Pg. 166
Devine Robert, puddler, h 167 E Washington av
Devine William, cab driver, bds 230 W Water
Devlin John, puddler also saloon 814 Hatch, h do
Devlin J. J., teamster Reformatory, bds do
Devlin William, puddler, bds 814 Hatch
DeVoe Benjamin T., shoemaker 363 Davis, h 148 W Water
DeVoe Frederick A., h 815 Baldwin
DeVoe George W., foreman, h 103 DeWitt
Devore Winfield S., brakeman, h 409 S Main
Dewar David, car inspector, bds 213 South av
Dewar John, car repairer, bds 213 South av
DeWaters Frank E., student, bds 111 Penna av
DeWaters Lewis A., salesman 112 State, bds 111 Penna av
DeWaters Martha E., widow Wright, h 111 Penna av
Dewey Avery, student, bds 55 S Main
DeWITT ABRAM M., stoves and house furnishing goods 154 and 156 Exchange pl, h 213 Washington
DeWitt Addie H., widow Charles, h Southport Corners
DeWitt Betsey E. Mrs., boarding house High cor John
DeWitt Carrie O., milliner, bds Nicks cor Exchange pl
DeWitt Charles G., route agent U S Ex Co, h 111 College av
DeWitt Edgar L., physician 418 E Water, bds High cor John
DeWitt George, painter, bds 212 W Water
DeWitt Isaac T., clerk, h Nicks cor Exchange pl
DeWitt Jacob, h 217 DeWitt
DeWitt Maggie Mrs., h 107 Main
DeWitt Manning F. Rev., h 614 Park pl
DeWitt Nellie F., bds 371 W Water
DeWitt Roscious S., gunsmith 418 E Water, bds High cor John
DeWitt Stephen H., foreman 336 E Water, h 217 DeWitt
DeWITT SUTHERLAND, agent U S Ex Co 152 Baldwin, h 608 W Water
DeWitt Walter F., trav salesman, bds 614 Park pl
DeWitt William F., laborer, h Gorman n N C shops
DeWITT WILLIAM P., lock and gunsmith 418 E Water, h 719 High
DeWitt Wyntje, tailoress, bds 217 DeWitt
Dexter Caroline E., h 207 W Gray
Dexter John M., h 207 W Gray
DEXTER SEYMOUR, County Judge and Surrogate Court House, h 103 S Main
DEY BROTHERS & CO, (John, Donald, Robert, J.G.S. and Charles), dry goods 301 and 303 E Water
Dey Charles (Dey Bros. & Co.), bds Rathbun House
Dey Donald (Dey Bros. & Co.), h at Syracuse, N Y
Pg. 167
Dey James G. S. (Dey Bros. & Co.), bds Rathbun House
Dey John (Dey Bros. & Co.), h at Syracuse, N Y
Dey Robert (Dey Bros. & Co.), h at Syracuse, N Y
Deyo Charles W., fireman, h 548 S Main
Dhier Albert, brakeman, bds 1319 Benton
Diamond Reuben O., shoe-cutter, h 516 W 2d
Dias Sidney S., painter, h 661 Main
Dias Burt C., telegrapher, bds 661 Main
Dibble James M., planer, bds 602 Sullivan
Dibble Jay B., brakeman, h 754 1-2 E 5th
Dibble Samuel M., carpenter, h 602 Sullivan
Dibble Wilber, sashmaker, bds 602 Sullivan
Dick Harriet S., widow John H., h 302 E Water
Dick Lewis T., cigar manuf and dealer 415 E Market, bds 142 E Chemung pl
Dickerman George, fireman, bds 1025 Lake
DICKEY F. O. Rev., pastor Free Baptist church, h 1313 Benton
Dickie George, harnessmaker, bds American Hotel
Dickinson Alexander B., laborer, h 624 Baldwin
Dickinson Charles, fireman, bds 361 Norton
Dickinson Charles S., clerk 130 W Water, bds 209 College av
Dickinson Edward, prof music Elmira College, bds 350 W 4th
Dickinson Ellen E., tailoress, bds 315 W 2d
Dickinson Emily S. Miss, vestmaker, bds 393 W Water
Dickinson Esther M., widow Henry B., h 110 W Market
Dickinson George B., moulder, h 361 Norton
Dickinson George H., (G. S. Dickinson & Son), bds 209 College av
Dickinson George S., (G. S. Dickinson & Son), h 209 College av
DICKINSON GEORGE S. & SON (George H.), grocers 130 W Water
Dickinson Richard L., brakeman, bds 1210 Maxwell av
Dickinson Sabrina S., widow Aristarchus, h 315 W 2d
Dickinson William B., law student 216 E Water, bds 209 College av
Dickman Ruth Mrs. Home for Aged
Diedrich George H., grocer 562 E Church, h do
Diedrich William F., h 604 Howard
Diehl Jacob, baker also grocer 151 Washington, h do
Diehl Jacob M., barber 105 E Water, bds 420 E Market
DIEHL JOHN C., baker and grocer 310 Main, h do
Dietzel Adam, marble polisher, h Esty n Robinson
Digby James, delivery clerk S. H. Laney, h 508 Madison av
Dildine Henry H., laborer, h 461 Mt Zoar
Dildine James, drayman, h r 116 S Main
Dillistin Belle, teacher, bds 315 Franklin
Pg. 168
Dillistin Edward E., farmer, h 315 Franklin
Dillman Cyrus, engineer, bds Blyley House
Dillon Andrew E., lineman, bds American Hotel
Dillon Daniel W., policeman, h 216 DeWitt
Dillon Patrick, laborer, h 435 W 5th
Dimmock Henrietta, bds 312 William
Dimon Reubin O., shoemaker, h 516 W 2d
Dinan Martin, laborer, h 955 Oak
DININNY FERRAL C., miner of anthracite coal 109 W Water, h 820 do
Dininny Ferral C. jr., h 820 W Water
Disbrow Ella F., clerk, bds 321 Orchard
Disbrow Isabella S., teacher, bds 321 Orchard
Disbrow John V. B., clerk E I & S R M, h 215 W 3d
Disbrow Noah, shoe cutter, h 321 Orchard
Dismore William A., clerk 313 E Water, bds 111 College av
Disney James, clerk 211 Baldwin, h 157 Orchard
Disney Thomas S., grocer 423 W 3d, h 418 Elm
Dittmar Charles, supt Elmira Gaslight Co., h 502 Madison av
Diven Anna, widow Alexander, h 514 Lake
Diven Alexander S., pres Elmira Water Works Co., h Willow Brook farm, Lake n limits
Diven Eugene, supt LaFrance Fire Engine Co., h 502 W Church
DIVEN GEORGE M., (Diven & Redfield), also pres Elmira and Horseheads Railway Co, also vice-pres Elmira Water Works Co., h 957 Lake
Diven John M., sec and treas Elmira Water Works Co, h 418 W Church
Diven Martin L., marble cutter, bds 419 Elm
DIVEN & REDFIELD (G. M. Diven and H. S. Redfield) lawyers 212 E Water
Dixon John, clerk 105 W Water, h 202 Harmon
Doane Clarissa C., widow E. P., h 418 W 2d
Doane Emmet J., lamp-trimmer, bds 418 W 2d
Doane Garrett, shoemaker, bds Everett House
Doane George, civil engineer, h 404 Hoffman
Doane Jennie, bds 917 Benton
Doane Madison, teamster, h 907 E Church
Doane Mary, widow Nathaniel, h 917 Benton
Doane Nathaniel K., driver, h 907 Benton
Doane Robinson, driver, h 911 Benton
Doane Royal, wagonmaker 355 E Washington av, h 917 Benton
Doane Walter, package express, bds 859 E Church
Dobberstein August, carpenter, h Robinson n Esty
DOBBINS ANDREW J., prop Frasier House W 3d cor Railroad av, h do
Pg. 169
Dobbs Benjamin J., laborer, h 211 Maple av
Dobbs Isaac E., carpenter, h 514 Balsam
Dobbs Thomas, laborer, bds 211 Maple av
Dobell Stephen V., laborer, h 1032 Oak
Dobson William, laborer, h ft of 2d
Dockstader Otis (Pierce & Dockstader), h 273 W Gray
Dodd Alfred E., cigarmaker, h 214 Sullivan
Dodd Edward, moulder, h 403 DeWitt
Dodd Leonard, foreman, h 115 Lormore
Dodd Jennie, saleslady, 305 E Water, bds 214 Sullivan
Dodd Louis J., clerk 305 E Water, bds 214 Sullivan
Dodel Loudwig, tailor, h 519 Baldwin
Dodson Alexander, clerk, bds 369 W Clinton
Dodson W. Arthur, book-keeper, h 369 W Clinton
Doherty Francis G., clerk Reformatory, bds do
Doherty Frank, shoemaker, h 706 Jay
Doherty Maggie E., saleslady 201 E Water, bds Oak cor Jay
Doherty Mary, compositor Gazette, bds 218 William
Dohoney Frank R., clerk, bds 428 Penna av
Dohoney John E., grocer 428 Penna av, h do
Dolan Helen, widow Patrick, h 607 E 3d
Dolan John, h 617 Lake
Dolan John, bds 607 E 3d
Dolan James, spinner, bds 607 E 3d
Dolan Katie, tailoress, bds 617 Lake
Dolan Thomas, saloon 564 E Clinton, h 607 E 3d
Dolaway George S., driver, h 318 S Broadway
Dolly Charles F., operative, h 220 W 3d
Dolmetch Henry W., millwright, h 505 Penna av
Domaille Jennie, widow Thomas, h Fox cor E Market
Domestic Sewing Machine Office, E. Butcher jr., manager 207 W Water, h 205 Gregg
Domidon Augusta E., domestic 118 Main
Domidon Jane, domestic 312 Lake
Donahue Catharine, widow Patrick, bds 375 W Clinton
Donahue Cornelius, janitor school No 5, h 210 Broadway
Donahue Dennis Mrs., grocer 301 S Broadway, h do
Donahue Ella, domestic 410 W 1st
Donahue Florence E., salesman 416 Carroll, h 800 E Market
Donahue James, laborer, h 857 John
Donahue Johanna, bds 377 Railroad av
Donahue John, laborer, bds 210 Broadway
Donahue John, laborer, h Luce n Robinson
Donahue John jr., laborer, bds Luce n Robinson
Donahue Kate, dressmaker, bds Luce n Robinson
Pg. 170
Donahue Margaret, widow Cornelius, h 409 Fulton
Donahue Mary, domestic 508 Lake
Donahue Mary, clerk, bds 857 John
Donahue Mary, domestic 213 College av
Donahue Michael, clerk Empire Laundry, bds 210 Broadway
Donahue Michael, laborer, bds 210 Broadway
Donahue Michael, laborer Gas Co., h 556 E Market
Donahue Nellie, domestic 715 College av
Donahue Norah, domestic 210 Broadway
Donahue Patrick, laborer, bds 857 John
Donahue Patrick, trackman, bds 307 Diven av
Donahue Patrick, laborer, h 914 Magee
Donahue Thomas, prop Empire House 377 Railroad av, h do
Donald Mary E., widow George, h 750 John
Donly Kate T. Mrs., fancy goods and stamping 203 W Water, h do
Donly William R., conductor D L & W R R, h 203 W Water
Donnelly Edward, engineer, h 1216 Baldwin
Donnelly John, foreman W U T Co, bds 419 Railroad av
Donnelly Luke, engineer, h 211 Franklin
Donnelly Margaret, widow M., housekeeper 861 College av
Donnelly Peter, boilermaker, h 517 Perine
Donovan Daniel, laborer, bds 365 Railroad av
Donovan James, laborer, bds 365 Railroad av
Donovan James H., fireman, h 1001 1-2 Oak
Donovan Jeremiah, bds Susquehanna House
Donovan Johanna, widow Jerry, h 721 Dickinson
Donovan John, clerk, bds 365 Railroad av
Donovan John, saloon W 5th cor Magee, h do
Donovan Mame, bds 364 W 6th
Donovan Michael, shoemaker, h 364 W 6th
Donovan Nellie, dressmaker, bds 365 Railroad av
Donovan Patrick, laborer, h 5 Erie
Donovan Richard, laborer, bds 458 High
Donovan Timothy, prop Susquehanna House 365 R R av, h do
Doolittle Benjamin F., fireman, bds 761 1-2 E Church
Doolittle Elmer, brakeman, h 448 Reformatory
Doolittle Elmer, h Bancroft road n State Reformatory
Doolittle Frank E., fancy goods and notions 111 W Water, h 105 Columbia
Doolittle Isaiah, farmer Bancroft road n State Reformatory
Doolittle John T., night operator tel exch'ge, h 206 College av
Doran John, puddler, bds 103 E Washington av
Doretta William R., miller, h 622 Winsor av
Dorian Severe, draper Dey Bros., h 717 Park pl
Dorman Tracy, carpenter, h 442 W Clinton
Pg. 171
Dorn Ella, domestic 521 E Union
Dorn Georgiana, widow George, h 213 Columbia
Dorn Mary, domestic 651 Lake
DORR CHARLES H. (Hooker & Door), h 355 W Clinton
Dorsey William, janior Telegram, h 711 Benjamin
Doty Benjamin E., barber, bds 102 W Gray
Doud Lorenzo M., canvasser, bds 536 W Hudson
Dougherty Charles F., (C. F. Dougherty & Son), h 319 Washington
Dougherty C. F. & Son (C.H.), pump manuf 406 E Market
Doughrty Charles H. (C. F. Dougherty & Son), bds 319 Washington
Dougherty Frank, shoemaker, h 706 Jay
Dougherty Maggie, domestic 254 W Clinton
Dougherty Maggie, saleslady 201 E Water, bds 706 Jay
Douglas Francis T., editor Reformatory, h do
Douglas James A., lawyer 122 E Water, bds Wyckoff House
Dounce E. A., stenog'r Dounce & Co., bds 348 W 4th
Dounce Fred N., coal dealer 665 Railroad av, h 514 W Church
Dounce Will D., trav salesman, h 510 W Church
Dounce William J. (Dounce & Co.), h 514 W Church
DOUNCE & CO., (O. H. & F. N.), wholesale dealers in coal, coke and iron Railroad av cor W 5th
Dovel Lee, horsetrainer, h E South av n Maple av
DOW I. C., magnetic and electric physician office Main cor Market, h do
Dowling Kate, dressmaker, bds 916 College av
Dowling James, iron worker, h 916 College av
Dowling James, baker, bds 162 Orchard
Dowling John J., puddler, h 359 Roe av
Dowling Matthew, brakeman E C & N R R, h 966 Magee
Dowling Nellie, milliner, bds 916 College av
Dowling Patrick A., printer Telegram, bds 916 College av
Down George, stair-builder, h 521 W 2nd
Downs John, laborer, bds 410 Magee
Downs Michael, laborer, bds 410 Magee
Downs William, brakeman, h 1213 Hall
Doxey Elizabeth, widow Augustus, h 864 E Washington av
Doxey Nicholas D., foreman rolling mill, h 655 Main
Doxey Herbert H., rougher, h 153 Broadway
Doyle Ellen, widow Michael, h 660 Columbia
Doyle Filmore W., clerk 110 Baldwin, bds 218 W Church
Doyle George W., umbrella and parasol manuf and repairer 205 E Church, h do
Doyle James, laborer, h 815 Magee
Doyle Joseph, conductor, bds 1008 Lake
Pg. 172
Doyle Katie, domestic 303 Main
Doyle Matie E., saleslady 104 W Water, bds 218 W Church
Doyle Michael, coachman, h 218 W Church
Doyle Miles M., plumber, bds 660 Columbia
Draft Charles, marblecutter, h 163 Harriet
Draiss Elizabeth, widow Adam, h 704 Dickinson
Drake Andrew J., carpenter, h 480 South av
Drake Charles, engineer E C & N R R, bds 214 Baldwin
Drake Charles W., (M. A. Ruger & Co.) res New York city
Drake Claude L., clerk Bessey's laundry, bds 510 W 2nd
Drake George E., conductor, h 162 S Elm
Drake Henry E., bds 159 Madison av
Drake James H., h 162 S Elm
Drake James S., expressman, h 400 Perry
Drake Julia Miss, Home for the Aged
Drake Leon H. (Sayles & Drake), h 902 College av
Drake Oakley E., tinsmith, h 505 Park pl
Drake Robert B., conductor L V R R, bds Frasier House
Drake Samuel, agt, h 351 E Centre
Drake S. Wilfred, driller, bds 510 W 2d
Drake Theodore M., baker, h 510 W 2d
Drake William I., fireman, bds 351 E Centre
Drake Willie E., machinist, bds E Water n D L & W R R
DREW E. D. , fancy goods and notions 128 W Water, h 113 Grove
DREW E. D. MRS., millinery 128 W Water, h 113 Grove
Driscoll Daniel H., shoemaker, h 362 W Gray
Driscoll Deborah Mrs., h 358 Elm
Driscoll Florence, puddler, bds 151 E Washington av
Driscoll James A., wiper, bds 302 E Washington av
Driscoll Kate, clerk 104 W Water, bds 358 Elm
Driscoll Nellie, chambermaid Homestead Hotel
Dryer S. Fannie, widow Numan, bds 360 W Clinton
Dubar Charles R., draughtsman, bds 393 W Water
Dubois Delancy F., brakeman, h 656 Lake
DuBois George, brakeman, h 1003 Pratt
Dubois William M., bds 316 Lake
Dudley Isaac, bds 211 Division
Duesbach Herman, laster, bds 132 E Water
Duffy Christopher, blacksmith, bds 724 S Main
Duffy John, conductor, bds 1219 Hall
Dugan Roger, brakeman, h 1018 Oak
Duhl Bros. (John and Jacob), meat market 561 E Church
Duhl Jacob (Duhl Bros.), bds 114 Orchard
Duhl John (Duhl Bros.), bds 208 DeWitt
Pg. 173
Duhl Louis, mgr Elmira Ice Co, h 950 Oak
Dullin Fred A., bookbinder, h 706 E 2d
Dullin Laura, widow George W., h 304 Washington
DUMARS JAMES H., bookseller and stationer 142 W Water, h 718 do
Dumars Joseph, bds 466 W Water
Dumars Robert R. R., Sec Adv Asso 152 W Water, h 466 do
Dumkee Julius, trimmer, bds 115 College av
DUN R. G. & CO., mer agency, J. J. Bush mgr, 208 E Water
Dunavon James, driver, bds 413 Magee
Dunavon John E., engineer, h 375 W Clinton
Dunavon Michael, shoemaker, h 903 Lake
Dunbar Eliza, widow Jerome, bds 619 Lake
Dunbar Fred E., h 619 Lake
Dunbar Rose E., dressmaker, bds 619 Lake
Duncan Howard, h 310 Grove
DUNDAS THOMAS A., physician 257 Baldwin, h do, office hours till 9 a. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p m
Dunfee Edward, laborer, bds 665 Baldwin
Dunfee Ellen, seamstress, bds 418 Perry
Dunfee Josephine, teacher, bds 418 Perry
Dunfee Sarah Mrs., h 703 E Market
Dunfee Thomas, contractor, h 418 Perry
Dunham Cornelia R., widow Horatio, bds 360 Franklin
Dunham George B., laborer, h 560 E Clinton
Dunham Marshall, hides and tallow 103 W Water, h 360 Franklin
Dunham Roger, laborer, h 360 E 5th
Dunkee John, laborer, bds 665 Magee
Dunkel Henry, laborer, h 610 Jay
Dunn Bernard, machinist, h 653 Davis
Dunn Charles M., machinist, bds 762 E 2d
Dunn Daniel, flagman, h 527 W 5th
Dunn Edward J., book-keeper Chemung Canal Bank, bds 507 E 2d
Dunn Eliza T., clerk postoffice, h 397 W Water
Dunn James, painter, h 504 College av
Dunn James, carpenter, h 762 E 2d
Dunn John, mineral waters, ginger ales, etc 319 Sullivan, h do
Dunn J. Clarence, bds 319 Sullivan
Dunn John J., carpenter, h 216 South av
Dunn Lizzie Mrs., h 505 DeWitt
Dunn Maggie, domestic W Clinton cor Park pl
Dunn Margaret Mrs., h 908 Magee
Dunn Mary A., widow Patrick, h 457 E Water
Dunn Mercy, housekeeper 214 W 1st
Dunn M. A. Mrs., bds 214 W 1st
Pg. 174
Dunn Nellie, domestic 361 Elm
Dunn Owen, bds 539 Tuttle av
Dunn Patrick, h 507 E 2d
Dunning Amanda M., widow Abram M., h 460 Franklin
Dunning Ebin, miller, bds 460 Franklin
Dunning Sarah E., widow Herman P., bds 408 W 3d
Dunning W. Merritt, ironworker, h 424 Pleasant
Dunovan Mary, domestic 302 William
Dupra Lettie, bds 218 E Market
Durbon Augusta J., teacher, bds 319 W Church
Durbon Julia C., teacher, h 319 W Church
Durfey Erastus G., h 408 Herrick
Durfey Harry L., carpenter, bds 408 Herrick
Durfey James G., carpenter, h 357 S Main
Durfey John L., flagman, h 411 Pleasant
Durkin Michael, laborer, bds 208 DeWitt
Durland Daniel T. (Durland & Pratt), h 628 W Church
Durland Sarah E., widow Charles O., h 371 W Church
DURLAND & PRATT (D. T. D. and T. S. P.), dry goods and carpets 102-104 W Water
Durrant Thomas, engineer E C & N R R, h 714 Day
Duryea Miles T., circulator Telegram, bds 410 Fulton
Duryea Virgil Y., harnessmaker, h 410 Fulton
Duryea W. I., salesman 323 E Water, h 627 W Water
Dusbach Herman, shoemaker, bds 132 E Water
Duszynski Geo., laborer, h 823 Canal
Dutton Edwin S., conductor, h 709 Kinyon
Dutton Jay C., coachman Reformatory, bds do
Duvall John H., teamster, h 901 John
Dwight C. P. Miss, teacher Elmira Female College, bds do
Dwyer Julia A., domestic 208 Franklin
Dyke Simon P., barber, bds 663 Dickinson
Dyke William, whitewasher, h 663 Dickinson
Dynan Martin, laborer, h 995 Oak
Dyott John C., foreman N C R R, h 701 Kinyon
Eagan Bridget, widow Patrick, h 405 Grove
Eagan Kate, dressmaker, h 405 Grove
Eagan Maggie, dressmaker, bds 405 Grove
Eagan Patrick J., laborer, h 664 Magee
EAGLE BOTTLING WORKS, E. B. Gardner supt, 420-422 Carroll
Eakin Helen, widow Emory A., h 204 Lormore
Eakin John S., physician, president and medical director Chemung Valley Medical and Surgical Institute, h do
Pg. 175
Eames Warren J., laborer, h Luce cor Robinson
Earl Frank P., mason, h 1004 Pratt
Earl Legrand, dyer, h 123 Judson
Earl Sarah A. Mrs., boarding house 156 W 3d
Earl William D., mason, h 123 Judson
EARLE B. B., liquor store 204 W Water, h 308 College av
Earle Clara, clerk 104 E Water, bds do
EARLE FREDERICA A. MRS., deputy collector U S Int Rev Opera House block room 3, bds 122 W Hudson
Earle William M., clerk, bds 122 W Hudson
EASTABROOK WILLIAM N., gen'l mgr New York and Penna Telephone and Telegraph Co State cor Nicks, h 713 Main
Eastern Hotel, Charles Snyder prop, 511 Railroad av
Eastman Eliab F., stove mounter, h 431 Standish
Easton Albert, laborer, h 505 Sullivan
Easton Charles A., laborer, bds 505 Sullivan
EASTON JAMES D., physician and surgeon 1104 Lake, h do
Eaton Abel, h 657 E Market
Eaton Luella, operative, bds 523 William
Eaton Lyman B., gardener, h 727 Kinyon
Eaton Mary H. Miss, stenographer 100 Lake, bds 320 E Water
Eaton Pamelia, widow Nathaniel, h 514 Herrick
Eberenz Ella, widow Charles, h 711 E Church
Eberle Peter, laborer, h 758 Jay
Eckenberger Frank L., car driver, h 713 Dickinson
Eckenberger Haman, miller, h 514 Penna av
Eckenberger Sarah, widow Charles, h 518 Penna av
Eckenberger William H., laborer, h 556 Coburn
Eddie Edith K., bds 374 W Gray
Eddy Catharine W., widow Nathan, h 500 William
Eddy Ermina C., physician 500 William, h do
Eddy L. G. Mrs., dressmaker, bds 111 Madison av
Eddy S. S. Miss, teacher, bds 500 William
Edgerly Marie Mrs., music teacher, h 518 W 1st
Edgerly William, h 518 W 1st
Edgerton Morton L., carpenter, h 100 S Elm
Edgerton Theron S., laborer, h 202 W Henry
Edmonds Charles W., laborer, bds 1312 Benton
Edsall Charles, brakeman, bds 1316 Baldwin
Edsall Hattie Miss, bds 408 W Water
Edson Charles H., book-keeper Railroad av cor Market, h 421 W 1st
EDWARD J. C., manager E. Gately & Co. 434 E Water, h 825 E 2d
Edwards Earnest, clerk, h 112 S Main
Pg. 176
Edwards Mrs. E. C., book-keeper, bds 112 S Main
Edwards Lawrence W., clerk, bds 427 W 4th
Edwards Thomas, carpenter, bds 412 W 4th
Egan Patrick J., dyeing and cleaning 346 W 7th, h do
Egbert Almira, widow William M., h 358 Columbia
Eighmey Thomas, shoemaker, h 371 W Church
Eilenberg Mary, h 612 E Water
Eisenacher Augustus, machinist, h 605 E Water
Elder John S., sashmaker, h 223 Park
Eldred Daniel L., stenographer, h 417 W 4th
Eldred John E., druggist also physician 206 S Main, h do
Eldridge Richard, telegrapher, bds 412 W Clinton
Eliassof Harry N., bds 851 E Water
Eliassof Lena, bds 851 E Water
Eliassof Moses R., h 851 E Water
Ellenberger George N., student, bds 412 Spaulding
Ellett Anna, widow Joseph, h 712 Baldwin
Ellett Will Y., supt Fire Alarm Tel Line, h 712 Baldwin
Elliott Abram, car driver, bds 66 Penna av
Elliott Adam W., laborer, bds 107 W 2d
Elliott Fred W., clerk, bds 859 E Market
Elliott George W., clerk, h 407 W 4th
Elliott Harriet F., widow Adam W., h 1157 Hoffman
Elliott James, carriage painter, h 216 Lormore
Elliott James A., saloon 146 E Water, h do
Elliott James E., shipping clerk, h 753 E 2d
Elliott Lucretia Mrs., bds 757 W Church
Elliott Margaret D., widow Isaac, h 859 E Market
Elliott Omer, guard Reformatory, bds do
Ellis Alonzo, carpenter, h Lewis la bel Lewis
Ellis Anna Miss, domestic 119 Horner
Ellis Dan J., brakeman, h 1118 Main
Ellis Fenwick, book-keeper 2d National Bank, bds 814 E Church
Ellis G. A., cigarmaker, bds Elmira House
Ellis George W., cigarmaker, bds American Hotel
Ellis Mary E., bds 626 Lewis
Ellis Miles A., engineer L V R R, h 205 W 3d
Ellis Peter B., carriage painter, h 119 Horner
Ellis Rhoda, dressmaker, bds 814 E Church
Ellis William, laborer, h 814 E Church
Ellis Willis S., carriagemaker, h Erie cor South av
Ellithorpe Robert, plumber, h 334 E Water
Ells Allen, bds 115 Caldwell av
Ells Cornelia, bds 115 Caldwell av
Ells James B., machinist, h 425 Standish
Pg. 177
EllsWarner M., carpenter, h 404 High
Ells William W., carpenter, 115 Caldwell av
Ellsworth Peter, barber, bds 664 Lake
Elmendorf Charles L. (Billings & Elmendorf), h 527 W Church
Elmendorf Gertrude E., book-keeper, bds 709 W Water
ELMENDORF GEORGE, painter and paper hanger also dealer in wall papers 112 Lake, h River av cor Caldwell av
Elmendorf Milton M., painter and paper hanger, h 709 W Water
Elmendorf Oliver, conductor D L & W R R, h 1210 Hall
Elmendorf Vitruvius, painter and paper hanger, h 711 W Water
Elmendorf William M., brakeman, bds 1012 Hall
Elmendorf William V., dining rooms 317 Carroll, h do
Elmer George W., clerk, h 403 DeWitt
ELMIRA ADVERTISER BOOK BINDERY, L. Kies foreman, 316 Carroll
ELMIRA & HORSEHEADS RAILWAY CO., pres't George M. Diven, sup't E. T. Walker, office Lake n E 5th
ELMIRA BEEF CO., L. J. Pope mang'r, commission merchants Chicago dressed beef Railroad av n Erie depot
ELMIRA BLAST FURNACE, J. B. Rathbone sup't, Main n Centre
Elmira Business College, A. J. Warner prop, E Water cor Lake
Elmira City Hospital, r Court House
Elmira City Morgue, r Court House
Elmira, Cortland & Northern Railway Co., passenger and frt depot 5th cor Baldwin
ELMIRA DAILY AND WEEKLY ADVERTISER, Elmira Advertiser Association publishers 316 Carroll
ELMIRA DAILY AND WEEKLY GAZETTE AND FREE PRESS, The Gazette Co publishers 104 and 106 Lake
ELMIRA DETECTIVE AGENCY (D. A. Gaylord & H. B. Batterson), Carroll cor Lake
ELMIRA FEMALE COLLEGE, Rev. Augustine W. Cowles pres, Main cor W Washington av
ELMIRA FREE ACADEMY, Clinton bet Lake and William
ELMIRA GAS AND ILLUMINATING CO., office Chemung Canal Bank bldg E Water n Lake
ELMIRA HOUSE, M. G. Casey prop, 105 and 107 State
ELMIRA ICE CO. (Limited), Louis Duhl mngr, 149 W Water
ELMIRA ILLUMINATING CO. (The), J. M. Shoemaker pres., H. E. Baker sec and treas, and F. A. Cheney manager, 216 and 222 Railroad av