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1842 William Nesbitt Will
Transcribed by Bill Benson
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 
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Transcribed copy of the

"Last Will & Testament of William Nesbitt

I, Wm. Nesbitt, of the Township of Herrick in the County of Bradford, State of Pennsylvania, Farmer, do make & publish this my last Will & Testament. And as to Such worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to entrust me with, I dispose of the same as follows – First I direct that all my Debts & funeral expenses be paid as soon after my Decease as possible out of the first monies that shall come into the hands of my Executors from any portion of my Estate real or personal – Also I Direct that after valuation or appraisement be made by three judicious neighbors of all my said Estate including my household furniture & after being signed with their names that a copy of the same Shall be given by them to Each of my Executors –

Also I do direct that the one third of the real estate & one cow shall be & remain the absolute property of my beloved wife her life time – To my son John I give all my moveable property by paying all debts to have the full use of two thirds of my real estate until David my youngest son is of age – And if my beloved wife Should die before David is of age, John is to have the third until David becomes of age, then my son John to have one half of my real estate & my youngest son David to have the one half of my real estate. When my son David becomes of age he is to pay my son John two hundred Dollars for which John has to pay for the right of [Soil?] for my real estate – When David becomes of age, John & David is to pay my Daughter Jane Twenty Dollars Each & at the same time John and David is to pay my Daughter Margaret fifty Dollars Each of them & my son David & Margaret to live with John ‘till they become fourteen – And I do hereby make & Ordain John Hillis And Richard Hillis [his son-in-law] Executors of this my last will & testament. –

In witness whereof I Wm. Nesbitt set my hand & seal this Eighteenth day of December in the year of Our Lord, One thousand Eight hundred & forty one. [Note – he died the next day.]

Witness’s present: Eleazer Marble[?], John Erskine [his brother-in-law]

William Nesbit [Seal]

Probate taken Dec 28th 1842


John Hillis & Richard Hillis, Extrs. Of William Nesbit

In conformity with the foregoing Will Letters Testamentary[?] granted unto[?] to John Hillis & Richard Hillis they having first been duly sworn well & truly to administer said Estate according to the law –

Given under the Seals of the Register’s Office at Towanda the 29th day of Dec AD 1842 –

Inventory filed January 6th AD 1843."

(Transcribed by Bill Benson 2002, from a transcription on a microfilm photocopy provided by SAMPUBCO, Salt Lake City, UT)

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On ?
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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