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Township: Lawrence Township, Tioga County PA
Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the Marriage Records and  Marriage Clippings on the site by using the Marriage button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page? Be aware that you will also find some marriage notices in the Clippings partition and on the Bibles pages.

Announcement is made by Mrs. Ottis H. Riffle of Lawrenceville of the marriage in Tucson, Arizona, June 2, of her grand niece, Joyce Elaine Satterly to Staff Sergeant Ellsworth L. Howe. The bride wore a pastel blue gabardine suit with white accessories and a corsage of Cecil Breuner roses and her matron of honor carried the same kind of roses. The bride is the daughter of the late Stanley Satterly of Corning and spent most of her life with her aunt, Mrs. Riffle. She was graduated from the Lawrenceville High School, class of 1939, and was employed as a bookkeeper at the First National Bank in Lawrenceville for two and one half years. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Howe, of Lawrenceville, was graduated from the Lawrenceville High School, class of 1933 and is now located at Marana Army Air Field, Tucson, Arizona.
Wellsboro Agitator 6-13-1945

Source: email from Gary L. Butler to Sue Edling
             Dated 29 DEC 2007
             Gary L. Butler
             Wellsboro Agitator 6-13-1945

Miss Fanny Howell and Mr. K. Edward Parkhurst
A terrible tragedy took place at the Nichols House, at Bath, Steuben county, NY, last Saturday afternoon.  Mr. K. Edward Parkhurst, a young lawyer who had recently been graduated from Hamilton College, shot and killed Miss Fanny Howell, eldest daughter of Mr. James F. Howell, an old merchant of Bath and a highly respectable citizen.  We condense the facts of the case from our Elmira and Rochester exchanges. For many years a very warm attachment had existed between young Parkhurst, who was but a little more than 23 years of age, and Miss Fanny Howell, who was one year his senior.  Three or four years ago, on an excursion to Penn Yan with a number of young people from Bath, they absented themselves from the party for a few minutes and were secretly married, but returned with their friends, and for several days the fact of their marriage was not suspected by any one.  The truth became known, however, and it is said that by an amicable agreement a decree was obtained from the courts setting aside the marriage.  After this, to all appearances, all social intercourse between them stopped--they not even recognizing each other on the street, but since the tragedy it transpires that they have for several years been in the habit of meeting secretly, and but a few weeks ago, it is also said, they were again clandestinely married at Rochester.  On Saturday afternoon last, young Parkhurst was preparing to leave Bath and take up his residence at Minneapolis, Minnesota, and as late at 3 o’clock on that day was arranging for a ticket preparatory to taking his departure at seven o’clock in the evening.  A letter from Parkhurst to Miss Howell found upon her person after the tragedy, and addressed to her at Hammondsport, where she had been visiting for several days, asked her to meet him before he started for the West at the Nichols House, and designated room No. 1 for the interview, a little chamber remote from the public rooms. Miss Howell arrived in Bath from Hammondsport at 3 o’clock on Saturday afternoon and after going home returned immediately to the hotel, and seeing Parkhurst standing near the entrance, turned and looked him full in the face, and then went into the hotel.  She was seen by one of the chambermaids shortly after to go alone to room No. 1 and shut the door.  Parkhurst immediately followed her, entered the room and the door was then shut and locked.  It is not definitely known whether they met in the parlor before going to the room or not.  But just before the tragedy Parkhurst procured the pistol with which the shooting was done, and it is not known whether he went out and got the pistol after the interview commenced and before either went to room No. 1 or whether he procured it before meeting her.  At all events the pistol was purchased a few minutes before the fearful tragedy occurred.  The chambermaid heard the shots soon after they entered the room.  She tried the door and finding it locked got a stepladder and looked over the transom and saw their bodies as they were afterward found. An alarm was given, the door was broken open and Miss Howell was found lying on a lounge in the room as if asleep. Her head was resting in an easy and natural position on her right hand, and her left hand which held a handkerchief, rested upon her side.  Her eyes were closed, there was a smile upon her face, and it was evident that not a muscle moved after the fatal shot was fired.  The muzzle of the pistol was evidently placed very close to, if not entirely within her ear.  The body of Parkhurst lay by the side of the lounge in a pool of blood with his brains oozing from a pistol shot wound in the eye, the ball having passed through his head.  In his pocket was found the following note.  Rather than live separate we die together.  If we have done wrong, may God have mercy on our souls.  This seems to furnish a key to the whole fearful affair.  They had been married and were so strongly attached to each other that the opposition to their living together had driven both to desperation.  They have written letters daily to each other even when both were at home and during the few days Miss Howell was at Hammondsport.  Parkhurst went there frequently.  There had been no disagreement between them and they had told their friends they should marry and live together as soon as Parkhurst was established in business.--The second secret marriage, before referred to was not known to more than half a dozen persons in Bath.  The truth seems to be that they preferred death to the long separation which would follow Parkhurst’s departure to the West.  It is believed that the act was contemplated until about the time it took place. Young Parkhurst was a finely educated young man and possessed a brilliant intellect, giving promise of good success as a lawyer.  Miss Howell was also highly accomplished, a sweet singer amicable in her character and greatly beloved by all who knew her.  It is stated that young Parkhurst, who used the deadly pistol was more or less under the influence of liquor when the murder and suicide were committed.  Viewed from any standpoint it is the most terribly terminated romance in the history of Bath.  Coroner Goff compounded a jury at a late hour Saturday evening and after viewing the remains adjourned the inquest until 11 o’clock Monday morning and granted permission to the relatives to remove the bodies.  The body of Miss Howell was taken to the home of her father on Steuben street and that of young Parkhurst to the house of Dr. Kasson(?), a distant relative of the family.  On searching the body of Miss Howell a letter was found in the handwriting of Parkhurst requesting, an interview at the Nichols House on Saturday afternoon.  On Parkhurst’s body was found two letters, one addressed to his uncle R.(?) F. Parkhurst and the other to his grandmother, residing at Lawrenceville, Pa.  The letters were not opened but will of course be read at the inquest.  On young Parkhurst’s body was also found a scrap of paper on which was written.  If we cannot live together we can die together, and only God forgive us.  The body of Parkhurst was to be taken to Lawrenceville, Pa., for interment and the funeral of Miss Howell will take place in Bath at 3 o’clock, this (Tuesday) afternoon.  The mother of the unfortunate girl was in Elmira at the time of the tragedy.  (Tuesday, August 17, 1880, The Wellsboro Agitator, Wellsboro, Tioga Co, Pa.)

Kenneth Rodgers Vance ..........MHS 1952
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bradshaw of Lawrenceville entertained at a party to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Marjorie Lou to Kenneth Rodgers Vance, son of Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Vance of Mainesburg, PA. 32 friends and relatives attended. Miss Bradshaw attended the Williamson Jr.-Sr. High School and is now employed by the Commonwealth Telephone Co. at Mansfield. Mr. Vance graduated from the Mansfield Senior High School, spent 2 years in the army, 18 months of which were spent overseas.

Miss Ida Viola Freeland, of Lawrenceville, and Edward Francis Reed, of Corning, were married May 27, by Rev. Harold Stanley Stewart. They are to make their home at Lawrenceville. The groom is a fireman employed on the Pennsylvania division of the New York Central. – Wellsboro Agitator, 7 June 1916

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 31 DEC 2007 
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

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