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Elmira Medical and Surgical Institute

FOR 1888
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ELMIRA IRON AND STEEL ROLLING MILL CO., H. W. Rathbone pres, James B. Rathbone vice pres, Jesse L. Cooley sec and treas, manufs merchant bar and pig iron, office 722 Hatch

Elmira K. of L. Co-operative Cigar Manufacturing Co., Railroad av cor W 4th

ELMIRA MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE, Nos. 111 and 113 W Hudson Drs. Annabel & Williamson, props

ELMIRA MESSENGER SERVICE, operated by the N D Telegraph Co 150 Baldwin, Gordon W. Treadwell pres, S. H Shappee manager

ELMIRA MILLS ( Chase, Hibbard & Co. ), 301 to 307 W Water

ELMIRA OIL CO., offices Masonic Temple Lake cor Market, warehouse head of Stowell

ELMIRA PORTRAIT CO. ( Herbert M. Daggett, Samuel C. Woodside and O. A. Adams, 116 Baldwin

ELMIRA SCHOOL OF COMMERCE and short Hand Institute, Water cor Main

ELMIRA SEWER PIPE CO., 169 Railroad av, C. M. Lee, prop'r

Elmira Sign Works, Joseph D. Densmore prop'r 115 S Main

Elmira Silver Mining Co., John Brown pres, N. P. Fassett sec, C. Preswick treas, capital $100,000, Masonic Temple

ELMIRA STEAM BAKERY, E. M. Coke, 423 Railroad av

Elmira Steam Laundry, Timothy Casey prop, 73 Penna av

ELMIRA STEAM MILLS, Charles E. Huntington prop, flour, meal, feed, grain, etc., 625 Railroad av

ELMIRA STOVE STORE, C. W. Kenning manager, 116 Lake

ELMIRA SATURDAY TIDINGS, John B. Briggs publisher 316 Carroll

ELMIRA WATER WORKS CO. (The), John M. Diven sec and treas, 212 E Water

Elmira Woolen Mill, William Clark agt, East av n Sullivan

Elmore, Emily R., teacher, bds 109 W Chemung pl

Elmore, John N., bds 616 Columbia

Elmore & Gosper ( O. D. E. and C. W. G. ), grocers 1055 Walnut

Elmor Orville D. ( Elmore & Gosper ), h 1055 Walnut

Elmore, Thaddeus O., h 707 Park pl

ELMORE, THADDEUS W., china, crockery and glassware 131 E Water, h 109 W Chemung pl

Elston, Charles C., carpenter, h 452 Spaulding

Elston, Elizabeth, h 456 Oak

Elston, Eva A., school teacher, bds 762 Jay

Elston, Emily G., saleslady 301 E Water, bds 104 W Hudson

Elston, Freeman A., butcher, h 762 Jay

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Elston, James C., teamster, h 104 W Hudson

Elston, Jane V., h 456 Oak

Elston, Jasper M., salesman, h 166 S Elm

Elston, Libbie, saleslady, bds 117 Caldwell av

Elston, Marenus S., creamery 241 W Water, h do

Elston, Mary E., h 456 Oak

Elsworth, Joseph W., barber, bds 125 Madison av

Elwood, Martin V. B., painter, h 164 Jones la

Ely, Stephen V. R., h 703 Columbia

Emblem, J. W., carpenter, h 357 Norton

Emerson, Charles N., engineer, h 122 W Henry

Emhoff, James A., clerk, bds 415 E Washington av

Emhoff, M. J., h 415 E Washington av

Emmett, John, teamster, bds 317 Madison av

Emmitt, George, laborer, h Luce n Robinson

Emmons, Joseph, laborer, h 407 Railroad av

Empire House, T. Donahue prop, 377 Railroad av

EMPIRE LAUNDRY CO. ( M. Barnum and S. J. Pierson ), 110 W Water

EMPIRE PRINTING HOUSE, Scholl & Wentworth props, 125 W Water

Enck, Augustus H., carpenter, bds 212 Harmon

Engleman, Clinton C., mail agt L V R R, bds Blyley House

Ennis, Harriet B., bds 555 E Church

Ennis, John, farmer Reformatory, h 312 Reformatory

Ennis, John, laborer, h 1017 College av

Enoch, Hiram R., spe ex U S pension dept, bds 414 Main

Enright, Dennis, barber, bds 411 Penna av

Enright, James J., gardener, h 411 Penna av

Enright, James J. jr., painter, bds 411 Penna av

Enright, Michael H., pool player and bartender, bds 160 Baldwin

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Enright, Patrick H., telegrapher, bds 656 Lake

Ensign, H. W. Mrs., bds 209 W 3d

Ensworth, Arthur R., tel editor Gazette, bds 502 E Church

Ensworth, Hariph A., fireman, h 516 Balsam

Ensworth, Joseph W., harnessmaker, h 502 E Church

Eppler, Oscar, bartender, h 110 W 5th

Epstein, George, bds 413 High

Epstein, Jacob, peddler, h 413 High

EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE SOCIETY, Utter & Beecher gen'l agts, E. E. Burlingame special agt 107 W Water

Erlich, Barney ( B. Erlich & Son ), h 753 E Church

ERLICH, B. & SON ( Jacob ), dry goods and millinery 305 E Water

Erlich, Jacob ( B. Erlich & Son ), h at New York

Erlich, Kate B., cashier 305 E Water, bds 753 E Church

Erlich, Lillian M., stenographer 305 E Water, bds 753 E Church

Erlich, Ray, bds 753 E Church

Ernest, John, fireman, bds Blyley House

Ersly, Aurilla, widow Warren, h 567 Coburn

Ersly, Charles M., painter, bds 567 Coburn

Ersly, Elmer, cigarmaker, bds 567 Coburn

Ersly, Frederick, boilermaker, bds 567 Coburn

Ervin, Bridget, widow Robert, bds 419 Walnut

Ervin, John, butcher 407 Railroad av, h 419 Walnut

Ervin, Patrick, laborer, h 729 S Main

Eschenberg, Frederick, cabinetmaker, h 713 Lake

Eschenberg, Fred jr., book-keeper, bds 713 Lake

Eschenberg, Henry, painter, bds 713 Lake

Espey, Eliza, widow Daniel, h 558 E Clinton

Espey, John H., plumber, bds 768 E 5th

Espey, John N., book-keeper, bds 657 Lake

Espey, Lizzie J., domestic 558 E Clinton

Espey, Mary J., bds 657 Lake

Espey, Thomas, heater, h 657 Lake

Espey, William T., plumber, bds 657 Lake

Espey, William J., bds 558 E Clinton

Esselstine, Alvira, widow Benjamin, h 512 College av

Esselstine, Benjamin A., laborer, bds 554 E 2d

Esselstine, Joseph, laborer, bds 512 College av

Estabrook, Fred T., music teacher 145 W Water, h 519 W Gray

Estabrook, R. B., shoemaker, bds 715 W Water

Estell, George S., salesman 113 E Water, h Towanda Pa

Estherson, Lottie, widow Joseph, bds 115 Washington

Ettelson, Asher, laborer Arbor Hotel, bds 123 Baldwin

Ettelson, Isaac, messenger Postal Tel Co, bds 502 E Clinton

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Ettelson, Louis, junkman, h 502 E Clinton

Ettelson, Samuel, clerk, bds 502 E Clinton

Ettenberger, George L., moulder, h 1000 Sullivan

Ettenberger, John, machinist, h 1004 Sullivan

Ettenberger, Louise, tailoress, bds 1004 Sullivan

Etts, Cornelius, shoemaker, bds 315 E Market

Etz, E. Abbie, widow Alfred, h 309 W Clinton

EUSTACE, ALEXANDER C., lawyer 334 E Water, h 401 Maple av

Eustace, Christopher, cutter, h 401 Maple av

Eustace, Jennie A. Miss, actress, bds 401 Maple av

Eustace, Joseph P., clerk, bds 401 Maple av

Eustace, Mark S., clerk, bds 401 Maple av

Evans, E. Frank, carpenter, bds 103 Penna av

Evans, George D., carriage wood worker 450 E Water, h 111 Catherine

Evans, H. H., traveling salesman J. Richardson & Co, res Tidioute Pa

Evans, James, puddler, h 919 Stowell

Evans, John H., engineer D L & W R R, bds 1316 Benton

Evans, L. B., painter, h 569 E Water

Evans, Richard, brakeman Erie R R, h 141 E Water

Evans, Thomas A., brakeman N C R R, bds 115 W South av

Evans, Columbus, engineer, h 1122 Elm

EVENS, JACOB C., furniture 206 W Water, h 361 W Gray

Everard, Sarah L., widow William, h 551 Grove

EVERETT HOUSE, O. Everett prop 164 Baldwin

EVERETT, OLIVER, prop Everett House 164 Baldwin, h do

Everetts, William A., clerk, bds 400 High

Everhart, Aurela, domestic 452 W 1st

Everitt, Jacob L., druggist 208 E Water, h 259 Baldwin

Everitt, Stephen, machinist, h 518 Madison av

Evertts, Charles, sash and blinds, h 605 E 2d

Evertts, Joseph J., foreman planing mill, h 400 High

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Evertts, Willet, teamster, h 508 E Clinton

Ewald, George, tailor, bds 154 Fox

Ewald, John, hairdresser 428 E Water, h 57 Sullivan

Ewing, Alexander L., trav salesman, h 371 W Clinton

Ewing, James S., book-keeper, bds 206 William

Ewing, James, h 206 William

EXCHANGE HOTEL, Jacob Kolb prop, 513 Railroad av

Eyres, John B., harnessmaker, h 59 Sullivan


Fabian, Adolph G., tailor 317 E Water, h 218 Sullivan

Fabian, Carrie B., cashier 117 E Water, bds 218 Sullivan

Fabian, Mary, domestic Blyley House

Fabian, Sabastian, gardener, h 209 Horner

Fabinski, Frank, helper, h 716 Dickinson

Fairbank, Danforth A., h 514 S Elm

Fairbanks, Charles R., clerk 340 E Water, bds 78 Penna av

Fairbanks, Loven P., brakeman, h Magee cor Centre

Fairlee, Julia P. R., widow Sidney, h 395 W Water

Fairman, Jared P., shipping clerk, h 509 Harper

Falck, William, treas LaFrance Fire Engine Co, h 1013 Lake

Faley, John M., tinsmith, bds 416 Standish

Fallihee, Margaret F., widow Cornelius, h 156 Lake, Opera Block room 15

Falsey, Patrick, saloon 108 W 5th, h do

Fancher, Sutherland, h 515 E Union

Farley, Ann, widow James, h 800 Madison av

Farley, Annie, cook Homestead Hotel

Farley, Bridget Ann, widow Matthew, h 416 Standish

Farley, G. B., jeweler 213 E Water, bds 614 Park pl

Farley, Jerome B., grocer 413 Railroad av, h do

Farley, John, barber, h 362 S Main

Farley, Julia, widow Michael, h 411 Railroad av

Farley, Mamie C., saleslady, bds 411 Railroad av

Farley, Mary C., dressmaker, bds 411 Railroad av

Farley, Thomas H., foreman S. H. Laney, h 525 William

Farmer, Michael, laborer, h 431 W 4th

FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK, H. L. Bacon cashier, 122 E Water

Farnham, George W., carriage trimmer, h 355 Columbia

Farnham, J. Estelle, book-keeper Southern Tier Masonic Relief Association, bds 355 Columbia

Farnsworth, Ann, widow Willard, bds 260 W Chemung pl

Farr, Joseph, saloon 703 S Main, h do

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Farr, William N., guard Reformatory, h 313 Webber pl

Farr, W. O., book-keeper, h 853 Magee

Farrell, Annie, waitress Homestead Hotel

Farrell, Charles P., printer, bds 318 W 4th

Farrell, Lizzie J., bds 318 W 4th

Farrell, Mary, domestic 362 College av

Farrell, Thomas C., brakeman, bds 851 Lake

Farrel, Patrick, peddler, h 318 W 4th

Farrer, Clara T., bds 1016 East av

Farrer, Julia B., bds 1016 East av

Farrer, Thomas, h 452 W 1st

Farrington, Charles E., conductor N C R R, h 215 Horner

Farrington, E. Ward, fire brick manuf also stoneware 900 E Church cor Judson, h 511 Baldwin

Farrington, Frank A., plumber, bds 215 Lormore

Farrington, James B. Mrs., h 558 E Church

FARRINGTON, PETER J., gen'l ins, book and advertising agt 202 Baldwin, h 215 Lormore

Farrington, Will B., watchmaker, bds 501 Baldwin

Fassett, Henry L., ( Bundy, Tompkins & Fassett ), bds 460 W Church

FASSETT, J. SLOAN, HON., state senator also lawyer Masonic Temple, h 464 W Church

FASSETT, NEWTON P., lawyer Masonic Temple, h 460 W Church

Fassett, Sarah M., bds 460 W Church

Fassett, E. Edmund, bds 460 W Church

Fassett, William S., baggagemaster L V R R, h 301 W Clinton

Faulkner, Henry P., clerk, h 801 Johnson

Faul, Patrick, laborer, h 817 Johnson

Fausnaught, Elizabeth, widow John H., h 519 Harper

Fausnaught, John H., contractor, h 523 Harper

Fausnaught, John H. jr., sashmaker, bds 523 Harper

Fausnaught, Joseph, laborer, bds 523 Harper

Faussett, James M., compositor Gazette, h 1051 Lincoln

Fay, Annie, dressmaker, bds 710 Hatch

Fay, Catherine ( Fitzgerald & Co. ), h 710 Hatch

Fay, Clara, widow Cyrus W., h 420 W Water

Fay, Hugh, laborer, h 710 Hatch

Fay, James, driver engine fire dept, h 153 Baldwin

Fay, John, cutter, h 408 E Clinton

Fean, Edward, laborer, h 712 Columbia

Fean, Margaret, grocer W 3d cor Davis, h do

Fean, Maria, widow Terence, h 420 Davis

FEAN, PATRICK, grocer, wines, liquors, etc, also constable and collector 420 Davis, h do

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Fean, Robert, laborer, h 812 Walnut

Fean, Sarah M., clerk, bds 420 Davis

Fean, Terence, laborer, bds 420 Davis

Fean, Thomas, carpenter, h 607 Jay

Featherman, Barney, peddler, h 115 Harriet

Featherman, Isaac, peddler, h 809 E Market

Featherman, Jacob, engineer N C R R, h 459 Franklin

Feehan, Patrick H., shoecutter, h 406 Elm

Feeney, Annie L., bds 418 Walnut

Feeney, Bridget T., tailoress, bds 412 Standish

Feeney, James, shoemaker, h 505 E 3d

Feeney, John, hostler, h 105 E Market

Feeney, John H., bds 105 E Market

Feeney, John W., brakeman, bds 313 Hathaway

Feeney, Kate, boxmaker, bds 412 Standish

Feeney, Mary Miss, bds 105 E Market

Feeney, Mary Mrs., h 105 E Market

Feeney, Mary A., dressmaker, h 412 Standish

Feeney, Michael, laborer, h 412 Standish

Feeney, Thomas, fireman, bds 313 Hathaway

Feeney, Thomas, hostler, h 110 State

Feeny, James S. (McGuire & Feeny), bds 313 Hathaway

Feeny, John, laborer, h 912 Benton

Feeny, Luke, laborer, h 912 Benton

Feld, Meyer, book-keeper, bds 113 Madison av

Felker, Enid L., bds 532 Penna av

Fell, William, h 520 W Clinton

Felter, Charles B., carpenter, h 1023 College av

Felter, James E., driver, bds 1023 College av

Felter, William, clerk, bds 2 Main st bridge

Fennell, Bridget, bds 601 Railroad av

Fennell, James, laborer, h 291 Railroad av

Fennell, John, laborer, h 214 Park

Fennell, Mary, domestic 402 W Water

FENNELL, THOMAS M'CARTHY, hotel 601 Railroad av, h do

Fenner, Benjamin P., supt Peerless Dye Works, h 608 Park pl

Fenner, Wilber N., sash and blind maker, bds 317 DeWitt

Fenucken, Patrick, laborer, h 316 Hathaway

Ferdinand, Ballaring, cook, h 103 E 2d

Ferguson, Benjamin, farmer, bds 314 Baty

Ferguson, Bert, brakeman, bds 411 S Main

Ferguson, Charles jr., brakeman, bds 214 South av

Ferguson, Charles N., tinsmith, h 314 Baty

Ferguson, Christopher J., carpenter, h 214 South av

Ferguson, Clarence W., salesman, h 133 W Water

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Ferguson, Colson E. Rev., pastor Centenary M E church, h 219 South av

Ferguson, Eber B., salesman, bds 817 E 2d

Ferguson, Elmer, driver, bds 72 Penna av

Ferguson, Frank E., clerk 340 E Water, bds 615 Magee

Ferguson, Henry H., clerk 611 and 613 R R av, h 507 Fulton

Ferguson, May, broom maker, bds 507 Fulton

Ferguson, Phil, paperhanger, h 308 W Hudson

Ferguson, Wesley A., physician, h 363 Fulton

FERGUSON, WILLIAM H., produce commission merchant 131 and 133 W Water, h 600 W Gray

Ferris, Charles, brakeman, bds 515 Mt Zoar

Ferris, Frank E., clerk 309 Fulton, bds 315 Broadway

FERRIS, FRED, wines and liquors 159 Railroad av, h 111 W Market

FERRIS, JOEL E., groceries and meat 309 Fulton, h 315 Broadway

Ferris, Judson B., warehouseman Erie fgt depot, bds 556 Coburn

Ferris, J. Franklin, laborer, h 515 Mt Zoar

Ferris, Marshall C., clerk, h 412 W 1st

Feuchtwanger, Henry, trav agt, h 852 Main

Feuchtwanger, J. Miss, saleslady, bds 852 Main

Fidelity Mutual Life Ins Co of Philadelphia, Geo. H. Spring manager, 114 Baldwin

Fiefield, Fred, laborer, h 410 E Market

Field, Benjamin F., machinist, bds 110 Caldwell av

Field, E. J., painter, bds Lewis House

Field, Mary, widow Joseph, bds 471 W Water

Field, Minnie A., music teacher, bds 110 Caldwell av

Fillingham, Florence, music teacher, bds 519 William

Fillingham, Fred, clerk, h 519 William

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Fillmann, Phillip, laborer, h 917 Davis

Fillmann, Charles, carpenter, bds 917 Davis

Fimdahl, Frank, laborer, h 452 High

Finch, Amos, shoemaker, bds 515 Fulton

Finch, Margaret, widow Zacheus, bds Mt Zoar cor S Broadway

Finch, Martin J. ( Chemung Oil Co ), h 405 W Gray

Finklestine, David, peddler, h 119 Judson

Finklestine, Morris M., tailor, h 703 E Water

Finlay, John, engineer, h 309 Franklin

Finlay, John Jr., engineer, h 505 Fulton

Finlay, Margaret O., teacher, bds 309 Franklin

Finlay, Robert, boiler maker, bds 309 Fulton

Finley, Daniel, deputy county clerk, h 383 Penna av

Finley, William, driver, h 59 First av

Finley, William, shoemaker, h 405 DeWitt

Finn, Daniel, laborer, h South av n Erie R R

Finn, Daniel jr., laborer, bds South av, n Erie R R

Finn, John, laborer, h 705 Railroad av

Finn, John, laborer, bds South av n Erie R R

Finn, Timothy, laborer, h r 220 W 3d

Finnell, John J., wood worker, h 214 Park

Finnell, Patrick, marker, bds 214 Park

Finnell, Thomas, laborer, h 98 W South av

Finnell, Thomas, shoemaker, bds 214 Park

Finnell, Thomas J., engineer, h 603 E Church

Finnigan, Ellen A., widow Thomas, h 407 High

Finnigan & Scheirer ( J. B. Finnigan and J. W. Scheirer ) cigar manufacturers 117 Baldwin

Finnigan, John B., ( Finnigan & Scheirer ), h 407 High

Finuken, Patrick, laborer, bds 318 Hathaway

Fish, Alfred H., fireman, h Erie n LaFrance shops

Fish, Daniel, mason, bds Fish's Hotel

Fish, Edith L., book-keeper 110 W Water, bds 307 E 2d

Fish, Frank M., brakeman, h 298 Thurston

Fish, George M., laborer, h 711 Casey

Fish, Israel, peddler, h 777 John

Fish, Mary, widow Frank, bds 323 South av

FISH, R. H. MRS., prop Fish's Hotel, E s Reformatory n Bancroft rd

FISH, WILBUR W., h 520 W Water

FISH'S HOTEL, Mrs., R. H. Fish prop, E s Reformatory n Bancroft rd

Fisher, Ann, widow Stephen, h 207 Park

Fisher, David, book-keeper, bds 119 Harriet

Fisher, Elisha D., dealer in notions 133 W Water, h do

Fisher, Frank X., piano finisher, h 760 E 2d

Fisher, Harris, jobber fancy goods and notions 119 Harriet, h do

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Fisher, Hyman, peddler, h 119 Judson

Fisher, James A., paper hanger, h 835 E 2d

Fisher, Nathan, peddler, bds 119 Harriet

Fisher, Samuel S., conductor, h 303 South av

Fishler, Blanche, book-keeper, bds 117 W 2d

Fishler, G. W., contractor, h 117 W 2d

Fishler, G. W. jr., h 128 W Water

Fishler, Viola L., book-keeper 305 Carroll, bds 117 W 2d

Fisk, Franc A., teacher school No. 4, bds 801 Main

Fitch, Albert B., ( Fitch & Aldrich ), h 214 Washington

Fitch, Allen, laborer, h 610 Baldwin

Fitch, Arthur S., ( Fitch & Billings ), h 356 W 1st

FITCH & BILLINGS ( A. S. Fitch and H. H. Billings ), booksellers, stationers and newsdealers 112 Baldwin

Fitch, Burt S., yard clerk N C shops, h 306 S Main

Fitch, Carrie B., bds 356 W 1st

Fitch, Charles B., carpenter, h 208 Orchard

Fitch, Clara, teacher school No. 2, h 519 William

Fitch, Cornelia, widow Erastus, bds S Main n W Henry

Fitch, F. Ellery, trainmaster N C R R, h 256 W 5th

Fitch, George A., hostler, bds 610 Baldwin

Fitch, Harry S., fireman, h 537 S Main

Fitch, Hattie W., book-keeper, h 519 William

Fitch, John D., traveling agent, h 406 Fulton

Fitch, Lyman M., sign painter 209 W Water, bds 208 Orchard

Fitch, Margaret R., bds 365 W Clinton

Fitch, Nellie, h 256 W 5th

Fitch, Orson H., real estate, h 402 W Water

Fitch, Town B., real estate, h 220 DeWitt

Fitch, William, laborer, bds 610 Baldwin

FITCH & ALDRICH ( A. B. Fitch and C. D. Aldrich ), sash, blinds and doors 511 E Clinton

Fitten, Alice L., cashier, bds 407 Davis

Fitten, Elizabeth, widow Michael, h 407 Davis

Fitten, Mary F., clerk, bds 407 Davis

Fitton, Michael J., clerk 112 Baldwin, bds 407 Davis

Fitzgerald, Anna, seamstress, bds 518 Clinton pl

Fitzgerald, Daniel, laborer, h 1015 Oak

Fitzgerald & Co. ( Elizabeth Fitzgerald and Catherine Fay ), grocers 145 W Water

Fitzgerald, Elizabeth ( Fitzgerald & Co. ), h 145 W Water

Fitzgerald, Frank, cigarmaker, h 569 E Water

Fitzgerald, Frank, brakeman, bds 851 Lake

Fitzgerald, Frank, cigarmaker, bds 518 Clinton pl

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Fitzgerald, James, brakeman, bds 1318 Baldwin

Fitzgerald, John, laborer, h 217 E 7th

Fitzgerald, John, painter, h 552 E 3d

Fitzgerald, John, Water Works Co, h 501 Oak

Fitzgerald, John, puddler, bds 860 Magee

Fitzgerald, Kate, domestic 111 Main

Fitzgerald, Mary, widow David, h 518 Clinton pl

Fitzgerald, Michael, maltster T. Briggs & Co, h 159 High

Fitzgerald, Michael J., laborer, h 159 High

Fitzgerald, Nellie, dressmaker, bds 518 Clinton pl

Fitzgerald, Patrick, car inspector, h 552 E 3d

Fitzgerald, Patrick, laborer, h 104 W 2d

Fitzgerald, Patrick, laborer, h 323 Webber pl

Fitzgerald, Thomas, cigarmaker, h 620 E 3d

Fitzgerald, Thomas B., salesman, bds 518 Clinton pl

Fitzgerald, Thomas E., car inspector, bds 101 W Henry

Fitzgerald, Thomas P., shoemaker, h 104 W 2d

Fitzgerald, William K., manager 145 W Water, h do

Fitzgibbon, Catharine Mrs., h 657 Main

Fitzgibbon, Eliza, teacher school No. 1, bds 657 Main

Fitzgibbon, Katie, domestic 505 Lake

Fitzgibbon, Maggie, saleslady 201 E Water, bds 715 Railroad av

Fitzgibbon, Michael, h 715 Railroad av

Fitzgibbons, Frank E., telegrapher, bds 715 Railroad av

Fitzgibbons, Nellie, domestic 403 Lake

Fitzgibbons, Susie, dressmaker, bds 657 Main

FITZMARTIN BROS. ( M. F. and J. J. ), grocers, wines, liquors, cigars, &c, 380 W 1st

Fitzmartin, John, saloon 114 W 5th, h do

Fitzmartin, John J., ( Fitzmartin Bros. ), h 354 Davis

Fitzmartin, Mary Jane, domestic Elmira Female College

Fitzmartin, Michael F. ( Fitzmartin Bros. ), h 380 W 1st

Fitzpatrick, Charles, clerk 200 E 5th, bds 506 Baldwin

Fitzpatrick, Charles, sawyer, bds 412 High

Fitzpatrick, Daniel A., printer Telegram, h 214 High

Fitzpatrick, Frank, cigarmaker, bds 412 High

Fitzpatrick, Hugh, laborer, h 514 Perry

Fitzpatrick, James, printer, bds 412 High

Fitzpatrick, James B., engineer Erie R R, h 107 High

Fitzpatrick, John B., ( Weber & Fitzpatrick ), bds 412 High

Fitzpatrick, John J., printer Telegram, h 202 E Gray

Fitzpatrick, John L., salesman, rooms 459 E 2d

Fitzpatrick, Joseph P., clerk 421 Railroad av, bds do

Fitzpatrick, Maggie, dressmaker, bds 412 High

Fitzpatrick, Margaret, widow Patrick, h 800 Main

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Fitzpatrick, Mary, seamstress, bds 800 Main

Fitzpatrick, Mary, widow Patrick, h 412 High

Fitzpatrick, Michael, laborer, bds 324 Webber pl

Fitzpatrick, Patrick, ironworker, bds 909 Railroad av

Fitzpatrick, Thomas, laborer, h 908 Magee

Fitzsimmons, Ellen, h 1315 Lake

Fitzsimmons, James, tailor, h 151 High

Flahave, James, trackman, h 857 Railroad av

Flahave, John E., showman, h 1400 Baldwin

Flahave, Julia, widow John, h 1400 Baldwin

Flahave, Mary E., widow James, h 266 W Henry

Flahave, Michael H., showman, h 1400 Baldwin

Flahave, Patrick J., saloon 1400 Baldwin, h do

Flaherty, Lizzie, domestic 311 Lake

Flanagan, John F., salesman 319 E Water, bds 758 do

Flanagan, John J., dry goods 132 W Water, h 211 W 1st

Flanagan, Lizzie G., domestic 467 W 2d

FLANAGAN, MARTIN J., boots and shoes 319 E Water, h 758 do

Flannagan, Annie, laundress, h 753 Harper

Flannagan, Annie T., domestic 723 W 1st

Flannagan, Mary, widow James, h 916 Main

Flannagan, Michael, laborer, h 915 Main

Flannagan, Patrick, laborer, h 916 Main

Flannagan, Patrick J., puddler, h 913 Stowell

Flannagan, Tressa, domestic 221 Lake

Flannery, Thomas, h Luce n Robinson

Fleming, Edwin H., asst book-keeper Railroad av cor Market, h 379 W Water

Fleming, Maria, domestic 360 W Church

Fleming, Robert J., shoecutter, h 403 Columbia

Fleming, Simon, laborer, h 106 Ferris

Flesh, John E., blacksmith, h 221 Mt Zoar

Fletcher, August, butcher, bds 114 Orchard

Fletcher, Eugene D., book-keeper, bds 204 Brand

Fletcher, Fred M., student, bds 622 W Water

Fletcher, George, hostler, h 500 High

Fletcher, Oliver M., manf boxes also planing mill 622 W Water, h do

Fletcher, Rollands S., flagman, h 366 Penna av

Flett, George, yardman Rathbun House

Flett, J. Alexander, grocer 200 Baldwin, h 102 Ferris

Flett, J. C. Mrs., h 102 Ferris

Flint, John F., boots and shoes 137 E Water, h Rochester

Flint, Thomas E., manager 137 E Water, bds Wyckoff House

FLOOD, F. H., physician and surgeon 505 E Water, h do

FLOOD, HENRY, physician 403 Lake cor 2d, h do