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Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette Register 1915 - Yesterday's News

Typed by Pat MOTT Gobea
These clippings from ancient and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services available.
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year.
Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings.  Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here.  If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Search Engine which you can reach from the "Front Door" of the Tri-County Genealogy & History sites by Joyce M. Tice. 
Troy Gazette – Register
Troy, Bradford County, PA
Joyce's Search Tip - August 2008 
Do You Know that you can search just the 239 pages of Troy Gazette-Register Clippings on the site by using the TGR Clippings button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page
You'll also find obituary and other newspaper clippings using the three county-level Obits by Cemetery buttons and the general Clippings Button. Additional clippings can be found in the Birth, Marriage, and some other partitions. 
Troy Gazette-Register
Troy, Bradford Co., PA

Volume LII, #4, Friday, January 29, 1915

Troy Lady Inherits $25,000 Property
    In the Elmira Star-Gazette last week appeared the following of local interest: “Mrs. Harry Cosper of this city formerly Miss Pearl Stackhouse of Waverly, has fallen heir to a $25,000 estate by the death of her father on January 6, 19195, in Sterling, Col.
    James Pearl Stackhouse left his wife and daughter 30 years ago and nothing had since been heard of him.  In the winter Mr. and Mrs. Cosper live at 383 West Water Street in this city and the summer on their farm at Troy, Pa.”
     (Next paragraph is partial missing so unreadable.)
    “As stated in the Star-Gazette Saturday Mr. Stackhouse left his wife and daughter many years ago.  A letter recently received here is of interest.  It follows:
    “Cambridge, Ill. Jan. 20, 1915.
    “Dear Sir: I write to you in regard to the whereabouts of a lady, of the name of Pear Stackhouse who is the rightful heir to an estate of $25,000 left by her father, who died January 6th, 1915, at Sterling, Colo., with no clue to relatives.  A friend of min who lives in Colorado sent me the notice of his death.  The circumstances all point to his being my cousin and Pearl’s father.  Now according to a letter she had written here in June, 1913, she had graduated in the Waverly High School of that year.  James Pearl Stackhouse left his wife and daughter nearly thirty years ago and no one heard anything from him.  The daughter may have married and left Waverly.  If so it may be that some of her girl friends may know of her present location.  If you can get any trace of her I wish you would let me know.
   Thanking you very much.
   Yours respectfully,
   F. D. Stackhouse.
   “Miss Pearl Stackhouse lived in Waverly from childhood, with her mother and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mott.  After graduating from the Waverly high school she held a position in the offices of the National Protective Legion.  About two years ago she was married to Harry H. Cosper, a prosperous farmer of Troy, Pa.  During the winter they reside in Elmira and are now located at 383 West Water street in this city.”

(Granville Center News)  This community was saddened on Monday to hear of the sudden death from pneumonia of Oscar Saxton at the home of his son, Robert Saxton at East Rochester, N.Y.  The greater part of his life had been spent in and about Granville with the exception of a few years in Canton, with his daughter, Mrs. Lischer Ross.  Since Mrs. Ross’ death he had divided his time with his two sons, Dayton of Elmira Heights and Robert of East Rochester.  Mr. Saxton was highly honored and respected by all who knew him.  He leaves to mourn his loss the two sons already mentioned, two sisters, Mrs. Susie Kenyon of Granville Center and Miss Samantha Saxton of Owego, N.Y.  Also three brothers, Edward of Owego, N.Y.,  Benjamin of Ralston, Pa, and Charles of Granville Summit.  The funeral was held here at the church Wednesday, January 27, at 1 o’clock, the Rev. Brady of Rochester, officiating.  Interment was in the Granville Center cemetery.

(Armenia News)  Rev. L. Everts attended the funeral of Mrs. Horace Johns at the home of Fred Sutton in Sullivan Sunday.  Burial at Lawrence Corners.

 (East Troy News)  Those from a distance who attended the funeral of Dr. Gamble were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cole, Dr. Lloyd Cole and Dr. Elsworth Gamble of Waverly, Mr. and Mrs. L. T. McFadden of Canton, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Baldwin of Granville, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wilcox of LeRoy, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baldwin of Elmira, Mr. and Mrs. Will Baldwin of Granville, Mrs. Clara Ballard of Elmira, Mr. Lloyd, a brother of Mrs. Jessie Ketchum, Mr. George Gamble, brother of Dr. Gamble, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dodge of Franklin.

William S. Wright.
   Sergeant William S. Wright died at the home of his daughter in Columbia X Roads, Jan. 19th at the age of 82 years, nine months and 16 days.  Mr. Wright was well known in Bradford county, having lived in and near Burlington for over 50 years.  He was born in Lynn, Susquehanna county, Pa., and came to Bradford county in 1858 and was married on New Year’s day 1860 to Miss Emily Lane.   In 1862 he enlisted in Co. E., 141 Reg. Penna. Volunteers and served until the close of the war .  In the battle of Chancellorsville he received a gun shot wound in the leg and lay in captivity twelve days on the battlefield.  After the war he joined his family on South Hill.  After living there a few years he moved to Burlington where he engaged in different enterprises.  He served as Justice of the Peace for over thirty years:  he was known as far and near as “Squire Wright”.  Funeral services were held Thursday, Jan. 22 in the Burlington M. E. Church, was placed in the receiving vault in the Glenwood Cemetery at Troy.  He is survived by his widow and five sons and two daughters:  W. S. Wright of Towanda; D. W. Wright of Columbia X. Roads; Mrs. Murray Scouten of Columbia X. Roads; Mrs. D. D. Brown, H. D. Wright, H. H. Wright and A. L. Wright, all of Binghampton, N.Y.

(Local News)  Following a long illness, Mrs. Hugh McKay died Jan. 19th at her home near Bentley Creek.  Her aged husband, three sons and four daughters survive.

(Local News)  Caleb Case, well known in this section for many years, died Wednesday evening at the home of Charles Greenough, in Troy township, aged 89 years.  The funeral will be held at 1 o’clock on Sunday at the home, the Rev. E. J. Moss officiating.  Interment will be in Glenwood Cemetery.

(Local News)  The death of Mrs. Horace Johns in Sullivan last Thursday from typhoid fever was followed on Tuesday by the death of her daughter, Lucy, a girl of 17 from the same disease.  Mrs. Johns was buried Sunday.  The funeral of the daughter was held yesterday at the home of Fred Sutton, the Rev. G. A. Baldwin of Troy, officiating.  Interment was at Lawrence Corners.

Volume VII, #5, Friday, February 1915

(East Troy News)  Mr. Caleb Case, a life long resident of this place died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Charles Greenough.  One other daughter, Mrs. Geo. Whiting of Farmers’ Valley, two sons, Guy of Troy and Charles of Long Island and several grandchildren survive.  Funeral services at the home.  Rev. Moss officiating.

(East Troy News)  Word has been received of the death in Troy of Mr. Merritt Aumick.  Mr. Aumick was a resident of this place and has many friends and relatives who extend sympathy to the family in their bereavement.

(Local News)  Archibald McNaught, formerly of Granville and whose wife is a sister of the late F. E. Lilley of Troy, died yesterday morning at his home in Washington, aged about 80 years.  The funeral and interment will be in Washington.

(Local News)  Merritt L. Aumick, a native of East Troy who for several years now had resided in Troy, expired Tuesday morning at his home, Redington avenue and Prospect Street, following a long illness from Bright’s disease, aged 47 years.  Mr. Aumick was a carriage maker.  For some time he had conducted the John Gustin shop.  A member of the Baptist church his sunny nature reflected in his love of flowers, he had many friends.  He married Fannie Dunbar of East Troy, who survives him with three children, Reta, Dora and Louis Aumick.  The funeral will be held at 2 this afternoon at the home, the Rev. E. J. Moss officiating.  The interment will be in Glenwood Cemetery.

(Local News)  The home of Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Gibson was again visited by death on Sunday when their daughter, Daisy, 14 years old succumbed to tuberculosis after a long illness.  The funeral was held Tuesday at the home the Rev. E. J. Moss of the Baptist church, officiating.  Interment was in Glenwood Cemetery.  Besides the parents, three older and a younger brother survive, Claude George, Judson and James.

Thomas Andrew Gable.
    In the picturesque little village of East Troy lived a gentleman well known throughout western Bradford county for his genial nature and for his skill and success as a practicing physician, “Doctor Tom,” as he was familiarly called, was of Irish-German descent and the youngest son of Andrew and Rebecca Derflinger Gable.  He first saw the light of day March 9, 1845, on Babbs Creek, Tioga county, Pa., where he spent the greater part of his boyhood days.  When he was about two years of age his father died, leaving a family of five children, two girls and three boys to the care of a kind Christian mother.  Mrs. Gamble subsequently married Gates Wilcox, a noted lumberman and mill builder of the West Branch, and a few years afterward the family moved to Franklin, Bradford county, where Thomas grew to vigorous manhood, his time being spent in alternate labor upon a farm and in a saw mill.  Upon the call of President Lincoln for troops to put down the rebellious, Thomas, then a lad of sixteen, went to Canton, offered his services as a volunteer, was accepted, and about to take his departure for the land of Dixie when his mother found him and took him home.  A more disappointed lad never traveled the Towanda Valley.  However, when Lee’s army invaded Pennsylvania he was allowed to go in defense of his country and he served with credit under Captain Webb in Company I, of the Forty-Seventh Pennsylvania militia.  At the expiration of his enlistment he returned to the farm, where he devoted his leisure moments to diligent study.  Naturally his mind turned to medicine and having decided upon that profession he entered the Philadelphia Medical College, from which institution he was graduated in 1873.  In the spring, 1874, Dr. Gamble located at East Troy, where he has since resided and where he built up a very extensive practice.  Hiss success as a medical practitioner was wonderful.
    Dr. Thomas Andrew Gamble was on of a family of physicians.  A brother, Dr. Manuel Derflinger Gamble (deceased) practiced at Franklin, East Troy, and Waverly, NY.  Dr. John B. Campbell, a celebrated physician of Cincinnati, Ohio, was an uncle.  Dr. Gamble was prominent in Masonic circles, being a member of Trojan lodge, No. 306; of Troy chapter, No. 261, R. A. M. and of Canton Commandery, No. 64, Knights Templar.  He was also a member of Gustin Post, No. 154, G. A. R. and of Hector Lodge, No. 166, I. O. O. F.  Public spirited, the doctor manifested an active interest in the welfare of his adopted town and was for several years a useful member of the Troy School Board.
    In 1869, Dr. Gamble was united in marriage to Miss Almeda Lloyd, of Cedar Run, Pa., with whom he lived happily up to the time of her death in 1905.
    Dr. Gamble departed from this life at 2:30 o’clock Monday morning, Jan. 18, 1915 at the age of 69 years, 10 months and 9 days.  Although the doctor practiced nearly to the time of his death he had been a sufferer from chronic diabetes for the past four years and his death, which came suddenly, was no surprise to his medical attendants.
    The funeral services were held at the doctor’s late home Wednesday afternoon at 1 o’clock, the Masons and Odd Fellows in charge, Rev. Mr. Moss, pastor of the First Baptist church of Troy, was the officiating clergyman, and six of the doctor’s nephews acted as pall bearers.  The body was laid beside that of Mrs. Gamble in the cemetery.

(Windfall News)  Mrs. James Hawthorn died at her home here last Friday morning, at the age of 68.  She was a life-long resident of this place.  She was a Christian from early childhood being a member of the Free Will Baptist church.  She is survived by a husband, one brother, and four children:  Hugh of Wysox, Carrie (Mrs. Claude Case), Lou (Mrs. Fred Shedden) and Dent all of this place.  Rev. Whiting officiated at the funeral on Sunday afternoon, interment in the cemetery here.  The funeral was attended by her nephews Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Stone of Leroy and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bixby of East Canton.

Volume LII, #6, Friday, February 12, 1915

(Sylvania News)  Our community was saddened by the sudden death of James Wells of Budd’s Corners.  He was some years ago, a tenant at “Sylvan Meadows” and well known in the community.  He died on Tuesday evening of this week.

(Columbia Cross Roads News)  Mrs. Alice Rothwell who was in the Arnot-Ogden with a broken hip, passed away last Thursday morning, Pneumonia set in causing her death.  Mrs. Rothwell lived here for many years, and won many friends.  Coming here with her husband from England.  He died 31 years ago.  She was 85 years of age and leaves four sons and one daughter, and several grandchildren.  The remains were brought here for burial Saturday.  Interment in Fries Cemetery.

(Local News)  James Wells, who through the illness of his family and the loss of stock and buildings by lighting had more than his share of misfortune died suddenly Monday evening on the farm in Columbia formerly owned by the late L. Budd.  He would have been 64 this spring.  His wife survives and three sons—Albert, Frank and Stephen.  The funeral will be held at 1 o’clock Saturday at the home; burial in the Besley cemetery.

(Local News)  Word was received Tuesday of the death of Daniel J. Quaid, on Feb. 8th at his home in Decatur, Ill., from diabetes.  He is survived by his wife, who was Miss Mary Shannon of Troy and two daughters; also a sister and half brother, Mrs. Kate Manley and J. W. Murphy of Alba.  The deceased was a resident of Troy for many years and at one time a member of the firm of Morgan & Quaid.  He enlisted the first year of the Civil War at age of 17 and served in the 7th Pennsylvania Calvary, Company B., until the close of the war.

Volume LII, #7, Friday, February 19, 1915

(Local News)  G. L. Parsons, only surviving brother of the late E. Burton Parsons, died Monday on his 79th birthday at his home in Cherry Flats, following a long illness.  Mr. Parsons was a son of James and Louisa Strait Parsons, early day resident of Columbia township.  His wife died Feb. 1st of this years.  Of their two children, Edna, who attended school here, died some years ago.  Charles survives.  The funeral was held at Cherry Flats on Wednesday.

(Fairview News)  James Collins who died last week at the County Home was buried in the Vroman Hill Cemetery.

(Fairview News)  Mrs. Martha Brown received word on Monday morning of the death at the County Home of her brother, Uthaniel Hosier, commonly known as Dick Hosier.

(Local News)  The body was brought to Canton for burial of Mrs. Lucinda Parkhurst, a former resident and sister of Newton Landon, who for the past years has made her home in Elmira with her daughter, Mrs. Nellie Abbott.

(Local News)  Mrs. Howley of Paines Hill attended the funeral in Canton on Tuesday of her niece, Mrs. Floyd Crist (nee Hickey) who expired last Saturday at White Have.  Other Trojans, including Dr. F. H. Riley, attended the obsequies.

(Local News)  Miss Julia Hopkins, daughter of the Rev. George P. Hopkins many years rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal church, expired last Sunday at Wyalusing, which for a long time had been the home of herself and her sister, Miss Essle Hopkins, who survives.  Death followed a long run of fever.

(Local News)  Besides the Canton deaths elsewhere mentioned Mrs. Christina Krise widow of Charles W. Krise, passed to her reward last Saturday, aged 83, and Mrs. Ellen Hurley passed away on Sunday, aged 80.  Each left four children.

Volume LII, #9, Friday, March 5, 1915

Funeral of Rev. James VanKirk.
    The funeral of Rev. James VanKirk a Methodist clergyman who died in Washington, D. C. was held from the residence of his nephew, David J. Fanning, on Sunday afternoon.  Mr. VanKirk was a member of the family of that name prominent in the history of Western Bradford county, and was born in East Troy, where is parents died.  He was 74 years old and survived by his widow and six children.  Two sons are prominent in official life at Washington, being connected with the Agricultural Department.  Another son is an aviator.  Rev. Glenn A. Baldwin officiated at the services.

Death Claims Three Prominent People.
    Hon. Mial E. Lilley, formerly of Troy, and well known throughout the county and state as a lawyer and political leader, died suddenly last Saturday from neuralgia of the heart at his home in Towanda.  Quite ill during the night for an hour or two he thought himself well enough Saturday morning to go to his office.  About 10 o’clock he was stricken with severe pains.  Dr. C. M. Pratt was called and he was taken home.  Though he responded to treatment, early in the afternoon a council of physicians was called including  Dr. Pratt, Dr. Woodbury, Dr. Downs and Dr. Molyneux, the last named of the Packer hospital.  They found his general condition so good that he was not thought to be in immediate danger, but at 5 o’clock he raised himself from his pillow and dropped back dead.
    The news of Mr. Lilley’s death was everywhere received with poignant sorrow.
    He was born in Canton township May 30, 1850, the son of Eben and Emeline Slade Lilley.  He lived at home on the farm until he was 19.  For the next seven years he pounded iron as a blacksmith, part of the time in this boro.  His health having become impaired he entered the law office of Representative J. W. Stone at Canton, and two years later was admitted to the bar.  He was elected Prothonotary and in 1895 moved from Canton to Towanda which had since been his home.  He was Prothonotary two terms and Congressman one term.  He was markedly successful as a lawyer and at the time of his death was interested in a number of business enterprises including the Legal Publishing Company of Athens and a Virginia lumber company.  His home life was ideal.  Besides his wife, three children survive-Attorney J. Roy Lilley, Mrs. Hulett M. Turner and Miss Pauline Lilley, a nurse in training at the Sayre hospital.  A brother C. S. Lilley of Towanda, also is living.
    The funeral of Mr. Lilley at his late home on Tuesday is said to have been the largest ever held in the county.  The Rev. John S. Wolff of the Presbyterian church officiated assisted by the Rev. Dr. Stewart and the Rev. Herrick, Universalist.  Interment in Oak Hill Cemetery, Towanda.

Dr. George W. Gregory.
    Dr. George W. Gregory, an honored and respected physician, formerly of Troy died in Elmira Friday evening, aged 60 years.  Dr. Gregory was born in Auburn, N. Y., in 1854, received his early education in that city and later graduated from the medical department of Union College.  Shortly thereafter he came to Troy, successfully practicing his profession here until 1895, when he removed to Elmira where he built up a large practice and continued to add to the good report and esteem in which he was held in Troy.
    He is survived by one son, Dr. Richard L. Gregory of Elmira; one daughter, Mrs. Thomas Berry; two brothers, C. O. Gregory of Auburn and L. L. Gregory of Derby, Conn.; two sisters, Mrs. Eddy and Mrs. Whipple, both of Chicago.
    The remains were brought here on Monday for interment in Oak Hill Cemetery.

Mrs. Daniel C. Newell.
    Mrs. Daniel C. Newell, a beloved member of this community, died at her home in Redington Avenue, Friday morning at 1:30 o’clock.  Mrs. Newell was born at Danby, N. Y. 74 years ago and had been a resident of Troy for many years.
    Besides her husband she is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Edward Patterson of Elmira, and by one son, Frederick Newell of Washington, D. C.  The funeral was held from her late residence Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Rev. E. P. Morse officiating.  Interment was in Glenwood Cemetery.

 (Local News)  Mrs. Alexander Logan, mother of Mrs. William Hopkins of Canton, died at her home in Tioga last week, aged 63 years.  She is survived by her husband and six children.  Interment was in Arbon Cemetery, Blossburg.

(Local News)  Donald Bates, 15 years old, of Alba, died last Friday from typhoid fever with which his father, Lafayette Bates and an older brother are seriously ill.  The funeral was held from the home Sunday afternoon, the Rev. Houston of the Disciple church, officiating.

(Local News)  Guy Dwyer, a Port Allegany boy, one of the fourteen children of M. J. Dwyer, was killed by shrapnel while fighting with the English in Western Poland not long since.  He entered the service in Canada.

Volume LII, #10, Friday, March 12, 1915

Native of Troy Expires in West.
    A Portland, Oregon, paper records the death of a native of Troy as follows:
    G. A. Rockwell, an old time resident of the city, died yesterday morning in Portland.  Funeral services will be held in Salem this afternoon, Rev. A. I. Hutchinson of the Third Presbyterian church, Portland, officiating.  Dr. Hutchinson was the pastor of the church to which Mr. Rockwell belonged in Salem many years ago.  The funeral in Salem will be conducted by the Masons, Mr. Rockwell having been a Mason since 1868.  Mr. Rockwell was born at Troy, Pa., March 12, 1844.  He came to Oregon in 1891, and after living for some years at Salem came to Portland, where he made his home until his death.  He was married to Emma Albert, in 1869.
    Mrs. Rockwell is a sister of John H. Albert, president of the Capital National Bank at Salem.  Mr. Rockwell joined the Presbyterian church when 23 years old, and in 1871 was made an elder.  His wife and one daughter, Marie Rockwell, and three sisters survive him.  On sister, Mrs. C. R. Thomas, lives at Gaithersburg, Md. Another, Mrs. S. Stanton, lives at Troy, Pa., and the third, Mrs. E. D. Purdy, lives at Waukon, Iowa.  Mr. Rockwell is one of 12 children, there having been six brothers and six sisters.  He is the last of the six brothers.

(Fairview News)  The funeral of Miss Allene Nichols daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Nichols of Sayre, was held at Mountain Lake Saturday afternoon.  Rev. C. B. Henry of Sayre preached the sermon.  The ladies’ quartette of this place, sang three selections.

 (Local News)  The remains of John L. Markham, 76 years old, a bricklayer, were brought to Athens for burial a few days ago in his private car by his brother, Charles H. Markham, the president of a Western railroad.  It is said the brothers did not come to know each other until about four years ago, when through the munificence of his prosperous kinsman the older was enabled to lay away his trowel and live in comparative luxury.  There was a difference of 22 years in their ages.  The younger Markham spent his boyhood days in Addison.

(Local News)  Mr. C. S. Wood, who was for a number years a resident of Troy township, near Mt. Pisgah, died at the home of his daughter at Cortland, N. Y., last Sunday,  March 7th.  The funeral and burial were at Athens on Wednesday.

(Local News)  The remains of Ira M. Hart, 89 years old, were brought from Rochester to Liberty, his old home for interment.

(Local News)  Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dickinson of Russell, Kansas, and two children have been on a visit to relatives here abouts.  They came east with the remains of Mr. Dickinson’s father which were taken to Haddam, Mass. For interment.

(Local News)  Milton M. Trout, many years a Canton business man, died last Thursday at the National Soldiers’ Home, Va.  The funeral at Canton last Saturday was in charge of the Odd Fellows and the Patriotic Sons of America.  A brother is left in Kansas and a sister in Elmira.

(Local News)  Charles Clark Hooker a well known pioneer of Leona expired Wednesday afternoon at his home, aged 90 years 7 months and 6 days.  His wife survives and four children—Mrs. Finley Hubbard of Wetona; Wilber Hooker, a missionary in China; Frederick Hooker and Mrs. Anna Ballard of Leona.  The funeral will be held at 1 Saturday afternoon, at the Leona church, and interment will be in the Leona cemetery.

(Local News)  Elwood M. Reeser, the Wetona merchant whose illness has been noted in these columns, died last Friday March 5th, from Bright’s disease.  With is wife are left two daughters, Misses Mystic and Alta Reeser.  A brother and sister also survive, Adelbert Reeser of Scranton and Mrs. Embros Grace of Chemung.  Mr. Reeser was a Civil War survivor of the 141st Pennsylvania Volunteers.  The funeral on Tuesday at the Wetona church was largely attended.  The committal service in Wetona cemetery was in charge of the Patriotic Sons of America.

Volume LII, #11, Friday, March 19, 1915

(Granville Center News)  Word was received here Wednesday morning of the death of Sue VanFleet at the Mt. Alto sanitarium, where she has been for treatment since the latter part of last summer.  Miss VanFleet was well known here and was a granddaughter of Mrs. Susie Kenyon.  It is with much regret that her friends here learn of her untimely death.

(Alba News)  Mrs. Lydia Hofflett died at her home in Trenton, N. J., Friday.  The remains were brought here for burial Monday night.  The funeral was held in the Baptist church, Tuesday at 2 p.m. Rev. W. H. Porter, assisted by H. C. Houston, officiated, burial in Alba Cemetery.  Mr. Hofflett and family have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement, it being doubly sad as Mrs. Hofflet’s mother preceded her in a little less than two months.

(Wetona News)  Miss Alta Reeser, called home on account of the death of her father has returned to her school.

(Wetona News)  The sad news was received here of the death of Mrs. Lloyd Fanning, who went to Mexico last autumn hoping to improve her health.

(Columbia & Wells News)  Rev. S. Barrett is called today (Tuesday) to officiate at the funeral of Elijah Hulslander at Austinville.

(Local News)  Placing the muzzle in his mouth, at 9:30 Tuesday morning, Harry Grant, 30 years old, of Sayre, committed suicide with a revolver.  He lived with his mother and three brothers.  Going to the home of Mrs. Ida Courtright, a widow upon whom he occasionally called, he entered the kitchen where she was washing.  She told him to go away.  Instead, he slipped into the next room, picked up a revolver from the dresser, and with the remark “here goes,” shot him self.  Grant was a sober, industrious man and never had been in any serious trouble.  His strange action is difficult to account for except as a sudden mania.

The Late Charles C. Hooker of Springfield.
    Charles C. Hooker, who died on the 10th of March, 1915, was next to the oldest of the seven children born to Clark and Flavia Smith Hooker of Massachusetts.  The ancestry is of English origin, tracing back to the Rev. Thomas Hooker, the noted devine, who came over in the “Ipswich” to Massachusetts Bay in 1636.  The immediate descendants settled along the Connecticut Valley.
    To John Hooker of Greenwich, Mass., three sons were born, Benjamin, Joseph and John.  Clark Hooker the father of Charles C. Hooker, was the son of Benjamin and was born at Greenwich, Mass., 1795, and on January 1, 1821, was married to Flavia Smith of Hadley, Mass.  Charles was born at West Springfield, Mass., on the 4th of August 1824.  In 1825 his parents moved to Springfield, Bradford Co., Pa.  The log cabin in which they first lived was but a few feet distance from the present Hooker homestead, which for many years had been the home of the deceased.
    May 19th, 1852, he was married to Lydia Porter of Troy, Pa.  To them were born two children, Porter U. Hooker, who died Sept. 8th, 1893, and Ida E. Hooker, now Mrs. Finley Hubbard.  His wife, Lydia, died in June, 1861.  He was married the second time to Louisa M. Fish of Tioga, on the 25th of March, 1863.  She survives him and had he lived a few days longer they would have celebrated the 52d anniversary of their marriage.  To them were born three children.  Wilber C. Hooker, a missionary in China, Fred I. Hooker and Anna W. Hooker now Mrs. Solomon Ballard, both of Leona.
    The funeral services were held in the Leona M. E. Church of which he had been a member for more than seventy years, the Rev. Holdcroft.

Volume LII, #12, Friday, March 26, 1915

Elmira Police Officers Murdered; One of Desperadoes Still at Large.
   A double murder, in which Chief of Police John J. Finnell and Detective Sergeant Charles Gradwell were the victims, occurred at Elmira Tuesday afternoon.  The officers had gone to a house on Baldwin street to arrest two men suspected of recent burglaries—Edward Westervelt and John Penny, and when they entered the room occupied as lodgings by the desperate pair, were fired on and instantly killed.  Police Captain Weaver was one of the first to arrive on the scene and it was he who discovered the bodies.  He at once took charge, and assisted by former chief, Frank J. Cassada and Sheriff Biggs began the work of organizing posses to run down the murderers.  Westervelt was found hidden in a cellar a short distance away by Detective Wood and Officer Hennessy.  The man lay crouching in the cellarway with a broken leg and offered no resistance……………………
    The late chief, John J. Finnell, until his appointment as chief of police of Elmira, was a claim agent and lieutenant of police with the Pennsylvania railroad and was well and favorably known in Troy.  Since he became the head of the Elmira police department he had gained an enviable reputation for his efficiency in that position.  Detective Sergeant Charles Gradwell had been a member of the Elmira police department for about 28 years and his ability as a detective was recognized all over the country.

New York Banker, Known in Troy, Slays His Wife and Self.
    A double tragedy, the principals in which were known in Troy, took place in New York Monday night, when Howard Boocock, a baker, shot his wife to death while she was seated at a piano, and then ended his own life by the same means.  No motive has been discovered for the act, but servants have stated that Boocock and his handsome wife quarreled during the dinner hour.  The meal was suddenly terminated, the husband going to his library, while Mrs. Boocock entered the music room.  She was engaged in playing a selection from Beethoven when her husband entered the room and placed himself on a divan by her side.  Five minutes later he arouse on his elbow, drew from his coat a 45-calibre revolver and fired at his wife, the ball piercing her head.
    He then turned the weapon upon himself and blew out his brains.  The servants called up the home of Henry P. Davison and Mrs. Davison, who was a personal friend of both Mr. and Mrs. Boocock, was the first to arrive on the scene of the tragedy.  Mrs. Davison summoned a physician, but both victims of the tragedy were beyond human aid.
    By their deaths two children become orphans-a boy of eight and a girl of twelve.
    Mr. Boocock was prominent in New York financial circles and was a friend of Henry P. Davison and of Daniel E. Pomeroy.  The couple had visited in Troy.

(Leroy News)  Mrs. Berlin Holcombe passed away about 9 a.m. Monday after several weeks illness with cancer of the liver.  She is survived by her husband, one step-son and an adopted daughter.  Funeral will be held on Thursday at 2 p.m. from the Church of Christ.

Elijah Soper Hulslander.
    Elijah Soper Hulslander died March 13, 1915, at his home in Columbia township.  He was born Oct. 2d, 1835, in Columbia township and was the oldest of ten children.  At an early age he removed with his parents to the farm in Sullivan township, Tioga county, now owned by his brother Charles B. Hulslander.  He received his early education at the public school of the locality and later acquired a musical education.  He taught singing school throughout the surrounding country and conducted musical conventions and concerts in many of the surrounding towns.  He was also a member of the Hulslander Brothers Quartette, a well-known organization which traveled throughout Pennsylvania and New York.  He was married to Julia Benedict of Columbia, on Dec. 20th 1862, by whom he is survived.  Five children were born to them, only one of whom (William) is still living.
  He was a prominent member of the Odd Fellows, having joined Priam Lodge of Troy about 1873.  He was also active in the institution and a charter member of Austinville lodge No. 326, and a charter member of Queen Esther lodge of Rebecca’s at Austinville.  He had been a representative of Austinville lodge to twenty sessions of the grand lodge.  The funeral services were held from his late home.  Rev. Seymour Barrett officiating, assisted by the members of the lodge with which he was affiliated.

(Local News)  Leslie R. Browning, one of the best known residents of the eastern part of the county, died at his home in Rome boro on Saturday.

Volume LII, #13, Friday, April 2, 1915

(Local News)  Stricken last Sunday, L. S. Dickinson, 91 years old, formerly of Wetona, died yesterday morning at his home in East Smithfield, from pneumonia.  One son survives, Charles C. Dickinson, cashier of the East Smithfield bank.  The funeral will be held on Saturday at 1 o’clock.

(Local News)  Charles Grace, a well known resident of Big Pond, died suddenly last Thursday from choking on dried beef.  He had been to Bentley Creek and the end came while he was on his way home.  Mr. Grace was 55 years old.  He is survived by a son, Saville, of Big Pond, and two daughters, Mrs. Ben Craig of Bentley Creek and Mrs. Charles Coolbaugh of Wysox.  The funeral was held Saturday at the Big Pond Church, the Rev. J. V. Darrow officiating.

(Local News)  A. M. Haight, long Justice of the Peace at Mainesburg, is dead.  Mr. Haight was a fifer in the Civil War.  His wife survives, a son, Charles, and a daughter, Mrs. Eva Horton of New York.  He was a brother of O. T. Haight of Mansfield, and of Myron Haight, deceased, of Burlington.

Volume LII, #14, Friday, April 9, 1915

(Granville Center News)  Mrs. Jonas Storrs died at her home here Tuesday afternoon, April 6th, after an illness of several months.  Funeral will be held Friday afternoon at 1:30 at the church.

(East Troy News)  Mrs. William B. Cole of 4301 Park Ave., Chicago, died March 30, Mrs. Cole has many friends here who will regret to hear of her death.

(Local News)  Mrs. George E. Hutchings died Easter morning at the Methodist parsonage at Weedsport, N. Y.  Her husband survives and one daughter, Mrs. Scott R. McKean of Williamsport.  Mr. Hutchings served the Methodist church of Troy about 15 years ago, and later he was the pastor of the Mansfield Methodist church.  Mrs. Hutchings therefore was well known and had a large circle of friends here.  Mrs. McKean was called to Weedsport on Saturday and was with her mother at the end.  Mr. McKean was at church here with his parents when word was received of his mother-in-law’s death.  He left for Weedsport that afternoon.

Volume LII, #15, Friday, April 16, 1915

Former Resident Answers Last Summons.
    Mrs. Frances H. Lisson, widow of Richard Lisson, died at Eagles Mer, Pa., April 1st.  Mrs. Lisson was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guild and was born April 14, 1848, at Sayre, Pa.  Her parents located soon afterward in Springfield, Near Leona, where her mother died in 1867.  A few years later she went at Eagles Mere, where she taught school for a time.  On April 18, 1872, she was married to Richard Lisson.  Two children were born to them, Arthur and Ella, both of whom are living at Eagles Mere.
    The only surviving members of her father’s family is her step-mother, Mrs. Mary A. Guild of East Troy, and two brothers, Adelbert C. Guild, of Bridgeville, Del., and Arthur C. Guild, of Ansonia, Conn.  Mrs. Lisson had many friends at Eagles Mere and will be greatly missed by them.

(Granville Center News)  Mrs. Alice Storrs, wife of Jonas Storrs and mother of Mrs. George Turner, died at her home in Granville Center on Tuesday, April 6.  She was a daughter of Harrison and Polly Bullock Holcomb and was born in LeRoy, Pa., October 1, 1852.  Beside husband and daughter mentioned above she is survived by the following brothers and sister, Siegel Holcombe of LeRoy, Pa., Rolla Holcombe of Sayre, Pa.., Edson Holcombe of Litchfield, N.Y., Mrs. Milford Bailey of Towanda, Pa., and Mrs. Charley Smith of Grover, Pa.  Her pleasant hospitality was appreciated by many friends and as a devoted wife and mother her loss is most keenly felt by her family.  She was a member of the Church of Christ at Granville Center.  Her life, though a quiet one, was one whose influence was widely felt and she was much loved and respected by all who knew her.

(East Troy News)  Eugene, infant son of Harry Strong, died at the Arnot-Ogden hospital in Elmira, on Tuesday.  It’s mother was Estella Salisbury Strong, who died in Florida a few months ago.  The funeral was held at William Salisbury’s on Thursday, conducted by Rev. R. E. Brague.  Interment in Leonard Cemetery, Leona.

(Local News)  Mrs. Olin Ross who has been in steadily failing health from tuberculosis for some months, expired about 7 yesterday morning at the home of her brother, Clyde Quinn.  The funeral is to held on Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Center Street Church of Christ.

(Local News)  Mrs. Andrew T. Morse of West Franklin, was called to Keating Summit, Pa., last week by the death from heart disease of her sister, Mrs. William Strope.

(Local News)  Mrs. Archibald of Owego, N.Y., a native of West Franklin, and cousin of T. J. and O. L. Smiley of Towanda, died on Tuesday.  Funeral services were held yesterday at Owego.

Volume LII, #16, Friday, April 23, 1915

(Alba News)  Mrs. DeWitt Becker died at her home in Alba Friday morning age seventy-three.  She was a member of the Baptist church many years.  A devoted mother and a kind neighbor, she lease to mourn her loss four children, Mrs. Will Kinch, Mrs. Arch Packard, Mrs. Claud Packard, all of Alba; on son Claud of Armenia, four grandchildren, besides a host of friends.  The funeral was held from the late home Monday at two o’clock.  Mr. Porter assisted by Mr. Houston officiated.  Interment in Alba Cemetery.

Charles Beardslee.
    Charles Beardslee died at the home of his son, Frank, in Sullivan, April 5, 1915.  He was born in Ogdensburg, N. J., Dec. 4, 1831, he came to Pennsylvania about 39 years ago and had since lived in Bradford and Tioga since lived in Bradford and Tioga counties.  His wife died Oct. 1, 1911.  Five children survives; David of Straits Corners, N. Y., Edward of Troy, Mrs. George Frost and Mrs. Fannie Hall of Rutland.
    The funeral was held from the home of his son, April 7, with the sons and grandsons as pall bearers.  Interment was at Roseville.

(Columbia X Roads News)  Charles Gates of Springfield township passed away at the home of his son, Herbert on Tuesday morning.  He has been in feeble health a long time.

(Columbia & Wells News)  The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Sturtevant, an old and respected resident of this place, was held at the Judson Hill church on Thursday.

(Columbia & Wells News)  Rev. S. Barrett will officiate at the funeral of Mrs. Ruth Updyke of Roseville on Wednesday and C. O. Gates of Springfield on Thursday.

(East Troy News)  Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allen, Mrs. Samuel Salisbury, Mrs. Dalton Salisbury attended the funeral of William H. McMahan at Leona on Tuesday.

(Armenia News)  Charles Goodwin, a fourteen-year-old boy living at Chase’s Mills, died suddenly last Saturday morning of acute rheumatism.

(Local News)  Prof. Joseph C. Doane died quite suddenly last Saturday morning at his home in Mansfield, aged 73.  Prof. Doane was born in Leona, was graduated from Mansfield Normal in 1868 and from 1873 to 1881 he was a professor in that institution.  For a time after the death of Prof. F. A. Allen he was principal.  In later years he was principal of the Blossburg and Tioga public schools.  He retired from active teaching 15 years ago.  His wife survives and the following children.  Dr. Joseph C. Doane, Jr., chief resident physician of the Philadelphia general hospital, Dr. John H. Doane, of Mansfield, Miss Alice Horton Doane, a teacher in the Normal school; Miss Stella T. Doane, at the head of the children’s department of the Carnegie Library in Pittsburg, Mrs. Jean Doane Rose of Pueblo, Col., a brother and two sisters also survive, Allan A. Doane of Leona, Mrs. Ellen R. Stevens and Miss Marie E. Doane both of Minneapolis, Minn.

(Local News) Mr. W. Hurley McMahan, whose illness covered six years or more through all of which he was uncomplainingly cheerful, died last Friday at his home in Leona, aged 60 years.  Mr. McMahan was a consecrated member of the M. E. church.  He leaves a large circle of friends.  His wife survives and several foster children.  He was a brother of James and Robert McMahan of Troy.  The funeral was held Monday afternoon at the Leona church.

(Local News)  Henry C. Cox, who died recently at Wellsboro, was a son of Col. R. C. Cox, long a prominent figure in Tioga county.  The family formerly resided in Liberty.

(Local News)  Lynn A. Martin, 17 years old, son of the late Rev. and Mrs. Frank A. Martin, one time of Troy, died last Saturday night at his home in Big Flats.  Two brothers survive.  He was a popular member of the class of 1915 of Elmira Academy until compelled by failing health to leave school a few weeks back.  The funeral was held on Tuesday and interment was in Woodlawn, Elmira.

Volume LII, #17, Friday, April 30, 1915

(Local News)  Three cousins of Mrs. William Weigester of this boro, died within ten days—Mrs. T. F. Smiley of Towanda, Mrs. James Archibald of Owego, and Mrs. J. M. Smiley of East Canton.

(Local News)  John Bunny, whose antics as a moving picture comedian have made millions laugh, died at his home in Brooklyn Monday.  Mr. Bunny was 52 years old, and had been before the footlights for twenty nine years previous to entering the moving picture field.  He had been with the Vitagrah Company the past four years.

Mrs. Betsey A. Cornell.
In the death of Mrs. Betsy A. Cornell, on April 13, 1915, there passed from earth, an exceptional character, one noted all through life for its strength, sweetness and light.  Not only did she mothered most truly her own family, but many found with her the strength, the rest and peace they needed.
   The wold’s great religions, temperance and humanitation needs, found in her the sincerest friend, and together with her late husband, Mr. Alvah Cornell, she had unwaveringly advocated their principles and worked for their interest.  Had she lived until September next, she would have reached her 85 year.
    At her request her devoted friend and former pastor, the Rev. Emma E. Bailey of Mansfield, Pa., was called upon for the funeral service which was held April 15 at the home of her son, Albert M. Cornell.  A long procession followed the casket to the Altus Cemetery.  Albert M. Cornell and Mrs. Fanny M. Porter of Troy are all that remains of the family aside from a foster son, George Cornell of Corning, N.Y.

(Leroy News)  Mr. Harrison Lewis expired at his home last Tuesday afternoon, after a week’s illness.  The funeral was very largely attended at the home Saturday afternoon and the beautiful flora offerings, showed the high esteem in which he was held.  Mr. Lewis was a kind husband and father, a good citizen and has a host of friends who deeply sympathize with the family in their sad bereavement.  Besides the widow, on daughter, Mrs. R. B. Manley, and one granddaughter, survive.  He also leaves two brothers, Lloyd of this place and George of Canton, one sister, Mrs. H. L. Stone of Elmira, and an aged mother residing in LeRoy.  Burial was in East Canton Cemetery.

(Local News)  Mrs. J. Merton Smiley died last Friday morning after a lingering illness from a cancerous trouble at her home at East Canton.  Her husband survives, two daughters and a son, Mrs. Smiley was Miss Cora Haight.  She was a graduate of Mansfield Normal School, a devoted member of the Methodist church, and leaves a host of friends.  She was 53 years old.  The funeral was held at the home on Monday and interment was at Canton.

(Local News)  Mr. John Saxton, formerly well known here, died on Tuesday from pneumonia at New Haven, Conn.  He was a son of the late Valentine Saxton, of Granville.  His wife survives, his mother and one brother, Fred Saxton of Granville Center.  The remains were brought to Mrs. Saxton’s girlhood home in Williamsport, where funeral services are to be held at 2”30 this afternoon.

Volume LII, #18, Friday, May 7, 1915

Death of John M. Saxton.
    Mr. John M. Saxton, late of Philadelphia, aged 38 years died April 27, 1915.  He was stricken with pneumonia while on a business trip and taken to a hospital in New Haven, Conn.  Every effort was put forth but so acute was the form of the disease that it claimed its victim within five days.
    Mr. Saxton had lately been made the London representative of an important New Haven manufacturing concern and had two weeks before returned from a trip to England.  On the return voyage he was stricken with cold but no serious consequences were thought of at the time.  Last Saturday he was to have started a second time for London from New York, accompanied by his wife and family.
   Mrs. Saxton went from Philadelphia to meet her husband at Grand Central station and accompany him to the steamship pier.  She was met at the station by a friend of her husband who informed her that Mr. Saxton was critically ill.  She hurried to his bedside at New Haven and was with him when the end came.
    Funeral services were held at the residence of Mrs. Laura J. Kinkley, 878 West Fourth Street, Williamsport, Pa., Friday at 2:30 o’clock.  They were conducted by the Rev. Dr. Elliott C. Armstrong of the Central Presbyterian church.  Interment was made at Wildwood.
    In addition to his wife, Mr. Saxton left three children, Jack, Eloise and baby Mary Elizabeth.  He was a native of Granville, Bradford county.  His mother, Mrs. V. A. Saxton survives also one brother, Fred A. Saxton of Granville Center.

(Leroy News) Mrs. John Chaapel died at her home on the mountain last Thursday night, just eleven years after the death of her husband.  She had been sick several months with cancer.  She was 74 years of age and leaves seven children.  Mrs. Emerson West, Mrs. James Peppers, Mrs. Kelse Bellows, Mrs. Fred Haskins, Lurn, Lee and Reed.  The funeral was largely attended Sunday afternoon from the Church of Christ in this place.  Rev. Otto Young of Granville Centre officiating.

(Local News) John Hemmer, for several years electrician of the Mansfield plant, was instantly killed last Saturday in McConnell’s garage, at that place.  There had been trouble with the transformer which at the garage “Steps down the voltage” from 2300 or 2400 volts to 110 at which current is delivered to users.  The death of Mr. Hemmer is attributed to leakage of high voltage through the transformer just as he picked up a portable lamp in the garage.  He was about 50 years old.  He will be recalled by Trojans as having a horse in the fair week races here last fall.

(Local News)  John Benson passed away at the home in Austinville, April 24, from a paralytic shock, age 60 years.  He is survived by a widow and five children.  Mrs. Dan Bailey of Phelps, N.Y., Mrs. Will Wood of Elk Run, Mr. Nelson Benson of Austinville, Mrs. Morton Hulslander of Sylvania, and Miss Frances at home.  Also two sisters and one brother.

(Local News)  Dr. Sherman Voorhees who was injured when his wife met death in an automobile accident last July, died Saturday, May lst, at the home in Brooklyn of his sister, Dr. Belle Aldrich.  Dr. Voorhees was a native of Daggetts, Pa.

Volume LII, #19, Friday, May 14, 1915

(Local News)  Mrs. Robert Ayers died at her home on Main Street at 4 o’clock this, Friday, Morning, following a long illness.

(Local News)  By the accidental discharge of a shot Gun which Earl May, 15, was carrying over his shoulder, LeCount Titus, 13 years old, was instantly killed near the Towanda reservoir last Saturday afternoon.  The charge entered his eye and brain.  The boys were friends, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Bliss Titus and Mr. and Mrs. Claude May.  The gun belonged to Mark Shaylor who lives on the Davies farm and had it out to shoot crows which were damaging his crops.  Shaylor left it leaning against a tree.

Volume LII, #20, May 21, 1915

Mrs. Robert Ayers.
    Mrs. Robert Ayers whose life had hung by a thread for weeks, expired last Friday morning at her home in West Main Street.
    Emma Pierce Ayers was born in Troy, July 3, 1839, the only daughter of Stephen and Mary Ransom Pierce.  She had three brothers all of whom have passed away.  Her father was an attorney who in her girlhood moved to Wellsboro.  Mrs. Ayers attended the Elmira College and enjoyed other exceptional advantages for that period.  She traveled widely with her father.  She was married at Wellsboro, Oct. 30, 1865, to G. F. Redington of this place.  Her return to Troy was welcomed by her many friends.  Mr. Redington died in 1878.
     On January 29, 1884, she was married to Capt. Robert Ayers, a West Point officer in the United States Army, who died ten years ago last February.
    For more than forty years Mrs. Ayers has been a consistent, loyal member of St. Paul’s Episcopal church.  Her accomplishments and graces of mind were many.  She read widely and thought clearly on all subjects and expressed herself with unusual clearness.  Slow to venture an opinion her conclusions and memory of events were remarkably accurate and always to be relied upon.
    The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at the home, her Rector, the Rev. W. R. Holloway officiating.
    The flowers were very beautiful.  Interment was in Oak Hill Cemetery.

Mrs. R. W. Leonard.
    Louise A. Alvord was born in Benton, Yates county, N. Y., May 26, 1840.
    She came with her parents to Troy when a girl and was educated at the old academy.  She was married at the age of nineteen to Mr. Renssalear W. Leonard, living with him here till his death in November, 1877.  Two children survive her:  Mrs. William Goodell of Minninocket, Maine, and Miss Louise Leonard of Boston, Mass.
    Mrs. Leonard left Troy in 1884 and since then has lived in Athens, Pa.; the west and south with her daughter, Mrs. Goodell at whose home she passed away on Monday last, May 17.  Her remains were brought to Troy for interment beside her husband in Oak Hill Cemetery on Wednesday after an impressive service in St. Paul’s church, by the Rev. W. R. Holloway.

(Leroy News)  Mrs. C. W. Coon was in Sayre last week, being called there by the death of her sister, Mrs. Luella Packard.  Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Owens of Baltimore, Md., have been at C. W. Coons a few days, for the death of her sister.

(Leroy News)  Mr. Rhodolphus Bailey passed away at his home Monday afternoon, aged 82 years.  Mr. Bailey had been troubled with blood poison in his foot and had been treated at the Sayre hospital, but returned from there three weeks ago and seemed to be gaining nicely until a few gays ago.  He is survived by a widow, two daughters, Mrs. B. F. Fleming of Windfall and Mrs. S. E. Lindley of Granville, one adopted son, Henry Bailey of Bernice; also a sister, Mrs. Hartman.  Funeral will be held at 11 a. m. Thursday from the church.

(Granville Center News)  Word was received here recently of the death on April 28th at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, of Mrs. Emma Bailey Hazelton.  Mrs. Hazelton was a daughter of the late Elisha Bailey, and though a resident of Cedar Rapids for the past thirty-five years will be remembered by the older residents of this vicinity.

(Local News)  Mrs. L. H. Hoose of East Troy, who was stricken with typhoid fever while in that institution for surgical treatment, died yesterday at the Robert Packer hospital in Sayre.  She was a widow with two daughters, and three sons.

(Local News)  Mrs. W. S. Lewis, who some time since came to Troy to consult Dr. Guthrie of Sayre hospital and later had a limb amputated, died Monday afternoon at her home in Canton.  Mrs. Lewis was 70 years old and the wife of Dr. W. S. Lewis, who is himself in a very critical condition.

(Local News)  Roswell C. Sharp expired Monday afternoon at his home in Springfield, aged 82 years.  He had been in failing health for some time.  The body was taken to Webster, N. Y., his former home for the funeral and interment.  His wife who is the mother of Rural Carrier Lee Gates, and two daughters by a former marriage survive.

(Alba News)  Mrs. Erskine Packard formerly of this place, died in Sayre hospital following an operation.  The remains were brought here for burial Saturday afternoon.

Volume LII, #21, Friday, May 28, 1915

Harriet M. Kilgore.
    Harriet M. Kilgore, daughter of the late Raymond Kilgore died at the home of Miss Anna Gustin in Austinville on Saturday, May 22d, following a prolonged illness.
    Miss Kilgore was born in Sylvania, Oct. 15th, 1887.  Early in life she became a Christian and sought to follow her Savior through live.
    She leaves to mourn her loss one sister, Ella, and three brothers, Walter A. of California, Mary of Wyoming and John H. of Idaho.
    All was done for her that could be done by her sister, and other relatives.
    Her funeral was held on Tuesday from the Coryland Presbyterian Church, the Rev. S. Barrett officiating.

(Local News)  Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Stanton mourn the loss of their little son, Norton, who died last Friday, aged 27 days.  The funeral was held on Saturday.

(Local News)  Mrs. Hiram Lane died at her home on Minnequa avenue at Canton last Saturday following a short illness from grip.  Her husband survives and one daughter.

(Local News)  Simon McIntosh, a Civil War veteran 87 years old died Wednesday at his home near Canton.

Thomas Grist Mustered Out.
    Thomas Grist, a veteran of the Civil War was “mustered out” from, this life May 15, 1915.  Mr. Grist was of English stock.  He was born in Fairfield, Kent, England, Oct. 29, 1840, the youngest of seven sons and four daughters of Charles and Mary Grist.  The father died leaving the widow with ten children.  Mrs. Grist came to this country with her family in 1850 and settled in Bradford county.  Mrs. Eliza Rockwell of West Burlington, with whom Mr. Grist made his home during the past twelve years, is the only surviving member of this large family.
    Nearly the entire life of the deceased was spent in the western part of this county.  Early in the war of the rebellion he responded to the call for volunteers enlisting in Co. E. 52d Reg. Pa. Volunteers.  His service in behalf of the Union was marked by the daring of a large powerful man who knew no fear.  At the battle of Fair Oaks he was severely wounded in the hip, and together with some of his comrades fell into the hands of the rebels.  They considered Grist too badly wounded to survive and left him in an old house.  The Irish brigade appeared bringing relief, and after several days’ suffering his wound received attention.
   It was the true fighting grit to do and to endure in such men as he that ultimately won the fight.  He was in the service three years and two months.
    In 1870, Mr. Grist and Carrie Smith (the latter from Germany) were married.  Of three sons and one daughter born to them one son died in infancy.  Those surviving are Bert Grist of Washington, D. C., Lawrence Grist and Mrs. Wilson Simpson of Sayles, Pa.

Volume LII, #22, Friday, June 4, 1915

Mrs. Albert Newell Passes Away.
    Olive S. Newell, wife of Albert Newell was born in Armenia, April 8, 1850 and died May 27, 1915, at her home in Troy township.  She had lived in the same neighborhood forty years.  Mrs. Newell was one of eight children born to Nathan and Lucy Leonard Sherman, five of whom are living—A. B. Sherman of Armenia; David and Nathan of Troy; Sylvester of Indianapolis; Lucy, Mrs. D. E. McMahon of Athens.  The funeral which was largely attended was held Sunday afternoon, May 30, from her late home.  It was conducted by the Rev. Hall of Towanda, a former pastor of the Troy M. E. Church of which Mrs. Newell had long been a member.
    Besides brothers and sisters she leaves her husband, one daughter, Lizzie, Mrs. Meade Thomas, two grandsons, and one great grandchild to mourn her loss.

(Local News)  J. O. Nichols of Mountain Lake, died Monday evening at the home of his son, Earl, in Sayre, after a long illness.  The remains were taken to Mountain lake for interment.

(Local News)  The remains of George Brigham, who died in Buffalo, were brought to East Smithfield, the home of his early life for interment, the funeral being held last Sunday.  His wife survives, a son and three daughters.

(Local News)  Miss E. O. Thompson, who came to them through their daughter who is a nurse in Philadelphia, died Tuesday morning at 4 o’clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abner Griffith in Leona.  She was 63 years old and leaves a number of sisters in Philadelphia to which city the body sent.

In Memoriam.
    Philander R. Warren was born at Mainesburg, Sullivan township, Tioga county, Pa., April 13, 1845.  He was the son of William H. and Amiriam Rumsey Warren.
    His early life was one of hardship.  At the age of 14 he was doubly orphaned.  At the breaking out of the Civil War, at the age of 16, he was mustered into the Gov. Curtain’s 6th Pennsylvania Reserves, served three years re-enlisted and served to the end of the war.  He was wounded at the second battle of Bull Run, and bore as honorable battle scars as any man could boast.  Born of the revolutionary stock his patriotism was innate.  His war records was good and his discharge was honorable.  In 1868 he settled in Granville Center, Pa.  As a citizen he was well known and universally esteemed for his unswerving integrity and rigid adherence to honest principle.  He was the soul of honor and the right had no stronger champion than he.  Socially he was retiring, but being generally well informed, was interested as a conversationalist, when once enlisted.  His was more or less, a poetic nature.  Modest and unassuming he was inclined to underrate his ability, but in his home town, set to sweet music, his compositions have been sung, on appropriate occasions, for years.  In the little hamlet of Granville Center, where the greater part of his life was spent, he will be held in grateful remembrance.  He has reared an enduring monument to himself, squared by the rule of principle, based upon the firm foundation of honor, capped by justice and truth and completed when on July 1st, 1914, he let fall the golden trowel with which; for 69 years he had so diligently wrought.  Truly the world is better for his having lived and with a sadness unspeakable we bid him a final farewell with a hope to see him again on the resurrection morn.
    Published by request of Saxton Post, No. 69, G. A. R.

Volume LII, #23, June 11, 1915

Mrs. Julia Conrad.
    Mrs. Julia Conrad was born in Germany, April 25, 1845, and died at her home in Troy, Saturday, June 5, 1915, after an illness of about six months.  Mrs. Conrad came to this country with her parents when she was ll, and lived near Williamsport for a number of years, when she came to Troy which had since been her home.  Her husband was the late Jacob Conray.  A son survives, Charles A., of Troy and one brother, Mr. George Knowl of Windfall, this county.  The funeral was held Tuesday, June 8th, at the Presbyterian church, her pastor, the Rev. E. P. Morse officiating, the interment was in Glenwood Cemetery.  Among the relatives and friends from a distance in attendance at the obsequies were Mrs. J. E. Ludwig and Mrs. Katie Drum of Cogan Station, Pa., Mrs. Floyd Kilgore, Miss Grace and Miss Barbara Volbrecht of Elmira, N. Y.

(Sylvania News)  News was received on Sunday of the death at the hospital in Sayre of Mrs. Eugene Keyes.  Years ago the family lived here and were well known to the older people.

(Armenia News)  What promised to be a real outing and pleasure trip to a party of Elmirians came to a sad and abrupt end.  Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Sherman and friend, Mrs. William Miller came Friday afternoon before Memorial Day to spend several days with Mrs. Sherman’s father, T. F. Morgan.  Saturday afternoon a message came from Elmira that Mrs. Miller’s husband had been seriously injured while repairing and automobile tire.  The party returned to Elmira in W. S. Sweet’s car as soon as possible.  Mr. Miller lived until Wednesday, but never regained consciousness.  A number from this place have met Mr. and Mrs. Miller, who extend sympathy to the latter in her bereavement.

(Local News)  Mr. John A. Parsons, Mrs. Warner Carnochan, Miss Jane Parsons motored to Corning yesterday for the funeral of Mr. Orator McClelland, who expired on Tuesday.  The deceased was a druggist.  His wife, who survives, is a cousin of Mr. Parsons and Mrs. Carnochan.  Mr. McClelland leaves three daughters- Misses Elsie and Frances McClelland and Mrs. Thomas Hawks of Corning.

 Volume LII, #24, Friday, June 18, 1915

(Local News)  Samuel Tate, a former resident of Smithfield and of West Burlington township, died last Friday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Baker in Towanda, aged 87 years.  A native of Belfast, Ireland, he came to this county forty years ago.  Seven children survive:  Joseph of Binghamton; Henry of Carbondale; Samuel of Geneva; Miss Elizabeth at home, Mrs. James Stanton of Burlington; Mrs. James Baker and Mrs. George Wood of Towanda.  The remains were brought to the home of his granddaughter, Mrs. Herbert D. Campbell at Burlington, for the funeral, and thence to Troy for interment in Glenwood Cemetery, the Rev. W. R. Holloway officiating.

(East Troy News)  Rev. R. E. Brague, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Horton, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Dutcher attended the funeral of Mrs. Cordelia Kellogg at Burlington on Monday.

(Local News)  Mr. F. D. A. Kingsley, long a prominent resident of Smithfield, died suddenly Sunday morning at his home.  He was in his usual health Saturday and drove to Troy.  Sometime after midnight his wife discovered that he had passed away.  Mr. Kingsley was 64 years old.  He was a director of the Grange National bank of Troy, and everywhere enjoyed the respect and confidence of his acquaintances.  The announcement of his death was a great shock to the community in which his life had been spent.  Besides his widow two sons and a daughter are left—Dr. Harry Kingsley of Burlington; Gilbert of Smithfield, and Mrs. Carl Smith of Gaines, Tioga county.  The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. Perry officiating, assisted by two other clergymen.  Interment was in the Smithfield Cemetery.

(Local News)  The late Orator McClelland of Corning, whose death was briefly noted last week, was born in Troy, May 16, 1849, a son of Photographer Wellar McClelland and Mary Mason McClelland.  He was a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy.  His wife, who survives is a daughter of the late Albion and Sarah Wilbur Budd.  Two brothers of Mr. McClelland and two sisters, all natives of Troy, are living—J. W. McClelland of New York; W. P., of Elmira; Mrs. William Capach of ….. and Mrs. Emily Howland of  Elmira.

(Local News)  Mr. George Kilmer died June 4th at his home at Wellsburg, N. Y., aged 72 years, 10 months and 2 days.  Mr. Kilmer was a member of Co. B. 107th N. Y. Volunteers, in which he served three years.  He is survived by his wife, one son, Floyd Kilmer of Columbia X Roads, a daughter, Mrs. Leman Terwilliger of Elmira and a brother, John, of Wellsburg.  The funeral was held on Sunday at 2 p.m., and interment was at North Chemung, N. Y.

(Local News)  Mr. Harmon Tuttle, 77 years old, died Tuesday night at his home east of Burlington.  His wife survives, two sons and a daughter.  The funeral will be held at 2 this afternoon, and interment will be at Mountain Lake Cemetery.

(Local News)  The remains of the Rev. Newell L. Reynolds who passed away at his home of the past dozen years near Riverside, California were brought to Wellsboro for burial the middle of this week.  Few clergymen, if any, have had so firm a hold upon the people of Tioga county as Elder Reynolds.  He was not only a preacher of the Sunday school work was beyond praise.  His heart always was where his helpmate is buried.  His request has been granted that when life was done he should be beside her.  During his ministry he preached according to his individual record, 9736 times, and while thousands professed conversion he had baptized, as he puts it, “only 982”.  He officiated at 867 marriages and 1734 funerals; established the Troupsburg Academy in ’52, was principal of the Wellsboro Academy in ’57, and was twice county superintendent of public instruction.

Volume LII, #25, Friday, June 25, 1915

Mrs. Robert C. Kendall Passes Away.
    Another of Troy’s older residents passed away early last Sunday morning in the death of Mrs. Robert C. Kendall following an illness of some weeks, for only about ten days of which, however, was she confined to her bed.
    Sarah Baldwin was a daughter of Thomas B. and Polly Wilber Baldwin.  She was born in Troy, July 14th, 1839.  In young womanhood she was a teacher in Rutland township, Tioga county, which was the home of the family at the time, of her marriage Oct. 28, 1861, to Dr. Robert C. Kendall.  She had long been a communicant and regular attendant of St. Paul’s Episcopal church, from which and the community at large she will be sorely missed.  A great sorrow came to Mrs. Kendall in January, 1879, in the death of her only son, William B., a bright promising boy of 9.  One other child was born to her, Anna (Mrs. A. E. Backer) of Little River, Florida, who survives and with whom Dr. Kendall will make his home.
    The funeral was held at 2 Tuesday afternoon at the home, the Rev. W. R. Holloway, officiating.  Interment was in Glenwood cemetery.  Among the relatives and friends in attendance from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Wheeler, Miss Sharlet Wheeler, Miss Eliza Dunn, Mrs. Walters, Mrs. Vine Baldwin, Elmira; Mr. Charles Kendall, Mr. F. D. Rice, Mrs. Guy Greene, Wellsburg, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Horace Walker, Horseheads; Mrs. Hiram Z. Shaw, Ulster; Mr. Dick Cash, Athens; Mr. Herrick Thomas, Canton; Mr. Worth Baldwin and Mr. Thomas Wheeler, Waverly.

Aged Lady Drops Dead.
    Mrs. Joanna Goodwin Treat, mother of Mrs. N. H. Hurlburt, dropped dead Monday evening at the Hurlburt home in Willow Street.  She was about the house as usual up to the moment of her demise.  Mrs. Treat came to Troy to reside from Berrytown.  She was in her 76th year.
    The funeral was held at the home Thursday afternoon, the Rev. G. A. Baldwin officiating.  Interment was in Oak Hill Cemetery.

(Windfall News)  The funeral of LaMar Warren was held at his late residence last Sunday at 2 p.m.  The over-flowing house and beautiful flowers bespoke the high esteem in which the deceased was held.  Rev. Wenrick of Canton, officiated.  Mr. Warren was 48 years old and leaves an aged mother, one daughter, Ruth, by a former marriage now Mrs. Albert Thomas of Alba, and a widow and three small children to mourn for him.  Interment in the cemetery here.

(Leroy News)  Mrs. Amos Wilcox died at her home near this place Friday evening, aged nearly 78 years.  She is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Bruce Williams, four sons, Everitt, James, Walter and Charles.  The funeral was held from the Church of Christ in this place Tuesday with burial at East Canton.  Rev. Otto Young of Granville Center, officiating.

Volume LII, #26, Friday, July 2, 1915

(Columbia Cross Roads News)  Mr. Zebulon Mott, who lived here a good many years and who was known by a large circle of friends, was killed Friday where he was employed in Elmira, by a piece of timber striking him on the heart.  The remains were brought here on Monday for burial in the Fries cemetery, a short service being held at the grave.
    Mr. and Mrs. Trask of Horseheads, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Williams and family of Chemung and Miss Mary Rothwell of Elmira and Mrs. Williams and daughter of Elmira, all accompanied Mrs. Mott to this place on Monday for the burial of her husband.

(Local News)  Following a long and painful illness through all of which she exhibited great fortitude, Lucy M., wife of Lemuel Gibson, died Tuesday evening at the family home in Elmira Street, aged 52 years 2 months and 18 days.  Death was due to a tubercular trouble.  Mrs. Gibson was a native of Virginia.  Her husband survives and four sons—Claud of Buffalo, George of Elmira, who assisted in the care of his mother in her last illness and Judson and James at home.  The funeral will be held at 2 this afternoon, Friday, from the Baptist church of which the deceased had long been a member, the Rev. James Wilson (colored) of Elmira, officiating.  Interment will be in Glenwood Cemetery.

(Local News)  Despondent over his continued ill health, George Williams, an industrious Wellsburg man, aged 47 years old, hanged himself in the cellar of the home which he shared with his brother and their invalid father.

(Local News)  The funeral of Mrs. Victor Bartlett at the stricken home, this side of Mansfield, last Sunday, was the largest of recent times, the procession to Oakwood cemetery being a mile long.  Mrs. Bartlett was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Starkey, of Newtown Hill, near Mansfield.  The young husband is left with a son a few months old.  The mother’s desire that the little chap go to her sister, Mrs. Elmer Fick, to New York, will be carried out in the fall.

(Local News)  William Erk was called to Elmira Tuesday by the unexpected death of his brother, Martin J. Erk, a business man of Elmira Heights, following a surgical operation.  Mr. Martin Erk was 59 years old and is survived by his widow, a son and a daughter, both at home.  Two other brothers are left, George and John of Honesdale and two sisters, Elizabeth and Katharine.  The funeral will be held at 1 this afternoon at the home and interment will be in Woodlawn Cemetery.

Volume LII, #27, Friday, July 9, 1915

(Granville Center News)  Mr. Edward Vroman, an aged and respected citizen died Tuesday, June 29th, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Sylvester Rockwell.  Mr. Vroman had been in declining health for several years past, but for the past two years had been a great sufferer and a great care.  He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Weltha Rockwell of Granville and Mrs. Effie Wilcox of Oregon Hill, Pa.

(Granville Center News)  The funeral of James Shaylor, who died Thursday morning, July 1st, at the home of his daughter in Waverly, N.Y., was held in the church here Sunday afternoon, July 4th, burial in Granville Center Cemetery.  Mr. Shaylor had been ill for several months with Bright’s disease.  He is survived by a widow, one son, Frank Shaylor, and one daughter, Mrs. Martin Rogers all of Waverly.

Edward Vroman Passes Away.
    Edward Vroman, a highly esteemed resident of Bailey Corners, aged 92 years 7 months and 7 days died Thursday, June 29, 1915, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Sylvester Rockwell with whom he had lived for nearly eleven years.  He had been an invalid since November, 1913.  He was a great sufferer the last twelve days.  Everything was done that loving hearts could suggest.  He was married October 22, 1844 to Julia Perry, who departed this lived Jan. 8, 1908.  Three children were born to them, Amasa O., who died in infancy, Mrs. Sylvester Rockwell and Mrs. Albert Wilcox of Oregon Hill, Lycoming county.  Two granddaughters and three great grandchildren also survive.  He enlisted in 1863 and served in Battery B., Second Penn., Heavy Artillery.  He experienced religion when but 20 years old and united with the M. E. Church at Burlington and was a member there until a few years ago he joined the Baptist church at Bailey’s Corners.  He lived a faithful, Christian life.
    The funeral services were held on Thursday at 2 o’clock at the church conducted by Rev. J. W. Reese.  Interment was in Granville Centre cemetery.  The floral offerings were numerous and beautiful attesting in some degree the love and esteem in which Mr. Vroman was held.

(Local News)  Daniel Reardon, 25 years old, a former telephone lineman of Ridgeburg, died Monday afternoon at the Robert Packer hospital in Sayre.  His parents survive, three sisters and four brothers.

(Local News)  Steven C. Utter, one time baggage master on the Northern Central railroad between Williamsport and Canadaigua, died Tuesday morning at the home in Elmira of his son, Stanley Utter.

Volume LII, #28, Friday, July 16, 1915

Troy Resident Accidentally Drowned in Wisconsin.
    Col. Pliny Norcross who left Troy last Thursday for a visit with his son, Attorney John Norcross of Chicago, to their former home city of Janesville, Wis., was drowned in a mill race at Janesville last Sunday afternoon.  Col. Norcross was a pioneer in the development of electricity by water power along the Rock river and had gone for a walk to one of the scenes of his active years.  Just how he fell into the water is not known.  He did not return to his stopping place as expected.  His hat was found floating on the water and Monday his body war recovered.  A telegram Monday morning told Mrs. Norcross that her husband was missing and it was feared he was drowned.  Toward noon a second message appraised her of the recovery of the body.  Accompanied by her niece, Mrs. Horace Shedd of Providence, R. I.  Mrs. Norcross left for Janesville on the 4:41 train Monday afternoon.
    The Janesville Gazette of Tuesday devotes three columns to the death of Col. Norcross and a review of his career.  It says in part:
    “It is evident that in walking along the board sidewalk that borders the race, his hat blew off and in reaching for it he lost his balance and fell into the water, his head striking a sunken piece of timber and entangling the body so that he did not rise again to the surface.
    “A lawyer by profession, he served four years as district attorney of Rock county, from 1871 to 1875 and 1876.  He sat in the mayor’s chair for two terms, 1877 to 1878 and has four times represented the Janesville District in the state legislature; first in 1867 and again in 1885, and in 1905 to 1907.  His intellectual capability and his moral worth have commanded respect and his kindly impulses, generous nature and genial disposition and charitable instincts made him universally popular.
    “At the university when the war broke out he was the first student to enlist.  For three years he was captain of his company; he was a past department of commander of the Wisconsin department of the Grand Army of the Republic and served as a member of the State Board of University Regents.
    “He was invited to go to Madison (the State capital) the guest of the Assembly of which he was so long an honored member, and it was search for him to deliver the invitation that brought about the discovery he was mysteriously absent.
    “Upon finding the body this morning word was immediately sent to Speaker Whittet of the Wisconsin assembly, and Republican Floor Leader Edward Everett, who has served in the legislature with the deceased, immediately prepared a resolution of sympathy which was presented and passed under suspension of rules.
    “The funeral services will be held at 10:39 Thursday morning at the Congregational church.”
    Col. Norcross was 76 years old, a native of Mass., and leaves besides his wife, three sons and one daughter, all residents of Chicago.
   He had a winter home in Orlando, Florida.  Of late he and Mrs. Norcross had been spending their summers in Troy.

Lost their Baby Boy.
   Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Wright of Rutland, have the sympathy of a large circle of friends in the loss of their five-weeks-old baby, Arthur Elias, who died on Saturday, July 10th, of bronchitis.
   The funeral was held at the home on Monday with interment in the Roseville Cemetery.

Former Trojan Expires in Elmira.
   Mrs. P. J. Ryan, a former resident of Troy, died Tuesday evening at her home in Elmira, aged about 55 years.  Her husband survives and two sons.  She was a sister of Misses Anna and Mary Burke of this boro, and a sister-in-law of Mrs. M. J. McNulty.  The funeral is to be held today.

(Columbia & Wells News)  Mr. DeWitt Robinson, a respected resident of this place, departed this life Saturday evening, July 3d, aged 79 years.  Funeral at the home on Tuesday at 10 a. m. Rev S. Barrett officiated.  Burial near Covington.

(Fairview News)  Some members of our choir sang at the funeral of James Phillips at Mountain Lake last Wednesday afternoon.  Mr. Phillips who was 77 years of age, lived with his sister, Mrs. Bordie Crowell at Canton.  Interment was made in the Mountain Lake Cemetery.

Volume LII, #29, Friday, July 23, 1915

Following Injuries Former Trojan Expires at Newark, N. Y.
   Many acquaintances and friends in Troy will learn with regret of the death on Tuesday at Newark, N. Y., of Fred C. Miller, long clerk of the Troy House, following injuries by a fall in Elmira in January and later in an automobile accident near Geneva, N. Y.  Mr. Miller was a native of Germany, where he served in the army.  He had traveled widely and was unusually well informed.  Since he left Troy in the early spring he had been in charge of the Gardner Hotel at Newark.  His wife survives.  The remains were brought to Monroeton, where Mrs. Miller has relatives, for the funeral and interment yesterday.

Mrs. P. J. Ryan.
   The death of Mrs. P. J. Ryan occurred at her home in Elmira Tuesday, July 12th, after a short illness.
   The deceased is survived by her husband and three children, James, Vincent and Catherine, also one brother, John Burke and two sisters, Annie and Mary Burke.
   The funeral services were held in Elmira Friday morning at 8 o’clock at St. Mary’s church, Rev. Father Moriarity officiated.
   The pall bearers were Williams Clark, Michael Burke, John Ward, James Egan, James and Joseph Sheehe.  The remains were taken to Troy, Pa. for burial.
   The friends from out of town were Mrs. John J. Hartford and family, Newark, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. John Ward, Buffalo, N. Y.; Mrs. Thomas Hollaren, Jersey Shore, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. James Eagan, and Mrs. Ella Eagan, Ralston, Pa., Margaret Frahey, Wellsboro, Pa., Mrs. Ella Luckey, Athens, Pa., Mr. John Ryan, Rochester, N. Y.; Mrs. Thomas Reidy and daughter, Williamsport, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Handrahan, James Shannon, George Sheehe and daughter, Margaret and Miss Elizabeth Hurley, Corning, N. Y.; Mrs. Michael Shannon and daughter, Elizabeth and Mr. and Mrs. M. J. McNulty, Troy, Pa.
   The deceased was a former resident of Troy, Pa.

(Sylvania News)  The body of  Edward Y. Peck was taken from Elmira where he died, to Sylvania for burial.  A service was held in the Presbyterian church, conducted by Rev. A. G. Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Bradford sang.  The funeral was held on Wednesday at 10 o’clock.  His brother Horace Peck of Elmira and William Peck of New York sent their thanks for all the courtesies when their brother was buried.

(Leroy News)  Mr. Archie Wiggins of West Franklin, died Sunday night after a few weeks illness.

(Fairview News)  Monroe, Helen, Edgar and Mildred Swartwood attended the funeral of their uncle, Perry Swartwood at Bentley Creek, Tuesday.

(Fairview News) Part of our choir sand at the funeral of Coryell Wiggins at West Franklin, Wednesday afternoon.  Mr. Wiggins with his brother, Archie, was the telephone operator at that place.

(Local News)  Russell Andrus whose funeral was held at Gillett last week, lost his life while canoeing at Carlisle, Pa.  He was a good swimmer.  When the frail craft capsized he struck out for shore.  Before reaching land he is supposed to have been seized by a cramp.  He was a son of Horace Andrus.

(Local News)  Following the example of his brother, Eber, a year ago, A. B. Miller a well know resident of Sheshequin township, took his own life by hanging in his bar.  Mr. Miller had been an invalid for two years.  His wife survives, two sons, his aged father, and four sisters.

(Local News)  A telegram has been received of the death on Tuesday at Stockton, California, of Mrs. Edith Calkins Dougherty.  No particulars were given beyond the intention to bring the remains east for burial.  It is expected the body will reach Troy Sunday night or Monday morning.  Mrs. Dougherty was a daughter of Attorney J. H. Calkins of  Sylvania, and was well known here.  Her husband survives, two sons and a daughter.

Volume LII, #30, Friday, July 30, 1915

(Sylvania News)  The funeral services of the late Mrs. F. P. (Edith Mary) Daughterty of Stockton, Cal., was held in the Presbyterian church, Sylvania, on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock.  The service was conducted by Rev. A. G. Cameron.  The church was beautifully decorated by the Rebeckah lodge in which Mrs. Daughterty had kept up her membership.  Mr. Daughterty, his younger son, Harold, and little daughter, Kathleen, came east with the remains.  There was a large attendance at the service, for Mrs. Daughterty was greatly loved and esteemed by a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.  The burial was in Oak Hill, Troy, Pa.

(Granville Center News)  Orrin Allen, whose illness has been noted in these columns several times during the past few weeks, died last Wednesday, July 21st, at his home in Granville Center.  He was near seventy-seven years old, having been born in Chemung, N. Y., November 26th, 1838.  His boyhood years were mostly spent in the vicinity of Odessa, N. Y., and when a young man he came to West Franklin where he lived in the Crandall family.  The remainder of his life was spent in Granville except for a period of nine months while in the services of his country, having enlisted September 26th, 1864 in Co. B. 10th New York Cavalry and serving to the end of the war.  He was married on November 26, 1861 to Calista Burrows, who survives him and to them were born six children of whom four survive, namely: Geo. Allen of Laquin, Pa., Mrs. Anna Park, York, Pa. Mrs. Frances Rathbun, East Troy, Pa.  He is also survived by twenty-four grandchildren and fifteen great grandchildren.  He was a man who held the respect of the community in which he lived, a man who stood for righteousness and principle and who for fifty-eight years had served in the Master’s cause.  His presence will be missed in his family, in the church, and in the neighborhood which was his home.

(Local News)  Edgar Lane, a well known resident of Luther’s Mills died last Friday night at his home, aged 62 years.  His wife survives, two sons and five daughters:  Charles of Milan, Perley Lane and Mrs. Charles Jones of Luther’s Mills; Mrs. Ernest Lantz of Highland; Mrs. L. Hemenway of Powell, Mrs. Harriett Dibble of East Smithfield, and Miss Jessie Lane of Towanda.

(Local News)  Charles Chamberlain, an invalid for several years died Monday night at his home at East Smithfield.  His wife survives, a daughter, Mrs. Nellie Beach, and a son, Guy.

(Local News)  The remains of Charles Foster who was found dead in bead at the home of his uncle near East Troy Tuesday morning, were taken to the home of his mother at Towanda where the funeral was held.

(Local News)  Messrs. Fred Costello, S. J. Welch, W. F. Palmer and C. J. Bloom attended the funeral near Monroeton last week of Fred C. Miller, former clerk of the Troy House, Mr. Miller had been ill only three weeks from erysipelas an spinal meningitis.  He was 48 years old.

(Local News)  The funeral of Thomas Craven, 77 years old, of Canton, was largely attended at the home on Sunday afternoon.  Deceased was a veteran of the Civil War.  His wife survives and a son.

Volume LII, #31, Friday, August 6, 1915

The Late E. C. Ely.
   Elizur Cook Ely, a native of Springfield township, who contributed not a little to the upbuilding of Western Bradford agriculturally and industrially, died last Sunday at his home in this boro from heart failure from which he had been rapidly failing since April.  Mr. Ely was 81 last May 26th.
   As a young man of 17 he went to Massachusetts in which state at Northampton in later years he married Eliza Hunt, who preceded him to the great beyond some twenty years ago.  He served during the Rebellion in Company K., 50th New York Engineers.  About 30 years ago he began the manufacture of ice tongs and blacksmith tools at Leona.  The business prospered under his guidance.  Since 1902 it has been in charge of his only child.  Mr. W. H. Ely.  He had long been a member and staunch supported of the Methodist church and one of his last business acts was to send a check for $500 to the disabled clergymen’s fund of that denomination.  The funeral was held on Tuesday at the Leona M. E. church the Rev. Holdkroff of Leona and the Rev. Baldwin of Troy, officiating.  The bearers at his requests were his son and his three grandsons.  Interment was in the Leona Cemetery.

(Local News)  Mrs. J. H. Hooper, a respected resident for many years of Canton, died suddenly last Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lee Brooks.  Mrs. Hooper was 85 years old.  The funeral services were held on Sunday.

(Local News)  Dyer J. Butts, a well to do, long time resident of Mansfield, died last Friday at his home aged 86 years.  He was an Elder of the Presbyterian church and an honorary trustee of the Normal School.  Surviving are his wife whose father was Rev. Wesley Cochran, two daughters and a brother.

(Local News)  Ola Lee and his little son, Rexford, were swinging in the hammock Monday evening when one of the ropes broke, dropping them perhaps a foot and a half to the floor of the porch.  Nothing much was though of it at the time, but Tuesday the little fellow, 2 years and 10 months old, was taken sick and Saturday afternoon he passed away.  An autopsy revealed an internal rupture to which death was due.  The stricken parents have the sympathy of the entire community.  The funeral was held on Monday at the home, the Rev. Baldwin officiating.  Interment was in Glenwood Cemetery.

Volume LII, #32, Friday, August 13, 1915

Charles M. Knox of Johnstown, whose wife was Miss Eloise Mitchell of Troy, died last Thursday at Saranac Lake, N. Y., following an illness of  several years from tuberculosis.  The remains were taken to his home at Johnstown, N. Y., where the funeral was held Monday morning.  The remains were cremated.  His wife survives, a young son, Charles Benjamin, the mother of Mr. Knox and a brother, James.  No plans for herself and son have been matured by Mrs. Knox.

Volume LII, #33, Friday, August 20, 1915

Mrs. E. B. Redington.
    Mrs. E. B. Redington expired last Thursday night at the home in Mansfield of her cousin, Mrs. Smith Lilley.  The attack of acute indigestion which alarmed her friends on Wednesday had apparently yielded to treatment and her recovery was confidently hoped for until about 7 Thursday evening when there was a recurrence of alarming symptoms and at 11 she passed away.
   Maria Strait was born at Sylvania, Dec. 16, 1845, the third daughter of Maj. Isaac and Elizabeth Ayers Strait.  She was married Nov. 7, 1864 to Edmund B. Redington and for more than half a century had lived on West End farm, near this boro.  The golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Redington was observed by a family gathering at their home last November.  In early life she united with the Baptist church in which through all the years of her membership she was an active worker.  Her efficiency was everywhere recognized and her death is widely mourned.  Surviving are her husband, two sons and two daughters; George F. Redington of Waverly, N. Y., Isaac S. and Martha (Mrs. H. K. Mitchell of Troy, and Mrs. Lucy Smith of Elmira.
   Three sisters of Mrs. Redington also are living—Mrs. Nelson A. Maynard of Troy township; Mrs. W. H. Bradford of Sylvania and Mrs. Cyrenus Rennells of Coudersport.
   The funeral was held at 1 o’clock Sunday afternoon at the H. K. Mitchell home, the Rev. E. J. Moss of the Baptist church officiating interment was in Oak Hill Cemetery.

(Local News)  Mrs. U. J. Manley, a former resident of Troy and sister of Mr. H. M. Spalding, died Wednesday morning from apoplexy at her home in Canton, aged 62 years.  She was a native of Canton and enjoyed in generous measure the love and esteem of all who knew her.  With her husband, who was for a number of years a business man of Troy, is left one son, Ray D. Manley of LeRoy.  The funeral will be held at the home at 2 Saturday afternoon; interment in East Canton Cemetery.

(Local News)  Mrs. Alta King, who has been a great sufferer for months from cancer, died Tuesday morning at her home in Centre Street.  She was 42 years old.  With her husband, J. H. King, are left two sons and two daughters.  Mrs. King was a devoted member of the M. E. Church, and met her suffering with Christian fortitude and resignation.  The funeral was held at 2 Thursday afternoon at the M. E. Church, the Rev. G. A. Baldwin officiating.  Interment was in Glenwood Cemetery.

Volume LII, #34, Friday, August 27, 1915

Harold Personius Commits Suicide at Gillett.
   Harold J. Personius, 20 years old shot himself with a rifle at his father’s home near Gillett about 8 Wednesday morning.  He was an employee of the Morrow plant in Elmira.
   He did not return from lunch Tuesday noon and his uncle, with whom he boarded made search for him Tuesday night.  He was finally located at his father’s home in this county.  His sister, Ruth, came upon him at the head of the stairs Wednesday morning with a rifle in his hands.  He pointed at his temple and fired.  Death was instantaneous.  The young man was a nervous wreck.  He left a note bidding good-bye to his parents, but no work explaining his self destruction.
   Young Personius ranked high in athletics while in the Elmira Academy.  He was prominent socially and a member of Co. L. State Militia of Elmira.

Sarah Louise Jones.
   Fell asleep in the blessed hope of immortality at the family home in East Troy, Pa., Wednesday morning, August 18th, 1915.  Sarah Louise, daughter of Grant M. and Una Jones aged 23 years, 1 month and 11 days.  For two years she had suffered from tuberculosis.
  In June 9, 1914, she went to Mount Alto, Pa., but the hoped for relief was not realized and in October last she returned to East Troy where relatives and friends vied with one another in loving ministrations.  Flowers daily brightened the sick room and dainty morsels from numberless homes tempted the palate of the sufferer.  While all knew that the end was near the passing of her young and beautiful life cast a shadow over the entire community.
   Funeral services were held at the M. E. Church Saturday afternoon, August 21st, her pastor, the Rev. R. E. Brague, officiating.  The very large attendance and wealth of beautiful flowers told of universal respect for the departed and sympathy for the surviving father, four sisters and seven brothers.
   Interment was in Oak Hill Cemetery, Troy, by the side of her mother who passed away eleven years ago.

(Windfall News)  Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lewis are mourning the loss of an infant daughter.

Volume LII, #35, Friday, September 3, 1915

(Granville Summit News)  Mr. William J. Reid of Big Rapids, Mich., formerly of Granville, died at his home August 23d, aged 92 years.  He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Belle Reid, and three children, Amelia (Mrs. Sunnehart),  John and Asa.  Also one sister, Mrs. Marian Lewis of Granville Summit, and five brothers, Frank, George and Adelbert of Michigan; Martin of Deer Lodge, Mont., and Robert of Aberdeen, Wash.

(Local News)  The funeral of the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Baldwin of Snedekerville, was held at the home in Elmira of Mrs. C. H. Allington on last Sunday afternoon.  Interment was in Woodlawn.

Volume LII, #36, Friday, September 10, 1915

Two Killed, Four Injured in Automobile Accident.  Rancy Fleming, His wife and three children and Mary Dickinson, 160 years old, were on their way by automobile a happy party, to the Troy fair last Friday morning when at the Coney crossing two were killed and the others badly injured by the Pennsylvania train due in Troy at 9:12.  There was no one near and Mr. Dickinson (as is) is unable to say just how the accident happened.  Presumably he was running his Maxwell car on “High” confident of clearing the track ahead of the approaching train.  The motor slowed down or stalled and when the gear had been shifted it was too late.  The killed were Margaret, the baby daughter of the Fleming family, aged 3, and Mary daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dickinson.  The remains of the former were found in the highway on the west side of the track a few feet from the scene of the accident.  The body of Miss Dickinson was buried down the track on the other side with the survivors, fifty or sixty fee.  Parts of the car were picked up as far as 500 feet from the crossing.
   The train was stopped by Engineer James Jackson and all were carried into the baggage car and brought to Troy.  Doctors Phillips, Carpenter and Ballard and the Henrietta McKnight nurse were at the state.  Drs. Phillips and Carpenter accompanied the injured to the Arnot-Ogden hospital in Elmira.
   Mr. Fleming just returned to consciousness, at the station here asked what had happened.  His face was badly lacerated and there were bruises all over his body.  Mrs. Fleming was less cut and bruised.  She also was unconscious, but rallied after a time.  Her face was lacerated.  Carroll, about 15, was badly shaken up, and Lawrence, 8 had an ugly cut over the temple and a bruised side.
   The bodies of the dead were removed from the train and taken to the Friends & Gustin undertaking rooms.  The injured are all recovering and will be able to come home in a week or ten days.  The County Coroner, Dr. T. Ben Johnson, Jr., was called and viewed the remains and the scene of the accident with the following Coroner’s jury:  S. J. Atwood, proprietor of the Troy House, E. W. Putnam, of the county farm, J. H. Wing, L. R. Smith, Guy Case and S. A. Williams.  The inquest will be held later when the injured shall have returned from the hospital.
    It is hard, indeed, to account for the accident.  Mr. Fleming is one of our most respected, reliable farms, not a man to take chances or in any sense a wreckless driver.  Much sympathy is felt for him and his family.
   Mary Dickinson whose young life was so tragically cut off, was one of six children of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dickinson of Granville township.  Her remains were taken to the family home on Friday afternoon and funeral services were held on Sunday.  Our Granville Center correspondent notes the sorrow of that community and the high regard in which the deceased was held.
   The remains of little Margaret Fleming have been placed in the receiving vault of Glenwood Cemetery to await the return of her parents and brothers from the hospital when funeral services will be held.  Mrs. Margaret Kennedy of Redington avenue, is the maternal grandmother of the little girl.

Volume LII, #37, Friday, September 17, 1915

(Columbia X Roads News)  Eben Preston, who for many years was a resident, and conducted a black smith shop at this place, passed away Sunday evening at his home in Sylvania.

(Local News)  Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Kinch of the Alba road four miles south of this boro, mourn the death of their son, Karl Layton Kinch, who passed away Sunday evening from infantile paralysis, aged 11.  The Rev. G. A. Baldwin officiated at the funeral which was held at the home Wednesday afternoon.  Internment was in Glenwood Cemetery.

(Local News)  William O. Luther, lately returned to Taunton after a visit of several weeks to friends in Troy and vicinity, died last Sunday evening at his home in Taunton, Mass., aged 78 years.  A kindly man whom to know was to respect and admire.  Mr. Luther leaves many friends alike in his home city and elsewhere.  He was twice married, his second wife being Martha H. Murray of Troy, who passed away in 1909.  His death occurred on the fiftieth anniversary of this marriage.

(Armenia News)  The funeral of Sam Andrus was held here last Sunday afternoon.  The body was brought from the State hospital at Danville where he had been a patient.  He was a victim of typhoid fever.

(Leroy News)  Mrs. Mary Lewis, Robert Chilson and wife, Ray Manley and wife started for Deposit, N. Y., on Monday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Lewis’ cousin, Mrs. Sarah Huntington.

Volume LII, #38, Friday, September 24, 1915

(East Troy News)  Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cole and Mrs. Elizabeth Shaw attended the funeral of Mr. Scott Wilcox at Franklin on Friday.  Mr. and Mrs. John Ballard also attended the funeral of their uncle , Mr. Scott Wilcox.

(Local News)  Mrs. A. A. Kempton, long a reader of the Gazette-Register, and presumably a former resident of this county, died Sept. 12th at her home in Kincaid, Kansas, at an advanced age.  She leaves a son, L. F. Kempton, a wholesale dealer in hay and potatoes in Kincaid.

Volume LII, #39, Friday, October 1, 1915

(Granville Center News)  Noah Clark, probably the oldest man of Granville township, died last Friday morning while on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Frank Pepper, near Monroeton.  Mr. Clark was in apparent usual health when he retired Thursday evening and was found dead in bed Friday morning.  He was eight-seven years old on August 13th last, and is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Mavilla Clark, Monroeton, Mrs. Flora Youmans, Bailey Corners, Mrs. Fanny Ayres, Windfall and three sons, Deighton Clark of Rome, Elmer Clark of Alba, and Lloyd Clark of Athens.  Funeral services were held Sunday from his late home at 12:00 and from Bailey’s Corners church at 1:00 p.m., with burial in Granville Center Cemetery.

(East Troy News)  Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brown (Nee Ruth Darrow) of Sayre, mourn the loss of their six-month-old baby, who died at the Packer hospital.  Mrs. Brown was formerly of East Troy, and the community sympathize with them in their loss.

(Armenia News)  Maud, the six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rogers, died Sunday afternoon after being sick about a week.  The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at the church.  Much sympathy is extended to the family as she was a bright lovable little girl.

(Leroy News)  Mrs. Martha Holcombe passed away Monday noon, Sept. 27th, age 85 years.  Deceased had been an invalid for over two years, caused by a fall which injured her hip.  She is survived by one son Emmet, and three grandsons.  Also two sisters, Mrs. Addie Spencer of Canton and Mrs. Sara Batterson of Troy.  The funeral will be Thursday 1 p. m. from the home and the remains will be laid to rest in LeRoy Cemetery beside the husband, Hugh M. Holcombe, who preceded her about 20 years ago.

(Local News)  The late Chancey Pomeroy was a son of Ebenezer Pomeroy who with his brothers migrated to Troy at an early day from Connecticut.  Mr. Pomeroy was born and spent his whole life on the farm where he died.  He was a good farmer, a good citizen.  Me never married.  For a long time he had been in feeble health.  For a year back he had been a member of his nephew, John W. Pomeroy’s household and it was at the Pomeroy home that his earthly life ended a few days before the 76th anniversary of his birth.  He was a brother of C. Burton Pomeroy.  The Rev. Edward P. Morse officiated at the funeral.  Interment was in the family plot in Glenwood Cemetery.

Volume LII, #40, Friday, October 8, 1915

(Sylvania News)  The funeral services of Frank Hager were held in the Presbyterian church, Sylvania, on Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock.  The services were in charge of Rev. A. G. Cameron and Elder James of Mainesburg, preached the sermon.  Sylvan lodge, I. O. O. F., of which deceased was a member, formed a guard of honor.  There was a very large attendance at the funeral.  Burial was in the Sylvania Cemetery.

Vroman Hill Lady Passes Away.  Lucy Larcom Pratt died at her home in West Burlington township, Sept. 30, aged 73 years.  The funeral was held at the Vroman Hill church, Sunday, Oct. 3, at 2 p. m. Rev. Bryan preached the sermon.  Interment was at Granville Center, Mrs. Pratt was born in West Burlington township.  Her parents moved to Candor, N. Y., soon after her birth.  Her girlhood days were spent mainly at Candor and Groton, N. Y.  She was married to Ephraim N. Pratt, July 1st, 1860.  Mr. Pratt died March 19, 1914.  For a period of over 55 years she had lived at Vroman Hill.  She leaves one son, Ardee Pratt, with whom she lived.  Mrs. Pratt was a member of the Methodist church and esteemed by all who knew her.

(Leroy News)  Mrs. Lavinda Every died very suddenly about 8 o’clock Friday evening from paralysis being ill about an hour.  She was living with her brother-in-law, Richard Every since the death of her husband, William Every, some years ago.  She is survived by two sons, Melvin of this place and Will of Sayre, one sister, Mrs. Luanna Haxton of East Canton.  The funeral was held from the Disciple church in this place Monday afternoon.  Burial in LeRoy Cemetery.

(Local News)  Warren W. Kelley, a Rutland boy who one time clerked for Cleaver & Bailey in this boro, died on Friday, Sept. 24th, at Mansfield, where he had been in the grocery business with a partner since March, 1911.  His wife survives, a son and a married daughter.  The son was principal of the Millerton school, but resigned to take his father’s place in the store.

(Local News)  The remains of Frank Ronk who died in Burlington, were sent to Binghamton for interment.

(Local News)  Stephen Compton, a brother of Daniel Compton, deceased of Troy, died last Sunday, one of the oldest residents of the village at Horseheads, N. Y., aged 72.  He was a veteran of the Civil War, a Mason and a member of the M. E. Church since 1859.  Three daughters survive and two brothers, Theodore of Merrill, Wis. And Orville of Lincoln, Neb.

(Local News)  In the death from apoplexy last Saturday evening at the age of 71 of Edmund B. Kelley, Canton, lost one of the best known citizens.  An honored survivor of the Civil War and past commander of Ingham Post of Canton.  Mr. Kelley was prominent also as an Odd Fellow.  He was a past grand and one of two surviving charter members of the lodge at LeRoy.  He was married in 1867 to Amelia Smiley, who with three sons survives him—Charles B., Fred S., of Syracuse and J. Harrison Kelley, teller of the Grange bank, this boro.  Two brothers and two sisters also are left—C. A. of LeRoy, H. B. of Canton; Mrs. S. T. Hoagland of Towanda, and Mrs. T. D. Wilcox of LeRoy.  Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon from the home, the Rev. Hill of the M. E. Church officiating.  Interment was in Canton.

(Local News)  Former Editor Chas. D. Derrah of the Canton Sentinel, died last Wednesday at his home in Canton, aged 58 years.  Mr. Derrah had been in failing health for a number of years and longed for release from earthly bondage.  He was a devoted member of the Methodist church and a consistent member of the Canton lodge of Masons.  He was identified with the Belmar and Sheldon manufacturing companies.  His wife survives and one son, Benjamin.  A brother also is living, A. H. Derrah of Williamsport.  The funeral on Sunday was very largely attended.

Volume LII, #41, Friday, October 15, 1915

Suicide’s Last Words a Plea for Temperance.  Shortly before drinking carbolic acid to end her life Monday afternoon, Mrs. Ina Holcomb Blackman of Sayre, wrote a public letter addressed to the men of Sayre urging them to work for the cause of temperance.
  The letter was addressed to the Sayre Times-Record and was post marked at the Sayre post office at 12:30 o’clock, half an hour before Mrs. Blackman was found dead by her husband, George Blackman.  The letter follows:
                                                                                                     Sayre, Monday, Oct. 11
To the men of Sayre:
  I am about to kill my physical body and send my soul into eternity.  Life has become unbearable to me because for a few paltry dollars the liquor trade is permitted to thrive in this town and county.  I am only one of hundreds who are suffering today because of this evil.  Not one shall dare condemn me for taking the life which is my own.  You are selling for dollars and cents the bodies, brains and souls of men by the hundreds, and for a measly revenue are tearing the hearts from the breasts of your women.  Does it pay?  In the name of God and humanity, does it pay?
   Men of Sayre! Demand of Judge Maxwell that he grant no licenses in Bradford county next February.  The law does not compel him to grant one single license.
   The Creator who keeps thousands of planets whirling in space and yet notes the sparrows fall will deal justly with me.  I now go cheerfully to meet Him.
                                                                                               INA H. BLACKMAN
 Mrs. Blackman was a very active worker in the causes of Christianity and of temperance.  She was an active member of the W. C. T. U. and has many friends who will regret her death.  Mrs. Blackman was twenty-four years of age and is survived by her husband, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Holcomb, and a sister, Miss Saddie Holcomb, who are grief stricken and who have the sympathy of the entire community.  The funeral will be held at 2 o’clock Thursday afternoon at her late home at 128 South Hopkins street, and the interment will be made in the Tioga Point Cemetery. – Sayre Times-Record.

Fatally Injured by Thirty Foot Fall from Silo Staging.  Wilber Grenell, well know in Troy as a carpenter employed by C. J. Case, died Tuesday morning at the home of his father, Clarence Grenell between Burlington and Ulster.  He was painting the year of its erection on a new silo on last Thursday when the staging on which he stood gave way and he fell 30 feet, striking on his head.  Dr. Molyneaux of the Sayre hospital and other physicians were called but to no purpose.  Mr. Grenell was about 40 years old and unmarried.  The funeral was held yesterday at the home.

(Armenia News)  The news reaches us of the death, by taking his own life, of a former well known man here, David M. Burman.  He was in Montgomery, Alabama, at the time of his death.  He leaves a wife and four children, Lee, Dean, Anna Belle and Thurston of Williamsport.

(Armenia News)  Mrs. Susanna Kiff died Monday noon, after an illness of a week.  She had been a very active woman and was past 81 years of age.  Funeral services at Segur Church and burial in Canton.

(Local News)  Frank J. Steele, 40 years old, night conductor in the Sayre yards, was fatally injured by being knocked down by an engine while at work at 1 o’clock Tuesday morning.  His back was broken and he died a few hours after being taken to the Sayre hospital.  His wife survives and four little daughters.

(Local News)  M. A. Burrows was in Canton on Saturday to attend the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Charles Davis.

(Local News)  The Rev. C. T. Hallowell, formerly pastor of the Troy and Springfield Baptist churches, died on Monday at Northfield, Minnesota.  The funeral and interment were at Northfield on Wednesday.

(Local News)  The remains of Tenike Avery who died last Friday morning at the home in Canton of his daughter, were taken to Gillett where funeral services were held Sunday morning.  He had been ill several months.  Besides four sons and three daughters, he leaves three brothers and a sister—Alvin of New Albany; Levi of Covington; Clarence and Mrs. Delila Peters of East Troy.

Volume LII, #42, Friday, October 22, 1915

(Granville Center News)  David Allen, widely known in this locality where most of his life was spent, died Monday night at his home in West Franklin, following a decline in health covering a period of many months.  Mr. Allen was a veteran of the Civil War, serving four years in the 7th Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry in what locally known as the Captain B. B. Mitchell’s company.  He is survived by his wife, two sons, and two daughters.  Funeral services will be held from the home in West Franklin at 1:30 p. m., Thursday and from the church at Granville Center at 2:30 p. m. Rev. J. C. Bryan officiating.  Burial in Granville Center Cemetery.

This week in Troy Forty-two Years Ago.  Deaths—in Troy, Oct 11th, Mrs. Abby Williams, 64 years.  In Canton, Oct. 13th, William, son of James and Margaret Clancy, 18 years.

(Springfield News)  On Sunday, October 10th twenty-two Estelle Rebekahs of this place attended the funeral of this place attended the funeral of Mrs. W. P. Hazelton who died very suddenly at Breeseport, N. Y.  The burial services were under the auspices of the Rebekah lodge at this place of which she was a member.

(Local News)  Carrying into reality that part of the Lord’s prayer which reads: “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors,” The will of the late Peter Morgan, of Williamsport, who was found dead in bed, directed his executors to give his debtors receipts in full for all demands without exacting payment.  Death usually pays all debts, but not just exactly this way.

(Local News)  Mrs. Anna Wright, oldest woman in Bradford county, passed away at 9 o’clock Tuesday morning at the of her daughter, Mrs. Emberry Pearsall in Ulster.  Born in Wales, Oct. 12, 1813, Mrs. Wright’s span of life covered 102 years and 7 days.  She was in excellent health and able to get about the house until a few days ago.  Mrs. Pearsall, the daughter at whose home she died is 75.

(Local News)  Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Haxton attended the funeral at Windfall yesterday of George Bruce, the former’s brother-in-law, who died at Chenango Forks, N. Y., one day this week.  Mr. Bruce formerly resided at LeRoy this county.  He married May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Haxton of Granville.

(Local News)  Dr. William B. Kelley, a dentist of Towanda since 1867, who has been in poor health for several years, died Wednesday evening at his home, aged 81.  Dr. Kelley married Ann Powell who survives with four children.  Mrs. J. H. Thomspon of Buffalo; Mrs. I. P. Spalding and Ralph W. Kelley of Towanda, and Frank D. Kelley of Addison.

(Local News)  A wife and daughter, an aged father, four brothers and two sisters, survive John D. Packard of near Canton, who died on the train a few days ago en route to a Williamsport hospital for treatment for appendicitis.

(Columbia X Roads News)  Aaron Fuller who was well know through this section, passed away at Burlington last Friday.  The remains were brought to E. C. Carnwright’s and later taken to the Berrytown church where the funeral was held Monday.

(Thompson Hill)  Steven Inman died Thursday morning, Oct. 14th, at his home at Bentley Creek, after a long illness.  Funeral was Saturday at 1 o’clock at the house.  Interment at Checkerville.  He was a brother of Edward Inman of this place.

Volume LII, #43, Friday, October 29, 1915

Pioneer Creamery Man, Donor of Town Clock, Passes Away.  Stephen H. Heywood, to whose unsolicited generosity Troy owes its fine town clock and who back in 1882 with the Late S. W. Lester, Established the first Troy creamery, died at 5” 45 last Friday evening at his rooms in the Troy House.  Born Sept. 4th, 1823, at Royston, Mass.  Mr. Heywood recently passed his 82d birthday.  For a long time he had been in failing health.  The end was therefore not unexpected.  His first business venture was the manufacture of wooden tubs and pails in New Hampshire.  Just before he came to Troy he was located in Michigan in the creamery business.  He retired from active business in 1900, after which he traveled widely.  He visited South America with George G. Beardsley, made a trip around the world with the late F. E. Vandyne, several trips to Europe and visited the principal points of interest in his own country.  He was an unassuming man of kindly impulses, a regular attendant of the Presbyterian church and leaves a wide circle of friends and acquaintances.  He never married.  A sister is living, Mrs. J. P. Estabrook of Boston, and several nephews at Jackson, Mich.
   Short funeral services were conducted at the Presbyterian church at 2 Monday afternoon by the Rev. A. G. Cameron of Sylvania, in the absence from town of the pastor, the Rev. E. P. Morse.
   The active bearers were Dr. J. W. Phillips, E. E. VanDyne, G. G. Beardsley, F. W. Hovey, Burton Pomeroy and W. F. Palmer.  Honorary bearers J. A. Parsons, Liston Bliss, S. P. Aspinwall, H. M. Spalding and L. J. Ballard.
   Accompanied by Harry B. Heywood of Jackson, Mich. A nephew and Mr. Estabrook of Boston, his brother-in-law the remains were taken to Royston, Mass. For interment.

(Local News)  Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Stanton, Mrs. Almira Tate and her son, Charles H. Tate attended the funeral at West Burlington Tuesday of Charles F. Patterson, a relative who died on Friday at his home near the old church in Burlington.  The deceased was in his 59th year and survived by his wife and mother.  The interment was in the Hilton Cemetery.

Volume LII, #44, Friday, November 5, 1915

Aaron Fuller.
  Aaron Fuller was born in Springfield, PA, Sept. 18, 1840 and departed this life Oct. 16, 1915.  He was the second son of Jacob and Mercie Fuller.  His father, mother, three brothers and on sister preceded him to the future life.  He had been in declining health for several years.  At the last death came suddenly.  The funeral services were conducted from the Wesleyan church at Berrytown by the Rev. L. Everts on Oct. 18.

   Maud L. Rogers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rogers, was born in Armenia township, Oct. 30th, 1909, and died Sept. 26, 1915.  The death of this little one was very sudden.  She was ill less than a week.  She was a very bright and lovable child.  The funeral services were largely attended from the home and Wesleyan church on Armenia on Sept. 28, the Rev. L. Everts officiating.  The floral offerings were numerous and beautiful.  Her parents survive, six sisters and two brothers.

(Local News)  Michael Fitzpatrick died last Friday at his home in this boro, following an illness of three weeks, aged 48 years.  He leaves a wife, a daughter, 4 years old, on sister, Mary Fitzpatrick of Troy and a brother, Patrick of Patton, Pa.  The body was taken on Saturday to the home of his sister, and funeral services were held at St. John’s church at 10 o’clock Monday morning, the Rev. P. J. Durkan officiating.  Interment was in St. John’s Cemetery.

(Local News)  Edward O. Frost, 29 years old is dead at Towanda, from tuberculosis.  His mother and two sisters survive.

(Fairview News)  Mrs. Ezra Truesdale died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Cary on Pension Street Thursday night, October 28.  Mrs. Truesdale was 85 years of age and respected by all who knew her.  She leaves six children, Charles of Big Pond, Mrs. James Henry, Mrs. James Cary, George and Mrs. Martha Butters of Brockwayville, Pa, and Daniel of Troy.  The funeral was held at Franklindale Sunday.

Susanna Bacon Kiff.
   Susanna Bascom, eldest daughter of Joseph an Amoretta Bascom, was born at Eat Troy, Pa., Jan. 19, 1814.  She was married in 1854 to John M. Kiff.  She was converted at an early age and united with the Methodist Episcopal church of which she had remained a faithful member.  Sister Kiff departed this life Oct. 11, 1915, after a long but patiently endured illness.  The funeral services were conducted from the home and Methodist Episcopal church of Ward township, by the Rev. Lawson Everts on Oct. 14.  A very large number of her relatives and old neighbors assembled to pay their last respects to the departed.  Those left of the immediate family are one daughter, Mrs. Jennie Green, and five sons—William and Delos Kiff of Armenia; Burton of Ward, Frank C. of Geneva, and George R. of Waterloo, N. Y.  One daughter, Metta D. Rolison died in 1910.

Volume LII, #45, Friday, November 12, 1915

Mrs. Wolcott (Elsie Dinsmore) Passes Away.
   Mrs. Kathryn L. O. F. Wolcott, who came to this section from Ohio with her son the late Marchant Wolcott and family in the spring of 1913, died suddenly last Friday morning at her home in Canton Street, aged 72 years.  Mrs. Wolcott had not been strong for some time.  She had difficulty with her heart on Thursday but was not thought to be in immediate danger.
   During the night her condition became alarming and at 4 o’clock she passed away.  Of a retiring disposition her circle of acquaintances was not large, but all who came in contact with her recognized a winning personality of unusual sweetness.  She had long been a communicant of the Episcopal church.  The funeral was held at St. Paul’s at 2 Sunday afternoon, the Rev. W. R. Holloway officiating.  Interment was in Glenwood cemetery by the side of her son, who died about two years ago.
   Besides a half brother, Joseph Finley at Orlando, Florida, she leaves five granddaughters, Cora Lee Wolcott at Cleveland, Ohio, and Misses Kathryn, Mildred, Martha and Nancy Wolcott of Troy.
    Mrs. Wolcott was a niece of Martha Finley, author of the Elsie books, and is believed to have been the original of Elsie in one of the stories.

(Local News)  Ote Johnson, shortstop idol of Elmira baseball fans, was fatally injured while hunting near Owego Tuesday afternoon and died soon after being taken to a hospital.  He stumbled and fell.  Both barrels of his gun were discharged into the abdomen.  It was his first hunting trip and he was warned by his wife as he left home to be careful.

(Local News)  Many friends will learn with sincere sorrow of the death of Mrs. Emory Pepper of Granville, who passed away on Monday from acute nephritis, leaving her husband and two children, the younger but two weeks old.

Volume LII, #46, Friday, November 19, 1915

(Leroy News)  Undertakers Harry and Rancy Morse attended the funeral Sunday at East Canton of Mrs. Emma Coburn, who died at Burlington Thursday evening.

(Leroy News)  Mrs. Minerva Dickinson died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Everill Storrs about 9 a. m., Monday.  She had been troubled with asthma and heart trouble for some time and her death came suddenly.  Mrs. Dickinson was about 78 years of age and had made her home with her daughter for a few years past and received the tenderest care.  She is survived by the daughter mentioned, two sons, Eugene of Granville and George, living in the state of Washington.  Several Grandchildren and great grandchildren.  The funeral and burial will be at Granville Center.

(Local News)  Mrs. Flora Campbell Summers died unexpectedly Wednesday noon at her home in High Street from acute nephritis, aged 19 years and 5 months.  She was the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Campbell and a member of the M. E. Church.  Two sisters also are living,  Mrs. Roy Nichols and Miss Arlene Campbell.  Her husband, Robert Summers is an employee of the Pennsylvania railroad.  The funeral is to be held from the home at 1 this afternoon.

(Local News)  Mrs. George Blackwell, formerly of Troy, died on Tuesday at her home in Syracuse.  Mrs. Blackwell’s girlhood name was Pruyne and she was from Burlington.  With her husband are left two sons, Maxwell Blackwell, a contractor of New York and Carlyle Blackwell, the actor who has appeared in moving picture productions in Troy.  The funeral is being held privately in Syracuse today and interment will be there.

Volume LII, #47, Friday, November 26, 1915

(Sylvania News)  Mrs. Minerva Bailey, a long time resident of Sylvania died recently at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Horace Wood in Troy.  The funeral services were held in the Disciple church Sylvania, on Sunday afternoon, Nov 14th, and were conducted by the pastor of the Wood family, Rev. A. C. Baldwin of Troy.  There was a large attendance of relatives and friends.

(This Week Thirty-seven Years Ago)  Died-Oct. 21, Mrs. Margaret Tymerson, of Troy, aged 52; Oct. 14, Lawarence Benson of Columbia township aged 20:  Elihu Smead, of Troy, aged 78 years.

Dropped Dead in Hotel.
   Guy Leonard, who has been employed by the Swayze Advertising Company since spring dropped over in a dying condition in the office of the Canton House on Friday evening, and expired almost instantly from heart failure.  He had been in his usual good health and had been chatting with friends during the evening and had no warning of the fatal attack.  The funeral services were held at the Church of Christ in Grover in charge of the Rev. Mr. Patterson.  He is survived by a mother, Mrs. Melvin Stevens, who resides in Canton.

(East Troy News)  Mr. James Edwin Gibbs died very suddenly at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Leon VanNoy, Saturday, Nov. 13, 1915, at the age of 73 years.  He was a man of kindly disposition.  He had lived here only a short time, coming from Illinois to make his home with his daughter.  He was a veteran of the Civil War in which he served three years.  The funeral was conducted by the Rev. R. E. Brague.  Interment was at Hilton Cemetery.

(Local News)  Mrs. Ezra L. Dicker, who died recently in Minneapolis, aged 73, leaves two sons in Minneapolis and three sisters in this county—Mrs. A. T. Pierce, Mrs. B. F. Myer and Miss Etta Bowman.

(Local News)  Mrs. F. J. Carroll of Pittsburg, Mrs. W. B. Kozer of near Milton and Fred T. Pearson of Rochester, were called to Troy the first of the week by the death of their father, George C. Pearson, who passed away at 9 o’clock Sunday evening, aged 73 years.  George Pearson, another son of San Francisco, was not here.  Mr. Pearson was a native of London, England.  He came to America forty-two years ago.  He located first at Antrim coming later to Troy.  For many years he was identified with building operations in this boro and vicinity.  Funeral services were held at St. John’s church at 2 Wednesday afternoon, followed by mass Thursday morning.  Interment was in St. John’s cemetery by the side of his wife.

(Local News)  The funeral of Mrs. Robert Summers from the home, last Friday, was largely attended.  Interment was at Columbia X Roads.

(Local News)  Mrs. Edward Sweatman, formerly of Towanda, committed suicide at her home Batavia, N. Y., by thrusting a bread knife into her jugular vein.  Deceased was 55 years old.  Her husband survives.

December 1915 issues missing