Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
Tri-County Tax Records
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Wells townshi[p Tax Assessment 1836
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Joyce's Search Tip - January 2008
Do You Know that you can search just the Tax Records on the site by using the Tax button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page
The Wells Township Assessment Lists (also known as tax lists) were lists compiled each year by the township assessor, usually in the fall preceding the assessment year. Besides giving the name and sometimes the occupation these lists also gave the number of improved and unimproved acres, horses, cattle, and other farm animals. There were also listed those families which could not pay for their children's schooling and shown as "poor children." These lists are at the Bradford County Historical Society in Towanda and can be consulted for further information about acreage, animals, etc., that a resident was assessed for. In the earlier years even young single men were taxed even if they did not own real estate. Ridgebury and South Creek were included in Wells until their formation.

Original Spellings are retained

Adams, Crowell  
Adams, Levi F.  
Adams, Oliver  
Alvord, Nathan Jr. physician
Ameigh, Lawrence L.  
Andrus, Ephm  
Andrus, Gideon H. South Creek
Austin, Andrus carpenter
Austin, Levi  
Badger, Joseph  
Bailey, Benjn  
Bailey, Wm ?  
Baker, Amos  
Baker, Benjn F.  
Baker, Ezekiel South Creek
Baker, Harlem  
Baker, Saml H. justice peace
Baker, William H.  
Baker, Wm (heirs)  
Barber, Nathl  
Barnes, John  
Barnhart, Artimus acreage transfered from Solomon Smith
Barret, Searles  
Beebe, Augustine  
Beers, Henry acreage transfered from Timothy Roe
Beers, Wm  
Benedict, Marcus  
Benson, John acreage transfered from James Hall, Jr.
Boram, Joseph  
Bovier, Ralph  
Bovier, Solomon South Creek
Brasted, William  
Brees, Jeremiah  
Brewer, Johnston  
Brewer, William  
Brink, Saml transfered property to Lemuel Sherman
Brown, Sylvester South Creek
Brownell, John  
Bryant, Aaron G.  
Bryant, Geo acreage transfered from Jesse Caykendall
Buchanan, Wm  
Bundy, Harlow sawmill
Bundy, Schuyler  
Burgess, Wm single freeman
Calhoun, Warren  
Campbell, Robt A.  
Capron, Joseph  
Carley, James blacksmith
Carpenter, Noble South Creek
Carr, Calvin transfered property to Caleb H. Miller
Carr, Madison M.  
Caykendall, Jesse transfered property to Geo Bryant
Clark & Osgood transfered tannery to Lemuel Sherman; balance to John B. Clark
Clark, Ezra  
Clark, John B. shoemaker, house & lot, tannery
Colony, Henry transfered property to Partial Mapes and Hirum Ranney
Comfort, John  
Comfort, Moses South Creek
Conklin, Amos South Creek
Conklin, Garret (should read Compton) acreage transfered from Morris Shepard
Conklin, Joshua South Creek
Cowles, Luther  
Crandall, J. T.  
Crosby & Barber transfered property to Wm Parsall
Crosby, Edward  
Crosby, Elisha transfered land & house to Jacob Snider, 1/2 sawmill to Hirum Ranney
Crosby, Johnston  
Crosby, Joshua sawmill
Davis, Isaiah L.  
Davy, John transfered property to Norman Davy
Davy, Norman A. acreage transfered from John Davy
Dence, Charles  
Depew, Nicholas  
Drake, Isaac  
Drake, James  
Eddy, John transfered property to Morris Shepard
Edsall, James M. transfered property to Jacob Still
Edsall, Jesse  
Edsall, Saml  
Egbert, John sawmill
Faris, Joel  
Fassett, Philo South Creek, tavern
Fassett, Truman South Creek
Ferguson, Alfred  
Ferguson, Henry  
Fikes, John single freeman
Fitsimmons, John  
French, Lyman  
French, Peter Jr. sawmill
French, Seabury G.  
French, Wm H. house and lot
Garison, John carpenter
Garison, Justin  
Gee, Nelson gone
Goldsmith, Wm South Creek
Gorden, James  
Gorden, Joseph South Creek
Gordon, Saml single freeman
Griswold, David Jr.  
Gustin, Jesse  
Gustin, Saml  
Gustin, Thos D.  
Haight, Hiram South Creek
Haight, Stevern M.  
Hall, James I. transfered property to John Benson
Hall, Joshua  
Hall, Silas  
Hall, Silas E.  
Hankinson, Joseph  
Hautz, William South Creek
Hinckley, Amos South Creek, sawmill
Holbrook, Amos ? South Creek, merchant, sawmill, gristmill
Holdridge, Danl Jr.  
Houghland, John ?  
House, Rockwell W. blacksmith, house and lot
Hoxy, Joshua  
Hubbell, John G.  
Ingals, Saml  
Ingals, Wm S.  
Ingersoll, Gideon H. South Creek
Inman, Benjn South Creek
Jennings, Sephn  
Jewitt, Joseph  
Johnston, Henry  
Johnson, Alexr South Creek
Jones, Harvey South Creek
Jones, Silas  
Killgore, John H. tailor
Knapp, Peter R. transfered property to Timothy Smith
Knapp, Welling  
Knapp, William R.  
Knapp, Zephaniah  
Lawrence, Caleb  
Lawrence, Ira  
Lawrence, Leisley  
Leonard, Curtis H.  
Leonard, John L. acreage transfered from Alexr Seely
Livings, Joseph  
Lucas, James  
Lucas, Uriah  
Luce, Wm  
Mapes, David  
Mapes, Parshall  
McElroy, Henry South Creek
Miller, Caleb H. transfered property to James I. Osgood
Miller, Jonathan transfered 73 acres to Wm Parsall
Moore, Amos  
Moore, Israel transfered property to Wm Wells
Moore, James South Creek
Moore, Jesse Jr. South Creek
Moore, Joseph  
Moore, Theophilus  
Mosher, Humphrey tavern
Mosheur, Jerad  
Nichols, Draper  
Nickerson, Asahel  
Nickerson, Squire  
Nickolds, Eaton single freeman
Niven, Andrew  
Nobles, Alonzo C. transfered 1/2 sawmill & 90 acres to Hiram Ranney
Norris, Charles  
Norris, Edward  
Odell, Silas  
Odle, Robert acreage transfered from Timothy Roe
Osgood, Geo. M.  
Osgood, James I. house and lot, transfer to Monroe Rockwell
Osgood, John transfered 52 acres to Jerad Mosher and 44 acres transfered from Robert A. Perry
Osgood, Shubal  
Osgood, William  
Owens, Alanson out of town
Pearsol, William acreage transfered from Crosby & Barber and Jonathan Miller
Perry, Robt A. transfered 44 acres to John Osgood
Pettingale, John G. tailor, house and lot
Phelps, John single freeman
Pitt, John South Creek
Pitts, Luke N. South Creek
Potter, Elisha South Creek
Potter, Nickolas  
Ranney, Hirum  
Reed, John transfered acreage to Abm Wortendike
Reed, Nicholas L.  
Reid, Sevielle B. C.  
Reynolds, Peter South Creek
Rhodes, Daniel S.  
Roberts, D. W.  
Roberts, Edwd D.  
Roberts, John house and lot
Roe, James transfered 78 acres to Alexander Seely
Roe, Timothy transfered acreage to Roblurd Odell and Henry Beers
Rosell, James  
Rowley, Shubal  
Rowley, Shubul Jr. justice peace
Roy, Alexander  
Sargeant, David R. transfered acreage to Thomas Sargent
Sargent, Thomas shoemaker, transfered acreage to David R. Sargeant
Sayer, Whittington sawmill
Sayer, Whittington single freeman
Sayer, William  
Searles, G. transfered acreage to John Strong
Seely, Alexr acreage transfered to John T. Larnard
Seely, Alfred transfered acreage to Henry Collony
Seely, Benjn  
Seely, Caleb  
Seely, Charles transfered acreage to Hirum Ranney
Seely, James  
Seely, James Jr.  
Seely, Saml  
Seely, Strong transfered acreage to Solomon L. Smith
Seely, Wm  
Sergeant, Stephen  
Seymour & Selover South Creek
Shepard, Morris transfered acreage to Garret Comtin; acreage transfered from John Eddy
Sherman, Lemuel transfered acreage to Clark & Osgood and acreage transfered from Saml Brink
Shuart, Wm 84 acres in South Creek
Sixby, Ephraim transfered acreage to Geo. Pettingal
Smith, Solomon transfered acreage to Artimus Barnhart
Smith, Timothy  
Smith, William H. 6 acres transfered from Zephaniah Knapp
Snyder, Jacob  
Spalding, Edward  
Spencer, Joshua  
Stage, Henry  
Stiles, Daniel South Creek
Stiles, Kinney  
Stiles, Stephen South Creek
Still, Jacob acreage transfered from James M. Edsall
Strong, John  
Sturdevant, Elias L.  
Sturdevant, Jona sawmill
Sturdevant, Joseph  
Sturdivant, Joshua  
Terwilager, James  
Thompson, John South Creek
Thompson, William South Creek
Tubbs, Wm  
Ward, Harris  
Ward, Moses South Creek
Warner, Hiram  
Warner, James transfered 20 acres to Thomas Warner
Warner, Thomas  
Warner, Truman B.  
Wheeler, Laban  
Wiley, William P.  
Williams, James South Creek
Williams, Lynus South Creek
Wills, Wm  
Wilson, Estill  
Works, Joseph gone
Wortendyke, Abm transfered acreage to Silas Odell and acreage transfered from John Reed
dated Dec 14, 1835 Wm Osgood  

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 12/10/2000
By Joyce M. Tice