Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Marriages of the Tri-Counties

Town of Chemung 1789-1806 Docket of Justice John Miller, Esq.

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Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the Marriage Records and  Marriage Clippings on the site by using the Marriage button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? Be aware that you will also find some marriage notices in the Clippings partition and on the Bibles pages.


In The

Docket of Justice John Miller, Esq.

Town of Chemung 1789-1806

 Transcribed by J. Kelsey Jones

 The first entry in the docket is dated 15 December 1789. There are many summaries of court cases between various individuals or “the people” taking action against a person or persons. A few deaths are mentioned. For instance, an entry dated 9 May 1790 – “The body of William Culbison found by James Cameron and James Waters was drowned from Board Bennit’s boat accidentally.”


Acmody, John Jay married Sally (her name not stated) 13 Nov 1793

Adams, Cinthe married Chris Stoner both of the town of Newtown 4 Sept 1803

Applegate, William married Catharine Minegar 23 Dec 1798

Bailance, Ruth married Philip Shurr 3 Feb 1791

Bates, Daniel married Hannah Rowley 7 Jan 1797

Borland, Peter married Mary Graham 25 Nov 1798

Browers, John H. of Newtown married Catharine Smith of Newtown at the house of widow Smith 26 Sept 1802

Catlin, Israel married Tida Ross 15 Mar 1792

Crosbe, Mary married Elias Stephens 25 Mar 1792

Crosbe, Rachel married Daniel Upson 3 Apr 1791

Dunn, William married Mary Sayre 24 Oct 1792

Erwine, Col Arthur at 10 o’clock at night was married in his own house at Tioga Point

Foster, Mary married Isaac Turwilligar 28 Apr 1793

Freeman Polly married John Sterrett 4 July 1805

Gardner, John married Lanah Midaugh 30 June 1791

Gorten, Dorcas married Stephern Patterson 22 Sept 1791

Graham Mary married Peter Borland 25 Nov 1798

Hammond, Polly married John Sly 23 Sept 1792

Heckart, Mary married Abner Thurber 4 May 1806

Hughes, John married Anne Konkle both of Newtown 3 Sept 1803

Jeffers, Daniel married Mary Minier of the town of Newtown & county of Tioga 19 June 1801

Jeffers, Elizah married Adam Sly 6 Jan 1793

Jennings, William married Lucy Loop 25 Oct 1801

Konkle, Anne married John Huges both of Newtown 3 Sept 1803

Layton, Thomas married Mary Jeffers 28 Sept 1791

Lewis, Elizabeth married Andrew Smith 22 Feb 1796

Loop, Lucy married William Jennings 25 Oct 1801

Losey see Luzee

Low, Olive married John Tenbrook 21 Nov 1793

Luzee, Gershom married Hannah Silsle 27 Jan 1797

Midaugh, Lanah married John Gardner 30 June 1791

Minegar, Catharine married William Applegate 23 Dec 1798

Minier, Mary of the town of Newtown and county of Tioga married Daniel Jeffers 19 June 1801

Patterson Stephen married Dorcas Gorten 22 Sept 1791

Reding, Catharine married William Taylor at the house of Andrew McDowell in the town of Newtown on Thursday 16 Dec 1802

Ross, Tida married Israel Catlin 15 Mar 1792

Rowley Hannah married Daniel Bates 7 Jan 1797

Sayre, Ebenezar married Eliza. Seely 3 Feb 1793

Sayre, Mary married William Dunn 24 Oct 1792

Seely, Eliza. married Ebenezar Sayre 3 Feb 1793

Seely, Nathaniel married Ann Wire 2 June 1794

Sharp, George of the town of Painted Post in the County of Steuben married Polly Willson of the Northampton and state of Pennsylvania at the house of John Winters in the town of Newtown 25 Nov 1802

Shurr, Philip married Ruth Bailance 3 Feb 1791

Silsle, Hannah married Gershom Luzee 27 Jan 1797

Sly, Adam married Elizah Jeffers 6 Jan 1793

Sly, John married Polly Hammond 23 Sept 1792

Smith, Andrew married Elizabeth Lewis 22 Feb 1796

Smith, Catharine of Newtown married John H. Browers at the house of widow Smith 26 Sept 1802

Stephens, Elias married Mary Crosbe 25 Mar 1792

Sterrett, John married Polly Freeman 4 July 1805

Stoner, Chris married Cinthe Adams both of the town of Newtown 4 Sept 1803

Taylor, William married Catharine Reding at the house of Andrew McDowell in the town of Newtown on Thursday 16 Dec 1802

Tenbrook, John married Olive Low 21 Nov 1793

Thurber, Abner married Mary Heckart 4 May 1806

Turwilligar, Isaac married Mary Foster 28 Apr 1793

Upson, Daniel married Rachel Crosbe 3 Apr 1791

Waeir see Wire

Willson Polly of Northampton and state of Pennsylvania married George Sharp of the town of Painted Post in the County of Steuben at the house of John Winters in the town of Newtown 25 Nov 1802

Wire, Ann married Nathaniel Seely 2 June 1794.  

______, Sally married John Jay Acmody 13 Nov 1793 

Original in possession of Chemung County Historical Society.


Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 18 NOV 2018
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice