Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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Blanche Frasier's Memories
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Blanche Frasier's Memories of Her Family History

Transcribed by and
Submitted to Tri-Counties Site by Harold Hooper

Sabinsville Overview Postcard (right) from the 
collection of Joyce M. Tice 
Sabinsville School Postcard (below) from Harold Hooper

This is to the best of my knowledge as I did hear my mother and Grandma Skinner talk. (written, 1942) by Blanche Frasier Ludwig, born 1877

Charles Andrew Frasier was borne near Sunderlinville, Potter County, Penn. The oldest of a family of six (6) children.

Bert, William and Blanche was borne at Gaines, Penn not far from Sunderlinville. Leon and Addie was born on the old homestead farm 2 ½ miles from Sunderlinville, Penn. This old farm as I speak of it was taken up as government land before Grandpa Johnson went to war (Civil War). Grandpa Johnson left Grandma and the two children Kizziah Elizabeth and Eugean Johnson alone on the farm. After years had passed on and Grandma Johnson had kept the home together and care for ten (10) other children beside her two. She and Elijah Skinner married. Mr Skinner first wife was Grandma Johnson’s cousin. Mr Skinner was Captain in the same war Grandpa Johnson was in. Grandpa Johnson died in the Andersonville prison at Andersonville. Skinner’s wife had (4) boys and she called Grandma Johnson to her bed side and asked her if she would care for her children if she died. And Grandma said she promised her she would. Well she did and see them up to man hood and then Mr Skinner and she was married, and then my father and mother married and we children came to them.

I never see very much of my Grandpa Frasier (Andrew), Grandma Frasier died and Grandpa Frasier married again. We children were not at their home. In fact I can’t remember of ever seeing them but once. Their home was between Cathed and Westfield, Pa. Now called Sabinsville. Mr Sabins second wife was brother Bert’s (James Albert Frasier) wife’s sister. Brother Bert married first. Then a short time after, Brother Charley married Celia. As you already know. Then a short time after brother Charley went to Washington territory which now is a state.

Where our father lived there where the old home is now, I think brother Leon will recall most of this as you read it to him. The latter part at least.

I do not know what you want of this information but without a doubt you are about to rite up a record of the Frasier family. Once at my home where Mrs Flora Sabins was making me a visit about eighteen years ago, of course we had many things to talk about. Flora made the remark, Blanche, I do wish you would take the time off and rite all the things you can remember and know about your family and my family to let her see it and she said she would like to help me.

But I never got at it or even though I had the time. I do hope this will be of some good to you.


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