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Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette Register 1913 - Yesterday's News

Typed by Pat SMITH Raymond
These clippings from ancient and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services available.
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. 
Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings.  Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here.  If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Search Engine which you can reach from the "Front Door" of the Tri-County Genealogy & Historysites by Joyce M. Tice. 
Local News
Troy Gazette – Register
Troy, Bradford County, PA
Joyce's Search Tip - August 2008 
Do You Know that you can search just the 239 pages of Troy Gazette-Register Clippings on the site by using the TGR Clippings button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page
You'll also find obituary and other newspaper clippings using the three county-level Obits by Cemetery buttons and the general Clippings Button. Additional clippings can be found in the Birth, Marriage, and some other partitions. 



Work has been begun on the new co-operative creamery at East Smithfield

Mr. and Mrs. William BOHLAYER have a fine new son, born on the 16th instant.

Last Tuesday, the Rev. J. C. DEAN, was the preacher at Emmanuel church, Elmira.

M. J. McNULTY is in Scranton with Mrs. McNulty and their children, Dr. and Mrs. Noone.

The Minnie C. BUCK and the Fannie BAKER properties soon are to be sold by order of the court.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. POMEROY come today or tomorrow for Washington’s birthday with the former’s father, Mr. N. M. POMEROY.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert VONEIDA move at once from the Wagner house to Newberry, Pa., where Mr. Voneida has purchased a blacksmith shop.

Miss Marcella SMITH of Elmira, well known here, has accepted an excellent position in the checking department of the Bell Telephone Company in Elmira.

Harry COSPER was down from Elmira Monday.

Miss Esther ORVIS of the High School student body, has been ill at her home in Sullivan.

Misses Ida RANDALL and Hazel GRAY OF Canton, were over Sunday guests of Mrs. R. W. JORALEMON.

E. C. GREENO of Canton, a former resident of the Porter road, was in attendance at county grange on Wednesday.

At East Smithfield $40 was cleared from a millinery sociable at which "the boys trimmed the hats and Charley FRENCH sold them.

Mrs. W. S. SWEET returned Saturday evening from her visit to Philadelphia to Miss Elsie SHAEFFER who is this year an art student at Drexel institute.

James A. WILLOUR was home over Sunday. He is in the employ of the Gurnsey B. Williams Co., Syracuse dealers in hosiery, underwear and notions.

S. W. HEYWOOD was brought home from New York Sunday morning on the 4:18 train. He was accompanied by Messrs. E. W. STANTON and C. W. MITCHELL and Dr. John W. PHILLIPS who was called to New York on Saturday to decide whether or not it would be safe to move him. Mr. HEYWARD did not suffer from the trip. He is improving. His sister and brother-in-law were with him in New York but did not come on with him to Troy.

The Rev. P. S. CALVIN has resigned his pastorate of the Baptist church in this boro and accepted a call to Galeton, Pa., where he is to go about March 15th. In this connection there is talk of a union of the Baptist and Disciple churches of Troy. What will come of it can not now be said.

Born at Granville Summit, Feb. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul ENGLISH, a daughter.

A second son was born in Rochester, N.Y. a few days since to Mr. and Mrs. Horace B. POMEROY.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sawtelle come from Sayre for Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. PARSONS.

Anthony FIENE, a Hollander from Rensselaer county, N.Y. and his family come March 1st to work for John W. POMEROY on shares. He is an experienced dairyman and the number of cows on the place will be increased from thirty to forty.

The spirited debate on Womans suffrage by high school boys and girls last Friday afternoon was decided in favor of the Suffragists. The sides were represented by Misses Mabel CALIFF, Esther ORVIS and Celia WILCOX, and Messrs. John PARKE, Donald CAMERON and Donald VICKERY. Judges: Rev. G. A. BALDWIN, Charles N. GREEN and O. W. JACQUISH.

John HOWLAND has been ill for a week with grip.

B. B. MITCHELL expects to move into his new home April 1st.

Misses Sarah CRANDLE and Julia ROCKWELL spent Sunday with friends in Canton.

Misses Alice COLONY and Mildred BALLARD visited Miss Louise WILLIAMS in Elmira.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles BRADFORD of Athens, visited their sister, Mrs. M. B. McDOWELL.

Mrs. Anton MANN and children are paying a long anticipated visit to friends in Williamsport.

James GUSTIN has accepted a position with the American Salesbook Company in Elmira.

Mrs. Arthur McMAHON goes next week for a visit to her sister, Mrs. BRADFORD at Barnesboro.

Attorney David FANNING is moving to the Grimes house and Herman WOODWARD into the vacated Witter house.

Accompanied by her cousin, William VAN WHY of Binghamton, Miss Lulu PRICE BROWN is visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles CHASE and family in Buffalo.

The silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. SADLER is to be celebrated by quite a large gathering this evening at their home in Elmira street.

Mrs. Frank P. CASE and son George CASE, go to Washington for the inauguration. They are also to visit friends in Philadelphia and Baltimore before their return.

Mrs. Sarah B. WILLETT comes from her visit to the HARRISONS in Staunton, Va., for inauguration week in Washington with Mrs. ANDREWS (nee Minnie TERRY).

Our readers will be interested in announcement of the engagement of Allan J. CAMPBELL, a former Troy boy, and Miss Florence ROBERTS, both of Salt Lake City, Utah.

Joseph DILLIN will operate the ROLISON mill for Preston & Jaquish, the new owners who have taken over the stock on hand of Mr. ROLISON.

Harry W. CALIFF of Troy, who has been taking a course in dairying at State College, goes Marc 1st to Gettysburg where he has accepted the foremanship of an ice cream factory.

Under the operation of the 8 hour law an additional clerk in the person of Miss Mildred BALLARD will be regularly employed part of each day in the Troy post office after March 4th.

Mr. and Mrs. George B. STANTON, James B. STANTON, Joseph P. NEWMAN and Charles H. TATE in addition to those elsewhere mentioned will attend the inauguration of President Wilson in Washington next Tuesday.

B. B. MITCHELL will have his wagon shop down the alley back of Hovey’s store, taken down by Contractor C. J. CASE and erected as a 36 x 60 barn on the site of the barn burned last season by lightning.

We have received from her father a most interesting paper found among the effects of the late Miss Minnie C. BUCK in the form of "The New Year’s Address" from the carrier of the Weekly Trojan to his patrons, Jan. 1, 1852. The address is in verse, signed by the "Printer’s Devil." It will appear in the Gazette-Register in due time.


Miss Katharine RYAN is assisting her uncle M. J. McNULTY, in his N. M. R. work.

Mrs. B. B. MITCHELL visited her sister-in-law, Mrs. Stephen F. Robinson in Athens.

Miss Mary CLEAVER has been advanced to the position of toll operator in Troy Bell telephone central.

Miss Virginia HOLLAND who has been visiting her parents, leaves today for New York where she will take a post graduate course in nursing in a well-known hospital.

Dr. and Mrs. RIDER entertained over Sunday the latter’s cousin, Mrs. Nellie BASTINE of Catamissa, Pa.

Miss Charlotte WHEELER of Elmira is visiting her aunt and sister, Mrs. G. N. NEWBERY and Miss Laura WHEELER.

Messrs. Harry Cleaver and Theodore HOVEY were home from New York for Washington’s birthday and Sunday.

Mrs. Lacelle GRANTEER of Canton, spent the first of the week with her mother Mrs. Margaret KENNEDY in Redington avenue.

H. M. SPALDING, Timothy LEAHY and William STEVENS as viewers last week accepted the new county bridge at Luthers Mills on behalf of the county as complying with the contractor’s specifications.

The engagement has just been announced of Miss Lucy SWEET, daughter of former Sheriff SWEET of Towanda and Dr. D. P. MATTHEWSON of Bath, N. Y.

Albert H. THOMAS and Miss Ruth A. WARREN, who were married Feb. 14th, by the Rev. Wenrick of Canton, have returned from their wedding trip to Rochester and will begin housekeeping next week at the old Thomas homestead near Alba.

Mrs. J. Franklin PIERCE spent Sunday in Canton with her sister, Mrs. Ted BURKE.

Charles JORALEMON has been ill nearly a week with grip.

Alanson ROLISON who has been ill in bed for two weeks is slowly improving.

Bell telephones have been lately installed in the homes of Lucile GILMMOUR and Arthur McMAHN.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Keir, of Leona, on Thursday, Feb. 13, 1913, a son, Arthur Zenas Keir.

Mrs. Royal K. TUCKER of Red Lodge, Montana, with her three children is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. LUTTRELL at Bradford, Pa.

Miss Mary ORCUTT was a over Sunday guest of Miss Vera VICKERY at Columbia Cross Roads.

Mr. and Mrs. M. E. BAILEY go to Washington soon for a visit to their son, Percy BAILEY and family.

Misses FLOOD and DeWITT of the public school faculty spent Sunday in Mansfield with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. DeWITT.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McMAHAN begun house keeping last week in the Pomeroy house in Elmira street lately vacated by F. L. BALLARD.

Mrs. M. S. WOOSTER of Seattle, Wash. is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Ida PARSONS and other friends.

Miss Anna KEPLER is visiting her sister in Williamsport.

John STORCH is to move into the Haxton house to be vacated by Mrs. WATKINS who succeeds Mrs. McCULLEY in the Mrs. BALDWIN house, formerly the Cahill place.

Elsewhere: Mrs. HOLLAND and daughter, Miss Ruby, in Elmira Saturday; Miss Helen BALLARD with her aunt, Mrs. TIDD in Elmira over Sunday. J. H. KELLEY in Canton Saturday night account of illness of his mother.

Giles VIELE of Fassets, the first of the week sold his grist mill in this boro which H. C. ROLISON has occupied for more than thirty years to Preston & Jaquish who are to take possession as soon as the deed is executed. The mill was built about 32 years ago, and is one of the landmarks of Troy. Mr. ROLISON has not decided what he will do when he retires from the mill. The purchase price of the property has not been made public.

Mrs. J. J. LYNCH and daughters Catherine and Margaret over Sunday and Monday with her mother, Mrs. Geo. Smith; Miss M. WEAKLAND from Patton for a visit to her sister, Mrs. M. J. RYAN; Mrs. PALMER of Sullivan, part of the week with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. PALMER in their new home; Miss Nora TRAHEY from Elmira, guest of her cousin, Miss Anna BURKE; Mr. and Mrs. Harry JOHNSON and son from Elmira at A. R. JOHNSON’s.

H. M. SPALDING has bought the house and lot in Elmira street for many years occupied by Miss. Angeline STRIKER.

Henry SHERMAN has given up his Elmira engagements and returned to good old Troy which he says is good enough for him.

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. NICHOLS are to move from the rooms over the First National Bank, which they have occupied for many years, to the VanSyckle house on Chestnut street. Mr. NICHOLS is to enter the VanSyckle employ as general caretaker. Charles SMITH who has occupied the house moves into that part of the B. B. MITCHELL double house in Canton street in which John Storch now lives.

Township Health Officer James LINDERMAN is confined to his home by illness.

Mrs. F. P. CASE and son George spent Sunday in Mainesburg with her sister, Mrs. Joseph DeWITT.

Mrs. F. C. ROBERTS and son came Wednesday evening from Rochester for a visit to her father and other relatives.

The Presbyterian Ladies Aid Society met in the church parlors Monday afternoon and elected the following officers: President, Mrs. E. E. VAN DYNE; Vice President, Mrs. W. S. MONTGOMERY; Secretary, Mrs. H. K. MITCHELL; Treasurer, Mrs. L. H. OLIVER.

A noteworthy event at Roseville was the celebration on Tuesday of the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. HANYEN. Owing to the poor health of the former, only members of the immediate family were present: Attorney F. C. HANYEN and family of Scranton, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. PALMER and daughter of Mansfield, Miss M. Louise HANYEN of Elmira and Prof. C. B. HANYEN of Wilkesbarre.


Miss Cora SPALDING has been quite ill with grip.

Mrs. MIX of Canton, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Joralemon.

Mrs. George SMITH and daughter Catherine attended the funeral of a relative in Towanda.

Mrs. Nelson NILES of Rutland, has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. M. W. SMITH and family.

Attorney Lee BROOKS of Canton, was in town Tuesday as auditor of the Silas C. Gregg estate.

Mrs. S. McCLELLAND has returned to her home in Wells following a visit in Utica, N.Y. to her sister, Mrs. J. C. TUTON.

Thimble parties of the Presbyterian ladies were entertained during the week by Mrs. D. F. POMEROY and Mrs. J. C. BLACKWELL.

Samuel WELCH and family, John E. DOBBINS, Benj. DAHLGREN and James LAMKIN attended the automobile sow in Elmira on Wednesday.

Mrs. S. L. CARNOCHAN, Miss Bell CARNOCHAN, Mrs. Edna F. TEETER and children are to be in Washington next week for the inauguration.

The Troy colored choir, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest BRIGHT, Misses Elnora and Belle BURNS and James BURNS, sang in the First Baptist church in Elmira last Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. John HOWLAND and William PRESTON are moving to their new home in Granville.

Miss Marsha PHILLIPS has been quarantined for several weeks with mumps at Wilson College, Phillipsburg, Pa.

Samuel B. ASPINWALL has been entertaining his nephew, Judson ASPINWALL, of the General Electric works, Schenectady, N.Y.

Joseph A. PRESTON and family move March 1st from Center Street to the home which they purchased last fall in Redington avenue.

The Rev. P. J. GAFFIKEN, the new rector at Ralston, and the Rev. T. J. WHITE of Williamsport, were guests of the Rev. Father SHIELDS.

Mrs. William BROWN, her daughter Alice, and niece Florence BROWN of Athens, Mrs. Elizabeth HARRIS of Waverly and William BROWN of New York were guests Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest BRIGHT.

Milton VAN NOY was in town Wednesday for jack screws with which to raise the Bailey Corners church for a basement, which means that that likeable little community is to have what in Park church, Elmira, for example has been known as a romp room, a place where young and old can mix wholesome play with their religion. A similar work is under way at East Troy, all going to show that Western Bradford is coming along the lines of rural betterment suggested by the Country Life Commission and other thinkers on how to make life in the country more attractive.

Officers were elected by Oscaluwa Engine and Hose Company Feb. 19th, as follows: President, Harry S. MITCHELL; Vice-President, John CROAK; Secretary and Treasurer, J. Harry KELLEY; Chief, Percy S. KING; Foreman, Benj. S. GREEN; Assistant Foremen, Frank BARKER, Lester KELLEY; Pipemen, C. Frank RUNDELL, Al BUDD, W. W. BAUDER, Ben. DAHLGEN, Earl WILLIAMS, J. Carson BLAKWELL; Chief Engineer, Milton S. BROWN; Trustees, T. W. PARSONS, B. B. MITCHELL, A. S. GALLATEN; Assistant Engineers, R. V. ERK, Herbert ROLISON, R. A. BURR. Following the election a very fine "feed" was enjoyed under the direction of Robert E. VanSYCKEL.

St. Paul’s Guild met Monday with Mrs. Jennie GRANT and Mrs. Harold BEVENS at the home of the former and the Presbyterian Mission Circle with Mrs. John A. PARSONS, both in Redington avenue.

Miss Margaret KING and sister, Miss Lou KING of Canton were in Washington for inauguration and went from there to Philadelphia and New York.

Fred BOHLAYER, the well-known farmer and fruit grower of Troy township, has purchased an eight-acre orange grove near Sanford, Florida, where his brother from Luthers Mills also has a farm. Mrs. Bohlayer is with her husband in Florida and they are enjoying the change of scene and mild climate very much.

David S. DeFOREST has rented the Zina CASE farm to Walter ROCKWELL.

George S. McGLENN was down from Elmira and spent the night with his brother, M. H. McGLENN.

Harold HARKNESS has moved from the Kerrick house, High street, to the Mrs. Wagner house, Elmira street.

Mrs. Lewis of Pittsburg, is spending some time in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lynn Gillett, Elmira St.

Miss Josephine COLLINS went Sunday to begin a course in stenography in the Elmira business institute.

George BRADFORD of Owego, was an over Sunday guest in the home of his sister, Mrs. Augusta BRADFORD.

Mrs. Anna McCARICK, of Elmira Heights, spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. ABERT, at her home with Mrs. WALDRON.

Mr. and Mrs. James McKEAN and daughter Gayle of Elmira, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. W. BUDD over Sunday.

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. MITCHELL is seriously ill with membranous croup.

Mrs. Charles ELLIOTT and son Max of Elmira, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James LINDERMAN, the former of whom has been quite ill.

Miss Blanche DEWEY of Gillett, came Monday to begin her new duties as stenographer in the Grange National Bank. She is a daughter of Charles P. DEWEY and formerly was conducted with the Recorder’s office in Towanda.

The new officers of the Presbyterian Missionary Society are Miss Minnie BALLARD, president; Miss Anna D. COMPTON, vice-president; Mrs. F. W. HOVEY, secretary; Mrs. E. B. PARSONS, treasurer; and James McMAHAN, secretary of literature.

The silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sadler at their home last Friday evening was a very happy affair in the celebration of which they were joined by a small company of their Troy friends and the following from a distance: Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Ballard, Canton; Mrs. Elizabeth Sadler, Elmira; Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Ballard, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hooker, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Ballard, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Ballard, Mr. and Mrs. Dent Ballard, Fred Ballard, Leona; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morse, Troy Township; and Mr. and Mrs. John Ruggles, Mr. and Mrs. John Ballard, East Troy.

Mr. and Mrs. E. E. VAN DYNE are for a few days in New York where their daughter Elizabeth is attending Columbia University.

With his son George, Troy’s former slave, Lemuel Gibson attended the inauguration of President Wilson. Before their return they will pay a visit to Lemuel’s old home in Midland, Va.


Mrs. P. G. NEWELL moves from High St., Troy, to Elmira.

Miss Mary NEARING is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Henry B. VAN DYNE.

George CAREY is the new manager of the D. S. ANDRUR & CO. music store in the Oliver block.

Miss Christine ANDERSON of Elmira, was a guest of her sister, Mrs. F. D. HUNGERFORD.

Mrs. M. A. McDOWELL and her sister, Mrs. MILLER from Fulton, Ill, spent the week end at M. B. McDOWELL’s.

Accompanied by Mrs. Evangeline GRAY, her mother, Mrs. M. S. WOOSTER left Wednesday for her home in Seattle, Wash.

Miss Nellie ROCKWELL of Cedarhurst, L. I., is expected home Saturday to spend her Easter vacation with her mother, Mrs. Chas. ROCKWELL of West Burlington.

Harold ROLISON has accepted a position with the American Sales Book Company, Elmira.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cosper who are spending the winter in Elmira, have a fine daughter (Mary Alice) born on Tuesday.

The following Troy Masons attended the funeral in Granville Tuesday of the late Chas. R. SHEDDEN: Charles N. GREENE, William ERK, David WATKINS, Howard GROSJEAN, J. Harry KELLEY and Dr. Charles WEIGESTER.

Wilber ROCKWELL moves April 1st from Paines Hill to the Keys house on F. P. CASE’s farm.

Elsewhere: Mrs. George GILMOUR, over Sunday with her mother in Elmira; Mrs. Lottie LOOMIS in Owego assisting in the care of Mr. B. L. TRUMAN.

Mr. A. C. KNIGHT of Phelps Junction, N. Y., will relieve Mr. BENNETT as first trick operator at the Northern Central tower about April 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Knight have rented Mrs. G. P. Newell’s house on High street. Mr. BENNETT goes to the Northern Central yards in Elmira.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene RECH of Binghamton are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Homer SHARP.

Prof. and Mrs. William DENISON of Camp Hill, Pa., formerly of Troy have a fine son.

Mrs. Williard PRICE returned Sunday morning to Montour Falls following a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Luckey.

Maj. E. O. BEERS whose remains were brought from Washington to his old home in Elmira for interment was a maternal uncle of Lyman OLIVER of this boro. In former years Maj. BEERS practiced dentistry in Troy, his office being on the second floor of the building now occupied by W. F. & J. W. DE WITT.

Mrs. Delancey DICKENSON of Elmira, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Nelson MAYNARD.

Albert PARKE goes Saturday to Dr. Nett’s hospital in Williamsport. He already has submitted to two or three operations and another is believed to be necessary.

Mrs. J. Frank GROMAN and daughter Helen and Miss Margaret WILLOUR are planning a trip to Oklahoma in the near future, where they will visit Dr. Scott WILLOUR and later Mrs. GROMAN will join her husband in Texas.

Mrs. John McCLELLAND and mother, Mrs. Alfred JOHNSON spent Thursday in Elmira.

Milton BROWN has rented the Lilley house, High street, vacated by Mrs. Celia LEONARD.

Miss Fidelia VAN NESS formerly of East Troy, who has been so very ill at Lestershire following an operation for appendicitis, is improving.

Mr. and Mrs. W. S. POTTER of Lafayette, Ind., were in town a few days. They sail on Saturday for a European trip from which they expect to return in June. They report Mrs. George PECK who is Mrs. Potter’s mother, in her usual health.

Here: Miss Laura VanFLEET of Elmira, visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. H. KELLEY; Nelson KERRICK returned from the winter in Auburn, N.Y., with his son, Dr. Charles KERRICK; Miss Fannie ROOKER of Towanda visiting her aunt Mrs. NEWBERY; Miss Eunice Case returned from several months in Owego, N.Y., with her daughter, Mrs. George BRADFORD;


LaMont BERRY has sold his interest in the Joralemon Livery Barns to Roland PERRY of Canton.

Carl HOOKER of Bucknell is spending Easter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred HOOKER.

Lyman H. OLIVER and his daughter, Mrs. Harry S. MITCHELL attended the funeral of Major BEERS in Elmira last Friday.

Mrs. Charles ELLIOTT was down from Elmira the first of the week. She reports the condition of her father, James LINDERMAN slightly improved.

Mr. D. E. McMAHAN and Mr. F. P. CASE celebrated their fifty-fourth birthdays together last week, as they have done for the past fifteen years.

Fire from a brush pile on the George BRADFORD farm in the Case neighborhood on Wednesday spread to the Ray GUSTIN farm, the barn on which was saved by the strenuous efforts of neighbors and men from the VanDyne tannery.

March 9th was the 39th anniversary of Open Hand Grange of Leroy.

Ernest GUILD played with the Canton band at St. Patrick’s dance Monday evening.

At Canton, Mr. and Mrs. James McKAY have moved into their handsome new home.

Mrs. M. J. HANDRAN leaves Saturday to spend Easter with her mother Mrs. DOUGHERTY in Corning.

Frederick BROWN has gone from Ithaca to a better position as linotype operator at East Syracuse.

Mrs. Frank GREENE has gone to Elmira, where she will spend some time in the home of her son, Dr. Frank GREENE.

A card from her uncle, Wilson FIELDS, at Lestershire, reports the condition of Miss Fidelia VanNESS as still alarming. She is very weak.

Miss Ellen PHOENIX is quite ill in Oswego. She will be unable to spend her Easter vacation with her mother, Mrs. J. L. PHOENIX in this boro.

Miss Belle PETERSON of Elmira is very ill with pneumonia at the home of Moncure BURROWS. She is 65 years old a former resident of Canton and a sister of N. B. PETERSON of Elmira and Allen PETERSON of Mansfield.

Mrs. W. T. NEWELL and son Charles left Wednesday morning to spend Easter with Dr. C. H. GORDINIER and family at the Millersville Normal.

David WATKINS has purchased the Thomas DOBBINS place of 14 acres on Fall Brook Street, formerly known as the George Crandal place.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel BRIGHT announce the engagement of their daughter, Hattie Elizabeth to Charles W. SWAN of Horseheads, NY.

Mrs. Robert AYERS is planning to move from the Troy House back into her own house soon after April 1st. Miss Cora KELLOGG will be with her.

Mrs. TITUS and daughter move from the Greenough house, High St., to the Minnie Ballard house, West Main Street, vacated by Mrs. Borden.

Mrs. MIDDAUGH, who has spent the winter in Troy with Mr. and Mrs. Edward MILLER, left Wednesday for Morris Run for the Summer.

"Preparing Land for an Orchard" is the title of a readable article in the March number of Country Life from the pen of Mrs. L. M. MARBLE of Canton.

Mr. and Mrs. D. E. McMAHAN, of Athens, Pa., were visiting Mr. McMAHAN’s brothers, Robert and James in Troy and Hurley, in Leona last week.

Ralph Avery while awaiting extradition to Elmira on a charge of horse stealing was placed in the dungeon of Towanda jail for threatening the life of Sheriff McCRANEY.

William MOFFIT moves from the Smith house to the property vacated by Telegrapher A. W. BENNETT.

Miss Martha HIKOK of Rochester will be an Easter guest of her cousin, Mrs. F. P. CASE.

Miss Alma PRICE is expected home for Easter vacation from Mansfield Normal School.

Mrs. John KEARNARNS of New York will spend Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. NICHOLS.

Giles PECKHAM of Providence, R. I., has been the guest at Columbia X Roads of Oscar and C. E. PECKHAM.

Mr. and Mrs. Eben BROWN of Columbia will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary, March 29th.

W. O. PRICE has returned from a visit to his daughter, Mrs. YAWGER at Union Springs. Mrs. PRICE accompanied him but remained for a longer time.

Mrs. R. E. VAN SYCKEL, Mrs. Wilson WEIGESTER, James W. LAMKIN attended the funeral at Owego on Tuesday of the late Benj. L. TRUMAN.

Louis WOOD moves from the B. B. MITCHELL house to the house occupied by James DIBBLE, opposite the Northern Central Station.

Mr. and Mrs. HOBART and Harry COSPER and family return from Elmira to Troy to reside permanently on April 1st.

On upper Canton Street, John STORCH will move from the B. B. MITCHELL double house to the HAXTON house to be vacated by Mrs. Rachel WATKINS who is to occupy the BALDWIN house vacated by Mrs. McCULLEY.

Mrs. E. B. PARSONS is in Buffalo on her way back to Troy from Grand Rapids, Mich. Miss Harriett PARSONS who is in Vassar college, will join her mother in that city for Easter.

Miss Lena BALDWIN, private secretary to the head of the large Nettleton Shoe Company in Syracuse, came Thursday and remained until Monday with her brother, the Rev. G. A. BALDWIN and family.

Pitcher Walter FORBES has turned down the offers of Candor, N.Y. and Ulster and will wear a Towanda ball uniform again this season. The County seat fans think Forbes the classiest twirler outside the big leagues.

Benj. L. TRUMAN, one of Owego’s oldest residents, known in Troy through his wife, who is a sister of the late Mrs. N. M. POMEROY and Mrs. JEWELL expired at his home last Sunday morning, aged 90 years. He had been in feeble health for a long time. For many years Mr. Truman carried on a grocery business in Owego.

John Edward SNEDEKER is home from the University of Pennsylvania and Allen PIERCE from Yale, and Miss Theodora BOTHWELL from her work as a teacher in Lima Seminary, for the Easter vacation.

At Administrator’s Sale last Friday the Minnie C. Buck property was struck off at $413, to Arthur BROWN of the Creamery who will repair and occupy it. The Fannie BAKER house and double lot offered the following day, was not sold as the highest bid, $1,400, was considered by the executors too low.

Mrs. J. Franklin PIERCE is quite ill.

Howard BEACH has moved from this boro to Elmira where he is employed in the LaFrance Shops.


Mrs. Ray NEWELL of Alba was a guest of Mrs. Percy KING Thursday of last week.

  1. J. STUART who will move his family back to Troy from Elmira in the near future was in town on business Tuesday.



    Mr. and Mrs. H. C. SHERMAN entertained the Troy orchestra Friday evening of last week.

    Mrs. Vincent BALDWIN of Saratoga Springs visited her niece, Mrs. Thomas COLONY.

    Mrs. Lizzie Ward BALLARD left Wednesday for a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Whitman in Newport.

    Mrs. Anna P. Holcombe and maid Miss Nora Hourigan spent Easter in Philadelphia with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. HOLCOMBE.

    Miss Mildred MAHOOD of the West Chester Normal School spent the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James MAHOOD.

    Mr. and Mrs. George KIFF were in town the first of the week preparing their household goods for shipment to Waterloo, N. Y. where they have recently purchased a farm.

    Sheriff A. B. McCRANEY of Towanda was in town Friday of last week.

    Mr. and Mrs. J. H. KELLEY and daughter Amelia spent Tuesday with the former’s parents in Canton.

    Miss Mae GREENE of Philadelphia is visiting her mother, Mrs. Charles N. GREENE on Armenia Mountain.

    Mr. and Mrs. C. A. SMITH attended the Hammond-Smith attended the HAMMOND-SMITH wedding in Mainesburg Saturday of last week.

    Lloyd WILLIAMS who was operated upon Saturday of last week in the Arnot-Ogden hospital Elmira is doing as well as could be expected.

    The Misses Sarah and Margaret HANRAHAN of Corning, N. Y., are spending the week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas HANRAHAN.

  3. B. MITCHELL moves into his fine new house today.



    The remains of Chauncey POMEROY who died a number of years ago were brought from Atlanta, Georgia, the first of the week for interment in Glenwood Cemetery. Mr. Pomeroy was the father of Mrs. E. J. LEE and during the latter’s residence here spent some time in Troy.

    Mr. C. C. HOOKER in his eighty ninth year celebrated his Golden wedding anniversary with his second wife at their home in Leona on Tuesday. There were present, Mrs. F. N. HUBBARD, her husband and daughter Miss Frieda BAUMAN, Mrs. Soloman BALLARD and family, F. I. HOOKER, wife and son Carl of Bucknell college and Mr. Addison BROOKS. It was a very pleasant family gathering.

    Smallpox in Elmira and Williamsport.

    Prof. Milo FRENCH, assistant principal of the Canton High School, was a guest last week of his Dartmouth classmate, Henry B. VanDYNE.

    Ida Brown, 16 year old daughter of J. M. Brown of Fall Brook Street, has been ill for some days with diphtheria. The premises are under strict quarantine and no spread of the disease is anticipated. The patient is improving.

    Born to Mr. and Mrs. Claude HARKNESS of Gillett, March 27, a daughter.

    Miss Ruth PECK has leased her dwelling house property to Andrew J. STUART.

    Miss Ethel DeWITT has been confined to the house with tonsillitis. Miss Mabel Califf taking her place as teacher.

    George VanNESS has sold his farm at Covert to Milton Sherman and will move from the mountain it is understood, to Bohlayertown.

    The Edison new disc phonograph was heard for the first in Troy Wednesday afternoon at a recital which many attended at Carpenter & Pierce’s store.

    Mr. and Mrs. Charles TEETER and their daughters, Mrs. KNAPP of Elmira, and Mrs. MOORE of Towanda, left Lemon City, Florida, on the 26th for a trip down the St. Johns’ river and sail from Jacksonville by the "Somerset" on the 29th for home. Mr. and Mrs. Teeter expect to reach Troy next Wednesday.


    Mrs. Howard BEACH and children have joined Mr. Beach in Elmira.

    W. W. BROOKS will move from East Troy into the Bothwell house High Street, vacated by James VanBUSKIRK who has returned to his farm on Fall Brook Street.

    An event which was enjoyed by between thirty and forty young people was a party held at the home of his parents last Friday night for Roe SMITH, who left on Monday for a course in engraving at the school in Lancaster from which Roy Gallatin was graduated some years ago.

    The women of the home for the aged in Elmira supply the Lackawanna railroad with most of its signal flags, the number running up to thousands a year. Some time since Mrs. B. A. LONG learned that the aged seamstresses were behind on their orders. A suggestion that here was an opportunity to recognize in a small way the courtesies extended to Troy last fall by Elmira, met with such an immediate and hearty response from the women of the six churches of the village, that 821 flags made from six bolts of bunting by the women of Troy have been this week sent to the Home, ready for delivery to the railroad.

    Miss Harriett PARSONS is home from Vassar for the Easter ten day vacation.

    Mr. and Mrs. Herman STROPE move from this boro back upon their farm at Mountain Lake.

    Mrs. E. B. PARSONS spent a week at Vassar college with her daughter, Miss Harriett PARSONS.

    Maria and Ruth PRESTON of Elmira are spending a week’s vacation with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. ARMSTRONG.

    Marchant F. WOOLCOTT and his wife, mother and four daughters, spent Tuesday night in town on their way to take possession of their farm on Armenia, which they recently bought of Woodford CLARK. Mr. WOOLCOTT comes from Franklin, N. Y. where he was foreman of a brass foundry.

    It is reliably reported that Tioga is to have a milk condensery.

    William LEWIS of Altoona, passed Sunday in Troy with his brother, John C. LEWIS who is ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Lynn GILLETT in Elmira Street.

    The Board of Education at their meeting Tuesday evening re-elected all of the present teachers for next year, excepting Miss Sara McIntire and Miss Nettie Leonard who offered their resignations to take effect at end of this term.

    To encourage high school attendance, the Troy school board are offering free tuition for the balance of this year to those pupils from outside districts who enter now. Quite a number have already availed themselves of the offer.

    Riley ALLEN has sold his Anmick place at East Troy to Mrs. Julia YOUMANS.

    Miss Anna BOTTCHER visited her sister, Mrs. A. J. STRONG in Elmira from Friday until Monday.

    John PASSMORE has sold his Dayton SHEPARD farm in South Creek township to Mr. TEARS, who has taken possession.

    Miss Constance FLOOD of Elmira passed the week-end in Troy with her sister, Miss Mineria FLOOD of the High School faculty.

    The home of Mrs. P. G. Newell and family in Elmira, to which city they have just moved, will be at 215 West Hudson St.

    S. E. COLES, formerly of Troy, has sold his farm on Armenia formerly known as the Tanner place, to Andrew METARKO of Tunnelton, Pa.

    Mr. and Mrs. B. H. HOBART and Harry COSPER and family have returned to Troy to reside from Elmira. R. Hobart has been in a serious condition for some time.

    Wendell CARD, of Sylvania, is home from Cornell University for a week’s vacation.

    Ida BROWN has nearly recovered from her run of diphtheria. No other cases.

    Frank GERNERT of Bridgeport, Conn., is visiting Mrs. W. B. GERNERT, in High Street.

    Mr. and Mrs. Clarence HILL have moved from Troy township into Mrs. Margaret KENNEDY’s house.

    Announcements have been received in town of the marriage of Miss Amy AVERY formerly of this place to Ralph R. RHODES of Columbus, Ohio, on Easter Sunday.


    Mrs. George O. HOLCOMB has sold her McIntyre farm in Ward township to L. R. LYON.

    A decree has been granted in the Tioga county divorce case of Bessie E. HERMAN vs. David J. SHERMAN, of Elk Run.

    Wayne SILLIMAN eldest son of Benj. SILLIMAN, a former Troy boy, is a member of the Boone, Iowa high school debating team.

    Mrs. GROMAN and daughter and Miss Margaret WILLOUR leave today for Oklahoma.

    Miss Martha PHILLIPS has resumed her work as a freshman in Wilson College at Chambersburg, Pa.

    A fine daughter arrived Thursday morning in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mocure BURROWS.

    Mr. and Mrs. Merton SMITH have a fine daughter born Wednesday. Mr. SMITH is employed in the tannery.

    Mr. and Mrs. James GARRISON of Trout Run, visited their daughter, Mrs. Arthur BROWN and family over Sunday. Mr. BROWN expects to move into their own home about May 1st.

    Mrs. Lloyd RILEY and children are visiting her sisters Mrs. Joseph ARMSTRONG and Mrs. Bert COMFORT.

    Miss Malvina WEAKLAND returned to her home in Patton, following a visit of two months to her sister, Mrs. M. J. RYAN.

    Mrs. T L. WATKINS, returned Thursday to her home in Scranton, following a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. STANTON.


    Mrs. Fred ROBERTS and son were called from Rochester to the bedside of her father, Alanson ROLISON, whose condition from Bright’s disease is alarming.

    It is indignitely denied that the gasoline car to be put on the Tioga division of the Erie to leave Blossburg at 5 P.M. and run to Elmira, leaving that city at midnight on its return trip is to be known as the "jag car." It is to be called "The Midnight Son’s Express." It will be a great convenience for those along the line who wish to avail themselves of Elmira’s superior amusement attractions.


    Mrs. George GILMOUR has been entertaining her mother, Mrs. BATSOM, of Elmira

    Nelson Township, Tioga County, wants its name changed to Elkland Township, and has petitioned Judge Cameron to that effect.

    Lynn P. DRAKE has been appointed Adams express agent for Troy in place of John W. Pomeroy who has resigned to give himself more fully to his other interests. The change becomes effective May 1st. The delivery of express under Mr. Drake’s administration will be in charge of Richmond BAILEY.

    Earl FANNING, who is to be graduated from Colgate College this year at the age of only 18, has qualified for the senior oratorical contest and will make the opening speech on the negative side for Colgate College in its contest with Bates College tonight.

    R. W. BUDD has released himself from active business other than the supervision of his farm by selling his meat market to Charles JORALEMON, who took possession last Friday. Mr. JORALEMON has been connected with the market for sixteen years and is well and favorably known to the people of Troy. He will be assisted in carrying on the business by Wm. Slade formerly of Sylvania, and later of Canton.

    Rural Carrier and Mrs. Lee REYNOLDS have a fine daughter, born last Friday.

    At East Troy, George W. BAXTER recently sold 27 acres, known as the Sadler hill lot, to Charles C. HORTON.

    Laura A. NEWBERRY has sold her house and lot in Fall Brook street to Albert A PIERCE for $650.

    The Charles WILLIAMS house and lot in Upper Canton street has been purchased by Sike SHERMAN.

    Silas L. PUTNAM who soon is to retire from the employ of the Adams Express Company, after several years of faithful, efficient service as driver of their delivery wagon, is to be caretaker of Glenwood cemetery under the new arrangement. With his family he will occupy the lodge to be built during the summer.

    Mrs. Hillis SPALDING will spend Sunday in Elmira with her sister, Mrs. NEWELL.

    Miss Francis McGlenn is visiting her brother, G. H. MC GLENN and friends in Elmira.

    Mr. and Mrs. John ALBERTS entertained their granddaughter, Miss Carrie SEELEY of Minnequa, last week.


    Bernard CASE was called from New York by the death of his father, William Penn CASE.

    Mr. and Mrs. Percy DAVIS of Stanley, N. Y. were weekend guests of the former’s brother, Dr. M. A. DAVIES and family.

    Miss Charlott PAINE returned Tuesday from her visit in Syracuse to her sister, Mrs. Leonard CROUCH and her brother Paul PAINE, and their families.

    Mr. and Mrs. L. J. BALLARD returned Wednesday from their winter’s visit to their children, Hon. And Mrs. MORSE at Miami, Oklahoma, and Mr. and Mrs. O. B. BALLARD in Berkley, California.

    George VAN NESS has moved from Armenia to his new home in Bohlayertown.

    Mrs. N. SHAW has returned to Troy following a long visit to her sister, Mrs. Burke in Canton.

    Mrs. Walter LaSALLE of Rochester, with her two children is visiting her sisters, Mrs. Burt COMFORT and Mrs. Joseph ARMSTRONG.

    Mrs. John HOOLEY is with her sister, Mrs. BURKE in Canton.

    Mrs. Fred GREENOUGH and little daughter returned Monday to their home in Brockport, N. Y., following a visit to the former’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. P.S. Carpenter. Mr. Greenough came Saturday and went back with them.

    East Troy which, since the removal of Wilson Field to Lestershire, has had no Justice of the Peace, again has a magistrate in the person of A. F. VanHorn by appointment of the governor. The new judge did not make it a condition of acceptance that no suits be brought before him, nor did he place a ban on performing the marriage ceremony, but we mistrust he would much prefer the ministers to enjoy a monopoly of the marrying business and that legal scraps be waged elsewhere.

    A North Towanda boy, Clarence, son of the Rev. W. H. MOORE, won the extemporaneous contest against three of his fellow students in Syracuse University and the next night captured a $50 prize and the state championship at Haughton College, winning over Cornell’s best man by 6 points. He thus becomes a competitor for the international speaking championship in Indianapolis in May. Rah for Bradford county.

    Leon O. VanNoy is installing milking machines on his "Bono Farm" below East Troy. This is the second installation of mechanical milkers in this vicinity in a few months.

    The Rev. Edward P. MORSE visited his daughter and son, Mrs. Conkling and John Morse at Bethlehem.


    Mrs. Sadie BACON visited her husband, who is a patient in the Blossburg hospital.

    Andrew FRALEY has moved from New York State into the Rockwell house at Columbia X Roads.

    Mrs. William LONG of Williamsport, spent a few days at the Troy House with her husband.

    Mrs. L. W. BALLARD goes soon to Jackson, Mich., for a visit to her son, Christopher BALLARD and family.

    Miss Elizabeth SHANNON attended the funeral of Nellie MACK last Saturday at South Waverly, Pa.

    Mr. and Mrs. Willard PRICE of Montour Falls, for Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John LUCKEY.

    Miss Lisle PUTNAM of Binghamton, guest last Saturday of her aunt, Mrs. W. B. GERNERT.

    Miss Ethel DeWITT in Sullivan over Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Burt SQUIRES

    Miss TATTERSHALL, the nurse, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. John C. DEAN was called to Malone, N.Y., to care for her brother, who was injured in an auto truck accident.

    Miss Anna KEPPLER has returned to her home at T.P. ROCKWELL’s after several weeks in Williamsport, where she has been caring for her sister, Mrs. Reed, who underwent a severe operation at the City hospital.

    Ebenezer BRONSON has purchased the Mosher property of four acres at Sylvania; Sydney VARNEY the Robt. McLane lot of one acre at Coryland, and Riley ALLEN the interest of the other heirs in the C. D. ALLEN property in Burlington and West Burlington.

    William O’CONNOR and Anna O’CONNOR are recent additions to the Troy creamery force.

    Clarence COMFORT has moved from this boro to Elmira, where he has a position with the Morrow Company manufacturers of automobile parts.

    Mrs. Elizabeth GODDARD is very ill at the home of her brother, A. J. SADLER, in Elmira street with typhoid fever. This is the only case in town and the only one in Troy this year. Mrs. Goddard is seventy years old and her recovery is doubtful.

    Miss Alice PALMER has recovered from her run of diphtheria.

    Charles TRATE, leader of the famous Watsontown 12th Regiment band, died last Sunday in a Williamsport sanitarium.

    J. H. OWEN, W. B. REYNOLDS and H. L. ADAMS have come from the National Soldiers’ Home for their annual visit to friends and relatives.

    At a recent meeting of the W. C. T. U., Miss Anna COMPTON was unanimously elected president of that organization in place of the late Mrs. Peleg PECK.

    Mrs. Olivia YOUNG has moved into the apartments in Exchange street vacated by George HUNTLEY, who now occupies the house in Center street vacated by Clarence JONES.

    Mr. and Mrs. A. E.CASE left yesterday for Texas, which for many years was their home. They will reside in Henderson, a town of about 5,000.

    Miss Margaret WILLOUR, who is with her brother, Dr. Scott WILLOUR in Oklahoma, has been suffering from appendicitis and an operation is anticipated.

  5. S. ANDRUS & Co. have closed their music store in this boro.
School Directors T.W. PARSONS, C. A. SMITH, D. F. POMEROY and W. S. MONTGOMERY were in Mansfield on Tuesday.

Mrs. W. H. QUA of Elmira, visited her son, Harry COSPER and family the first of the week.

Mrs. F. M.LONG and daughter Irene have returned from Lock Haven.

John LAMKIN of Binghamton passed Monday in Troy, with his brother, James W. LAMKIN.

George OGDEN, who is to be graduated from Grammar school No. 8 in Elmira this year, passed the week end with his father, R. C. OGDEN.

D.R.POTTEIGER, for two or three years of the Troy experiment station staff, has retired from federal

employ to accept the position of milk inspector in his home city of Reading.

Mail list changes: Clarence JONES from Troy to 613 Walnut St., Elmira; Mrs. Thankful WILCOX from Athens to 8 Magnolia St., Newark, N. J.; E.F. RUGGLES from Mainesburg to 112 E. Chemung Place, Elmira; J.C. BULLOCK from Elmira to 285 Bridge street, Corning.


Mr. and Mrs. George McMURRAY, of Granville Summit, have a new son.

Rev. George BALLENTINE, well known in Smithfield, has planted 1026 fruit trees this spring for T. D. COLLINS a large land owner of Forest county, this state.

Miss Frances GALLATIN is visiting her sister, Mrs. Malcolm GIBSON in Elmira.

The following are some of the old soldiers of this vicinity who are planning to attend the Gettysburg Battlefield reunion early in July: J. M. BERRY, Liston BLISS, W. S. HOLLAND, James HALFORD, Albert PIERCE, Furman BULLOCK, David CASE, Daniel NEWELL, George VanNESS, Albert NEWELL, DeWitt LAMPMAN, Edward BRINK, Louis SOPER, G. L. GATES, Charles HULSLANDER, W. B. BROOKS, Charles CRANDALL, E. C. ELY and Jas. K. VAN BUSKIRK.

W. S. SWEET has three new Swedish farm helpers from Patterson, N. Y., and another coming.

The Troy High School commencement address this year will be given by Dr. Charles H. GORDINIER of the faculty of the Millersville Normal school. Dr. Gordinier is a former Trojan who has come to be widely sought as a public speaker, especially in the educational field.

Dr. H. O. KINGSLEY is the new physician at Burlington.

Edward MORSE is visiting his brother, John at Lehigh University.

Mrs. W. W. BAUDER has been on a visit to Williamsport to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. HART.

Attorney W. E. CARNOCHAN was home from New York for a visit to his sister, Mrs. WILLETT.

Bernard E. CASE returned Sunday morning to New York following the sale of his father’s horses, farming tools, etc.

Friends from a distance in attendance at the funeral of Mrs. Goddard on Tuesday included Mrs. G. H. SADLER, Hazelton; Mrs. Mark PIPPIER, Elmira; Mrs. Frances SADLER, Syracuse; Mrs. Eldric PACKARD, Canton.

Geraldine HOWLAND, a fifth year pupil of the high school, gave a picnic dinner Wednesday, May 14, to her teacher, Miss Ethel DeWitt and all belonging to her grade in honor of her eleventh birthday.

The following Chapter Mason of Troy were in attendance at the installation of Blossburg’s new chapter Wednesday evening: Luther ROCKWELL, J C. DEAN, C. N. GREENE, John E. DOBBINS, W. W. BAUDER, W. W. BEAMAN, Liston BLISS, Ralph BURR, H. W. LARCOM, Dr. G. E. BOYER, Jr., Joseph PRESTON, D. J. FANNING, R. C. KENDALL.

Mrs. George BOTTCHER is visiting her daughter, Mrs. FRENCH, in Mansfield.

Mrs. Victor ROCKWELL has returned from a month in Sullivan with her sister, Mrs. Bradford.


Miss Ruby SMITH is the new assistant in the Citizens’ telephone exchange.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward KELLEY of Canton, spent Saturday and Sunday with their son, J. Harry Kelley in John street.

Mrs. Louis CASSADA of Pine City is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. BEAMAN.

Geraldine and Winifred JONES of Elmira, are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew JONES.

Mrs. Lizzie Ward BALLARD expects to go next week for a visit to her son Christopher BALLARD and family in Jackson, Mich.

Mrs. J. P. RYAN of Elmira, spent Sunday in Troy with her sister, Mrs. Anna BURKE.

Mrs. D. H. PITTS of Mansfield, passed Thursday night with Troy friends on her way to visit Dr. and Mrs. Cameron (nee Pitts) in Germantown.

The Mansfield opera house burned Monday morning. The fire started accidentally about 2 o’clock in a dressing room near the stage. On the ground floor of the two-story front were the Citizens’ Mutual Telephone exchange and the barbershop of R. W. DOUD. Over both and the lobby were the office and living rooms of Dr. Edith Flower WHEELER. Dr. Flower was away and lost practically everything with no insurance. Mr. Dann who also was without insurance, places his loss at $300. The switchboard was saved from the telephone exchange, but other things of value were burned.

Dr. Charles KERRICK of Auburn, is visiting his father, Nelson KERRICK, Center and High streets.

Mrs. F. E. VAN DYNE, her little daughter and parents, Mr. and Mrs. SWAN, of Elmira, start next Wednesday by automobile with Delancey MORSE as driver for a visit to Mrs. VanDyne’s brother in Chicago and friends in Pittsburg.

Mrs. Fred ROBEERTS, who was called to Troy by the alarming illness of her father, Alanson ROLISON, returned Tuesday to her home in Rochester.

Mrs. BIGELOW and Mrs. HOFFMAN reached home from their southern trip Sunday afternoon. They motored from Washington, stopping enroute in Baltimore, Philadelphia, Reading and Williamsport. Mrs. Bigelow was in Lambs Creek Monday for a visit to her father and sister, Mr. and Miss BURR.

Mrs. Earl M.BLOOM, with Master John Earl, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John CLARK in Waverly.

Mrs. John C. DEAN with her children went early in the week for a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. TATTERSHALL at White Haven, Pa.

J. W. BEAMAN, formerly of Troy, was operated upon Wednesday of this week at Gulfort, Miss., for appendicitis. Last report from his bedside was that he is making a satisfactory recovery.

At Mansfield, Former County Superintendent W. R. LONGSTREET has been elected supervising principal of the Normal Model School with Mrs. Mary A. Jenks as principal. Prof. Longstreet will continue as principal of the village high school.

Mrs. Dorr KENYON and her granddaughter, Miss Esther GAUL will spend the latter’s school vacation in Chicago.


Mrs. A. C. BLACKWELL of Towanda, is visiting her son, Cashier J. C. BLACKWELL and Mrs. Blackwell.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. KELLEY are spending Decoration Day with the latter’s mother, at Granville Center.

A report that all four of Covington’s women teachers are to be married, leads the Sun to recall the old adage, "be careful about trading off a $50 job for a $25 husband."

The construction of the Green Free Library building at Canton, begins this week. It will be of brick and have capacity for 14,000 volumes.

William LONG was with his family in Williamsport over Sunday.

Charles FRIENDS attended the funeral of his cousin, Burton SIMPSON, in Millerton, on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. W.Herman WOODWARD spent Sunday with the former’s cousin, Charles E. FANNING and family at Alba.

Patrick HOOLEY attended the funeral in Hornell of a daughter of his cousin, Michael KILEY.

Mrs. Isaac CLEAVER has returned from her visit in Rochester to her sister, Mrs. Frank ARNOLD.

Carl Ellsworth GROVE is a new arrival at Columbia X Roads. He is a son of Section Foreman and Mrs. Jonas GROVE and made his mundate debut May 23.

Mrs. GARMAN comes soon from Philadelphia to spend the summer at Sylvania.

Miss Margaret HAWTHORN will come from Elmira soon to again make her home in Troy.

Former Judge FANNING has been elected president and Miss Edith LOOMIS secretary of the Towanda Library Association.

W. F. BROWN of Williamsport, has taken the place as barber with R. A. SMITH of Walter GREENE, gone to Binghamton.

John ROSE, formerly of the Ward House barbershop, at Towanda, will occupy the Troy House barbershop after about June 11th.

Miss Frances McGLENN goes next Monday to spend the summer with her brothers in Colorado.

Mrs. Ursula MATHULEVIS has been quite ill at her home with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas VINESKI.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry COSPER spent Sunday in Elmira, with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. QUA.

Mrs. Lula Geer SMITH of Montrose, with her children is spending a week with her aunt, Mrs. Charles FRIENDS.

Merle CORNELL has returned home after spending some time with relatives in New Jersey.

William KINTNER is to enter the employ next week of the makers of the Atterbury motor trucks in Buffalo.

Dr. R. C. KENDALL and his daughter, Mrs. A. E. BACKER, attended the funeral at Wellsville on Tuesday, of the Doctor’s niece, Mrs. Clara KENDALL RICE, who expired very suddenly on Saturday.


Mrs. Arthur McMAHAN is visiting her sister, Mrs. Joseph BRADFORD in Barnesboro.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilber H. PARSONS were guests in Sayre Sunday of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. WEST.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence COMFORT were down from Elmira for a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas COMFORT.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMAHAN of Binghamton, visited the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMAHAN.

Another Troy high school girl to be graduated this year is Miss Alma PRICE who is to receive her degree from the Mansfield Normal School.

Mrs. L. J. BALLARD went to Philadelphia the first of the week to attend the graduation exercises of her granddaughter, Katherine Lucile STILES from the Philadelphia Collegate Institute and also the senior reception of the class of 1913.

Miss Elizabeth VAN DYNE came home Wednesday morning from Columbia University for the summer. Others of the college contingent soon to arrive are Allen PIERCE and Walter PARSONS from Yale; Judson PARSONS from the Harvard Law School; Harriett PARSONS from Vassar and Helen VanKEUREN and the Messrs. CARD from Cornell. Trojans graduated this year are Beatrice NEARING from Kindergartner’s course of the Girls’ Normal School, Philadelphia; Allen PIERCE from Yale and Ralph VanKEUREN in Animal Husbandry from the Iowa State College at Ames. Leslie CARD has a government position for vacation in orchard survey work, which will take him to widely separated parts of the Union. He will be at home only a day or two.

Miss Fannie McMAHAN has been elected to the German department of an Akron, Ohio, high school.

Mrs. P. L. HARRIS of Powell, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. J. P. VERNES and Miss Ada HOLLAND of Elmira, visited their uncle, W. S. HOLLAND Friday and Saturday last.

Miss Mildred WICKS, daughter of Mrs. Rupert GREENO, and a former Troy girl, is to be graduated this month from Park College at Parkville, Mo.

Mrs. Daniel COMPTON accompanied by her daughter, Miss Anna COMPTON has gone for a fortnight’s visit to her sons F. Burton COMPTON in Tamaqua, and Harry W. COMPTON in Hazelton.

Mrs. Thankful WILCOX, mother of Eugene WILCOX of this boro and William WILCOX of Newark, N. J., died at her home with the latter and her remains were brought to Troy yesterday for interment in Glenwood cemetery.

Miss Ruth M. PECK of Troy, has completed the Beechwood school 2-year course in one year, and therefore is among this year’s graduates in the Secretaryship course.

Mrs. Arthur WILSON of Columbia Township, a daughter of Robert McLANE, and a bride of three months, died Wednesday afternoon at her home, aged 19 years. The funeral will be held at 11 this morning at the Judson Hill church.

Mrs. Edward VanDYNE is entertaining her sister Mrs. Copley, of Elmira.

W. U. YOUNG, formerly of Wetona, is the new Adams express driver.

Mrs. Louise STONE of West Franklin, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Samuel ROCKWELL.

Mrs. Grace WHEELER SALTMARSH, who is at the head and one of the owners of a leading photographic studio in New York, visited her mother, and daughter in this boro.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. HARRISON and Miss Margaret RANSOME came Tuesday from Staunton, Va., to visit Mrs. S. B. WILLETT.

Miss Almar PRICE was home from Mansfield Normal School for the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. O PRICE.

After July 1st the widely known Corner Drug Store firm of Carpenter & Pierce will be known as the Carpenter & Pierce Co., the new partners in recognition of their long and most faithful connection with the business being Miss Adda KING AND Miss Sarah CRANDEL.

It is estimated that not fewer than fifty old soldiers of Troy will attend the Gettysburg reunion in July.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas BUSH of Cortland, N. Y., are spending some time with their daughter, Mrs. Arthur KNIGHTS and Mr. Knights in High Street.

George BAXTER, the auctioneer, has sold his farm in Troy township to Charles DECKER, and has in mind a prospecting trip to California, where he may move later with his family.


Wallace S. WOOD has moved into the Baker house in Centre street.

Mr. Patrick FITZPATRICK of Patton, is in Troy for a visit to his sister and brother, Mary and Michael FITZPATRICK.

Miss Evelyn G. BIXBY and Mr. Hiram G. WOOD, BOTH OF Troy, were married in Elmira Monday afternoon by the Rev. Saxe.

A son was born last week at the Blossburg hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin COLES of Mansfield, the former one time of Troy.

Dr. W. C. ARMSTRONG and Mr. HULBERT of Windsor, N. Y., spent a few hours with his brother, C. E. ARMSTRONHG, Thursday, coming by auto.

Our Springfield correspondent reports the death of Mrs. William BROWN, one of the lovable elderly women of Springfield, who passed away Wednesday morning. Funeral Saturday at 2 at the home.

Arland IDE and Wallace WOOD are recent additions to the creamery force.

Mr. and Mrs. George W. BAXTER are planning to start for California soon after June 21st.

For months partially paralyzed, then a typhoid sufferer, Leslie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merritt SMITH, was further unfortunate in having his arm broken by a fall from his bicycle in Elmira street one day this week.

Along in February, Director D. F. POMEROY offered prizes of pound boxes of Booth’s candy to the high school boys and girls who should pass the best examinations in Latin vocabulary, oral and written. The examinations were held last week and Violet NEWELL, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace NEWELL took the oral and written prizes among the girls and Morris McGEE, son of Mr. and Mrs. James McGEE the same among the boys. The awards will be made at the Commencement exercises this evening.

The Rev. John Clark DEAN has been transferred by Bishop Talbot from Troy to the Rectorship of St. Mark’s Episcopal church. Dunmore and St. George’s church, Olyphant, Pa. The two parishes have a membership of about 600. This is the work to which the Rev. Sidney WINTER, now of Owego, was transferred from Troy some nine or ten years ago, and marks an advance in the ministry for Mr. DEAN, who will hold his last service here next Sunday. Many friends regret the removal of Mr. and Mrs. Dean from Troy.

James WILLOUR arrived Tuesday evening for a visit to his parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur KNIGHTS spent Tuesday with the former’s parents in Binghamton. Mr. Knights’ sister accompanied them home.

Mr. N. M. POMEROY is visiting his son, Mr. D. E. POMEROY and Mrs. Pomeroy in New York.

Mrs. Sidney DOANE of Brooklyn, is expected soon for a visit to her mother, Mrs. Henry C. GERNERT.

Mrs. Arthur MC MAHAN returned home Sunday after a visit to her sister, Mrs. BRADFORD, at Barnesboro, Pa.

Mr. N. O. REYNOLDS of Orange, Tex., and Mrs. Burt SANTEE of Rushville, are visiting their sister, Mrs. E. A. ROCKWELL.


Miss Ruth ARMSTRONG of Athens, is visiting her brother, C.E. ARMSTRONG.

M. J. McNULTY spent Sunday in Scranton with his wife and daughter, Mrs. M. J. NOONE.

Mr. and Mrs. James S. WHITBY of Baltimore are the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Glenn A. BALDWIN.

Leland PARSONS is home from Colgate University for the summer vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira PARSONS.

Miss Sara McINTIRE, of the High School faculty, and her mother, Mrs. McINTIRE, of Altoona, were at Watkins Glen on Saturday last.

Mr. and Mrs. John A. GEIGER and their two children, Elmer and Marion, of Niverville, N.Y., spent Sunday with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. ROCKWELL.

A very pleasurable family event was a birthday gathering for Mrs. Edward VanDYNE in the VanDyne grove on Tuesday. The families of E. E. VanDyne, H. B. VanDyne and Dr. J. W. PHILLIPS and Mrs. VanDyne’s two sisters, Mrs. Frances COPLEY and Mrs. JENKINS and one brother, Dr. Samuel EVERITT of Elmira were present.

Children’s Day exercises were held in the different churches on Sunday. Attractive programs were given and infant baptism was administered to the following: Episcopal church, Mary Alice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry COSPER. Methodist church, Andrew George, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew STRONG, of Elmira; John Earl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl BLOOM; Myron Wallace, son of Rev. and Mrs. BALDWIN; Presbyterian church, Benjamin Bentley, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. MITCHEL, Jr., Hilda May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. BOHLAYER; Marjorie Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. BOHLAYER; Adda Adele, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. POMEROY; Katherine Bernice, Joseph White and Grace Loraine, children of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph PRESTON.

W. E. CARNOCHAN of New York visited his sister, Mrs. S. B. WILLETT, this week.

Mrs. Laura E. SMITH of Athens, has been a guest of her sister, Mrs. Eugene WILCOX.

Mr. and Mrs. VanZOINE and family have moved here from Patterson, N.J., Mr. ZAINE is employed at the Terrace Stock Farm.

A postcard to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel NEWELL announces the birth of a daughter, Aleda, to their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. NEWELL of Washington, D. C. on June 15th.

Mrs. John L. WEBB of Philadelphia, Mrs. Rev. E. BRAISTED of Oneida, N.Y., and Mrs. H. M. REYNOLDS, of Roaring Branch, are visiting their father, Rev. W. H. PORTER this week at Alba.

Aline LEONARD has resigned her position with Handran Bros.

Miss E. Eloise BOHLAYER of New York, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred BOHLAYER.

Mrs. Fred HOOKER and her niece, Miss Mary Belle SADLER, were in Lewisburg Tuesday and Wednesday of this week to attend the graduation of the former’s son, Carlton, from Bucknell University. He comes home the last of the week for a few days before beginning work at Pittsburg.

Francis COLLINS visited his cousin, Thomas KEARNS, in Towanda, this week.


Misses Julia PRICE and Veronica SMITH went Wednesday to attend the graduation of the former’s sister, Alma PRICE, from the Mansfield State Normal.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew E. SPALDING and little daughter, Virginia, of Ridgway, came Sunday for a visit with her mother, Mrs. W. B. GERNERT and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace SPALDING.

A reception was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd G. Bristol. (Gladys CARNWRIGHT) on Monday evening at the home of the brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. John CARNWRIGHT. The bride received many beautiful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. BRISTOL leave next Monday to make their home in Watertown, N.Y.

Mrs. L. G. PALMER, who was home for several days, returned yesterday to the Williamsport hospital, where an operation is to be performed today (Friday) on her husband. Dr. GUSTIN of Sylvania, ALSO IS THERE. Mr. PALMERS condition is critical in the extreme, the operation offering the only hope of recovery.

Miss Mary BLISS is visiting her brother at Springfield, Ohio.

Miss Laura McCABE is a new employe of the Erk Department store.

Miss Nancy MYERS of Lock Haven is visiting her aunt, Miss Minnie VINBEL.

Mrs. P. S. CARPENTER visited her son, Herman CARPENTER and family at Cowley, the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee BUDD and two children of Chicago, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louden BUDD.

Clyde LEE of Syracuse is visiting his mother, Mrs. Fred FAY.

Miss Charlotte PAINE is with her sister, Mrs. CROUCH and family at Mountain Lake.

Miss Frances SALTMARSH will spend the month of July in New York with her mother, Mrs. Grace SALTMARSH.

Mrs. R. D. BERGEE of Akron, O., is expected next week for a visit to her sister, Mrs. E. P. HEPBURN and her brother, J. E. DOBBINS.

John E. SNEDEKER came last week from the University of Pennsylvania to spend the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. SNEDEKER at Snedekerville.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert WEIGESTER and daughter Sarah of New York, come next week for a visit to his mother, Mrs. George WEIGESTER.

Linotype Operator Frederick BROWN, of East Syracuse, is spending part of his two weeks’ vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. BROWN.

George W. HUNTLEY, for a long time with Jeweler F. L. BALLARD, has purchased the jewelry business of the late Merton Barrows at Canton. L. Roe SMITH, who has just been graduated from Bowman’s Watchmaking and Engraving School at Lancaster takes his place.

A new business firm is Rundell & Rose of the Troy House barber shop. Mr. Rundell has vacated the J. B. SMITH shop and the two Franks are now together under the hotel.

Mrs. Margaret KENNEDY is visiting her daughter, Mrs. GRANTEER.

  1. G. MURRAY and family of Chicago are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. MURRAY on Route 67.
Miss Elizabeth VanDYKE, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fay VanDyke, of Canton, was struck and instantly killed by lightening during the heavy thunder storm of Friday afternoon. Mrs. VanDYKE and Elizabeth went upstairs to close the windows and while there the bold struck the house. Mrs. VanDYKE was rendered unconscious, but recovered.

Dr. and Mrs. Scott NEARING of Philadelphia are visiting his parents, at Alparon Farm.

George PRICE, of Hammondsport, and Willard PRICE of Montour Falls, visited their parents over Sunday.

Judson A. PARSONS came last Friday from Harvard Law School for a short vacation with his mother, Mrs. E. B. PARSONS.

Miss Lucella DRAKE of Philadelphia is visiting her grandmother, Mrs.Dorr KENYON and her aunt, Mrs. Frank BALLARD.

The Rev. E. J. MOSS of Chester, Pa., is the new Baptist minister. He is a graduate of the Crosier Theological Seminary. Mrs. Moss and their two sons, Edward and Charles came last Friday.


Mrs. W. F. DeWITT visited her son, Dr. William DeWITT IN Blossburg this week.

Miss Mary HOOLEY has returned from Corning where she has been visiting her sister.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank CASE of Elmira, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy CASE.

Miss Pauline WAGNER is spending the Fourth with her uncle George Bradford and family in Owego.

Mrs. G. O. HOLCOMB returned Tuesday from a visit to Mrs. D. E. POMEROY in Englewood, N. J., and to her son in Philadelphia.

Mrs. HOLBROOK and son, Walter, of Hornell visited her daughter, Mrs. D. E. CROSLEY on Saturday enroute to Washington, to join Mr. HOLBROOK.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl BEARDSLEE HAVE RETURNED FROM THEIR WEDDING TRIP TO New York and will make their home with Mr. and Mrs.Edward BEARDSLEE.

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. SMITH left Wednesday evening for Philadelphia, where they expect to remain through July and August at 3154 Euclid Avenue.

T. P. ROCKWELL leaves Saturday for New Orleans to settle the estate of his brother, the late W. E. ROCKWELL. Miss Ella ROCKWELL, the only child, will make her home in Troy with her uncle.

Miss Fanny McMAHAN has returned from a visit to friends in Ohio and attendance upon the Gettysburg College Commencement. She was accompanied by her cousin, Miss Elizabeth HEFFELBOWER.

D.Burton PARSONS of Schenectady, N. Y., came Wednesday for a visit to his mother, Mrs. E. B. PARSONS.

Mrs. Charles BATTERSON is visiting her son, Louis, and other relatives in Lock Haven.

Miss Virginia HOLLAND of New York, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. HOLLAND.

Mr. and Mrs. James SHANNON, of Corning, visited his mother, Mrs. M. Shannon, this week.

Colton STURGIS, of Chicago, a former resident of Troy, visited old friends here Saturday.

Mrs. Mary DOUGHERTY of Watkins, is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. M. J. HANDRAN.

Margaret SMITH went Sunday to spend some time with her sister, Mrs. J. J. LYNCH, in Towanda.

Mr. S. K. ROSS returned Saturday from Syracuse, where he has been visiting his brother, Alonzo ROSS.

Miss Mabel CALIFF and brother Elery, spent last week in Gettysburg, the guests of their brother, Harry CALIFF.

Miss Theodora BOTHWELL has returned from Lima, N. Y., where she is a teacher of harmony, to spend the summer with her mother.

Misses Julia and Alma PRICE went Wednesday to visit their sister, Mrs. L. W. YAWGER at Union Springs, N. Y., and relatives in Rochester.

One Confederate soldier, J. W. PHILLIPS of the First South Carolina Regular Infantry, accompanied Ingham Post, G. A. R., of Canton, on their trip to Gettysburg.

H. T. ELSTON of Elmira, has purchased the Sharp jewelry store.


Mrs. W. H. QUA of Elmira spent Sunday with her son, Harry COSPER and family.

Clark SMITH of Rochester, a Troy High School graduate, is visiting his uncle, George ZAY in Sylvania.

Joseph A. ARMSTRONG has resigned his position with the Troy Engine & Machine Co., and gone to West Lynn, Mass. To accept a very good offer in the drafting department of the General Electric Company. Mrs. Armstrong is visiting her parents in Williamsport.

Mr. and Mrs. William ROOSA of Elmira, visited relatives in town this week.

Morrell WILSON of Providence, R. I., is visiting his sister, Mrs. E. E. VanDyne.

Mrs. Louis CASSADA and daughter Elizabeth of Pine City, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.BEAMAN this week.

Following a visit to Troy relatives, Miss Lucella DRAKE went Tuesday afternoon to Tunkhannock to spend the summer vacation with her mother.

Master Andrew George STRONG of Elmira, visited his grandmother, Mrs. George BOTTCHER while his mother, Mrs. Andrew Strong and Miss Louise WILLIAMS, both former Trojans, were in New York City for the Fourth.

Mr. and Mrs. William MAHER, little daughter Mildred and Mrs. Mather’s father, E. O. WARREN, motored from Rochester for the Fourth with Mr. Maher’s mother, Mrs. Katherine Maher. Edward and Frances Maher accompanied them back, returning the first of the week.

Percy M. BAILEY of Washington, D. C., was a guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. BAILEY from Thursday until Sunday evening.

Landlord and Mrs. Earl STANTON of the Troy House have been entertaining Mrs. Stanton’s brother, James KELLEY of Coudersport.

Dr. RIDER visited his parents in Katawissa, Pa., last week. Mrs. Rider and daughter, Jean, are still with her parents, at Mainesville, Pa.

A new business house in Troy is M. T. HAXTON’s cash grocery on South Canton street near the Borough line. It will open for business Monday morning, July 14.

H. N. COBB and daughter of Roseburg, Ore., are calling on old Troy friends this week. Mr. Cobb is a Civil War veteran and came with seventy-three others in a special train from Portland to attend the reunion at Gettysburg. Thirty-five years ago he was employed in the jewelry store of the late J. H. GRANT. This is his first visit to Troy in fifteen years.

Mrs. S. H. SPALDING visited her sister, Mrs. P. G. NEWELL in Elmira, this week.

Miss Mildred Wolcott of Armenia, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Katherine WOLCOTT.

Veterans William COLONY and William PITTS of Mansfield passed through here on their way home from Gettysburg.

Mrs. Charles FRIENDS attended the funeral of her cousin, Mr. Higgins in Corning, Saturday.


James KINSMAN, a well known resident of Towanda, died Sunday night, aged 87 years.

Mrs. J. Harry KELLEY returned home Tuesday from a visit to her mother, Mrs. KENYON, in Granville.

Dorothy VanGELDER, an eight-year-old girl of Elmira Heights was fatally burned Monday while playing around a bon fire.

Percy McCABE of Penn Yan, visited his uncle, Lee GATES and took home his pony rig which had been here for some time.

Noah LOOMIS and Loren HAXTON, of Windfall, were transacting business in town last Thursday and also attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. James HOLFORD.

Mr. Charles ZOHN and Miss Mabel SHADE, both former Troy residents, were married last week in Lebanon, where Mr. ZOHN is employed as an auto-truck driver.

Mrs. Hugh BAILEY, of Philadelphia, is on one of her annual visits to her brother, Lee GATES, her sister, Mrs. Edna McCABE in Penn Yan, and her mother, Mrs. SHARP in Springfield.

John PETTES, a well known resident of Troy for many years, left Tuesday morning for Canton, where he is about to open a furnishing goods and variety store in the building occupied in part by George HUNTLEY, who recently bought the jewelry business of the late Merton BARROWS.

Mrs. Arthur ROCKWELL and her daughter, Esther, of Clairon, Iowa, Miss Helen PUTNAM of Wellsboro, and Miss Irene TAYLOR of Elmira, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Richard ROCKWELL, Mr. and Mrs. Perry ROCKWELL and other Troy relatives.

Bert PRESTON has bought the Austinville hotel now conducted by M. J. McKAY.

Mr. Seth CRIPPEN and his two daughters of Johnstown, Pa., are renewing old friendships in Troy and vicinity

It is understood that Burdette FIELDS has sold his farm on Armenia.

Mr. and Mrs. Claud DeWITT are entertaining the latter’s mother and brother, Mrs. Dr. MITCHELL and H. S. MITCHELL from Philadelphia.

Miss Laura WHEELER entertained a small company Monday evening for her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas WHEELER of Waverly.

Mr. and Mrs. F. B. COMPTON come next week from Tamaqua, and Harry W. COMPTON from Hazelton, for a visit to their mother and sister, Mrs. Daniel COMPTON and Miss Anna COMPTON.

A Troy correspondent writes: Cecil Earl FANNING, son of the late Melvin D. FANNING, of Springfield township, and brother of David J. Fanning, of Troy, although not yet nineteen, was recently graduated from Colgate University second in a class of 80 men. He was a university debater, taking the first prize in oratory in his junior year and second prize in his senior year. He was winner of both honorary keys. He will be remembered as the fourteen year old boy from the Troy graded high school who four years ago in the Towanda opera house won first prize in the county oral spelling contest.

Mrs. Sidney DOANE, of Brooklyn, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Henry GERNERT.

Master Jacob WELCH has been visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Ellen WELCH at Gillett.

Edward, son of M. M. SMITH, is with his grandmother, Mrs. SHIRK, at Milmont, Pa., for vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles FANNING, of Alba, formerly of Springfield, are rejoicing over the birth on last Saturday, of a fine daughter.

The Seth B. WOOD farm of about 150 acres on Armenia, has been purchased by David HEANEY, of the state of Wyoming, for around $3,000.

Born in Granville, July 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Emmor PEPPER, a son; in Troy township, July 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ISAACS, a daughter.


Born, July 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. William CANEDY, a son.

Misses Lenora and Helena TOMLINSON are visiting their aunt, Mrs. S. J. DANN in Canton.

Miss Annette BOWEN came from the Arnot-Ogden hospital for Sunday with her sister, Miss Mary BOWEN.

Mrs. Joseph H. PRESTON accompanied by Mrs. M. E. BAILEY visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. WHITE in Mansfield.

Dr. W. F. RANDALL, a Dushore physician, lost his life while trying to rescue Zack COLE from a well on the Randall premises.

Miss Belle KITSON, of Susquehanna, Miss Bess KITSON of Buffalo, and Dorothy TAYLOR are visiting their sister, Mrs. Robert KRISE.

Mrs. MACE, the mother of Mrs. William DENNISON, is here from Washington, D. C., visiting Mrs. William PRICE and other Troy friends.

Mrs. Laura PHELPS, aged 79 years, sustained a fracture of one of her hips in a fall at the home of her sister, Mrs. John BURNS, at East Smithfield yesterday morning. Miss Phelps was preparing breakfast food at the kitchen range, and in stepping away from the stove caught her foot in the linoleum and fell heavily. Dr. Campbell was called and found that one of her hips had been broken. She was taken to the Packer hospital for treatment.

Nellie FURMAN of Elmira, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Andrew STUART.

The marriage is authoritatively reported of Miss Fannie MORSE and Mr. Benj. F. MEYER.

Miss Jennie PECK, of Tioga, Pa., is visiting her aunts, Mrs. WORTENDYKE and Miss DARTT, in King street.

Miss Henrietta HAMILTON of Rochester, is visiting her aunt and uncle Miss Mary Bliss and Mr. Liston BLISS.

Judson PARSONS is visiting his mother, Mrs. E. B. PARSONS.

Mrs. A. J. CURTIS of Bristol, Conn., spent the past week with her niece, Mrs. Frank BEACH.

At Palmyra, N. Y., last Saturday Fred Burgess formerly of Springfield was seriously injured by being struck by a horse, which he was clipping in his livery and feed stable. His injuries are described as critical, but not necessarily fatal.

At Fassetts last Friday evening, the dwelling house of Oscar ROTHWELL formerly of Troy, was destroyed by fire with most of the contents.

Mrs. B. F. STONE went Wednesday to Binghamton to visit her son, Bernard and family and to bring home Agnes and Judson who have been there for some time.

Miss Esther YEOMANS of Cleveland, Ohio, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. C. BARRETT and other relatives in Troy.

John A. CAMPBELL, better known in Troy as "Jack CAMPBELL", ball player, was graduated this spring from the Louisville, Kentucky medical college, and is now filling a responsible position as a physician in a United States government tuberculosis hospital in New Mexico. The patients came from the army, and include both officers and enlisted men. Campbell begun his medical studies before he came to Troy.


The Rev. William STEELE, wife and daughter of Porto Rico, are visiting friends in East Smithfield.

Invitations have been issued for the marriage of Walter DAYTON of Towanda, and Miss Louise Maitland, of Williamsport, on August 12th, at Trinity church, Williamsport.

Mrs. G. W. BRADFORD of Cortland, N.Y., spent the past week with her brother, M. B. McDOWELL.

Mrs. E. A. GEISS of Sayre, came Wednesday for a visit to her sister, Mrs. Earl BLOOM. Mr. Geiss will join her for Sunday.

Miss Frances BEAMAN was with her sister, Mrs. CASSADA, at Pine City, over Sunday.

Dr. THOMPSON of the experiment station staff, and Mrs. THOMPSON are boarding at the McGOUGHRAN home, Canton Street.

Miss Alice GRIMES of Ridgway, and Mr. and Mrs. John GRIMES of New York, have been on a visit to Troy relatives and old time friends.

Mr. G. H. SPENCER and son Francis, formerly of Troy, have returned to their home in Lawton, Mich., after a visit to the former’s sister, Mrs. C. T. COMFORT and Mr. COMFORT, of Elmira.

Miss Helen NIPPARD (?) AND Miss Jennie FRALEY of East Smithfield, are spending the week with their aunt, Mrs. Charles TEETER.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy DUNBAR of Troy, have a fine son, born on Monday of this week.

The home of Mr. and Mrs. George KETTLE of Granville, was gladdened last Saturday by the arrival of a fine daughter.

A noteworthy gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John A. PARSONS last Friday was in honor of the 88th birthday of Mrs. Parsons’ mother, Mrs. Mary WOODRUFF. Besides the members of the immediate household there were in attendance, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. PARSONS and son, Mr. and Mrs. Wilber H. PARSONS, Mrs. Sophia CARNOCHAN and daughter, Miss Belle CARNOCHAN, Mrs. Edna TEETER and daughters, of Troy; Mrs. Carrie CASH and Mrs. G. M. ANGIER and granddaughter, Emily WEST of Sayre. A feature of the desert course at dinner was the birthday cake with its eighty-eight burning candles.


Harry M. CLEAVER and Theodore C. HOVEY of New York, came the first of the week for a visit to home folks. The latter will remain for some time.

The condition of Colin A. INNES, who was operated on for appendicitis, is very critical.

Miss Margaret WILLOUR returned Tuesday from her visit in Oklahoma, to her brother, Dr. Scott WILLOUR.

One of the thriftiest farmers in Western Bradford is a colored man, Daniel Bright, of Alba, who already this season has marketed over 350 bushels of potatoes at an average price bushel of above $1, to say nothing of other early crops from which a nice revenue has been derived. As potatoes are a money making crop at 50 cents, his profit on this one item of "spuds" can be easily figured.

The friends of former Commissioner and Mrs. Edson HARKNESS will learn with interest that their son, Clay W. HARKNESS is prospering in the business in which he embarked on his own account the first of the year, after a long time on the road. His line is the manufacture of door hangers and other hardware specialties. With two others Mr. Harkness holds a controlling interest in the company which is capitalized at $399,999. He is salesmanager. The factory is a large one located at Aurora, Illinois, and their operations extend over a wide territory including New England.

Mr. and Mrs. F. W. WILLIAMS and son of Elmira, spent last week with Mr. Williams’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. WILLIAMS.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry JOHNSON and child of Elmira, are guests for a fortnight of his parents, Mayor and Mrs. A. R. JOHNSON.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert KRISE attended the funeral of the former’s father in Liberty, the first of the week, making the trip in Mrs. Teeter's car.

Hemphrey BEAMAN is to have charge of the Coles pharmacy in Mansfield next week while Proprietor Percy COLES is on his vacation, which also will be the beginning of his honeymoon.

Mr. and Mrs. O. F. PRICE and their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. HOLDREN, of Hasting-on-Hudson, were guests of Mrs. John C. BIGELOW, on a motor trip Tuesday to Towanda, where Mr. HOLDREN took a Lehigh Valley train for home.

Mrs. Percy MAXWELL of Lock Haven, is visiting Troy relatives and friends.

Ernest FRIENDS of Hornell, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles FRIENDS.

Miss Edythe WHEELER of Williamsport, visited her sisters, Mrs. Joseph ARMSTRONG and Mrs. Bert COMFORT.

F. M. FULLER of Moores, Delaware county, Pa., who has been on a visit to his mother, Mrs. W. A. FULLER, in Springfield was in town yesterday.

George McCARRICK has sold his farm in Armenia township to Stephen SCRIVANI, of Warren, Pa., who is to take possession August 28th.


Clarence WHEELER and Roy PRICE are candidates for tax collector.

Mrs. Charles JORALEMON is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. MIX, in Canton.

  1. J. HOOLEY of Schenectady, N.Y., a former Troy boy, came last Thursday for a week’s renewal of old ties.
Mrs. Paul BURGOLDT with her son, came yesterday from St. Louis for a fortnight’s visit to her sister, Mrs. E. L. TEETER.

Ernest SMITH, whose early return to Troy is elsewhere noted, will enter the employ of the Engine & Machine Company.

Harry CALIFF has resigned his position in an ice cream factory at Gettysburg, to reenter the employ of the Troy creamery.

Mr. and Mrs. James McMAHAN enjoyed a few days visit from Mr. and Mrs. A. E. PIERCE of Waverly, the latter of whom is Mr. McMahan’s sister.

Following a visit to her sister, Mrs. WILLIAMS, in Scranton, Mrs. Thomas ST. CLAIR of Kidderville, Kansas, spent a few days with Troy relatives.

Landlord S. J. WELCH has sold his 100-acre farm in South Creek, to his cousin, Joseph C. WELCH, for $2,500.

It is understood that Mr. and Mrs. Ernest SMITH will return to Troy to reside from Ohio, where they have made their home for a number of years. Mrs. Smith is a daughter of Edward BROWN.

Mrs. O. F. PRICE has gone with her daughter, Mrs. HOLDREN, for a visit in the latter’s home at Hastings-on-the-Hudson.

Floyd E. HOOKER a Troy boy, who is making good as a linotype operator on the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle was in town Wednesday and Thursday. He came for his daughter, who has been visiting relatives here.

Frank C. GERNERT of Bridgesport, Conn. Spent Saturday with his mother Mrs. W. B. GERNERT.

Mrs. P. G. NEWELL and daughter Helen of Elmira, visited the former’s sister, Mrs. Hillis SPALDING.

Miss Ellen PHOENIX comes this week from Oswego, N.Y., for a visit to her mother, Mrs. J. L. PHOENIX.

Mrs. Harry FERGUSON and daughter Elizabeth, of Syracuse are guests of her uncle Alanson ROLISON and family.

Mrs. Ida HAVEN, of Providence, R. I. is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. B. GERNERT and other relatives and friends here.

Miss Margaret SMITH of Rutherford, N. J., is visiting her parents and renewing old friendships in this boro

Mr. and Mrs. S. K. ROSS are visiting their son, D. A. Ross in Burlington

Lena McDOWELL, of Syracuse, is spending her vacation with her father, M. B. McDowell.

Born, in Washington, August 8th, to Dr. and Mrs. SEURLOCK (nee Mabel SMITH) a daughter.

Charles TOMLINSON visited his son Arthur at the Sayre hospital on Sunday.

Mrs. M. J. HANDRAN and daughter Mary Katharine are spending the week at Sagayewatha, on Seneca Lake.

John H. BIXBY of Buffalo, visited his nieces, Mrs. Reuben LETZ and Mrs. Edgar WOOD. Mr. Bixby is a former Mansfield resident.

Mrs. Charles WOODWORTH and daughter Edith, of Albion, Neb., are visiting their aunt, Mrs. TITUS and other relatives in this vicinity.

Mrs. Charles BOATRIGHT, of LaCrosse Rush county, Kansas, came Monday to join her husband, who is employed at the Welch hotel. They will soon begin housekeeping in Elmira street. Mrs. Boatright reports a severe drought and myriads of grasshoppers in Kansas, to the extent that the crops for whole sections are entirely ruined.

Miss Helen NIPPARD of Smithfield, has typhoid fever. It will soon be said if such a report is not already current that she contracted it in Troy. Here are the facts: Miss Nippard is a teacher, whose only opportunity to go about among friends and relatives is during vacation. This year she went to Athens and later to Columbia where she visited her aunt, Mrs. William BESLEY for a week or more. She came to Troy for a visit to Mrs. Charles TEETER, another aunt, on Sunday, July 27th. The Thursday following she complained of feeling badly. A physician was consulted. She remained in the Teeter home until the next Tuesday. On Wednesday or Thursday her case was pronounced fever. Medical authorities are agreed that typhoid does not develop under 14 days from the date of infection. It is altogether probable, nay almost certain that infection took place before she came to Troy.


Miss Blanche DEWEY, the Grange Bank stenographer, is spending a week in Pittsburg.

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. LIPPINCOTT, of Riverside, California, visited the latter’s aunt, Mrs. TITUS and her daughter in West Main Street.

Mrs. G. A. BALDWIN is entertaining her mother and sister, Mrs. Jas. S. WHITBY, and Miss Helen Louise WHITBY, of Baltimore, Md.

Mrs. Harry JOHNSON and children of East Aurora, N.Y., are guests of her mother, Mrs. Henry LEONBARD. Mr. Johnson and Harry LEONARD are to join them next week.

Miss Blanche JORALEMON, of Penn Yan, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Margaret KENNEDY.

Montague DAVIES of Chicago, is visiting his uncle, Dr. M. A. DAVIES.

Mr. and Mrs. Montague LEE of Brooklyn, have a son.

Mrs. D. E. POMEROY of Englewood, N.J., was with her father, N. M. POMEROY on Monday.

William and Eleanor McGEE of Williamsport, are visiting at the home of their uncle, Mr. J. P. McGEE.

Rev. and Mrs. B. F. BEIBER of Milton, Pa., are spending a few days with their aunt, Mrs. M. A. McDOWELL.

Mrs. Milton BROWN is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles CHASE in Blaisdell, N.Y.

Another Troy boy who is continuously mounting high, is George A. LEONARD, Postoffice Inspector, who has been transferred from Washington to be inspector in charge of inspectors in California, Nevada, Arizona and the Hawaiian Islands. Mr. Leonard’s home under this last promotion, which was a surprise to him, will be in San Francisco.

Delos NYE, of Montour Falls, passed Sunday with Troy friends.

Judson A. PARSONS is in Norfolk, Va., where he is acting as tutor.

Miss Anna COMPTON goes soon for a visit to Mrs. Edward HARRISON in Staunton, Va.

Charles McCABE returned Sunday to Philadelphia, following a vacation visit to Troy relatives and friends.

Edward PARKE, of the Pennsylvania Railroad civil engineering staff, at Altoona, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert PARKE.

Dr. and Mrs. NOONE came Saturday in their car from Scranton for a fortnight’s visit to the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. McNULTY.

Harold BEVANS, who holds a responsible position with the Banker’s Trust Company in New York, is spending his vacation in Troy with his mother, Mrs. H. A. BEVANS.

The home of the little daughter, about 14 months old, left by the late Mrs. Harry JOHNSON, will be with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. JOHNSON.

Harry BURT, superintendent of the Postum Cereal factory and Mrs. Burt and their two sons returned to their home in Battle Creek, Mich. Following a visit by motor to Justin CALIFF and family.

Mrs. Fred PRICE of Chemung, N.Y., Mrs. T. E. BROWNSON and Mrs. Meade CASE and son of West Burlington, spent Monday with their aunt, Mrs. J. W. CAMPBELL, at Burlington.

An interesting page in the August Ladies’ Home Journal is a recital by the writer in her 75th year of the early experiences of Mrs. Eliza WARNER, the oldest living white woman born west of the Rocky mountains. In addition to the natural interest in such reminiscences, the story has for Trojans an added interest in that Mrs. WARNER is a niece of the late Mrs. O. P. BALLARD and Mrs. Helen PECK of this boro. Her father was the Rev. Henry SPALDING, a missionary to the Indians who on different occasions in the early days visited his sisters here.

Miss Aline COLES of Mansfield, will teach the coming year near Philadelphia.

Mrs. J. C. MAY has sold her home at Windfall to David HAFLETT, and in the fall will go to make her home in Binghamton, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred JENNINGS, the latter being her daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanHORN and daughters Lois and Gladys, motored from West Chester, Pa., the first of the week to visit friends in this section of the country. They were accompanied by Miss L. E. PHOENIX, who was enroute from New York University, where she has been during the past seven weeks. All were entertained by Mrs. J. L. PHOENIX on their arrival and report a very enjoyable trip. Miss PHOENIX leaves for Oswego, N.Y., in a few days to resume her work in the Oswego State Normal School, where she has been during the past twenty years.

Relatives and friends from a distance in attendance at the funeral of Mrs. Harry JOHNSON on Sunday included: Mrs. Wm. PETTINGILL, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. BEBBELE, George BERRY, Mrs. Nina JOHNSON, Mrs. Emma CORBIN and Mrs. Warren LANDON, Lawrence BLACKWELL and Miss Carrie CHAPIN, Elmira; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. BEBBLE, Roaring Branch; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson JOHNSON, Ancil JOHNSON, Painted Post; Mr. Stanley FURNALD, Rochester, N.Y., Willard PRICE, Montour Falls; Arthur SMITH, Corning, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Newman WORDEN, Hammondsport; Mr. and Mrs. Frank THOMPSON, Mr. and Mrs. Will THOMPSON, Walter THOMPSON, Miss Ethel STOLL, Mrs. C. J. LOGHRY, Miss Belle LOGHRY, Mr. and Mrs. David STOLL, Mr. and Mrs. Walter LONGWELL and Don THOMPSON, Bath, N.Y.; Miss Flossie ALDEN, Canisteo, N.Y.; Mr. And Mrs. Frank OLIVE, Oxford Mich.


Born, August 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred FLICK of Sayre, a daughter.

  1. STRUCK and family, recent arrivals in Troy, have moved back to Paterson, N. J.
Miss Anna DAHLGREN of Jamestown, last week visited her brother, Benj. DAHLGREN in this boro.

Horace B. POMEROY, who has been located in Rochester, as the representative of Harris, Forbes & Co., bond dealers of New York, will move soon to Buffalo.

Miss Frances SALTMARSH returned the first of the week from a long visit to her mother, in New York.

Theodore KINYON of Pittsburg, is visiting his brother, Arthur KINYON and other relatives in this section.

Mrs. L. W. BALLARD returned Monday from an extended visit at Jackson, Mich., to her son, Christopher Ballard.

Frank SMITH of Syracuse, is visiting his father, Gilbert D. SMITH and friends in town.

Mrs. C. E. ARMSTRONG returned home Sunday afternoon from a ten days visit with her daughter, Mrs. A. W. PRESTON, of Elmira, who was convalescent after a serious operation at the Arnot-Ogden hospital.

--Canton- Floyd INNES has been appointed assessor in the new West Ward.—Prof. Scott GRISWOLD leaves this week to take up his work as a teacher at Morristown, N.J. – Miss Harriett TUCKER, recently graduated from a nurse’s training school in Chicago, is visiting relatives here—James BURK, who has been reading law with T. S. HICKOK was admitted to the bar last Friday.

Born, in Troy August 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. George HICKOK, a son.

Mrs. Robert BAILEY and son Lawrence, returned Saturday from a visit to relatives at Bailey Corners.

Misses Sarah and Margaret HANRAHAN of Corning, are spending the week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hanrahan.

John H. MORSE has decided to switch from Lehigh University to the University of Illinois at Urbana, for the junior and senior years of his college course.

Miss Frances McGLENN arrived Tuesday from Colorado, where she has been visiting her brothers. Miss McGLENN is to teach at Columbia X Roads again this year.

Mrs. A. L. BUDD and Mrs. B. A. LONG entertained at auction bridge Tuesday afternoon at the home of the former in honor of Mrs. Teeter’s sister, Mrs. BURDOLT, of St. Louis, Mo., and Mrs. John CARNOCHAN, of Princeton, N. J.

T. H. HANRAHAN of Corning, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hanrahan.

Mrs. Hugh HOLCOMB, 85 years old, of LeRoy, broke both her shoulder and hip by a fall last Saturday.

Miss Sue DEITCH came the first of the week from Detroit, for a visit to her sister, Mrs. A. S. GALLATIN and family.

Hon. and Mrs. Pliny NORCROSS come Saturday from Auburn, R. I., for a visit to Mrs. Jennie GRANT and other relatives and friends.

Gerald CHRISTOPHER, the well known chauffeur of this boro, goes next week for a visit to his parents and his brother who was injured recently in an automobile accident.

Mr. and Mrs. William WEIGESTER and sons attended a reunion yesterday of the SMILEY family at West Franklin and J. H. PRESTON and family and Orrin JAQUISH, a gathering of the PRESTON family at Canton.

F.M. SPENCER of Farmington, Conn., is renewing Troy acquaintances after an absence of ten years, seven of which he spent as a homesteader near Homestead, Fla. Time has dealt kindly with Mr. Spencer. He is meeting with a cordial reception from old-time friends.

Mrs. Cyrenns RENNELS of Coudersport, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. B. REDINGTON.

Among the friends from a distance in attendance at the funeral of Mrs. HEALEY on Monday were Mr. and Mrs. George McGLENN of Elmira.

Hr. and Mrs. A. O. LUDINGTON, their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Frank SMITH, of Syracuse, Mrs. Rodney SPENCER and son, Charles LUDINGTON, Mrs. Burt DEWEY and daughter Frances attended the Ludington family reunion in Mansfield, on Wednesday.


Miss Theodore BOTHWELL has gone to Lima, N. Y., for her winter’s work in teaching.

A marriage license was granted last Saturday to Albert Adelbert MILLER and Pauline Augusta WAGNER, both of Troy.

R. E. URELL, the new Democratic postmaster of Mansfield, is a son-in-law of Lafayette SQUIRES, deceased, a one time Gray Valley resident who in the days agone did the bulk of his trading in Troy.

Eight thousand dollars in money and a 270 acre farm in Orange county, N. Y., were bequeathed Mrs. William E. FERGUSON of Athens, by an uncle with whom she formerly lived, who died two weeks ago at his home in Florida.

Mr. and Mrs.VanNess ALEXANDER of Philadelphia are visiting relatives in this boro and vicinity.

Frederick BROWN of East Syracuse was here Sunday and Labor Day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. BROWN.

Harry ARMSTRONG of McEwensville, Pa., is visiting his sister, Mrs.W.F.DeWITT.

Miss Mabel WILLIAMS went Monday evening to Elmira to attend a business college.

Mr. and Mrs. Malcom GIBSON were over Sunday guests of Mrs. Gibson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. GALLATIN.

It is understood that Mrs. Leal PALMER will take a course in professional nursing in Rochester, beginning this fall.

Mrs. Warner CARNOCHAN and Miss Belle Carnochan entertained last Saturday afternoon for Mrs. John Carnochan, of Princeton, N. J.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. SMITH arrived Sunday evening from Marion, Ohio, to again make their home in this boro. Mr. Smith is to be employed in the engine works.

The Troy public school opened Monday with a large attendance of students, seventy-five of whom are enrolled in the high school. The teaching staff is as follows: High School, Prof. D. E. CROSLEY, Miss Grace SAYLES, Miss Minerva FLOOD, Miss Grace FOOTE; Eighth Grade, Miss Susie BORDEN; Seventh Grade, Miss Elizabeth SHANNON; Sixth Grade, Miss Ellen MORLEY; Fifth Grade, Miss Ethel DeWITT; Fourth Grade, Miss Margaret COLLINS, Third Grade, Miss Florence FANNING; First and Second Grades, Miss Stella PIERCE; Music and Drawing Miss Laura WHEELER.

William COLONY of Mansfield is visiting his brother Thomas COLONY and family.

John COLLINS came Tuesday night from Coudersport for Fair week with his sisters.

Miss Jeanette SMITH returned Thursday from a summer spent in Rutherford, N. J., with her sisters.

W. S. CARNOCHAN of New York City, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. WILLETT; called here by the serious illness of Hugh BALLARD.

Mrs. SWAYZE of Horseheads, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Louden BUDD.

Albert HOVEY of New York, came last Saturday for a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. HOVEY

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank O. HOLLEY, of 5 Hyatt street, Cortland, N.Y., August 21, a son, Milton Robert.

Miss Lizzie Ward BALLARD is entertaining her niece, Miss Laura VanFLEET from Scranton, who will remain a fortnight.

Fred KENNEDY, a valued employe of the Soldiers’ Home at Bath, N.Y., is visiting his mother, Mrs. Margaret KENNEDY in Redington Avenue.

A telegram to Charles TOMLINSON announces the arrival of a son in the home of his brother, Russell TOMLINSON in Chicago on September 2d.

Mr. and Mrs. G. B. HAWLEY of Elmira, attended the Wagner-Miller wedding on Wednesday, Mrs. HAWLEY being a sister of the groom.


Dr. George E. BOYER, jr., is visiting his parents in Camden, N. J.

Miss Mary HOOLEY is entertaining her sister, Mrs. George A. SHEEHE, of Corning.

Miss Anna CONEY, of Elmira, spent Sunday with her brother and sisters here.

Miss Anna COMPTON has gone to Staunton, Va., for a visit to Mrs. Edward HARRISON.

Miss Mary COLLINS of Elmira, is spending her vacation with her cousin, Miss Jennie COLLINS.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry VAN HORN of West Chester, Pa., were the guests of their aunt, Mrs. T. P. ROCKWELL last weekend.

Mrs. F. C. WEGMAN who has been the guest of Troy relatives for the past two weeks, left Tuesday for her home in Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. Merton BALDWIN who have been visiting the latter’s parents Major and Mrs. J. C. ROBINSON, have returned to their home in Wellsburg.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul BURGOLDT and son, who have been the guests of Mrs. Burgoldt’s sister, Mrs. E. L. TEETER, left Monday morning for their home in St. Louis, Mo.

Mrs. D. S. KENYON and granddaughter, Miss Esther GAUL, returned Sunday evening from a several weeks’ visit to Mrs. Kenyon’s daughters in Chicago and Wisconsin.

John COLLINS has returned to Philadelphia following vacation work in Coudersport and a fair week visit to his sisters in this boro.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward FREY and their infant daughter of New York, are spending this week in the Fred BOHLAYER home. Mrs. FREY was formerly Miss Helen MORSE.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry PACKARD, August 21, 1913, a daughter, Eleanor Lorene.

Miss Lou KING of Canton, was a guest of her sister, Miss Margaret KING, during the fair.

Edward B. WILLIAMS and little daughter Isabel, of Chicago, Ill, have been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. WILLIAMS.

Mr. and Mrs. George HUNTLEY of Canton, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter, Mary Elizabeth, on Thursday last. Mrs. Huntley was Miss Florence SHADE.

William H. WALTON, who died in Washington, D. C., recently, after fifty years of government service in the Treasury Department, was a brother-in-law of D. E. MC GEE of Pisgah.

Dr. and Mrs. P. S. CARPENTER are back from a visit in Brockport, N.Y., to their children, Mr. and Mrs. Fred GREENOUGH, whose little daughter is recovering from her late serious illness.

Two more farms on Armenia have recently changed hands, the S. S. WOOD place of 50 acres going to R. MAYO, of Bantry, N. D., and the E. J. RUMSEY farm of 100 acres to Mr. May’s son-in-law, Olaf ONERSEIN, also of Bantry. While the farms do not join, they are in the same neighborhood.

E.Judson CONNELLY and two daughters, Misses Phoebe and Caroline were killed and Mrs. CONNELLY was seriously injured when Lehigh passenger train No. 146 crashed into their auto near Cayuta, at 11:06 Saturday morning. Mr. CONNELLY conducted a café at Springs Corners, Sayre, and was well known in political and baseball circles.

Troy can have a shirt factory if there are fifty girls in the boro and vicinity who want or would accept employment in such an enterprise.


Mrs. E. B. WOODWARD of Berrytown is spending several weeks with her brother, George E. FANNING, at Youngstown, Ohio.

Mrs. Mary A. PARISH was called from Everett, Washington, by the serious illness of her brother, Dr. Cleveland, of Canton.

Miss Harriett PARSONS leaves Friday for her third year in Vassar.

Mrs. Hattie MUNDY was called to Wellsburg, Tuesday by the serious illness of a cousin, Mrs. O. P. TAYLOR.

Walter PARSONS left the first of the week to resume his work in mechanical engineering at Yale University.

Miss Helen VanKEUREN returns Monday to Cornell University where she is taking the course in Home Economics.

Miss Carrie ANDERSON of Owego came home with Mr. and Mrs. BRADFORD for a visit to themselves and other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. Dean ROSS and daughter Ruby were week-end guests with relatives in Lowman, N.Y. On returning Daniel GRACE a cousin brought them part way in his large touring car.

Bert J. HERN, a clerk in Swain’s grocery store in South Waverly, was shot and killed Friday, September 13th, by A. J. ZOLTOWISKI, a cobbler. It is believed that the murderer’s mind was unbalanced as he has been talking incoherently for several weeks.

Miss Hatty DAHLBERG visited her brother, Arnold of the Experiment Station Staff. Miss Dahlberg was on her way from Menomonee, Wis., where she has been teaching, to New York City for post graduate work in domestic science in Columbia University.

Invitations have been received by Troy friends to the wedding on Tuesday, October 7th, in St. Paul’s church, Philipsburg, Pa., of Miss Anna Isabelle EASTMENT, formerly of Troy and Mr. Robert STUTTON. Mr. and Mrs. Sutton will be at home after November 15th, at Indiana, Pa.

Back in the early seventies, Charles CRANDALL sold his farm on Armenia over Dewey Hollow way for $5,000, and went to Rockford, Ill., where he invested $4,800 in sixty acres.

Mrs. A. W. PRESTON of Elmira came Wednesday evening for a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. ARMSTRONG.

Mrs. BERGER, who has been visiting her brother and sister, John E. DOBBINS and Mrs. Emma HEPBURN, left for visits in Cleveland and Canton, Ohio, before returning to her home in Erie, Pa.

Miss Ruth M. PECK has been awarded a scholarship offered by a wealthy patron of Beechwood School, Jenkinstown, Pa. She will take music and continue her secretarial work.

Mr. and Mrs. L. L. ALEXANDER have a son born last Sunday.

Mrs. Jacob DRUM of Cogan Station is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Julia CONRAD.

Peter SHERMAN has returned to East Smithfield after two years in Tioga County.

Recent births at East Smithfield include twins, a girl and a boy, to Mr. and Mrs. William HODGES, and a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Louis HARRIS.

John E. SNEDEKER went Sunday night to resume his work in Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

The Millerton hotel was destroyed by fire early Monday morning. The loss is roughly $5,000 with small insurance. An upset lamp caused the costly conflagration.

Charles EVANS, 26 year old son of Mrs. Mary NICHOLS of Wellsboro committed suicide Saturday evening by blowing off the top of his head with a shot gun. Acute melancholia is given as the reason.

Mrs. Edward P. MOSE left yesterday for a visit in Watseka, Ill, to her mother.

Born Tuesday, Sept. 16th to Mr. and Mrs. Albert SACKETT, of Bohlayertown, a daughter.

Interment of the remains of the late Augustus R. RIGGS, of Elmira, was at East Smithfield on Wednesday.


Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. VanDYNE (nee Dorothy NEARING) have a fine son, born yesterday.

The Jarvis GREENE farm on Armenia has been sold to P.H. SLEVIN of Buckhannon, W. Va.

Timothy HURLEY, a highly respected resident of the State road district near Towanda dropped dead last Friday noon.

Joseph BARKER who spent last winter as a student of dramatics in Philadelphia and who has been visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. P. N. BARKER went Wednesday of last week to New York to do some dramatic work.

Mrs. Frances E. WEBB, formerly of Troy, now of 633 W. Water St., Elmira announces the engagement of her daughter, Sallie Marion to Merton David COLE, also of Elmira. The wedding will take place in the near future.

Miss Rebecca BLACKWELL of Towanda, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. C. BLACKWELL and other Troy relatives.

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Gorden PORTER of Windfall, a daughter, Florence Jessie.

Mrs. Frank P. CASE and son, George F. Case were guests of relatives in Mainesburg Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael DOODY and little daughter of Kittitas, Wash., came last Friday for a visit to Mrs. Smith’s mother, Mrs. George SMITH, and will remain east for the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank BEACH are entertaining Mrs. Beach’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William RILEY and daughter of Coal Center, Pa.

Mrs. William ERK is visiting relatives in Honesdale and South Canaan, Pa.

Mrs. E. P. MORSE left last week for a visit to her mother in Watseka, Ill., and to her son, John, who is a student at the State University at Champainge.

Mrs. M. SHANNON is visiting her son, William in Renovo and her son Daniel in Patton, Pa.

Mrs. Morris REIDY, who spent the summer with her daughters in Rochester is again with her daughter, Mrs. James McGEE.

Mr. and Mrs. R. A. SMITH entertained a few friends Sunday evening in remembrance of their 30th wedding anniversary.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward FOWLER, small son, Allen and daughter, Dorothy of Rochester are visiting Mrs. Fowler’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bird CHASE.

Mr. and Mrs. William JONES and daughter, Mrs. Nettie Jones of Baltimore, were guests of their aunt, Mrs. Glenn A. BALDWIN over the week-end.

A daughter was born Saturday, September 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas BERRY of Elmira. Mrs. Berry was Margaret GREGORY, formerly of Troy.

Judson A. PARSONS has returned from his summer work at Norfolk, Va., and is spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. E. B. PARSONS before resuming his work in Harvard Law school.

Robert LAMKIN, a former Troy boy has just finished a successful summer’s work with the Borden Milk Company at Philadelphia. He is now visiting his mother, Mrs. G. A. LAMKIN in Athens.


John W.DeWITT is very ill at the home of his son, Ray DeWITT near this boro.

Mr. and Mrs. L. M. STEEN who have been spending the past week in the home of O. M. AYRES at Windfall have returned to their home at Florence, Colorado. Mrs. STEEN was formerly Miss Elsie CLARKE, a daughter of Emory CLARKE who moved from Granville to Topeka, Kansas, several years ago. Mr. Steen holds a responsible position with the Sante Fe Railroad.

At the annual meeting of the Bradford County Historical Society held last Saturday afternoon the following officers were elected: President, George MOSCRIP; Vice-Presidents, J. H. CHAFFEE, A. T. LILLEY, Secretary, J. Andrew WILT; Treasurer, G. T. INGHAM; Librarian, C. F. HEVERLY; Financial Secretary, A. H. KINSBURY. Former Judge A. C. FANNING presented to the society a chair used by the first judge of Bradford county and many who followed him.

Manley SMITH of Mainesburg will spend the winter with his son, C. A. SMITH.

Mr. Richard CASH of Athens was an over-Sunday guest of his cousin, Mrs. A. E. BACKER.

Miss THOMAS of Ralston was an over Sunday guest of her cousin, Miss Julia COSTELLO.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter ROCKWELL left Monday morning to visit Mr. Rockwell’s brother at Griswold, Iowa

Miss Helen LITTLE of Cincinnati, Ohio, visited her nephew, Thomas LITTLE at the Troy House, the last week.

Dr. and Mrs. Scott WILLOUR of McAllister, Okla., are visiting the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. WILLOUR.

Mrs. P. BARR of Cincinnati, Ohio who has been visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. P. HOWLEY on Paines Hill returned Monday afternoon.

Mrs. Mary GOULD visited her brother-in-law, E. L. LEWIS this week.

Mrs. Fred WILLIAMS entertained a small company at a 6 o’clock dinner Friday for her mother, Mrs. Dona AYERS of Lock Haven.

The Sylvania Hotel at Sylvania has changed hands. John HIEB, the present owner has sold his interest to Merton C. PITT of Gillett. Mr. Pitt is now in the coal and feed business and will not take possession until about November 1st.


Dr. and Mrs. UTLEY and the former’s parents of Canton, were Sunday visitors in Troy.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. HOLCOMB of Philadelphia, came Sunday to visit his mother, Mrs. Annie P. HOLCOMB.

Dr. John H. CORY, who went twenty-one years ago to Geneva, Ill., is paying his seventeenth visit to relatives in Troy and vicinity.

Llewellyn YAWGER of Union Springs, was an over Sunday guest with his wife and child at her parents’ Mr. and Mrs. O. F. PRICE.

Mr. and Mrs. S. J. WELCH and children visited relatives at Gillett on Sunday.

Clarence WHEELER and his sister, Mrs. TOMLINSON have moved into rooms in the Rockwell building over H. K. Mitchell’s law office.

Rev. Father P. J. DURKIN is spending a few days in Scranton with his mother.

M.E.GREENOUGH moves this week from East Troy to the John Smith house on upper Canton Street.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred JOHNSON and daughter, Rena are spending their vacation with Mrs. Johnson’s sister in Washington, D. C.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman J. CARPENTER and daughter, Ruth of Cowley spent Sunday with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. P. S. CARPENTER.

Mrs. J. J. CRAWFORD, who has been the guest of her niece, Mrs. F. M. LONG leaves tomorrow to visit her son in Rochester before returning to her home in Amsterdam, N.Y.

Mrs. Joseph H. PRESTON and Mrs. Brewster A. LONG spent Sunday and Monday in Mansfield. Mrs. Preston visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. WHITE and Mrs. LONG was the guest of Mrs. Daniel PITTS and other friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Merton BALDWIN of Wellsburg, were recent guests of her parents, Major and Mrs. J. C. ROBINSON.

Vivian HILL of South Haven, Mich., a son of the late Edward HILL, a former Troy jeweler is renewing old friendships after an absence of sixteen years. Mr. HILL and his brother are in the jewelry business at South Haven. His grandfather, Hezikiah DICKINSON will accompany him home for a visit.

Several members of the Cigar Factory force have been called out of town recently by death in their family. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton LEAVENWORTH were called to Binghamton last Friday by the death of their daughter, aged seventeen, following an operation for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. COLBY went to Altoona Wednesday to attend the funeral of a nephew, a boy eleven.

Miss Mary SHIELDS went Wednesday to her home in Scranton.

Mrs. HESS of Rochester is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. R. WILLOUR.

W. E. CARNOCHAN of New York visited his sister, Mrs. Sarah WILLETT this week.

Mr. and Mrs. John SMITH leave next Monday for Rutherford, N. J., here they will make their home.

At the annual election of officers for the Epworth League of the Methodist church, the following officers for the ensuing year were elected: President, Dr. W. L. RIDER; first vice president, Miss Bessie WARD; second vice president, Miss Florence FANNING; third vice president Miss Mary LEWIS; fourth vice president, C. F. RUNDELL; secretary, Miss Sara COREY, treasurer J. H. KELLEY; chorister, Miss Laura WHEELER


Mrs. George SMITH is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. J. LYNCH in Towanda this week.

Francis COLLINS is visiting his aunt, Mrs. McNAMARA in Towanda this week.

Mr. and Mrs. H. M. SPAULDING visited their son, Andrew SPAULDING and family at Oil City this week

Mrs. Lucy REDINGTON SMITH and daughter, Marcella of Elmira, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. REDINGTON.

Marie, Ruth and Ernest PRESTON of Elmira, were guests over Sunday of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. ARMSTRONG.

Mr. and Mrs. Dr. LYON of Ulster, were guests of the doctor’s sister, Mrs. D. A. STROPE over Sunday.

M.B. McDOWELL was in Syracuse the first of the week visiting his daughter, Miss Lena McDOWELL.

Mr. and Mrs. E. BURT of Frewsburg, N.Y., are renewing old acquaintances in Troy and vicinity. They plan to spend the winter in Orlando, Fla. Mr. Burt will be remembered in connection with the "Old Church" at Burlington.


James McKAY of Canton, visited his sister, Mrs. Timothy CONKLIN this week.

N. M. POMEROY returned Wednesday from a visit to his son, D.E. POMEROY at Englewood, N.J.

Dr. Charles KERRICK of Auburn, N.Y., was the guest of his father Nelson KERRICK the first of this week.

Dr. Charles WEIGISTER went this week to take up the dental practice he has purchased from Dr. R. F. WAGNER at Frackville, Pa.

Mr. and Mrs. Orville PUTNAM returned to Washington, D. C., Monday after a visit to friends in Granville and to Mrs. Milton M. PUTNAM and Mrs. Ben R. DAHLGREN here.

Fred WEIGISTER enters the Eastman Business College at Poughkeepsie, N.Y., the first of the month.

The 80th birthday of Dr. Leonard J. BRADFORD was celebrated recently by a family gathering at his home in Sullivan.

Charles McCABE and family have rented the Holcomb house next door to Timothy Conklin on East Main Street and will occupy it soon.

Mr. and Mrs. H. K. MITCHELL left last night to attend the funeral at 1 o’clock on Saturday of Mr. Mitchell’s aunt, Miss Emma ADAMS at Coxsackie, N.Y.

Mrs. Olin ROSS and son, Willie of Fassetts, were week-end guests of Troy relatives.

Mrs. S. S. KENYON of Granville Center will spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. J. H. KELLEY.

Mrs. E. J. CONNELLY, the only survivor of the terrible auto accident of six weeks ago is out of the hospital and at her home in Sayre.

Recent Wetona real estate transfers are as follows: H. B. MONROE has sold the Dudley SARGEANT farm to John A. SARGEANT; John SARGEANT has sold his house and lot to F. N. HUBBARD, H. B. MONROE of Waverly, Pa., has bought the Dr. Cory farm and will move his family there and build.

Mrs. Louis CASSADA, son Franklin and daughter, Elizabeth of Pine City are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. BEAMAN.

Mrs. F. H. HOFFMAN went Wednesday night to Coxsackie, N.Y., with Miss Jeanette Adams of Elmira, following the sudden death of the latter’s sister.

Little hope is entertained of the recovery of Charles CHAMBERLAIN of Wells whose spine was injured in a runaway a week ago. The paralysis which at first was confined to his legs has extended to his arms. He is in the Sayre hospital. Mr. Chamberlain has a wife and nine children the oldest of whom is but 12.


Mrs. D. A. STROPE spent last week with her father, E. P. LYON at Franklindale.

Mrs. Thomas MITCHELL will remain at Coxsackie with her sister, Mrs. COONLEY until the latter goes south.

Mrs. J. S.SHERMAN of Buffalo, N.Y., is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. H. W. STROPE at Long’s Mills for a few days.

Blood was transfused recently at Kane Summit from the veins of P. L. GUSTAFSON to his son, Gus GUSTAFSON who was in a critical condition from anemia. He rallied, blood from a brother was transferred to him and his ultimate recovery seems assured.

It is evident that Westfield has the real stuff of which genuine night watchmen are made. Charles Ayres, substituting for his father, was looking down the capacious muzzle of a gun as he rounded the post office corner at 1 o’clock in the morning recently and told to "hold up his hands." He grabbed the highwayman’s pistol and reached for his own, when the robber’s gun was discharged and Ayres was shot through the hand. That did not prevent Ayres blazing away at the retreating figure up the alley, which kept on going. The postoffice was not disturbed. The bullet passed through Ayres’ hand. No bones were broken.

Mrs. Stephen KELLEY of Elmira is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Earl STANTON.

Mrs. R. W. JORLEMON returned last Friday from a two weeks visit to friends and relatives in Williamsport and Emporium.

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Leon E. CARD of Troy R. D. 64, on October 9, a son Joseph Bradford.

Marcus BURR of Lambs Creek is spending the week with his aunt Mrs. John C. BIGELOW.

Mrs. Harry BOND returned Wednesday from a visit to her uncle John WOLCOTT at Benizett, Elk Co., Pa.

Mr. and Mrs. Malcom D. GIBSON of Elmira, were over Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. GALLATIN.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas HANDRAHAN of Corning are guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Handahan and Mrs. M. SHANNON.

Mrs. Thomas COLONY attended the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. McKay CRAIG in Bentley Creek Thursday. Mrs. Craig is also an aunt of Mrs. J. C. ROBINSON.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. QUA of Elmira, are again to spend the winter at Lemon City, Florida. Mrs. B. H. HOBARD, Mrs. Qua’s mother, is planning to accompany them.

Miss Anna L. KEPPLER has returned to Troy from Williamsport where she was called to form one of a pleasant family reunion which took place at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. R. REED of Elmira Street. The reunion was occasioned by the visit of their brother, Mr. C. E. KEPPLER of Galveston, Texas, who was returning home from Washington, D. C., where he had been a delegate to the Biennial Session of the Supreme Council of Scottish Rite. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. R. REED and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank GREENWAY and family of Jersey Shore and Mr. W. F. SIMS of this place.


Allan DOANE has leased his farm in Leona to Charles LEIBY.

Andrew HAVENS of Rochester has purchased the Fred A. HAVENS house and lot at Sylvania.

Curtis SMITH has purchased of the heirs the south half of the Whiting GIFFORD farm in Wells township.

Edwin POMEROY has leased his farm, now occupied by Mr. WHITING to Grover JENNINGS of West Burlington.

The fine country home, barn and stock of J. H. OLMSTEAD about a mile out of Ulster, were destroyed by fire Tuesday morning.

The following women represented the Bradford Chapter, D. A. R. at the State Convention held in Scranton last week: Mrs. L. T. McFADDEN, Mrs. Lee CLARK, Mrs. Fred CLARK, Mrs. John BROWN, Mrs. Eugene BARNES, Mrs.Daniel INNES and Mrs. Byron CRAWFORD.

William PRESTON went last Friday for an indefinite visit to his uncle, C. J. PRESTON at Antioch, Cal.

The Rev. and Mrs. L. F. KELSEY of Nelson, N. Y., visited her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. S. K. ROSS the past week.

Mrs. Edith GLECKNER AND Mrs. Nora PEQUINOT of Liberty township Tioga County ran for school directors.

Judson BAILEY of South Haven, Mich., came Tuesday for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. PARKE and other relatives about Troy.

Mrs. Louis NEARING of Philadelphia, came Sunday morning for a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Henry VanDYNE and to her infant grandson, E. Everitt, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. E. B. MONTGOMERY went today to Elmira to spend the winter with their children, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. WILLIAMS, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. MONTGOMERY and Mr. and Mrs. Howard PIERCE.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miller entertained at dinner Saturday evening at their pleasant home on Paines Hill for Mrs. Miller’s mother, Mrs. Sarah MIDDAUGH, it being her 78th birthday.

Horace STANTON went Wednesday morning to Watsontown, Pa., to become foreman for a telephone company.

Miss Eva PARTRIDGE is visiting Wellsboro relatives after an absence in the West of more than 20 years.

A marriage license was issued Monday at Towanda to William L. GRACE of East Smithfield and Bertha A. KELLOGG of Athens Township.

Real estate transfers: M. C. PITT to Lynn INMAN, farm in South Creek township; Delos ROCKWELL to J. Stuart ESSENWINE, store property at West Burlington.

Dr. and Mrs. G. E. BOYER entertained Mr. and Mrs. S. S. CONNER of Lansdale, Pa. this week. Mrs. Conner is the Doctor’s sister.

Mrs. J. Frank GROMAN comes from San Antonio, Texas and Dr. Scott R. WILLOUR from McAllister, Oklahoma for the funeral of their father, the late J. R. WILLOUR.


H. G. WOOD has resigned his position with Frank RUNDELL and went Tuesday to Hornell to accept a position.

R. B. GLEASON has sold his farm in Springfield township to A. R. ROBBINS and Willis M. BAKER has sold a farm in Wells township to A. D. OLIVER.

On account of his illness, W. H. BROWN will surrender his contract for carrying the mail and dispose of his passenger and baggage transfer business.

Miss Elizabeth VanDYNE went Saturday morning to visit Miss Henrietta FREDERICKS in Boston, Miss Louise BUFFINTON in Fall River, Mass. her uncle, Morrell WILSON in Providence, R. I.

Mr. and Mrs. Byron DREW returned Monday to their home in Stanley, N.Y., after a visit to Mrs. Drew’s sisters, the Misses HILL of Redington Ave. Mr. and Mrs. DREW started from Stanley yesterday for a visit with friends in Wisconsin.

Leonard CROUCH of Syracuse who was appointed Judge last Spring by Governor SULZER to fill a vacancy, was continued in office at the late election by a handsome majority for a term of fourteen years. Judge CROUCH is a son-in-law of Mrs. C. C. PAINE of Troy. The office carries a salary of about $7,000 a year.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin BARRETT have a new son, born last Saturday.

Justice of the Peace, O. T. Haight of Mansfield, is visiting relatives in this County.

Guy FULLER of Columbia Cross Roads, is a new employee of Blacksmith, timothy Conklin.

Mrs. Herman WOODWARD was down from Elmira last week to care for her mother, who has been ill.

James Albert THOMAS is a new arrival in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert THOMAS. He came yesterday.

Dr. John DOANE, son of Prof. And Mrs. J. C. DOANE of Mansfield, has located in Punxsutawney, Pa. for the practice of his profession.

Joseph H. PRESTON is the new school and library treasurer in place of the late J. R. WILLOUR.

A happy event at East Smithfield was the celebration of the thirtieth anniversary of the W. C. T.U. of which Mrs. N. L. BIRD was the president for twenty years, or until failing health compelled her retirement.

Born—Tuesday, Nov. 11, to Mr. and Mrs. John STORCH, a son.

Mrs. Joseph ARMSTRONG is visiting her sister, Mrs. LASCELL in Rochester.

Born—Nov. 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Elton PALMER of Granville township, a boy.

Born—Nov. 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses FANNING of Leona, twins, a girl and a boy.

Louis CASSADA and family, well known here have moved from Pine City, N.Y., to Gulfport, Miss.

Mrs. C. C. HAGADORN of Ithaca, and daughter, Mrs. George Mitchell of Elmira, were guests of friends Monday.

Letters of administration have been granted: To J. P. STORCH on the estate of William STURGES of Springfield, deceased; to J. W. STONE on the estate of Mary W. STONE of Canton deceased.

Theodore BARDWELL will succeed his brother, H. E. BARDWELL on the Hiram ROCKWELL farm. Mr. Bardwell is not doing as well as his friends hoped from his recent injury and will move back to his house in Sylvania.

Joseph J. BARKER, son of Dr. and Mrs. P. N. BARKER of this boro, is making a fine start in the dramatic world. Following a course in the Sargeant School of Dramatic Art in New York last year and an engagement in Florida last winter he has been for some time now with the David Belasco company.

A letter for transfer of subscription address moved Mrs. Jas. B. FURMAN from Owego, to Chemung, N.Y

Dr. J. E. CLEVELAND of Canton is the oldest hunter in Bradford County according to his license, which gives his age at 84.

Mrs. J. R. WILLOUR will store her household goods and go with her son and daughter to McAllister, Oklahoma for the winter.

Mrs. Frank S. BARKER and children are visiting her parents in Mosherville.

A letter from Harold S. BORDEN, says he is enjoying very much his work as Forest Assistant at Gunnison, Colo.


Charles FRIENDS will occupy the house vacated by the WILLOURS.

Miss Frances GALLATIN is clerking in F. L. BALLARD’s jewelery store.

Frank BROWN will occupy the house on Center St., vacated by Charles FRIENDS.

O. Burr BALLARD has ordered the address of his Troy paper changed from Berkeley, to Eureka, Cal.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank FRETZ moved to Painted Post this week.

Rev. and Mrs. G. A. BALDWIN and son will spend Thanksgiving with the latter’s parents in Baltimore.

Samuel ASPINWALL has received word of the serious illness at Berkeley, Cal. Of his only brother, N. P. ASPINWALL.

Nathan SHERMAN returned Wednesday morning from a visit to his sister, Mrs. David McMAHN in Sayre and to relatives in Elmira.

Miss Margaret WILLOUR will fit herself for a professional nurse beginning her course of study about Jan. 1st in the Arnot-Ogden hospital Elmira.

Miss Mary E. CLEAVER succeeds Miss Josephine BIRD as head operator in the Bell Telephone exchange here. Miss Bird’s resignation takes effect tomorrow. Miss Ruby SMITH has accepted a permanent position as operator.

Mrs. J. R. WILLOUR leaves on Saturday with her son James for McAllister, Oklahoma, for the winter. McAllister is the home of Dr. Scott WILLOUR. Mrs. Groman who has been here since the death of her father, leaves on Saturday also for her home in San Antonio, Texas.

Judge Leonard CROUCH and family of Syracuse are expected for Thanksgiving with Mrs. Crouch’s mother, Mrs. Charles PAINE.

William POLLY and Thomas LITTLE spent Sunday with Mr. Polly’s parents in Elmira.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward BEARDSLEE have gone for an extended visit with relatives in Michigan.

Mr. and Mrs. W. F. DeWITT spent Sunday in Elmira with their daughter, Mrs. J. Maxwell BEERS.

Mrs. Joseph ROCKWELL of West Burlington spent Saturday with her cousin, Miss Antoinette BALDWIN

Mr. and Mrs. E. BURT of Frewsburg, well known to older residents here left this week from Jamestown for Florida, where they will be at home at 305 Garland St., Orlando.


Mrs. BURGAN and three children, Frances, Ruth and Paul arrived Monday night from Ohio to join the Rev. Mr. Burgan of the Disciple church. They will reside in the Case house on Elmira St.

Will CARNOCHAN of New York, was here for Thanksgiving with Mrs. S. B. WILLETT.

Mr. Frederick R. ORCUTT of Elmira was the guest of her niece, Mrs. J. W. PHILLIPS.

Mrs. William WEIGESTER was a guest of her niece, Miss SMILEY in Williamsport of Saturday.

Mrs. Helen PALMER of Denver, Col., and Mrs. Hosea WOLFE of Austinville, were guests of Mrs. Fanny Porter and other Troy friends this week.

A memorial service was held in the Methodist Episcopal Sunday school on last Sunday morning for the late James R. WILLOUR. An appreciation of the deceased was read by Miss Nellie DARTT, a favorite old hymn of his was very sweetly sung by Miss Laura WHEELER and Mr. W. F. DeWITT gave a short talk of his memories of Mr. Willour. The service was closed by a prayer by the Rev. Mr. Baldwin.

At the obsequies in Mansfield on Monday of Mrs. Lyman SMITH apart from the hearse the entire funeral procession was made up of automobiles, twelve of which followed the remains to the family plot in Hope Cemetery.

Major J. C. ROBINSON’s 77th birthday was very pleasantly celebrated by his children at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. MITCHELL last Friday. Besides the family of the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Merton BALDWIN and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac BALDWIN of Wellsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Woodford MAY and Mr. Burt MAY of Bentley Creek, Mrs. Stephen ROBINSON of Athens, Mr. Joseph ROBINSON of Elmira and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. PIERCE and Robinson PIERCE and Dr. and Mrs. M. A. DAVIES and LaRue DAVIES were present.

Miss Henrietta SHOTTS went Tuesday morning to Philadelphia to spend Thanksgiving with her sister, Mrs. EVANS.

For the first time in twenty-five years, the entire immediate family of Mrs. E. M. SHARPE of Springfield were together yesterday at the home of Mrs. SHARPE’s daughter, Mrs. Hugh BAILEY in Philadelphia. Mrs. Sharpe, her son, Lee Gates and Mrs. Gates, her daughter, Mrs. Harry McCabe and Mr. McCabe of Penn Yan went to Philadelphia Tuesday morning. They were joined there by another son and daughter, Mrs. Lizzie STAGE and John GATES and the family circle was complete. Their Thanksgiving certainly was a happy one.

Fred BLOOD of Elmira, was here for Thanksgiving with J. W. BEAMAN and family.

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DIBBLE on Sunday, November 23, a son James Gilbert.

Harry KINCH of Rochester, was an over Sunday guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. KINCH.

Miss Josie COLLINS of Elmira, is visiting her sister, Miss Margaret COLLINS on Redington Ave.

Mrs. J. E. KELLEY of Tuckerton, N. J., spent Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. John MAHER and family.

Mrs. J. C. BIGELOW visited her father in Lambs Creek and relatives in Sayre the latter part of last week.

John A. Parsons attended with Merritt Smith and family the funeral of Mr. SMITH’s mother in Mansfield Monday.

Miss Nellie LEONARD went yesterday night to Ithaca to visit her great uncle, Prof. Hollis E. DANN and Mrs. Celia BEERS.

Burton PARSONS left Monday night to accept a very good position on the electrical department of the Public Utilities Service of New York state with headquarters at Albany.

Mrs. L. S. PRESTON’s address has changed from Elmira, Cal. To Stockton, Cal.

Misses Margaret and Mildred HAWTHORNE visited relatives in Elmira the latter part of last week.

Clarence KERRICK of Trenton, N. J. was called here this week by the serious illness of his father, Nelson KERRICK.