![]() |
Clark William W., driver, h 810 Oak
Clarke Francis, notions 360 W 2d, h do
Clatworthy Edith, clerk, bds 902 Benton
Clatworthy James, flour and feed 231 W Water, h 901 do
Clatworthy James H., grocer 902 Benton, h do
Cleary Anna, domestic 414 Baldwin
Cleary Daniel, wiper, bds 809 Railroad av
Cleaves Elizabeth J. Mrs., h Park church
Clemmens Jacob, gigger, bds 408 High
Clendenin Henry H., foreman, h 201 Giltanann
Clendenin Robert H., bridge builder, bds 201 Giltanann
Clendenney Harriet A., widow Theodore, seamstress, h 720 Walnut
Cleveland Carrie, domestic 515 E Union
Cleveland Clara, domestic Maple av club house
Cleveland Eddie D., brickmaker, bds 850 E Market
Cleveland Edward, salesman 304 E Water, h 406 Oak
Cleveland Edward, fireman, bds Blyley House
Cleveland Frank E., station baggagemaster Erie R R, h 357 ½ W Clinton
Cleveland Harry B., stenographer, bds 357 ½ W Clinton
Cleveland Herbert E., clerk, bds 106 Ferris
Cleveland James H., foreman Erie car shops, h 708 E Market
Cleveland Morgan R., quarryman, h 850 E Market
Cleveland Philo P., sash and blind maker, h 408 Oak
Cleveland Reuben D., clerk, h 406 Oak
Cleveland Thurlow W., wholesale oyster and fruit shipper 302 and 304 E Water, h 114 Lormore
Cleveland William H., baggagemaster, h 859 Magee
Clifford Leroy, conductor D L & W R R, h 1325 Maxwell av
Cline Elisha, carpenter, h r 310 W 4th
Cline Emma, cloakmaker, bds High cor John
Cline see also Kline
Clipper Chilled Plow Co. (E. B. Smith and William Strait), William cor Clinton
Clisdell Robert E., draughtsman, h 101 W Chemung pl
Cloak Anna, laundress Elmira College
Cloak Bridget, widow John, h 956 Magee
Cloak Kate, domestic Elmira College
Cloak Lizzie, dressmaker, bds 956 Magee
Cloak Mary, dressmaker, bds 956 Magee
Cloak Nellie, milliner 305 E Water, bds 956 Magee
Cloak Thomas, laborer, bds 956 Magee
Clohessy Michael, conductor, h 717 Columbia
Clokeman Frantz, laborer, h 114 Spring
Close Reuben H. Rev., h 371 Fulton
Clough John E., ins agt 331 W Water, bds 102 Harmon
Cluery John, boilermaker, h 614 S Main
Coake Adam, boilermaker, h 768 S Main
Coakley Maggie M., domestic 350 W 4th
Coakley Norah E., domestic 206 W 5th
Coakley Timothy, laborer, bds 805Johnson
Coates Fred E., h 400 W Clinton
Coates William A., driver, h 211 Chestnut
Cobb Emma, dressmaker 109 W Gray, h do
Cobb Emogene, dressmaker, bds 109 W Gray
Coble Mary, bds 78 Penna av
Coburn A. Monroe, foreman, h 404 Sullivan
Coburn Edwin, teamster, bds W Hudson cor Fulton
Coburn Parley, principal school No3, h 207 Spaulding
Cochrane John, bds 119 W Chemung pl
Cochrane P. M jr., book-keeper, bds 105 Columbia
Cocoman Bridget, baker, bds W Hudson cor Fulton
Cocoman Mary Mrs., grocer W Hudson cor Fulton
Cody Joseph, laborer, h 706 Winsor av
Coe Newton, bds 4 Reformatory
Coe Walter, painter, h 417 Balsam
Coe Will D., baggagemaster, h 1005 Oak
Coefield Addie M., widow John, h 306 W 1st
Coffee Simon, clerk 149 W Water, bds 713 Canal
Coffey John, h 713 Canal
Coffey John jr., laborer, bds 713 Canal
Coffey John J., grocer 600 Jay, h do
Coffin Wm. B., supt Susquehanna div N Y L E & W R R, bds Rathbun House
Cogswell Estella, widow Oliver, h Division
Cogswell Hamlin E., music teacher 124 Lake, h 114 Caldwell av
Cohen Abe, peddler, h 112 Sullivan
Cohen Hyman, peddler, h 850 John
Cohen Isaac, peddler, h 208 High
Cohen Emanuel, peddler, h 164 DeWitt
Cohen Morris, peddler, bds 106 Washington
Cohn Emanuel, peddler, h 164 DeWitt
Cohn Joseph, peddler, h 551 E 2d
Coke Charles L., printer 433 Railroad av, bds 467 W 2d
Coke E. M., baker, confectioner and grocer 423 Railroad av, h 467 W 2d
Coke Frederick, general store 1201 and 1203 Benton, h do
Coke Levi, manager 423 Railroad av, h 467 W 2d
Coke Matie E., bds 401 W 1st
Colburn James C., Gazette office, h 319 W Church
Cole David, tanner, bds 153 Madison av
Cole Elizabeth, widow Silas, h 331 E Centre
Cole Lucy, domestic 240 Lake
Cole Peter, carpenter, bds American Hotel
Cole Richard D., carpenter, h 258 South av
Cole Samuel R., farmer, bds 300 Maple av
Cole Webster J., dry goods, groceries and provisions, also boots and shoes 600 Penna av, h do
Cole William P., brakeman N C R R, h 521 Perine
Colegrove Lee, clerk 604 E 2d, bds Serpentine av
Colegrove William, laborer, h 516 DeWitt
Colegrove William, laborer, bds 665 Baldwin
Colegrove William N., upholster, h Serpentine av
Colegrove William T., printer, bds 562 Beach
Coleman Alice, waitress Rathbun House
Coleman Bros. (C.C. and H. B.), pants manufs 216 Baldwin
Coleman Charles (Coleman Bros.), h 311 DeWitt
Coleman Eliza B., widow John, h 360 Columbia
Coleman Frank G., barber 617 S Main, h W South av E of R R
Coleman Genette, porter, h 332 E Water
Coleman Harvey A., brakeman, h South av n Penna av
Coleman H. B. (Coleman Bros.), bds Wyckoff House
Coleman Hugh, laborer, h 317 Hathaway
Coleman Hugh jr., laborer, bds 317 Hathaway
Coleman J. J., physician, sec, treas and bus mgr Chemung valley medical and surgical institute, bds do
Coleman Isaiah B, iron founder and machinist State cor Church, h 353 W 7th
Coleman James, laborer, bds 317 Hathaway
Coleman John, laborer, h 215 Broadway
Coleman Lizzie, domestic American Hotel
Coleman Mary, domestic 511 E Union
Coley George D., carpenter, h 228 S Main
Collier Fred M., conductor, h 358 Norton
Colligan Margaret, domestic 519 W Clinton
Colligan Michael, laborer, h 267 W Henry
Colligan Frederick (Reynolds, Stanchfield & Collin), h 524 W Water
Colliney James, car inspector, bds 703 S Main
Collins Cornelius, laborer, bds New n Woodlawn Cemetery
Collins Dennis, h 901 Railroad av
Collins Dennis, carpenter, bds 210 W Hudson
Collins Dennis, laborer, h Tuttle av n E Church
Collins Dennis, laborer, bds 751 S Main
Collins Edward, puddler, h 215 E 7th
Collins Edwin L., tinsmith, h 215 Franklin
Collins Ella F., operative, bds 160 Harriet
Collins Ellen, operative, bds 122 Partridge
Collins Francis R., bds 527 W Washington av
Collins Hannah, widow Lewis B., h 122 Partridge
Collins Isaac, laborer, h 703 Dickinson
Collins James, laborer, h New n Woodlawn Cemetery
Collins Jared N., conductor, h 474 South av
Collins Jennie, domestic 463 E Water
Collins Jeremiah, wiper, h 306 S Broadway
Collins Jerry, driver, bds 160 Harriet
Collins John, laborer, bds 340 W 7th
Collins John, laborer, h E South av n Maple av
Collins John track foreman, h 420 Standish
Collins John D., laborer, h 340 W 7th
Collins John E., section boss, h 420 Standish
Collins John F., agent, bds 114 S 2d
Collins John W., harnessmaker, h 405 Perry
Collins Maggie E., dressmaker, bds 306 S Broadway
Collins Margaret, laundress Delavan House
Collins Mary E., domestic 371 W 5th
Collins Mary, bds 340 W 7th
Collins Michael, laborer, bds 420 Standish
Collins Nellie, domestic 503 Park pl
Collins Nora, domestic 109 Columbia
Collins Patrick, laborer, bds 527 W Washington av
Collins Patrick, laborer, bds 340 W 7th
Collins Richard F., laborer, h 114 S 2d
Collins Stephen, laborer, h Gorman n S Main
Collins Thomas, laborer, h 160 Harriet
Collins T. F., cutter, bds 207 Sullivan
Collins Thomas F., agent, bds 114 S 2d
Collins Thomas C., laborer, bds 340 W 7th
Collins Timothy, carpenter, h 210 W Hudson
Collins William, tailor 207 Sullivan, h do
Collson Forrest C., glazier, bds 710 Benjamin
Collson Warren M., cabinetmaker, h 710 Benjamin
Colson Alonzo P., carpenter, h 657 Pearl pl
Colson Margaretta Mrs., shoecutter, h 358 S Main
Colson Melville G., bds 657 Pearl pl
Colter John, fireman, bds 803 Magee
Colton Albert E., h 515 DeWitt
Colvin Davis, gunsmith 150 Baldwin, bds Serpentine av n stone quarry
Colvin Mervin S., gunsmith 150 Baldwin, h Serpentine av n stone quarry
Comfort Hannah, widow James, h 600 W Clinton
Comfort Louise M., widow Elli C., h 750 John
Comfort Patrick, proprietor Reformatory Hotel, College av cor Reformatory, h do
Comfort Selden T., salesman, h 217 Caldwell av
Cominsky Marcus, peddler, h 125 Judson
Comp Bertha, domestic 253 W 6th
Compton Carmy, florist 1159 Hoffman, h do
Compton Cornelia Mrs., florist Hoffman n West Hill rd, h do
Compton Frederick L., brakeman, bds 1157 Hoffman
Compton Hannah, widow Allen, bds 432 S Broadway
Compton Jacob framer, S s Carr n West Hill rd
Compton John W., farmer, S s Carr n West Hill rd
Compton N. M., trav salesman Railroad av
Compton William E., clerk, h 432 S Broadway
Compton Zera, awning and tent maker, musical instrument, also sewing machines 411 Carroll, h Hoffman n city limits (see adv top lines)
Comstock Chloe E., widow James E., bds 226 Lormore
Comstock Samuel E., book-keeper, bds 210 High
Comstock Samuel G., salesman 118 W Water, h 210 High
Condol Helen A., laundress, bds 525 Penna av
Condol W. H. jr., carver Rathbun House, h 711 Benjamin
Condol William H., whitewasher, h 525 Penna av
Condon Charles F., carpenter, h 1018 Hoffman
Condon James R., carpenter, h 1018 Hoffman
Condon John, quarryman, bds 720 E Oak
Condon Mary, operative, bds 720 E Oak
Condon Maurice, boots and shoes 302 S Main, h do
Condon Nicholas Mrs., boarding house 109 W Church see adv
Condon Richard H., laborer, bds 102 Lake
Cone E. B., saleslady, bds 238 Mt Zoar
Cone Fred, brakeman, bds 238 Mt Zoar
Cone Mary, widow Andrew J., h 238 Mt Zoar
Conel Nellie, domestic 309 W Gray
Congdon Albert D., laborer, h Tenienti n Bon View
Congdon Burdetts, drayman, h 148 W Water
Congdon Joseph, brakeman, h 148 W Water
Congdon J. Bell, bds 523 W Church
Condon Richmond H., clerk, h 415 E Market
Congdon Samuel H., printer, h 71 Penna av
Conkey Samuel, sculptor, bds 355 W Gray
Conklin Charles M., conductor, h 160 S Elm
Conklin Dennis, teamster, h 708 Davis
Conklin David, farmer, h 1031 Hoffman
Conklin Frank S., driver, h 414 College av
Conklin G. W., trainmaster Erie R R, h 705 Main
Conklin George, painter, h 1308 Pratt
Conklin Jacob, carpenter, h 853 E Church
Conklin Melvin M., grocer also baker 651 Lake, h do (see adv)
Conklin Stoddard H., miller, bds 429 W Clinton
Conklin W. W. Mrs., vestmaker, h 102 Lake
Conkling Helen M., h 328 E Water
Conlin James H., asst pressman Telegram, bds 78 Penna av
Conlin John, machinist, bds 206 Gorman
Conlon Arthur, machinist, bds 206 Gorman
Conlon Bridget, widow Michael, h 854 Magee
Conlon Joseph S., moulder, h 203 W South av
Conlon Peter S., fireman, bds 854 Magee
Conlon Thomas, blacksmith, h 770 S Main
Connelly Bartley, lineman Tel Ex, bds 105 E 1st
Connelly Catherine, widow Timothy, bds 409 W Hudson
Connelly Cornelius, laborer, h E South av n Erie R R
Connelly Cornelius, laborer, h 912 Stowell
Connelly Cornelius, laborer, h 409 W Hudson
Connelly Cornelius Jr., saloon 318 E Water, bds 122 W Chemung pl
Connelly Cornelius E. (C. E. & T. F. Connelly), h 216 Walnut
Connelly Daniel, roller, bds 915 Michigan
Connelly Daniel, laborer, h 308 W Hudson
Connelly Daniel O., bds 122 W Chemung pl
Connelly David, driver, bds 409 W Hudson
Connelly Dennis, laborer, h 218 S Walnut
Connelly Dennis, laborer, h 212 Fulton
Connelly Dennis, mason, bds 224 Hine
Connelly Dora, dressmaker, bds 64 Penna av
Connelly Hugh, h 810 Canal
Connelly James, laborer, bds 912 Stowell
Connelly James A. (Connelly Bros.), h 517 Railroad av
Connelly Jeremiah, laborer, bds 120 Fulton
Connelly Jeremiah, cigar manufacturer 452 W Hudson, h do
Connelly Jeremiah, saloon also U S Gauger 318 E Water, h 701 E Market
Connelly Jeremiah J., boots and shoes 105 W Water, h 379 W 4th
Connelly Jerry J., mason, bds 224 Hine
Connelly John, laborer, h 120 Fulton
Connelly John, cigarmaker, bds 452 W Hudson
Connelly John, mason, h 224 Hine
Connelly John jr., shoemaker, bds 120 Fulton
Connelly John jr., laborer, bds 912 Stowell
Connelly John B., engineer N C R R, h 511 Jefferson
Connelly John T., clerk 319 E Water, bds 122 W Chemung pl
Connelly John M., clerk 415 Carroll, bds 122 W Chemung pl
Connelly Julia, seamstress, bds 212 Fulton
Connelly Katie, tailoress, bds 212 Fulton
Connelly Katie, operative, bds 120 Fulton
Connelly Maria L., milliner, bds 122 W Chemung pl
Connelly Margaret, widow Cornelius, h 122 W Chemung pl
Connelly Margaret, widow John, h 912 Stowell
Connelly Mary, domestic 455 W Gray
Connelly Mary, domestic Delavan House
Connelly Mary, widow John, h E South av n Erie R R
Connelly Mary, widow Patrick, h 104 Broadway
Connelly Mary Mrs., domestic 403 William
Connelly Michael, puddler, bds 151 E Washington av
Connelly Michael, mason, h W Hudson cor Hine
Connelly Michael, brakeman, bds E South av n Erie R R
Connelly Michael, shoemaker, bds 309 W Hudson
Connelly Michael J., clerk R. G. Dun & Co., bds 212 Fulton
Connelly Nellie, domestic 304 Main
Connelly Nellie F., teacher school No 5, bds 122 W Chemung pl
Connelly Patrick, laborer, bds 912 Stowell
Connelly Patrick, shoemaker, bds 120 Fulton
Connelly Patrick, carpenter, bds 409 W Hudson
Connelly Patrick, laborer, h 216 S Walnut
Connelly Richard, tinsmith, bds 64 Penna av
Connelly Thomas F. (Connelly Bros.), h 517 Railroad av
Connelly Bros. (Thomas F. and James A.), prop Queen Palace Hotel 517 Railroad av
Connelly Thomas F. (C. E. & T. F. Connelly, bds 122 W Chemung pl
Connelly Timothy, cigarmaker, bds 120 Fulton
Connelly Timothy, clerk, bds 216 S Walnut
Connelly Timothy, saloon 64 Penna av, h do
Connelly William, waiter 517 Railroad av
Conner George W., bds 402 W Water
Conner Joseph H., shoecutter, h 509 W 2d
Conner William W., meat market 66 Penna av, h 113 E Henry
Conners Mary, domestic 205 Columbia
Connolly Mary, domestic 110 Main
Connor Crete M., bds 113 E Henry
Connor Frank, machinist, bds 118 W Hudson
Connor James, foreman, h 720 S Main
Connor John, h 508 John
Connors Ann S., baker, bds 509 W 2d
Connors Martin, galvanizer, bds 101 Broadway
Connors Martin, brakeman, bds 306 E Washington av
Connors Timothy, laborer, h 514 S Elm
Connors Timothy, teamster, h 407 Elm
Connors William, engineer, bds Blyley House
Connors Wm. B., book-keeper 66 Penna av
Conover Mary, widow S. M., music teacher, h 466 W 2d
Conroy Abbie, domestic 128 Main
Conroy Daniel, laborer, bds 331 Railroad av
Conroy John, cutter, h 108 Ferris
Conroy John, laborer, h 851 Railroad av
Conroy John, mason, h 555 E 3d
Conroy Mary Ann, dressmaker, bds 555 E 3d
Considine Annie, domestic Maple av beyond limits
Considine Bridget, domestic Frasier House
Considine Daniel, laborer, h Lewis ln
Considine Joseph H., draughtsman, bds 393 W Water
Considine Thomas, car inspector, h E South av n Erie R R
Converse Moses S., collector Advertiser, also agent Appleton’s Encyclopedia, h 311 William
Converse Phebe, bds 311 William
Convery James, engineer, h Grand Central av n E C & N R R
Conway Michael, laborer, h E South av opp Erie
Conway Michael E., electro plater, h Erie n E South av
Cook Abbie A., h 262 Baldwin
Cook Alice M., widow E Jason, h 104 College av
Cook Catherine E. Mrs., boarding house 415 Main
Cook Charles, laborer, h 116 E 5th
Cook Charles E., tailor, h 715 E Oak
Cook Fannie A. Miss, h 306 E Church
Cook George F., carpenter, bds 112 Orchard
Cook George H., h 112 Orchard
Cook G. Newton, stamping pattern manf and fancy goods 125 W Water, h 612 Columbia
Cook Joseph E., cutter, bds 316 Penna av
Cook Mary A., widow Henry, laundress, h 413 Madison av
Cook Mary L. Miss, photographer, bds 415 Main
Cook Peter, laborer, bds 201 Market
Cook Silas, laborer, h 604 E Water
Cooke Frances C., widow George J., h 503 W Church
Cooke Frederick J., collarmaker, h 219 Sullivan
Cooklin Thomas S., cigarmaker, h 130 W Henry
Cookson Emma, domestic 955 College av
Cooley Asahel J. Res., h 332 W 5th
Cooley Asahel J., sash and blind maker, h 308 Washington
Cooley Clarence M., clerk W U Tel Co, bds 322 W 5th
Cooley Fred H., clerk, bds 322 W 5th
Cooley James B., operator W U Tel co, h 706 Columbia
Cooley Jarvis A., finisher, h 308 Washington
Cooley J. F., electrician Reformatory, h E s Reformatory av
Cooley Jesse L., sec and treas Elmira Iron and Steel Rolling Mill Co, h 912 Lake
Cooley Wm. Mrs., dressmaker, h 624 W Gray
Coon David H., carpenter, h 713 Dickinson
Coon Earl L., laborer, h 714 Dickinson
Coon Ella, domestic 718 Oak
Cooney Charles, mason, bds 206 Gorman
Cooney Daniel A., laborer, bds 206 Gorman
Cooney James, brakeman, bds 206 Gorman
Cooney Michael, laborer, bds 919 Benton
Cooney Nora E., dressmaker, bds 206 Gorman
Cooney Thomas, helper, h 206 Gorman
Coons Lida M., widow Wm. M., h 803 E Market
Cooper Allen, Sheriff Chemung County, office adjacent to Court House, h 211 William
Cooper Ella M., widow George K., h 428 E Water
Cooper Fred C., guard Reformatory, bds do
Cooper Jeremiah, h 421 Davis
Cooper John L., wagonmaker, h 361 S Main
Cooper John N. (Reid & Cooper), h 322 William
Cooper Josiah, boarding house 319 Hathaway
Cooper Lydia, widow Wm., bds r Court House
Cooper Nettie, stenographer, bds 405 Lake
Cooper Thomas, farmer, h Mathews cor Sullivan
Cooper Walter, supt Smead & Northcott, h 906 Oak
Cooper William, laborer, h 519 Harper
Cooper William R., carpenter, h 905 Lake
Cooperman Abram, jeweler, h 760 E Oak
Copeland Charles F., printer, bds 407 Oak
Copeland & Woodford (I. S. C. and J. F. W.), job printers 135 E Water
Copeland I. Seymour (Copeland & Woodford), h 107 E Hudson
Copley Hovey E., clerk 110 Baldwin, bds 259 do
Copley John G., h 259 Baldwin
Corby James H., conductor, h 382 Norton
Corcoran Johanna, widow Thomas, h 803 Canal
Corcoran John, h r 859 Railroad av
Corey Robert B., bds 117 Walnut
Corey Thomas S., printer, h 1002 Oak
Corey Walter F., flagman, h 127 W Hudson
Corey William F., bank teller, h 117 Walnut
Corkery Margaret Mars., h 505 College av
Cornell Albert B., mgr Cornell Printing Co, h 105
Cornell Ellis, laborer, h 467 W Hudson
Cornell George, engineer, bds 467 W Hudson
Cornell Jennie, dressmaker 100 W Water, h do
Cornell John A., carpenter, h 317 South av
Cornell Oscar H., brakeman, h 232 Mt Zoar
Cornell Printing Co., A. B. Cornell mgr, 83 Penna av (see adv opp Business Directory)
Cornell Sarah E., Mrs., dressmaker, h 813 E Market
Cornell Warren G., laborer, bds 317 South av
Corrigan Mary, widow Bernard, bds 400 S Broadway
Corsey John, brakeman, h 221 W Water
Corson Johnson, brakeman D L & W R R, h 759 Day
Corson Richard, shoemaker, h 151 Lake
Corwin Carrie, domestic 129 W Henry
Corwin Ella, domestic 451 W 1st
Corwin James, flagman, h 370 Penna av
Cory Walter F., brakeman, h 127 W Hudson
Cosgrove Michael J., clerk 205 E Water, h 209 ½ Washington
Cosmopolitan Hotel, H. B. Redner prop, 807 Lake
Costello Bridget, domestic 114 W Gray
Costello Bryan, wiper, h 758 S Main
Costello James, laborer, h 266 W Henry
Costello James H. (Costello & Neagle), h 551 E Water
Costello John B., news editor Advertiser, h 750 E Church
Costello & Neagle (J. H. C. & P. J. N.), contractors State cor Church
Costello Maggie, domestic 557 Main
Costello Mamie, domestic 108 Penna av
Costello Martin, laborer, h 549 S Main
Costello Mary, widow Stephen, h 435 W 4th
Costello Michael, laborer, bds Junction cor Home
Costello Michael C., plumber 336 E Water, bds American Hotel
Costello Nora, waitress Delavan House
Costello Patrick, engineer, bds Blyley House
Costello Patrick, laborer, h Junction cor Home
Costello Patrick H., plumber, bds 266 W Henry
Costello Thomas, car inspector, bds 724 S Main
Costello Timothy, laborer, h 324 Webber pl
Costello William E., plumber, bds 122 W Hudson
Costello William T., machinist, bds 435 W 4th
Cotrell Frank M., harnessmaker, bds 115 Sullivan
Cotrell Jarvis V., carpenter, h 115 Sullivan
Cotrell M. Bourden, dentist, h 669 Park pl
Cotrell Stephen H., carpenter and builder 715 College av, h do
Cotter Anna, domestic Elmira College
Cotter John, coachman, h 812 Oak
Cotter John J., engineer Pratt & Co., bds 812 Oak
Cotter Julia, domestic Elmira College
Cotter Michael D., engineer, h 1319 Maxwell av
Cotter Nora, domestic 306 Lake
Cotter Richard, butcher, bds 812 Oak
Cotter William, laborer, h 505 DeWitt
Cotton George H., h 72 Penna av
Cotton George H. jr. (G. H. Cotton jr. & Bro.), h 72 Penna av
Cotton Robert, laundryman, bds 227 W Water
Cotton Samuel (G. H. Cotton jr. & Bro.(, h 61 First av
Cotton William H., laundry 227 W Water, h do
Couch Arthur S., glue manf Tuttle av bel Church, h 327 Lake
Coughlin Anna, widow Dennis, h 462 W 2d
Coughlin John, laborer, bds 809 Railroad
County Clerk’s Office, Henry V. Ransom clerk, Lake c E Market
Coursen Johnson, brakeman, h 759 Day
Covell Alice B. Miss, h 441 E Water
Covell Clara, bds Maple av n limits
Covell Emma, bds Maple av n limits
Covell E. W., carpenter, h 314 S Broadway
Covell Georgiana, widow Edward, h 312 William
Covell James, h Maple av n limits
Covell Robert, clerk, bds 554 E Church
Covert Jennie, widow Charles, bds 215 S Main
Covert Jennie E., bds 153 Madison av
Covert Sidney (W. H. Peters & Co.), h 153 Madison av
Coville Alice Miss, nurse, h 315 E Church
Cowen Adeline Miss, bds 267 W Chemung pl
Cowen Dell Miss, nurse, h 208 W Chemung pl
Cowen H. Seaver, auctioneer 151 Baldwin, h do
Cowen Sarah C., widow Thaddeus, h 611 College av
Cowles Augustus W. Rev. D. D., president Elmira Female College, h 855 College av
Cowles Clara Miss, bds 855 College av
Cox C. W., dentist Horseheads
Cox Delos M., mason, h 381 W 2d
Cox John, porter, h 229 W Water
Coykendall Andrew J., livery 109 S Main, h do
Coykendall Edward, bds 221 W Water
Coykendall Edward H., train agt N C R R, bds 109 S Main
Coykendall Emma A., variety store 350 S Main, h do
Coykendall Frank, roofer, bds 221 W Water
Coykendall G. D., laborer, bds 618 Penna av
Coykendall & Ratcliffe (L. B. Coykendall and W. L. Ratcliffe), boots and shoes 325 E Water
Coykendall Isaac B. (Coykendall & Ratcliffe), bds 460 Maple av
Coykendall Jacob B. (J. M. Sly & Co.), h 109 S Main
Coykendall Mary, widow John, h 221 W Water
Coykendall William S., grocer 57 S Main, h do
Coyle Bridget M., dressmaker, h 400 Baldwin
Coyle James A., engineer D L & W R R, h 400 Baldwin
Coyne Thomas P., shoemaker, bds 406 Elm
Craig James M., tinsmith, h 370 Thurston
Craig Robert B., tinsmith, h 263 W Chemung pl
Crakes Winfield S., laborer, h Southport Corners
Cramer Aaron G., engineer, h 446 Reformatory