Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Tri-County Tax Records
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

1815 Wells Township Tax Assessment

This page is part of the Tri-County Genealogy & History  sites by Joyce M. Tice

No Unauthorized Commercial Use May Be Made Of This Material

Typed for Tri Counties by J. Kelsey Jones

1815 Wells Township Assessment (included present Ridgebury and South Creek)

Wells Township Page

Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the Tax Records on the site by using the Tax button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page
Alberson, Ricliff  
Asgood, John  
Asgood, Levy  
Baldwin, Isaac  
Baldwin, Vine  
Bartlet, William  
Bates, Amos  
Bennight, Samuel  
Bentley, Thomas  
Bird, Kelsey  
Boughton, Joseph  
Bovier, Noah  
Bovier, Ralph  
Buck, Elijah  
Calhoun, Trueman  
Campbell, Benajah  
Campbell, Joel very poor, old & almost helpless
Campbell, Jonathan  
Campbell, Nathaniel  
Campbell, Silas  
Campbell, Unice  
Campbell, William  
Comfort, Edward  
Cook, Elizabeth  
Cook, Jonathan  
Cooper, Clark  
Coopper, Richard  
Criss, Samuel  
Cummings, John  
Edsal, Samuel  
Edsel, Jessa  
Fox, Levy  
Fuller, Abial  
Fuller, Isaac  
Fuller, Lemuel  
Fuller, William  
Graves, Jeremiah blacksmith
Hatfiel, Moris  
Hide, George  
Horton, Reuben  
Hurlburt, Zachius  
Judson, Ithamer  
Judson, Solomon  
Kent, Jonathan  
Knapp, Zephaniah  
Lafler, Peter  
Matterson, Levy  
Miller, Samuel  
Mitchell, James  
Moore, Asa  
Moore, Jessa  
Moore, Joseph single freeman
Moore, Theophilus single freeman
Osgood see Asgood
Owen, Griswold  
Parker, Joseph  
Parker, Joseph Jr.  
Pierce, Asa  
Pierce, Isaac  
Ricke, Israel Jr.  
Rickey, Israel  
Rowley, George  
Rowley, Peter  
Rowley, Shubel  
Seeley, Bartlet  
Seeley, William  
Stiles, Aaron  
Stiles, Jabez  
Striker, Peter  
Tice, Joseph  
Tubbs, Lebeus  
Wells, Henry of New York state
Wynkoop, Gershom  

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 01/18/2000
By Joyce M. Tice