapp Wm., h 29 W Union
Traver Miss Betsey, h 44 Clinton
Traver Solomon, lab, h 23 Baldwin
Traver William, teamster, h 84 Baldwin
Treadwell Hezekiah D., (Gilbert & Co) h 340 Water
Trescott Elisha, clerk, bds 49 William
Trescott J. W., harness maker, h 10 William
Trevor Mrs. Anna C., h 156 Church
Tripp Alfred, lab, bds 206 Water
Tripp Edward, machinist, bds Troy House
Troppit Henry, lab, h Oak nr Fifth
Trout Miles, blacksmith, bds 3 Conongue
Troy House, N R Updike propr., 105 Wisner
Truesdell Warren, clerk, bds 118 Cross
Tupper Wm. H., pedlar, h 1 Walnut
Turner David, (col’d) lab., h Franklin nr S Main
Turner Robert T., law student, bds 63 Baldwin
Turner Thomas H., (col’d) lab, h 49 Dickinson
Turner William, shoemaker, h Elm nr S Main
Turner Wm. Jr., shoemaker, bds Elm nr S Main
TUTHILL, BROOKS & CO., (David H. T., Henry S. B., Elias B. Saterlee) dry goods and groceries, 132 Water
Tuthill David H., (T., Brooks & Co) h 65 Lake
Tuttle Eliada, collector and carrier Elmira Press, bds 28 Baldwin
Tuttle Wilbur F., law student, bds 5 Gray
Tyler Asher, Prest Elmira Rolling Mill Co., h 13 Main
Tyler Richard H., umbrella maker, h 24 Fourth
Ufford Daniel E., (Stuart & U) bds Haight’s Hotel
UNION COFFEE MILLS, G. H. Post propr., 155 Water
United States Ex Co., Sutherland DeWitt agt, 16 Baldwin
Up DeGraff Samuel F., shoemaker, h 2 Hudson
UP DEGRAFF THAD S., Oculist and Aurist, 151 Water, h 80 Clinton
Updegraff Edon, carp, h cor Broadway and Main
Updegraff Elbridge, painter, bds 31 Conongue
Updegraff Jacob, machinist, h 80 Gray
Updike Nelson R., Troy House, 105 Wisner
Vail Benjamin, cabinet maker, h 26 Gray
Vail Charles M., carp, h 36 College av
VanAllen Daniel, h 3 Columbia
VAN CAMPEN SAMUEL R., banker, corner Water and Baldwin, (Brainard Block) bds 92 Cross
VanDoren William, bds 43 Main
Van Dusen Francis C., clerk, bds Haight’s Hotel
VanKirk James L., (V. & Knapp) h Church bet Columbia and Davis
VanKirk & Knapp, (James L.V., Annanias K.) meat market 220 Water
VanLew George, flour and feed, h 1 Gray
VanNorman Samuel, butcher, h 38 First
VanOver George, engineer, h 48 Fourth
VanPelt Aaron, shoemaker, h 10 Mt. Zoar
VanTassel Daniel, law student, bds 12 Main
VanTassel Richard W., machinist, h 34 Fourth
VanWagoner Cornelius, teamster, bds 94 Fifth
VanWagoner Henry, teamster, h 94 Fifth
Vanderbilt William, tanner, h 10 Henry
Vandyne James A., carp, h 34 E Second
Vanseay Jason, pedlar, h 7 Hudson
Vaughn Harmon P., cooper, h First av, nr S Water
Vaughn Willard, cooper, h Water
Vermilya Edgar D., engineer, bds 4 E Union
Vermilya Mrs. Hannah S., dressmaker, h 4 E Union
Vermilya John L., tinner, h 2 Columbia
Vernooy Epenetus, wagon maker, h 12 Gregg
Vernooy Miss Margaret C., dressmaker, bds 21 E Union
Vernooy Samuel, carp, h 68 William
Vernooy Wessel, teamster, h 43 Clinton
Vescelius W. Irving, prof of penmanship, 18 Lake, bds 17 William
Viall Ethan, street com., bds 94 Church
Viall William, lumber dealer, cor Church and Chemung Canal, h 46 Gray
Vickery Samuel, lab, h 37 DeWitt
Vincent Gillett J., clerk, bds Haight’s Hotel
Vincent Joseph. lab, h S Hatch
Vinton Charles E., (V. & Chamberlin) bds 37 Wisner
Vinton & Chamberlin, (Charles E. V., John W. C.) wines and liquors, 25 Wisner
Wade Joseph, lab, h foot of High
Wagemann Albert, variety goods, 121 Water, h same
Wagener Peter, porter, Haight’s Hotel, h 12 Washington
Wager Peter, grocer, bds 230 Church
Wagner John S., barber, 206 Water, h same
Wales Ira, shoemaker, bds 254 Water
Walker Alonzo P., carp, h 81 Church
Walker George, tailor, 8 Lake, h Hudson nr Hind
Walker Henry, carp, bds 81 Church
Walker James, plumber, h Hudson nr Western limits
Walker Thomas, iron worker, Rolling Mill, h Willow
Wallace Richard K., painter, 60 Lake, h 34 William
Wallace William, saloon, 93 Wisner, h same
Waltner Michael, brewer, h 51 William
Walters George A., brakeman, bds 19 Sixth
Walters Orin, lab, h 230 Church
Walters Orin C., propr Bevier House, 117 Wisner
Walters R. E., railroad conductor, h 19 Sixth
Walters William, machinist, bds Troy House
Walzer Peter N., saloon, 93 Water, h same
Ward Amos, lab., h 88 Gray
Ward J. Ralph, (W. & Smith) bds 92 Cross
Ward Moses, car builder, h 81 Church
Ward William, lab., h 59 Gray
Ward & Smith, (J. Ralph W., Lewis M. S.) lawyers, 135 Water
Warn Cornelius, fireman, h 13 Magee
Warner Eli, clerk, bds 17 College av
Washington Henry, (col’d) barber, bds 34 Dickinson
Washington Hiram, (col’d) lab., h 26 Fifth
Washington James, (col’d) lab., h 30 Perry
Washington John, (col’d) lab., h 25 Dickinson
Wass Joseph, iron worker, bds Gandam’s saloon
WATERS GEORGE W., portrait painter, 135 Water, h 2 Gray
Watkins James, (col’d) lab., h Franklin nr S Main
Watley Henry, lab., h 4 Mt. Zoar
WATROUS RIGGS, hardware, etc, 112 Water, h 53 Lake
Watson William H., (col’d) lab., h 121 Lake
Watts John, h 1 S Water
Watts Robert M., foreman Press, bds 1 S Water
Watts Stephen, lab., h 2 Dickinson
Watts William, lab., h 114 Lake
Waugh John, h 71 Second
Way Charles, tavern, 89 Baldwin
Weaver Jesse, lab., h 67 Wisner
Webner John, shoe maker, bds Mansion House
Webster Daniel, tobacconist, J I Nicks
Webster Daniel, (col’d) lab., h John bet Washington and Orchard
Wedge Luther, engineer, h 24 Third
Weed Peter, clerk, bds 35 DeWitt
Weed Phineas, clerk, bds 35 DeWitt
Weed William B., lab., h 35 DeWitt
Weibel Joseph, saloon, 143 Wisner, h same
Weir William C., h 1 Orchard
Welch A., carp, h cor Factory and Beach
Welch Alexander, grocer, 13 Baldwin, h 231 Church
Welch Charles, hackman, bds 231 Church
Welch James, fireman, bds 1 Magee
Welch James, h 61 Columbia
Welch James, lab., h 29 Hatch
Welch John, engineer, h Davis nr Fourth
Welch Michael, lab, h Lock No. 2 Junction Canal
Welch Morris, lab., h Fulton, bet Hudson and S. Water
Welch Warner H., propr Elmira Hotel, 182 Water
Weldner George, shoemaker, 77 Water, h same
Weller Miss Electa, clerk, bds 3 Washington
Wellington Isaac M., principal Elmira Academy, h 32 Fourth
Wells Chauncey E., druggist, 156 Water, h 340 Water
Wells John C., h 234 Church
Wells Nelson, boots and shoes, 29 Lake, h 43 Gray
Welton Michael, carp, h 14 Cross
Werner Maurice, clothier, 111 Water, h 26 High
West C. F. & Co., (Charles F. W., and ----) millers, Water nr Newton Creek
West Charles F., (C. F. W & Co.) h foot of Water
West Thomas D., tanner, h 195 Water
Westlake Henry D., clerk, bds Haight’s Hotel
Wey William C., physician and surgeon, 68 Water, h same
Weyer Phillip, grocer, 29 E Union, h same
Wheeler Eli, h 45 William
Wheeler Leverett R., h 5 S Water
Wheeler Orrin H., bag maker, h 241 Church
Wheeler R. F., h 1 Walnut
Wheeler Willie, physician, bds Bevier House
Whipple Albert R., h S Hudson
White Calvin S., shoemaker, h 94 Church
White Charles, iron worker, Rolling Mill
White Charles E., printer, bds 35 Hudson
White Daniel M., clerk, bds 72 Water
White George, railroad conductor, bds American Hotel
White Jonathan M., shoemaker, bds 254 Water
White Patrick, lab., h 26 Hatch
White Spencer H., shoemaker, h 54 Washington
White William, tanner, h 76 High
White William L., painter, bds National Hotel
Whiting Seth T., carriage maker, 201 Water, h 40 Baldwin
Whitley John H., artist, h 14 High
Whitley John Jr., (Thayer & W.) bds 28 Baldwin
Whitney Mrs. Anna, h 21 Jay
Whitney Samuel, shoemaker, h 2 Wyckoff’s Block
Whiton George L., N. Y. Vol., h 226 Water
Wicks John, lab., bds 19 College av
Wiegarty Henry, carp, bds 42 High
Wilcox Mrs. Anna R., h 114 Baldwin
Wilcox Howard M., clerk, bds 15 William
Wilcox Isaac, bds National Hotel
Wilcox James, bds National Hotel
Wilcox Thomas, lab., h cor Fulton and Hudson
Wilken Moses B., railroad conductor, h 15 Columbia
Wilkey James A., shoemaker, h Southport
Wilkinson M. C., Cap. 107 N. Y. Vol., h 24 W Union
Williams Arthur T., printer, h 4 Gray
Williams Dever, clerk, bds 18 Conongue
Williams E. J., clerk, Express Co., h 276 Water
Williams Edward H., cabinet maker, h 44 Cross
WILLIAMS ERASTUS, grocer, 19 Lake, bds 15 William
Williams Evan, iron worker, h 123 Lake
Williams George, pedlar, bds 208 Water
Williams Henry, (col’d) lab., h 115 Baldwin
Williams James W. tanner, h 69 Gray
Williams John D, canal collector Junction Canal, cor Conongue and Clinton, h 46 William
Williams John (col’d) lab., h 24 Conongue
Williams John P., machinist, h 4 College av
Williams Mrs. Mary, h 5 Jay
Williams Richard P., printer, bds Church nr Canal
Williams S. Quincy, clerk, bds 18 Conongue
Williams Samuel, axe maker, bds 93 Cross
Williams Samuel, (col’d) lab., h 30 Dickinson
Williams Mrs. Sophia (col’d) h 86 Baldwin
Williams Thomas B., brakeman, bds Troy House
Williamsport & Elmira Hotel, James O’Maher, propr, 8 Wisner
Willor Frederick, carp, h 200 Water
Wilson Charles F., (W. & Fancher) h 288 Water
Wilson Henry, clerk, bds 6 Gray
Wilson James, lab., h 105 Second
Wilson Jonas D., ag’t J. I. Nicks, bds 32 Main
Wilson Wm. R., Capt N. Y. Vol., h 72 Second
Wilson & Fancher, (Charles F. W., Sutherland F.) boots and shoes, 104 Water
Wind Thomas Jr., iron worker, Rolling Mill
Wise Ambrose, tobacconist, h 32 DeWitt
Wise Charles, bridge builder, bds 1 Magee
Wise Daniel, bridge builder, bds 1 Magee
Wisner Jeffrey A., railroad conductor, h 57 Sullivan
Wisner Mrs. Mary, h 12 S Main
Wisner Mrs. Mary A., h 54 Sullivan
Wisner Wm. H., clerk, bds Brainard House
Wisner Wm. H., saloon, 28 Lake, h 96 Church
Wiswell Miss Clara I., dressmaker, bds 46 Cross
Wittenberg Mrs. Rosa S., h 44 Baldwin
Wixon Silas, teamster, h 28 Orchard
Wolcott Mrs. Charlotte, h Broadway nr Mt. Zoar
Wolcott George A., lab., h Franklin nr Fulton
Wood Andrew J., engineer, h 72 Sullivan
Wood Annanias (col’d) lab., h Franklin nr Fulton
Wood Calvin, carp, h 88 Gray
Wood Coe, lab., h Factory
Wood Frank, carp., h 58 Columbia
Wood John A., lab., bds 72 Sullivan
Wood John B., (col’d) lab., h 18 Dickinson
Wood Joseph, carp., bds 50 High
Wood Seymour B., tinner, h 25 S Water
Wood William, machinist, h 335 Water
Wood William H., carriage maker, h 76 Church
Woodcock Edward, lab., Water Cure
Woodruff Albert, carp., h 84 Gray
Woods James L., (Hathaway & W.) h 304 Water
Woodward William, lumberman, h 73 Baldwin
Wormley John, cooper, foot Sly, h 9 Ann
Worrall George, grocer and coal dealer, 66 William, h 49 William
Wright Mrs. Eliza, dressmaker, h 12 College av
Wright George B., railroad conductor, h 55 Fourth
Wright John S., lab., h 54 Gray
Wright Thomas S., hatter, h 55 Fourth
Wright William, bds 48 Main
Wyckoff Arcalus, (W. & Bro.) h 8 S Water
Wyckoff Charles W., (W. & Bro.) h 24 Hudson
Wyckoff Charles W. Jr., carp, 12 Wisner, bds 24 Hudson
Wyckoff Elias, carp, h S Water, nr Harmon
Wyckoff & Bro., (Arcalus, and Charles W.) manufs water-pipes, etc., 12 Wisner
Wynn Hugh, iron worker, h 41 Canal
Wynn James, lab., h 10 Hatch
Wynn John, iron worker, h 23 Canal
Wynn Thomas, iron worker, h 10 Hatch
Yates Wm., jeweler, bds 228 Water
YATES WM. P., Watches and Jewelry, 147 Water, h 228 Water
Yeoman Milton, carp, h 56 S Water
Young C., engineer, bds 1 Magee
Young David, clerk, h 24 DeWitt
Young Jesse, tailor, Baldwin & Reynolds, h Southport
Young Michael, shoemaker, h 69 Water
Young Peter C., h 44 Washington
Young Thomas, match manuf, Horseheads rd ab Canal, h same