Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette Register 1902 - Yesterday's News |
These clippings from ancient
and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are
being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily
we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage
and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles
that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations
at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from
the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings. Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings. |
On Tuesday, December 31st Prof. Avery of Troy High School faculty and Marion Brown, of Montour Falls.
Henry Monro of Sylvania and Miss Grace L. Smith of Sullivan, Monday, December 23rd.
At the home of the bride’s parents in Mainesburg, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cudworth, Christmas day, Kate Cudworth to Robert M. Brodrick, both of that place.
Prof. W. D. Taylor of Troy to Miss Carrie E. Saxton of Wells, December 25th.
Mrs. Frances Spaudling Redington of Troy to Mr. Pliny Norcross of Janesville, Wis., Thursday, January 2nd.
Lewis Hiney of Burlington, and Miss Martha McClelland of Smithfield, were married Christmas by Rev. J. W. Nicholson at the M.E. parsonage at Waverly.
Cards are out for the marriage of Miss E. Myra Ball to Burtis W. Megie, both of East Troy.
Frank Baxter of Sullivan & Baxter of Ithaca, was married December 26 to Miss Nellie Benson, of Cattaraugus, N.Y., by the Rev. J. H. Bates. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Baxter left for Elmira for a short stay with friends, afterwards coming to Troy, where they are visiting Mr. Baxter’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Baxter will be at home at 338 East State street, Ithaca, after January 6th.
Many Troy friends of the groom will be interested in the following sketch appearing in the Williamsport Grit of December 29:
"Mr. John Manley Saxton of Towanda and Miss Marie Almira Hinckley of this city were united in marriage on Thursday evening at the home of the bride. The Rev. Elliot Armstrong, pastor of the Third Presbyterian church, performed the ceremony. The bride was attended by Miss Grace Hinckley and the groom by Mr. Benjamin Mitchell of Troy. The ushers were Messrs. Frank Hinckley and Edward Adams. The bride’s gown was made of white silk mulle over white taffeta. She carried a bouquet of white roses. Mr. and Mrs. Saxton will live in Towanda. The bride is a daughter of City Controller and Mrs. Herman Hinckley.
Married at the home of Mrs. B. A. Porter of Windfall on December 25th, 1901, her only daughter Eleanor H. to Glen P. Stevens of Granville.
The ceremony was performed at 5 o’clock and the bride and groom unattended, were met by the officiating clergyman, Rev. H. B. Allen. Due to the recent death of the father, simplicity being observed in all its details, it being the wish of the father that no postponements be made.
They will reside at Windfall.
Twenty-first Year, #989, Thursday, January 9, 1902
The following article appearing in the Elmira Advertiser of January 1st, contains complimentary words in recording the marriage of two estimable young people, who have lately come to be numbered among Troy’s inhabitants:
Miss Suffray Marion Roberts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Roberts and Royal Augustus Avery, Ph. D., of Troy, Pa., were united in marriage at 6 o’clock Tuesday evening December 31st, at the pleasant home of the bride’s parents on Main street. The officiating clergyman was Rev. .. B. Beadle, who read impressively the Methodist Episcopal church ring service. The wedding was an altogether quiet and informal affair so that the bride entered upon the new ..dation and the year amidst only a home gathering of her parents, relatives and few friends.
The bride is a talented scholarly young woman. She has graduated from Cook Academy in the class of ’92 and subsequently from the Cortland State Normal School. Teaching was her chosen profession, in which she attained through rank in the course of five years’ service in the schools of Gloversville.
The groom is a native of Glovensville and is a young man of strong and pleasing personality. He was graduated from Union college with the degree of Ph. D. and is now a successful teacher in the high school of Troy, Pa.
Among the guest from out of town were: Mrs. P. S. Avery and Miss Katherine Avery of Gloversville, mother and sister of the groom; Miss Bessie Speed of Ithaca, Mrs. A. W. Harris of Middleport, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knickerbocker, Miss Eva Frost and Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Manley of Elmira.
(Local News) Our readers with us extend congratulations to our popular town-people, B. A. Long and Addie L. Morse, who were united in marriage at the home of the bride on Saturday morning, January 4th, in a quiet manner, the ceremony being performed by Rev. L. H. Bush of the Disciple church. Mr. and Mrs. Long left the same morning and are enjoying the sights at the national capitol. Their return is expected the latter part of the week.
At the residence of M. E. Bailey in Troy, Saturday, January 4th B. A. Long and Miss Addie L. Morse, by Rev. L. H. Bush of the Disciple church.
Harry E. Bates of Troy and Miss Marian Tillotson, Tuesday, December 31st, at the home of Mrs. Clara Webster in Minnequa.
Marriage license has been issued to Chas. F. Larabee and Peggy Vanderpool, Troy.
Rodney Bunyan of LeRoy and Miss Emily Davis of Barclay, Christmas day.
On New Year’s day, at the home of Eugene Gregg in Elmira, T. Jefferson Waters of Highland and Miss Josie Morley, daughter of J. F. Morley of Burlington. Rev. Eli Pittman performed the ceremony.
Twenty-first Year, #990, Thursday, January 16, 1902
In Elmira, January 1, 1902, by Rev. George H. Haigh, Perley K. Ludington and Miss Sarah N. Wilcox, both of Sullivan township, Pa.
On Friday evening, January 106h, at the Alcazar hotel in Wellsborg, Dr. Frank L. Pratt of Bentley Creek, and Miss Pearl Wilcox of East Smithfield. Rev. D. D. Showers of the M.E. church performed the ceremony.
At. Waverly, Wednesday, January 8th, Miss Ella Hubbard and Mark Graham both of Smithfield, by Justice Hoagland.
At Waverly, Wednesday, January 8th, Miss Myrtle Fletcher of East Smithfield and James Darrow of Owens Mills, by Rev. J. W. Nichols.
Twenty-first Year, #991, Thursday, January 23, 1902
John H. Forbes of Hammondsport, N.Y., and Miss Iva May Burgess of Springfield were married at the home of the bride’s uncle, Frank Rutledge, at Elmira, on January 12th, Rev. S. E. Eastman officiating.
Mark Graham and Miss Hubbard, both of Smithfield, were married at Waverly on Wednesday, January 8th, by Justice Hoagland.
(Local News) At the Baptist parsonage in LeRoy, January 15th, by Rev. L. L. Grover, Myron Withey, of Union, and Miss Rosetta Crayton, of West Franklin.
Twenty-first Year, #993, Thursday, February 6, 1902
In Springfield at the Baptist parsonage, Feb. 5, by Rev. Philander Reynolds, William E. Leffingwell of Watkins, N.Y., and Mrs. Mary Walsh Murray of Bentley Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Woodin of Granville, celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary Wednesday, January 22nd. The aged couple are of 82 and 77 years, respectively. Six of their seven children, were among the number present at the pleasant occasion.
Twenty-first Year, #994, Thursday, February 13, 1902
A Matrimonial Tie.
On Wednesday at high noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Geiger of Mainsville, Pa., was the scene of a happy event, the marriage of their daughter Miss Edna to Dr. W. L. Rider of Troy, son of Jacob Rider of Calawissa, Pa. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dry of Mifflinville, Pa., in the presence of relatives of the bride and groom. Dr. and Mrs. Rider arrived in Troy Wednesday evening, and will make their home in the Rockwell house on West Main street, where his dental parlors are situated. We extend our best wishes to them for continued happiness and long lives of prosperity.
Twenty-first Year, #995, Thursday, February 20, 1902
(Alba News) Eric Warren and Emma Manley were married Tuesday night at Rev. Jope’s.
(Alba News) Will Clark was married Tuesday to one of Joe Becker’s girls.
At Alba, Tuesday, February 8th, Errett C. Warren of Canton township and Emma L. Manley of Troy township.
In Williamsport, February 11th, Miss Mary Reidy of Williamsport and Mr. John Wynne of Rochester, formerly of Troy.
Charles E. Simpson of Sayles and Miss Nellie Mason of West Franklin at the South Side parsonage at Elmira on Thursday, February 6th, by Rev. F. W. Reynolds.
Twenty-first Year, #996, Thursday, February 27, 1902
Geo. Peters and Miss Libbie Fitzgerald, both of Troy, Feb. 15th, at State Line.
Miss Matilda Alberrs of Troy, and Adelbert Seely of Minnequa, in Elmira, Wednesday, February 19th, by Rev. W. T. Henry, D. D.
Marriage license has been issued to Harry L. Holcomb and Amy E. West, LeRoy.
Twenty-first Year, #997, Thursday, March 6, 1902
Charles A. Gladke and Mrs. Nellie M. Peck, formerly of this place, were married in Ithaca, Feb. 24. Mr. Gladke will open a loan office in Ithaca.
Marriage license has been issued to Arthur H. Balmer of Southport and Frances Hakes of Wells.
In Elmira, Friday, Feb. 21, by Dr. W. T. Henry, Ernest Greeno of East Troy, and Alice Bradley of Granville.
Twenty-first Year, #998, Thursday, March 13, 1902
Harry Holcomb and Amy West of LeRoy, Feb. 26, at the home of the bride.
Marriage license has been granted to Jas. A. Chamberlain of East Smithfield and Maggie Campbell of Burlington.
Twenty-first Year, #1000, Thursday, March 27, 1902
Johnson Ammerman of New Jersey, and Miss Sadie Walborn, of Granville Centre, at the home of the bride’s parents, March 13th.
Miss Ethel Blackman of Sayre, and Frank L. Leonard of Burlington, Tuesday, March 18th.
Twenty-first Year, #1001, Thursday, April 3, 1902
Miss Frances Allen of Granville and Floyd Rathbun of East Troy, at the home of the bride Wednesday, March 19th.
Marriage license has been issued to Cola Lyon, Ward township, and Harriet Covert, Armenia.
At the Baptist parsonage at Waverly, Monday, March 17th, Richard W. Kennedy of East Smithfield and Miss Lucinda Reynolds of Sayre.
Twenty-first Year, #1002, Thursday, April 10, 1902
The engagement is announced of Frances E., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kennedy of East Troy, and W. LaCelle Granteer at Minnequa.
A delightful home wedding was celebrated Wednesday morning last week at the residence of Mrs. D’Alanson Overton, Towanda, the occasion being the marriage of her daughter Helen and Charles Laurence Humphrey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Humphrey. No invitations were issued and only the immediate relatives and a half dozen intimate friends witnessed the ceremony, which took place in the parlor; Dr. J. S. Stewart, pastor of the Presbyterian church, performed the ceremony.
A wedding breakfast followed the ceremony, after which Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey went on train No. 4 for a brief visit to New York city and New England points. They will reside with the bride’s mother on Main street.
This marriage, besides joining for life two young people very popular in society, unites two families that have been prominent in Towanda’s business and social life for many years. Mr. Humphrey is a member of the Reporter-Journal Printing company and a newspaper man of ability. –Towanda Review.
Quiet Home Wedding.
Surrounded by a pleasant company of near friends and relatives at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Strope at Burlington, on the evening of April 2 at 7 o’clock, Walter E. Melville and Miss Ethel Strope were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed by their pastor, Rev. F. H. Dickerson.
The bride wore a gray prunuella cloth, trimmed with blue silk and white applique lace. G. Manning Elsbree of Athens, a cousin of the groom was best man; Miss Florence Strope, sister of the bride was bridesmaid.
(Local News) A pleasant wedding took place at the home of Geo. L. Covert, at Covert Wednesday, April 2nd, when Hattie, his only daughter, was united in marriage to Colie Lyon of Ward twp. Mr. Harry Covert, the bride’s brother, was groomsman, and Miss Maude Lyon bridesmaid. Rev. Lyon of Alba officiated.
(Local News) J. A. James, Ph. D., of Rednor, Ohio, and Miss Clara M. Webster, of Mainesburg, were united in marriage, March 26, at 11 o’clock by Rev. J. T. Jones, of Ebensburg. After spending a few days in Pittsburg they will go to Radnor (as is), Ohio, to resided. –Mansfield Advertiser.
Ed Wright and Adda Loomis, of Alba, March 25th.
D. W. Allen of Luther’s Mills and Miss Lulu Dutton of Bumpville, Wednesday, April 2nd.
Walter E. Melville and Ethel Strope of Burlington, April 2nd.
Miss Mamie Sawdey and Earl Congdon of Fassett, March 26th.
Colie Lyon of Ward twp. And Hattie Covert of Covert, Wednesday, April 2nd.
Marriage license has been issued to Ralph Harkness, South Creek, and Lilla Woodard, Springfield.
Twenty-first Year, #1004, Thursday, April 24, 1902
Wedding at Burlington.
Miss Edith A. Johnson and Robert F. Hall were married at the M. E. parsonage at Burlington Tuesday, April 22d, by Rev. E. A. Huntington in the presence of a few friends. The bride is a young woman of excellent character and the groom an upright and diligent young man. They are both prominent in the church work at Fairview and the people of that place are to be congratulated that they will make their future home there.
(LeRoy News) The wedding of Floyd Jones and Louise Fellows, is to take place this week Wednesday.
In Elmira, April 17th, Miss Catherine St. John of Elmira to Edward Hoguhten of Sayre.
Floyd Jones and Louise Fellows of LeRoy, Wednesday, April 23rd.
Arthur Boughton and Lena Daniels, of Gillett, April 2nd.
Miss Frances Warner of Wells and D. J. Curren of Elmira, April 15th.
Twenty-first Year, #1005, Thursday, May 1, 1902
Thomas Wheeler and Miss Laura Williams of Elmira, Tuesday, April 22nd.
Mrs. Eva Scott of Rochester, and Frederick E. Blake of Hornellsville, at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. R. Willour in Troy, Wednesday, April 30th, by Squire B. A. Long.
Marriage licenses have been issued to Ezra A. Calkins and Ellen R. VanHorn, East Troy; Frank A. Brown and Daisy McClure, Coryland; Walter E. Lyon, Canton, and Irene Riley, Troy; Floyd Jones and Louise Fellows, LeRoy.
Richard Widderburn and Miss Florence Rumsey, both of Gillett, at Elmira on Sunday, April 13th, by Rev. F. W. Reynolds.
Laselle Granteer of Minnequa, and Miss Frances Kennedy of East Troy, April 30th.
The home of P. R. Warren at Granville Centre was the scene of a happy event on Saturday evening, April 26, when his daughter Mariam was united in marriage to Charles R. Snedeker of Towanda by Rev. Mansfield of East Troy. Mr. and Mrs. Snedeker left for Towanda Sunday afternoon where they will reside on Main street.
Twenty-first Year, #1006, Thursday, May 8, 1902
The Mansfield Advertiser gives the following particulars of the marriage in Elmira of a former Rutland girl; Miss Rownea B. Avery and Henry J. Gardner were united in marriage April 23, at 8 o’clock at the South Side Baptist church. Rev. F. W. Reynolds officiated. The bride was attended by Miss Ruth Blood, of Rutland, Pa. Tom Bush acted as best man.
The groom is a well known cigar maker of Elmira, and the bride is one of the most popular young women on the South Side.
An occasion whose pleasure not even a small-pox care could obscure, was the marriage on Wednesday evening, April 30th, at East Troy, of Miss Frances E. Kennedy of that place to LaCelle Granteer of Minnequa.
To the strains of the wedding march rendered by Miss Katherine Welch, the bridal party, consisting of Rev. H. Eldon Mansfield, the Misses Kennedy and Granteer as attendants on the contracting parties, followed by the bride and groom, descended the stairs and took their positions beneath an arch of evergreen tied with white ribbon.
Here, while the little company of guests continued standing, the momentous nuptial words were pronounced and the happy pair received the hearty congratulations of their friends.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, the company repaired to the dining room and did ample justice to the tempting collation set before them by the fair hands of Misses Ethelyn Kennedy and Bessie Welch.
Mr. and Mrs. Granteer will be at home at Minnequa after May 15.
Daisy McClure and Frank A. Brown of Coryland, April 30th.
Twenty-first Year, #1007, Thursday, May 15, 1902
Married at the home residence of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. VanHorn near East Troy, Pa., Wednesday evening April 30th at 6 o’clock, by Rev. J. L. Phoenix, grand-father of the bride, Ezra A. Calkins and Miss Ellen VanHorn, both of East Troy, two of our most popular young people and successful teachers.
As Miss Stella, sister of the bride, played the wedding march the contracting party entered the parlor and took their position beneath an arch of evergreen and white flowers. While the guests remained standing the happy couple were soon pronounced one. After receiving congratulations from the many friends all repaired to the dining room where an elegant supper was served, superintended by Frances VanHorn. The bride and groom, accompanied by their young friends to the depot, departed for a short trip. We are glad to note that they intend to make their future home near this place.
The elegant home of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Innes was transformed into a veritable conservatory of palms and pink and white flowers, most artistically arranged under the direction of Rawson, the Elmira florist, on the occasion of the marriage of their elder daughter, Edith May to Mr. Arthur Gardner McKinley, of Chicago, which occurred on Wednesday evening. Guest to the number of 150 had arrived, when promptly at the stroke of 8, Mr. Ernest E. Landon, accompanied by Miss Jennie Owen, sang the beautiful solo, "Aways," and just as the last strain had died away Mulcare'’ Elmira orchestra, stationed in the upper hall rendered the wedding march from ""Lohengrin""as the bridal party entered the west parlor preceded by Masters John and Dan Innes and Misses Gertrude and Margaret Innes, brothers and sisters of the bride, and Master Edward Innes and Miss Charlotte Innes, the brides cousins, who formed a ribbon aisle for the party. The Rev. Edward P. Morse, pastor of the Troy Presbyterian church, the officiating clergyman, took is position in the south end of the parlor, which was heavily banked with palms and flowers, and was followed by the groom and his best man, Mr. Arthur Hunter, of Duluth, Minn. The bridesmaid, Miss Anne Williams came next and was followed by the bride, leaning on the arm of her father. During the beautiful and impressive ring ceremony in Scottish form, the strains of the orchestra came floating softly down; and at its conclusion Mr. and Mrs. McKinley received the congratulations of family and friends.
The ceremony was followed by a sumptuous dinner, the bride’s table being exquisitely trimmed with pink and white flowers, this color scheme prevailed throughout all the decorations.
Dancing was enjoyed until nearly midnight, when it was discovered that the bride and groom had quietly slipped away and taken the train at Cedar Ledge for a tour to Old Point Comfort, Washington, New Port News and other southern places, after which they will be at home to their friends at 31d and Grand Boulevard, Chicago.
Among those present from out of town were: E. W. Richardson and wife, of New York; Judson K. Innes, wife and daughter, of Binghamton; John Saxton and wife, of Towanda; Arthur W. Hunter, of Duluth, Minn.; J. H. Eastgate and wife, Mrs. C. G. Sayles and Miss Ethel, Miss Helen J. Innes, Eli Personius and wife, Lewis Cassada and wife, Edward Warner and wife, Mrs. Peter Schornstheimer, Mrs. W. T. Chadbourne, Miss Elizabeth Sullivan, Antonie Romer, Charles Romer, John Huston, Fred Potter, and Nat McHenry, of Elmira; Mrs. E. J. Sweet of Williamsport; Miss Ada Cochran, of Middletown, Del.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Innes, Theodore, Anson and Miss Helen Innes, of Bodines; Mrs. Adam Innes, of Marsh Hill; Mrs. M. E. Rockwell, of Clifton Springs, N.Y.; Harry Knowlton and wife, of Granville Center; Rev. and Mrs. E. P. Morse, Misses Irene Long, Jessie Hillis, Amelia Lamkin, and Henrietta Shotts, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Linderman, Mrs. Fannie Porter, O. P. Ballard, Ed. Grant, Fred VanDyne and Leon Budd of Troy.
H. Fred Palmer and Florence Holcomb of LeRoy, Wednesday, May 7th.
E. Lloyd Lewis and ruby Grace Mason, of LeRoy, Wednesday, May 7.
Walter E. Lyon of Canton and Irene Riley of Troy, at Susquehanna, May 1st, by Rev. E. E. Riley.
Twenty-first Year, #1008, Thursday, May 22, 1902
(Local News) Mrs. Elizabeth L. Anthony, better known as Mrs. C. E. Boyce, was married at the Southside Baptist church at Elmira on Sunday evening last week, by the Rev. F. W. Reynolds, to Ralph Willard Murphy, of Rochester, N.Y. They will reside in Rochester. –Mansfield Advertiser.
William Willey, and Mrs. Beatrice Williams of East Smithfield, Friday, May 16th.
Twenty-first Year, #1009, Thursday, May 29, 1902
(Columbia X Roads News) Cards are out announcing the coming marriage of Lillian Eloise King and Foster Ray Strong, of this place. The writer joins in hearty congratulations.
Twenty-first Year, #1010, Thursday, June 5, 1902
(Local News) A marriage license was issued at Lancaster, Tuesday, to George W. Harmon, aged 66 and Mary Berkheiser, aged 15.
(Local News) The wedding of Miss Lillian King and Foster Strong of Columbia X Roads, was solemnized at the home of the bride’s parents Thursday, Rev. Ward Mosher of Troy pronouncing the marriage rites.
(Local News) Invitations have been issued for the wedding of Miss Bessie Louise Johnson, one of Troy’s popular young ladies, and John Henry McClelland, of Elmira to occur on Wednesday evening, June 11th, at the home of the bride’s parents.
(Local News) Miss Marion Foster of Granville and VanNess Alexander of Sylvania, both estimable young people well known here, were married at the home of the bride’s parents Sunday by Rev. A. G. Cameron of Sylvania.
Twenty-first Year, #1011, Thursday June 12, 1902
(Local News) Francis King and Miss Katherine McCarthy were married at St. Michael’s church on Wednesday afternoon by Rev. Father Connelly. Afterwards a reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCarthy, where a delicious wedding feast was served. –Canton Sentinel.
(Columbia X Roads News) A very pretty wedding took place at the home of the bride’s mother on Thursday evening, June 5ht, when Lillian Eloise King and Foster Ray Strong were united in marriage by Rev. Ward Mosher. Following the ceremony the bridal party and guests sat down to a sumptuous wedding supper.
Among the guests from out of town were: Rev. and Mrs. Ward Mosher, Geo. Sargeant, wife and daughter of wife and daughters of Corning; Mrs. J. B. Rice, C. E. Hogaboom wife and daughter of Elmira; John Stout of Rutland; Mr. and Mrs. Kay of Forksville; Asa Wilcox, wife and daughter of Wells, and Anna Wilson of Austinville.
(Columbia X Roads News) Married, on Wednesday, June 4th, at St. Patrick’s Church, Elmira, by the Rev. Father McCrone, Mary Chaplin of Elmira and G. P. Blake of this place. W. H. Blake, a brother of the groom was best man, and Johanna Chaplin, sister of the bride was bridesmaid.
In the evening a reception was given at the home of the groom’s sister, Mrs. M. W. DeLaney, 405 Pennsylvania Avenue. They will begin housekeeping here, the groom being assistant foreman on the Northern Central railroad.
Miss Bessie Johnson, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Johnson, and Mr. John Henry McClelland were married at the home of the bride Wednesday evening, June 11, by Rev. T. A. Hughes, pastor of the First Baptist church.
The bride is a young lady of high social standing an a faithful attendant of the Baptist church.
The groom is a young man highly respected and honored among his Troy associates. During his residence in Troy he was an employee of Cleaver & Greene. Their future home will be in Elmira where the groom is employed in Doolittle’s store.
Among the guests from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnson, Miss Ada Abbott, Mrs. Hiram Smith and daughter Marcella and Mr. Truman Morse, of Elmira; Miss Jennie Robisnon, Bentley Creek; Mrs. Emma Kerrick, Niles Valley.
Twenty-first Year, #1012, Thursday, June 19, 1902
H. W. Grace and Mary Dickinson of Burlington, at Towanda by Rev. E. J. Rosengrant, Wednesday, June 11th.
On Friday, June 6, at Wellsburg, Denton Ballard of Leona, and Miss Mary Brooks of Saco.
Twenty-first Year, #1012, Thursday, June 19, 1902
(Alba News) Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Mary Newell to John Sponanberg.
(Local News) Arthur McMahon and Scott McKean went to Elmira Tuesday evening to attend the wedding of their friend and a former Troy boy, Archie V. Mason of Falls Creek, Pa., and Miss Mamie Barber of Elmira at the home of the bride’s parents.
The bride and groom will make their home at Falls Creek, where Mr. Mason has an excellent position in a glass works.
Married at the residence of W. A. Brown, on Wednesday, June 18 at noon, by Rev. T. Balentine, Miss Frances E. Brown of Leona to Mr. Louis Schumaker of Esmond, DeKalb county, Illinois. About forty of her relatives and friends, by their presence, with their presents, assisted in making the occasion a very pleasant one. They departed for their future home in Esmond after the festivities.
Twenty-first Year, #1013, Thursday, June 26, 1902
Marriage licenses have been issued to Fred Wilson Crofut of Long Valley and Ruby Isabelle Warren, Granville Center.
Twenty-first Year, #1014, Thursday, July 3, 1902
In Elmira, June 25th, at the Lake Street Presbyterian parsonage, by Rev. R. Lew Williams, Edith E. Yaw and Otis H. Morley, both of Hector, N.Y.
Marriages license has been given to Herbert W. Brown, East Smithfield and Sadie E. McKinney, Ulster.
Twenty-first Year, #1015, Thursday, July 10, 1902
Marriage licenses have been issued to Ned Fairbanks and Myra Harris, West Franklin.
Charles H. Burnham, Mountain Lake, and Gertrude M. King, Sayles.
Theodore A. Patterson and Grace A. Lampman, West Burlington.
In Elmira, June 27, 1902, by Rev. G. H. Haigh Ainsley G. McConnell of Roseville, Pa., and Edna L. VanFleet, of Ralston, Pa.
At Mainesburg, Pa., June 18, 1902, by Rev. W. E. Shugg, Louis N. Smith, of Waverly, and Lettie Austin of Mainesburg.
A marriage of interest to many people throughout the country was that of Miss Chrystiana Griffith of Wyalusing township, and Robert Pancoast Baker of Coastesville, Pa., which took place on Monday evening at 7:30 o’clock in the Presbyterian church at Wyalusing. The bride is a daughter of A. T. Griffith and wife, former residents of Burlington township, and later of Towanda. The groom is superintendent in the steel mills at Coatesville.
The ceremony was performed by Rev. T. S. Armentrout. The ushers were Ashton and Roy Griffith, brothers of the bride, W. W. Young of Coatesville and Dr. J. T. Marsden of Towanda. The brides maids were Miss Annie Hillis of Atchison, Kan., Miss Baker of Coatesville, Misses Rebecca and Eliza Griffith. The best man was William Griffith and maid of honor Miss Alice Griffith, brother and sister of the bride.
Twenty-first Year, #1017, Thursday, July 24, 1902
Martin Ashley of Mainesburg and Mrs. Margaret Rorapough of Wellsburg at the bride’s home, July 12.
Marriage license has been issued to Fred A. Williams, Troy, and Helen Ayres, Troy.
Twenty-first Year, #1019, Thursday, August 7, 1902
Married His First Love.
Charles N. Shepard of Horseheads, and Miss Frances E. Sayles of Granville, were united in marriage at 3 o’clock on Monday afternoon by Dr. E. Rosengrant, pastor of the Towanda M. E. church. The present Mrs. Shepard was her husband’s first love 30 years ago. They drifted apart, he married and raised a family of children. Now they are united and happy. –Towanda Review.
Twenty-first Year, #1020, Thursday, August 14, 1902
(Local News) The marriage of John Sheeler and Mrs. Hattie Gerould of Smithfield, recently occurred at the home of the bride’s parents.
Twenty-first Year, #1021, Thursday, August 21, 1902
Lee Peters and Miss Carrie Pettingill, both of Leona, on Sunday evening, Aug. 10, at East Troy, by Rev. M. A. Soper.
Twenty-first Year, #1022, Thursday, August 28, 1902
(Coryland News) Edwin Swayze and wife have issued invitations for the marriage of their daughter, Ethel J. to Frank W. Carmon of Philadelphia, September 10th at their home in this place.
(Local News) Claude Allen and Miss Anna Kelly, both of West Burlington, were married at the Grace reunion held at Big Pond, Aug. 27th. This is a new feature for reunions.
Twenty-first Year, #1023, Thursday, September 4, 1902
(Local News) Invitations have been issued for the marriage on Tuesday evening, Sept. 9, of Miss Nellie K. Blakesley of Athens, and Andrew H. Sawtelle, of Sayre.
Twenty-first Year, #1024, Thursday, September 11, 1902
(Local News) Miss Lenz Brown of Wells, and Judson Andrus of Gillett, were recently united in marriage.
(Local News) Walter Mattocks and Mabel Owen were married at the home of the bride in Elmira Wednesday evening, Sept. 10. Both are well known in Troy.
Robert M. Brown of Burlington township, and Miss Nina M. Eaton of Wells were united in marriage at the Southside Baptist parsonage in Elmira on June 29, by Rev. F. W. Reynolds. The affair has been kept a guarded secret, only the parents of the bride and groom were told of it. The bride is an estimable young lady, the only child of Allen Eaton and wife, and the groom is highly spoken of as an honorable young man of excellent habits. Mr. and Mrs. Brown will soon go to housekeeping in Wells, where the lady has always resided, and their legion of friends will extend to them hearty good wishes.
Twenty-first Year, #1025, Thursday, September 18, 1902
(Local News) Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Anna Wilson of Austinville to Sidney V. McClelland of Columbia X Roads, to take place at the home of the bride, Wednesday, September 24th.
Twenty-first Year, #1026, Thursday, September 25, 1902
(Alba News) Miss Belle Porter was married the 17th, at the home, to Mr. Braisted.
At the home of the bride’s parents in Springfield, in the evening of September 18th, 1902, Sidney J. Patterson and Lydia E., daughter of Clarence Newbery and wife, were united in marriage, Rev. Philander Reynolds officiating. The house was beautifully decorated with vines and flowers. Only the immediate families of the bride and groom were present. After the company had partaken of a bountiful repast the bride and groom took the 9 o’clock train at Col. X Roads intending to make an extended wedding trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Patterson are a very estimable young couple, and are followed by the well wishes of a host of friends.
At the home of the bride’s father, Rev. W. H. Porter, in Alba, September 17th, occurred the marriage of his daughter, Lizzie Belle to Rev. William E. Braisted of Antrim, N.H. The ceremony was performed by the father of the bride, using the beautiful ring service.
The bride is a graduate of Cook Academy, and later has held an important position as head nurse in the private hospital at Amityville, Long Island.
The bridegroom is pastor of the First Baptist church at Antrim and a graduate of the Newton Theological Seminary of Boston.
Guests were present from Hornellsville, Avoca, Saratoga Springs, Charleston, Canton, Troy and other places.
Ben Dunn and Daisy Rockwell of LeRoy, Wednesday, September 10th.
Anna E. Wilson of Austinville, to Sidney V. MacClelland of Columbia X Roads, Wednesday, September 24th.
Twenty-first Year, #1027, Thursday, October 2, 1902
At the Hedding Methodist parsonage, West Clinton St., Elmira, on September 25th, 1902. Ephraim Mosher of Burlington, Pa., and Mrs. Harriet A. Young of Troy, Pa., Rev. F. T. Keeney, pastor of church, officiating.
Wm. B. Brown of Franklindale and Jennie Williams of Granville, September 4th, at the home of the bride’s parents, by Rev. M. E. Genge.
(Local News) The news has been received here of the marriage of Vivian Edgar Hill of South Haven, a son of E. J. Hill, formerly of Troy, to Miss Harriet Lucetia Beebe of South Haven.
Twenty-first Year, #1028, Thursday, October 9, 1902
A pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Patrick’s church Wednesday afternoon at two o’clock, when Miss Isabell Nolan and Mr. Francis Powers were united in marriage by Rev. D. J. Bustin. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Katharine Nolan and the groom by Mr. Dan Whalen. After the ceremony a sumptuous dinner was served at the home of the bride’s mother on Florence avenue. After a short trip they will be at home at 81 Murray street.-Binghamton paper, Oct. 2.
Mr. Powers formerly resided in Troy, where he has many friends.
(Alba News) Earl Case and Effie Seeley were married Oct. 1, at Elmira.
Twenty-first Year, #1029, Thursday, October 16, 1902
(Local News) The marriage of Judson Morrell of Wells and Frances Stevens of Mosherville, occurred recently in Elmira.
Miss Florence E. Hibbard and Leon J. Foster of Elmira, Wednesday, October 8th, at the Lake Street Presbyterian parsonage in that city, by Rev. R. Lew Williams.
Dr. Willour Married.
At the home of his sister, Mrs. J. Frank Groman at the "Norwood" in Waverly. Dr. L. Scott Willour of Granville was married to Miss Mary Holmes of Easton, Pa., on Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Frank Cady of Sayre officiating. The ceremony was witnessed by the immediate relatives. Dr. and Mrs. Willour came to Troy Tuesday evening, on their way to their home in Granville, and have the congratulation of many friends.
Married at Washington.
Miss Minnie E. Terry of Canton, left Wednesday morning for Washington, D. C., where she was married that evening to Alfred Foster, of Pathfinder, D.C. The groom is an employer of the "Pathfinder" publishing company, a native of Granville Centre, and was for a number of years an efficient clerk at H. S. Leonard & Sons in Troy. The bride has, until a year past, been a resident of Troy, and was for a number of years a teacher in our High School, her resignation from this position last year being received here with great regret.
Twenty-first Year, #1030, Thursday, October 23, 1902
Chas. H. Wiggins and Miss Grace Crofut, both of West Franklin, were married at the home of H. E. Taylor and wife, South Second street Towanda, Wednesday evening, by Rev. E. J. Rosengrant. They left for a week’s visit with relatives in Binghamton and Sayre, after which they will be at home in West Franklin.
(Local News) Julius Born, aged 33 and Mrs. Viola Moyer, aged 50, his mother-in-law, were married at Syracuse, Sunday.
Miss Arloa Griswold and Arthur J. Brown of LeRoy, Wednesday, October 15th at the home of her parents, D. A. Griswold and wife.
Twenty-second Year, #1032, Thursday, November 6, 1902
(Local News) The wedding of Miss Katharine Mullaney formerly of Troy, to Richard Drislane of Towanda, took place today in Towanda, November 6ht.
At the First Baptist church Wednesday evening at 7:30 o’clock occurred the marriage of Miss Florence L. Wood and Norman B. Leslie, Esq., both of this village. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Frank Wood of Troy, Bradford county, and is an accomplished and competent woman and the prospective groom is one of the brightest of the younger members of the bar. After the ceremony and congratulations the bridal party boarded the train No. 10 for Niagara Falls and on their return will begin housekeeping in a cozy little home on Cone street. Many friends tender hearty congratulations in advance. Only relatives, intimate friends and invited guests were bidden to the ceremony. –Wellsboro Advocate.
Mr. And Mrs. Leslie are visiting her brother, Horace Wood, in Troy, arriving today.
Early Ferren and Miss Lille Queal of Wells, Wednesday, October 29th.
At Millport, N.Y., October 29th, by Rev. I. B. Hyde, Riley P. Allen and Eliza Ruggles, both of East Troy, PA.
Twenty-second Year, #1033, Thursday, November 13, 1902
(Local News) Mrs. M. M. Bostley announces the engagement of her daughter Anna, to F. Willard Brautigaum of Mont Clair, N.J. -–owanda Review.
Twenty-second Year, #1034, Thursday, November 20, 1902
(LeRoy News) Married, at the home of Z. T. Fellows in LeRoy, Sunday morning, November 2nd, at 6 o’clock, Miss Nellie Fellows to Ernest H. Holcomb, of the firm of E. A. Holcomb & Son. Only the immediate relatives were present. The young couple boarded the train at Canton for a short wedding trip west. They will reside at LeRoy.
(LeRoy News) At the home of the groom in West LeRoy, occurred the wedding of John Kelley to Miss May Northrup, Wednesday evening, October 22nd, at seven o’clock, a large number of friends and relatives being present. The groom is a son of Isaac Kelley deceased. The bride formerly resided at New Albany. Guests were present from Williamsport, Canton, Towanda, Overton, New Albany and Monroeton. A bountiful repast was served by the groom’s mother and sisters. The wedding trip was postponed.
(Local News) Charles Benson and Clarina Sherman of Roseville, were recently married at State Line by Rev. J. VanKirk.
(Local News) Invitations have been issued for the marriage at the bride’s home of Ora, daughter of T. F. Palmer and wife of Mansfield, and Frederick Tubbs of Sylvania.
Twenty-second Year, #1036, Thursday, December 4, 1902
(Alba News) Miss Alta Becker and Claud Packard were married Wednesday morning, the 26th.
(Alba News) Miss Susie Brooks and Walter Campbell were married at the home of the brides parents, Thanksgiving at noon.
Miss Maud Packard and Levi Thomas were married Thanksgiving evening.
Twenty-second Year, #1039, Thursday, December 25, 1902
(Windfall News) Phil Packard of this place and Miss Mabel Case of Granville
Centre, were married on Saturday, December 20th.