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Tri County Clippings- Troy Gazette Register 1918 - 1919 - Yesterday's News

Typed by Pat MOTT Gobea
These clippings from ancient and fragile newspapers stored above the Troy Gazette-Register office are being typed by Tri-County volunteers for presentation on site. Primarily we are preserving the neighborhood news columns and the obituary, marriage and birth information included in them. I intend also to include articles that show the influences on the lives and attitudes of our local populations at the time, and I will also illustrate the individual pages with ads from the era. Nothing is more revealing of lifestyle than the goods and services available.
The TGR covers the area of all townships surrounding Troy and many neighborhoods have a local column submitted, but not necessarily every week or even every year. 
Our thanks goes to the staff of the Troy Gazette-Register for giving us access to this valuable old news so that we can share it with you. There is no better way to understand the culture and customs of our old communities than by sifting through these clippings.  Even the names of some of these old communities have ceased to exist in today's world, but we have them captured and preserved here.  If you do not have the time to enjoy the luxury of sifting through clippings, these will be included in the Partitioned PICO Search Engine which you can reach from current What's New Page of the site. There is a partition just for the TGR Clippings.
Sylvania News
Troy Gazette – Register
Troy, Bradford County, PA
Joyce's Search Tip - August 2008 
Do You Know that you can search just the 239 pages of Troy Gazette-Register Clippings on the site by using the TGR Clippings button in the Partitioned search engine at the bottom of the Current What's New Page
You'll also find obituary and other newspaper clippings using the three county-level Obits by Cemetery buttons and the general Clippings Button. Additional clippings can be found in the Birth, Marriage, and some other partitions. 
Volume LV, #2, January 10, 1918

Walter Ruggles of Towanda, and Commissioner Ruggles of Sayre, visited their father, Arch Ruggles on Tuesday of last week.

Volume LV, #5, January 31, 1918

Mrs. F. Card, and son Thornton, and Mrs. W. G. Mosher spent Saturday in Elmira.

Volume LV, #6, February 7, 1918

Mrs. Cecile Strange is sick at the home of her mother, Mrs. D. D. Alexander.

Volume LV, #7, February 14, 1918

Mrs. Mildred Osborne of Elmira is visiting her father, James Williams on Mountain Street.

Volume LV, #9, February 28, 1918

Mr. and Mrs. Otis Cleveland and baby son, Grant Lester, of Elmira, are visiting Mrs. Cleveland’s father, A. L. Smith on North St.

Volume LV, #10, Thursday, March 7, 1918

Mrs. Sarah Cowan, who spent the winter with her son, James at Fassett, is at the beside of her sister, Mrs. Susan Hager.

Prof. G. B. Strait and son, Bennett of Mansfield, were over for the weekend with Mr. Strait’s mother, Mrs. O. C. Strait.

A very jolly birthday party in honor of Carl Hager was held at the home of his mother, Mrs. Lillian Hager on Friday evening of last week.

Mrs. R. R. Soper and daughter, Kathleen spent the end of last week in Elmira shopping and visiting.

Volume LV, #11, Thursday, March 14, 1918

Walter Mosher of Elmira, spent the last week with his brother, W. G. Mosher.

Volume LV, #14, Thursday, April 4, 1918

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Roloson of Himrod, N. Y. have been visiting their son, Glenn Roloson and his wife at “Hillcrest Farm.”

Charles and Harold Packard of Canton spent their Easter vacation with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Hager.

Volume LV, #17, Thursday, April 25, 1918

Mrs. Alice Soper and daughter, Kathleen spent the week-end with Elmira friends.

Mrs. Mary Card and grandson, Bowen Oliver Card, spent part of last week with Mrs. Denton Hawthorne at Windfall.

Otis Robbins of Sullivan spent several days last week with his grandmother, Mrs. O. F. Robbins.

Volume LV, #18, Thursday, May 2, 1918

Miss Louise Barnhart came over from the Normal to spend the weekend with her grandmother, Mrs. R. H. Burley at Altus.

Volume LV, #19, Thursday, May 9, 1918

Mrs. George Burdick is visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. B. O. Card.

Mrs. Arch Robbins and son, Arch, and Christina Robbins, spent Monday and Tuesday with Mrs. O. F. Robbins.

Joe Bailey made a short visit with his mother, Mrs. Etta Bailey.

Mrs. Lena McDowell of Syracuse, spent the week end with her father, Myron McDowell.

Mrs. Jerusha Worden is quite ill.  Her daughters, Mrs. Ripley and Mrs. Putnam are with her.

Mrs. C. E. Waldo has received word of the safe arrival over sears of her son, Fred Waldo, who sailed recently from an Atlantic Port, with Co. B., 4th infantry.

Volume LV, #21, Thursday, May 23, 1918

Mrs. F. L. Card and son, Thorton left on Friday of last week for a month’s visit to Mrs. Card’s brother, F. E. Burritt in St. Paul, Minn.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Patchen of Jersey Shore spent Sunday with Mrs. Fanny Waldo and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Soper.  Mr. Patchen is Mrs. Waldo’s brother.  He was formerly of Covington but now has one of the leading department stores in Jersey Shore.

Volume LV, #23, Thursday, June 6, 1918

Arch Ruggles returned to his home here on Tuesday evening after spending two weeks with his son, Walter in Towanda.

Volume LV, #24, Thursday, June 13, 1918

Mrs. John Pomeroy and children were recent visitors in the home of her mother, Mrs. O. F. Robbins and her grandfather, Arch Ruggles.

Volume LV, #27, Thursday, June 27, 1918

Mrs. Martha Slingerland was treated to a surprise party on Thursday of last week, the occasion being her 71st birthday.

Mrs. W. E. Waldo and daughter, Rosamond, Miss Jessie Jerome and her sister, Mrs. Harper, of Hiram College have come to “Mountain View Cottage” for the summer.

Volume LV, #27, Thursday, June 4, 1918

George T. Mosher came on Monday night for a month’s vacation from his duties at Girard College.  He expects to spend the greater part of the time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mosher.

Volume LV, #29, Thursday, July 18, 1918

R. T. Card of Buffalo, spent the 4th with his mother, Mrs. Anson Card, and his sister, Mrs. John Monro.

Mrs. Bessie Shipman and daughter, Edith are spending the week with Mrs. Shipman’s father, Willis Calkins, at Dubois, Mr. Calkins has bought a small estate just out of Lancaster and expects to move there next week.  He is to open a law office in Lancaster.

Volume LV, #30, Thursday, July 25, 1918

Ira and Jake Embrey, children of the late Gus Embrey, were taken to the I. O. O. F. Orphans’ Home at Sunbury on Saturday of  last week.

Reuben Gray and family of Grover were guests of Mrs. Florence Card on Sunday.  Mrs. Gray’s sister, Mrs. Sargeant and her husband, Royal Sargeant, were invited to have dinner with them.

Mrs. George Taylor of Farmers’ Valley spent the week with her son, M. H. Taylor and family.

Volume LV, #32, Thursday, August 8, 1918

J. S. Mosher, M. D., eldest son of Mrs. Martha Slingerland, is helping in a base hospital in France.

Volume LV, #33, Thursday, August 15, 1918

Walter Ruggles and daughter, Miss Dorothy visited Mr. Ruggles’ father, Arch Ruggles, and sister, Mrs. O. F. Robbins on Sunday.

Volume LV, #34, Thursday August 22, 1918

Mrs. Blanche Landon and daughter Lois, are visiting Mrs. O. C. Strait and daughter, Mrs. F. I. Bradford.  Mrs. Landon’s son, Norton, who has just joined the navy has come to maker her and other friends a visit before going to the Naval Training School.

Volume LV, #36, Thursday, September 5, 1918

Mrs. Anna K. Gusting spent the week-end with her son, Harold and his wife in Troy.

Volume LV, #38, Thursday, Thursday, September 19, 1918

Leon Otice VanNoy and son, Bono, spent last week at Syracuse and attended the fair.

Mrs. Mary Parke Rockwell of Rochester is spending some time with her mother-in-law, Mrs. Mary U. Rockwell.

Mrs. Anna Darrow and son, Howard, returned from Cambridge, N. Y., Sunday morning.  Mrs. Darrow’s sister, Mrs. Julia Austin with whom she has been this summer, died while she was there and Howard arrived just in time for the funeral as he went to accompany his mother home.

Volume LV, #41, Thursday, October 10, 1918

Mr. and Mrs. Guy McDowell of Chicago, have been visiting his father Myron McDowell during the past week.  Mrs. Lena McDowell of Syracuse, came for the week-end, with them.

Volume LV, #43, Thursday, October 24, 1918

Mrs. Finley Furman has leave of absence from her work in Washington until Flu conditions are better.  She came up from Washington on Sunday morning and is with her daughter, Mrs. Jesse Ripley

Volume LV, #45, Thursday, November 7, 1918

Ruth Geraldine and Wayne Alexander are with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Alexander on the Porter road during the illness of their mother.

Volume LV, #47, Thursday, November 21, 1918

Mrs. Sarah Cowan has gone to Fassett to spend the winter with her son, James Cowan.


Troy Gazette-Register
Troy, Bradford County, PA

Volume LVI, #1, Thursday, January 2, 1919

Prof. G. B. Strait and son Bennett of Mansfield, spent the vacation with Mrs. O. C. Strait.

George T. Mosher of Girard College, was home for a brief visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mosher.

R. T. Card is spending a little time with his mother, Mrs. Anson Card.

Volume LVI, #4, Thursday, January 23, 1919

Prof. F. W. Card of “Morningside Farm” spent last week in Institute work in Berks Co.  This week he went to address the Connecticut Polmological Society at Hartford.  After wards he went to Storrs, Conn., to visit his son, Prof. Leslie Card and family.

Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Mosher observed their 18th Wedding Anniversary.

Mrs. Finley Furman spent some days recently with her daughter, Mrs. Hal Wolfe.

Volume LVI, #7, Thursday, February 13, 1903

Mrs. Mary Card is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Dent. Hawthorne at Windfall.

Volume LVI, #10, Thursday, March 6, 1919

Edw. Bolt recently home from over seas spent last week with his sister, Mrs. Homer Austin.

Volume LVI, #11, Thursday, March 13, 1919

Harold and Leslie Daugherty were up from New York on a brief furlough to visit their sister Kathleen Soper and their grandmother and other relatives in Elmira.  Their ship was in port after quite a long voyage.

Volume LVI, #13, Thursday, March 27, 1919

L. H. Alexander and his son Leland are spending a week’s vacation visiting friends near Syracuse, N.Y.

Miss Anna Robbins of the T. H. S. spent the week-end with her grandmother, Mrs. O. F. Robbins.

Mrs. Arthur Crandle and daughter, Miss Modessa entertained a company of relatives last Thursday.

Norton Simmons only son of Mrs. Hetty B. Simmons had a sudden attack of illness, but seem to be improving.

Volume LVI, #15, Thursday April 10, 1919

Morris Whitlock has come to work the Stevens farm.  He is getting the house settled this week.  His mother, Mrs. L. D. Whitlock, came up with him to help him settle.

Volume LVI, #17, Thursday, April 24, 1919

Mr. B. McDowell has improved greatly in the past week.  He is able to be out doors but is not very strong yet.  His daughter, Mrs. Lena McDowell has returned to her duties in Syracuse.

Volume LVI, #19, Thursday, May 8, 1919

R. T. Card of Buffalo is visiting his mother, Mrs. Anson Card, and his sister, Mrs. Stella Monroe, at “Fairview Farm” on the Porter Road.

Prof. G. B. Strait and son Bennett of Mansfield spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Bradford.

Volume LVI, #21, Thursday, May 22, 1919

Mrs. Myrtie Hagar returned last week from a visit to her brother, Glenn Sigsbee, at North Bend, PA.

Walter Ruggles of Towanda and Orrin Ruggles, Troy Road visited their father Arch. Ruggles, on Sunday, Walter and Arch Robbins of Sullivan, visited their mother and grandfather, Mrs. O. F. Robbins and Arch Ruggles on Sunday afternoon.

Volume LVI, #23, Thursday, June 5, 1919

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doane and son George Duncan, of Pittsburg, PA spent Decoration Day with the Camerons.

Mrs. Webster of Pontiac, Mich. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ben Dann, at East View Farm.

Mrs. O. F. Robbins and her daughter, Mrs. John Pomeroy and family spent Sunday of last week with Arch Robbins and family in Sullivan.  The 25th was Mr. Robbins birthday anniversary so they were with him to help him celebrate.

Volume LVI, #24, Thursday, June 12, 1919

Rev. A. G. Cameron is planning to spend the month of July with relatives in Nova Scotia.  It is 12 years since he visited the land of his boy hood.  Many of his friends suffered severely in the great war.  Some of the Nova Scotia regiments were among the first over and had part in all the great engagements of the war.

Volume LVI, #25, Thursday, June 19, 1919

Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Soper and daughter Kathleen and Mrs. Fanny Waldo were called to Jersey Shore on Saturday last by the serious illness of Mrs. Waldo’s brother, Fred Patchen.  Mrs. Waldo is remaining some time.

Mrs. Betsey Mosher is visiting her brother, Marion Bordon this week.

Mrs. Furman goes to Lawrenceville the end of the week to visit her sister Miss Anna Buckbee who is ill.

Volume LVI, #26, Thursday, June 26, 1919

Prof. and Mrs. F. W. Card were at Cornell Commencement.  Their son Dana is one of the graduates.

Volume LVI, #28, Thursday, July 10, 1919

Misses Margaret and Mabel Ames, Mrs. Julia Ames, and grandchildren Julia and Ames Johnson of Philadelphia came last week for the summer months.

Miss Vivian Mosher was a recent guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Martha Slingerland.

Volume LIV, #29, Thursday, July 17, 1919

Miss Nan Sweet of Williamsport is visiting her mother and her brother, Dummer Sweet.

Misses Anna Robbins and Christene Robbins spent Tuesday with their grandmother, Mrs. O. F. Robbins.

Volume LVI, #30, Thursday, July 24, 1919

Orrin Ruggles spent a couple of days last week with his father, A. Ruggles and sister, Mrs. Robbins.

Volume LVI, #21, Thursday, July 31, 1919

Mrs. Fanny Waldo who has been spending several weeks in the home of her brother, F. W. Patchen, during his last illness, returned home on Saturday.

Mrs. R. R. Soper and W. G. Mosher attended the funeral of Mrs. Soper’s uncle, F. W. Patchen, which was held in Covington on Saturday.

Volume LVI, #32, Thursday, August 7, 1919

Glen Mosher is spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mosher.  He arrived Thursday afternoon having driven from Philadelphia in his new touring car.

Mrs. O. F. Robbins and father are spending the week in Sayre with her brother, John Ruggles.

Mrs. Harry Strange is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Alexander.

Mrs. Elton Landon and son Norton are visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Bradford.

Miss Eloise Mosher of Elmira is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mosher.

Volume LVI, #34, Thursday, August 21, 1919

Leon M. Atwood and daughter Louise were visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Bradford and other friends the earl part of the week.

Mrs. R. R. Soper and daughter Kathleen spent the weekend in Elmira.

Mrs. Mitchell and daughter Elizabeth of Washington, D. C. are visiting Mrs. Mitchell's sister, Mrs. James Nash.

Volume LVI, #35, Thursday, August 28, 1919

Harry Atwood of Black Walnut, Pa. visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Bradford just week.  He and his sister, Miss Louise, who had been spending a few days there before he came returned to their home the end of the week.

Prof. G. B. Strait and daughter Julia, Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Bradford and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bradford attended the Ayres reunion in Elmira last Wednesday.

Dr. J. S. Mosher and family of Williamsport visited his mother, Mrs. Martha Slingerland on Sunday.

Volume LVI, #36, Thursday, September 4, 1919

Mrs. A. F. Holmes and daughter Hazel and Mrs. J. F. Holmes and baby of Brooklyn, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Biddle and children of Albany, N.Y.; Mrs. A. D. Biddle and Mr. Claude Biddle of Canton, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strange of Corning, N.Y. were at D. D. Alexander’s on Sunday.

Mrs. Royal Sargeant and son Russell spent the weekend at Grover with Mrs. Sargeant’s sister, Mrs. Reuben Gray and family.

Volume LVI, #38, Thursday, September 18, 1919

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hager of Jersey Shore spent a few days last week with their cousin, Martin Hager and family at “Hillcrest Farm.”

Archibald Ruggles spent part of last week with his grandson, Arch Robbins in Sullivan.

Mrs. O. F. Robbins visited her daughter Mrs. John Pomeroy last week and attended the Troy fair.

Mrs. Finley Furman of Washington, D.C., is up on a brief visit.  She is spending the week with her sister in Lawrenceville.  Catherine Furman goes back with her to attend school in the city.

Volume LVI, #39, Thursday, September 25, 1919

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thayer and son Carl, of Ivy, Va., who have been visiting Mrs. Thayer’s sister, Mrs. Myron McDowell, and friends, left for their home this week.

Volume LVI, #40, Thursday, October 2, 1919

Mrs. William Howland of Athens, Pa., visited her uncle, Martin Hager at Hillcrest farm last week and attended the W.C.T.U. Convention.  She won the gold medal at the speaking contest on Thursday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Bolt spent part of the summer with Mr. Bolt’s sister, Mrs. Amanda Austin.

Mrs. Fanny Waldo is in Sayre visiting her son Fred who is in the Packer hospital for treatment.

Mr. and Mrs. Cola Hager drove to South Renova to spend some time with Mrs. Hager’s brother, Glenn Sigsbee and family.

Volume LVI, #42, Thursday, October 16, 1919

Mrs. Martha Scouten, Miss Fanny Scouten and Mrs. A. A. Garman attended the funeral of Edward Doane in Mansfield on Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Abbie McDowell spent a few days recently with Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Bradford.  She is at present visiting her daughter, Mrs. D. B. York at “Brookside Farm”, Troy.

Volume LVI, #43, Thursday, October 23, 1919

Thomas Clements and Mrs. Elizabeth Sherman, of Cazenovia, N.Y., the father and sister of Mrs. F. W. Card, are visiting her at “Morningside Farm”.

Volume LVI, #44, Thursday October 30, 1919

Mr. and Mrs. George Packard and sons Robert and Martin of Williamsport spent a few days last week at “Hillcrest Farm.”

Mrs. Roy Soper and son Rexford spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Wright at Austinville.

Volume LVI, #46, Thursday, November 13, 1919

Prof. G. B. Strait and Bennett spent the week end with his sister, Mrs. Bradford.

Mrs. Henry Cornell is spending the week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Harris in Sayre.

Volume LVI, #48, Thursday, November 27, 1919

Prof. G. B. Strait and son Bennett were over from the Normal for the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Bradford.

Volume LVI, #49, Thursday, December 4, 1919

The Robbins families of Sullivan spent Thanksgiving with their mother, Mrs. O. F. Robbins, and grandfather, Arch Ruggles.

Volume LVI, #51, Thursday, December 18, 1919

Mrs. John W. Pomeroy spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. O. F. Robbins.

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 09 NOV 2003
1919 ADDED 25 AUG 2008
By Joyce M. Tice