Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette Register 1902 - Yesterday's News |
These clippings from ancient
and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are
being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily
we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage
and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles
that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations
at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from
the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings. Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings. |
Twenty-first Year, #1005, Thursday, May 1, 1902
Death of Mrs. Benj. VanHorn.
Mrs. Ada M. VanHorn, aged 46, the widow of Mr. Benjamin C. VanHorn, died of consumption Saturday morning, April 196h at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Helen Shaw, where she had spent the nine weeks preceding her death. She had been ill for a year past, or more.
Mrs. VanHorn was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Morgan of Sylvania, where she lived till her marriage to Mr. VanHorn 28 years ago., after which she resided in Wellsboro. She is survived by her son, George VanHorn of Wellsboro, by her brother Watson Morgan of Sylvania, and by five sisters and one half-sister, who except Mrs. Edward Howard of Antrim, and Mrs. James Lowman of Athens, live in the west.
Funeral services, conducted by Rev. Dr. A. C. Shaw, were held from Mrs. VanHorn’s home Monday afternoon. –Wellsboro Agitator.
Mrs. Rosetta Maria Bunyan.
Mrs. Rosetta Marie Bunyan died at the home of her son George in LeRoy April 24th of general debility, aged 88 years. She moved from the place in Granville known as the old homestead four years ago, and has been a constant care ever since. Her husband died twenty years ago. Eleven children were born to them, eight of whom are now living: Mrs. Mary Jackson of Montour Falls, Mrs. Anna Wright of Granville Centre, Mrs. Newton Landon of Canton, Mrs. John Duart of Elmira Heights, Mrs. Omera Shepard and Mrs. Dayton Saxton of Granville, Andrew of Canton and George of LeRoy. Besides the eight children there are thirty-four grandchildren, fifteen great grandchildren and three great-great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon in the Disciple church at Granville Centre. Interment in the Granvill Centre cemetery.
Mrs. I. C. Lane.
Mrs. I. C. Lane of Highland, passed away April 11th, at her daughter’s home in Lockwood, N. Y. She leaves a large circle of friends to mourn her loss. She leaves two children, Mrs. Samanthia Brown of Lockwood, N. Y., and W. E. Lane of Luthers Mills, and one sister who lives in Towanda. The body was brought to Luthers Mills and interred Sunday, April 13th.
S. T. Riggs of Windfall, Thursday, April 22nd.
Mrs. Reuben Stiles of East Troy, Friday, April 29th, of consumption aged 72 years.
Mrs. Lydia Hazelton died last week at her home in Lansing, Iowa. Deceased was a sister of Mrs. Hiram Wilson and Mrs. Hila Stanton of Troy.
Mrs. Daniel McClure, at her home in Rutland, Thursday, April 24th, of appendicitis.
William S. Ludington, of Syracuse, Sunday, April 27th, aged 64 years. Deceased was a brother of A. O. Ludington of Troy.
(Local News) Mrs. N. L. Bird of Smithfield has received news of the death of her mother, Mrs. Hannah Niles of Burlingame, who recently celebrated her one-hundredth birthday.
(Windfall News) S. T. Riggs, an old and respected citizen, died at his home of pneumonia on Tuesday of last week. The funeral was held on Thursday and was attended by a large concourse of friends and relatives. Rev. Harry Allen officiated.
(Windfall News) Mrs. Frances Shoemaker, who went to the hospital at Williamsport a few days ago for treatment, died on Saturday of last week. The funeral was held Monday afternoon and was largely attended. Rev. H. B. Allen officiated, assisted by Rev. H. L. Mansfield.
Twenty-first Year, #1006, Thursday, May 8, 1902
Mrs. Lydia Hazelton.
Mrs. Lydia Hazelton of Lansing, Iowa, whose death was announced last week, was the daughter of Rufus Rockwell of this place, and the ninth in a family of thirteen. She is survived by her husband and four children, and by the following brothers and sisters: Edward C. Rockwell of San Marcial, N.Y.; Sheldon N. Rockwell of Southern Pines, N. C.; Glycon A. Rockwell of Portland, Oregon; Mary B. Wilson and Hila R. Stanton of Troy; Mrs. Calphernia R. Thomas of Gaitherburg, Md.; and Mrs. Emma R. Purdy of Wankon, Iowa. A girlhood recalled by many of our old residents ripened into a womanhood of unusual strength and beauty, and the influence which she exerted was a radiant and uplifting one. She was greatly beloved, and will long be sincerely mourned.
Miss Jane Gustin, of Troy, May 30, aged 86 years.
Twenty-first Year, #1007, Thursday, May 15, 1902
Mrs. Reuben Stiles.
Mrs. Reuben Stiles of East Troy, whose death on Friday, April 24th, was previously noted, left a wide circle of friends who sincerely mourn the departure of this much beloved woman. She was a consistent member of the Methodist church, and manifested here as at all times, her Christ-like nature. She was also a member of the Ladies’ Aid Society.
Mrs. Stiles was born in Troy township on the Hickok farm in 1834. Her maiden name was Phoebe Ann Hickok. She was married about fifty years ago to Reuben Stiles. Three children were born to them. Bert, who died in 1895 of typhoid fever, Robert of Elmira, and one daughter, Mrs. H. F. Weigand of Austin. Deceased is survived by her husband, son and daughter.
Funeral services were held at her late home on Monday, April 27th, conducted by Rev. Ward Mosher of Troy.
Fanny, daughter of Frank Elliot of Minnequa, May 1st, of diphtheria.
Edward Watkins of Troy, an old member of the G.A.R., Friday, May 9th, of dropsy, aged 68 years. Funeral services held at his late residence Sunday afternoon.
Ansel S. Treat.
Ansel S. Treat was born in the town of Caroline, Steuben Co., N.Y., in the years 1824 and died at his home in Ridgebury, Pa., April 28, 1902 age 78 years. He leaves a wife and eight children to mourn their loss.
Funeral services were held at the house May 1st conducted by Rev. S. Barrett. Interment at Greatsingers Corners, N.Y.
Twenty-first Year, #1009, Thursday, May 22, 1902
Death of Louis Garrison.
Louis Garrison died at 1:30 o’clock Tuesday morning last week at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Miller at Greenes Landing at the age of 82 years. He was a resident of Leona but came there with his wife last fall to spend the winter with relatives. The cause of his death was advanced age. He is survived by his wife, four daughters and one son, Mrs. Miller, Greenes Landing, Mrs. F. Pierce and Mrs. Ezra Baxter, Troy; and Mrs. J. Blish, Delaware county, N.Y., and Chas. Garrison, Illinois.
A short prayer service was held at the house Thursday morning, after which the body was taken to Leona, where further services were held, and interment in the Leonard cemetery.
Katherine Quinn, of Troy twp., May 10th, of consumption, aged 18 years.
Welcome Lafayette Kenyon, of Troy twp., May 19th, aged 68 years. Funeral services were held from the late home on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o’clock, conducted by Rev. T. A. Hughes of the Baptist Church.
Charles A. Ferguson, of Fassett, Wednesday, May 14th, aged 60 years.
Sylvester Kendall of Windfall Wednesday, May 14th.
Death of Hon. C. F. Nichols.
Hon. C. F. Nichols, one of the best known citizens of Athens, passed away at his home there on Saturday morning, after an illness of considerable duration. Mr. Nichols was born in Burlington township, this county, on October 2, 1814. He was the eldest of a family of five children and was educated in the common schools and at the academies in Waverly and Troy. He taught school for several years as a young man and in 1851 began farming, an occupation he followed until 1869 except for the time spent as a soldier in the Civil war. He served nearly a year in Company B, 207th Pennsylvania. He was about this time a clerk in the Towanda post office for a couple of years, and in the 70’s went to Kansas, where he was elected and served a term of four years as justice of the peace.
In 1884 he returned to Elmira, coming to Towanda again next year and remaining until 1888, when he moved to Athens, where he lived until his death. His life has been a busy and a useful one. He was elected an auditor of Bradford county in 1853; in 1856 he was elected a member of the State legislature and reelected for the next term. In 1873 he received the appointment of sergeant at arms of the house of representatives. Politically he was a republican; he was prominently identified with Perkins Post, G.A.R. For many years he served as justice of the peace in Athens. He is survived by his wife, one son A. E. Nichols of Huntingdon, Pa., and one daughter, Mrs. L. H. Woodward of Athens.
Funeral services were held Monday forenoon, and the interment at Mountain Lake. –Towanda Review.
(Windfall News) Sylvester Kendall, who has been ill for nearly a year, died at the home of his son Orange at this place Wednesday, May 14th. The funeral was at the M. E. church Saturday, May 17th, Rev. Allen officiating. A wife and for sons, Orange of this place, Joseph and Ephraim of LeRoy, and Laurence of Michigan, survive him.
Twenty-first Year, #1009, Thursday, May 29, 1902
Isaac C. Adams.
Isaac C. Adams, for the past few months a resident of Towanda, died at his home on State street, Monday morning at 5 o’clock, after a long and painful illness with blood poisoning. He was 54 years of age and is survived by his wife, one son, B. F. Adams, and one daughter, Miss Winnie Adams, both living at Rome. Funeral services were held at Rome Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. Adams was a son of Bela Adams of Springfield. He owned a fine farm at Allis Hollow and with his son was largely engage in raising fine poultry. Ill health compelled him to relinquish active work and he came to Towanda last Spring to reside. He was a man universally respected by his neighbors and business associates. –Towanda review.
Glen Cole, of Alba, Saturday, May 24th.
Nathan H. Johnson of Franklindale, Saturday, May 17th.
Mrs. Lewis Winston.
The funeral of Mrs. Lewis Winston, who died two weeks ago in Elmira, took place at the home of her son, Newell Winston, of Binghamton, N.Y.
Mrs. Winston was born in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., in 1828, where she joined with the Methodist Episcopal church in early girlhood, but for many years was a resident of Troy, Pa., where she loved neighbors and friends. The death of her son’s wife and only daughter Ethel, took her away from the associates and the town which she loved so well.
Mrs. Winston leaves beside her husband, three children, Newell Winston, Mrs. G. C. VanPatten of Binghamton, and Mrs. Chas. G. Manley of Philadelphia. The remains were taken to their last resting place, laden with beautiful flora tributes.
Twenty-first Year, #1010, Thursday, June 5, 1902
(Local News) The body of Mrs. J. J. Fennell of Colorado City, whose death was noted in the Register at the time, is being brought to Troy for burial. The remains are accompanied by Mr. Fennell and son and Miss Alice Grimes, sister of the deceased. The body of a daughter of Mrs. Fennell, who died about three years ago, is being brought for burial beside the body of her mother.
Twenty-first year, #1011, Thursday, June 12, 1902
(Local News) William Henry McClelland, father of John Henry McClelland, died very suddenly at his home in Mansfield yesterday.
(Windfall News) Mrs. H. W. Jennings died very suddenly at her home Friday evening. Funeral service was held at the Methodist church Sunday afternoon and was largely attended. Rev. H. L. Mansfield of East Troy officiated.
(Windfall News) Chauncey Fitch died at his home Saturday night of last week. Funeral service was held Tuesday afternoon, Rev. H. B. Allen officiating.
(Local News) Urban Shores, of Wysox township, aged 72 years, committed suicide last week by downing in a shallow fish pond on his farm.
(Coryland News) The remains of Eben E. Dunning, who died at the Arnot-Ogden Hospital in Elmira last Monday, of hemorrhage of the lungs was brought to this place for interment last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. William Gustin of Elmira, Mr. and Mrs. O. Edsall of Pine City accompanied the remains.
Twenty-first Year, #1012, Thursday, June 19, 1902
Mrs. Sylvia Williams of Springfield, June 10th, of general debility, aged 80 years.
Miss I. Baldwin of East Troy, June 12th, aged 52 years.
Thomas Knights of Troy, June 12th, aged 64 years.
Mrs. Henry W. Jennings of Granville Summit, Friday, June 6th, heart trouble, aged 74 years. She leaves besides her husband, two sons, Fred of this place and Frank of Towanda. Internment in Windfall cemetery.
Chauncey Fitch of Granville Summit Saturday, June 7th, of paralysis.
(Bentley Creek News) Death once more claimed its own by calling from us our friend and neighbor, Mrs. Harvey Fay, who passed away on Tuesday morning, June 10th. The diseased has long been a sufferer of spinal diseases.
She leaves, to mourn her loss, her husband and five children, Mrs. John Lewis of Elmira, N.Y., Mrs. Lee Abner of Bentley Creek, Mrs. Will Moore of Gillett, Pa., two sons, Fred and Edd of Bentley Creek and one brother, Will Ostrander of Gillett.
The remains were laid at rest in the Bentley Creek Cemetery.
W. L. Kenyon.
Welcom Lafayette Kenyon passed to his reward on May 19. He was born on his farm in Springfield and lived there all his days. In 1860 he joined the Baptist church of that town and a few years later he joined his membership to the First Baptist church of Troy, where he remained a constant member till his departure for our midst. In 1872 he was married to Esther Barrett, daughter of John and Caroline Barrett. The deceased was a son of Nathan and Hope Kenyon who together passed their lives on the old homestead.
Welcom L. Kenyon’s life was one of quiet and unobtrusive character. He enjoyed his religion to the full and when the summons to depart came he met it with pleasure, though he was scarcely ever free from pain during the last few years of his live, yet he always had a bright and cheery word for those about him. For some time before his death he had been unable to work through weakness. His noble companion and loyal sons watched him with constant care to the last.
The funeral was conducted by Rev. T. A. Hughes pastor of the First Baptist church, Troy, at the home of the deceased and the interment was at the Leonard Cemetery, Leona.
(Local News) Mrs. Humphrey Fletcher died at her home in Sullivan last week from the result of a shock. Funeral was held at the M. E. church, conducted by Rev. Shugg.
Twenty-first Year, #1013, June 26, 1902
Mrs. Helen Welch.
Mrs. Helen Welch of Sullivan died Sunday morning, June 15th, of blood poisoning, aged 50 years. She leaves, beside her husband, Nelson Welch, four children, Earl and Ransom of Sullivan, Mrs. Seymour of Austinville and Lanson of Philadelphia. Funeral services were held Tuesday at the home, conducted by Rev. Vosberg of Sylvania.
Mrs. Lucinda Blake of Franklin twp. June 12th, aged 86 years.
Mrs. Halloway Wood of Troy, Thursday, June 19th, aged 56 years.
(Local News. Sherman Vermylea, a prominent store keeper of Grover, died June 10th age 58 years.
(Local News) Mrs. Halloway Wood of Troy who went to Ralston to visit with relatives, was taken with an apoplectic stroke of which she died there Thursday last week. The remains were brought to Roseville her former home, for burial, funeral service conducted in the Baptist church of that place Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Henry Jennings.
Mrs. Henry Jennings died Friday, June 6th, about ten o’clock at her home at windfall. Her death was very sudden, but not wholly unexpected to her friends and relatives, for she had been suffering from dropsical heart trouble for nearly seven weeks. The funeral was at the M. E. church on Sunday, June 8th, Rev. H. E. Mansfield officiated. She leaves behind her to mourn her death, a husband, two sons, Frank of Towanda and Fred, of this place, five grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. Alvin Dunbar and Mrs. Augusta Ayers both of Canton, besides a host of sorrowing friends who deeply sympathize with the husband in sad bereavement.
Twenty-first Year, #1014, Thursday, July 3, 1902
(Local News) The infant son of Thad McClure and wife of Austinville recently died.
Harriet Rounds Peckham.
Harriet Rounds Peckham, was born in Bristol, Rhode Island, April 5, 1821, the only daughter, of the five children of Kingsley and Henrietta Peckham. In 1837, the family removed to Columbia, Bradford Co., Pa., where June 24, 1844, she married Noah W. Bliss. In 1877 she united with the Springfield Baptist church, of which she was a member when the end came in peace on Thursday June 19, 1902. She is survived by two daughters and two granddaughters. Her husband died Oct2, 1881, and youngest daughter, Jan. 4. 1882.
Twenty-first Year, #1015, Thursday, July 10, 1902
Mrs. Cady Jennings of West Burlington, July 4th of dropsy, aged 43 years.
W. H. McClelland.
The late W. H. McClelland who died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Merrit Edgeton, on the Orebed road, June 11th, was a native of Bradford county, where he was born 64 years ago.
Soon after resigning the Night Watchmanship of this village last fall after seven years of faithful, continuous service, he was prostrated with pneumonia partially recovering from which he began steadily to decline from the insiduous advances of consumption. After six months of patient suffering he found the sweet relief in that sleep that knows no earthly awakening. Three children survive him: John McClelland and Mrs. Robert Brooks, of Elmira, and Mrs. Edgerton, of this boro. The remains were taken to Austinville, his former home for many years, for burial. –Mansfield Advertiser.
(Local News) Charles, the 8 month’s old son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stevens, died Friday forenoon of this week from heart trouble. The body was taken to Knoxville Saturday for interment.
Death of Charles Carrier.
Charles Carrier died at Gray’s Run Tuesday afternoon about 3 o’clock, aged 38 years. He left for Williamsport Friday, and had obtained employment at Gray’s Run, where a sudden illness caused his death. The remains were brought to Troy, funeral services held this afternoon at 2 o’clock at the home of his father, Dr. C. W. Carrier.
Clinton A. Wolfe of Columbia twp., July 15th, of cancer of stomach, aged 45 years.
Calvin Varney of Springfield, July 15th, of general debility, aged 86 years.
Albert Tunnicliff of Gillett, July 15th of typhoid fever aged 19 years.
Charles Custis Stevens of Troy, July 11th, of heart trouble, aged 8 months.
The death of Teressa Jennings, wife of H. W. Jennings, which occurred on June 6th, 1902.
Mrs. Jennings was born in Canton township and the 48 years of her married life were passed near the churches at West Granville. Her seventy-fifth years was completed a few days before her death. Two sons, Fed and Frank, mourn the loss of a loving mother, and the husband is broken-hearted.
Twenty-first Year, #1017, Thursday, July 24, 1902
(Local News) Aaron Wilson of Snedeker, was recently found dead on the Northern Central tracks near Dunning.
(Local News) O. W. Mathers of Luther’s Mills, was recently called to Forksville to attend the funeral of his only son, Robert, who died of typhoid fever.
Robt. Ayres of Troy twp., July 19th, of consumption, aged 56 years.
Clinton A. Wolfe.
Clinton A. Wolfe of Columbia X Roads, and son of Hosea Wolfe deceased, died of cancer of the stomach, July 15th, 1902, age 45 years, at Dr. Pratt’s Hospital in Elmira, where he had gone for treatment.
His remains were brought home on the 5:12 p.m. train, the next day. The funeral was held at the home, on the 17th at 2 o’clock Rev. T. Mitchell of Troy, officiating. Mr. Wolfe was held in great esteem by the people at large. He left behind a beautiful home and lovely family and a large circle of relatives and friends, at an age when life is hopeful and full of promise. He leaves behind a wife, a son and two daughters, Anna and Hosea, a mother, one brother, George and one sister, Mrs. Charles P. Shaw survive, all residents of Columbia township.
(Bentley Creek News) Albert Tunnicliff, son of Seward and Clara Tunnicliff, died at his home in Gillett of typhoid fever, on Tuesday, July 15th. He was sick but a short time and it was a severe shock to hear of his untimely death. His age was nineteen, and he was well liked by all who knew him. This vicinity deeply sympathizes with the bereaved parents.
Twenty-first Year, #1018, Thursday, July 31, 1902
(Local News) Mrs. Elizabeth Kinney died at the home of her daughter in West Superior, Wis., July 23rd. Deceased was born in Sheshequin township, and was a niece of Mrs. W. H. Shaw of Athens.
Ora Wilson of Columbia, July 24th of cancer, aged 83 years.
(Leroy News) Mrs. Lee Robert who has been a great sufferer for nearly ten years, died Saturday morning. She was a daughter of Leroy Holcomb of this place. Beside her husband, she leaves three sons to mourn her loss. Funeral services were conducted Monday from the Disciple church. Burial in Holcomb cemetery.
(Coryland News) Mrs. Olive Boughton, Daggetts, died at her home in Horseheads, N.Y. last Monday, July 28,. The funeral was held at the Baptist church in this place Wednesday, of which she was a member. She was formerly a resident here and about 22 years of age. She leaves a husband and one child, a father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boughton and one brother.
Twenty-first Year, #1019, Thursday, August 7, 1902
Death at Leona.
Mrs. Helen Ormsby, a native of Springfield township and the daughter of the late Wilhelmus Westbrook, died on Sunday afternoon, August 3rd, at the home of her brother, Raymond Westbrook at Leona. She suffered for several months with a tumor. She is survived by two sons. For several years she has resided in Philadelphia, Elmira and other cities.
Twenty-first Year, #1020, Thursday, August 14, 1902
(Local News) Abija Gerould of Warren county, a native of Smithfield, recently died.
(Local News) Mrs. Electa Merrill, one of the old residents of Berrytown, and widow of the late Enoch Merrill, died Monday Aug. 11th, of liver trouble, aged 79 years. She leaves one daughter, Alice.
Suicide with Carbolic Acid.
A Binghamton paper gives the following account of the suicide of Mrs. Effie E. Bump, formerly of Grover. The remains were taken to Grover for burial on Monday last week by Mrs. Bump’s brother, George L. Maston, of No. 8 Dickinson street.
One night last week about 6 o’clock Mrs. Effie Bump was found dead in her home N. 22 Valley street, having yesterday morning taken a dose of carbolic acid and milk. The alleged cause of her suicide was the serving of a notice to appear in police court in answer to a charge of assault in the third degree, preferred by Miss Cora Hilsinger.
John VanBuskirk.
John VanBuskirk died at about 4 o’clock Saturday afternoon at his home on North Lehigh ave. says the Sayre News. Mr. VanBuskirk had been ill for a few days with a fever, but was convaleseing and had been pronounced by his physician as out of danger. A few minutes before his death he rose from bed and was standing, when suddenly, without a moan, he dropped to the floor, dead.
Mr. VanBuskirk was 20 years of age and had resided here for about four months, coming here from his native town, Granville Centre. Mr. VanBuskirk was married January 2 of last year. To him and his wife had been born one child, a son, but who died just three weeks previous to his father’s death. The body of Mr. VanBuskirk, after a short prayer at the house at 7 o’clock this morning by the Rev. H. A. Blake, was taken to Granville Centre for the funeral and interment.
Armenian Commits Suicide.
Benjamin F. VanSyckel, who lives on Armenia mountain, hung himself in Tom Furman’s barn some time between 11 and 5 o’clock on Thursday last week. Mr. VanSyckel left the house about 11 o’clock and went to the barn, where he was found dead later. He did not come in to dinner on time but nothing was thought of that as he had had a late breakfast, but when supper time came he did not return his daughter became uneasy and went to search for him. She called Mr. Edward Sechrist to aid her, who went into the barn and found him hanging from a beam by the small rope used to guide the pulley on the hay fork. He was dead when found. VanSyckel had attempted to kill himself about two weeks ago, by taking laudanum, but did not succeed. No cause is known for the rash act. –Canton World.
Thomas Crowe, of Troy, August 9th, of dropsy, aged 50 years.
Mrs. Electa Merrill of Springfield, August 11th, of cancer, aged 80 years.
Mrs. Sarah Avery of Columbia August 12th, of cancer, aged 44 years.
Twenty-first Year, #1022, Thursday, August 28, 1902
George Comfort of Gillett, Friday, August 22nd, from inflammation of the bowels, aged 65 years. Funeral services and interment at Mainesburg Sunday.
Twenty-first Year, #1023, Thursday, September 4, 1902
Hattie, infant daughter of David Watson of Wells, aged 6 months, Monday, September 1st, of chorera infantum.
Twenty-first Year, #1025, Thursday, September 18, 1902
(Local News) Ms. Jane Tanner, a highly esteemed resident of Mansfield, formerly for many years of Rutland, died at the home of her only daughter, Mrs. Nelson Brace, at 10 o’clock Sunday night, September 7th, aged nearly 77 years. She was the widow of George Tanner, who died about seven years ago. The funeral was held yesterday at 2:30 from the Baptist church at Roseville, burial in Roseville cemetery.
Death at Roseville.
Rose, the seventeen year old daughter of J. M. Sweely, died Sunday night, August 31st, of diptheria. She had been ill about two weeks and her people did not consider her dangerous, until about four hours before she died. Dr. Nye was summoned but she was beyond help. About four months prior to this another sister died with the same disease, eight children were sick at that time. The house has been thoroughly renovated since the first ones were sick. These two are the first that have died out of a family of eleven children. Two children belonging to Curtis Sweely are sick now and every precaution is being used to prevent its spreading.
David Dunning of Dunning, Tuesday, September 6, aged 61 years, of pneumonia.
(Local News) William Henry, youngest son of Augustus and Julia Snedeker of Snedekerville, died Friday, September 12th, of chorea, aged 7 years. He had been in poor health for some time, but on Thursday of last week a sudden change for the worse came and he died Friday, the next day. The remains were brought to Troy for burial Sunday, services being held in St. Johns church by Father Connolly, burial in Oak Hill cemetery.
Twenty-first Year, #1026, Thursday, September 25, 1902
William Floyd Baker.
William Floyd Baker died at his home in Athens, Monday morning at 1:30 o’clock after a long illness, aged 60 years. Funeral services were held this, Thursday, afternoon at 1 o’clock from the home, Rev. W. G. Simpson officiating. Interment was made in Tioga Point cemetery.
Mr. Baker was born in Rutland, Tioga County, March 9, 1842, a son of Harlin and Sarah A. Baker. His parents settled in Wells township in 1814, where they cleared a farm, in 1835 removing to Rutland, where they cleared a farm of four hundred acres, and in the spring of 1871 removing to Troy township.
In 1871 the subject of this sketch moved to a farm in Troy township on Porter road, where he also owned an extensive stone quarry of the best quality of blue stone. He was married Sept. 3, 1871, to Carrie, daughter of Jefferson and Eliza Prutsman of Rutland township, to whom were born four children, Damon, Bertha, Guy and Fannie, who survive.
Mr. Baker was a member of the I.O.O.F., of the P. of H., and also a prominent member of the old Troy Farmers Club. For the past eight years he has been in declining health, and was forced to put aside active occupation. Last May he moved with his family to Athens, his many friends he made there, together with his innumerable ones in Troy and vicinity, joining in mourning his loss.
Dr. P. A. Johnson.
Dr. P. A. Johnson, a well known resident of Waverly, died at his home in Waverly last Friday, at the age of ninety-two years.
The deceased has resided in Waverly all of his life and was known as a man of marked ability and strong personality. He was a member of the Methodist church, was a strong Prohibitionist and was an abolitionist long before the war and that cause became popular.
He is survived by his wife and ten children: Mrs. Emma S. Fatthewson of Corning; Dr. D. A. Johnson, of Dundee, N.Y.; Wallace W. Johnson of Philadelphia; Frank E. Johnson of Chicago; Mrs. Weltha Hill of Kansas; Mrs. Lillis Doty of Washington; Mrs. John Burnham of Troy, Pa.; H. M. Drake of Grand Rapids, Mich.; Judson Johnson of New York, and Miss Anna L. Johnson of Elmira.
Twenty-first Year, #1027, Thursday, October 2, 1902
Noble Johnson Stuart.
Noble Johnson Stuart died at his home in Troy Friday, Evening, September 26th at 8 o’clock, aged 86 years, nine months and thirteen days. In the last of his declining years he was in feeble health and his last lingering days were spent in much suffering. Funeral services were held from St. Paul’s church Monday afternoon, conducted by his former rector, Rev. Charles H. McKnight of Ithaca, assisted by Rev. Sidney Winter of Troy. Mr. Stuart was born December 13, 1815, in Kent, Litchfield county, Conn. He was one of a family of eleven children. His parents were John and Susanna Stuart.
He moved to this state with his parents, when about ten years of age, and settled in Wells township, afterwards living for some time at Leona. On January 14th, 1843, he was married to Miss Mary Roberts, a native of New York state, to whom three children were born: Zadie J., deceased, Jessie E., and Andrew J. He was again married on January 3rd, 1875 to Mrs. Lucy E. Monroe of Troy. To them were born Walter, who died in infancy, and Nellie.
Mr. Stuart was a carpenter by trade, and followed this occupation in connection with farming in different parts of the county up to 1860, when he located in Troy, where he has since resided. He was tax collector of Troy boro for three terms, and served as Justice-of-the-Peace for ten years. And old residents remember and speak of him as "Squire."
Frederick P. Cornell.
Frederick P. Cornell died at his home in Columbia township, Tuesday, September 23rd, aged 81 years. For over a year he had been in rapidly declining health, but death came suddenly at a sever period in his illness. Funeral services were conducted at his late home, Tuesday, burial in the Gladding cemetery.
Mr. Cornell was born in Swansea, Mass., a son of Levi and Fannie Luther Cornell, natives of Bristol county, Mass. In 1827 his parents moved to this county and settled in Columbia township, where he has since resided, following the occupation of a farmer, in which he has been largely successful.
Deceased is survived by his wife and children, Ramson K., and Henry S., the latter residing at the old homestead; and children by his first wife, Mrs. Mahlon F. Nichols, of Corning, N.Y., and Geo. C. of Troy.
Mrs. S. C. Clizbe of Burlington, Sunday, September 28, aged 71 years.
(Local News) Mrs. Rebecca Stotenbur, died at her home in Towanda, Saturday, September 27th, aged 79 years. Mr. and Mrs. Stotenbur formerly lived in Granville township, removing to Towanda about ten years ago. Besides her husband two children survive: George S. Stotenbur of Windfall, and Mrs. A. R. Annable of Towanda.
Twenty-first Year, #1028, Thursday, October 9, 1902
Sudden Death.
Mrs. Mary Fletcher died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Geo. Peters, Redington avenue, Tuesday, very suddenly, aged 31 years. On returning about noon to her home after a short absence, Mrs. Peters found her sister lying on her floor in her room unconscious, her face of a darkened hue and apparently suffering with spasms, from which she died in a short time. Dr. Carpenter was immediately summoned but she was dead when he arrived. It was supposed to be a case of suicide. On the statement of Dr. Carpenter, B. A. Long, Esq., acting as coroner decided that an inquest was unnecessary. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon.
George P. Monroe.
George P. Monroe, one of Sylvania’s prominent citizens, died very suddenly on Sunday, October, 5th, aged 64 years.
All through life he had been feeble in body but bravely and uncomplainingly he faced the burdens of life and was prominent in civic affairs. He was Justice of the Peace for a number of terms and was one of the village Justices at the time of his death.
(Local News) Madeline Sigler (Zeigler, elsewhere), aged about 18 years, who has been living for a long time with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lilley, near East Canton, died suddenly Sunday night. It was reported that her death had resulted from an overdose of aconite, taken by mistake. –Canton Sentinel.
Twenty-first Year, #1029, Thursday, October 16, 1902
William H. Webster.
William H. Webster, a native and life-long resident of Sullivan and an estimable citizen died at his home Sunday, October 5th, aged 64 years. Although in failing health for some time, death was immediately due to heart trouble. He leaves besides his wife, two sons, Earnest and Mark, one daughter, Mrs. J. A. James of Radnor, Ohio. Deceased leaves a sister, Mrs. Noah Bradway, two half brothers and a half sister, Orso and Burt Webster, and Miss Rhoda Webster, all of Sullivan. Funeral services were held Tuesday from the State Road Baptist Church.
Franklin Taylor of Granville Center, Tuesday, October 14th, aged 84 years.
Twenty-first Year, #1030, Thursday, October 23, 1902
Paul Matulevis of Wetona, October 19th, aged 69 years. Deceased was the father of Mrs. Thos. Vinneski of Troy.
Twenty-second Year, #1032, Thursday, November 6, 1902
A shocking Death.
One of the most shocking occurrences which has caused great general sorrow in the community at large, was the death on Wednesday of Sayre, son of Chas. Rockwell of West Burlington, aged 22 years.
Late in the afternoon Monday, he was driving his team with a load of lumber, and was at work at Dillin’s switch, where lumber from Rockwell’s mill at West Burlington is being taken for shipment. He was leading the team alongside a lumber pile, when suddenly the wagon in moving down a little incline struck some object in the roadway and swerved to one side, the pole striking Mr. Rockwell in the side and pinning him violently against the pile of lumber. Suffering with extreme pain he was with difficulty removed to his home by Dr. Barker, who administered to his needs.
The patient, although suffering severely from his terrible injury, seemed to have withstood the shock well, as he was of a hardy constitution, and hopes were entertained of his recovery. After Tuesday however, his condition began to steadily fail, and Dr. Arthur Booth of Elmira was summoned to make an operation, which was done Wednesday morning, assisted by Drs. Barker and Phillips of Troy. It was found that he was suffering with perforation and inflammation of the intestines, with the first stages of peritonitas. Death followed about 12:30 o’clock.
Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 1 o’clock from the house and 2 o’clock from the church at West Burlington.
Former Trojan Dead.
Francis F. Drake, Esq., ex-district attorney of Wyoming county, died at his home in Tunkhannock Monday afternoon. Deceased was formerly a resident of Troy, a member of the Bradford county bar, and a brother of L. P. Drake of this place. Remains were brought to Troy today for burial.
Mrs. Clara M. Metler of Troy twp., October 31st, of paralysis, aged 68 years.
Seeley Frost of Rutland, November 1st, of apoplexy, aged, 81 years.
Twenty-second Year, #1034, Thursday, November 20, 1902
(LeRoy News) Alfred Wooster, who formerly lived in this place, died at his home in New Albany, November 6th. He was twice married, his first wife being Diana Churchill, now the wife of L. B. Smith in LeRoy. By her he have seven children, four boys and three girls, and now leaves a widow and one son. He had been in an intoxicated state for some time, and on Wednesday drove his wife and little son from the house. Nothing had been seen of him, and on Thursday a neighbor broke in the house and found him dead in bed. Funeral services were held Saturday, p.m. Interment in New Albany cemetery.
(Sylvania News) The funeral of Horace Stephens of Elmira Heights, formerly of this place, was held at the Disciple church Monday, November 10th. Consumption was the cause of his death.
(Local News) Mrs. Philena Farnsworth, widow of David Farnsworth and a former resident of Smithfield, died at her home in Denver, Colo., October 28th.
Mrs. Pliny Wood.
Mrs. Pliny Wood died at her home on Willow st., in Athens, Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock, after an illness of about two weeks. She was the daughter of the Rev. John Doty, and was born in Smithfield in 1832, where she lived until about 12 years ago when she moved to this place. She is survived by two sons, Frank and George, and one daughter, Elizabeth, all of Athens, one brother, James Doty of Smithfield and one sister, Mrs. M. D. Bullock of Athens.
The funeral services will be held at her late home, Thursday evening at 7:30 o’clock. Interment in Smithfield Friday morning.
Twenty-second Year, #1035, Thursday, November 27, 1902
John Somerville, a highly respected citizen and resident of Morris Run died at his home in that place, Thursday, November 20th. He was the father of Mrs. Irving Wilcox of LeRoy.
Frances and Florence, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Burley, of West Burlington, Nov. 20 and 21, of pneumonia, aged one month.
Twenty-second Year, #1036, Thursday, December 4, 1902
(Alba News) John Warburton, an old veteran, dropped dead in the road near his home on Monday last. He had been in poor health for some time, heart trouble being the cause of his death. He leaves a wife and nine children: Eli, Frank, Wilson, Calvin, Lavina, Lydia, Martha, Mrs. Clara Carter, Mrs. Walter Knights. Funeral services were held on Thursday last in Leroy Baptist church. Interment in LeRoy cemetery.
Twenty-second Year, #1038, Thursday, December 18, 1902
(Local News) The 14 months old daughter of Wm. Beardslee died Friday the 5th inst. Funeral was at the home Monday, December 8th. Interment at Glenwood. Rev. A. E. Hall officiated.
Twenty-second Year, #1039, Thursday, December 25, 1902
(Local News) Andrew J. Close, an aged resident of West Burlington, died at his home Monday morning, after an illness of several days. He was father of Mrs. Mary Sayles, formerly of this place, who is now located in Philadelphia.
Dr. F. L. Carpenter and wife of Vacaville, Cal., are guests at the home of his brother, H. C. Carpenter.
Mrs. S. F. George from Caro, Michigan, is in Springfield, caring for her sick sister, Mrs. L. M. Allen and visiting her sister, Mrs. E. M. Sharp.
Death of Mrs. Amanda Comfort.
Mrs. Amanda Comfort was born January 25th, 1837, in South Port twp., Chemung Co., N.Y. Nearly all her life her home was with her brother, T. M. Comfort, of Troy.
For years she was a member of the Baptist church of Wellsburg, N.Y. In Troy she joined the M. E. church, of which she was a member until death. On Saturday Dec. 6th, she stepped from the front door of her brother’s home and fell, fracturing her left limb at the knee. On Monday inflammation of one lung developed and after intense suffering she died Friday morning at one o’clock.
The brother, T. M. Comfort and two sisters, Mrs. L. J. Thompson, near Corning, N.Y., and Polly Smith of Carpenter, Pa. survive her.
The funeral was held at the M. E. church Monday at 2 p.m., Rev. A. E.
Hall officiating.