![]() |
SYLVESTER C. H. photographer 159½ Railroad av, bds 123 Baldwin (see adv)
Symonds Abigail, widow Ebenezar, bds 402 Tuttle av
Symonds Alonzo D., stone delaer, h 402 Tuttle av
Taber Alfred B., healing manipulator 220 William, h do
Taber Dorman A., brakeman, h 615 Penna av
TABER SAMUEL C., lawyer 164 Lake, h 452 W Church
Tabor Franklin, canvasser, bds 719 Park pl
Tabor George M., moulder, h 400 Pleasant
Tabor Helen, widow Leroy, h 517 Tulton
Tabor James R., salesman 301 E Water, h 315 Baldwin
Tabor Leroy, machinist, bds 517 Fulton
Tack Anthony, trav agent, h 508 Main
Tackman Louis A., wire worker 417 Carroll, h 616 Lake
Taft E. L. Miss, bds 313 Lake
Talbert LaFayette, farmer, h 814 W Gray
Tallett Nellie, bds 352 W Clinton
Tanner Alonzo A., shoemaker, h 102 W Water
Tanner Anna m., weaver, bds 100 E Hudson
PROMPTNESS REGARDED.Tanner Jane, dressmaker, bds 409 W 5th
Tanner Robert, laborer, h 358 Hoffman
Tanner Rufus, h 310 Hoffman
Tate Hattie, widow John, bds Tuttle av n East av
Tate Joshua, book-keeper, bds Lake ab limits
Tate Richard, gardener, h E s Lake ab limits
TAYLOR BROS., RICE & CO, (Alfred J., Eugene T., and M. Taylor and Alfred T. Rice), seedsmen and florists 163 Baldwin, greenhouse 214 E Market (see adv pages 3, 8, 11, 13, 15)
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Taylor Alfred J. (Taylor Bros., Rice & Co.), h 905 John
TAYLOR C. I. MRS., mind reader, h 1320 Benton
Taylor E. L., hostler, bds Buckbee House
Taylor Elias, h 320 W 5th
Taylor Eugene T. (Taylor Bros., Rice & Co.), h river rd bel Arnot’s mill
Taylor Fred P., book-keeper, bds 403 W 1st
Taylor George, laborer, h 221 S Main
Taylor Godfred, tailor , h 109 Washington
Taylor Henry L., clerk 313 E Water, h 421 W Water
Taylor Rood, hatter 118 W Water, h 357 W 6th
Taylor James A., h 613 Lewis
Taylor James R., sawyer, bds 619 Lewis
Taylor John, fireman, h 459 Lake av
Taylor John R., harnessmaker, bds Buckbee House
Taylor J. Welles, bottle dealer, bds 307 William
Taylor Lewis J., fireman, bds 715 Magee
Taylor Lewis P., puddler, h 715Magee
Taylor Lizzie, music teacher, bds 715 Magee
Taylor mansel (Taylor Bros., Rice & Co.), h river rd bel Arnot’s mill
Taylor Mattie, domestic Lewis House
Taylor Mortimer K., dist mangr Wilcox & Gibbs Sewing machine Co, bds 510 E Church
6 Opera Block, 154 Lake St.Taylor Nathaniel A., farmer, h 366 Penna av
Taylor Rollin N., hostler, bds 366 Penna av
Taylor Russell I., tinsmith, h 1313 Benton
Taylor Sallie, domestic, bds r 652 Dickinson
Taylor Samuel B., auctioneer 321 E Water, h 403 W 1st
Taylor Samuel O., laborer, h 663 Magee
Taylor Sandy, laborer, h 652 Dickinson
Taylor Sylvester S. (Taylor & Bacon), h 425 E Market
Taylor William, brakeman, bds 615 S Main
Taylor William D., carpenter, h 1320 Benton
Taylor & Bacon (S.S. Taylor and J. Bacon), lawyers 120 Lake
Taynton James E., fireman, bds 403 Franklin
Taynton Newton C., fireman, bds 456 South av
Teal Martha L., widow William, bds 505 Fulton
Teed Charles W., watchmaker 214 W Water, h 107 do
Teed Colby F., trav agt Barton & Wheadon, h 508 Roe av
Teed John, ironworker, h 107 E Washington av
Teed Julia A., widow Thorn G., bds 371 Fulton
Tehan Morris, foreman D L & W R R, h 606 Sullivan
TELEGRAM COMPANY (The) (H.S. Brooks, Charles Hazard and James Hill), publishers and proprietors The Telegram E Market cor Exchange pl
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TELEGRAM (The) published by the Telelgram Co, E Market cor Exchange pl
TELEPHONE EXCHANGE, F. Eugene Smith mgr. State cor Nicks
Temple Mary A., bds 375 W Gray
Templer Marshall E., engineer, h 359 Norton
Tenbroeck Alonzo P., h 1325 College av
Ten Broeck Fannie, widow Peter B., h 210 Washington
Ten Broeck Hattie, teacher, bds 210 Washington
Ten Broeck Mary, bds 210 Washington
Ten Broeck William R., book-keeper, h 119 Caldwell av
Teneyck Elmer, carpenter, bds 156 W 3d
Terrill George, moulder, h 119 W South av
Terrill James, billiard clerk Rathbun House
Terrill Thomas, boilermaker, bds 213 Giltanann
TERRY CHARLES A., prop Hotel Terry 509 Railroad av, h do
Terry Charles S., driver, bds 310 Penna av
Terry E. C., dentist 202 E Water, h 310 Penna av
Terwilliger Arthur B., brakeman, h Stowell pl
Terwilliger Edgar B., concrete walk also gravel and tar roofing, 1319 Lake
Terwilliger Fred a., driver, bds 1019 East av
Terwilliger H. K., carpenter, h 508 Sullivan
Terwilliger John L., carpenter, h 210 W Water
Why do you Pay Rent? TURNER & TOOKER, Agts of Home Co., New York 148 W Water St.
Terwilliger Lewis A., brakeman, bds 1323 Lake
Terwilliger Louise, dressmaker, bds 902 East av
Tesch Anna, domestic 105 College av
TEWKSBURY ANDERSON D., physicaian, specialties eye, ear, nose and throat 122 Main, h do
Tewksbury Charles L., dealer in produce, h 355 Walnut
Thayer Abbie A., dressmaker, h 516 Davis
Theodore Rachel, teacher, bds 711 E Market
Thomas Anna C., widow James L., h 407 W Church
Thomas Barbara, widow Fred, h 814 W 1st
Thomas Bessie M., milliner, bds Maple av beyond limits
Thomas Charles, machinist, h 211 Horner
Thomas Charles L., dye manuf, bds 368 W Clinton
Thomas David, h 513 William
Thomas Della Mrs., matron Water Cure 1019 East av
Thomas D. P. Mrs., h 128 Main
Thomas Edward, carpenter, bds Stowell pl n Erie R R
Thomas Frederick clerk, 154 Lake, bds 202 Chestnut
Thomas Henry, machinist, bds Buckbee House
Thomas Horace S., machinist, h 122 Caldwell av
Thomas James L., baggageman, h 216 W 3d
Thomas John P., laborer, h Sullivan ab limits
Thomas Joseph, fireman, h 320 South av
Page 361
Thomas Marie Mrs., nurse, bds 604 Dickinson
Thomas Minnie E., bds 407 W Church
Thomas Napoleon, laborer, h 814 W 1st
Thomas N. Spencer, dye manuf, h 368 W Clinton
Thomas Owen G., watchman, h 771 John
Thomas Reba I., bds 368 W Clinton
Thomas Thomas, laborer, bds Stowell pl n Erie R R
Thomas William, h Stowell pl n Erie R R
Thomas William E., roller, h 753 Harper
Thomas William P., engineer, bds Scott opp Payne shops
Thompson Arthur D., printer, h 407 Oak
Thompson Bert, clerk Wyckoff House, rooms 265 W Clinton
Thompson Bert E., book-keeper, h 1 Home
Thompson Caroline Mrs., bds 711 College av
Thompson Charles A., laborer, h r 118 S Main
Thompson Charles F., book-keeper S. H. Laney, h 218 Gregg
Thompson Delia, widow James H., h 212 College av
Thompson Edward C., laborer, h 104 W 1st
Thompson Eliza, widow Z., h 1204 Maxwell av
Thompson Frank L., asst eng’r Erie R R bds 111 W Market
Thompson Frankie J., dressmaker, bds 301 E Market
Thompson Fred, switchman, h 373 W 5th
Wall Paper and Mixed Pain, Reagan Bros., 211 W. Water
Thompson George, machinist, h 510 Balsoam
Thompson George W., brakeman, h 224 Mt. Zoar
Thompson Headley, trav salesman, h 531 W Clinton
Thompson Henry, bds 302 William
Thompson Howard, clerk, bds 208 S. Main
Thompson Ira M., carpenter, bds 103 Penna av
Thompson James, laborer, bds Maple av beyond limits
Thompson J. A. Mrs., bds 510 Columbia
Thompson J. Hathorn, artist, bds 711 College av
Thompson Jesse M., bds 301 E market
Thompson John, lumber merchant, h 273 Baty
Thompson John, engineer, b 815 E 2d
Thompson John, rougher, bds 817 Canal
Thompson John M., h 301 E Market
Thompson J. E., trav salesman, bds 315 William
Thompson J. Fred, drug clerk, bds 510 Columbia
Thompson Maria, widow jerry, h 508 Park pl
Thompson Martha, widow George, bds 505 Lake
Thompson Mary C. Mrs., canvasser, h 502 Penna av
Thompson Minnie E., bds 531 W Church
Thompson Norman J. (Holmes & Thompson), h 458 W Water
Thompson Orpha W., teacher school No 4, bds 321 W Washington av
Page 362
Thompson Oscar, supt repairs Reformatory, h 531 W Church
Thompson Samuel J., telegrapher, h 311 Mt Zoar
Thompson Susan A., teacher school No 3, bds 212 College av
Thompson William, laborer, bds 311 Mt Zoar
Thompson Zebrand, carpenter, bds 422 Balsam
Thomson Houston Electric Light Station, F. H. Pelham supt, 122 and 126 Railroad av
Thorn John, h 210 Gregg
Thorn Mittie, bds 405 E Union
Thorndill John, mason, h 319 Roe av
Thornley John, foreman Reformatory, bds do
Thornton Ada, domestic 413 Lake
Thornton Elson E., collector, bds 430 Pleasant
Thornton Frank, laborer, bds 612 Baldwin
Thornton Frank E., brakeman, h 415 W 4th
Thornton Harvey A., broom manuf 430 Pleasant, h do
Thornton James, blacksmith, bds 123 Penna av
Thornton William H., proter Wyckoff House, h 709 Dickinson
Thorp Frank B., teamster, h 816 Walnut
Thorp Iradell D., salesman, bds 306 ½ W Water
Thorp John, teamster, h 515 W 2d
Thrall Corydon W., carpenter, h 517 Walnut
Go to the Empire Laundry for Fine Work
Thro Isabella, nurse, h 310 South av
Thro Joseph F., h 650 Lake
Thro Joseph J., clerk 329 E Water, h 650 Lake
Thro Mary E., clerk 312 E Water, h 501 do
Thro Samuel W., clerk, bds 650 Lake
Thurber Burr N., laborer, h 102 S Elm
Thurston Ariel S., lawyer 100 Lake, h 413 Main
Thurston Catharine J., widow William, h 1053 Walnut
Thurston Charles P., lawyer 100 Lake, h 362 College av
Thurston Frank E., brakeman, h 1134 Lake
THURSTON & HASKELL (R. Thurston, and M. C. Haskell), carpenter and builders 362 and 364 State
Thurston Louie, operative, bds 1053 Walnut
Thurston Moses W., barber Railroad av cor W Church, h 102 W Gray
Thurston Reuben (Thurston & Haskell), h 1056 Walnut
Thurston Richard H., lawyer Chemung Canal Bank Building, bds 413 Main
Tice Elizabeth, widow Joseph S., bds 407 W Clinton
Tice E. W., teacher, bds 518 Penna av
Tice Fanny Miss, teacher school, No 5, bds 422 W Gray
Tice Florence, teacher school No. 5 bds 216 Maple av
Tice John, laborer, h 704 Baldwin
Tice Thomas, emory machinist, h 812 W Gray
Page 363
Tidd Charles, contractor, h 217 Henry
Tidd, Edward K., paymaster N C R R, h 217 W Henry
Tidd Grant N., contractor, bds 217 W Henry
Tidd Horton, real estate 206 E Water, h 706 W Water
Tierney Catharine, widow Joseph, h 118 Washington
Tierney Ellen, seamstress, bds 118 Washington
Tierney Honorah, widow Daniel, h 706 Hatch
Tierney James, laborer, h 307 E Clinton
Tierney James W., engineer, h 1410 Baldwin
Tierney Norah, seamstress, bds 706 Hatch
Tifft Amelia L., clerk, bds 155 Lake
Tifft David E., laborer, h 155 Lake
Tifft George B., carpenter, bds 857 E Water
Tigue James, brakeman, bds 1316 Baldwin
Tillinghast H. C., book-keeper, rooms 407 W Gray
Tillinghast Herbert F., conductor literature, h 509 Main
Tillman John M., harness manuf 214 E Water, h 218 High
Tillman John M. jr., clerk 214 E Water, bds 519 W Clinton
Tillsey Sarah, domestic 446 Reformatory
Tillson Addie E., bds 613 Lake
Tillson Carrie E., agent, h Tuttle av n East av
Tillson James, machinist, h 613 Lake
6 Opera Block, 154 Lake St.Timm Carl, shoemaker, h 439 W 4th
Tinklepaugh Simon P., conductor, h 476 W South av
Titus Richard G., painter, h Soper
TOAN THOMAS H., clerk and steward Elmira Female College, h 862 Main
Toaz Robert, hack driver, hds 569 E Water
Tobey Alonzo J., clerk, 412 W Gray
Tobey Ludd, clerk, bds 110 College av
Tobias David, peddler, h 104 Fox
Tobin Alice M., clerk, bds 106 Orchard
Tobin Catherine, dressmaker, bds 106 Orchard
Tobin Edward J., compositor, bds 106 Orchard
Tobin Edward R., cooper, h 106 Orchard
Tobin Martin J., cooper, h 224 Sullivan
Tobin Norah A., dressmaker, bds 106 Orchard
Tobin Patrick, carpenter, h r 502 Columbia
Tobin Patrick V., apprentice Gazette, bds 106 Orchard
Todd S. S., teacher, bds Aspen Ridge
Tobert Emma, domestic 915 Davis
Toles Estella M., widow Wallace, drssmaker, h 327 W Centre
Tomlinson Charles, h 1007 Walnut
Tomlinson Charles F., packer, bds 1007 Walnut
Tomlinson Eugenie I., clerk, bds 513 Davis
Tomlinson William, machinist, h 513 Davis
Page 364
Tomowski Frederick, h 962 E Clinton
Tompkins Charles M. (C. M. & R. Tompkins), h 124 W 2d
Tompkins Cornelius B., trav agt Smead & Northcott, h 370 W Church
TOMPKINS C. M. & R., wholesale grocers 354 and 356 State av
Tompkins Phineas C., harnessmaker, h 156 Sullivan
Tompkins Quinton, teamster, h N s Reformatory av n College av
Tompkins Ray (C. M. & R. Tomkins), bds 124 W 2d
Tompkins Solomon, painter, h 459 W 3d
Tompkins Stewart D., salesman 310 Carroll, bds 370 W Church
Tompkins Tamerlane B., h 124 W 2d
Tompkins William W. (Bundy, Tompkins & Fassett), bds 360 W Church
Tong Frank, bds 314 W 3d
Tong James R., teamster, h 415 Walnut
Tong Jonothan, carpenter, h 314 W 3d
Tong Susie, bds 314 W 3d
Tong Thomas W., clerk, h 210 W 2d
Tood William G., fireman, h 516 DeWitt
Toohey John, h E Washington av cor Baldwin
Tooker Hyman S., tailor, h 511 Columbia
Tooker Jared Y., shoemaker, bds 508 W Clinton
Turner & Tooker, GENERAL AGENTS OF HOME COMPANY, NEW YORK, Cor. Main and Water St.
TOOKER JOSEPH Y. (Turner & Tooker), associate agt Home Co. of New York City 148 W Water, h 508 W Clinton
Toole Edward J., trav salesman 142 E Water, h 714 do
Topper Harry, blindmaker, bds 504 Elizabeth
Topping Benjamin W., trav salesman, h 55 Hoffman
Towner Augustus P., expressman, h 124 E Chumung pl
Towner Cyrus F., blacksmith, h 910 Oak
Towner Eunice, widow K. J., h 260 Partridge
Towner F. Henrietta, dressmaker 124 E Chemung pl, h do
Towner Kitie E., saleslady 311 E Water, bds 260 Partridge
Towner Letie E., dressmaker 260 Partridge
Towner O. Frank, brakeman, bds 260 Partridge
Townsend Ada, saleslady 111 W Water, bds 353 Davis
Townsend Alexander, forman S. H. Laney, h 512 DeWitt
Townsend Elmer D., salesman, bds 353 Davis
Townsend Fred B., trav salesman S. H. Lane, h 508 William
Townsend George, carpenter, h Junction
Townsend Hezekiah D., mason, bds Junction
Townsend Robert L. clerk county treasurer’s office 206 E Water, bds 310 Penna av
Townsend Thomas, laborer, h 353 Davis
Townsen Wilbur, woodyard 512 DeWitt, bds do
Tracy Julia A. Mrs., h 210 W 3d
Page 365
Trainer Anna F., milliner, bds 603 S Main
Trainer James, policeman, h 859 Canal
Trainer James, laborer, h 1401 Baldwin
Trainer James B., cigar manuf 616 S Main, h 608 do
Trant Daniel, porter, h 658 Columbia
Traver Harry F., clerk, bds 409 Davis
Traver John, laborer, h 706 Day
Traver William E., laborer, h 409 Davis
Travis Ambrose T., car inspector, bds 123 Horner
TREADWELL GORDON W., bus mgr also treas Elmira Advertiser Ass’n 316 Carroll, bds 417 E Market
Treadwell Hezekiah D., shoemaker 201 E Church, bds 506 Magee
Treat Leroy, carpenter, h 611 Penna av
Treat Temperance, widow Ansel, h E s College av N Reformatory
Tremain George W., blacksmith State Reformatory, h West Hill rd cor Hoffman
Tremaine Warren H., book-keeper, h 557 Coburn
Trembley Dwight E., laborer, h 200 Harmon
Trembly Ella G., compositor Gazette, bds 218 William
Trembly Sarah, widow Riley, h 113 W Chemung pl
Trent Daniel, bell boy Delavan House, h 658 Baldwin
Trescott Ida L., teacher school No 3, bds 360 W Gray
Latest Designs in Wall Paper, Reagan Bros., 211 W. Water
Trescott Jonathan W., harnessmaker, h 360 W Gray
Trescott Seth M., clerk, bds 360 W Gray
Trimble George T., machinist, bds 451 Penna av
Tripler Harry E., bds 369 W 4th
Tripp Edward C., engineer, h 661 College av
Troll Francis J., draughtsman, bds 438 W Clinton
Trost George, shoemaker, h 811 W Gray
Trout George A., conductor, h 103 Magee pl
Trout George M., painter, h 228 ½ Chestnut
Trout George P., plumber, bds 812 E Church
Trout George W., carpenter, h 812 E Church
Trout Isaac L., conductor, h 368 Penna av
Trout John M., blacksmith, h 816 E Church
Trout Miles, carriage manuf 450 E Water, h 107 Madison av
Trout William H., collector, bds 312 E Church
TROY STEAM LAUNDRY, C. S. Keith prop’r, 159 and 161 Baldwin (see adv top line outside back cover)
True Robert H., engineer, h 1321 Maxwell av
Truesdell Amanda, widow G. L., bds 527 William
Trumbower Harry, clerk, bds 121 Madison av
Trumbower H. E., salesman, bds 128 Main
Tschan Philip, saloon 605 Lake, h do
Tubberty Bridget, domestic 218 W 1st
Page 366
Tubberty Ella, domestic 318 W Clinton
Tubberty Ellen, widow Thomas H., h 859 Davis
Tubberty Martin, plumber, bds 859 Davis
Tubbs Alta, dressmaker, bds 464 W Gray
Tubbs Charles, book-keeper, bds W s Penna av S of limits
TUBBS HARRISON K., chief clerk N C R R, h 209 W Hudson
Tubbs Hattie S., nurse, bds 459 E Water
Tubbs M. N., manager Chemung Milk Association 154 Lake, h 109 Madison av
Tubbs William, clerk D L & W fgt depot, bds 110 W Market
Tubbs William, book-keeper, bds 110 College av
Tuberty Mary, domestic Elmira Female College
Tuch Morris, manager 100 E Water, h 319 High
Tuch M. G. Mrs., merchant tailor 100 E Water, h 319 High
Tuch Morris R., salesman, bds E Water n Fox
Tuch Sarah G., bds 319 High
Tucker Charles H., brakeman, h 1216 Baldwin
Tucker James M., laborer, bds 213 South av
Tufford Jacob, carpenter, h 418 Herrick
Tumpowsky Mire, peddler, h 851 E Church
Tumpowsky Mox, peddler, h 550 E 2d
Tunison Legrange B., carpenter, h 129 Judson
, SINGING EVERY MORNINGTunison Ophelia, grocer 763 E Water, h do
Turnbull Alexander Z. (Turnbull Bros.), h 206 W 6th
Turnbull Bros. (A. Z. and estate of M. A.), boot and shoe manufs W 4th cor Railroad av
Turner Alexander S., managar Turner Lumber Co, h Casino Eldridge Park
Turner David, gardener, h 621 E 3d
TURNER EDWIN B. (Turner & Tooker), h 636 W Water
Turner Eva L., saleslady 311 W Water, bds 414 Standish
Turner George, laborer, h 164 Orchard
Turner John, brakeman, bds 414 Standish
Turner John F., clerk 203 E Water, bds 159 Madison av
Turner Lawrence A., agt wholesale lumber Eldridge Park, h 960 Lake
Turner Lumber Co., A. S. Turner manager, Eldridge Park
Turner Robert T. (Turner & VanDuzer), h 419 W Church
Page 367
Turner Thomas H., laborer, h 717 Dickinson
Turner Thomas W., fireman, h 410 E Washington av
TURNER & TOOKER, gen’l agts of Home Co of New York 148 W Water (see adv middle lines)
Turner William J., teamster, h 414 Standish
TURNER & VANDUZER (Robert T. Turner and Edward C. VanDuzer), lawyers 218 E Water
Tuthill Clark, doormaker, bds 507 W 2d
Tuthill C. Henry, clerk Erie fgt office, bds 750 E Water
Tuthill Francis G., grocer 750 E Water, h do
Tuthill Merinda E., widow Daniel, bds 417 E Market
Tuton Ann J., widow George, h 501 Davis
Tuton Anna M., bds 501 Davis
Tuton George, bds 501 Davis
Tuton Mary J., operator Telephone Exchange, bds 501 Davis
Tuton Robert J., salesman, bds 501 Davis
Tuttle Joseph C., bell boy, bds 899 Benton
Tuttle Norah F., h 365 W 3d
Twining Mary S., telegrapher Elmira Bus College, bds 557 Grove
Twomey John, policeman, h 505 College av
Tyler Amelia, h 129 Main
6 Opera Block, 154 Lake St.Tyler Jane A., h 129 Main
Tyler Josepha, h 129 Main
Tyler Mary O., h 129 Main
Tyler Sally S., housekeeper 656 Columbia
Tyrrell Mable, dressmaker, bds 157 High
Tyrrell Mary, domestic 118 Main
Tyrrell Miles O., carpenter, h 157 High
Tyrrell Thomas, laborer, bds 217 Giltanann
Ufford Daniel E., manager 306 Carroll, h 315 Madison av
Ufford William M., clerk, bds 315 Madison av
Ulich Barney, laborer, h 327 Railroad av
Underhill Benjamin R., correspondent for Utica Saturday Globe, bds 112 E Hudson
Underhill C. M., western mgr J. Langdon & Co, res Buffalo
Underhill Eliphet H., book-keeper Smead & Northcott, h 119 Sullivan
Underhill Hattie Mrs., bds 108 E Chemung pl
Underhill Robert, editor and manager Elmira edition Utica Saturday Globe, office 212 Baldwin
Page 368
Unger Solomon, clothing 209 E Water, h 562 do
Union News Co., Delavan House
UNITED STATES EXPRESS CO., Sutherland DeWitt agt, 152 Baldwin
Mrs. F. A. Earle deputy collector 158 Lake, Opera House BlockUp de Graff Ella A., widow Dr. Thad S., h 114 W Chemung pl
Up de Graff Fred W., student, bds 114 W Chemung pl
Up de Graff Nettie H., h 402 William
Up de Graff Wey H., h 114 W Chemung pl
Updyke Charles, clerk, bds 103 Penna av
Updyke Edward D., tree dealer, bds 460 W Hudson
Uydyke Emma S., widow John, h 111 E Hudson
Updyke Frank , harnessmaker, h 801 John
Updyke Lena, domestic 218 W Chemung pl
Updyke Lewis L., h 460 W Hudson
Updyke Mercy, widow William P., bds 208 W Chemung pl
Uydyke Sarah Miss, h 208 W Chemung pl
Updyke Smith, clerk, bds 121 ½ W Hudson
Updyke William M., foreman, h 121 ½ W Hudson
Upham Clarie A., dressmaker 504 Main, h do
Upham Jacob, peddler, h 761 John
Ustick Martha, widow William, h 656 Main
Turner & Tooker, GENERAL AGENTS OF HOME COMPANY, NEW YORK, Cor. Main and Water St.
Utley Merritt O., engineer, h 373 Diven av
UTTER & BEECHER (W. J. Utter and W. J. Beecher), agts Equitable Life Ins Co 107 W Water (see adv top lines)
Utter Laura, dressmaker 510 Columbia
Utter Margaret H., cashier 107 W Water, h 108 Elm
Utter Stephen C., trainman, h 207 South av
Utter William H., foreman Reformatory, h W s Reformatory av n Davis
Utter William J. (Utter & Beecher,) h 108 Elm
Uttrich Adam, painter, h Diven la
Vail David L., carpenter, h 361 Division
Vail Margaret, nurse, h 356 W Gray
Vail Rufus C., watchman L V R R depot, h 403 E Union
Valiard Delia, operative, bds 701 Winsor av
Valiard Josephine, widow Frederick, h 701 Winsor av
Valiard Josie, operative, bds 701 Winsor av
Valley John, machinist, h 256 W Hudson
Valois August, hairdresser 115 Lake, h 400 E Water
Valois Bertha (B. & J. Valois), h 400 E Water
Valois B. & J., millinery and hair goods 328 E Water
Page 369
Valois Frank L. barber Wyckoff House, bds 400 E Water
Valois Julia (B. & J. Valois), h 400 E Water
VanAken Charles L., photographer, bds 529 W Gray
VanAken Elisha M., photographer 120 W Water, h 529 W Gray
VanAken William, laborer, h 761 Day
VanAllen Angeline, widow Leonard, h 267 Chemung pl
VanAuken Maggie Miss, dressmaker 116 S Main, bds do
VanBuren William H., printer Advertiser, h 605 E 2d
VanBuskirk Eugene, armorer, bds 110 Main
Van Buskirk Thomas, engineer D L & W R R, h 206 W Washingtion av
VanCise Murray, book-keeper, h 318 W Clinton
VanDemark Harley J., laborer, bds 356 E 4th
VanDemark Stephen, engineer, h 356 E 4th
Vanderbilt Mina E., clerk, bds 1201 Benton
VanDerlip Ira, laborer, h 314 High
VanDerlip Phineas, laborer, bds 314 High
VanDerlip William C., book-keeper, h 314 High
VanDevere George W., brakeman, h 228 W South av
VanDuyne John R., carpenter, h 350 Diven av
VanDuyne Nellie L., book-keeper 114 Baldwin, bds 350 Diven av
VanDuzer Edward C. (Turner & VanDazer), h 510 Lake
Decorating, Best Manner and Latest Styles REAGAN BROS., 211 W. WATER.
VanDyke George R., flagman, h 519 Balsam
VanDyke James M., division clerk U S Ex Co 152 Baldwin, h 369 W Clinton
VanDyne James A., carpenter, h 703 E 2d
VanDyne Oliver, salesman, bds 703 E 2d
VanDyne William M., book-keeper, bds 703 E 2d
VanGelder Henry, laborer, h 603 Howard
VanGelder James, laborer, h 603 Howard
VanGelder Jennie, domestic 911 Benton
VanGelder John, laborer, h 919 E Church
VanGelder Miles, laborer, h 969 East av
VanGelder Sherman, brakeman bds 1208 Hall
VanGorder John, mason, h 509 Penna av
VanGorder Mollie, dressmaker, bds 121 W Water
VanGorder Selah T., mason and builder, h 401 W Clinton
VanHorne Emory E., clerk 122 Lake, h 369 W 1st
VanHouten Aaron H., gardener, bds 905 Benton
VanHouten Betsy, widow James, bds 54 S Main
Van Houten J. Sanford, clerk 107 E Water, h 116 W Hudson
VanHusen Erwin, laborer, bds 409 Oak
VanKirk John Rev., h 664 Columbia
VanKuren Clark P., carpenter, h 510 Columbia
VanKuren John F., carpenter, h 114 Giltanann