Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Tri-County Tax Records
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
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Chemung - Tioga
Roll 1801
Assessment Roll of the Real and personal estates in the Town of Chemung in the County of Tioga made This 30 day of May 1801 according to the Direction of Statute Entitled an act for the assessment and collection of Taxes by George Kriss, Jacob Lowman and Elijah Buck assessors of said town of Chemung.
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Names of Persons Description of Real Estate Amount of real Estate Personal Estate Amount of Real and Personal Estate Tax To Be Paid
Buck Elijah H & Lot 2282.62 312 2,594.62 7.78
Burt Thomas H & Lot 1812.50 95 1,907.50 5.72
Bennet Joseph H & Lot 1190.00   1,190.00 3.57
Burt David H & Lot 1164.94 64 1,228.94 3.68
Burnam Kenny H & Lot 520.50   520.50 1.56
Batterson Abijah H & Lot 1000.75 105 1,105.75 3.31
Burt Benjamin H & Lot 1300.55 126 1,426.55 4.27
Burnham Asel H & Lot 314.50 38 352.50 1.05
Baldwin Waterman     52 52.00 0.15
Brewer Abraham H & Lot 603.50 93 696.50 2.08
BridemanSamuel H & Lot 1800.80   1,800.80 5.40
Baldwin Silas     40 40.00 0.12
Budd Margret Part of a Lot 70.00   70.00 0.21
Batterson James     18 18.00 0.05
Baldwin Thomas Lot area 74 148.00   148.00 0.43
Baldwin Israel Lot 200 400.00   400.00 1.20
Cartright Jane house & lot 217.00   217.00 0.65
Cooper George H & Lot 40.00   40.00 0.12
Cassaday Robert H & Lot 400.00 125 500.00 1.50
deduct 25          
Cortright Aaron     18 18.00 0.08
Castle Fradrick     75 75.00 0.22
Chamberland David     20 20.00 0.06
Drake Joseph H & Lot 167.00 34 201.00 0.60
Dingman Jacob H & Lot 141.25 32 173.25 0.51
Decker Jacob House & Lot 500.00 38 538.00 1.61
Depew Moses H & Lot 1871.70 224 2,095.00 6.28
English William     28 28.00 0.08
Fry Abial H & Lot 1562.10   1,562.10 4.68
Green Joseph     46 46.00 0.12
Green Ebenezer H & L 1065.05 125 1,190.05 3.57
Griswell Gideon H & L 672.00 203 875.00 2.62
Griswell Elisha H & L 1078.50 205 1,283.50 3.84
Gardner Peter     58 58.00 0.17
Gannan Bartholomew     31 31.00 0.09
Vangorder Samuel H & L 901.00   901.00 2.70
Vangorder William H & L 854.00   854.00 2.56
Wincoop Benjamin H & L 2083.00   2,083.00 6.24
Wincoop William   68.00   68.00 0.20
Westbrook John   93.00   93.00 0.27
Westbrook Samuel H & L 1490.90 145 1,635.90 4.90
Willson H. James H & L 1676.00 122 1,798.00  
Warren Enoch H & L 895.60   895.60 2.68
Warren Enoch Junr H & L 1742.70   1,742.70 5.22
Wilson Uriah H & L 1800.00 82 1,882.00 5.64
Roberts Nathan H & L 95.50   95.50 0.28
Hart Adam H & L 89.25 80 169.25 0.50
Hillman John H & L 616.87 57 673.87 2.02
Hammon Sebal H & L 1130.00 20 1,150.00 3.45
Huls Benjamin     40 40.00 0.12
Kress John H & L 705.50 46 751.50 2.25
Kriss George Lot 225.25   225.25 0.67
Kriss Samuel H & L 1232.75 86 1,318.75 3.95
Kent Simeon     75 75.00 0.22
Lowman Jacob H & L 865.00 76 941.00 0.82
Leonard Walter     24 24.00 0.07
McDowell Daniel H & L 2817.80 253 3,070.80 9.21
Miller Johnson H & L 363.00   363.00 1.08
Miller Margret H & L 42.50 23 65.50 0.09
Medaugh Elias H & L 626.85 150 776.85 2.32
Mills John     10 10.00 0.03
Parce Josiah H & L 3000.00 100 3,100.00 9.30
Parchel Isriel H & L 1552.05 169 1,721.05 5.16
Parchel Asa     60 60.00 0.18
Parshel Jesse     34 34.00 0.10
Sisco William     50 50.00 0.15
Squiers John H & L 1689.25 174 1,863.25 5.58
Squiers John Junr     55 55.00 0.16
Snell George H & L 858.75   858.75 2.57
Stricker Peter     30 30.00 0.09
Scovel Edward H & L 135.15   135.15 0.04
Tice Henry     40 40.00 0.12
Taylor Moses     40 40.00 0.12
Non-Resident with Land          
Name Number of Lots Acre Value Tax  
Cllinton James No. 136 350 700.00 2.10  
Goodwin John No. 139 2900 5800.00 17.40  
Hepburn Samuel   160 408.00 1.22  
Hart Christian Part of No. 136 100 200.00 0.60  
Keepheart Phillip   430 100.00 0.38  
Lenox Robert No. 140 7600 14000.00 42.00  
Suffron John   1000 2500.00 7.50  
Thomas Thomas   4000 14481.00 43.44  
Wells Abner Lot   85.00 0.25  
Maxwell Guy Part of Lot No. 138 200 400.00 1.20  
McDonald Andrew   100 225.25 0.67  
Walker George   400 600.00 1.80  
Hunter Robert No. 138 6000 10000.00 30.00  
Heirs of Moses DeWit   400 600.00 1.80  
Bennedict Timothy   800 2400.00 7.20  
Elijah Buck 39899.25        
Jacob Lowman 51312.38        
George Kriss 91211.63        
and the February the 1, 1802
A return of the number of lots of land and the persons names that the tax cannot be collected of in the town of Chemung and these persons who left the town before I got the warrant to collect
Names of Persons Description of Real estate Amount of Real estate Personal estate Amount of p. and real Taxes to be Paid
Cartright Aron     18.00 18.00 0.08
Leonard Walter     24.00 24.00 0.07
Striker Peter Number Lot   30.00 30.00 0.09
Clinton James 136 350.00   700.00 2.10
Goodwin John 139 2900.00   5800.00 17.40
Hepburn Samuel       408.00 1.22
Hart Christian Part of 136 100.00   200.00 0.60
Keephart Philip   430.00   100.00 0.30
Lenox Robert 140 7600.00   14000.00 43.00
Suffron John   1000.00   2500.00 8.50
Thomas Thomas   4000.00   14481.00 43.44
Walker George   400.00   600.00 1.80
Hunter Robert 138 6000.00   10000.00 32.00
Heirs of Moses Dewitt   400.00   600.00 1.80
Benedict Timothy   800.00   2400.00 7.20

   Abiah Batteson Corlecter

Tioga County - within subscribers being the Board of Supervisors of the said County do certify the preceding to be a true copy of the original assessment roll taken and reviewed by the assessors of the town of Chemung in the said county - and that we have issued our warrant to Abijah Batterson collector of the said town requiring him to collect from the several persons named in the assessment roll the following sums (viz) one hundred four dollars and nineteen cents  and to pay the same to the Supervisor of the said town and the sum of two hundred eight dollars and thirty eight cents and to pay the same to the Treasurer of the said County for the contingent charges thereof.
"Given under our hands this sixteenth day of October 1801
Joshua Lewis
Enoch Warren
John Brown
Josiah L. Paterson"

County of Tioga State of New York, Feby 1st 1802
Personally appeared before me David Pixley Treasurer for said County Abiah Batteson Collector for the Town of Chemung & made solemn oath that the sum of one hundred sixty dollars sixty cents is due on his collection tax list from non resident proprietors & absconding Districts & that from diligent search he is not able to find when to levy or collect any part thereof
Abijah Batteson
Sworn Before Me David Pixley, Treasurer

List of Taxes for the year 1802
Overchd 5 Drs

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 11/28/2007
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

You are the  visitor since the counter was installed on 28 NOV  2007
Transcribed by Carla McDonald
Verified by J. Kelsey Jones
Pages formatted & published by  Joyce M. Tice

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA