Wills, Deed, Other Legal Documents of the Tri-Counties Area

The Abraham Gore Will

This page is part of theTri-County Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice

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Submitted by Pat HITTLE Gore

Aerial Photo of the Susquehanna River  taken by Joyce M. Tice October 7, 1999. Present day Sheshequin township is at top of photo. This was taken between Athens and Towanda.

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008 
Do You Know that you can search just the Legal Documents on the site by using the Legal Documents button in the Partitioned search engine on the Current What's New Page? This section of the site includes wills, deeds, pension applications, township records and minutes and other related subjects.
xWill of A. B. GORE #643, Book 1, page 419 & 423, 1840 Bradford Co, PA.

Last Will & Testament of A. B. GORE deceased late of Sheshequin township}

In the name of my heavenly father Amen. I Abraham GORE of Sheshequin Bradford County Pa being sick and weak in body but of sound mind and memory and considuring the containity of death and uncertainly of life & that I may be prepared to die I make and declare this my last will & testament in manner following Having full confidence in the sesonsection I comment my body to the earth at the discustion of my family and friends and first I desire that all my honest debts taken out of my personal estate property as soon as comemently after my decease. I give to my wife SALLY all my personal property goods and chattels of any kind from the use of which together with the preceeds of the farm my debts can be paid I also give to my said wife the control and occupency of my mountian farm given to me by father Samuel GORE and known as the Witamore Lot) until my two sons Abraham and Comfort become of age respectively that is to say when the oldest to becomes of age then it is my request that my wife shall sett off to him such part of said lot as she may think proper as his good attentions to busienss his care and attiontion to the welfare of his mother and the rest of the family may *__um to her to require and when the other son shall be of age I wish him to have the remainder of said lot or mountain farm if he shall be have himself well and be kind affectionate to his mother and sisters but if he should ignore otherwise my wife my then give it to my oldest son or divide it between my daughters as may seem to her right but should my wife die or no longer remains my widow then when my sons become of age my will is that the said mountian farm be divided equally between them acccording to quantity and quality to be divided by three men mutually chosen by my two sons. I gave and bequeth to my wife Sally the sole use

and control of my river farm so long as she lives and remains my widow after which I will that it should be divided or improsed to the use of my children sons & daughters equally that is to them of them that may at that time be *____ I do not think proper to appoint my executors but having full confidence in my worth neighbor Geo Kinney & G.W. Kinney to them seek my wife for advice and assistance. In Witness when *__ I have to this my will set my hand and seal this day of, August A.D. 1840

Guy Kinney Thos Marshall signed A. B GORE.

probate taken before me Oct 13, 1848. L.E.D. Wolf, Register.

Estate of A.B. GORE deceased No.646 } citation isssued upon the application of S.S. Bailey to the widow and relict of A.B. GORE deceased to wit to Sally GORE's the heirs to come in and take out Letters of

Administration or* ____ that might be administer upon the estate of A.B. GORE decd. on Friday the 23rd day of Nov 1848 at one o'clock p.m.

A. B. GORE #643 will, Book 1, pg. 419 & 423, 1840 & 1848 Bradford County Courthouse, Towanda, PA. *10/25/1999c.


*Warning The handwritting & script in this will is very difficult to read so could contain errors.

Heirs: Quik Claim Deeds

Book 155 pg. 511, 26 Feb 1884 W.B. Chaffee & Lucy A. Chaffee to C.C. GORE

Book 155 pg. 512, 26 Feb 1884 W. J. Lent & (former Harriet N. GORE) to C.C. GORE

Book 157 pg. 251, 28 May 1884 H.B. Chaffee & Polly A. Chaffee to C.C. GORE

Book 157 pg. 252, 28 May 1884 Abraham GORE & Fanny W. BULL to Comfort C. GORE.

Witmore Tract. Lands willed to Abraham B. GORE by Samuel GORE


TOMBSTONE: Sheshequin Cemetery, rt 1043, Sheshequin Villiage, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.

Abraham B. GORE died Sept 5, 1840 aged 48 years (Bottom of Stone is buried).

Tombstone next to him is missing but has a foot stone with SG.



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