Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
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World War II

Eastern Part of Tioga County

Typed for Tri-Counties by Pat Raymond

This page is part of theTri-County Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice

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See Also Page Two

This World War Two memorial for Mansfield stood in front of the library. It is no longer there. 
The list of names on it is below.
Photo from the 1947 Manscript, yearbook of Mansfield High School.
  Mansfield, PA  
Alden, Francis Carberry, Edward Dailey, Robert
Alden, Franklin Carr, Robert Dann, Thomas
Andrews, Edward Chamberlain, Maurice Dartt, Douglas
Austin, Raymond Chapel, John Decker, Ambrose
Austin, Charles Chessman, Pauline Dietsche, Helen
Ayres, Kermit Clark, Arthur Colegrove, Dennis
Ayres, Kenneth Clark, Henry Doane, John Sr.
Ayres, Keith Cleveland, Donald Doane, John, Jr.
Bailey, Coral Cleveland, Ellis Doane, Wilton
Bailey, Carl Cleveland, Wilford Dorsett, Lane
Bailey, Chester Colby, Donald Dorsett, Lewis
Bailey, Gordon Cole, charles Dykins, Robert
Bailey, Homer Cole, Harry Estep, Leland
Bailey, Lawrence Cole, Keith Evans, Leslie
Bailey, Leon R. Cole, Robert Every, Joseph
Bailey, Leonard Coles, Richard Earley, Leonard
Bailey, Murt Cornwell, Christine Farr, Robert
Bailey, Raymond Baynes, Richard Farrer, John
Baker, William Beagle, Ellery Fillman, Harry
Barden, Lyle Benedict, Truman Fish, Jerome
Barden, William Jr. Bennett, Arthur Cleveland, Kenneth
Barden, Donald Bennett, Fred Coveney, Viall Jr.
Barden, John Bennett, Roger Cummings, Gerald
Bastian, Jack Bentley, Donald Feig, Robert
Bastian, Lloyd Jr. Bentley, Harold Fralic, Robert
Baynes, Harold Bentley, Maurice Francis, Bertram
Baynes, John Besanceney, Charles Cruttenden, Edward
Brace, Kenneth L. Billyards, Charles Garrison, Benedict
Brace, Kenneth M. Bixby, Clifford Garrison, Gordon
Brace, Melvin Blanchard, Leo Gaylord, Lewis
Bradshaw, William Bloom, Jerry Gerlach, Roswell
Brigham, Allen Bower, Robert Gaige, Ralph
Brigham, John Boyce, Charles Goodrich, David
Brooks, Kenneth Boyce, Ernest Goodrich, Melvin
Brown, Dale Brace, Eben Greely, Gerald
Brown, Lyle Cook, Sheffield Greenwalt, Samuel
Brown, William Cornish, George Griffiths, Audrey
Beyor, Donald Cornwell, Kenneth Grenell, Charles
Burnham, Donald Coveney, Clarance Gwinn, Benjamin
Day, Ronald Doughton, Morgan Graffius, Daniel
Bastian, Glenn Elder, Rex Hagar, Claude
Bryan, Ross Jr. Faulkner, Alfred Hagar, Fordyce
Buchanan, Samuel Cowles, Donald Hager, Charles
Burrell, Alfred Crossley, William Hager, Homer
Bittermore, L. L. Jr. Cunningham, Bernard Hall, Hugh
Button, Ford Curtis, Charles H. Jr. Hall, Ira
Doughton, Allan Cole, Cassius Harris, William
Hall, James Laudenslayer, Frank Pierotti, Francis
Hall, Robert Leipold, Lester Pino, John
Harrington, John Leonard, Brunswick Pratt, Willis
Kelly, Bernard Leonard, Wellington Preston, Daniel
Hitchcock, Wendell Lewis, Reed Preston, James
Hayden, Joseph Jr. Love, Lewis Purvis, Eleanor
Hemenway, Robert Maltman, Harry Puryear, Stuart
Hayden, Edward Manikowski, Kasmir Purvis, Clifford
Hayes, Llewellyn Marsh, Jack Guackenbush, Robert
Hendricks, Robert Marshall, Hamilton Randall, Allen
Hendricks, William Mascho, Charles Rarrick, Deyo
Harrington, Glenn Mascho, William Rauscher, John
Hicks, Lawrence Matteson, Robert Rauscher, Melvin
Hitchcock, Russell Maul, Richmond Rawleigh, Theodore
Hock, John Mayer, Carl Razkowski, John
Horton, David McCann, George Jr. Retan, Walter
Horton, Raymond McCarton, John Rennie, James
Horton, Donald McConnell, Richard Rice, John
Hotalen, Rudolph McConnell, Samuel Rieppel, James
Hughes, Charles Meade, Floyd Roberts, William
Hughes, Willard Meade, Frank Robinson, Norman
Husted, John Meade, Lawrence Robinson, Richard
Husted, Myron Meade, Robert Rogers, Edward
Husted, Edwin Merrick, Kenneth Rogers, Raymond
Ingalls, Lyndel Merrick, Kermit Rose, Arland
Moore, Wayne Merrick, Shirley Rose, Gordon
Leach, Walter Jr. Miller, Paul Roupp, Sheldon
Jaquish, Francis Milliren, Charles Roupp, Delancy
Jaquish, Joseph Minard, Robert Rumsey, Maurice
Jerald, Charles Mittan, R. L. Redner, Arthur
Johns, Robert Moore, Donald Roupp, LaVerne
Johnson, Robert Moore, Raymond Scott, Marie
Judge, Clark Morgan, Ellis Schlappi, Adolph
Judge, Tom Mott, Joseph Schanbacher, Gerald
Clark, Sherwood Mourhess, Berthand Schanbacker, Genevieve
Jupenlaz, Ernest Murdock, Herman Schoonover, Ellsworth
Jupenlaz, Frederick Myfelt, George Schwab, John
Jupenlaz, Wilfred Nares, Kenneth Schwab, Robert
Justin, James Neal, Byron Shaw, Earl Jr.
Kelsey, Sherman Neal, William Shaw, John
Kendricks, Howard Odell, Robert (Korea) Shaw, Leland
Kenyon, Llewellyn Odell, Willard Shaw, Lester
Kingsley, Jack Olson, Frank Shaw, L. B. Jr.
Kline, Walter Osborne, Donald Shaw, Richard
Knapp, Francis Owen, John Shaw, Seymour
Knapp, Robert L. Owen, Robert Sherman, Ben
Knapp, Robert Jr. Palmer, Claude Sillaman, Bruce
Knowlton, Robert Palmer, Dale Sherwood, Norton
Kramer, John Palmer, Gordon Sillaman, Donald
Kruger, Ralph Palmer, Robert Simerson, Lloyd
Lamb, Fred Parker, Ernest Smith, Alden
Landon, Howard Pierce, Charles Smith, Code
Smith, Edward Tanner, William Webster, Ansel
Smith, Dwaine Thomas, Donald Webster, Dewey
Smith, Robert Thompson, Casper Jr. Webster, Marshall
Snell, Irving Thompson, John Weeks, Kenneth
Snell, Elmer Tomlinson, Lewis Weis, Geoge
Smith, Wendell Trask, Edwin Wells, Francis
Somerville, Robert Turner, Perry Wells, Hazel
Somogy, Stephen Turner, Champman Wheeler, Ward
Soper, Wellwood Taylor, William Whitteker, Randolph
Squires, Maxwell VanDusen, Allen Whitteker, Stanley
Starkey, Merle VanDusen, James Weiskopff, James
Stickler, Raymond VanDusen, Robert Wilson, Richard
Stickler, William VanNoy, Raymond Wilson, Robert
Stiles, Edward Vermilyea, Elwin Wood, Carl
Stonebraker, Czerney Vermilyea, Raymond Wood, Gorton
Straughn, Robert Vosburg, Ernest Wood, Grover
Sumner, Omer VanDruff, Arnold Wood, John
Sumner, Ralph Osman, James Wood, Joseph
Sumner, Robert Wood, Harry Jr. Wood, Lester
Swezey, Walter Wagner, Robert Wood, Lyman
TenEyck, Howard Walker, Joseph Wood, Myron
Tanner, Francis Waltz, Arthur Young, Charles
Tanner, George Watkins, Forrest  

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 7/15/99
By Joyce M. Tice