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Troy Gazette-Register 1911 Table of Contents
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Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette Register 1911 - Yesterday's News

Typed by Pat MOTT Gobea
These clippings from ancient and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services available.
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year.
Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings.  Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here.  If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Search Engine which you can reach from the "Front Door" of the Tri-County Genealogy & History sites by Joyce M. Tice. 
Troy Gazette – Register
Troy, Bradford County, PA
Joyce's Search Tip - August 2008 
Do You Know that you can search just the 239 pages of Troy Gazette-Register Clippings on the site by using the TGR Clippings button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page
You'll also find obituary and other newspaper clippings using the three county-level Obits by Cemetery buttons and the general Clippings Button. Additional clippings can be found in the Birth, Marriage, and some other partitions. 

Volume XLVIII, #22, Friday, June 9, 1911

Miss Katherine Paine daughter of Mrs. C. C. Paine has been chosen librarian by the committee and will go soon to prepare herself in the Syracuse and Fayetteville libraries for her work here. Her brother, Paul Paine, is officially identified with the Syracuse library and through him she will enjoy unusual advantages for familiarizing herself with modern library methods.

Mrs. Oscar Rothwell, with her daughter is expected soon from Perkasie, Pa., for a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Howland.

Mrs. Howard VanNess returned to her home in Williamsport accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Joseph Armstrong, for a week’s visit to her parents.

Miss Minnie Ballard visiting her sister, Mrs. W. B. Orwin, in Bath.

Mrs. Margaret Pierce has returned to her home in this boro following some time in Canton with her sister, Mrs. T. Burke, whose husband has been alarming ill and who went the first of the week to the Sayre hospital for treatment.

John Parke is spending a few days with his brother, Edward Parke, in Lewisburg.

Thurlow De Voe of East Smithfield, spend Sunday with his sister, Miss Cora De Voe.

Mrs. W. D. Morse is visiting her sister in Philadelphia, and is expected soon for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Ballard, and other Troy relatives.

B. J. Silliman went yesterday to Boone, Iowa, for a long promised visit to his son, A. B. Silliman, and family.

Miss Anna Ayres, daughter of O. M. Ayres, of Windfall, who has been very ill with appendicitis, is slowly recovering.

J. W. and Robert F. Butts of Elmira, were guests Sunday of their mother, Mrs. E. M. Butts, and sister, Mrs. W. W. Buck.

Deaconess Theodora Paine gave a talk on her work in China before an open meeting of St. Paul’s Guild at the home of her mother, Mrs. C. C. Paine, Wednesday afternoon.

Volume XLVIII, #23, Firday, June 16, 1911

Mrs. J. L. Bothwell visited her nephew, Scott McKean and family in Williamsport.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beaman and son, Humphrey Beaman, attended the funeral in Elmira of Mrs. Beaman’s aunt, Miss Susan Mosher.

Miss Rennelles, of Coudersport, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. E. B. Redington.

Mrs. Charles Ludington, with her little daughter, visited her sister, Mrs. Truman Morse last week in Elmira.

Harry Johnson, of Bath, passed Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Johnson.

Mrs. Kate Lummis returned Friday to her home in Camden, following a visit to her sister, Mrs. Laura French and daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. John Werdein of Rochester, and Mr. and Mrs. James P. McKee attended the wedding Wednesday in Williamsport of their niece, Miss Anna Reidy.

--Here: Mrs. Leo Rose from owego, visiting her sister, Mrs. James Linderman.

Herbert Holcombe from Philadelphia for Sunday with his mother, Mrs. George O. Holcombe.

Miss Ellen Phoeniz, from New York, visiting her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Phoenix.

Mrs. Granteer of Minnequa, guest of her mother, Mrs. Margaret Kennedy, over Sunday.

E. E. White of Mansfield, first of week on business and a short visit to his daughter, Mrs. J. H. Preston.

Volume XLVIII, #24, Friday, June 23, 1911

Mrs. O. L. Rothwell and little daughter, Muriel, of Perkasie, Pa., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Howland.

A marriage license was issued Tuesday by Recorder Foyle to Miss Bess Lee Gallatin of Troy, and Malcolm D. Gibson of Elmira.

Mrs. C. C. Paine and daughters, Misses Charlotte and Theodora Paine of Troy, and Mrs. Leonard Crouch and children, of Syracuse, are at their Mountain Lake cottage for the summer. Miss Katharine Paine is in Syracuse for training for her library work.

Miss Bessie James of Iowa, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. David Watkins.

Miss Sue Deitch of York, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. S. Gallatin and family.

Miss Dorthy Beaman has returned from a visit with her sister, Mrs. L. B. Cassada, in Pine City.

Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Watkins (nee Mary Stanton) of Scranton, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Stanton.

Mrs. Frances Leonard and Daughters, Louise and Lisle Leonard, of Ulster, are spending a time in Troy.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Budd and children of Chicago, visited the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louden Budd last week.

Austin Leonard attended the commencement exercises last wee of the Bloomsburg Normal School in which his son, Charles, is professor of mathematics.

N. M. Pomeroy is spending a time in New York with his children, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKnight, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Pomeroy and his nephew, Henry P. Davison and family.

Mrs. Clark with her son George, of Rochester, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Wolfe. The latter is recovering from measles, which prostrated him soon after their arrival.

Mrs. George L. Peck and her daughter, Mrs. W. S. Potter of Lafayette, Ind., are expected in Troy for the month of July.

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Compton of Horseheads, visited the former’s brother, Daniel Compton and family.

Preceding the erection of a suitable tablet over the grove of Ezra Spalding in the East Canton cemetery last week Wednesday, by the Canton Chapter, Daughters of the Revolution, a history of his life and military services was read before the Chapter by his great, great granddaughter, Miss Cora Spalding, of this boro.

The belief is said to be quite general at Gillett that the late Samuel Mahood met death June 6, by being run down by an automobile, although at the adjourned inquest held there on Saturday by Coroner T. Ben Johnson brought out no direct convincing testimony to that effect. Thirteen witnesses were examined. The find of the coroner’s jury was that Mahood came to his death "From external violence of uncertain and unknown origin." A report here that the body was exhumed for further examination was incorrect.

Volume XLVII, #25, Friday, June 30, 1911

Mrs. James Miller has come from Millerton for a visit to her brother Charles Friends and Mrs. Friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Horace M. Spalding are enjoying a long anticipated visit from their son, Fred L. Spalding, who has a responsible position in Chicago with the Chicago & Oak Park Railroad Company.

Henry Pomeroy, a New York broker, and a distant cousin of the Troy Pomeroys, through Miss Charlotte Paine, the organist, has given $500 toward a new organ for St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, this boro.

Mrs. Merle Whaley went Wednesday for a visit in Cleveland, O., following a visit of several weeks to her brother, Louden Budd and family.

Miss Virginia Holland is home for two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Holland from her duties as student-nurse in the Arnot Ogden hospital in Elmira.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Johnson and little daughter are coming by automobile from East Aurora for the Fourth of July with Mrs. Johnson’s mother, Mrs. Henry S. Leonard, and sister, Mrs. Morley.

Mrs. W. D. Morse of Miami, Oklahoma, has arrived for the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Ballard, following a visit to her sister, Mrs. Stiles, in Philadelphia.

Volume XLVII, #26, Friday, July 7, 1911

Attorney W. E. Carnochan was up from New York for Sunday and the Fourth of July with his sister, Mrs. S. B. Willett.

Mrs. H. C. Scurlock of Washington, D. C., with her children, and J. Vogelsang Smith of Philadelphia, have arrived for the summer with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James B. Smith.

Mrs. Cora Hughson of Elmira, is spending the week in Troy with her son, W. E. Hughson, and family.

Miss Ethel Kerrick of Ridgway, visited her sister, Miss Amy Kerrick, over Sunday.

Mrs. Helen Jenner of Watkins, is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. C. S. Grace, in Wetona.

Volume XLVIII, #27, July 14, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Smith of Mansfield, were guests last week of their son, M. W. Smith and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Beaman of Athens, visited the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beaman.

Mrs. C. E. Wheat, Sr., and her daughter, Miss Susie, of New York, are visiting at A. H. Hickok’s on the Porter Road.

Capt. James Bryant of Carleton, Florida, who has been very ill at the Ward House, Towanda, came last Saturday for a visit to his daughter, Mrs. C. E. Armstrong, before returning to Florida. The Captain will be 78 years old July 20th.

Chester Miller, 13 years old, son of William Miller, fell from a fence and broke his left arm above the Elbow.

Mrs. A. W. Preston and children returned to her home in Elmira Wednesday after spending ten days with her parents and brother, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Armstrong and J. B. Armstrong.

Mrs. S. C. Smith, of Kansas City, Mo., a native of Troy, who left here in 1869, with her daughter, Mrs. Hattie S. Baehr, and child, are spending their outing at the Troy House, and with relatives in this section. Mrs. Smith’s maiden name was Gates.

Volume XLVIII, #28, July 21, 1911

Chester Kerrick of Ridgeway, visited his sister, Miss Amy Kerrick, and other Troy relatives and friends.

Mrs. Howard Ballard of McKeesport, is visiting her mother, Mrs. McGoughran.

Miss Jennie Strong of Springfield, has gone for a visit to her sister, Mrs. Rufus R. Wilson, in Seattle, Wash.

Mrs. Arthur Brown, with her two children, is spending a two weeks’ outing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Garrison, at Trout Run.

Accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Sarah Weigester, whom he has been visiting, Robert G. Weigester has gone to take up the duties of his Summer School of Music at Pittsfield, Mass.

  1. E. Case, who for several years now has come from Austin, Texas, to spend his summers among the friends of his young manhood in Troy, left last Friday for a visit in Meriden, Minn., to his sister, Mrs. Emma Poodell, whom he had not seen in many years.
Little Eleanor Hickok about 4 years old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hickok is ill with diphtheria at the home in Elmira of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Young, friends of the family, whom with her brother older she was visiting. Everything possible, including the use of anti-toxine, is being done for her and her recovery is hoped for. A physician was first called on Friday.

Miss Anna Budd Gernert goes soon to Bridgeport, Conn., to visit her brother, Frank Gernert, and family.

Frederick Bevans, who has a responsible position with the Bankers’ Trust Company in New York, is visiting his mother Mrs. Harold Bevans.

Volume XLVIII, #29, Friday, July 28, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. John Wofle spent several days last week with their nephew, Fred Gustin, and family in Athens.

Mrs. Seymour G. Rhinevault of Mansfield, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Henry S. Sweet.

Merville H. Sweet and his son, Glenn Sweet of Elmira, start today for Michigan to visit the former’s aunt.

James Balmer of Gillet, and his brother, W. M. Balmer, of Pine City, had business in troy on Tuesday.

W. E. Newbery, who with his son has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Laura Newbery, has returned to his home in Weehawken, N. J.

Mrs. Malcom Gibson (nee Bess Gallatin), visited her parents on Friday.

Mrs. Perry G. Newell and her sister, Mrs. S. H. Spalding, were in Canton the first of the week.

District Attorney Mitchell attended the funeral in Coxsackie yeasterday of his uncle, Platt Coonley.

Attorney David Paine, son of Mrs. C. C. Paine, is recovering at his home in one of the suburbs of New York from a run of typhoid fever.

Dr. Lloyd G. Cole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cole of East Troy, has a fine position as assistant surgeon in the Flower hospital in New York.

Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt Satterlee of Athens, Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Smith, their daughter, Mrs. Anger and her granddaughter of Sayre, and Mrs. Anna Shaw of Williamsport, were in troy Tuesday to join with other relatives and friends in the celebration of the 86th birthday of Mrs. Maria Woodruff at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John A. Parsons.

Mrs. James E. Sims visited her daughter in Elmira, and attended the funeral of her cousin the late Willis Guild.

Volume XLVIII, #30, Friday, August 4, 1911

Max Leonard, who has been spending a few days with his father, B. P. Leonard, in Leona, left Philadelphia yesterday on the United States school ship Adams for a cruise on which it will touch Gardners Bay, New London, Newport, Bar Harbor, Halifax, Nova Scotia, and Newport News. If all goes well the Adams will be back in Philadelphia October 24th.

Misses Genevieve Borden and Laura Wheeler visited the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Wheeler, in Elmira.

In celebration of little Miss Amelia Kelley’s second birthday on last Saturday, her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Kelley and Mrs. Emma Musser of Canton, were guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kelley.

Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Haverly, their daughters, Misses Julia and Ora, and Mrs. George Lamkin of Athens, motored to troy, last Friday.

Miss Carrie Wagner and brother Louis are back from their vacation visit of a week with their uncle, George Bradford and family in Owego.

Isabel, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Will Wheeler, has been very ill at her home in Austinville.

Master Burton Williams of Elmira, has been visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Williams.

Mrs. Jesse G. June of Jersey City, is visiting her father and sister, Capt. James Bryant and Mrs. C. E. Armstrong.

Volume XLVIII, #31, Friday, August 11, 1911

Mrs. G. S. Eckelstein and daughter, Mary, of Williamsport, are guest in the Samuel Williams home on the Canton road.

Mrs. O. Burr Ballard and son Donald have returned to their home in Miami, Oklahoma, following an extended visit to her sister, Mrs. D. F. Pomeroy. Mrs. Hillis, her mother, who came with her, remains in Troy for the present.

Mrs. Michael Doody (nee Jennie Hanrahan), who has peen spending the past two months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hanrahan, and relatives in New York State, started last Saturday morning for her Western home, Warden, Washington.

N. E. Boyce and family came yesterday in their motor car from Willard, N. Y., for a visit to Mrs. Boyce’s mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Putnam and family. Miss J. B. Putnam of New York accompanied them. They returned to Willard after supper.

Mrs. F. E. Van Dyne with her little daughter is paying a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Swan, in Elmira.

Mrs. Andrew Strong (nee Mathilda Bottcher) of Elmira, visited Miss Mary Cleaver and other Troy friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Mitchell went by automobile to Chittenango, N. Y., for the wedding on Wednesday of the former’s cousin, Miss Clara Mitchell, to Edward Hyle, a rising young attorney in Syracuse.

Hiram Bennett returned on Monday to his home and newspaper work in Brooklyn after a week in Troy at the bedside and attending the funeral of his grandfather, Hiram L. Rockwell. Mrs. Bennett, his mother, will remain in Troy, for a time longer or shorter as she shall seem to be needed.

  1. S. Gallatin went Friday for a visit to his son, Roy Gallatin, in Uniontown, and incidentally to see a few ball games by major league teams in Pittsburg.



    Miss Mary Stevens and Miss Pauline Bradford of Owego, are visiting the latter’s grandmother Mrs. Case, and other friends in town.

    Mrs. D. F. Pomeroy entertained a thimble party of about twenty in honor of her sister, Mrs. O. B. Ballard, of Miami, Oklahoma.

    Mrs. Alfred Miller, of Elmira, with her two children, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. E. Sims in Farmers Valley. Mr. Miller was with them over Sunday.

    Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hovey are at Chautauqua for a week. Their son, Theodore Hovey, is here from New York assisting in the management of the Hovey store in their absence.

    Mrs. H. E. Lawhead of Sullivanville, and Miss Hazel Lawhead of Cayuta, N. Y., are visiting the former’s sister, Mrs. E. F. Lilley of High street.

    Misses Saran and Margaret Hanrahan of Corning, N. Y., and John Stenson of Campbell, N. Y., are visiting their Grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hanrahan.

    Herbert Stanton, son of Marvin Stanton , was taken to Williamsport Tuesday by Dr. Boyer for an operation for appendicitis. Latest report is that he is doing well as could be expected.

    Volume XLVIII, #32, Friday, August 18, 1911

    G. M. Edsall and daughter, Gertrude, and niece, Mrs. Fred Miller, made a trip to New Albany where the latter expects to say for a time with her parents. Mr. Edsall returned home Tuesday accompanied by his nephew, Rodney Robbins of Sayre.

    John Honeywell and daughter, Mrs. La Monte Lenox, of Elmira, went Saturday to Wiles Barre, to attend the funeral of Mr. Honeywell’s mother, who died at Elizabeth, N. J. She is survived by sons, Frank and Monroe, of Wiles Barre, Nelson of Brooklyn, Lester of Plymouth, John of Troy, and one daughter, Mrs. Thomas Steaver, of Elizabeth, NJ.

    Mrs. Wallace Newell goes soon for a visit to her brother, Dr. C. H. Gordinier.

    Mrs. Stephen Gray of Detroit, is visiting her brother-in-law, C. Burton Pomeroy, and family.

    Little Miss Wilda Smith is spending a few days with her great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eben Brown, at Columbia X Roads.

    Mrs. A. J. Curtis and Samuel Gillett and wife (Nee Miriam Curtis) and two sons, of Bristol, Conn., are visiting the former’s sister, Mrs. Albert Porter, of Windfall, Galen Ayres of Alba, and other friends.

    Volume XLVIII, #33, Friday, August 25, 1911

    Miss Margaret Smith returns this week from a stay of several weeks with her sister, Mrs. H. D. Wendt, in Big Rapids, Mich.

    Miss Jeanette Smith comes next week from Rutherford, N. J., where she has been spending the summer with her brother, John, and sisters, Mary and Anna Smith.

    Roy Price is visiting his sister, Mrs. Llewellyn Yawger, in Union Springs.

    Mrs. A. D. Gritman returned Saturday to her home in Philadelphia following a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kerrick.

    Mr. and Mrs. George Bradford and daughter of Owego, are on a visit to Troy relatives and friends including Harry Cosper upon his farm in Springfield.

    Mrs. D. C. Newell is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Patterson, in Elmira.

    Mrs. F. M. Holloway has been entertaining her sister, Miss Katharine Monagle, of Hornell.

    Clarence Kerrick came Saturday from Trenton for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Kerrick.

    George Case is spending a fortnight’s vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Case, from his duties as an electrician with the Inter-Urban Rapid Transit Company in New York.

    Volume XLVIII, #34, Friday, September 1, 1911

    Mrs. Fred Greenough of Brockport, is visiting her parents Dr. and Mrs. P. S. Carpenter.

    Miss Mary Allen of Elmira, is the guest of her brother, the Rev. H. B. Allen, and family.

    Mrs. F. P. Case, with her son, George, visited her sister, Mrs. DeWitt, in Mainesburg.

    W. E. Carnochan of New York, is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs. S. B. Willett.

    Mrs. Orator McClelland and daughter, Miss Frances, of Corning, visited relatives here last week.

    Mrs. Nell Case and little daughter, Janet have returned from a week’s visit in Penn Yan.

    Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Ribbins and daughter, Christina, are visiting relatives in Gazzam, Pa.

    Mrs. A. S. Humphrey of Mayfield, N. Y., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. P. S. Carpenter and Mrs. George Mundy.

  3. B. Mitchell and Mrs. R. E. Van Syckel attended the funeral at Mainesburg of their paternal aunt, Mrs. Calkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stiles and family of Philadelphia, have been visiting Mrs. Stiles’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Ballard.

Mr. and Mrs. William Weigester, their sons Charles and Frederick, and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kelley and daughter, attended the Smiley family reunion at West Franklin last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. William Mahar and little daughter of Rochester, are visiting the former’s mother, Mrs. Catherine Mahar, in Canton.

Mrs. W. D. Morse returned Monday to her home in Miami, Oklahoma, after an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Ballard, and other Troy relatives and friends.

Eugene Stanton and Louis Batterson gave a party last Friday evening to a number of their friends at the home of the former’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rockwell, on the Canton Road.

Miss Laura McCabe visited her sister, Mrs. Truman H. Morse, in Elmira the latter part of the week.

Capt. James Bryant, who has been visiting his daughter, past two months, starts Thursday morning for his home in Carleton, Florida. Mrs. Armstrong going as far as Elmira where she will make her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Preston a visit. The Capt. Sails Sept. 1st from New York on the Mohawk. His daughter, Mrs. J. G. June expects to go with him as far as Jacksonville, Fla., where he will be met by a friend from Carleton.

Mr. and Mrs. William Wilcox and daughters, Lenora and Florence, and Miss Winter of Newark, N. J., are visiting the former’s brother, Eugene Wilcox.

Volume XLVIII, #35, Friday, September 8, 1911

William Dillin of Williamsport, is staying for a time with his brother Joseph Dillin.

Mrs. J. Max Beers of Elmira, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. DeWitt.

Mrs. Bert Williams and daughter, Mrs. Arthur Williams, and little son, Eli, spent Thursday with Mrs. Stephen Gernert at Columbia X Roads.

Volume XLVIII, #36, Friday, September 15, 1911

Mrs. George Weigester has returned to her home in Canton street following seven weeks with her son, Robert, at Pittsfield, Mass.

Frank H. McKnight and Henry P. Davison who were here Friday for the funeral of Mrs. McKnight, sailed Saturday from New York for Europe.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Conkling and children have returned to their home in South Bethlehem after spending several weeks with the latter’s parents, the Rev. and Mrs. E. P. Morse.

Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Scurlock and children returned Thursday to heir home in Washington following an extended vacation to the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith. Dr. Scurlock worked his way through medical college as a printer. He is professor of chemistry in Howard university in Washington.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Dickinson have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Naomi Gladys Dickinson, to Mr. Raymond D. Newell, a well known young business man of Alba. The wedding will take place in October.

Mrs. A. Slocum of Andover, N. Y., and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lewis of Wellsville, N. Y., are visiting their sister, Mrs. Howard Beach, and their aunts, Mrs. Dr. Carpenter and Mrs. Hattie Mundy.

Volume XLVIII, #37, Friday, September 22, 1911

Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Rider and daughter, Jean, are guest of the latter’s parents in Catawissa.

Mrs. Melvin Fanning and son, Earl Fanning of Hamilton, N. Y. visited Miss Florence Fanning.

Mrs. Burt Williams spent part of last week in the home of her son, F. W. Williams in Elmira.

Edward B. Williams and daughter of Chicago, have been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Williams.

Mrs. Arthur Sneckenberg with her two little daughters of Elmira, has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Charlotte Ide.

Mrs. A. E. Spalding and little daughter, Virginia, and sister, Miss Anna B. Gernert, returned Wednesday from a several weeks’ visit in Providence and Bridgeport, Conn.

Miss Hattie McMahan has returned from an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Fred Newell, in Washington, D. C.

The fifteenth wedding anniversary of District Attorney and Mrs. Mitchell was the occasion of an enjoyable impromptu gathering at their home Saturday evening.

Among the out-of-town deaths of the week were the wife of W. A. Davey, Secretary-Treasurer of the Citizens’ Mutual Company, at the family home near Mansfield, funeral on Monday and a son, aged 14, of Ray Cleveland of Armenia.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ross, of Bohlayertown, have a fine daughter, born September 14th.

Volume XLVIII, #38, Friday, September 29, 1911

Mrs. P. S. Carpenter went yesterday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Greenough, in Brockport, N.Y.

Mrs. Paul Cudworth and her daughter, Mrs. B. P. Barnes have come from Manistee, Mich., for a visit to their old Mainsburg neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. DeWitt.

Mrs. Nell Rolison and daughter, Irene, of Elmira, have been the guest of Troy friends.

J. W. Bailey of Granivlle, was called to Utica last Sunday to attend the funeral of his cousin, Milan E. Drake.

Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Phelps of East Smithfield, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth Maude, to Frank A. Rockwell of West Burlington. The wedding will take place in October.

Mrs. Caroline Rockwell is visiting her daughter, Mrs. B. G. Bradford, in Columbia.

Mrs. George Stacey attended the funeral in Athens yesterday of Mrs. Morris Shepard at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Stacey.

Miss Mary Fitzpatrick went Monday to Buffalo for a visit with her sister, Miss Nellie Fitzpatrick.

Mrs. Walter H. Card has returned to her home in Fairport, N. Y., after spending the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George F. Taylor, at the "Hedge Row Farm."

Little Lawrence Bailey of Spalding street, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey is recovering from an alarming illness. His aunt, Mrs. J. W. Bailey, was called from Bailey Corners to assist in caring for him.

Volume XLVIII, #39, Friday, October 6, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Young of Rochester, spent last week with his mother, Mrs. Harriett Young.

Dr. and Mrs. George E. Boyer are entertaining the doctor’s mother and sister, Mrs. George E. Boyer, and Mrs. Elizabeth Menges of Camden, N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Willour are planning an early visit to their son, Dr. Scott Willour, in Oklahoma, and their daughter, Mrs. Frank Groman, in Princeton, Ky.

Mrs. Alta Brewer of Rochester, has been spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gilky.

Their friends in Troy and nearby will feel like congratulating Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Dudley and their son, George A. Dudley, over the latter’s election to the Presidency of the National Protective Legion of Waverly at the order’s late national convention in Columbus, Ohio.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bohlayer are rejoicing over the birth of a daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown and children were guests over Sunday of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Garrison near Trout Run.

Dr. and Mrs. Charles Kerrick of Auburn, were called here by the illness of the former’s mother, Mrs. Nelson Kerrick.

Volume XLVIII, #40, Friday, October 13, 1911

Mrs. Hiram Rockwell goes Saturday to make her home for the present with her daughter, Mrs. Metta Bennett, at 317 12th Street, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Mrs. J. W. Peck of Elmira, visited her sister, Mrs. Henry Sherman.

Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Gibson of Elmira, visited the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Gallatin.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elliot and little son, Max, of Elmira, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Linderman.

Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Rider and daughter, Jean, have returned from a visit with relatives in Catawissa.

Mrs. P. S. Carpenter returned Tuesday from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Greenough, in Brockport, N.Y.

Mrs. Fred Newell, with her little son, Howard, of Washington, D.C., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMahan.

Mrs. Mary Long and daughter, Emily, returned Monday from a several weeks’ visit with relatives in Ardmore and Mt. Holly.

Harry Johnson arrived Monday by automobile from Aurora, N.Y., for a visit with Mrs. Johnson and mother, Mrs. Henry S. Leonard, in Elmira street.

Mrs. Margaret Kennedy has returned from a visit with her son, Fred Kennedy, a nurse in the Soldiers’ Home at Bath, N.Y., and her daughter, Mrs. Ravoe Piatt, in Sayre.

Mrs James Leary of Bentley Creek, announces the engagement of her daughter, Ella Cecelia, to Dennis P. Murphy of Elmira. The marriage will take place at St. Ann’s Church, Bentley Creek, Wednesday, October 25.

Mrs. M. J. French is here from Mansfield for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Bottcher.

Mrs. J. J. Preston and little son, Daniel, of Canton, were guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Howland yesterday.

Hon. O. D. Kinney of Athens, who was to have gone with Geo. G. Beardsley around the world, died suddenly Wednesday morning at his home, from angina pectoris. He was ill but an hour.

Miss Leaphie Mershon, married Tuesday in Waverly to Wm. S. Found, is a niece of J. E. Sims.

Volume XLVIII, #41, Friday, October 20, 1911

Mrs. Chas. Ludington and little daughter, Eloween, visited relatives in Elmira.

John Parke is spending the week with his brother, Edward Parke, at Lewisburg.

Mrs. George Smith is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Lynch, in Towanda.

Mrs. F. P. Case and Miss Henrietta Shotts attended the funeral of the former’s uncle, Nelson Tears, in Sullivan on Saturday.

Invitations have been received to the wedding of Miss Naomi Dickinson and Mr. Ray D. Newell to be solemnized at the home of the bride’s parents in West Burlington, on the evening of Oct. 25. Invitations have also been issued to the wedding of Miss Elizabeth Phelps and Mr. Frank A. Rockwell at the home of the bride’s parents at East Smithfield, on the evening of October 25.

Eugene Bentley of Mansfield, visited his sister, Mrs. J. H. Luckey.

Miss Ethel DeWitt spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. DeWitt, in Mansfield.

Mrs. L. A. Joraleman and her granddaughters Margaret and Helen Joraleman visited relatives in Canton.

Volney Wilson, Esq., has gone from Alba with his son V. Morrell Wison and Mrs. Wilson to their home near Providence, R.I., to remain until after thanksgiving.

Volume XLVIII, #42, Friday, October 27, 1911

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hanrahan went Wednesday morning for a week’s visit to their daughter, Mrs. Frank Stenson at Campbell, N.Y.

William Hughson, of the Gazette-Register force and Mrs. Hughson were sorely bereaved on Sunday by the death of their younger son, Frank, age 7 months after a two weeks’ fight with cholera infantum. In attendance at the funeral on Tuesday from a distance were Mr. Hughson’s mother and brother, and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Buck from Elmira. Interment was in Glenwood cemetery.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Tyler, of Cortland, are the guests of Mrs. P. Peck and daughter, Ruth, having been called here by the death of the latter’s grandmother, Mrs. Chas. McKean.

Volume XLVIII, #43, Friday, November, 3, 1911

A divorce was granted last week in the Troy case of Bernice Ogden vs. R. C. Ogden.

Mrs. John Grant expired at 10 o’clock last evening at the family home in Elmira street, following a long illness. The funeral arrangements are not made as this is written but it will probably on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Rockwell and son, Paul, attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Jane Woodin, at Sayles, on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Faulkner of Gillett, the latter a former Trojan, are rejoicing over the birth of a son on Oct. 23d.

Mrs. Benj. L. Truman, of Owego, is visiting her sister, Mrs. N. M. Pomeroy.

Mr. and Mrs. LaCelle Granteer and son, of Minnequa, who have been visiting his sister, Mrs. J. L. Minard, at Portsmouth, N. H. returned to their home Monday.

Volume XLVIII, #45, Friday, November 17, 1911

Mrs. W. S. Holland has been on a visit in Elmira to her daughter, Miss Virginia Holland of the nursing staff of the Arnot-Ogden hospital.

The children of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ballard of Leona, have issued invitations for a celebration of their fiftieth or golden wedding anniversary at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sadler, in Elmira street, on Tuesday, Nov. 21st. Mrs. Sadler is a daughter.

Miss Kate Conrad of Milton, visited her mother, Mrs. Nettie Conrad, in Canton Street.

William Erk attended the funeral last week in Honesdale of his nephew, Howard J. Erk, who visited here during the years.

Mrs. B. B. Mitchell went last week for a visit to Mrs. Truman in Owego, and to her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. M. Knox, at Saranac Lake, N.Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Bauder had with them on Monday the latter’s father, George Hart of Williamsport, and her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hart, of New York. The younger Mr. Hart is a mechanical expert, and he was here on business.

Volume XLVIII, #46, Friday, November 24, 1911

Mrs. E. J. Buffum went to Vestal, N.Y., on Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mr. Buffum’s niece, Mrs. Ettie Merrill.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hilley and son, Bruce, of Benton, Pa., are visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lathrop at Leona.

Mrs. E. Hickok, who has been with her daughter, Mrs. Dare, at Port Jefferson, N.Y., since spring, has returned to her home with her son, Geo. Hickok, in King street.

Mrs. Stanley Moore of Towanda, is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teeter.

Mr. and Mrs. Gray Rose have moved from Mansfield to Coudersport where he will look after the growing business interests of his father, Warren D. Rose.

Announcement is made of the approaching marriage of Miss Althea Maude Holly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Holly of Columbia, to Mr. Alexander Dilet. The ceremony will be solemnized next Tuesday at Brampton, N. Dakota.

Volume XLVIII, #47, Friday, December 1, 1911

Miss Ethel DeWitt is in Corning for the Thanksgiving vacation from school duties for a visit to her sister, Mrs. Dennis Johns, and family.

Sylvester Sherman of Indiannapolis, came Monday night to attend the funeral of Mrs. Nathan H. Sherman.

President Arthur McKean of the First National Bank and Mrs. McKean have another grandson, who arrived in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Scott McKean at Newberry, Pa., on Monday, Nov. 27th.

Volume XLVIII, #48, Friday, December 8, 1911

Mr. Edward VanDyne, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. VanDyne, Dr. and Mrs. John Phillips, and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. VanDyne attended the funeral on Saturday of Samuel Everett, a pioneer and long-time resident of Elmira who expired on Thursday at the ripe age of 83. Surviving are a brother and two other sisters besides Mrs. Edward VanDyne.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Kelley entertained for a few days Misses Laura, Sue and Winifred Van Fleet, whose widowed mother, a sister of Mrs. Kelley, died last week at the family home in Elmira.

Mrs. Leon Card and son, Morris, of Sylvania, spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Frank Buck, in Elmira.

Mrs. F. I. Hooker of Leona and Mrs. A. J. Sadler of Troy, visited their brother, Lynn Ballard in Canton.

Mrs. J. H. Kornarens and little son, John Henry, Jr., of Los Angeles, California, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Nichols.

Miss Laura Budd McClure, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert McClure of Snedekers, and Mr. Robert Gernet Strong, of Columbia Cross Roads, well known young people, were married Wednesday, Dec. 6th in Elmira.


Troy Gazette-Register
Troy, Bradford Co., PA

January 1912 issues missing

February 2, 1912 issue missing

Volume XLIX, #5, Friday, February 9, 1912

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knights were summoned by telegraph to State College last Saturday where their son Lloyd had suffered a severe hemorrhage of the lungs, brought on it is believed by excessive hammer throwing in athletic practice.  He was comfortable when Mr. Knights came home the first of the week and his complete recovery is hoped for.

Mrs. Leon Buckley and little daughter, Alma Janice, of Elmira, were week-end guest of Mrs. J. W. Howland.

William F. DeWitt is building a house in Elmira for Mr. and Mrs. J. Maxwell Beers, the latter of whom is his daughter.

George Potter, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Potter of Lafayette, Ind., and grandson of Mrs. George Peck, is a freshman at Hamilton College.

The serious illness of her mother Mrs. Jacob Thomas, called Mrs. H. C. Sherman to Elmira.

Mrs. Dennis Johns of Corning, a sister of Miss Ethel DeWitt of Troy school faculty, is ill with typhoid fever.

Mrs. S. E. Coles passed a week with friends in Harrisburg after attending the marriage of her son Edwin, in Washington.  She returned to Troy Tuesday afternoon.

Liston Bliss went to New York early in the week to meet his sister, Miss Mary I. Bliss on her return from Europe.  Miss Bliss is to come Troy this spring and keep house with her brother in the house now occupied by J. H. McClelland.

Mrs. Malcolm Gibson of Elmira, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Gallatin, Monday and Tuesday.

Volume XLIX, #6, Friday, February 16, 1912

Mrs. J. E. Kelley of Tuckerton, N. J., and Ned Maher are spending the week in Rochester, N. Y., visiting their brother, William Maher, and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chase, Mrs. J. W. Pomeroy and Walter Robbins of Troy, and E. F. Ruggles of Sullivan, attended the funeral in Athens Saturday of Mrs. Cecelia Shepard Ruggles.

 Mrs. Helen Strait and Geo. G. Beardsley go to Wellsboro Saturday to attend the funeral of Sanford Strait, of Somers Lane, who died Wednesday at the home of his daughter.

Lester Honeywell’s condition is some what improved.  His father, John Honeywell, also, is convalescent.

Visitors in the Bottcher home High and King streets during the week were Mrs. Bottcher’s daughters, Mrs. M. J. French of Mansfield, and Mrs. Andrew Strong and her infant son of Elmira.

Mrs. Elizabeth Putnam leaves this week for Willard, where she will spend the rest of the winter with her daughter, Mrs. N. E. Boyce.

Volume XLIX, #7, Friday, February 23, 1912

James A. Willour of Rochester, N. Y., was an over Sunday guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Willour.

Mrs. W. H. Thompson attended the funeral at South Bethlehem, Pa., of her brother, W. T. Emory.

Mr. and Mrs. Omera Shepard of Granville, have been visiting their son, George Shepard.

Mrs. Lacelle Granteer of Canton, was a week end guest of her mother, Mrs. Margaret Kennedy.

Volume XLIX, #8, Friday, March 1, 1912

M. B. McDowell and his daughter, Mrs. Joralemon will occupy the Ballard house to be vacated by Mrs. May McDowell in Exchange street.

Mrs. W. L. Gilmor who came in November to spend part of the winter with her daughter, Miss Eleanor Gilmor of the high school faculty, in the Hill house, returns to Valois, N. Y., this week.

Jacob Williams paid a visit last week to his brother, F. W. Williams in Elmira.

Master Robert Farmer has been visiting his sister, Mrs. H. M. Weigle, in Elmira.

W. W. Bauder was called to Mt. Union, Pa., on Monday, by the death of his grandmother, Mrs. Mitchell.

Vice President D. E. Pomeroy of the Bankers Trust Company, who is just back from Cuba and the Canal zone, paid a brief visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Pomeroy.

Volume XLIX, #9, Friday, March 8, 1912

Mrs. Isaac Cleaver and her daughter, Miss Mary Cleaver, are guests for a week of the latter’s sister, Mrs. Arnold, in Rochester.

Miss Mary Quinlan of Elmira, is at the Costello home during the absence in Williamsport of her sister, Mrs. Fred Costello.

Miss Ruth H. Armstrong of Athens, is visiting her brother, C. E. Armstrong.

Mrs. Frank P. Case returned Saturday night from a ten days visit in Philadelphia and New York.  George F. Case, her son, came with her and he has taken up actively the work of his partnership with his father under the firm name of E. P. Case & Son.

A divorce has been granted in Canton case of Mary Wells vs. James H. Wells on the ground of cruel and barbarous treatment.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Tattershall returned Monday to their home in White Have, Pa., following a visit to their daughter, Mrs. John C. Deane and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown were in Ithaca Sunday by automobile for a visit to the former’s brother Frederick Brown, who is the linotype operator on the Cornell Sun.

A blaze in the rear of the J. S. Hoard insurance office, at Mansfield, was put out by Mr. Hoard’s son, Donald, before the fireman arrived.

Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Gallatin enjoyed a treat last week in a visit of several days from their daughter, Mrs. Malcom Gilson of Elmira.

Mrs. E. P. Howley was called to Canton last week by the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. Michael Hickey, from a paralytic stroke.  Mrs. Hickey is in her 75th year.

Volume XLIX, #10, Friday, March 15, 1912

Mrs. Frances Copley of Elmira, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Edward VanDyne.

Frank C. Gernert of Bridgeport, Conn., was an over Sunday guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gernert.

Oscar Saxton of Granville Center, who has been quite ill at the home of his son-in-law Lischer Ross, in Canton, is improving.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Batterson, with their son, Louis, attended the funeral at Ogdensburg, Monday, of their cousin, Stephen Spencer.

Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bailey leave on Saturday for a visit to their son, Mr. Percy Bailey and family in Washington.

Missionary Wilber Hooker with his wife and two little sons, arrived last Saturday for a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hooker, of Leona, after ten years in China.  He will remain until fall or longer.

Volume XLIX, #11, Friday, March 22, 1912

Mrs. George Stacy has returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Bullock in Elmira.

Mrs. Richard Longbothum of Mansfield visited her sister, Mrs. John Luckey in Redington avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Linderman visited their daughter, Mrs. Charles Elliott, and family in Elmira.

Mrs. F. E. VanDyne, with her little daughter, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Swan, in Elmira.

Mrs. Ella Santee, of Granville Center, has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. A. Rockwell.

John McGoughran was called to Williamsport by the serious illness of his mother, Mrs. Redmund McGoughran at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Cummings.

Hrs. H. V. Sawyer of Liberty, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Victor Rockwell.

Mrs. W. B. Price of Montour Falls, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Luckey.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Griffin of Canton, visited a few days at the home of Mrs. Griffin’s brother, Chas. Tomlinson, before leaving for their new home in California.

Mrs. Margaret Kennedy who suffered a paralytic stroke last Thursday while alone at her home in Redington Avenue, is improving.  Her daughters, Mrs. Ravoe Piatt of Sayre, and Mrs. Lacelle Granteer of Canton, are with her.  Her son, Fred Kennedy, who is a nurse at the Bath soldiers’ home, was here also over Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Williams (nee Adele Rockwell) have returned from Michigan, and will occupy the Weber farm.

Mrs. John McGoughram is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Howard Ballard, and family at McKeesport.

Volume XLIX, #12, Friday, March 29, 1912

Mrs. M. J. Handran is entertaining her mother, Mrs. Mary Doherty of Watkins, and Mrs. Bridget Quinn of Geneva.

Mrs. M. Jaynes of Moravia, N. Y., returns to her home today after spending two weeks with her brother, H. H. Heald.

Harland Gustin has come from Sylvania to make his home with his cousin, Miss Jeannette Gustin and her father in Troy.

The remains of an infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Loomis, formerly of Troy, were brought from Syracuse for burial in Oak Hill cemetery the first of the week.  Mr. Loomis accompanied the remains.

Mrs. William Hillis leaves today for Miami, Oklahoma, for an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. O. B. Ballard and family.  Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Pomeroy accompanying her to Harrisburg.

If she is well enough, Mrs. J. L. Phoenix will return with her daughter, Miss Ellen Phoenix to Owego, after the latter’s Easter vacation.

Mrs. Richard A. Smith attended the funeral in Syracuse last week of her niece, Miss Jennie Charles.

Wesley B. Reynolds came last Wednesday from the National Soldiers’ Home, Virginia, for a visit to his son, Lee Reynolds, and family.

Sam Parsons from Yale, and Judson Parsons from Buffalo, came Thursday night to spend their Easter vacation with their mother, Mrs. E. B. Parsons.

Mrs. John C. Dean is entertaining her sister, Miss Fan Tattershall, from New York City.

Mrs. Rancy Fleming of Cowley, has been spending some time at the bedside of her mother Mrs. Margaret Kennedy, who is slowly recovering from her paralytic shock.

Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Gibson come from Elmira Saturday for Easter with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Gallatin.

Mrs. Fanny Maxwell Long returned Wednesday from a three months’ visit to her brother, Percy Maxwell in Lock Haven, Pa.

Mr. and Mrs. Louise Nearing have recently announced the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy, to Mr. Henry Bowers VanDyne.

Volume XLIX, #14, Friday, April 12, 1912

Charles C. Hooker has sold his Leona farm to his son, Fred Hooker.

Miss Anna Bottcher visited her sister, Mrs. Andrew Strong, in Elmira.

Helen Crouch of Syracuse, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. C. C. Paine.

Mrs. Harry Johnson and little daughter Harriet, are visiting Mrs. Henry Leonard.

Miss Fanny Rooker of Towanda, spent Sunday with her grandmother, Mrs. G. N. Newberry.

Miss Carrie Saltmarsh returns to Syracuse on Saturday, after a visit of a month to her mother, Mrs. Orlando Saltmarsh.

Leslie Fitch, son of Frank Fitch, of Granville, is recovering from a severe run of pneumonia.

W. F. DeWitt was in Mainesburg with Dr. M. B. Ballard to see his brother Joseph DeWitt, who is seriously ill with heart trouble.

Mrs. Wayne Rathburn was seriously ill Wednesday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gilmour.

Mrs. T. H. Morse and little daughter from Elmira, last week with her mother, Mrs. Chas. McCabe.

Mrs. Sharpe of Springfield is visiting her son Lee Gates.

Volume XLIX, #15, Friday, April 19, 1912

Miss Susie Quinlan of Elmira, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Fred Costello, who is entertaining this week Mrs. James Nugent of Elmira.

Mrs. A. W. Preston of Elmira, spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Armstrong.

Volume XLIX, #16, Friday, April 26, 1912

Mrs. Harriet Mundy has heard from her son, H. C. Mundy, who was in Parral, Mexico, where there was constant fighting for ten days between the insurgent and the government forces.

Mrs. L. P. Drake and her son-in-law, J. Carson Blackwell, returned Friday evening from Pittsburg where they were called by the serious injury of Mr. Drake by the cars.  They left him as comfortable as could be expected with a broken leg and several ribs torn lose.  Mr. Drake sells whips and had driven out to call on a customer.  It was raining and as he was on a railroad crossing on his way back to Brownsville, a box car was run into his rig killing the horse and demolishing the carriage.

Liston Bliss spent Sunday in Rochester with his sister, Miss Mary Bliss, who comes soon to maker her home with him.

Mrs. Justin Campbell has returned to her home with her daughter, Mrs. May McDowell, following a visit of a month to relatives in Canton.

Mrs. Francis Copley of Elmira, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Edward VanDyne.

John W. DeWitt will make his home for the present with his sons, Ray and Claud DeWitt.

Fred W. Stacey of the Athens dry goods firm of Stacey & Kiff, passed Sunday in town with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Stacey.

Mrs. William S. Montgomery with her children, Henry and Mary, is visiting her mother at Milton.

Volume XLIX, #17, Friday, May 3, 1912

Mrs. Peck has just erected tablets in Oak Hill cemetery to the memory of her husband, the late Peleg Peck, and mother Mrs. Lucy Henry Cardwell.  Following an ancient southern custom the tablets are flat instead of perpendicular, and are replicas of those in the private grave yard of her great grandfather, Patrick Henry, at “Red Hill,” his seat, in Charlotte county, Virginia.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bright and family attended the funeral of Mrs. Bright’s mother, Mrs. Jane Burns, at Nauvoo, Pa, Tuesday.

Mrs. Alvin Spencer of Higganum, Conn., her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Burr and daughter, are visiting Mrs. Spencer’ sister, Mrs. D. M. Campbell at Burlington and other relatives in Wetona.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Compton enjoyed a visit from their older son, F. B. Compton, the Tamaqua clothier.

Mrs. M. M. Putnam entertained a company of twenty last Thursday evening in honor of the birthday of her daughter, Mrs. B. R. Dahlgren.

Mrs. J. H. Kelley, little daughter, and Mrs. Charles Kenyon, are visiting the latter’s granddaughters, the Misses VanFleet in Elmira.

Volume XLIX, #18, Friday, May 10, 1912

Otis F. Robbins returned last Friday to the home of his son Archibald, in Sullivan, from the Sayre hospital, accompanied by a nurse who is still with him.

William E. Hughson has moved to Elmira, where he is employed by his brother, Frank Hughson, the Second Street hardware dealer and plumber.

Volume XLIX, #19, Friday, May 17, 1912

Mrs. VanDerberg has returned to her home in Bolvar, N. Y., following a visit to her daughter, Mrs. W. O. Price.

Mrs. Harry B. Parker who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Mary Bright, left on Wednesday for her home in Washington, C. C.

Max Kennedy has been called home from California by the illness of his father, W. W. Kennedy.  He started last Sunday.

Attorney William E. Carnochan of New York, was in town last week for a brief visit to his sister, Mrs. Sarah B. Willett.

Mrs. Frances Howard of Roaring Branch is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. P. Sucese.

Volume XLIX, #20, Friday, May 24, 1912

The announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Ethel Elliot of Glenora, N. Y., and Raymond Ebaysole of Columbia Cross Roads.  The wedding will take place June 12th.

Mrs. Arthur Gebhardt (nee Andrus) of Miami, Oklahoma, with her son, Arthur, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. G. W. Gates, at Columbia X. Roads.  Mr. Gebhardt is expected to join them within a week.

Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wood and sons of Elmira, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. White on the Porter Road, who now have as guests John C. White and granddaughter, Kathleen M. White of Auburn, N. Y.

The engagement is announced of Dr. Sloat Williams, of Newark, N. Y., formerly of Troy, and Miss Ethel J. Kilby of  Nyack, N. Y.

Mrs. Earl W. Stanton and Earl, Jr.,  visited her sister, Mrs. Stephen Kelley, in Elmira.

Miss Katharine Quinlon of Elmira, passed Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Fred Costello.  Mrs. James Curry was also down from Elmira for a visit to Troy friends.

Fred S. Kelley of Syracuse, spent Tuesday night with his brother, Harry Kelley.

Mrs. B. L. Truman who is visiting her sister, Mrs. N. M. Pomeroy, will return on Saturday to her home in Owego.

Volume XLIX, #21, Friday, May 31, 1912

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Parsons are planning to attend the are planning to attend the graduation exercises of their daughter, Miss Jane Parsons, from LaSeele Seminary, Auburndale, Mass., week after next, and their friends are urging them to make the trip in their new Cadillac automobile.

Mrs. E. B. Parsons will attend the gradation exercises of her son, Walter at Lawrenceville, N. J. and Samuel at Yale University.  The latter is the third of her sons to be graduated from the New Haven university.  All were prepared at Lawrenceville.

Mr. and Mrs. Louden Budd are anticipating an early visit from their son, Lee W. Budd and family of Chicago.

Volume XLIX, #22, Friday, June 7, 1912

Mrs. E. P. Parsons and Mrs. B. A. Long left yesterday for Lawrenceville, N. J. to be present at the graduation exercises of the former’s son, Walter.

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Dickinson of West Burlington, have issued invitations for the wedding at their home on Wednesday, June 19th, of their daughter, Miss Cynthia Dickinson, to Mr. Percy S. King of Troy.  It will be a small wedding, those bidden being near relatives and intimate personal friends.

Mrs. J. Franklin Pierce and Mrs. N. Shaw went Wednesday morning to New York, where they will be met by the former’s son, Allen Pierce, with his Cadillac for an automobile tour.

Miss Marta Doane is with her brother, Prof J. C. Doane and family in Philadelphia, for the graduation of her nephews, Joseph and John Doane, as physicians and surgeons from the University of Pennsylvania.

Mrs. C. E. Bullock and infant son, George Frederick, with the nurse, Mrs. Fred Jenner, are visiting Mrs. George Stacy.

Nelson Kerrick left Monday for a two-weeks’ visit with his daughter, Mrs. A. D. Gritman, in Philadelphia, and his son C. W. Kerrick, in Trenton, N. J.

Mrs. B. B. Mitchell is spending time at Saranac Lake, with her daughter, Mrs. Chas. M. Knox, and family.

Invitations have been received by some of their Troy friends to the wedding and reception of Marion Sawtelle and Miss Lillian Mather of Ulster, on June 18th.  Many more have been bidden to the latter than to the marriage.  The bride-to-be is a daughter of John C. Mather, one of the Republican nominees for member of the Legislature from this county.  Mr. Sawtelle’s father is the Presbyterian pastor at Ulster.

Volume XLIX, #23, Friday, June 14, 1912

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Reynolds visited the latter’s father, George Orvis, in Sullivan.

Mrs. Esther Kenyon left Tuesday morning for Syracuse to attend the graduation of her son, John N. Kenyon, at Syracuse University.

Mrs. Theodore Sherman and her mother, Mrs. Troop, of Elmira, started Monday afternoon for a visit with relatives and friends in New York State.

Miss Louise Stone is visiting her sister, Mrs. Samuel Rockwell.

Invitations have been issued for the wedding of Miss Catherine Louise McNulty of Troy, and Dr. Michael J. Noone, assistant surgeon of the Scranton hospital, Wednesday evening, June 26th at 6:30 o’clock, at St. John’s church, this boro.  A reception will follow at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McNulty, in Elmira Street.

Volume XLIX, #24, Friday, June 21, 1912

Mrs. L. W. Ballard visited her daughter, Mrs. Whitmer, at Newport, Pa.

Mrs. Mae McDowell was called to Elmira by the death of her brother, Everitt Campbell.

Theodore Sewall, whose father, the Rev. G. P. Sewall, father, the Rev. G. P. Sewall, was for many years the pastor of the Presbyterian church in this village, is a 1912 graduate from Princeton university.

George Gibson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Gibson, who has been ill for some months left Sunday for the tuberculosis camp at Mt. Alto.

Miss Elise Bohlayer, of the editorial staff of Smith’s Magazine, New York, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bohlayer.

Charles S. Weigester, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Weigester, was graduated Wednesday from the dental department of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.  Where he will locate for the practice of his profession has not been announced.

Volume XLIX, #25, Friday, June 28, 1912

Mr. and Mrs. William Erk are entertaining the former’s sisters, Misses Elizabeth and Catherine Erk of Honesdale.

Mrs. Sidney Doane of Brooklyn, is spending a time with her mother, Mrs. Henry Gernert.

Theodore Compton will return to Troy for a further visit with his brother, Daniel Compton following a visit to relatives in Horseheads.

Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Smith and son, Allen will leave Sunday for Syracuse to join their daughter Charity.  They will visit relatives in that city.

Mrs. Arthur Williams and daughter, Mary, of upper Canton street, visited in Elmira last week.

Volume XLIX, #26, Friday, July 5, 1912

Charles H. Gernert of Bridgeport, Conn., is visiting his mother, Mrs. W. B. Gernert and family.

Mrs. J. E. Kelley and her brother, Ned Maher, passed the Fourth at Willard, N. Y.

Mrs. W. S. Sweet and children, Henry and Marion, and Mrs. Herman J. Pierce and son, Robinson, went the first of the week to Mountain Lake for a month.

Miss Lisle Putnam of Binghamton, is spending the week with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Putnam.

W. W. Beaman visited his brother, Humphrey Beaman, at White Haven, over Sunday.

Volume XLIX, #27, Friday, July 12, 1912

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Leonard and daughter of Horseheads, returned to their home on Monday after a visit to their mother, Mrs. Celia Leonard, and family.

Mrs. Frances Howard of Roaring Branch, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. P. Sucese.

Mr. and Mrs. Claud DeWitt are entertaining the latter’s mother and sister, Mrs. Dr. Mitchell and Miss Helen Mitchell.

Mack Huntley, the Springfield boy who as fireman of the engine of train No. 11, was so badly injured in the Corning disaster the morning of July 4th, is recovering from the cuts and bruises which covered nearly his entire body.  His brother, Geo. Huntley, of this boro, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Huntley, of Springfield, have been to see him in St. Joseph’s hospital.

While standing on the porch of his home above Mansfield Monday evening.  William Bentley, a brother of Mrs. John Luckey of this boro, was struck by lightning.  He was quite badly burned and it was nearly an hour before he regained consciousness.

A family gathering at the home of Mrs. Lizzie Ward Ballard on Wednesday included all of her children, Dr. and Mrs. S. E. Whitmer of Newport, Pa.,; Dr. and Mrs. Howard Ballard of McKeesport, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ballard of Jackson, Mich., and Dr. and Mrs. Frank L. Ballard of Troy.

Mrs. Mack Craig of Bentley Creek, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. C. Robinson, and her niece, Mrs. Thomas Colony.

Dr. C. H. Gordinier of the faculty of Millersville Normal School, has been the guest for a few days of his sister, Mrs. W. T. Newell.

Volume XLIX, #28, Friday, July 19, 1912

Mrs. Lena Joralemon of Syracuse, is visiting her father, M. B. McDowell.

Miss Alma Price visited her sister, Mrs. Llewellyn Yawger, at Union Springs.

Mrs. H. A. Stiles of Philadelphia, who with her children is spending part of the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Ballard, passed the early part of the week in Elmira.

Miss Mary Burke was down from Elmira for Sunday with her sister, Miss Annie Burke.

Frank Mitchell arrived Wednesday from Chicago for a visit to his father Thomas Mitchell, and other Troy relatives.

Frederick Bevens comes Saturday from his position with the Bankers’ Trust Company in New York for a fortnight’s visit with his mother, Mrs. Harold Bevens.

Lloyd Knights is very ill at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knights.  He has never recovered from the hemorrhage which prostrated him at State College.

Harry Compton of Hazleton, and Burt Compton of Tamaqua, are spending the week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Compton.

Volume XLIX, #29, Friday, July 26, 1912

Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ross and daughter, Ruby, of Fallbrook street, were over-Sunday guests of their brother, Olen Ross, and family at Fassett.

Mr. and Mrs. Willard H. Rockwell have announced the engagement of their daughter, Lovina B., to Walter H. Putnam, both of West Burlington.  The wedding to take place in September.

Mrs. Homer Sharp is entertaining her mother, Mrs. R. J Beach and young son.  Mrs. Beach’s home is in California.

Miss Lulu Price Brown is spending a fortnight in Scranton with her father, Miles Price.

Mrs. Solomon of Boston, is spending a week in Troy with her brother, Charles Joralemon and other relatives.

Miss Arlene Foote left yesterday for her visit in Farmington, Conn., to Mrs. Winchell Smith and Mrs. F. M. Spencer.  She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Leila Foote.

Mrs. Anna Shaw of Williamsport and Mrs. G. M. Angier and granddaughter Emily West, of Sayre, spent Thursday at the home of Mrs. Jno. A. Parsons, the occasion being the 87th birthday anniversary of her mother, Mrs. Maria R. Woodruff.

Mrs. Chas. M. Knox is with her mother and niece, Mrs. B. B. Mitchell and Miss Madeline Van Syckel at Chatauqua.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rundell of Canton, visited their son, C. Frank Rundell and family in East Main street.

James W. Lamkin is entertaining his sister, Mrs. F. A. Johnston and her daughter, Miss Barbara Johnston of Binghamton.

Frederick Brown comes Sunday from Ithaca for a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown.

Mrs. Oliver J. Taylor of Chicago, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Kenyon and other Troy relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Gallatin are entertaining their daughter Mrs. Malcom Gibson of Elmira, and Mrs. Gallatin’s sister, Miss Sue Deitch from York.

Mr. and Mrs. John Sucese, and the latter’s sister, Mrs. Howard, of Roaring Branch, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Denmark at Alpine, N. Y.

Volume XLIX, #30, Friday, August 2, 1912

Dr. Mary Smith of the Smith sanitarium, has announced the engagement of her niece, Miss Achsa Marie Smith, to Henry Wright.

Mrs. Williard Price of Montour Falls, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Luckey.

Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Montgomery are entertaining the former’s sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Slifer.

Mrs. Fred Miller is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Monahan, of New Albany, Pa.

Miss Elizabeth Shannon is visiting her brothers, Dan and Mac, in Patton, Pa.

Misses Laura and Jeanette McCabe are in Penn Yan visiting their brother, Harry.

William E. Carnochan of New York, is with his sister, Mrs. E. B. Willet, at her West Main street home.

Volume XLIX, #31, Friday, August 9, 1912

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wilcox are entertaining the former’s brother, Chas. Wilcox and wife of Syracuse.

Mrs. J. Frank Groman and little daughter, Helen of Princeton, Ky., came last Friday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Willour.

John Lamkin of Binghamton, is spending part of his vacation with his brother James in this place.

Mrs. Emma Smith of Tioga, who has been spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. H. D. Stevens, returned home last week.

The Rev. and Mrs. Patterson are entertaining their son, Theron K. Patterson of Wellsville, N. Y., and their daughter, Miss Sara Patterson from Indianapolis, Ind.

Mrs. A. W. Preston and three children of Elmira, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Armstrong.

Master Ralph Ferry, son of Mrs. Ada Ferry, fell from a horse at the home of his uncle, Arthur Kinyon, Saturday evening, and broke his arm.

Rev. H. B. Allen and daughters Millicent and Elizabeth of Colvay, N. Y., arrived here last week for a part of Mr. Allen’s vacation.  The young ladies are the guests of Miss Genevive Borden.

Mrs. A. D. Gritman of  Philadelphia, is visiting her father, Nelson Kerirck.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Preston and children and O. H. Jaquish motored to Mansfield Sunday to visit Mrs. Preston’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. White.

State Senator George F. Argetsinger, a former Mansfield boy and graduate of the Normal, distinguished himself by diving from the pier of a Lake Ontario resort, with his clothes on and rescuing 5-yeard Virginia Fitz Simons of Rochester, from drowning.  The Senator is a grandson of John Argetsinger, formerly of Rutland.

Major and Mrs. J. C. Robinson are entertaining their daughter, Mrs. Woodford May, of Bentley Creek.

Volume XLIX, #32, Friday, August 16, 1912

Engagement Announced At Birthday Gathering.
   A notable family gathering was held on Sunday, Aug. 4th, to celebrated the 83d anniversary of the birth of Mr. C. C. Hooker.  Mr. Hooker is well know and highly respected farmer, and at his advanced age still enjoys excellent health and takes pleasure in working in his vegetable garden and about the farm.  On Sunday morning his grandson, Carl H. H. Baumann, and wife, of Scranton, had the pleasure of being driven to the Methodist church at Leona by Mr. Hooker.  Having lived on the same farm during practically his whole life time, Mr. Hooker has watched with pleasure and pride the development of the farming country in this locality.
   The following guest had the pleasure of partaking of the birthday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Hooker:  Mrs. Ida Hooker Baumann, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hooker and son, Carlton Hooker, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Ballard and children, Eleanor and Chas. Henry, Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. H. Baumann, Mrs. Julia Fisk and Mr. Finley Hubbard.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hooker and sons, who have recently spent some time at the parental home while on missionary furlough, could not be present, as they were obliged to leave a short time ago in order to return to China in time to resume their missionary duties.
   During the coming March Mr. Hooker expects to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of his marriage to Miss Louisa Fish, of Tioga, Pa.
   Mr. Hooker’s birthday dinner was also the occasion of the announcement by Mrs. Hooker of the engagement of her daughter, Mrs. Ida Hooker Baumann, of Scranton, Pa., to Mr. Finley Hubbard, a very successful farmer and well known resident of Bradford County.

Little Gayle McKean of Elmira, is visiting her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Budd.

Mr. and Mrs. James McGee and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Orcutt went to Rochester Tuesday to attend the funeral of T. J. Sullivan, a former resident of Troy.

Mrs. Fred Costello and daughter Julia spent Sunday in Elmira.

Mr. and Mrs. John McNett of Chicago, are guests of John E. Dobbins and sister, Mrs. Emma P. Hepburn.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lynch of Towanda, are visiting Mrs. Lynch’s mother, Mrs. George Smith on Railroad street.

Mrs. Hattie Rollins and daughter, Julia, Miss Julia Mathews of Elmira, and Miss Seymour of Mainesburg, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. McDowell.

The Gustin boys, Harden and Harold and their cousin, Raymond Davis, are spending today in Millerton with their grandmother.  Raymond will go on to Mansfield for his father’s birthday.

Mr. and Mrs. Merton Griswold and daughter, Madeline, motored through from New York on their way to visit relatives in Canton.  Harry M. Cleaver came with them for a visit to his mother, Mrs. I. N. Cleaver.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beach and child of California, Pa., are visiting his mother, Mrs. Frank Beach.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hanrahan and daughters, Margaret and Sara of Corning, are visiting Troy relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. James Beach have returned from a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Allan Gould in Elmira.

Mrs. Mark J. French of Mansfield, and Mrs. Andrew J. Strong of Elmira, are visiting their mother, Mrs. George Bottcher.

Russell G. Tomlinson and bride of Chicago, visited Mr. Tomlinson’s brother, Charles.

Miss Rebecca Blackwell of Towanda, is the guest of her brother, J. C. Blackwell, and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Friends and infant child, of Hornell, are guests of the former’s father, Charles Friends.

Mrs. Emma Baldwin and Mrs. C. Barrett are spending a month at Cleveland, Ohio, with Mrs. Barrett’s daughter, Mrs. J. H. Yeomans.

Theodore Hovey of New York is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hovey.

Mrs. H. M. Bement and daughter, Helen, of Elmira, have returned home after visiting Mrs. Bement’s sister, Mrs. Charles Tomlinson.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stees (Anna Laurie Johnson), Bloomsburg, Pa., and Mrs. Louis Cassada (Effie Beaman) of Pine City, were guests of honor at a delightful picnic supper on the porch of the Lamkin home Tuesday evening.

Volume XLIX, #33, Friday, August 23, 1912

Mrs. F. C. Haile and little daughter, Ernestine, returned to their home Monday, after spending a week with their aunt, Mrs. C. H. Smythe.

Albert F. Hovey of Pittsburg, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hovey.

Mrs. George O. Holcombe is entertaining her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Holcombe of Philadelphia, who are on their annual outing.

Mrs. Lucy Redington Smith and daughter, Marcella, of Elmira, are visiting Troy relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wilcox are entertaining for a few days Mrs. Laura E. Smith and her son, Charles Mekell and daughter, Ina Mae.

Mrs. Fred Roberts and little son, Howard, of Rochester, are visiting her father, A. L. Rolison and family.

Percy Maxwell of Lock Haven, has very graciously sent his automobile and chauffeur to Troy for use of his sister, Mrs. F. M. Long and daughter during Mrs. Maxwell’s absence in Europe.

Volume XLIX, #34, Friday, August 30, 1912

Mrs. J. W. Harding left Wednesday morning to Join her husband at their home in Williamsport after a visit to her brothers, John N. and H. L. Wolfe and their sister, Mrs. Gustin.  Mr. and Mrs. Harding were married in this boro sixty-two years ago in the house now occupied by A. J. Sadler and family.  They are respectively 84 and 81 years old.

Mrs. P. G. Newell and daughter, Helen, returned Tuesday from a visit to friends in Elmira.

Mrs. Oliver J. Taylor has returned to her home in Chicago from a visit in this boro to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dorr Kenyon, and other relatives.

Volume XLIX, #35, Friday, September 6, 1912

Mrs. John R. VanNess of Lestershire, N. Y., and daughter, Miss Fidelia VanNess, are visiting relatives and friends in Troy and vicinity.

Mrs. F. G. Pierce went last Friday for a visit to her sister, Mrs. Blish, in Fleishmans, N. Y.

Dr. and Mrs. Charles Kerrick of Auburn, and Mrs. A. D. Gritman of Philadelphia, visited their father, Nelson Kerrick, Center and High streets.

Mrs. Whaley of Boston, is spending a time in Troy with her brother, Louden Budd and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Easterbrook of Boston, are guests at the Troy House of the latter’s brother, H. S. Heywood.

Miss Florence Fanning attended the funeral in Elira on Monday of her aunt, Mrs. Chauncey Campbell.

W. F. DeWitt was in Mainesburg Tuesday at the bedside of his brother, Joseph, who is in steadily failing health.

Volume XLIX, #36, Friday, September 13, 1912

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones had with them for the fair the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Murphy of Chemung.

George Kendall, who has been visiting his brother, Dr. R. C. Kendall returned Wednesday to his home in Trenton, N. J.

Mrs. F. W. Newell returned Wednesday to her home in Washington accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Robert McMahon.

Volume XLIX, #37, Friday, September 20, 1912

Mrs. Charles Bullock and son George, of Elmira, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Stacy.

Dwight Rolison is attending the City’s Centennial Celebration and visiting his sister, Mrs. Roberts, in Rochester.

Mr. Tattershall of White Have, passed Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. John C. Dean and family at St. Pauls rectory.

Mrs. Llewellyn Yauger with her little daughter, returned to her home in Union Springs, following a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Price.

Miss Lou King has returned to her home in Canton after a few days visit to her sister, Miss Margaret King.

B. J. Sillman is slowly recovering from an alarming illness at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Charles N. Greene.

Mrs. Walter Gernert and daughters, Mrs. Andrew Spalding of Ridgeway and Miss Anna Budd have been spending a few days with friends in Trumansburg, N. Y.

Volume XLIX, #38, Friday, September 27, 1912 missing

Volume XLIX, #39, Friday, October 4, 1912

Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Foulke of West Burlington announce the engagement of their daughter, Edna G., to Ray W. Campbell of Burlington.  The marriage to take place in November.

Miss Anna Budd Gernert is visiting her sister, Mrs. Andrew Spalding at Ridgeway.

Volume XLIX, #40, Friday, October 11, 1912

Mrs. Charles Teeter spent a time in Towanda with her daughter, Mrs. Stanley Moore and family.

Percy Davies of Stanley, N. Y., came Saturday and remained over Sunday with his brother, Dr. M. A. Davies and family.

Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bailey of Springfield, announce the engagement of their daughter, Angeline R. to Mr. Roy W. Young of Springfield, wedding to be solemnized in November.

Frank Mason of Geneva, N. Y., visited his brother, A. Z. Mason.

Mrs. Earl W. Stanton and her little son were week-end guests in Elmira of Mrs. Stanton’s sister, Mrs. Stephen Kelley.

George, Lester and Rita Newell, children of Mrs. Perry Newell, High street, are ill with fever.

At Canton two engagements have been just announced:  Miss Lula Watts to Ira Chamberlain, and Miss Ruth Wilcox to Guy Preston.  Both weddings are to take place soon.

Mrs. W. S. Potter goes for a visit to her son, George, at Hamilton college before returning, with her mother, Mrs. George Peck, to their home in Lafayette, Indiana.

Volume XLIX, #41, Friday, October 18, 1912

Serious Typhoid Fever Epidemic—More Than Hundred Ill.

Miss Mary Burke of Elmira, has been visiting her sister, Miss Anna Burke.

N. M. Pomeroy lest with Henry P. Davison in his private car to visit his son D. E. Pomeroy in Englewood, N. J.

Dr. John Carnochan of Princeton, came to Troy Monday, called by the illness of his sister, Belle Carnochan and other relatives.  Miss Janet Carnochan returned to Princeton with him.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Estabrook of Cambridge, Mass., came last Saturday for a visit to their brother, S. H. Heywood.  They received a message Sunday announcing the death of Mrs. Estabrook’s uncle, in Boston.  They immediately returned to attend the funeral.

A. B. Silliman of Boone, Iowa, was in town the first of the week for a visit to his father, A. B. Silliman, and his sister, Mrs. Charles N. Greene, and family.

Volume XLIX, #42, Friday, October 25, 1912

Dr. Noone and wife of Scranton, are in Troy caring for her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. McNulty.

Mr. John Dobbins and sister, Mrs. Hepburn, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Louis Packard near Alba.

Mrs. Howard of Roaring Branch is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. P. Sucese.

Mrs. Fanny Porter is spending the week with her mother, Mrs. Alva Cornell at Altus.

Mrs. Finley Rogers is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bingham, in Spencer, N. Y.

Mrs. W. H. Qua of Elmira spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Hobart.

Miss Anna Coney of Elmira, is in Troy, called here by the illness of her brother, John Coney.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Moore, of Towanda, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teeter.

Mrs. Lizzie Ward Ballard left Tuesday for a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Edward Whitmer, in Newport, Pa.

Mr. and Mrs. George Sargeant announce the engagement of their daughter, Ethel, to Mr. Claud G. Blanchard, of Elmira.

Volume XLIX, #43, Friday, November 1, 1912

Mrs. C. H. Holbrook, of Hornell, N. Y. is visiting her daughter, Mrs. D. E. Crosley.

Mrs. Allen Gould of Elmira, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Beach in Elmira street.

Mrs. McKay of Smithfield, is caring for her daughter, Mrs. T. Conklin.

David Paine of New York, is expected Saturday for a visit to his mother, Mrs. C. C. Paine.

Mr. Frank Mitchell of Chicago, was in town this week, called here by the death of his father, Rev. Thomas K. Mitchell.

Humphrey Beaman is visiting his sister, Mrs. Louis Casidy in Pine City.

Miss Anna Compton is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. B. Pomeroy at “Stone Acres.”

Mrs. Frank Fraley of Austinville, has been visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles Teeter.

Mrs. Fanny M. Long and daughter Irene are visiting at the home of Mrs. Long’s brother, W. P. Maxwell in Lock Haven.

Volume XLIX, #44, Friday, November 8, 1912

Mrs. Malcom Gibson of Elmira, and Roy Gallatin of Uniontown, were called home by the sickness of their sister, Francis Gallatin.

Mrs. Stephen Kelley, of Elmira, and Mr. Wm. Tracey of Gray’s Run, are at the Troy House, being called here by the serious illness of their sister, Mrs. Earl Stanton.

Mr. and Mrs. Amos Coe of Harrison Valley, were in town for the week-end, called here by the death of their son-in-law, Burton Sewell.

Volume XLIX, #45, Friday, November 15, 1912

Mrs. Margaret Rolison and son Chester, of Canton, are in town caring for six relatives.

Mrs. A. E. Backer and daughter Sallie, have returned from a three week visit to Wellsville, N. Y., driving through with a horse and carriage which Mrs. Backer purchased there.

Mrs. Berton Baldwin of Wellsburg, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson.

Mr. and Mrs. Hollister Burleigh of Altus, were in Troy Tuesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Joab Kenyon.

Roy Bullock, son of Alton Bullock of Scranton, came here to visit his sister about three weeks ago, and last week came down with typhoid fever at his home in that place.

Mrs. Thomas Colony is spending the week with her son Fred at Austinville.

Harry Cosper has rented his farm in Springfield and now expects to reside in the house of his grandfather, B. H. Hobart and follow his business of tuning pianos.

Volume XLIX, #46, Friday, October 22, 1912

Mrs. Eva Gray of Shippensburg, will spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. Ira Parsons.

Miss Jeanette McCabe has returned home from a several weeks’ visit to her sister, Mrs. Truman Morse, in Elmira.

Mrs. Richard Davis of Pittsville, Wis., is visiting her mother, Mrs. D. S. Kenyon.

Miss Anna Coney of Elmira, spent Sunday with her brother, John M. Coney.

Mrs. Charles Elliott of Elmira, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Linderman.

Mrs. W. S. Holland and daughter Virginia, spent a few days of last week in Elmira.

Ethel Hovey, who is attending school in Elmira, Spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hovey.

Mr. and Mrs. Murrell Wilson of Providence, Rhode Island are staying for a time in Alba, called there by the severe illness of his father, V. M. Wilson.

Volume XLIX, #47, Friday, November 29, 1912

Mrs. Elizabeth Putnam is down with fever just as her son Robert is getting up.

Miss Carrie Hickok of Elmira, was with her sister, Mrs. D. J. Fanning, last Saturday.

Miss Emma Weakland, of Patton, is spending some time with her sister Mrs. J. M. Ryan on the Canton Road.

Miss Jerucia Putnam of Brooklyn, Mrs. N. E. Boyce of Willard, N. Y., and Miss Lisle Putnam of Binghamton, are at the bedside of their mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Putnam who is alarmingly ill.

Volume XLIX, #48, Friday, December 6, 1912

Mrs. McKay, mother of Mrs. Timothy Conklin, is quite ill at her home in Smithfield.

R. A. Rathbun has gone to spend the winter with his daughter, Mrs. Blanche Warriner, at Utopia, Florida.

Volume XLIX, #50, Friday, December 20, 1912

Lee Budd, the Chicago live stock dealer, spent Tuesday and Wednesday with is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loudon Bud.

Miss Ella Mansway, who proved to be a most proficient nurse in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. McNulty, was called home this week on account of the illness of her mother.  Miss Mansway is a sister of Dr. J. L. Mansway of Ralston.

Mrs. Marion Smith and daughter of Marion, Ohio, are spending a time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Brown of East Main Street.

Volume XLIX, #51, Friday, December 27, 1912

Miss Mary Nearing and Max Nearing came from Philadelphia for Christmas with their sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. VanDyne in their new home.

Joseph H. Preston has purchased and will occupy the dwelling house of his brother, William Preston, in Redington avenue.  The latter is in the market for a farm of 160 acres or more.

Troy Gazette-Register
Troy, Bradford Co., PA

Volume XLIX, #12, Friday, March 29, 1912

Presbyterians Observe Ninetieth Anniversary
   An interesting event to the hundred and fifty or more present was the observance of the ninetieth anniversary of the Presbyterian church last Friday evening.  On the walls of the church parlors were exhibited paintings and photographs of a number of the early members of the church and of the pastors from 1836 to the present.
Prayer was offered by the Rev. D. H. Patterson of the Disciple church and a fine musical program given, consisting of trombone solo by Henry Sherman, violin solo by Miss Bottcher, vocal sols by Fayette B. Pomeroy, Wilson Weigester, and Mrs. Harry S. Mitchell.  All were warmly applauded and responded to encores.  The last named sang sweetly “The Wanderer’s Prayer” composed by her aunt Mrs. Ellen Oliver VanFleet and set to music by a former pastor, the Rev. S. L. Conde.  This poem and other matter of historic interest in this connection we hope soon to print.  Following the review of the church’s history given below, by the Rev. Edward P. Morse, the young ladies of the church served refreshments including old-fashioned “ambrosia.”  In conclusion the large company joined in sing “I Love Thy Kingdom Lord.”
   The first Presbyterian church of Troy, Pa., was organized March 22, 1822, by a council of ministers and lay delegates, four in number, belonging to the Presbytery of Susquehanna.  The ministers were. Revs. Simeon R. Jones and Oliver Hill; the delegates, Ephraim Strong and Michael Bird.
   Both of these ministers appear to have visited Troy at different times the preceding year, the records showing that they each baptized several children that year, whose parents united in the new organization.  It would be a fair inference that the origin of this church was in part at least due to early home missionary effort.
   The place where the meeting for organization was held was the school house in Troy.  There was at this time one church building, the old log church in what is now Glenwood Cemetery, occupied by the Baptist church, whose organization preceded that of the Presbyterian church by some thirteen of fourteen years.  The condition of the school house at the time of its use for the organization of the new church may be inferred from the following ancient document, preserved in the History of Bradford County, dated the following year. 1823.
   “At a meeting of a number on inhabitants of the vicinity of Lansingburgh, at the school house, to devise or fix some plan for finishing the said school house, thereby making it comfortable for our children, and we, the proprietors, the more applauded by foriners.  Voted unanimous, that we finish off the school house.  Proceeded to sine for the purpose above mentioned, and then voted that after the subscription is expended, to proceed to finish off the same, and we are bound to pay in proportion to what we have already signed.  To be superintended by Almerin Herrick,
         (Signed)) LABEN LANDON, Chairman.
          ELIHU Case, Secretary,”

   The subscription paper had four columns, one for contributions of lumber, one for wheat, one for the number of days’ work, and one for money.  The subscriptions were all in the first three columns, money being the least plentiful commodity.  Among the signers were John Debline, I. N. Pomeroy, Elihu Case, Vine Baldwin, Ansel Williams.
   Sixteen persons untied in the organization of the new church.  Their names were Deacon Solomon Morse and Mrs. Jemima Morse, his wife, Solomon Morse, Jr., Israel Morse and Mrs. Sophia Morse, his wife, Ebenezer Kimball, Mrs. Anna Maria McClelland, Mrs. Polly McClelland, Miss Eleanor Jane McClelland (afterward the wife of Ebenezer Pierce) Miss Mary Anna McClelland (Afterward Mrs. Frisbie), Ebenezer Pomeroy and Mrs. Laura Pomeroy, his wife, Mrs. Lydia Long, Mrs. Elizabeth Cole, Mrs. Barthena Wheeler, Miss Julia Rockwell.
   Solomon Morse, Sr. was chosen deacon, and Israel Morse, clerk.
   The organization as completed was Congregational is the government of the individual congregation, but the individual congregation, but Presbyterian in the articles of faith adopted, and in its ecclesiastical relations, it being enrolled as a part of the Presbytery of Susquehanna.  This was in accordance with a Plan of Union then in operation between the two denominations.
   In the organization of the church one of the things that is noticeable is the extreme care manifested in the examination of the candidates.  Although nearly all of them brought letters from other churches, showing them to be in good standing, the Council examined each one at length in regard to Christian experience and doctrinal beliefs.  The meeting began at 10 a. m. on the 21st, and the examination not being finished that day, it adjourned to 9 o’clock the next morning, when the examination was continued.
   Of these sixteen persons, four, Mr. Kimball, Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Wheeler and Miss Rockwell, were not very long identified with the church, and so far as known are not now represented in the congregation.  Mr. Kimball removed during the first year.  Mrs. Cole died after two years and somewhat later Mrs. Wheeler joined the Baptist church and Miss Rockwell, the Methodist.
   The other twelve members belonged to four distinct families—Morse, McCleland, Pomeroy and Long.  These families are all represented in the present membership of the church in the second, third and fourth generations.  In the present communicant membership of the church there are seventeen lineal descendants of these charter members, besides a half-dozen baptized children.  Mrs. Anna Maria McClelland, the wife of John McClelland, was the great0grandmother and Mrs. Polly McClelland the grandmother of Miss Lizzie McClelland and Mrs. Fred Bohlayer.  They lived in the vicinity of Columbia Cross Roads.  There are eight of their descendants now members of the church.
   Mr. Ebenezer Pomeroy, with his brother, Col. I. N. Pomeroy, came here from Connecticut a few years before this time, and engaged in operating the old woolen mill located a little way below Long’s Mill.  Mr. and Mrs. Ebenezer Pomeroy are represented in the present active membership of the church by their son. Charles Burton, and four grandsons.
   Mrs. Laura Pomeroy outlived the other charter members who retained their membership in the church, her relation to the church extending over a period of 68 years.  She died in 1890, at the age of 94, after a very long and useful live.
   Mrs. Lydia Long was the wife of Major Ezra Long, who came to this county from Vermont about 1812.  She was the mother of five sons and three daughters, and of her direct descendants two are now members of the church, a granddaughter bearing her name, Lydia Emily Long, and a great-granddaughter, Irene Maxwell Long.
   The remaining five charter members belonged to the Morse family.  Solomon Morse, Sr., and his wife, Jemima, his sons, Solomon Morse, Jr. and Israel Morse, with the latter’s wife, Sophia Morse.  Solomon Morse, Sr., migrated from Poultney, Vt. About 1801 to East Smithfield in this county.  Before leaving Poultney he and two of his neighbors who were coming to Pennsylvania with him were organized into a Congregational church, which they proceeded to establish in their new home.  In 1811 he sold his lands in Smithfield, and later removed to the neighborhood of Troy.  He was the first deacon of the Troy church, but his death occurred before the close of the year in which it was organized.  His wife Jemima Morse, survived him several years, dying in 1829.  Through his son, Solomon Morse, Jr., who was chosen deacon in his father’s place, these early pioneers are represented in the church now by two great-grandchildren.  Mr. Frank Morse and Mrs. Addie Morse Long.
The other son of Solomon Morse, Sr., Israel Morse, has no representative now in the Presbyterian church, but his only surviving daughter, Mrs. Martha Morse Titus is a member of the Troy Methodist church.  A granddaughter also, Mrs. Fred Bohlayer, Jr. lives not far from Troy.
   During the first ten years of the church’s life, from 1829 to 1832, it had a rather precarious existence.  Its services appeared to have been held at irregular intervals, and in such places as were available; the hall of O. P. Ballard, the school house, or a private house serving for a place of worship.  During these years it had no regular minister for any considerable length of time so far as the records show.  Six of its members were lost by death or removal, and six others were added to it, so that it retained the original number, sixteen.
   In 1832 the first settled minister, Rev. David Harrower, arrived and began his work.  Under him the church enjoyed its first era of prosperity.  He remained some five or six years.
   During the first year of Mr. Harrower’s ministry there were twenty-one additions to the church.  Among these were Isaac Tears and his wife, whose granddaughter, Miss Henrietta Shotts, is still a member of the church; Miss Laura Spalding, afterwards Mrs. Smith, mother of Miss Lucy Smith; and Miss Lucinda Merrick, afterward the wife of Col. I. N. Pomeroy.  The latter has the honor of the longest membership of anyone in the church from the beginning, extending from 1832 to 1904, a period of 72 years; and a period distinguished not for its length alone, bot for its activity and earnestness in the work of the church, continue until within a few years of the close of her long life of 93 years.
   In this year also Israel Morse and his wife took letters from this church to return to Smithfield.  This leaves a recorded membership of 35 when the church voted on April 12, 1833, to become Presbyterian, by the election of ruling elders.  The elders then chosen were Isaac Tears, Solomon Morse and Ebenezer Pomeroy.  A son of this latter elder is a member of the present church Session.
   It would be a mistake to suppose that the only friends of this beeble, struggling church were its communicant members.  There were others who attended its services, and lent it substantial aid as there was opportunity.  Some of these became communicants in later years.
   Prominent among these friends of the church was Col. I. N. Pomeroy, brother of Elder Ebenezer Pomeroy, and father of the present senior elder of the church, Mr. N. M. Pomeroy and grandfather of an other elder, D. Fred Pomeroy.  One-half of the present Session is directly descended from these pioneers of ninety years ago.  In the present membership of the church there are eleven descendants of Col. I. N. Pomeroy in the first, second, third and fourth generations.  The fourth generation being represented by one of the most recent additions to the communicant membership, Miss Madeline VanSyckel.
   Another of the early friends of the church was Dr. Alfred Parsons, who became a communicant late in life, who is represented by a son and daughter, two grandsons and two granddaughters in the present membership, the son, Mr. L. A. Parsons, having for many years been the efficient clerk of Session.  Other names are those of John Wilber, Laban Bowen and wife, Seth Paine, Jonathon Peck and wife, and O. P. Ballard, nearly, if not all, of whom are still represented by their descendants in the present membership of the church.
   During the ministry of Mr. Harrower the first church building for the use of the Presbyterian congregation was erected.  It stood on West Main street, on the corner of the lot now occupied by the residence of Mr. L. H. Oliver.  The building is still standing, and forms part of Mr. Oliver’s barn.  It was built some time between 1832 and 1835, the exact date being in doubt.
   This building was occupied until 1848, when a new and more commodious church was erected a little farther west.  The latter building, after to completion of the present church in 1875, was remodeled into a double dwelling house and is the property of Mr. N. M. Pomeroy.  The three buildings successively occupied by the congregation have all been within a stones throw of each other.
   The year 1832, when Mr. Harrower began his ministry, also marks the beginning of Sunday school work in the village.  This was organized as a union school, and was held in the school house, which stood where Mr. R. W. Budd’s meat market now stands.  Whether the Baptist had a Sunday school in the old log church, east of the village, before this time or not, the writer has been unable to learn; nor how long this union school was maintained.  After the Presbyterians had a building of their own the organized a Sunday school there.
   The history of the church after these days of beginnings would include many names prominent in the religious, social and business life of Troy besides the descendants of the pioneers.  Many of these have already entered into rest.  The story of their work in the church will form a fitting part of the century’s history, when the centennial celebration of the church is observed in 1922.
   The ruling elders:  Solomon Morse, Ebenezer Pomeroy, Isaac Tears, Eli Bird, Jonothan Peck, Ezra S. Jewell, Alfred Waldron, James B. Adams, Layton Runyon, Frederick Whitehead, Dr. Nathaniel Smith, Daniel F. Pomeroy, E. Burton Parsons, Theodore Waldron, N. Merrick Pomeroy, Edward VanDyne, George L. Peck, Daniel Compton, John A. Parsons, Liston Bliss, D. Fred Pomeroy, G. C. Besley, G. Burton Pomeroy.
   Impossible to name here those who have served as deacons and deaconesses, trustees and in various organizations connected with the church.
  Total membership of the church 834.  Received during present pastorate 189.

Volume XLIX, #13, Friday, April 5, 1912

More Presbyterian Church History.
   This article was prepared by the Rev. Edward P. Morse for the Lackawanna Presbyterian in September, 1898, in anticipation of the meeting of Presbytery with the Troy Church.
   The Troy church, which is to entertain Presbytery this fall, was organized March 22, 1822, by a council of ministers and delegates, four in number belonging to the Presbytery of Susquehanna.  The ministers were Simeon R. Jones and Oliver Hill; the delegates, Ephraim Strong and Michael Bird.
   One of these ministers, Oliver Hill, appears to have visited Troy as a missionary the preceding year, the records showing that he baptized several children that year, whose parents united in the new organization.  It seems probable therefore that this church grew out of the efforts of this early home missionary.
   Sixteen members united in the organization of the church, fifteen of whom presented letters of dismission from other churches, but all of whom were carefully examined in regard to Christian experience and doctrine, the examination occupying the whole of one day and part of the next.  Among these first members were such well known Trojan names as Pomeroy, Long, Rockwell, Morse and McClelland.
   Presbyterian and Congregational elements mingled in the organization, under the “Plan of Union” then in operation between these two denominations.  The form of government adopted was Congregational, while the newly constituted church was declared to be “in the Christian union and fellowship of the churches of Susquehanna Presbytery.”  Solomon Morse was chosen deacon, and Israel Morse, clerk.  During the eleven years that it remained a Congregational church there is record of three occasions on which a delegate was appointed to a higher ecclesiastical body.  One of these was to the Luzerne Association, the other two to the Presbytery of Susquehanna.
   For the first ten years the church made little progress.  Its place of worship was either the school house, a private residence, or a public hall.  Services for prayer and conference.  Services for prayer and conference were held occasionally, and there was preaching at intervals, but for the most part the church appears to have been without a stated supply.  During this period there were but five additions to the church, and four of the original members were lost by death or removal.
   In 1832, the Rev. David Harrower became stated supply, remaining four or five years.  Under his ministry the church enjoyed its first era of prosperity.  Among the first to unite with the church during this period was Miss Lucinda Merrick, afterwards Mrs. I. N. Pomeroy,, the oldest living member of the church, who at the age of eight-eight years, is still able to attend and enjoy the services of the church, of which she has been a consistent and devoted member for sixty-six years.
   In 1833, the church became Presbyterian in polity, electing as ruling elders Solomon Morse, Ebenezer Pomeroy and Isaac Tears.  A little later, probably in 1835, and under the ministry of Mr. Harrower, the first house of worship was built.  This was a small frame building, modeled architecturally after the pattern now know as “the little red school house,” without the red.  It stood on the north side of West Main street, on a corner of the lot now occupied by the residence of Lyman Oliver.  The building, which was afterwards moved to the rear of the lot, is still standing, and is used as a carriage house.
   Following Mr. Harrower’s ministry the church was supplied for brief periods by the Revs. S. M. McClung and S. S. Schienck.  The latter received a call to the pastorate, but did not accept it.
   In 1838, the Rev. Isaac Todd, the first settled pastor of the church, began his fruitful ministry, which extended over a period of nearly thirteen years, was the longest but one in the history of the church.  Under Mr. Todd the congregation outgrew its first house of worship, and a much more commodious and attractive frame church was erected on the same street a little farther west than the old building.  The new church was dedicated November 29, 1848.  This building, remodeled into a double dwelling, still occupies its original directly opposite the present church, and is the property of Elder N. M. Pomeroy.
   Mr. Todd’s pastorate ceased in 1851, and the church was without a pastor until 1854, being supplied during a part of this time by Rev. Geo. R. Entler, and J. K. Cornyn.
   The second pastor of the church was the Rev. Henry L. Doolittle, from 1854 to 1856.  The shortness of his pastorate may be attributed in part at least to his pronounced pro-slavery views, which were not acceptable to all his congregation.  After his resignation, the Rev. Sidney Mills was stated supply for over a year, during which time there were considerable accessions to the membership of the church.
   In 1858, the Rev. J. G. Carnachan became state supply, and a year later was installed as pastor.  There were large additions to the church during Mr. Carnachan’s ministry, especially during the earlier part of it.  Later serious difficulties arose, threatening for a time the peace and unity of the church.  The Presbytery probably knew more about the Troy church at that time than ever before or since.  Mr. Carnachan’s pastorate ended in the spring of 1866, and the differences of the church were finally adjusted.
   The fourth pastor of the church was the Rev. Edward H. Camp, who remained two years.  He was succeeded in 1872 by the Rev. Samuel L. Conde, under whose pastorate the present beautiful church of brick and stone was planned, built, furnished, paid for and dedicated, at a total cost of over $30,000.  The first steps toward the building were taken in 1873.  The cornerstone was laid September 16, 1875, and the building was dedicated December 20, 1876.
   In 1874 Mr. Conde offered his resignation to take effect when the new church should be completed, thus leaving himself unembarrassed in his effort to build by his future relation to the church.  Two years later, when the church was completed, the attention of the session having been called to the resignation, the body requested Mr. Conde to withdraw it.  This he accordingly did, and continued to serve the church until 1879.  During this pastorate there were numerous accessions to the church; the limited term service of elders and deacons was adopted, and the diaconate was enlarged by the election of deaconesses.
   Mr. Conde was succeeded in 1879 by the Rev. Granville P. Sewall, whose long pastorate of over sixteen years, the longest in the history of the church, was characterized by faithful and fruitful service, and by hearty co-operation on the part of pastor and people.  There were many special evangelistic efforts, most cordial fraternal relations were cultivated with the other evangelical churches of the village, and the regular organized activities of the church were faithfully carried on.  Frequent additions to the membership more than balanced the losses by death and removal.  In 1886 the present commodious manse was built on the lot adjoining the church at an expense of $3,500.  Plans were also laid and money raised for repairs on the church property, but the work was not undertaken until the summer of 1896, after the coming of the present pastor.
   Mr. Sewall’s pastorate closed in December, 1895, and his successor, the Rev. Edward P. Morse was installed in June, 1896.  The new pastor found the church well organized, united and carrying on its activities and benevolences as though there had been no break in its regular pastoral service.
   During the present pastorate, besides the repairs upon the church previously planned, extensive improvements have been made on the manse, $200 a year has been added to the pastor’s salary, and thirty-three members have been received into church fellowship.
   The present membership is 222.
   The limits of the present sketch will not permit mention of Sunday school, young people’s societies, missionary and other organizations; nor of the many faithful workers whose labors and sacrifices have been blessed to the growth and efficiency of the church.  Some of these are membership of about 675.  Of these over four hundred united on confession of their faith.
   Prepared for the Lackawanna Presbyterian in September, 1898, in anticipation of the meeting of Presbytery with the Troy church.
   E. P. Morse.

Volume XLIX, #24, Friday, June 21, 1912

St. Paul’s Parish 70th Anniversary.

The seventieth anniversary of the consecration of the first church building of St. Paul’s Parish, was celebrated on Thursday, June 13th, in the Parish church on Elmira street.  At 10:30 a. m., the Right Reverend Ethelbert Talbot, D. D., Bishop of Bethelehem, celebrated the Holy Communion; the Venerable Franklin T. Eastment, Arch Deacon of Altoona, of the Diocese of Harrisburg, formerly rector of the Parish being Deacon, and the present rector, being Sub-Deacon.
  At 7:30 p.m., there was Choral Evensong, Arch-Deacon Eastment saying the office and the rector reading the lessons.  The Bishop preached the Anniversary Sermon in which he revived the past life of the Parish and gave words of great hope and encouragement for the future.
   At these services a thank-offering was made which amounted to $277.61.
   At 9: p.m., there was a reception at the home of Mrs. Emma Ayers on West Main street.
   The meeting at which the Parish was organized, was held Wednesday morning, March 3rd, 1841, and the Parish thus organized was admitted into the union with the Diocese of Pennsylvania, then comprising the whole state, the same year.  The first vestry consisted of the following:  Messrs. S. W. Paine and Henry Card, Wardens: O. P. Ballard, L. I. Bradford, S. N. Pomeroy, E. C. Oliver, Wm. Scott, D. F. Pomeroy, Bateman Monroe and G. F. Redington, clerk and treasurer.
   The first church building was raised July 3rd, 1841, and consecrated June 15th, 1842.  This building was sold to the Roman Catholic Church and is now their Parish Church.  The second church building was acquired in the sixties and sold in the latter nineties and is at present a double house on the north side of Elmira street, nearly opposite the present church.  The present building was erected and consecrated during the rectorship of Mr. Eastment.
   The first church building was consecrated during the episcopate of the Right Reverend H. N. Onderdonk, 2nd Bishop of Pennsylvania.  During its seventy years of life the Parish has been under the spiritual jurisdiction of the following bishops:  The Right Reverend Alonzo Potter, 3rd Bishop of Pennsylvania, 1845-1865; the Right Reverend Samuel Bowman, assistant Bishop of Pennsylvania, 1858-1861; the Right Reverend William B. Stevens, assistant and 4th Bishop of Pennsylvania, 1862-1871; the Right Reverend M. A. Howe, 1st Bishop of Central Pennsylvania, 1871-1895; the Right Reverend Nelson S. Rulison, assistant and 2nd Bishop of Central Pennsylvania, 1884-1897; the Right Reverend Ethelbert Talbot, 3rd Bishop of Central Pennsylvania, (Name recently changed to Bethlehem,) 1898 to present.
   During the same seventy years there have been sixteen rectors of the church as follows: The Rev. Freeman Lane, the Rev. P. S. Ruth, the Rev. M. Harding, the Rev. G. P. Hopkins, the Rev. L. D. Ferguson, the Rev. W. G. Ware, the Rev. E. P. Brown, the Rev. J. C. Joralemon, the Rev. F. T. Eastment, the Rev. John Graham, the Rev. Charles H. McKnight, the Rev. Sidney Winter, the Rev. F. C. Huber, the Rev. Robert E. Roe, the Rev. Royal K. Tucker and the Rev. John Clark Dean.
   Friday, Bishop Talbot visited St. James’ Mission in Canton and confirmed a class of eight.