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Estate of Letitia A. Kennedy - 1897
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 
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This is a transcription of the "Estate of Letitia A.  Kennedy of Delmar, Tioga County, PA by Ken Chapman
NOTE FROM JMT: Achsah Letitia Kennedy  was daughter of Achsah Hugg and Avery Kennedy.  Her husband was Charles Frank Kennedy. She is ID 29356 in Joyce's Sullivan-Rutland Genealogy Project.

Tioga Co. Court House, Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.
Estate of: Lettetia A. Kennedy.
Administrator: C. F. Kennedy,
Year: 1897,
Book H,
Page 31,
No. 3361.

    Register's Office, June 5, 1897. This day was presented an instrument of writing purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of Lettetia A. Kennedy late of Delmar Township, Tioga County, Pennsylvania, deceased, as follows, viz:

I Lettitia A. Kennedy of Delmar Township County of Tioga and State of Pennsylvania being of sound mind, memory and understanding, do make and publish this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking and making void all former Wills by me at any time heretofore mute.
First, I give, devise and bequeath to my son Stephen E. Kennedy all the real estate of which I may die possessed and wheresoever the same maybe situate at the time of my decease, also my house organ and any and all moneys that may at the time of my decease be due me from Charles Bacon and William Bacon or either of them on land contracts which I now have with them, or which may be due or owing me from either of the above named parties or from any person as the contract price of land which I now have, or may hereafter contract to sell, to have and to hold to him his heirs forever.
Second, I give, devise, and bequeath to my son Elias Grant Kennedy all the rest, and residue of my personal estate of which I may die possessed, to have and to hold to him his heirs and assigns forever.
I do hereby make, constitute and appoint C. F. Kennedy to be executor of this my last Will and Testament.
In witness Whereof, I, Lettitia A. Kennedy the testatrix above named, have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my seal the 6 day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety five.
Signed,    Lettetia A. Kennedy,         [Seal]

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named Lettitia A. Kennedy as and for her last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, who have hereunto subscribed our names at her request as witnesses thereto, in the presence of the said testatrix, and of each other.        Fred B. Hastings,  L. P. Hastings.

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Tioga County, ss:
This day before me, Homer J. Ripley, Register for the Probate of Wills and Granting Letters of Administration in  and for the County aforesaid, personally came Fred B. Hastings and L.P. Hastings, the subscribing witnesses to the the foregoing will, who being duly sworn according to law, do say that they were present and saw and heard Lettetia A. Kennedy the testatrix sign, seal, publish, pronounce and declare the foregoing instrument of writing as and for her last will and testament, and that at the time of so doing she was of sound mind, memory, and understanding, to the best of their knowledge and belief. (?anut ura?) upon unto signed their names as witnesses thereto at the request of the testatrix in her presence and the presence of each other.
Sworn and subscribed before me this 30 day of May 1896.
Xxx?..? Signature,  Fred B. Hastings, L.P. Hastings.
As required by ?? and is therefore recorded, filed, and decreed to be a valid will and of force and effect as such.
[Seal] Charles L. Babcock, Register.

Same day avaidavit filed stating that decent died at her residence on or about Friday
the 7th day of December 1895 at 10' ?? PM