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Barnes, Thomas, butcher 409 Railroad av, bds 410 W 3rd
Barnes, William E., student, bds 501 Baldwin
Barnett, Jeremiah, laborer, h 106 Fulton
Barnett, Jeremiah, laborer, bds 820 Hatch
Barnett, John, laborer, h 820 Hatch
Barney, Joseph H. ( Barney & Co.), h 115 W Chemung pl
Barney, Luther L. ( Barney & Co.), also ins adjuster, h 118 E Chemung pl
Barney, W. G., bds 115 W Chemung pl
BARNEY & CO. ( J. H. and L. L. Barney), props Queen City Lime Kilns, lime, cement and plaster, E Washington av n rolling mill
Barnhart, Gilbert, carpenter, h 728 W 1st
BARNUM, M. ( Empire Laundry Co.), 110 W Water, h 205 W Henry
Barr, Frederick, laborer, bds 1321 Lake
Barr, Nicholas, baker, h 806 E Market
Barrett, Jessie, h 408 Mt Zoar
Barrett, Josie, domestic 407 E Church
Barrett, Kate, domestic 316 Baldwin
Barron, Joseph H., shoemaker 109 E 3rd, h 662 Magee
Barry, Catharine, widow Robert, bds 817 E Church
Barry, James, brakeman, bds 926 Maxwell av
Barry, John, baker, h 256 W Hudson
Barry, Kate S., dressmaker, bds 817 E Church
Barry, Katie, domestic 711 College av
Barry, Mary, dressmaker, h 256 W Hudson
Barry, Mary A., waitress Buckbee House
Barry, Nellie, domestic 468 W Gray
Barry, Robert J., plumber, h 817 E Church
Bartekowsky, Louis, peddler, h 775 John
Bartell, George, barber 437 Railroad av, h 369 W 5th
Barter, Beckie S., clerk, bds 522 Herrick
Barter, Richard H., foreman N C R R, h 522 Herrick
Bartholf, Rachel B. & Henrietta, tailoresses 379 W Gray, h do
Bartholf, William H., salesman 113 E Water, h Davis bet W Gray and W Water
Bartholomew, Elmira, widow Joseph, bds 115 Columbia
Bartholomew, John ( Bartholomew & Smith), h 310 Baldwin
Bartholomew, John H., fireman, h 108 Ferris
BARTHOLOMEW & SMITH ( J. Bartholomew and E. A. Smith), druggists 171 Baldwin
Bartlett, Wm., foreman brush shop Reformatory, h 1325 College av
Bartlett, Wm. jr., guard Reformatory, bds do
Barton, Francis A., carpenter, h 422 Fulton
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Barton, Mary A. Miss, bds 209 College av
Barton, Robert W. ( Barton & Wheadon), h 374 W Church
Barton & Wheadon ( R. W. B. and C. F. W.), wholesale grocers 107 E Church
Bassett, Charles A., laborer, h 957 Oak
Bassett, Isaac J., cabinetmaker, h 953 Oak
Bassett, J. Alfred, printer 329 Carroll, h 410 DeWitt
Bassett, Warren, brakeman, bds 400 Penna av
Bateman, Mark J., shoemaker, h 150 E Washington av
Bates, James, h 212 Hoffman
Bates, Jennie E., compositor Gazette, bds 665 Baldwin
Bates, Joseph S., h 220 W 2nd
Bates, Nathaniel, salesman W. W. Fish & Co., h 212 Hoffman
Battersby, Patrick, clerk 117 E Water, h 219 Broadway
Battersby, Mary Ann, widow John, h 219 Broadway
Batterson, Edmund M., mason, h 372 S Main
Batterson, Horace B., Elmira Detective Agency, h 508 Herrick
Batterson, Robert D., cutter 113 E Water, bds 508 Herrick
Baty, H. M., messenger N C R R
Baty, Johial A., machinist, h 255 Baty
Batty, James, conductor, bds Blyley House
Bauer, Bernard, butcher, h 209 Horner
Bauer, Charles, saloon 853 Dickinson, h do
Bauer, Charles jr., plumber, bds 853 Dickinson
Bauer, Christian, tailor, h 121 Harriet
Bauer, Nicholas, baker, h 806 E Market
Baumann, David, brakeman Erie R R, h 602 Baldwin
Baumeister, Louis F., blacksmith, h 661 Baldwin
Bavilus, Hattie C., widow Edmond, bds 214 Brand
Baxter, Archie E., lawyer, office Masonic Temple, h 253 W 6th
Bay State Manufacturing Co., 159 Baldwin
Baxter, Nora Miss, clerk, bds 110 College av
Baxter, Theodore W., machinist, bds 212 Giltanann
Bayette, M. M., cigars, bds Everett House
Bayne, J. E., boxmaker, bds 216 William
Beach, Albert, baggagemaster, h 318 High
Beach, Frank A., stenographer 501 Railroad av, bds 367 W Clinton
Beach, John S., grocer Hoffman cor West Hill road, h do
BEACH, J. D., blacksmith 209 S Main, bds 365 do
Beach, Joseph H., h 215 DeWitt
Beach, Lillie, widow Carl, dressmaker 319 E Water, h do
Beach, Wilbur A., ( Stuart & Beach), h 470 W Water
Beach, William, h 308 William
Beadle, Chauncey M., ( Beadle & Sturdevant), h 400 Lake
Beadle, Ralph W., h 333 E Water
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Beadle, Mary S., widow Tracy, h 400 Lake
BEADLE & STURDEVANT ( Chauncey M. Beadle and Lewis J. Sturdevant), insurance 214 E Water
Bealo, Gus, laborer 705 Sullivan
Bean, Wm. H. S., salesman 340 E Water, h 469 W Church
BEARDSLEY, AARON B., mechanic, h Southport Corners
Beardsley, Albert, laborer, h 702 Tuttle av
Beardsley, Bert, postal clerk, bds 262 W 4th
Beardsley, Cora, teacher school No. 1, bds 429 W Clinton
Beardsley, Charles W., express messenger, bds 376 W Gray
Beardsley, David E., glazier, h 504 Roe av
Beardsley, David S., carpenter, h 429 W Clinton
Beardsley, Elias J., principal school No. 2, h 365 W 1st
Beardsley, Frederick, civil engineer, h 702 Tuttle av
Beardsley, Harry M., book-keeper 110 Baldwin, bds 365 W 1st
Beardsley, Harry, carpenter, h 700 Tuttle av
Beardsley, L. Miss, artist 317 E Water, bds 429 W Clinton
Beardsley, Norton L., carpenter, h 702 Tuttle av
Beardsley, Rodney, compositor Gazette, bds 700 Tuttle av
Beardsley, Roswell E., printer, bds 700 Tuttle av
Beardsley, Wayland C., driver Adams Ex Co., bds 376 W Gray
Beardsley, William C., carpenter, h 762 Carpenter
Beary, Eli, overseer Reformatory, bds do
Beaty, George, saloon 401 Railroad av, h 403 do
Beavers, Jacob, engineer, h 1204 Maxwell av
Bechtol, Even, teamster, h 709 E Church
Bechtol, George, teamster, bds 709 E Church
Bechtol, George T., machinist, h 378 S Main
Bechtol, Miles M., clerk, bds 164 DeWitt
Beck, Charles G., grocer 650 Dickinson, bds do
Beck, Rosanna, widow Henry, h 650 Dickinson
Beck, Samuel, carpenter, h College av cor Grant
Beck, Theo., bds 650 Dickinson
Becker, Frederick, machinist, h 359 E Washington av
Becker, Justus, cutter 309 E Water, h 311 William
Becket, Rev. Samuel M., pastor A M E Bethel Church, h 653 Dickinson
Beckhorn, George, engineer, h 651 E Church
Beckhorn, Westley, contractor, bds Homestead Hotel
Beckhorn, William, fireman, h 456 Oak
Beckhorn, William M., painter, h 470 W 2nd
Beckwith, Ella, domestic 216 William
Beckwith, E. Burt, bds 125 Madison av
Beckwith, George, book-keeper 511 E Clinton, h 217 Division
Beckwith, Guy, clerk, bds 564 E Water
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Beckwith, Hannah E., teacher, bds 125 Madison av
Beckwith, Hattie L., music teacher, bds 217 Division
Beckwith, Henry S., farmer, bds 410 Herrick
Beckwith, Jennie, widow Charles H., h 802 Madison av
Beckwith, Julia P. Mrs., h 125 Madison av
Beckwith, J. Webb, druggist, bds 125 Madison av
Beckwith, Leroy L., conductor N C R R, h 466 South av
Beckwith, Lida, h 1199 Benton
Beckwith, Marvin, clerk, bds Buckbee House
Bedell, Albert, boot cutter, h 131 W Water
Beebe, Carrie Miss, h 509 Walnut
Beebe, Charles F., h 213 Sullivan
Beebe, H. A., trav salesman, bds Buckbee House
Beebe, Mary Mrs., operative, h 236 Mt Zoar
BEECH CANNEL COAL CO., C. J. Langdon pres, 110 Baldwin
Beecher, Frank B., salesman 310 Carroll, bds 527 W 1st
Beecher, Thomas K. Rev., pastor Park Church, h East av opp Water Cure
Beecher, Walter ( Utter & Beecher), h 108 Elm
Beeman, Annie E. C. Mrs., masseur, h 319 High cor E 2d
Beeman, Frank M., shipping clerk, h r 103 E Henry
Beers, Edmund O., sec'y Southern Tier Relief Ass'n, h 630 W Water
Beers, Elsie, teacher, bds 419 W Water
Beers, Frank, student, bds 506 W Water
Beers, George H., carpenter, h 410 Herrick
Beers, Harry, carpenter, h 765 E Water
Beers, Harry, tanner, h 1009 Pratt
Beers, Ira S., gen'l west pass agt D L & W, h 506 W Water
Beers, Joe, hostler Elmira House
Beers, Johnson, dep'y factory inspector 317 E Water, h 607 W Church
Beers, Joseph, carpenter, h 116 Sullivan
Beers, J. Max, clerk S T Relief Ass'n, bds 607 W Church
Beers, Lester H., foreman, h 127 E Hudson
Beers, Mary E., widow W. H., h 419 W Water
Beger, Frank J., cigar manuf 118 S Main, h 312 S Broadway
Behlke, John, bds 803 John
Behlke, William, laborer, h 803 John
Beihalter, Matilda, domestic 159 Madison av
Beissmanger, Matthaus, laborer, h 560 E Clinton
Belcher, Emma, widow Charles, h 757 John
Bell, Caroline E., widow Robert, h 715 Dickinson
Bell, Christina J., widow Austin M., h 308 W Church
Bell, Edmund E., freight handler, bds 505 Park pl
Bell, Etta Miss, bds 136 E Water
Bell, Frank H., bds 308 W Church
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Bell, Henry, plumber, h 110 Lormore
Bell, Louis H., plumber, bds 611 William
Bell, Robert, tailor, h Esty n Robinson
Bellinger, William H., laborer, h 500 High
Bellows, Chas. A., conductor E C & N R R, bds Delavan House
Bellows, Harriet F., widow Leverett, bds 722 W Water
Belton, Samuel, h 404 High
Beltz, Robert, brakeman, bds 116 E Water
Beman, John B., letter carrier, h 216 Maple av
Bement, Edward P., ( Bement & Davenport), h 305 William
Bement, Eliza W., bds 305 William
BEMENT & DAVENPORT ( E. P. Bement and D. R. Davenport), pictures, frames, and artists' materials 327 E Water
Benedict, Charles, carpenter, h 468 South av
Benedict, Hobart E., policeman, h 510 Herrick
Benedict, Hovey E., laborer, bds 468 South av
Benedict, John, doormaker, h 762 Day
Benedict, Melvin E., laborer, bds 417 Powell
Benedict, Walter G., brakeman, bds 1207 Maxwell av
Benedict, Westley, book-keeper, bds Clinton cor Magee
Benedict, William A., doormaker, h 1003 Sullivan
Benedict, William T., mason, bds 468 South av
Benham, Lua H., widow Horace, h 111 W 1st
Benjamin, Clarissa, widow W. F., bds 414 Lake
Benjamin, Fred L., tinsmith, bds 334 E Water
Benjamin, Garrie P., dealer in horses, h 309 W 6th
Benjamin, Hannah, widow Stephen, h 606 Dickinson
Benjamin, Joseph A., confec'n'r 213 E Water, h 406 Columbia
Benjamin, Maria, domestic, bds 606 Dickinson
Benjamin, Minnie, bds 334 E Water
Benjamin, Newton, contracting freight agent C R R of N J 513 Railroad av, h 370 W Clinton
Benjamin, Sarah L. Mrs., dressmaker 112 Baldwin, h 334 E Water
Bennet, Mary E. Mrs., h 220 W 2d
Bennett, Andrew J., carpenter, h Lewis lane
Bennett, Annie, widow Edwin, h 142 E Chemung pl
Bennett, Barton L., carpenter, h 360 Penna av
Bennett, Burrus L., brakeman, bds 1317 Benton
Bennett, Catherine, h r 370 W 3d
Bennett, Comfort, civil engineer, h 365 W Clinton
Bennett, Fred E., clerk 333 E Water, bds 142 W Chemung pl
Bennett, Fred H., printer, h 116 Brand
Bennett, George E., paper hanger, h 307 High
Bennett, George W., painter, bds Lewis lane
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Bennett, Harvey N., carpenter, bds 360 Penna av
Bennett, Ira W., professor, bds 314 W Clinton
Bennett, James, printer, bds 260 Baldwin
Bennett, James D., machinist, bds Lewis lane
Bennett, James J., grocer 418 High, h do
Bennett, J. T., blacksmith, bds 123 Penna av
Bennett, Libbie A., widow William, h 511 Columbia
Bennett, Luella, nurse, bds 360 W Clinton
Bennett, Margaret, widow J. P., h 1317 Benton
Bennett, Maria, Home for Aged
Bennett, Martin P., sawyer, h W s New n Reformatory
Bennett, Philip H., cooper, h 269 W Henry
Bennett, Samuel, milk dealer, bds 168 Orchard
Bennett, Seymour, milk dealer, h 168 Orchard
Bennett, Thomas, stone cutter, h 711 Davis
Bennett, William, conductor, h 1317 Benton
Bennett, William E., h 128 E Chemung pl
Bennett, Wm T., asst supt Met Life Ins Co 331 E Water, h 116 S 2d
Bennitt, A. Judson, fireman, h 213 Thurston
BENNITT, MARK, city editor Elmira Daily Advertiser, bds 306 W Water
Bennitt, Samuel, farmer, bds ft E Water
Benson, Frank A., clerk Erie R R shops, h 429 W 4th
Benson, Herman A., agent, h 759 Carpenter
Benson, William, saloon 121 W Water, h do
Bent, Samuel A., h 373 W Clinton
Bentley, Frank S., U S Commissioner and examiner 216 E Water, h Horseheads
Bentley, James, brakeman D L & W R R, bds 319 Hathaway
Bentley, Mary E., widow Charles H., bds Esty n Robinson
Benton, Ezra L., surveyor, h 109 W Gray
Benton, Henry P., surveyor 109 W Gray, h do
Beran, Julius, laborer, bds 78 Penna av
Berg, Fred, laborer, bds 756 E 5th
Bergan, Jerry, supervisor N C R R, h 470 South av
Bergman, Herman, cigarmaker, h 712 E Market
Bergman, William, foreman A. J. Daniels, h 712 E Market
Berhalter, Conrad, tailor, h 55 Orchard
Berhalter, Jacob, tailor, h 55 Sullivan
Berk, Hannah, dressmaker, bds 212 W 2d
Berk, M. Amelia Miss, dressmaker, h 212 W 2d
Berlawitz, S., peddler, bds 752 E Water
BERMINGHAM, MICHAEL, blacksmith and horseshoer 418 E Market, h 310 Washington
Bermingham, Thomas F., blacksmith, h 310 Washington
Bermingham, see Birmingham
Berner, Adam ( A. Berner & Son), h 601 E Water
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Berner, A. & Son (F. A), grocers 601 E Water
Berner, Frank A., (A. Berner & Son), bds 601 E Water
Bernstein, Joseph, peddler, h 126 Harriet
Bernstein, Tobias, peddler, h 751 John
Berrigan, William, lineman, bds American Hotel
Berry, Allen, laborer, bds 969 East av
Berry, Anna M., teacher, bds 322 Penna av
Berry, David, carpenter, h 160 Sullivan
Berry, Elizabeth, electric physician, h 1505 Lake
Berry, Frank M., clerk, bds 103 Columbia
Berry, Herman, shoemaker, h 1505 Lake
Berry, Isaac, tanner, h 969 East av
Berry, Isabella, laundress, h 713 Dickinson
Berry, James T., clerk, h 103 Columbia
Berry, James Wisner, commercial traveler, h 306 W Water
BERRY, JOHN A., carriage and wagon manufacturer 5th cor Madison av, bds 515 Railroad av
Berry, William S., cigar maker, h 206 S Main
Bertholf, John, mason, bds 518 Hoffman
Bertholf, William P., blacksmith, h 518 Fulton
Besom, Tobias, laborer, h 800 Main
Bessell, Frank, meat cutter 311 Carroll, bds 315 do
BESSEY, HIRAM G., prop Bessey's Steam Laundry 320 Carroll, h 714 Park pl
Betson, Elizabeth, weaver, h 722 E Oak
Betson, Sarah, widow Peter, h 722 E Oak
Bettridge, E. Henry, baker, h 109 E Henry
Bevan, Frederick J., laborer, h 129 E Hudson
BEVIER, DENNIS, flour, feed, hay and grain 432 E Market, also steam hay press and feed mill Erie, also alderman 5th ward, h 111 Caldwell av
Bevier, Silas W., trav agent, h 117 Caldwell av
Bewley, Levi N., carriagemaker, h 158 Washington
Beynon, William, roller, bds 857 Magee
Bice, Augustus G., shoemaker, h 369 Penna av
Bidleman, Minnie E., widow Edward S., bds 404 High
Bidwell, Orlando C., law student, bds 116 W Chemung pl
Bien, Anna, milliner 201 E Water, bds 1130 Oak
Bien, Edward M., fresco painter, bds 1130 Oak
Bien, Martin, laborer, h 1130 Oak
Bien, Martin E., fresco painter, bds 1130 Oak
Bien, Mary, dressmaker, bds 1130 Oak
Bien, Peter, laborer, bds 1130 Oak
Bien, Peter, laborer, h 211 Maple av
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Bigg, Edward C., mason, h 10 Pine
Biggs, Christopher W., clerk 126 Lake, bds 507 Baldwin
Biggs, John, street com'r, h 507 Baldwin
Biggs, John jr., clerk Wells, Fargo & Co's Ex, h 507 Baldwin
Biggs, Joseph P., foreman Telegram, h 507 Baldwin
BIGGS, P. & CO. ( J. Frank White), soap and candle manufacturers, Madison av cor E 5th
Biggs, Peter ( P. Biggs & Co.), h 414 Baldwin
Bigley, John, overseer Reformatory, h 521 Baldwin
Biglow, George E., engineer, h W 1st n limits
Bijou Hotel, C. M. Geer, prop, 503 Railroad av
Bilce, Albert, engineer, bds 118 E Water
Bilette, James F., saloon 416 E Water, h 602 Winsor av
Billette, Maria, widow Theodore, h 720 Walnut
Billings, Charles F., h 409 Main
Billings, David T., farmer, h 1118 Hoffman
BILLINGS, EDWARD B., grocer 110 W Water, also Billings & Elmendorf, h 401 W Water
Billings, Hosmer H., ( Fitch & Billings), bds Wyckoff House
Billings, Joseph, bds 117 Grove
Billings, Myra J., bds 1118 Hoffman
Bilyieu, Ira C., mason, h 658 Magee
Bilz, Edward, bill poster, h 107 W 1st
Bilz, George, bds 107 W 1st
Bingham, Samuel J., tea agt, h r 124 E Chemung pl
Bird, Charles W., clerk 207 W 6th, h do
Bird, Isaac, h 507 Madison av
Bird, Oscar F., teamster, bds 1124 Oak
Bird, Sarah, bds 317 Dickinson
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Birdsall, Melissa, widow Oliver, h 712 Park pl
Birmingham, Frederick, operative, bds 666 Magee
Birmingham, John H., stenographer, bds 312 DeWitt
Birmingham, Mary, widow Patrick, h 608 E 3rd
Birmingham, Michael, saloon 170 Lake, h 312 DeWitt
Birmingham, Morris, laborer, h 608 E 3rd
Birmingham, Thomas F., apprentice Advertiser, bds 312 DeWitt
Birmingham, see also Bermingham
Bishop, George W., engineer, h 500 Balsam
Bishop, L. E., bds 1122 Lake
Bissell, Mary, widow David, bds 417 Davis
Bissell, William D., blacksmith, h 417 Davis
Black, Melissa Mrs., h 505 E 3rd
Black, Nellie, domestic 505 E 3rd
Blackburn, Jessie M. Miss, bds 503 Lake
Blackburn, Susan C., widow Thomas J., h 503 Lake
Blackeslee, Electa, widow Edwin, h 466 W 2nd
Blackman, Cora, laboratory asst, bds 512 Jefferson
Blackman, George H., carpenter, h 512 Jefferson
Blackwell, Wheeler, jeweler, bds 402 W 1st
Blackwell, William D., h 327 Baldwin
Blades, James P., book-keeper, h 218 Penna av
Blaine, John J., well driver, h 717 McDonald
BLAIR, ADDISON D., lawyer also notary public 318 E Water, h 600 W Church
Blake, E. B. Mrs., h 657 Park pl
Blake, John S., painter, h 419 Main
Blake, Louis L., student, bds 657 Park pl
Blake, Mary, domestic 108 W 1st
Blake, Michael, h 204 Broadway
Blake, Richard, laborer, h 217 S Main
Blake, Selwyn N., electrician, h 657 Park pl
Blake, Susan, domestic 463 W Gray
Blampied, Benjamin, salesman, h 611 W 1st
Blampied, William, salesman 135 E Water, bds 420 E Market
Blanchard, Ada M., bds 553 Grove
Blanchard, Anna E., cashier, bds 753 Grove
Blanchard, Celia, dressmaker, bds 628 William
Blanchard, Edward G., h 1311 Hall
Blanchard, Edward S., switchman, h 604 Sullivan
Blanchard, Oliver M., trav salesman, bds 357 W 4th
Blanchard, Porter H., trav salesman, h 553 Grove
Blanchard, Ralph H., laborer, h 4 Reformatory
Blanchard, Vert A., laborer, h Main opp W Centre
Blanford, Alsie, painter, h 525 Penna av
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Blauvelt, Albert, carpenter, h 460 Spaulding
BLIGHT, WILLIAM H., coal and wood 109 E 2nd, h 124 Main
Bliss, George W., manuf boot and shoe uppers 208 W Water, h 365 W Gray
Bliven, Charles H., machinist, h 707 E Market
Bliven, George G., machinst, h 422 E Washington av
Bliven, Jeannette, widow Asa, bds 422 E Washington av
Bliven, Mollie G. Mrs., h 112 High
Blobel, Christina H., widow Charles, bds 706 E 2nd
Bloch, Abraham H., peddler, h 606 Jay
Bloch, C., peddler, h 751 E Water
Bloch, John, peddler, h 508 John
Bloch, Samuel, cigarmaker, bds 508 John
Blodgett, Charles G., blindmaker, bds 419 Standish
Blodgett, Gardner A., gardener, h 419 Standish
Bloomer, Erastus R., engineer N C R R, h 659 Main
BLOOMER, JAMES J., pastor St Patrick's R C church, h W Clinton cor Park pl
Bloomer, Joseph, bds W Clinton cor Park pl
Bloss, Frederick, laborer, h 209 Park
Bloss, Louisa, widow George, h 753 E Market
BLOSSBURG COAL CO., Samuel Hines man'r, 501 Railroad av
Blossom, Frank M., city chamberlain Masonic Temple, also teller Chemung Canal Bank, h 120 W 2nd
Blowers, D. S., photographer, bds Lewis House
Blum, Gertrude L., bds 117 Lormore
Blum, Joseph, h 605 Dickinson
Blum, Louis, barber, bds 605 Dickinson
Blunt, Charles, blacksmith, bds 158 Exchange pl
Blye, George H., Husbandman office, h 511 Lake
Blyley, Edward, clerk Blyley House, bds do
BLYLEY, FRANK J., hairdresser 169 Baldwin, bds Blyley
BLYLEY HOUSE, S. Blyley proprietor, 400 Railroad av
Blyley, Ida, bds Blyley House
BLYLEY, STEPHEN, prop Blyley House 400 Railroad av, h do
BOAK, JAS. C., grocer 423 Main, h 222 W 2nd
Boak, James L., clerk 423 Main, h 222 W 2nd
BOARD OF EDUCATION ROOMS and office supt 116 Baldwin
Board of Health, rooms and office 11 Masonic Temple
Board of Trade, John R. Joslyn sec'y 208 E Water
Boardman, Addie, printer, bds 1016 Hoffman
Boardman, Albert, painter, h 416 W 3d
Boardman, Irving, physician, bds 325 Lake
Boardman, John, mason, h 804 John
Bocarde, Caroline Mrs., h 718 W Church
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Bochnewetch, Anna M. Mrs., h 128 W Hudson
Bochnewetch, Anthony, tailor, bds 128 W Hudson
Bochnewetch, Clara Miss, dressmaker, bds 128 W Hudson
Bochnewetch, Joseph, merchant tailor 119 S Main, h 128 W Hudson
Bodder, Jacob S., grocer 215 S Main, h 208 do
Bodine, Henry F., mail agent, bds 125 Madison av
Bodle, Byron B., clerk Erie fgt office, bds 501 Baldwin
Bodle, Jay S., veterinary surgeon, h 501 Baldwin
Bodle, L. W., driver, h 107 Main
Boehn, Lewis F., brakeman, h 803 Railroad av
Boerem, Catharine, widow Townsend, h 214 W Henry
Bogardus, Alice A., dressmaker, bds 372 W Clinton
Bogardus, Charles C. E., painter, bds American Hotel
Bogardus, Calvin J., painter, h 513 W 2nd
Bogardus, Eliza A., widow Charles H., h 372 W Clinton
Bogardus, Fred, fireman, h 856 Magee
Bogardus, G. Norman, foreman, h 372 W Clinton
Bogardus, James H., painter, bds American Hotel
BOGARDUS, JOHN C., wholesale broom manufacturer, 619 and 623 Railroad av, h 372 W Clinton
Bogardus, Mary L., seamstress, bds 372 W Clinton
Bogardus, William N., engineer E C & N R R, h 1013 Benton
Bogart, Clara, widow Hoyt M., h 211 Division
Bogart, George H., teamster, h 659 College av
Bogart, George W., bartender, h 214 Madison av
Bogart, Harvey E., laborer, bds 1005 Pratt
Bognsewski, Alexander V., h 752 Pratt
Bognszewski, Alexandria A. Mrs., h Pratt cor Day
Bognszewski, Czeslaw, cigarmaker, bds Pratt cor Day
Bohlke, August, laborer, h 803 John
Bohlke, Emma, widow Charles, h 757 John
Bohlke, William, laborer, h 803 John
Bois, E. W., laborer, bds 422 Tuttle av
Bois, Harmon, laborer, h 422 Tuttle av
Boland, Mary, widow Peter, boot fitter, h 115 E 1st
Boland, Mary L., operative, bds 115 E 1st
Boland, Thomas, mason, bds 115 E 1st
Boland, W. M., machinist, bds 118 W Hudson
Bolden, John, laborer, h 658 Baldwin
Bolt, Henry D., trav agent, h 209 Gregg
Bolt, Martin S., boxmaker 309 Gregg, h do
Bolton, Angeline Mrs., h 315 E Church
Bolton, Patrick, laborer, h 326 Webber pl
Bond, Washington B., shoemaker, h 470 W 1st
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Bonham, Elosie M. Miss, bds 501 Lake
Bonham, L. A. Mrs., rooms 260 Baldwin
Bonham, S. G. Mrs., h 501 Lake
Bonham, Lana Mrs., h 315 E Church
Bonham, Perry, shoemaker, bds 315 E Church
Booth, Henry D., machinist, h E s Reformatory av n College av
Booth, Hibbard W., upholsterer 517 Main, h do
Booth, Irving D., wholesale hardware 611 and 613 Railroad av, also fire commissioner, h 463 W Gray
Boothe, Abigail Mrs., soldiers' claim agent 516 Main, h do
Boothe, Elijah S., driver fire department, h r 132 Chemung pl
Bopp, Jacob Mrs., h 118 W Market
Bopp, Rosa Miss, bds 118 W Market
Borck, Anna P., domestic 470 W Water
Borck, Julius, farmer, h 613 Mt Zoar
Borland, Mary, cook 235 Lake
Born, William, laborer, h 359 E Washington av
Bostleman, John C., violinist, h 669 Columbia
Boston 99c and Variety Store, Chas. Lantaff prop 112 W Water
Botsford, Josiah W., clerk, h 1113 Elm
Boughton, Horace B., farmer, h Southport Corners
Boughton, Lewis, driver, h 339 S Broadway
Boughton, Minnie E., clerk, bds 339 S Broadway
Bouille, Andrew, stone cutter, h 901 E Market
BOURGEOIS, DOLPHIS, saloon 135 W Water, h do
Bovier, Asa P., city engineer Masonic Temple, h 308 Spaulding
Bowder, Joseph, peddler, h 763 E Water
Bowen, Ernest D., electrician, bds 462 Spaulding
Bowen, Horace W., carpenter, h 462 Spaulding
BOWEN, S., prop Wyckoff House 115 to 123 W Water, h do
Bower, Eugene F., driver, h 119 Penn av
Bower, Frederic R., gardener, h Mt Zoar beyond limits
Bower, George, merchant tailor 300 E Water, h 763 E 2nd
Bowes, Peter J., guard Reformatory, h W Washington av cor Davis
Bowles, Frederick T., trav salesman, h 629 W Church
Bowles, Susan, widow Solomon, h 381 W Church
Bowman, Agustus, laborer, h Esty n Robinson
Bowman, Charles A., book-keeper Chemung Canal Bank, bds 128 E Chemung pl
Bowman, Charles L., shoemaker, bds 209 W Chemung pl
Bowman, Charles M., conductor, h 223 Mt Zoar
Bowman, Delia J., widow James W., h 209 W Chemung pl
Bowman, Edward, laborer, h 957 Sullivan
Bowman, Emily L., widow Henry, h W 1st n limits