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Will of Avery Canedy (Kennedy) 1870
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This is a transcription of the "Will of Avery Canedy of Delmar, Tioga County, PA by Letitia ROSADO Russell
Will of Avery Canedy (Kennedy)

Last Will & Testament Of Avery Cannedy, dec.

No. 917 Registers Office September 2, 1870

I, Avery Kennedy of Delmar township, in the county of Tioga and State of Pennsylvania, being of sound mind, memory and understanding do make and publish this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking and making void all former Wills by me at any time heretofore made And first I direct that my body be decently interred and that my funeral be conducted in a manner corresponding with my estate and situation in life.

As to such estate as it hath pleased God to intrust me with, I dispose of the same as follows, viz;

Item: I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Achsah all my household furniture personal property, rights, credits and dues of whatever name or nature, after the payment of my just debts to have and to hold the same for and during her natural life; or so long as she shall remain my widow. I also give devise and bequeath unto her, my said wife, the use, improvement and income of my farm and lot of land on which my dwelling house is situated, in Delmar township in the County of Tioga and state of Pennsylvania with its appurtenances for and during her natural life, or so long as she shall remain my widow.

Item: I give and bequeath to my son Hosea Cannedy the reversion or remainder of the real estate herein devised to my wife Achsah during her natural life, or so long as she shall remain my widow, from and after the decease of my beloved wife or her remarriage, to have and to hold to himself, his heirs and assigns forever.

Item: I further will and direct that my daughters Achsah Letitia and Estelle Jane shall be supported schooled and clothed until they become of age, or are married, and when they become of age I will and direct that they shall severally be paid the sum of fifty dollars, and the foregoing bequests are understood to have been made subject to this last devise.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my daughter Lydia Francis one two year old heifer to be given to her in one year after my decease.

Item: I further will and direct that the above bequests and legacies to my daughters shall be and remain a charge upon my Estate.

Item: Whatever other property I may have at the time of my decease whether real, personal or mixed I give, devise and bequeath as follows viz; All the real estate to my wife during her natural life or while she remains my widow, and the revision and remainder of the same to my son Hosea, And all of my personal property after my beloved wife has done with it, I give and bequeath to my said son Hosea Cannedy. In witness whereof I Avery Cannedy the testator have to this my will written on one sheet of paper set my hand and seal this the twenty seventh day of March A.D. 1868. Wm. D. Harris Avery Cannedy G.W. Kennedy

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the above named Avery Cannedy as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our name at his request as witnesses thereto in the presence of said testator and of each other.

Tioga County, This day before me, Davis L. Deane, Register for the Probate of Wills and granting letters of Administration in and for said the County aforesaid personally came William D. Harris one of the subscribing witnesses to the written will who being duly sworn according to law, says that the testator in the written will named, sign, seal, publish, pronounce and declare the written instrument of writing as and for his last will and testament, and that at the time of so doing, he was of sound mind, memory and understanding, to the best of deponents knowledge and belief. Sworn and subscribed before me this William D. Harris. 30th day of August, A.D. 1870 D.L. Deane, Register

Tioga County, This day before me, Davis L. Deane, Register for the Probate of Wills and granting letters of Administration in and for the county aforesaid, personally appeared G.W. Kennedy, one of the subscribing witnesses to the will hereunto attached who being duly sworn, according to law, says that Avery Cannedy the testator in the said Will named acknowledges before him that the same Will hereunto attached was his last Will and Testament and desired the deponent to sign it as a witness to its due execution by him the said testator, that he the said Avery Cannedy declared before him, he being called especially to hear the declaration, that the Will hereunto attached was his last Will and Testament, and at the same time acknowledged that he had signed, and sealed the same for that purpose, and as his last Will and Testament, And he furthers says that at this time of such acknowledgement and declaration he the said testator was of sound mind, memory and understanding to the best of his, deponents, knowledge and belief. Sworn and subscribed before me this 2nd day of September, A.D. 1870.

D. L. Deane, Register Probate stamped one dollar February 24, 1898. Filed receipt acknowledging payment in full of the legacies and bequests to them, respectively contained in the Will of Avery Cannedy signed by Lydia A. Francis, Olive Francis, Lettetia A Cannedy and Stella J. Ashley.

Transcribed by Lane Alexander-Buck on June 9, 1998 from a photocopy of the original will of Avery Canedy. Will is number 917 and is filed in Book C, 1870 and was obtained from: Jane E. Wetherbee, Register of Wills 116 Main Street Wellsboro, PA 16901 See related letter dated 4 June 1998

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 28 SEP 1998
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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