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Will of W. W. Inscho 1927
Joyce, I am sending you a transcription of the will and inventory of estate of my grandfather, William Wallace Inscho. I am also sending a snapshot of him taken the year he died.

William Wallace INSCHO
B. 5 Aug 1851 in Tioga, Tioga, PA
M. 11 Mar 1873 to Katherine Dorothea FULLER
D. 22 Nov 1927 in Canoe Camp, Tioga, PA

Parents: Richard Jennings INSCHO & Ruth PARSHALL

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This is a transcription of the "Will of William Wallace Inscho  of  Richmond Township, Tioga County, PA by Jane Webb
Last Will and Testament of William W. Inscho Deceased

Jesse Harrison Inscho & William D. Bradway, Executors

Tioga County, Pennsylvania – April 27, 1928

No. 8542

Registers Office November 28, 1927.

This day was presented the petition of Jesse Harrison Inscho and William D. Bradway of Canoe Camp and Mansfield representing that they are the Executors named in the Last Will and Testament of William W. Inscho, late of Richmond Township, Tioga County, Penna. who departed this life on the 22nd day of November A.D. 1927 at or about 11 A.M. That decedent has not married nor have children been born to decedent since the execution of said will. That the value of the personal property of the estate is about Seven Thousand Dollars and that the value of the real estate is about Five Thousand Five hundred dollars and consists of farm property located at Richmond Township, Tioga County, Penna. The petitioners therefore prayed that said Will be proved and that Letters Testamentary be granted to the petitioners. Said Will as follows:

Be It Remembered That I, William W. Inscho, of the Township of Richmond, County of Tioga and State of Pennsylvania, being of a sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, and considering the uncertainty of life, do therefore make, publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say:

Item No. 1.: - I direct all my just debts and funeral expenses be fully paid and satisfied as soon as conveniently may be after my decease, my Executors hereinafter named to pay the same from the sale of the personal property as hereinafter provided under Item No. 9 of this, my last Will and Testament, if there be enough money from said sale to pay said debts and funeral expenses.

Item No. 2.: - I devise to my wife, Katherine Dorothea Inscho, the house and lots purchased by me of the heirs to the estate of Mary A. Ireton, deceased, situated at Canoe Camp in Richmond Township, County of Tioga and State of Pennsylvania, said lots conveyed to me by deed dated April 1, 1913, and Recorded in the Recorders Office of Tioga County, Pennsylvania in Deed Book No. 144, Page 583, August 12, 1913, the same consisting of two lots, one on the West side of the Tioga Branch of the Erie Railroad on which is located the dwelling house and barn I now occupy, and a lot East of lands owned or formerly owned by Goodall Brothers East of said Railroad, she, my said wife, to have and to hold the same during the term of her natural life, and after her death I give and devise the same to my daughter, Ruth Salina Inscho, to her, her heirs and assigns forever.

Item No. 3.: - I give and bequeath to my said wife, Katherine Dorothea Inscho, all my household goods, furniture and utensils, except my library, book case, secretary and organ.

Item No. 4.: - I give and bequeath to my daughter, Nora Bell Inscho Dewey, my organ.

Item No. 5.: - I give and bequeath to my son, Jesse Harrison Inscho, my secretary and book case and all books I own pertaining to agriculture and stock.

Item No. 6.: - I give and bequeath to my daughters, Nora Bell Inscho Dewey, Ruth Salina Inscho and Mary D. Inscho (wife of my son Jesse Harrison Inscho), the balance of my library, share and share alike.

Item No. 7: - It is my will and desire that my daughter, Ruth Salina Inscho, have a home with my said wife, Katherine Dorothea Inscho, as long as she remains unmarried, and also that my grandson, Harold Edward Robson, have a home with my said wife until he becomes twenty-one years of age, if he so desires.

Item No. 8: - I devise to my grandson, Harold Edward Robson, to have the same when he becomes twenty-one years of age, my "Island Truck Farm", containing about fourteen (14) acres of land, situate in the Township of Richmond, County of Tioga and State of Pennsylvania, between the Tioga River and the mill-race running Northerly from Herbert F. Goodall’s grist mill, and on the North side of the of the public highway leading from the Canoe Camp Railroad Station to said Goodall’s grist mill, it being the same lot of land as conveyed by Harry Kendrick and wife to William W. Inscho by deed dated July 13, 1907 and Recorded in the Recorder’s Office of Tioga County, Pennsylvania in Deed Book No. 132 Page 433, July 23, 1907, he to have and to hold the same unto himself, his heirs and assigns forever.

Item No. 9.: - I hereby direct and empower my Executors hereinafter named, to sell all of my other personal property not bequeathed by this will, including horses, cattle, wagons, harnesses, farming tools, utensils and machinery, notes and other evidences of debt, except the Mortgage of Five thousand and five hundred Dollars ($5500.-) that I hold against Jesse H. Inscho on the Gile’s farm, and convert the same into cash to the best of their judgment, and from the said moneys, pay my just debts and funeral expenses, and whatever there remains of the proceeds of said sale, I give and bequeath the same to all my living grand-children, except Harold Edward Robson, whom I have otherwise provided for under Items Nos. 7 and 8 of this will, share and share alike.

Item No. 10: - I give and bequeath to my said wife, Katherine Dorothea Inscho, the interest to become due and payable on a certain Bond and Mortgage given by Jesse H. Inscho, covering on the property known as Giles’ farm, said Mortgage dated March 18, 1913, for the sum of five thousand five hundred Dollars ($5500.-) and Recorded on the Recorder’s Office of Tioga County, Pennsylvania, in Mortgage Book No. 51, Page 40, March 22, 1913, the same to be used for the support of my said wife, Katherine Dorothea Inscho, so long as she lives, and after her death, I give and bequeath the same, and all moneys paid on the principal sum after my death, to five of my children, to wit:- Ernest Parshall Inscho, Thomas Floyd Inscho, Nora Bell Inscho Dewey, Jesse Harrison Inscho and Frank Howard Inscho, share and share alike.

Item No. 11: - If my daughter, Ruth Salina Inscho, should marry or go away from the home of her mother, Katherine Dorothea Inscho, in Canoe Camp, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, to reside permanently, at whose home I have provided her a home while she is unmarried under Item No. 7 of this will, and in said event, my son, Jesse Harrison Inscho, should elect, and agree with my said wife, Katherine Dorothea Inscho, and William D. Bradway, the other Executor named in this will, and shall bind himself by a Bond and Mortgage in the sum of One thousand Dollars, covering on the hereinafter described lot of about fifty (50) acres known as the Frank M. Gillett Lot, devised to my said son, Jesse Harrison Inscho, and the said Mortgage being duly Recorded in the Recorder’s Office of Tioga County, Pennsylvania, that he, my said son, Jesse Harrison Inscho, will take his mother, Katherine Dorothea Inscho, to his home, and care for her during the term of her natural life in a manner corresponding to her condition and station in life, give her board and suitable clothing, furnish her with proper medical attention and nursing so long as she lives, and upon her death, pay all funeral expenses, the above conditions being made a part of said Bond and Mortgage, which shall be given to my said wife, Katherine Dorothea Inscho, then I give and devise to my said son, Jesse Harrison Inscho, the lot of land I now own, containing about fifty (50) acres, known as the Frank M. Gillett Lot, situate on the West side of the Tioga River, in Richmond Township, County of Tioga and State of Pennsylvania, said lot deeded to me by Frank M. Gillett and wife by deed dated March 17, 1900 and Recorded in the Recorder’s Office of Tioga County, Pennsylvania. in Deed Book No. 114 Page 203, April 3, 1900, he to have and to hold the same without any further consideration whatever, unto himself, his heirs and assigns forever. The said Bond and Mortgage to be considered as satisfied if no claim for default of the conditions therein contained be made to the Clerk of the Orphans Court of Tioga County, Pennsylvania within one year after the decease of my said wife, Katherine Dorothea Inscho. Before said Mortgage shall become effective and the option accepted by my said son, my said wife shall make a declaration that she accepts the condition of this will to make her home with my said son, Jesse Harrison Inscho, and acknowledge the same, said acceptance to be duly Recorded in the Recorder’s Office of the County of Tioga and State of Pennsylvania.

Item No. 12. If my son son, Jesse Harrison Inscho, does not have the care of his mother, as provided in Item No. 11 of this Will, and does not bind himself by a Bond and Mortgage to care for her as therein provided, then I authorize and direct my Executors hereinafter named, after the death of my said wife, Katherine Dorothea Inscho, to sell and convey the said Frank M. Gillett lot referred to in Item No. 11 of this Will, at a price which they, my said Executors, shall, in their judgment, deem good and sufficient therefor, and they, my said Executors, are hereby authorized, directed and empowered to give to the purchaser, a good and sufficient deed therefor, without leave of court, and the proceeds of such sale, I give and bequeath the same to my grandchildren living at the time of the death of my wife, excepting Harold Edward Robson, whom I have otherwise provided for under Items Nos. 7 and 8 of this Will, they to share and share alike. The use and income of said lot of land, from the time of my death until the death of my wife, Katherine Dorothea Inscho, is to be for the use and benefits of my said wife, unless she elects to make her home with my said son, Jesse Harrison Inscho.

And as to all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, real, personal or mixed, of whatsoever nature or kind, or wheresoever situate at the time of my decease. I do hereby give, devise and bequeath to my surviving grand-children, share and share alike. - All devises and bequests to my grand-children to be paid or turned over to them a[s] soon as conveniently may be if they are of the age of twenty-one years, and to those who are not twenty-one (21) years of age when said devises or bequests are due them, they are to receive the same when they become twenty-one (21) years of age, with all additions standing to their credits if there be any.

And lastly, I do make, constitute and appoint my son, Jesse Harrison Inscho of Canoe Camp in Richmond Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania and William D. Bradway of the Bouough of Mansfield, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, to be the Executors of this my last Will and Testament, which is written on five (5) sheets of paper hereby revoking all former Wills and Testaments by me at any time heretofore made, and declaring this to be my Last Will and Testament.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal, the twenty-seventh day of April A.D. 1717.

William W. Inscho (Seal)

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the testator above named, as and for his last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, who have hereunto, at his request, subscribed our name in his presence, and in the presence of each other, as witnesses hereto.

Joseph S. Hoard

John P. Bates

This Codicil to my Will written by Joseph Hoard and dated April 27, 1917 is to certify that the one thousand dollars ($1000.) willed to Mrs. Nora Dewey five hundred was paid to her, and invested in a house and lot in Mainsburg, Tioga Co, Pa. before her death now owned and occupied by Sanford Dewey her husband, it is my wish that he be left in undisputed possession of the same, that the other $500. will to her be left in my Estate and be given to William Donald Inscho the Son of Jesse Harrison Inscho who bears my name when he becomes twenty-one years of age, the organ willed to Nora Dewey Inscho be given to Ruth Salina Inscho my only daughter. That one of the $500. U. S. Bonds also be given to her, that the other U.S. Bonds togather with what other personal property I may have left be disposed of after the death of my wife, the interest received previous to this be used to keep up our Cemetery lot and the maintanance of my wife Katherine Dorothea Inscho, and at her death be equally divided between all Grandchildren then living Except Harold E. Robson who is other wise provided for. The care of our Cemetery lot should then be taken by my Grandson William Donald Inscho. I hereby give and bequeath to Jesse Harrison Inscho the unused part of our Cemetery lot in the Sherwood Annex to Prospect Cemetery in Mansfield Tioga County, Pa. I also give Jesse Harrison Inscho my two shares in the Canoe Camp Co-Opperative Creamery Company and the Old School House lot, should it remaine in my possession at my death. When the one Thousand Dollars is paid to Frank Howard Inscho, deduct $264. and interest for money loaned to him and wired to him by the Grange National Bank of Mansfield, Tioga County, Pa. to Miama, Floraday January 22nd. 1918 and never returned.

Signed this 20th of December 1922.

William W. Inscho.


M.V. Benson

Susie Van Ness Benson.

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tioga County, SS: This day before me, Mary Cummings, Register for the Probate of Wills and Granting Letters of Administration in and for the county aforesaid, personally came Charles M. Elliot and Harvey B. Leach who being duly sworn according, do say that they are well acquainted with the handwriting of Joseph S. Hoard, whose name is subscribed as a witness to the annexed instrument of writing purporting to be the last will and testament of William W. Inscho, deceased, and have seen him write, and that they verily believe that the same so subscribed is of the own proper handwriting of the said Joseph S. Hoard and also that the said Joseph S. Hoard is now deceased

Charles M Elliot

Harvey B. Leach

Sworn and Subscribed before me,

this 28th day of Nov. 1927

Mary Cummings, Register.

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tioga County, SS:.

This day before me, Mary Cummings, Register for the Probate of Wills and Granting Letters of Administration in and for the County aforesaid, personally came Charles M. Elliott and Harvey B. Leach who being duly sworn according to law, do day that they are well acquainted with the handwriting of John P. Bates whose name is subscribes as a witness to the annexed instrument of writing purporting to be the last will and testament of William W. Inscho, deceased, and have seen him write, and that they verily believe that the same so subscribed is of the own proper handwriting of the said John P. Bates and also that the said John P. Bates is now deceased.

Sworn and Subscribed before me,

this 28th day of Nov. 1927

Charles M. Elliott

Harvey B. Leach

Mary Cummings, Register

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tioga County, SS: - This day before me, Mary Cummings, Register for the probate of Wills, and granting Letters of Administration in and for said County aforesaid, personally came M.V. Benson and Susie Van Ness Benson the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will, who being duly sworn according to law, do say that they were present and saw and heard William W. Inscho the testator, sign, seal, publish, pronounce and declare the foregoing instrument of writing as and for a codicil to his last will and testament and that at the time of so doing he was of sound mind, memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge and belief. That said deponents signed their names as witnesses thereto to the request of the testator in his presence and the presence of each other.

Sworn and Subscribed before me,

this 28th day of Nov. 1927

Susie Van Ness Benson

M. V. Benson

Mary Cummings, Register

And now November 28th, 1927. The foregoing Will with one Codicil is adjudged to be duly proved as required by law and is therefore admitted to probate and entered of record and is decreed to be a valid Will and of force and effect as such.

Mary Cummings, Register.

Same day Letters Testamentary on the foregoing Will were granted to Jesse Harrison Inscho and William D Bradway, the Executors named in said Will, they first having been duly sworn as required by law.

December 20, 1927. Filed general inventory to $8439.02.

December 27, 1927. Filed appraisement for Transfer Inheritance Tax showing assets amounting to $11,995.97.

December 7, 1928. The first and final account of the Executors examined, passed and filed.

In The Matter of the Estate of William W. Inscho

Late of Richmond Township, in said county of Tioga, and State of Pennsylvania, deceased.

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tioga County, ss:

Personally appeared before me a notary public in and for said County Ross C. Smith and Wayne S. Whitteker who upon their solemn oaths, do depose and say, that they will well and truly and without prejudice or partially, value and appraise the goods, chattels and credits which were of said William W. Inscho, deceased, and in all respects perform their duty as Appraiser, to the best of their skill and judgment.

Sworn to and subscribed before me Ross C. Smith

this fifth day of December, 1927 Wayne S. Whitteker

Harvey B. Leach, Notary Public

Inventory and Appraisement of the goods and chattels, rights and credits which were of the above named William W. Inscho, deceased. Taken and appraised fifth day of December 1927

1 Horse
4 Wagons
Harness and robes
Tools and small articles
Quantity lumber
Quantity hay
Quantity grain and feed
Quantity potatoes
Quantity cabbage
Quantity beets, carrots etc.
Quantity wood and coal
3 Stoves
1 Bed Room suit
4 Bed steads
Bedding etc
1 Bureau
2 Looking glasses
Book stands and desks
Sewing machine
Book case and books
3 Tables
4 Rocking chairs
19 Other chairs
3 Large rugs and 4 small ones
Oil stove, tubs etc.
Quantity dishes
Cooking utensils
2 Center tables
120 Cans fruit
1 Telephone and stock
Mortgage, Martin Cleveland
Accrued Int.
Mortgage, Jesse Inscho
Accrued Int.
3 Liberty Bonds, Second
Accrued Int.
3 Liberty Bonds, Third
Accrued Int.
1 Gold Bond
Accrued Int.
2 Certificates, Post Office
2 Certificates Deposit
Bank Balance
  Real Estate    
Frank Gillett Lot
Island Truck Farm
House and Lot

We, the undersigned Appraisers of the personal estate of William W. Inscho late of Richmond Township deceased, respectfully certify: That after having been duly sworn in due form of law, we made the appraisement of the personal property of said defendant as set forth in the foregoing Fortyfive items, and amounting in the whole to the sum of Eightyfour hundred thirty nine and ------- 02/100 dollars.

Ross C. Smith

Wayne S. Whitteker Appraisers