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Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette
Register 1902 - Yesterday's News |
These clippings from ancient
and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are
being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily
we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage
and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles
that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations
at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from
the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings. Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here. If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings. |
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Twenty-first Year, #988, Thursday, January 2, 1902
An Unlucky Boy.
William, the four-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stull, of Roaring Branch, has broken his right arm three times within the last six months. On July 4th the child broke his arm between the wrist and elbow. On October 13th, he fell again breaking the same arm just above the wrist, and the last time, December 13th, the little fellow fell out of a chair breaking the arm just below the elbow. Thirteen seems to be an unlucky number for this unlucky boy.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Rickon of Watherloo, N.Y., are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Geo. R. Kiff.
Miss Grace Thompson of Wellsville, N. Y., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Howard Beach.
Twenty-first Year, #989, Thursday, January 9, 1902
Mrs. Lizzie Ward Ballard spent last week with her son, C. W. Ballard at Athens.
Miss Rose Tobin spent the first of the week with her aunt, Mrs. A. E. Snedecker at Snedecker.
Howard S. Ballard, who is with his brother, C. W. Ballard at Athens, may not resume his studies at the U. of P. this spring, on account of an overworked condition.
Mrs. J. W. Beaman went to Pine City, Tuesday, returning the same day with her granddaughter, little Elizabeth Cassada. Her infant grandson, Franklin Cassada, is seriously ill with bronchitis.
Jas. P. Maney, of New York, spent the Holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Maney of Granville Summit, returning to New York last Thursday, where he has a fine position as stenographer.
Twenty-first Year, #990, Thursday, January 16, 1902
Burton, son of Lee Robart of LeRoy, is ill with typhoid fever.
Mrs. Ella Ayers of Amityville, L.I., has been spending a few days with her brother, G. Essenwine of Burlington.
Messrs. Thomas and William McNamara went to Wellsboro Saturday to attend the funeral of an uncle, William Brew.
Mrs. Marion Lewis of Lansdale, who has been visiting her father, Seth Sherman, is spending a few days with Canton relatives.
Mrs. Abigail Wilson, the widow of Captain William R. Wilson, a civil war veteran, has sold her farm in Wells township, Bradford county, and will locate in Elmira.
Twenty-first Year, #991, Thursday, January 23, 1902
Misses Frances and Ethelyn Kennedy of East Troy, spent Saturday and Sunday with Alba friends.
Oliver Balmer and family of Gillett, have moved into the house of his father, James Balmer of Fassett.
Mrs. J. W. Spalding and daughter Ruth of Cortland, were guests of her sister, Mrs. Ward Mosher, over Sunday.
Mrs. Elizabeth Leonard, the aged mother of Mrs. W. H. McMahan of Leona had a stroke of paralysis recently.
Twenty-first Year, #993, Thursday, February 6, 1902
Mrs. A. W. Preston of Nelson is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Armstrong.
Frank R. Hill of Philadelphia is visiting his mother, Mrs. Wesley Havens of Wells.
Miss Elizabeth Preston of Canton spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. A. H. Hickok.
Luman Murray of Grand Rapids, Mich., is visiting his brother Randolph in Troy. Mr. Murray moved to Michigan twenty-six years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Fitch of Spivey, Kan., are visiting old friends and relatives in Troy and Granville for a few weeks. They moved from Granville to Kansas seventeen years ago, where they are prospering in farming and fruit-growing.
Twenty-first Year, #994, Thursday, February 13, 1902
Court Proceedings. Orphans’ Court.
Estate of Mildred A. and S. Thurber Cass, minor children of C. Lewis Cass; Vernon D. Cass appointed guardian.
Estate of John and Julia Lynch, minor children of John Lynch; Michael Lynch, guardian, discharged without an account.
Estate of Leonatra H. Prutsman, minor child of Lewis Hammond; Maria Hammond appointed guardian.
Mrs. Nelson Cease of Armenia is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Delos Kiff.
Twenty-first Year, #995, Thursday, February 20, 1902
Walter Mattocks of Elmira was in town the first of the week, called here to attend the funeral of his grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Mattocks of Springfield.
Court Proceedings. Orphan’s Court.
Estate of Carrie Helen Phillips, minor child of James H. Phillips, W. G. Newman appointed guardian.
Estate of Teressa, Maggie and Katie Quinn, minor children of John Quinn, late of Asylum; George Stafford appointed guardian.
Misses Cora and Verria Crandle of Canton visited friends in town last week.
Stephen Robinson of Bentley Creek spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. H. J. Pierce.
Mrs. Amy Everts of Berrytown is visiting her mother, Mrs. Clark Grace of Wetona.
Twenty-first Year, #996, Thursday, February 27, 1902
J. A. Calkins and sister, Mrs. M. O. Loomis of East Troy, visited Elmira friends last week.
Miss Edna Ward of Burlington is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. P. Braund of Wetona.
Lacelle Granteer of Minnequa is visiting his cousin, Frank Warren, at Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Brown celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary Wednesday, February 12th.
Mrs. Geo. Patterson of New York, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. E. Howley, has returned to her home.
Miss Edith Lilley, who has been spending her vacation with her mother, Mrs. M. L. Case, has returned to New York.
Mrs. James Robinson of Bentley Creek is visiting her daughters, Mrs. M. A. Davies and Mrs. H. J. Pierce.
Twenty-first Year, #997, Thursday, March 6, 1902
George Dart of Kendall, N.Y., is visiting his brother, John Dart and friends at Burlington.
Mrs. M. T. Melville of Cold Spring, is caring for her sister, Mrs. Herman Strope at Mountain Lake.
Mrs. William Armstrong of Red Banks, N. Y., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Slocum of Wells.
Miss Frances VanHorn of East Troy is visiting her brother Fred VanHorn, of Towanda.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Montgomery of Norwich, N.Y., are spending the week with his brothers, E. B. and C. A. Montgomery of this place.
Wilber Hooker, who is fitting himself for a missionary at Chicago, visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hooker of East Troy, the past two weeks.
Twenty-first Year, #998, Thursday, March 13, 1902
W. S. Finch of Ida Grove, Iowa, son-in-law of Edwin Dewey of Sullivan township, it is said recently sold ninety steers for $100 each. They averaged in weight 1,533 pounds and had been on full feed four months.
Mrs. Silas Carnine of Binghamton is visiting her sister, Miss Lizzie Bush of Windfall.
Mrs. J. W. Anderson of Sayles, visited her sister, Mrs. R. A. Holcomb, of East Smithfield, last week.
Miss Anna Harkness of Springfield visited her brother, Dr. C. H. Harkness at Mainesburg, last week.
Mrs. Bird of Overton visited her sister, Mrs. Finley Rogers, on John street the first of the week.
Mrs. E. B. Montgomery was called to Elmira last week on account of the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Howard Pierce.
Mrs. W. H. Shaw came over from Athens Wednesday and will spend a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Howard Cole at East Troy.
Twenty-first Year, #999, Thursday, March 20, 1902
Howard McMahan is visiting his sister, Mrs. F. W. Newell at Langdon, D. C.
Mrs. H. H. Griswold of Athens, visited her sister, Mrs. J. W. Hall, several days this week.
James A. Dewey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Addison Dewey, of Sullivan, has recently been chosen Major of the Ninth Regiment National Guards at Wilkesbarre. –Wellsboro Advocate.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilcox of Elmira were guests of her brother, H. C. Rolison over Sunday, returning Tuesday.
Frank and Archie Leonard of Big Pond have gone to Oklahoma, where it is said they will take up government claims.
Mrs. Cord Pierce and mother, Mrs. Abner Claflin, have purchased the residence of the Redington estate on Canton street and will move there about April 1st.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Spencer have received the news definitely that their daughter, Mrs. Wm. B. Smith of New York, will sail for London Saturday, where she will join her husband.
Mrs. Wm. Smead of Williamsport, nee Anna Horton of Troy, was in town Wednesday, transacting business in the settling of the Longwell estate at Rutland, as one of the heirs.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Young of Troy are visiting their son, C. W. Young and wife in Brooklyn. Curtis, who will be remembered as a former Troy boy, now occupies a position with one of the leading jewelers in Brooklyn.
Mrs. Hattie Paul of Williamsport is visiting her parents at Minnequa, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Cole.
Jay Ward of Towanda township, visited his sister, Mrs. Alice Braund, at Wetona, last week.
G. W. Brown and sons Joseph and Robert of Wells have moved to their farm at Mountain Lake.
Mrs. Minnie Anderson of West Franklin visited her daughter, Mrs. Dennis Whipple at LeRoy last week.
Miss Mary Burke and Mrs. R. J. Ryan of Elmira visited their parents, James Burke and wife over Sunday.
Volney H. Sawyer and wife of Liberty are spending the week with her father, Victor Rockwell on Porter road.
Miss Grace Thompson, who has been spending the winter with her sister, Mrs. Howard Beach, has returned to her home at Wellsville, N.Y.
Mrs. Martha Green went Monday to Elmira to visit her son, Frank.
Mrs. W. D. Owen of Foot-of-Plane, sister of C. J. Bloom, has moved to Grover.
Miss Minerva Simpson of Sayles is visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Allen.
Mrs. U. M. Blaksley of Athens was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Hall Monday and Tuesday.
Mrs. Ernest McKean of Elmira is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Spalding at Granville Centre.
Twenty-first Year, #1001, Thursday, April 3, 1902
Joseph Swain of Hornbrook, visited, her daughter, Mrs. George Selleck at Burlington last week.
Richard R. Wickham of North Dakota is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ellison Wickham of Wells.
Mrs. L. C. Boughton and daughter Blanche of Wells, will move to the A. W. Parsons house at Gillett soon.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Joralemon and son attended the funeral of Silas L. Whitaker of Berrytown Monday.
Mrs. C. E. Huntley, who has been spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. VanHorn of East Troy, has returned to her home in Garrett, Ind.
E. P. Aspinwall of Buffalo is visiting his sister, Mrs. E. B. Parsons.
Mrs. C. L. Fellows is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Murdock at Waverly.
Elmer Dexter visited his sister, Mrs. G. A. Campbell over Sunday.
Mrs. George Williams of Sayre is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Baker.
Miss Maud Bixby of Springfield visited her father, Floyd Bixby of Snedeker Sunday.
James Cassidy of Granville Centre has been granted an increase of pension to $10 per month.
Twenty-first Year, #1002, Thursday, April 10, 1902
Mrs. P. C. Bilby of Reyburn, Pa., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. U. Hicks of Wetona.
Mrs. Manuel Baldwin of Elmira is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Ballard of Leona.
Mrs. Ruby Pruden of Elmira visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Clark of Granville Summit last week.
Mrs. Herman Hedrick and children of Athens visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hill of Burlington last week.
Mrs. Fred Vroman and children of Smithfield visited her parents at Burlington last week, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Kellogg.
Mrs. Jas. Hall of Elmira Heights is visiting her sister, Mrs. Carrie Fanning.
Mrs. Mial Watkins of Austinville spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. A. Kennedy at East Troy.
Mrs. Dell Mitchell returned to her home in Ithaca last Friday after a week’s visit with her sister, Mrs. Geo. A. Roosa.
Gersham Bradford of Cortland, N.Y., is visiting relatives here and at Sylvania, being called here by the death of his cousin, Daniel Bradford.
Twenty-first Year, #1003, Thursday, April 17, 1902
Court Proceedings.
On petition R. A. Horton appointed guardian of Geo. M. and William M. Hubbard, minor children of Joseph M. Hubbard, late of Smithfield, deceased. –Towanda Review.
Mrs. Mary VanBuskirk has returned to her home in Granville after a two weeks’ visit with her daughter, Mrs. Putnam.
Mrs. W. L. Rider returned from a visit with her parents at Mainsville, Pa., Monday. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Wm. H. Geiger.
Mr. and Mrs. Furman Beardsley of Elmira visited her sister. Mrs. Bassett at Granville Summit last week.
Rev. William D. Lane and wife of Pittsburg are visiting their daughter, Mrs. George Huntington of Smithfield.
Twenty-first Year, #1004, Thursday, April 24, 1902
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Innes have issued invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Miss Edith May and Mr. Arthur Gardiner McKinley, of Chicago, on Wednesday evening, May 7th.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dudley and daughter Louise of Elmira, visited his father, Reuben Dudley of Farmers’ Valley, and other relatives in that section, a few days, returning Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cole and son Lloyd of East Troy, attended the M. E. conference at Waverly last week.
Elma, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown, is visiting her grandparents at Sylvania this week.
Mrs. Patrick Howley was called to Philadelphia Friday, on account of the death of her daughter, Mrs. Kate Patterson.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Case and daughter, Miss Ora Lilley, left Monday for Athens, where they have made their home.
Miss Daisy Doane of Leona visited at the home of her brother, Harry Doane, last week.
Mrs. Gallup of Smethport, and Mrs. A. W. Stevenson of Elmira, are caring for their mother, Mrs. Barden of Roseville, who is seriously ill.
C. D. Green and son Archie of West Franklin have gone to Lestershire.
Miss Frances Brown of Leona is visiting her sister, Mrs. Sally Harris at Smithfield.
Addison Harkness of Elmira visited his sister, Mrs. H. M. Griffith, at Leona last week.
Mrs. Henry Taylor of Towanda, was called to West Franklin last week to attend her mother, Mrs. Wiggins, who is quite ill.
Sanford Douglass and wife of Waverly, visited his mother, Mrs. L. Douglass at Burlington, a few days past.
Mrs. Amanda Walker of Corning, has been visiting her parents, Homer Doud and wife of Mainesburg, the past few days.
Mrs. Belle Kerr of West Franklin has returned to her home after spending some time with her son John at Roaring Branch.
Twenty-first Year, #1005, Thursday, May 1, 1902
Mrs. M. Handran and son John visited her brother, Patrick Sullivan who is seriously ill at his home in Watkins, over Sunday.
Mrs. J. P. Williams of Canton is visiting her brothers, Fred and Frank Beach of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cummings of Baltimore are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. McGoughran.
Mrs. J. N. Reeser of Wetona is at Pleasant Hill, caring for her mother, Mrs. Finley Ross.
Clarence Reynolds of Williamsport visited his mother, Mrs. Charles Patterson at Burlington, the first of the week.
Samuel Welch of Mainesburg, has been granted a pension of $12 a moth.
Mrs. Iva Brown of Sullivan County has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Earl Doty of Minnequa.
Orville B. Kellogg and wife of Smithfield have moved to the home of their son-in-law, Howard Harris.
Twenty-first Year, #1006, Thursday, May 8, 1902
Mrs. King of Canton visited her daughter, Mrs. H. B. Avery at Roseville last week.
Mrs. Frank Hunt of Elmira is visiting her parents, L. H. Gleason and wife at Big Pond.
Harry Friese and wife of Elmira, visited her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Perry at Roseville last week.
Mrs. Clara B. Leonard and son Harry left Tuesday morning for Harper, Kansas, where they will make their future home. The many friends of Mrs. Leonard and Harry greatly regret their removal.
Max Cooper of Bentley Creek visited his brother, Owen Cooper of Troy Friday.
F. P. Colson and wife of Elmira are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Sims.
The body of the late Mrs. Post of Seneca Falls, formerly Georgia Maynard, was brought to her former home at Burlington, for burial.
W. B. Reynolds and C. W. Kelly of Roseville attended the reunion of the 207th Pa. Vols. Their old regiment, held recently at Williamsport.
Twenty-first Year, #1007, Thursday, May 15, 1902
Chester Rolison of Canton is visiting his brother, Chas. Rolison.
Mrs. James Hall of Elmira is the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. C. B. Fanning.
Wm. Baldwin, wife and daughter Marie, spent Sunday with friends in Snedeker.
Mrs. Alex. Kennedy and daughter Ethelyn of East Troy spent Sunday with Mrs. Kennedy’s daughter, Mrs. W. LaCelle Granteer at Minnequa.
Mrs. Mary Bloom visited her daughter, Mrs. Wallace Williams at East Canton, the first of the week.
Frank Huntley of Springfield was called to Canisteo, N.Y., recently, by the death of his father.
D. C. Newell and wife went to Watkins Thursday to visit their daughter, Mrs. Edwin Patterson. Mrs. Newell will remain for a time.
Geo. C. Pierson and sons Fred and George, have gone to Jersey Shore, where they have secured jobs of plastering. A large number of houses are being built their this season.
Twenty-first Year, #1008, Thursday, May 22, 1908
Mahlon Holcomb of Elma, Wash., a native of LeRoy, is visiting relatives in the county. He has been in the West for 16 years. He was joined on Saturday by his brother, Wallace Holcomb, of Berkshire, N.Y. –Towanda Review.
Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell of Leona is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Harry Harkness at Mainesburg.
Mrs. Ansel Ammerman of Ulster spent a few days past with her mother, Mrs. Eliza Phelps at Burlington.
Delmar Landon of Leona has purchased the place where he now resides of his mother, Mrs. Anna Landon.
Mrs. Mittie Rockwell of North Orwell has been spending a few days past with her sister, Mrs. C. N. Beers of Granville.
Mrs. David DeForest and daughters Julia and Pastora spent Saturday in Elmira.
Mrs. Harriet Mix of Canton visited her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Joralemon, last week.
An increase of pension to $24 per month has been granted Charles Alexander of Mountain Lake.
Mrs. M. U. Blakesley of Athens, visited her daughter, Mrs. J. Willis Hall, the first of the week.
Dr. Chas. Cummings left Tuesday for Cross Forks, where he will visit his brother, Dr. George Cummings.
Miss Ella Mattocks of Springfield, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Owen Cooper, the first of the week.
W. F. DeWitt and wife and son William visited at the home of his brother, John DeWitt in Alba, Sunday afternoon.
Invitations have been received here for the wedding of Bert Mitchell and Miss Wattles of Ithaca, on June 4th. Mr. Mitchell is a nephew of Mrs. Geo. Roosa of Troy.
Twenty-first Year, #1009, Thursday, May 29, 1902
Mrs. W. E. Knapp and little son of Elmira are spending the week at the home of her brother, E. L. Teeter.
Luther Beach and sister, Mrs. Allen Gould, visited at the home of their sister, Mrs. Curtis Swain at Elmira Heights Friday and Saturday.
Arthur H. Phillips of Elmira, visited his brother, Dr. J. W. Phillips over Sunday.
Mrs. M. J. McNulty is spending the week in Williamsport with her sister, Mrs. Thos. Reidy, who is very ill.
L. H. Oliver and wife left Wednesday morning to attend the commencement exercises at the National Park Seminary, Forest Glen, Md., where their daughter, Miss Emily, is a student.
Court Proceedings.
Estates of Harry B., Lucy K., and Lizzie M. Keeney, minor children of James A. Keeney, deceased; settlement confirmed and guardian empowered to execute and deliver a deed of all the possible interest that said minors may have in 13 acres of land in Tuscoraro.
Estate of Matthew and Catharine Drake, minor children of Byran Drake of Albany deceased; Edward J. Farrell appointed guardian.
Twenty-first Year, #1010, Thursday, June 5, 1902
Miss Lena Smith of Austinville is visiting her sister, Mrs. Mamie Struble, at Ralston.
Miss Edith Murdough of Towanda, is visiting her mother, Mrs. A. J. Smith at Mainesburg.
Mrs. B. A. Gernert of Austinville visited her daughter, Mrs. William Sears, at Mansfield last week.
E. E. VanDyne and wife and Miss Laura left Monday for their trip to California.
Miss Mabel Gray is spending a few days with her sister, Miss Ethel, in Williamsport.
Mrs. J. A. Bloom left Wednesday for Cohocton, N.Y., where she will visit her son, E. L. Bloom a few weeks.
Jno. J. and M. J. Handran with their mother will attend the funeral of their cousin, Jas. Sullivan at Watkins, Saturday.
Misses Anna and Nora Hassett, Nora and Mary Howley and Kate Powers, attended the King-McCarthy wedding in Canton last Wednesday.
J. W. Alberts of Vilas, Pa., returned to Troy last week for a few days’ stay on business and to visit his daughter, Mrs. Dell Seeley at Minnequa and relatives here.
Twenty-first Year, #1011, Thursday, June 12, 1902
Geo. Lamkin and daughter Louise, of Athens, were in town this week.
Mrs. James Houghten, nee Katie St. John, of Sayre, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Stephen D. Hooley.
Miss Victoria Sprague of Harknessville is visiting her sister, Mrs. Clow at Berrytown.
Mrs. Douglas Brown of Binghamton is visiting her parents, William Wright and wife at Burlington.
Kelion Packard of Elmira visited his parents, W. B. and wife at Granville Summit.
Shot at His Wife.
The New Albany Mirror of May 6, gives the following account of an attempted murder in Asylum township:
"Last Saturday Freeman Philipps of Asylum township went to Towanda and began a drunken debauch that he kept up until Thursday when he was arrested for attempting to shoot his wife. On Wednesday morning Philipps attacked his wife, and in his drunken frenzy threw her to the floor, handling her very roughly and threatening to kill her. As she rose to her feet he caught her by the shoulder with one hand and with the other took a doubled barreled shot gun from the wall and fired. The charge passed within a few inches of his wife’s head and through a screen door.
"Mrs. Philipps is a daughter of Erastus Wilson of New Albany, left the house and came to the home of her sister, Mrs. J. D. Lenox near Evergreen. Yesterday constable M. C. Allen accompanied by Len Marcy went to Philipp’s house and found him lying in bed, still beastly drunk. When the constable served the warrant Philipps threatened to kill him.
In default of bail he was taken to the county jail. He is a painter, a fine workman, and when sober is said to be a quiet, peaceable citizen."
Mr. Lewis Winston of Elmira is visiting his sister Mrs. Lydia Wright of Troy.
J. M. Grimes of New York spent a few days last week with his sister, Mrs. James A. Tobin.
William Hinman and Inez Rockwell, both of Monroeton and cousins of Hiram Bennett, attended the Commencement exercises last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Redmond McGoughran and daughter, Mrs. C. J. Cummings, were called to Elmira last Thursday on account of the sudden death of Michael Cosgrove who died in Wellsville, N.Y., and was buried in Elmira Sunday.
Mrs. Otis Robbins of Sullivan is visiting her daughter, Miss Jessie in Philadelphia.
Jessie Maynard of Palmyra is visiting her sister, Mrs. Addie Norton at Burlington.
Mrs. Rex Brown and daughter of Binghamton are visiting her parents, H. H. Allen and wife at Mountain Lake.
An increase of pension to #17 per month has been granted Chester Burlingame of Smithfield.
Mrs. Chas. Jennings and children of Canton are visiting at the home of her brother, Chas. Tomlinson.
Miss Ruth Guild, accompanied by her little niece Helen Miller of Elmira, are visiting her sister, Mrs. James Simms on Elmira street.
Mrs. Burton Strait of California arrived Wednesday for a visit at the home of her brother-in-law, O. C. Strait of Sylvania.
C. C. Campbell and wife of New Durham, N.J., spent the first of the week at the home of his father, Justin Campbell of Leona, on their wedding trip.
After having been away for 29 years, Mrs. Tom Waldron of Redwood, Minnesota, spent four weeks in Springfield, visiting her sister Mrs. O. D. Gates of that place and her mother in Bentley Creek. She returned to her home Tuesday.
Leon Wheeler, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Wheeler, of Columbia X Roads, is recovering from typhoid fever under the care of Dr. M. B. Ballard.
Last week Mrs. E. F. Lilley was pleasantly surprised by a visit from her brother John Loughead of WallaWalla, Washington, whom she had not seen for twenty-nine years. Forty years ago he went to California. His home since then has been in California and Washington.
Ray, the 5 year old son of B. L. Dann, of Sylvania, had his arm broken Monday.
Twenty-first Year, #1013, Thursday, June 26, 1902
J. R. VanNoy.
Jacob R. VanNoy who is a candidate for County Commissioner from the West, and a life long Republican, is one of the most progressive stock breeders and farmers in the county. His fine farm known as "Bono Farm," is located on Sugar Creek about one mile east of East Creek about one mile east of East Troy, on which he has modern buildings and all appliances for successfully conducting his business and where his hosts of friends are always welcome.
Mr. VanNoy was born in Sussex Co., N.J., 25 December 1842, and is a son of Jacob and Maria VanNoy, who had a family of five children. The family moved to this county in 1855, settling in Wells township, Mr. VanNoy has resided continuously in this county since, and most of his life has been spent in farming. He has resided on his present farm since 1883.
He was in the civil war, enlisting Aug. 26, 1861, in Company F., Eleventh Penn’a Cavalry; re-enlisted as a veteran in same company in January, 1863, and was honorably discharged from the service as Sergeant Aug. 22, 1865. He participated in sixty four engagements at and Petersburg, June 9, 1864, was wounded in the left hip.
He is a member of the Evangelical church; I.O.O.F., Gustin Post G.A.R., Patrons of Husbandry, and Union Veteran Legion, and was for several years secretary of the Troy Farmer’s Club.
Mrs. Lydia Boyce of Sayles has gone to Johnsonville, where she will spend the summer with her daughter, Mrs. David Crandall.
Conderman’s Wheel (Now know as the Fairest Wheel)
The success of the great Conderman Pleasure Wheel, is a source of pride and pleasure to Troy people in that a Trojan is the inventor and manufacturer.
Mr. J. G. Conderman the inventor and patentee, came to Troy from Hornellsville, N.Y., and married Miss Alice Bloom, sister of C. J. Bloom, the Troy furniture man. They make their headquarters and home in Troy during the winter and when not out with the wheels.
Miss Mary McGlenn of Elmira is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McGlenn.
Mrs. John Granteer of Canton is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. Eugene Burke at Windfall.
Harry Baldwin, the hustling young job printer of Canton, son of Vine H. Baldwin spent Monday in town.
D. C. Crandall of Topeka, Kansas, has returned to Troy after an absence of about thirty-five years and is visiting his sister, Mrs. Mary Gould. He is a brother of G. A. Crandall of Troy and Chas. Crandall of Alba.
Mrs. Sidney Doane of Brooklyn, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Henry Gernert.
Mrs. Goldie Sarcient of Roseville is visiting her brother, Edgar Wood, at Elk Run.
Twenty-first Year, #1014, Thursday, July, 3, 1902
Abner S. Layton of Roseville has received an increase of pension to #12 per month.
J. O. Nichols and son, Howard of Mountain Lake, visited his son, Allen at Wyoming last week.
Mrs. Julia Smith of Ulster spent a few days past with her sister, Mrs. Rhoda Rowe in Smithfield.
Mrs. W. W. Brown spent last week in Windfall at the home of her brother, Fred Bixby.
LeRoy Sharp of Rochester is visiting his brother, R. C. Sharp in Springfield, Pa.
Twenty-first Year, #1015, Thursday, July 10, 1902
Court Proceedings.
In the matter of the adoption of May Berry, minor daughter of Fred Berry of the township of Columbia, by Fred Nelson of said township, Court decrees that the prayer of the petitioner be granted and that said child assume the name of the adopted parent and be subject to all duties and responsibilities of a child and heir of petitioner.
Orphans Court.
Estate of Harry S. Wilbur, minor child of Leonard C. Wilbur, deceased, late of Baxter Springs, Kansas; Lewis J. Tyrrell appointed guardian.
Miles Daly and wife and daughters, Lou and Frances of VanEtten, N.Y., visited Leona relatives last week.
Mrs. J. A. Creighton and sons Stuart and Leo of Elmira made a recent visit with her parents, Martin Harkness and wife of Leona.
Walter Mosher and daughter Marguerite of Elmira visited at Sylvania over the fourth.
Twenty-first Year, #1016, Thursday, July 17, 1902
Miss Ruby Saxton of Granville visited her sister, Mrs. R. C. Verbeck at East Troy last week.
Bert Hall and wife of New York, are visiting his parents, Rev. U. S. Hall and wife at Leona.
Mrs. Charles Hurlbut and little daughter are visiting her parents, J. T. McCollom and wife.
F. W. Hovey left yesterday for Belvidere, Illinois, for a week’s visit with his parents, Calvin Hovey and wife. His father is aged 93 years.
Miss Anna B. Rickon of Waterloo, N.Y., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Geo. Kiff.
Mrs. Wm. J. Gaul and little daughter, Esther of Harrisburg, are visiting her parents and other relatives in town.
Mrs. Maggs, Mrs. Nelson Honeywell and daughter Ruth, of Wilkes-Barre, are visiting the former’s son, J. L. Honeywell.
Frank May and wife are visiting her parents, William Packard and wife of this place.
Twenty-first Year, #1017, Thursday, July 24, 1902
Misses Bertha Hill and Ethel Lewis of Towanda, are visiting the former’s grandparents, L. D. Hill and wife of Burlington.
Misses Alma and Grace Morse of New York, are visiting their brother, Frank Morse on Elmira street.
Mrs. Merle Whale, formerly of Rochester, left Friday for her new home in Boston, after a visit at the home of her brother, Louden Budd.
Miss Katharine Powers visited her mother, Mrs. Jno. Powers in Canton.
John Lamkin visited his brother, Geo. A. Lamkin in Athens a few days last week.
Mrs. Patrick Ryan and children of Elmira, are visiting her parents, James Burke and wife.
Twenty-first Year, #1018, Thursday, July 31, 1902
(East Troy News) Misses Kathryn and Helen L. Bailey of N.Y. are spending their vacation with their sister, Mrs. Fred VanHorn at Towanda and Mrs. Wm. Barrett, Campbell, N.Y.
Mrs. W. B. Strope of Luther’s Mills has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. H. Campbell of Campville, N.Y.
Archie Lilley of Buffalo, is visiting his parents at LeRoy, A. T. Lilley and wife.
Ellery Stone, of LeRoy, is learning the jeweler’s trade in the store of his uncle, L. L. Stone.
Mrs. B. M. Griffith of Leona and sister, Miss Clara Brockway of VanEtten, N.Y., visited relatives in Towanda a few days past.
Mrs. Ada Spencer is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Ed Porter.
Mrs. C. E. Armstrong is visiting her parents, James Bryant and wife in Towanda.
Mrs. Merville Sweet of Austinville, is spending the day with her sister, Mrs. Fannie Porter.
Morrell Wilson of Providence, R.I., is making a several days’ visit at the home of his sister, Mrs. E. Everett VanDyne.
Mrs. H. S. Johnson of Dayton, Ohio, arrived in Troy Friday, for a few weeks’ visit with her parents, H. S. Leonard and wife.
Miss Ruby Ballard of Sullivan spent last week with her sister, Mrs. C. A. Smith.
Mrs. Wm. Baldwin and daughter Marie returned Saturday from a several weeks’ visit at Corning with her sister, Mrs. Orator McClelland.
Twenty-first Year, #1019, Thursday, August 7, 1902
Dr. Arch Adams and wife of Ohio, are visiting at Smithfield, with his parents, L. T. Adams and wife.
Mrs. J. C. Norton and son Allen of New York are visiting at Mainesburg with her parents, A. M. Haight and wife.
Mrs. Frank Warburton and son of Sayre visited her father, C. W. Coon at LeRoy last week.
J. D. Hoagland, wife and daughter, Frances of Waverly, spent last with LeRoy friends.
Fay and Jessie Rundell of Burlington spent a few days past with their brother Clair at LeRoy.
Miss Gracie M. Parks of Standing Stone, spent a few days past at Burlington with her sister, Mrs. Al Freeman.
A.W. Herrington and wife of Ricketts, visited his grandparents, Alonzo Herrington and wife at Burlington last week.
Darwin Lawrence and sister Helen of East Canton have gone to Belvidere, Ill., where they will visit their uncle, Enos Gage.
Miss Anna Cranmer of Monroeton recently gave a reception to about seventy guests, in honor of her brother, Dr. Carl B. Cranmer and wife of Rutland.
Mrs. W. B. Watkins of Elmira, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Young, has gone to Johnstown, Pa., to spend some time with her husband, who has employment in the steel works there.
Members of the family of Redmond McGouhgran and wife are here this week, with the absence of only a few. They are Messrs. W. H. Brock, of Massapequa, Long Island, Henry McGoughran of Rochester, and wives, Miss Helen MacRae of New York and Rose Cagorove of Elmira and Alexander McGoughran of Orange, N.Y. The fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. McGoughran, which occurred in May, was to have been celebrated this week, but owing to illness and death in the family, was not done.
Mrs. L. P. Hoskins of Orvisburg, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. S. Sweet.
Sam Barrett of Nebraska is visiting his brother Daniel, on Barrett Hill.
Mrs. L. C. Crouch and children of Syracuse, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Lucy Paine.
Mrs. James Avery and son Elmer, of Rutland, are visiting relatives and friends in Troy.
Geo. H. Stone and his friend Wm. Marsden Burgess, of Philadelphia are visiting at the home of Mr. Stone’s sister, Mrs. Chas. H. Manley, in Alba.
Miss Mabel Honeywell has been spending a few days past at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Hannah Guild, at Leona.
Twenty-first Year, #1020, Thursday, August 14, 1902
Mrs. Will Ballard of Elmira is visiting her father, Gordon Ballard at East Troy.
Charles Mott of Bernice, has been spending a few days past with his mother, Mrs. K. N. Mott at LeRoy.
Silas Carmine and wife of Binghamton visited her parents, T. Bush and wife at Granville Summit a few days past.
Mrs. Lou Havens of Washington, was a recent visitor of the home of her sister, Mrs. H. D. Luther at Luthers Mills.
Miss Winifred Stevens of Knoxville is visiting her brother, C. N. Stevens.
Mrs. Louis Cassada and son Franklin of Pine City, are visiting her parents here.
Fred W. Stacey of Athens, visited Sunday with his parents here, George Stacey and wife.
H. C. Rolison and son Herbert are spending the week at Westfield with his brother, Perry V. Rolison.
Mrs. W. J. Ruggles and daughter Dorothy of Towanda, are spending the week with relatives in Troy.
Miss Marie Rockwell is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. V. Sawyer, at Liberty, Pa.
Mrs. Florence V. Terry of Buffalo, is visiting her parents, H. H. Wilson and wife.
Miss Emma Murdock, of Waverly, N.Y., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Chas. L. Fellows.
John Hagerty attended the funeral of Mrs. James Brann in Canton on Wednesday.
Mrs. M. Handran and son John J., James McGee and Mrs. M. Reidy, went to Elmira Wednesday morning to be present at the funeral services of John Sheehan, late of that city.
D. Fred Pomeroy and wife were among the guests at the wedding of Miss Cora St. John Fitch of Athens to Charles Marshall Smith of Wilkes-Barre, which occurred in the Presbyterian church at Athens Tuesday evening, the ceremony performed by Rev. W. E. Sawtelle.
Twenty-first Year, #1021, Thursday, August 21, 1902
Mrs. Ralph Fox and children of Sheffield, are visiting at Mainesburg with her parents, B. F. Connelly and wife.
Adaline and Dorothy Palmer of Philadelphia, are visiting at LeRoy with their grandmother, Mrs. L. E. Palmer.
Mrs. Ethel Conde of Indiana is visiting her brother, Lloyd Gamble of East Troy.
Mrs. William Sickles of Wells, is visiting her parents, Darling Harvey and wife of Big Flats.
Mrs. Reymond Neal of Charleston, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter Bartlett at Mainesburg.
L. H. Wood and daughters Clara and Laura of Canton spent last week with friends at Windfall.
Mrs. Addie Krenkle of California, nee Addie Spencer, with her little son Harry, are visiting at her old home at Mountain Lake, after an absence of sixteen years.
M. J. McNulty.
M. J. McNulty, candidate for county commissioner, was born in Troy, Aug. 29, 1859, and was educated in the Troy high school and has always resided here. He learned the trade of masonry and in 1981 formed a partnership with his uncle, John Hagerty and continued with him for twelve years under the firm name of Hagerty & McNulty, general contractors, in a very successful business. The firm was dissolved by mutual consent and after several years alone in the same business he formed a partnership with Wm. J. Butler, and the firm did a large business until 1901, when Mr. Butler retired to engage in other business. Mr. McNulty has continued the business alone since, with uniform success and satisfaction to his patrons. He has a wide experience, extending from Elmira to Williamsport and Mansfield to Towanda. He designed and constructed the reservoir for the Troy boro water works, and laid a greater portion of the water mains through the town. He also constructed some of the finest buildings in town and has erected may of the abutments of the largest bridges in the county.
He was married in 1885 to Alice daughter of Martin and Katherine Ryan of Troy, and they have one daughter, Katharyn L.
Mrs. Thos Reidy and children of Williamsport, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Martin Ryan.
Mrs. W. F. Field of Elmira, visited her brother, George Gardner of Mainesburg, last week.
Mrs. James Mosher left Saturday for several week’s visit with her son, Alborn Ward in Chicago.
Miss Leah Campbell of Tioga is visiting her father, G. A. Campbell.
Mrs. Richard Davies of Chicago, is visiting her parents, D. S. Kenyon and wife.
Mrs. Geo. Redington and children are visiting her father, Floyd Wilcox at Roseville.
E. H. Patterson, wife and daughter, Genevieve of Watkins are visiting her parents, D. C. Newell and wife.
Dr. F. L. Carpenter of Vaceville, Cal., is expected here this week for a visit with his brother, H. C. Carpenter.
Mrs. Daniel Mack and daughter Helen returned to their home in Elmira Friday, after several days’ visit with her parents in town.
Rev. W. F. Basten of Amenia, N.Y., with his wife, have been spending their vacation with his wife’s parents, Alonzo Thomas and wife, at Alba. Rev. Basten was formerly pastor of the Troy Baptist church and was calling on old friends here the first of the week.
Twenty-first Year, #1022, Thursday, August 28, 1902
Will Gerould and daughter Lena of Burlington, have been visiting at Owego a few days.
William Clark and wife of Pittsburg, spent a few days past with his sister, Mrs. R. W. Kendall of Burlington.
Arthur Stiles and wife and two children of Philadelphia, are expected to arrive today for a visit with her parents, L. J. Ballard and wife.
Mrs. Edward Kelley of Tuckerton, N.J., is visiting her mother, Mrs. William Maher.
Mrs. F. G. VanSyckel of Canton was the guest of her son, Robert E., in Troy over Sunday.
Mrs. E. Adelia Dann of Canton has been staying with her sister, Mrs. C. Case at East Troy, the past two weeks.
Miss Mate Hooley was called home from Corning Tuesday on account of the illness of her mother, Mrs. Geo. Hooley.
Mrs. E. A. Hull and daughters who have spent the past two months with her parents, Lyman Porter and wife of Springfield, have returned to their home in Silver Creek, N.Y.
Twenty-first Year, #1023, Thursday, September 4, 1902
Mrs. D. B. Channell and son Will, of Oakland, Cal., are visiting friends in Troy and vicinity.
Dr. Leon Putnam of Philadelphia is making a several days’ visit with his father, Sylvester Putnam of Granville, and uncle, M. E. Bailey of Troy.
David J. Fanning, Esq., attended the wedding of Martha Campbell, of Elmira, and Arthur Brino, of Florida, in Elmira Tuesday evening.
M. J. Handran, John Handran, Mrs. M. Handran, and Mrs. Morris Reidy attended the funeral of Patrick Sullivan in Watkins Monday. Mr. Sullivan was a brother of Mrs. Reidy and Mrs. Handran.
Twenty-first Year, #1024, Thursday, September 11, 1902
Miss Julia Kenyon of the Arnot-Ogden hospital of Elmira, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Theodore Kenyon.
Mrs. Pearl Shultz and children of Baltimore, Md., are visiting her sisters, Mrs. Rudolph Dreste, at Alba, and Mrs. Ralph Chaapel, at Granville Summit.-Canton Sentinel.
Thomas W. Parsons and wife attended the weeding at Athens Tuesday evening of Miss Nettie K. Blaksley and Andrew H. Sawtelle. The bride is a sister of Mrs. Anna Hall formerly of Troy.
Mrs. N. H. Sherman, and daughter Laura, and Loa and Rose Mattocks, and Mrs. F. H. Mattocks, of Troy, attended the wedding of Walter Mattocks and Mabel Owen at Elmira Wednesday evening.
Mrs. M. Shannon went to Ralston this morning to see her sister, Mrs. James Egan, who is very ill.
Twenty-first Year, #1025, Thursday, September 18, 1902
Mrs. Lucy Wolfe of Columbia, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ella Shaw at Austinville.
Grace Bohlayer of Luthers Mills, has been called to Sayre to care for her sister Belle, who is ill with typhoid fever.
Mrs. Allie Weeks of Binghamton is visiting in Burlington with her mother, Mrs. Frank Henson.
W. Guild and wife of Ansonia Conn., are visiting her brother, Z. Y. Bailey and other Leona relatives.
Hiram Wilson and wife, and daughter, Mrs. Herm Rose of Roseville, made a trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls last week.
Mrs. Merritt Wheeler of Elmria is the guest of her sister, Mrs. G. N. Newbery.
Mrs. W. E. Holcombe of New York is the guest of her parents, O. F. Price and wife.
Wm. J. Gaul and wife of Harrisburg, are spending the week with her parents, D. S. Kenyon and wife.
Mrs. S. L. Carnochan and daughter, Belle of Towanda, are visiting at home of her brother, Jno. A. Parsons.
Mrs. Frank Holley of Cortland, with her infant son, Harry, are spending the week with her mother, Mrs. Chester Decker, and other relatives in Troy.
Otis Adams of Redbanks, N.J., visited his brother, Oscar, in Troy over Sunday.
Mrs. A. A. Morse of Essex, N.Y., is visiting at the home of her son, Rev. E. P. Morse.
J. R. Willour and wife and daughter Margaret spent Sunday at the Norwood in Waverly, with their daughter, Mrs. Frank Groman.
Twenty-first Year, #1026, Thursday ,September 25, 1902
Mrs. Thad McClure and son Harold of Austinville, are visiting her mother, Mrs. O. Roby at Big Pond, who is in poor health.
Miss Edith Frost of Alba, is visiting in Athens, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Seigel Kiff.
Nate Palmer, wife and son Francis, of Gleason, were guests at M. Putnam’s over Sunday.
Robert E. Newell and family of Elmira, were guests at his brothers’, W. T. and P. G. Newell Thursday and Friday, and attended the fair.
C.O. Bradford and wife of Athens, visited a few days last week at Sylvania with is sisters, Mrs. Alden Keyes and Mrs. W. M. Thayer of Virginia, who is visiting here
Mrs. H. A. Roberts and daughter May of Elmira, were guests of her brother, B. Williams, Tuesday and Wednesday.
J. H. Grant and wife left Wednesday for a two weeks’ visit at the home of their son, A. H. Grant at Glen Cove, Long Island.
Twenty-first Year, #1027, Thursday, October 2, 1902
Ellery Fitch and wife of Athens, visited his father, William Fitch in Windfall last week.
E. B. Hoagland and wife of West LeRoy, have been spending the last few days at Big Flats caring for their daughter Mrs. Rolla Fitzwater, who is seriously ill.
Catherine Collins of Elmira, is visiting her brother, Michael Collins in Windfall.
Mrs. N. E. Boyce and children of Willard, N.Y., are visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. E. Putnam.
Mrs. Frank Brace and son Reid of Springfield, spent Tuesday with friends in Elmira.
Twenty-first Year, #1028, Thursday, October 9, 1902
Jack Krise is clerking for his brother, O. L. Krise at Mainesburg.
Mrs. John Bates of East Canton, is visiting her son Baron at Blossburg.
Jay Ward of Towanda, is visiting his sister, Mrs. B. P. Braund of Wetona.
J. A. Ball of East Troy visited his son Willis, at Cazenovia, N.Y., over Sunday.
Mrs. Nancy Furman and granddaughter, Anna Gurnsey of Detroit, Mich., are visiting her niece, Mrs. Allen Stacy in Leona.
Mrs. Pearl Shultz of Virginia, is visiting at Windfall, her former residence, with her sisters, Mrs. Randolph Dreste and Mrs. Ralph Chaapel.
Mrs. F. B. Colson of Elmira, is visiting her parents, James Sims and wife.
Miss Charlotte E. Paine, is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Leonard Crouch in Onondago Valley, N.Y.
Invitations were issued this week for the marriage of Miss Mary Braun to Thomas Ronan both of Canton, the wedding to take place in St. Michael’s church at 8 a.m., October 15th.
Twenty-first Year, #1029, Thursday, October 16, 1902
Sheeley Ayers and wife of Windfall, visited at Towanda last week with their daughter, Mrs. Wallace Manley.
Wilson E. Dunbar of East Troy has been granted a pension of $6 per month for services in the Spanish-American war.
A.S. Ashley and wife of Mainesburg visited his sister, Mrs. Daniel Foster, and attended the soldier’s reunion in Washington last week.
Mrs. M. A. Soper of East Troy, visited in Canton Sunday with her parents, D. T. Gates and wife.
Mrs. E. O. Lewis returned Saturday to her home in Lansdale, Pa., after making an extended visit at the home of her father, Seth Sherman.
Mrs. Wm. Thayer returned Monday evening to her home in Virginia, after a few weeks’ visit with her sister, Mrs. Alden Keyes and relatives in Sylvania.
Reunion at Burlington.
The sixtieth anniversary of the wedding of John H. Rubert and wife was held at their residence in Burlington township, on Saturday, October 4th. The parties are both oxtogenarians, Mrs. Rubert being 822 years old, and Mr. Rubert 87. They had lived in their present home over 32 years. Children, relatives and neighbors were present from the state of Illinois, and from Albany, Burlington, Franklin, Granville, LeRoy, Monro and Standing Stone in this county, so that, al in all, it was a family reunion as well, about 90 in all.
Twenty-first Year, #1030, Thursday, October 23, 1902
Mrs. Myra Rockwell of West Burlington, visited with her sister, Mrs. C. G. Smith at Mansfield last week.
Mrs. A. M. Woodworth of Wetona, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. M. W. Reeser at Rochester.
David Swingle of Overton, visited in Burlington last week with his mother, Mrs. Hannah Swingle.
James Case has returned to his home in Granville Centre, after serving three years in the Philippines.
Miss Genevieve Haight of Mansfield, is spending the week in Sylvania with her sister, Mrs. Porter Bixby.
Twenty-second Year, #1032, Thursday, November 6, 1902
Miss Clara Case of Granville Centre, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Hiney at Saco.
Sterling Maynard and wife of Ithaca, are on an extended visit at Burlington, at the home of his father, A. J. Maynard.
Miss Jennie Newell of Alba is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. B. Sponenberg, at Athens.
Miss Mary Lane of Burlington, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Griffin Spencer at Fairview.
Henry Whitehead and wife and daughter Elsie of Burlington, have been visiting friends at Washington and Philadelphia.
C.S. Holcombe, wife and son Mott, have been spending a few days past with relatives at LeRoy and West Franklin, and went this week to Steuben, where Mr. Holcombe has employment.
Miles Kenyon, wife and daughter of Leonardville, Pa., have returned to their home after a visit with his parents at Granville. They were accompanied by Charles Kenyon and daughter Ethel.
Twenty-second Year, #1033, Thursday, November 13, 1902
Mrs. Almira Park of Rome, Pa., is the guest of her brother, U. N. Verbeck of East Troy.
Mrs. Dent Ballard of Leona, spent last week with her parents, D. B. Brooks and wife of Saco.
Mrs. Minerva Arnold of Smithfield, spent a few days past with her brother, F. N. Hubbard at Wetona.
Mrs. Sarah Richards of Tioga, has been spending a few days past with her brother, E. R. Maine at Mainesburg.
Samuel Shepard is on an extended visit in Athens at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. M. Wooster.
George P. Armstrong of McEwensville, Pa., is spending the week at the home of his sister Mrs. W. F. DeWitt.
Mrs. B. W. Williams and son Jacob, spent Sunday with her son, F. W. Williams and wife of Elmira.
Mrs. Charles B. Romer and child of Elmira, are visiting at the home of her parents, A. K. Linderman and wife.
Sylvester Putnam and wife, and daughter Helen, of Granville Centre, visited at his brothers M. M. Putnam on last Saturday.
S. E. Coles and wife returned Tuesday from Bridgeport, Conn., where they attended the funeral on Friday of Asa S. Parsons, an uncle of Mrs. Coles. A. J. Stacey of Leona, a nephew of the deceased, accompanied.
Frank Bacon of San Francisco and sisters, Mrs. Mary B. Phelps and Mrs. Calista Moody of Lockport, are visiting relatives at Smithfield.
Chas. Rockwell and wife of Nicholson, Susquehanna county, are guests at the home of her sister, Mrs. O. Phillips.
Mrs. Polly Ann Lewis of LeRoy, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. A. Bloom.
William S. Bull and wife are spending the week at the home of her mother, Mrs. B. F. Webber on Porter road, where he is recuperating after a recent illness.
Twenty-second Year, #1035, Thursday, November 27, 1902
Mrs. G. W. Wilcox of West LeRoy, is visiting her daughter Sarah, at Mainesburg.
Mrs. Martha Cooper will spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. Martin Harkness of Leona.
Mrs. Jud Wilson of Austinville is visitjng her daughter, Mrs. Sidney McClelland at Marshview.
Mrs. Susie Shattuck of East Troy, is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Darrow at Fairview.
Isaac Babcock of Albany township, who was wounded in the left lung at the battle of Cold Harbor, has had his pension increased to $72 a month.
Mrs. M. J. McNulty and daughter Kittie spent Saturday in Elmira.
Mrs. F. B. Colson of Elmira, is visiting her parents, James Sims and wife on Elmira street.
David Sherman of Marshlands, Pa. is visiting his sister, Mrs. Albert Newell.
Twenty-second Year, #1036, Thursday, December 4, 1902
Mrs. Ed Roberts and daughter Lora of Sullivan spent last week with relatives in Elmira.
Miss Jeannette Robinson of Bentley Creek was the guest of her sister, Mrs. H. J. Pierce, Thanksgiving day.
Miss Fannie Morse of Brooklyn, is visiting at the home of her brother, Frank Morse and other relatives in this vicinity.
Lynn Mix of Canton, visited at the home of his sister, Mrs. Chas. Joralemon, Thanksgiving day.
Mrs. Warren Case visited at the home of her son, A. A. Case in Athens Thanksgiving.
J. H. McClelland and wife of Elmira, spent Thanksgiving here at the home of her parents, Alfred Johnson and wife.
Prof. M. E. Rockwell and family spent Thanksgiving at the home of his mother Mrs. Harriet Rockwell at Canton.
Hilton Leonard and wife of Knoxville, visited at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Smith Wilcox, at East Troy over Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Benjamin Truman of Owego, N.Y., is visiting at the home of her sisters, Mrs. E. S. Jewell, Mrs. N. M. Pomeroy and Mrs. S. W. Pomeroy.
Miss Sarah Ellis of Franklindale, is visiting at the home of her brother, Horatio at Mountain Lake.
Mrs. Charles Simpson of Sayles, is visiting at the home of her parents, Del Mason and wife of West Franklin.
Twenty-second Year, #1038, Thursday, December 18, 1902
James Kane of Smithfield, is visiting at the home of his daughter, Mrs. T. J. Sullivan of Wells.
Howard Wright and wife of Middletown, Conn. Are visiting his parents, William Wright and wife of Burlington.
John Alberts is staying with his daughter, Mrs. Albert Seeley at Minnequa.
Miss Elizabeth Preston of Canton, spent Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Albert Hickok.
Mrs. Robert Ayers attended the funeral of Mr. W. Smith at Wellsburg, Thursday of last week.
Mrs. A. M. Weston is moving from New Castle, Ind. To this place, and with her daughter, Mrs. Nell Rolison, will occupy rooms in the Pomeroy House on Center Street.
Mollie A. Pratt, daughter of the late Perry B. Pratt, of West Burlington was some time ago seriously injured in Brooklyn, by the cab in which she was riding., coming in collision with and electric car.
Rev. Thomas Mitchell. A Brief Review of His Life and work.
Rev. Thomas Mitchell, had his 85th birthday celebration and sermon on the 14th inst. at the Baptist church.
Mr. Mitchell was born in Eaton, Wyoming Co., Pa., December 15th, 1817, became a member of the Baptist church of that place at the age of sixteen, licensed to preach at the age of twenty, settled as pastor at Rome, Bradford county, in the spring of 1840, was ordained in that place October 27th, 1841, and continued there four years. Since that time he has held pastorates in Springfield thirty-three years, in Troy eight years, in Columbia and Wells six and one-half years, at Pine City, N.Y. three and one-half years and at Canton, Gillett and Austinville for shorter terms.
In 1844 Mr. Mitchell entered upon his pastorate of the Springfield church. Of those who were members of the church at that time two only remain, Joel Adams of Troy, and Mrs. Stephen D. Harkness of Springfield. On Sunday, October 12th, 1902, the reverend clergyman held a preaching service in the Springfield church, commemorating the 58th anniversary of his settlement for the ministry in that place.
There are but two person living, Deacon Andrus Case and wife of Troy, who were members of the Troy Baptist church, when it came under Mr. Mitchell’s pastorate in October, 1852, in connection with his work in Springfield.
During his ministry he has married over three hundred couples, and performed the funeral rites over the remains of over six hundred persons. His active work in the ministry covered a space of sixty-five years, and we have yet to hear of an equal to this record. Still yet, after his long and faithful service, though bearing the marks of many years, he evinces as ever the indomitable energy and keenness of mind that characterizes him. This pioneer clergyman is one of the noted characters in north-eastern Pennsylvania, being widely known in his past work in the extending of the gospel, bearing the great esteem of all who have come in contact with him in any way.
Mr. Mitchell is living with his third wife, and has buried four sons and one daughter. He has two living sons, Henry Kent Mitchell, one of Troy’s prominent attorneys, with whom he has his home, and Frank Adams Mitchell, an employe as bookkeeper of the Niles Tool Works Co., of New York.
Twenty-second Year, #1039, Thursday, December 25, 1902
Valentine Saxton and wife of Granville, were recent visitors at the home of their son John of Towanda.
Otis Baxter of East Troy, has gone to Ithaca to remain for some time at the home of his brother Frank.
Charles Waldron and wife of Waverly, were recent visitors at the home of her mother, Mrs. Mary Lane of Burlington.
Mrs. Fred Wattles and son George of Reading, are visitors at the home of her sister, Mrs. D. V. Campbell of Burlington.
Edward J. Young of Willard, N.Y., is spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. E. Mosher.
Fred Greenough of Williamsport, is spending the holidays with his grandparents, Harrison Greenough and wife.
Miss Laura Wheeler, a student at Syracuse University, is spending the Christmas vacation with her aunt, Mrs. G. N. Newbery.
Miss Martha Winston has returned from an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. A. A. Case in Athens.
Percy M. Bailey of "The Pathfinder," Pathfinder, D. C., is the guest
at the home of his parents, M. E. Bailey and wife.