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Joyce's Search Tip - February 2010 
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From Newspaper Records from Tioga County PA , Volume Compiled 1988 - Previously Unpublished, Births, Deaths & Marriages abstracted from the Mansfield Advertiser 1883, 1884, 1891, 1892 by Mary Kingsley.  All data copied from newspaper file as it appeared in the record using their spelling. 

Copies sent by James Streeter, Retyped by Pat Mott Gobea, Formatted and published by Joyce M .Tice 2011

1891 Births 1891Marriages 1891 Deaths one 1891 Deaths two Return to Volume Table of Contents More Marriages
Note - Date is date of newspaper edition, NOT date of event.
1891 24-Jun M Aldrich, Verne Verne Aldrich & Miss Ella White, Elkland, m. Elmira, N.Y. last Wednesday
1891 21-Oct M Andrews, Elisha Elisha Andrews & Marie Smith, both of Jackson Twp., m. at Lindley, N.Y. 8 October
1891 18-Nov M Armour, Virgil M. Virgil M. Armour, Morrisville, N.Y. & Miss M. Louise Bentley to be m. 3 Dec. Mansfield by Rev. Keppel
1891 11-Feb M Avery, F.C. F. C. Avery, Roseville & Miss Ada L. Hall, Sullivan Twp., m. at State Line, N.Y., Feb. 1
1891 17-Jun M Ayers, Mr. Mr. Ayers of Galeton & Miss Mary Mitchell of Jackson Twp. to be m. today
1891 8-Jul M Bailey, Burr R. Burr R. Bailey, Mansfield & Mary E. Gee, Tioga, m. Hornellsville, N.Y. 30 June at res. Of his sis. Mrs. George Hollands by Rev. Platt
1891 22-Apr M Bailey, Carl Edwin Carl Edwin Bailey of Elkland & Miss __ Cross of Herkimer Co., N.Y. to be m. this week
1891 25-Feb M Bailey, Frank H. Frank H. Bailey, Mansfield & Miss Myrtle L. Welliver, Wellsboro, m. Elmira, N.Y. Jan. 31 by Rev. Henry
1891 25-Feb M Bailey, L.L. L. L. Bailey & Miss Carrie Hastings, both of Wellsboro, m. there Thursday by Rev. Cornell
1891 4-Feb M Bailey, Lucy & Laura Lucy & Laura Bailey, daus. Of Julius M. of E. Charleston to be m. tomorrow to Frank H. Rockwell, Wellsboro and Peter L. Abrahms, E. Charleston
1891 11-Mar M Baxter, Ernest C. Ernest C. Baxter of Nelson & Miss Frances Chapman of Addison, N.Y. m. at Addison last Thursday
1891 14-Oct M Beach, Charles Charles Beach, Ithaca, N.Y. & Miss Mamie Hutchinson, Blossburg m. 4 Oct. in Ithaca
1891 2-Sep M Beach, E. W. E. W. Beach Mansfield & Miss Libbie Hosier, Wellsboro, m. Lindley, N.Y. 22 August
1891 18-Mar M Bement, Mr. Mr. Bement & Miss Ettie Smith of Elk Run m. "some time ago". He from Reynoldsville, N.Y.
1891 23-Sep M Benger, John John Benger of Corning, N.Y. & Miss Esther Williams m. at her home, Blossburg, last Thursday
1891 9-Sep M Bennett, Dan W. Dan W. Bennett, Wellsboro & Miss Gertrude Knapp, Nelson, m. Tuscarora, N.Y. 1 Sept.
1891 5-Aug M Birkett, Daniel M. Daniel M. Birkett & Frances M. Painter, both of Mansfield, m. last Thurs. Savona, N.Y. by Rev. Mallor
1891 4-Nov M Blackwell, Ede. H. Ede H. Blackwell, Elmira, N.Y. & Miss Mame Manners of Waverly, N.Y. m. 4 Nov. by Rev. Thorpe. He son of Enoch Blackwell, Nasfield. She sis of V. C. Manners, Waverly. (See also Nov. 11)
1891 16-Sep M Blanchard, William A.  William A. Blanchard & Miss Annie Wilcox, both of Covington, m. Elmira, N.Y. 6 Sept.
1891 23-Sep M Bower, Stephen Stephen Bower, Blossburg & Miss Escott, Charleston, m. at Blossburg (no date)
1891 8-Jul M Brown, Dr. Barton Dr. Barton Brown, Wellsboro & Miss Sadie Cohick, Williamsport to be m. this evening
1891 2-Sep M Brown, H. F. H. F. Brown, Corning, N.Y. & Miss Grace L. Langdon m. Mansfield "today" by Rev. Keppel. She dau. O. Langdon
1891 25-Feb M Brown, Ward B. Ward B. Brown, Elmira, N.Y. & Miss Emily Hodgson, Mansfield, m. today at Troy. She dau. Rev. Hodgson
1891 30-Sep M Bruey, Amiel Amiel Bruey, Landrus & Miss Sarah Doolittle, Blossburg, m. 23 Sept. Lawrenceville, by Rev. Van Keuren
1891 30-Sep M Bryant, Charles M. Charles M. Bryant, Blossburg & Miss Agnes Bunn, same, m. 24 Sept. Lawrenceville by Rev. Van Keuren
1891 11-Nov M Buck, Frank Frank Buck of Mansfield & Miss Sadie Richmod, m. last Sunday Lindley, N.Y. She foster dau. Dayton Richmond, Sylvania
1891 21-Oct M Buckley, George George Buckley & Miss Rachel Strait, both of Westfield, m. Troupsburg, N.Y. (no date)
1891 22-Apr M Burnham, D. C. D. C. Burnham & Miss Addie E. Curtis to be m. 30 April in Mansfield
1891 6-May M Burnham, DeWitt C. DeWitt C. Burnham & Miss Addie C. Curtis m. Mansfield 30 April by Rev. Keppel. She sis of Mrs. David Keppel
1891 7-Jan M Butler, G.M. G. M. Butler, Copp Hollow & Miss Phoebe Ferguson, of Covington, m. her home Jan. 1, 1891
1891 24-Jun M Butler, Harvey M. Harvey M. Butler, Farmington & Miss Martha L. Gee, same, m. Lawrenceville 14 June by Rev. Van Keuren
1891 19-Aug M Butler, Marcius A. Marcius A. Butler & Miss Mary Jane Cooley, both of Delmar Twp. m. Wellsboro 10 Aug. by Rev. Boyce
1891 2-Sep M Cady, Alfred Alfred Cady, Elkland & Miss Jennie Selph, Osceola, m. at George Tubbs' in Osceola 23 Aug. by Rev. Moon
1891 14-Jan M Cady, Erastus Erastus Cady, Elkland & Mrs. Julia Sprague, Covington, m. Addison, N.Y. Jan. 7 by Rev. Blude
1891 30-Sep M Cameron, William William Cameron & Maggie Williams, Wellsboro, m. Elmira, N.Y. last Tuesday by Rev. Henry. He son of David Cameron, she dau. Late Orrin Williams
1891 14-Jan M Campbell, Archie Archie Campbell & Miss Adelaide Whittaker, both of Elkland, m. Dansville, N.Y. Dec. 30, 1890
1891 25-Feb M Carptenter, G. Frank G. Frank Carpenter, Academy Corners & Miss Mame Harrison, Lindley, N.Y. m. Feb. 18 at Lawrenceville by Rev. VanKeuren
1891 21-Jan M Carptenter, P. T. P. T. Carpenter m. recently to ___ from Little Marsh
1891 29-Dec M Carroll, Rev. P. P. Rev. P. P. Carroll & Miss Carrie Olive Faulkner, formerl of Mansfield to be m. 31 Dec. at her mother's, Mrs. U. V. Fauklner, Marionville, Mo.
1891 11-Nov M Carter, Reuben L. Reuben L. Carter of Corning, N.Y. & Ida M. Bennett, Lawrenceville m. (no date)
1891 10-Jun M Chambers, Charles N. Charles N. Chambers of Nelson & Miss Anna Beach, Farmington Center m. at Addison, N.Y. 25 May
1891 9-Sep M Chappell, John C.  John C. Chappell & Mrs. Ellen A. Robertson, both of Knoxville, m. Troupsburg, N.Y. 2 Sept. by Rev. Van Frudenburgh
1891 16-Sep M Clark, Burr Burr Clark, Corning, N.Y. & Miss Eva Lucas m. Lawrenceville last Sat. She dau. L. B. Lucas, Mainesburg; he former res. Of Mansfield
1891 30-Sep M Clark, Lewis S. Lewis S. Clark, Osceola & Myrtie Ball, Corning, N.Y. m. 16 Sept. Addison, N.Y.
1891 2-Sep M Coe, Burt R. Burt R. Coe & Leila Husted of Covington, m. her home last week Tues. by Rev. White. She dau. Joseph Husted
1891 16-Sep M Colby, Harvey Harvey Colby, Wells, N.Y. & Miss Laura Cleveland, Sullivan Twp. m. Elmira, N.Y. 27 Aug.
1891 21-Oct M Cole, Rev. C. W. Rev. C. W. Cole, Wysox & Miss Maud M. Beardsely, Rutland Twp., m. 30 Sept. at res. S. S. Watson, Towanda, PA
1891 8-Jul M Cole, Thomas F. Thomas F. Cole, Bath, N.Y. & Miss Rose Z. Clark, Somers Lane, m. Lawrenceville 4 July by Rev. Van Keuren
1891 20-May M Coon, Fred Fred Coon, Knoxville & Miss Ethel French, Chatham Twp., m. 5 May. She dau. John French
1891 27-May M Coon, Fred Fred Coon, Westfield & Miss Ethel French m. (see 5/20)
1891 21-Jan M Crippen, Rush Rush Crippen & Lottie Seeley m. Rutland Twp. (no date)
1891 18-Mar M Daily, Henry Henry Daily, Lawrenceville * Miss Minnie Mosier, Lathrops, m. at Lawrenceville Mar. 15 by Rev. Van Keuren
1891 25-Mar M Daniels, Frank Frank Daniels & Miss Laura Rhodimer of Lawrenceville m. last Thursday
1891 18-Feb M Dartt, Robert T. Robert T. Dartt, Mansfield & Mansfield & Miss Flora Sherman, Schodac, to be m. today by Rev. Keppel, Mansfield
1891 9-Dec M Davidson, Lewis T. Lewis T. Davidson, Stokesdale & Miss Ella Hamm, Delmar Twp., to be m. in January
1891 23-Sep M Davis, George George Davis, Middlebury & Miss M. Reese, Charleston, m. 16 Sept.
1891 7-Jan M Davis, Harry Harry Davis of Blossburg & Miss Helen Clemons, same, m. last Saturday at her home
1891 7-Jan M Dewey, Herbert Herbert Dewey of Catlin Hollow & Miss Minnie A. Smith of E. Charleston m. her home Dec. 24, 1890 by Rev. Decker
1891 21-Oct M Dewey, Wallace L. Wallace L. Dewey & Miss Emma A. Baity, both of Sullivan Twp., m. Mainesburg 14 Oct. by Rev. Warner
1891 13-May M Dimmick, Orville H. Orville H. Dimmick & Minnie B. Herritt, both of Gaines, m. May 1
1891 8-Jul M Dobbs, Luther M. Luther M. Dobbs, Wellsboro & Mary J. Spence, Antrim m. Elmira, N.Y. 1 July
1891 5-Aug M Doumaux, Louis Louis Doumaux, Wellsboro, & Miss Clara Daugherty, Harbor Mills, PA m. 19 June
1891 27-May M Downing, William William Downing, Binghamton, N.Y. & Miss Encie Lamb, Corning, N.Y. m. in Corning 20 May by Rev. Perkins. She dau. G. A. Lamb, Lambs Creek
1891 30-Sep M Dyer, Charles Charles Dyer, Slate Run & Miss Dora Campbell, Renovo, m. 18 Sept, Lawrencevile, by Rev. Van Keuren
1891 21-Oct M Edgcomb, Ira M. Ira M. Edgcomb, Knoxville & Mrs. Adeline K. Stebbins, Sabinsville, married (no date)
1891 16-Sep M Edgerton, Frank Frank Edgerton & Sarah Whitney, both of Sullivan Twp., m. 6 Sept. at Lawrenceville
1891 4-Nov M Edwards, Fred Fred Edwards & Miss Lena M. Scott m. at res. Her mother, Mrs. Russell Crandall, Osceola, no date
1891 27-May M Eick, Fred Fred Eick, Westfield & Miss Hattie Labar, Troupsburg, N.Y. m. (no date or place)
1891 20-May M Ellers, Fred Fred Ellers, Mansfield & Miss Ella Wheeler, same, m. Elmira, N.Y. 19 May
1891 6-May M Ellis, Arthur Arthur Ellis, Westfield & Jennie A. Pierce, Jasper, N.Y. to be m. (See 5/13 -m. May 6)
1891 7-Jan M Ely, N. E. N. E. Ely & Miss Della Kendrick, both of Covington, m. "over a year ago" - just announced
1891 23-Sep M Evans, T.A. T. A. Evans, Blossburg & Nellie Bowen, Charleston, m. Elmira, N.Y. (no date)
1891 21-Jan M Farrer, John E.  John E. Farrer & Miss Kittie I. Elliott, both of Mansfiel to be m. tomorrow her home, by Rev. Moon. She dau. O. V. Elliott
1891 1-Apr M Farrer, Thomas D. (formerly of Mansfield) and Miss Edith M. Strait m. last April 14, (1890), to live in Colorado
1891 1-Jul M Field, Horace Horace Field of Wellsboro & Miss Katharine B. Crawford, Holmdel, N.J. m. her home last Thurs.
1891 14-Jan M Finch, Walter E. Walter E. Finch, Cherry Flats & Miss Sarah Gillett, same, m. Lawrenceville Dec. 23, 1890 by Rev. Van Keuren
1891 1-Apr M Fitzpatrick, Joe Joe Fitzpatrick of Mansfield to be m. next week, son of Daniel
1891 22-Jul M Flanders, Mildred Mildred and Nellie Flanders of Osceola m. 4 July at Hedgersville, N.Y. to Fred Bullock and Frank Elliott, same
1891 15-Dec M Fleitz, Fred W. Fred W. Fleitz, Scranton & Miss Clara Mitchell, Wellsboro, to be m. tomorrow. She dau. Judge John I. Mitchell
1891 7-Jan M Fletcher, William H. William H. Fletcher & Miss Edith Petrie, both of Charleston, m. Wellsobor Dec. 23, 1890
1891 3-Jun M French, Henry J. Henry J. French, Jackson Twp., & Martha E. Walker, Elk Run, m. 24 May her home by C. W. Kelley, Esq.
1891 22-Jul M Furman, Frank Frank Furman & Bertha Hardenbush of Crooked Creek eloped. She is 14
1891 13-May M Galleghar, Michael Michael Galleghar & Miss Ella Haragan, both of Knoxville, m. Wellsboro 30 April
1891 4-Feb M Gardner, Judson T. Judson T. Gardner, Saginaw, Mich. & Miss Cora Boom, Knoxville, m. recently
1891 1-Jul M Garretson, Charles Charles Garretson, Daggett's Mills & Miss __ of Mansfield m. at Mansfield by Rev. Keppel. She sis. Mrs. E. N. Bentley
1891 1-Jul M Gillett, Eugene Eugene Gillett & Lillian Brock, Knoxville, m. 19 June
1891 9-Sep M Gleason, Thomas S. Thomas S. Gleason Osceola & Selinda S. Cady, Pleasant Valley, m. her home 30 Aug.
1891 7-Jan M Goodall, Lewis Lewis Goodall of Richmond Twp. & Miss Mary Marvin of Covington m. Dec. 31, 1890 by Rev. Blair. She dau Levi
1891 22-Dec M Goodwin, Benjamin Benjamin Goodwin, Westfield & Louise Davis, Austinburg, m. Wellsboro, no date
1891 2-Sep M Graham, Joseph Joseph Graham & Cora Mitchell, Jackson Twp., m. Lindley, N.Y. 27 August
1891 10-Jun M Gray, Lafayette Lafayette Gray of Gray Valley & Mrs. Letta Baker of Rutland Twp. m. some time ago
1891 13-May M Grover, Leonard F. Leonard F. Grover, Buffalo, N.Y. & Mrs. Eva L. Blenis, Mansfield, to be m. today in Elmira, N.Y. she nee Holden
1891 29-Dec M Grover, Otis G. Otis G. Grover, Delmar Twp. & Miss Edith M. Plumley m. Wellsboro Dec. 28
1891 8-Apr M Hakes, Dr. S. P.,  Dr. S. P. Hakes, Tioga & Miss May Cole m. in Hammond last Thursday. She dau. A. C. Cole
1891 1-Apr M Hall, Ross Ross Hall, Addison, N.Y. & Minnie Perry, Osceola, m. Mar. 25 her home
1891 8-Jul M Hall, Will Will Hall & Miss Hattie Pierce, both of Roseville, m. abt. 3 weeks ago
1891 28-Oct M Hammond, Lewis G., formerly of Elkland & Anna Groff, Reed City, Mich. M. 8 Oct. in Reed City
1891 17-Jun M Hanyen, Fred C. Fred C. Hanyen of Roseville & Minnie E. Roberts of Lenoxville, PA m. her home 16 June
1891 8-Jul M Harrington, DeWitt C. DeWitt C. Harrington & Miss Saide Kimball, Wellsboro, m. June 18 at Watkins (N.Y.?)
1891 7-Jan M Harvey, Niven L. Niven L. Harvey & Viola A. Cleveland of Mainesburg m. last Wed. at Lindley, N.Y.
1891 16-Sep M Harvey, Willard Willard Harvey & Rosa Graves m. 7 Sept. She dau. Of Josiah Graves, Covington
1891 15-Dec M Havey, James James Harvey, Mansfield & Mrs. Eugenia Dewey, Wellsburg, N.Y. m. at her home 9 Dec.
1891 25-Mar M Hawkins, Walter W. Walter W. Hawkins, Little Marsh & Mrs. Martha Doane, same, m. Lawrenceville Mar. 18 by Rev. VanKeuren
1891 12-Aug M Hitchcock, A. B. A. B., Hitchock, Knoxville & Miss Ola Woodbury m. last Wednesday
1891 15-Jul M Holmes, Prof. George Prof. George Holmes, Harrison Valley & Miss Alice Mason, Woodhull, N.Y. m. 4 July
1891 22-Apr M Holton, Eugene Eugene Holton & Miss Sarah Gilbert m. last Wed. (Roseville?)
1891 16-Sep M Horton, Daniel I. Daniel I. Horton & Miss Rosie Trowbridge of Jackson Twp. m. recently by Rev. Meeker
1891 26-Aug M Horton, Thomas C. Thomas C. Horton, New York City, & Miss Eva M. Haight of Mainesburg to be m. 2 Sep. She dau. A.M. Haight. (See also 9/9 -m. by Rev. King)
1891 18-Nov M Howe, J. F. J. F. Howe, Bradford (N.Y.?) & Luella Howe of Mansfield m. 20 Sept. at Limeston, N.Y.
1891 15-Dec M Ingalls, William William Ingalls & Kate Rumsey m. last Sat. (Mainesburg?)
1891 4-Nov M Ingerick, Mr. Mr. Ingerick & Mrs. Ingerick m. Little Marsh recently
1891 7-Oct M Inscho, Charles Charles Inscho, Tioga Junction & Miss Susie Herald, Liberty, m. 27 Sept. at Lindley, N.Y.
1891 22-Dec M Jones, Enoch Enoch Jones, Blossburg & Fannie Hage, Williampsort, to be m.
1891 22-Dec M Jones, Prof. T. P. Prof. T. P. Jones & Miss Edith L. Shaw, both of Mansfield to be m. tomorrow. She dau. F. M. Shaw 0 12-30 -m. Mansfield 24 Dec. by Rev. Damon
1891 29-Dec M Keene, William E. William E. Keene & Miss Josie Collins m. Wellsboro last Sat. at home of Sidney Roe by Justice R. K. Young. Keene formerly of Mansfield
1891 2-Sep M Kelley, James James & Minnie R. Ingalls of Cherry Flats m. 19 Aug. in Knoxville
1891 7-Oct M Kerwan, Michael Michael Kerwan & Miss Lizzie Cusick, Blossburg, m. last Wed.
1891 16-Sep M Kilbourne, Edward Edward Kilbourne of DuBois, PA & Miss Anna Gilmour of Morris Run m. her home (no date). He native of Covington
1891 6-May M Kimball, Ernest A. Ernest A. Kimball, Elkland, & May L. Davis, Westfield m. 23 April
1891 18-Nov M Knowlton, Matthew S. Matthew S. Knowlton & Miss Martha R. Marvin m. her home, Blossburg 11 Nov. by Rev. Tracy
1891 4-Feb M Lcurttenden, Laura E. Laura E. Cruttenden Charleston & James Copeland of Bluff City, KA m. her home Jan. 28 by Rev. Decker. She dau. Spencer C.
1891 16-Sep M Lewis, W.H. W. H. Lewis, Osceola & Mrs. Geomine Parker, Elmira, N.Y. m. (no date)
1891 8-Jul M Lewis, William William Lewis & Miss Alice Pierson, Antrim m. last Friday at her home by Rev. DuHamel
1891 3-Jun M Libey, Arthur A. Arthur A. Libey, Mainesburg & Miss Tillie E. Maine, same, m. Elmira, N.Y. last Week
1891 22-Jul M Lindsley, James James Lindsley, Blossburg & Miss Myra Colony, Mansfield, m. Blossburg 14 July
1891 8-Apr M Long, Ray Ray Long & Miss Josie Seeley of Farmington m. Mar. 28 by S. I. Hayes, Crooked Creek
1891 1-Apr M Lutes, Charles Charles Lutes & Miss Ollie Watkins, Covington, m. recently in Williamsport
1891 8-Apr M Maddin, Mr. Mr. Maddin, Wellsboro & Miss Ella Ives m. (no date, she dau. Of Mrs. Rowland, Crooked Creek
1891 20-May M Magee, Elihugh D. Elihugh D. Magee, Osceola, & Miss France M. Flynn, Bath, N.Y. m. Corning, N.Y. 11 May
1891 1-Jul M Mann, Lewis Lewis Mann & Anna Keyes, Tioga, m. (no date)
1891 18-Nov M Mannix, Daniel Daniel Mannix & Miss Libbie Myers, both of Arnot, to be m. "soon" (see also 11/25)
1891 15-Apr M Marvin, Charles Charles Marvin of Covington m. last Saturday to Ona Robinson of Covington. (See also 4/22)
1891 28-Oct M Marvin, R. T.  R. T. Marvin & Tillie Anderson of Covington m. last Wed. in Elmira, N.Y.
1891 13-May M Marvin, S. T. S. T. Marvin & Mrs. A. J. (Clara) Watkins, both of Covington, m. Elmira, N.Y. 5 May
1891 9-Dec M Mathers, William J. William J. Mathers & Miss Grace Ludlow to be m. 14 Dec. Wellsboro. She dau. Capt. George A. Ludlow
1891 22-Apr M McCarty, Daniel Daniel McCarty & Sarah Fischler, both of Delmar Twp., m. in Wellsboro (no date). She dau. John F.
1891 11-Feb M McCloskey, Frank Frank McCloskey of Corning, N.Y. & Mary Kane of Stokesdale m. (no date)
1891 18-Mar M McCrumb, Thurston Thurston McCrumb, Eagle, Mich. & Miss Amy Robbins of Mansfield m. March 17 in Mansfield by Rev. Keppel. She dau. Of J. M. Robbins.
1891 25-Feb M McInroy, Walter F. Walter F. McInroy, Canoe Camp & Miss Stella M. Whittaker, same, m. Feb. 21 by Rev. VanKeuren
1891 18-Feb M McIntyre, George L. George L. McIntyre Painted Post, N.Y. & Miss Dorcia M. Colegrove, Westfield, m. her home Feb. 11
1891 19-Aug M McKernan, John John McKernan & Miss Josie LeBarron, both of Mardin, m. Wellsboro 4 July
1891 14-Oct M Meaker, E. F. E. F. Meaker, formerly of Elmira, N.Y. & Miss Julia Hyland, formerly of Mansfield m. 6 Oct. Chicago, Ill.
1891 20-May M Mock, William H. William H. Mock & Miss Nell Holcomb, both of Roaring Branch, m. Elmira, N.Y. 17 May by Rev. Henry
1891 21-Oct M Mosher, Frank S. Frank S. Mosher & Miss Juila Marmour m. 15 Oct. her home, Academy Corners
1891 4-Nov M Mudge, Menzo A. Menzo A. Mudge of Sullivna Twp. & Mrs. Ruth Welch of Mansfield m. 4 Nov. in Mainesburg
1891 10-Jun M Newell, Ernest G. of Mansfield & Miss Blanche Forrest of Mainesburg m. last Sunday in Elmira, N.Y. by Rev. Pearce. He son of Ferdinand Newell
1891 14-Oct M Nichols, Samuel,  Samuel Nichols, Tuscarora, N.Y. & Miss Jessie Aldrich, Nelson, m. at Nelson, no date
1891 29-Jul M O'Lay, James James O'Lay & Eliza Plaster, Niles Valley, m. last Sat.
1891 25-Nov M Owen, Frank Frank Owen & Selina Jorden of Elkland m. recently in Addison, N.Y.
1891 16-Sep M Owlett, E. H. E. H. Owlett, Wellsboro & Miss Ida Wells, formerly of Wellsboro, m. Kansas City, MO 1 Sept.
1891 7-Jan M Park, L.T. L. T. Park, Wellsboro, & Miss Bessie Button, Stokesdale, m. Corning, N.Y. Dec. 25, 1890 by Rev. Bacon
1891 28-Jan M Patterson, John D. John D. Paterson, Maple Hill & Miss Amy Bacon, Cherry Flats, m. Lawrenceville Jan. 21 by Rev. Van Keuren
1891 21-Oct M Poley, Lewis Lewis Poley, Elkland & Jennie Murdough, Knoxville, m. 2 Oct.
1891 12-Aug M Porter, John John Porter, Canisteo, N.Y. & Cora Mourhess, Knoxville m. 24 July Troupsburg, N.Y.
1891 30-Sep M Pratt, Fred H. Fred H. Pratt & Miss Stella Snover to be m. tomorrow in Richmond Twp. She dau. Guy Snover
1891 29-Apr M Preston, Francis P. Francis P. & Mary DeCoursey of Union Twp. m. at Blossburg Apr. 22
1891 14-Jan M Randall, Ralph W. Ralph W. Randall & Miss Georgie Murray, both of Union Twp. m. there. She dau. Jane B. Murray
1891 13-May M Ray, J. D. J. D. Ray, Knoxville & Mrs. Emma Bowen, Osceola, m. 7 May
1891 15-Apr M Reep, Willis Willis Reep & Miss Edna Barker, Lawrence Corners, m. Crooked Creek 5 April by Rev. Stratton
1891 15-Jul M Reynolds, Daniel W. Daniel W. Reynolds, Rutland Twp. & Miss Harriet A. Newell, Union Twp., m. at Gleason 9 July by Rev. Crowl
1891 28-Jan M Reynolds, Lyman L. Lyman L. Reynolds & Miss Blache A. DeWitt of Sullivan Twp. m. Jan. 22 at her grandmother's (Mrs. Mary DeWitt) by Rev. Warner
1891 9-Dec M Richards, Ward F. Ward F. Richards, Nelson & Miss Nellie C. Nares, Corning, N.Y. to be m. 17 Dec.
1891 16-Sep M Richards, Will F. Will F. Richards, Covington Twp. & Miss Florence Dehaas, Beech Creek, m. her home 3 Sept. He son Stephen F.
1891 15-Jul M Roe, Charles F. Charles F. Roe & Nettie Whitmarsh, both of Elkland, m. at James Whitmarsh's, Westfield, 8 July
1891 6-May M Rorapaugh, Merton G. Merton G. Rorapaugh, Westfield & Miss Maggie L. Stauffer, Mainessburg m. her home 3 May by Rev. Frick
1891 11-Nov M Rose, Nelson Nelson Rose & Ella Smith of Towanda m. at State Line by Rev. Meeker
1891 1-Apr M Rumsey, Barton Barton Rumsey of Sullivan Twp. & Mrs. Lizzie Rumsey of Mainesburg m. Mansfield last Friday by Rev. Keppel
1891 2-Dec M Sands, F. E. F. E. Sands & Miss May Furman m. at L. N. Tinkham's, Sylvania, Thurs. by Rev. Frick
1891 15-Jul M Seamans, Ray Ray Seamans, Westfield & Jennie Knight, Harrison Valley m. (no date)
1891 7-Oct M Sears, W.E. W. E. Sears, Mansfield & Miss Lou Gernert, Austinville m. last night at her home. She dau. Ray Gernert
1891 1-Jul M Shaw, Elmer Elmier Shaw & Florence Tears of Elk Run, m. not long ago.
1891 30-Sep M Sheerar, Dr. E. Vinton Dr. E. Vinton Sheerar, Wellsville, N.Y. & Miss Lena G. Johnson, Mansfield, m. 25 Sept. Wellsbille by Rev. Beecher
1891 8-Apr M Sheive, Hammond Hammond Sheive of Elmira, N.Y. & Maud Porter of Elmira m. a few days ago, he a native of Jackson Twp.
1891 25-Nov M Sheive, Prof. William Prof. William Sheive, Arnot & Miss Mettie Vorhess of Daggetts Mills m. (no date)
1891 15-Jul M Shepard, Morris H. Morris H. Shepard & Flora E. Richmond, m. Mansfield 14 July by Rev. Cooper. She dau. Ananias Richmond
1891 30-Sep M Sherman, G. Wallace G. Wallace Sherman & Miss Katie Cleveland of Schodac, m. her home Wednesday by Rev. Cooper. She dau. Mahlon Cleveland
1891 8-Apr M Sidman, Arthur C. Arthur C. Sidman, Hornell, N.Y. & Miss Ella Brooks, formerly of Mansfield, to be m. in Hornell this month (see 4/22)
1891 16-Sep M Simerson, Lafayette Lafayette Simerson & Miss Lora Bailey, West Covington, m. Elmira, N.Y. 6 Sept.
1891 7-Oct M Sipperly, F. S. F. S. Sipperly & Anna I. Dickinson, Wellsboro m. "today"
1891 14-Jan M Slocum, Francis M. Francis M. Slocum, Little Marsh & Miss Nettie Walker, same, m. Dec. 25, 1890 by Rev. Van Keuren
1891 7-Jan M Smith, Charles E. Charles E. Smith & Miss Bird Evan, both of Elkland, m. Elmira, N.Y. Dec. 24, 1890 by Rev. Jennings
1891 14-Jan M Smith, Edward Edward Smith U Bertha Evans of Elkland m. Christmas Day in Elmira, N.Y.
1891 14-Jan M Smith, George T. George T. Smith Cherry Flats & Miss Blanche Bellinger, East Charleston m. Jan. 1, by Rev. Van Keuren
1891 8-Apr M Smith, John John Smith of Wells & Miss Hannah L. Barnhart of Webbs Mills m. Elmira, N.Y. last Thurs.
1891 25-Mar M Smith, Liston E. Liston E. Smith, Mansfiel & Miss Ida E. Landon, Elmira, N.Y. m. Elmira Mar. 2 by Rev. DeWitt
1891 2-Dec M Spaulding, John John Spaulding & Miss Lizzie Young m. at Austinville no date
1891 14-Jan M Spencer, Gifford O. Gifford O. Spencer of Mansfield & Miss Clara A. Underwood of Canton, m. at her aunt's (Mrs. Jane Burroughs) Jan. 7 by Rev. Gardenier
1891 24-Jun M Spencer, Joseph Joseph Spencer of Wellsboro & Miss Maggie McMullen, Morris, m. Lawrenceville 6 June by Rev. Van Keuren
1891 20-May M Spicer, M. C. M. C. Spicer, & Mrs. Ann M. Tipple, both of Wellsboro, m. Lindley, N.Y. 18 April by Rev. Taylor
1891 25-Nov M Stafford, Bert Bert Stafford & Della Dibble, Middleburg, m. Lawrenceville by Rev. Craft, no date
1891 29-Dec M Stanley, John John Stanley & Miss Flora Coburn m. Westfield 20 Dec.
1891 22-Apr M Stevens, Wallace Wallace Stevens & Miss Louie Kelts to be m. Apr. 23
1891 9-Dec M Stone, Merrill Merrill Stone of Mill Creek & Miss Augusta Cleveland of Mansfield m. 25 Nov. Lawrtenceville. She dau. Asa Cleveland
1891 29-Dec M Strait, Prof. George B. Prof. George B. Strait, Mansfield & Miss C. Bertha Sucese m. Troy, Pa. 24 Dec.
1891 14-Oct M Sumway, Peter Peter Shumway & Miss Belle Rowland, Wellsboro m. Last Thursday in Athens, Pa.
1891 8-Jul M Sweet, William E. William E. Sweet, Corning, N.Y. & Miss Lila Moore, Lambs Creek, m. Lawrenceville 3 July by Rev. Van Keuren
1891 11-Nov M Taylor, Walter Walter Taylor of Bath, N.Y. & Miss Anna Parker of Mansfield to be m. "tomorrow". She dau. David Parker (Colored)
1891 6-May M Thomas, William J. William J. Thomas, Round Top, & Miss Nettie Updyke, Mansfield, m. Elmira, N.Y. by Rev. Clark (no date)
1891 29-Dec M Thorp, Frank H. Frank H. Thorp, Daggetts Mills & Nellie J. Hamilton, Jackson Centere, m. 23 Dec.
1891 22-Dec M Townsend, George W. George W. Townsend & Memma H. Butler, Wellsboro m. 
1891 29-Apr M Tremaine, Frank Frank Tremaine of Derrick City & Miss Bird M. Kelts, Lawrenceville, m. March 26
1891 14-Oct M Trim, George George Trim, Westfield & Carrie Close, same. M. - no date
1891 4-Feb M Videan, McClelland McClelland Videan of Jeannette, PA & Miss Aminda Ely of Blossburg m. recently
1891 14-Oct M Wakely, Dan Dan Wakely & Miss Lu D. Smith to be m. Westfield 21 Oct.
1891 25-Feb M Wakler, Frank Frank Walker, Little Marsh & Miss Tyna Jackson, Academy Corners, m. Feb. 21 at Lawrenceville by Rev. VanKeuren
1891 14-Oct M Walker, William William Walker & Rosetta Horton, both of Richmond Twp., m. 13 Oct. Mansfield by Rev. Keppel
1891 30-Sep M Weibchen, Frederick Frederick Weibchen, Hoytville & Miss Maggie Frutiger, Stokesdale, m. 23 Sept. Lawrenceville by Rev. Van Keuren
1891 23-Sep M Weival, Herbert Herbert Weival of Wellsboro & Mertie Ide of Mansfield m. last Wednesday at Elmira, N.Y.
1891 18-Mar M Wells, William William Wells & Mary Carr of Wells Twp. m. March 7 in Elmira, N.Y.
1891 23-Sep M Wells, William O. William O. Wells, Trenton, N.J. & Miss Harriet A. Palmer, m. Roseville 16 Sept. by Rev. Hermans
1891 19-Aug M Wheeler, Martin Martin Wheeler & Miss Ida White, both of Mansfield, m. Monday in Elmira, N.Y. by Rev. Wright
1891 1-Jul M Wheeler, Royal Royal Wheeler & Miss Mary Sherwood m. Wellsboro last Thurs.
1891 21-Oct M White, Earl Earl White & Miss Jennie Willhelm, Mansfield, m. last Thurs. her home by Rev. Keppel. She dau. John Willhelm; he son of E. E. White
1891 9-Dec M White, Earl Earl White & Miss Jennie Willhelm m. recently. He from Farmington Twp.
1891 29-Dec M Wilcox, Maldon E. Maldon E. Wilcox, Covington Twp. & Miss Lydia L. Baity, Sullivan Twp., m. 25 Dec. at res. Of James A. Walker, Covington by Rev. Pitts
1891 9-Sep M Willson, W. H. W. H. Willson & Ella Kendrick of Covington to be m. 17 Sept. She dau. John Kendrick
1891 25-Mar M Wolfe, Nelson of Verbis, PA & Miss Phoebe Ferguson of Austinville m. recently
1891 22-Apr M Wombaugh, W. A. W. A. Wombaugh & Miss M. Hilda Scarfe m. Mansfield 18 April by Rev. Cooper
1891 16-Sep M Yoder, Warner E. Warner E. Yoder, Steam Valley, PA & Mary Brady, Liberty, m. Corning, N.Y. 3 Sept.
1891 28-Jan A Hollands, William William Hollands & wife of Mansfiel m. 55 years Jan. 25
1891 8-Apr A Impson, Uriah  Uria Impson & wife of Long Prairie, Minn. M. 50 years - left Wellsboro 11 yrs. Ago
1891 19-Aug A Marsh, T. D. & wife m. 25 yrs. Tomorrow, Tioga
1891 2-Dec A McFarlain, A. & Mrs. M. 5 yrs. Last night, he also age 29 same day, Mansfield
1891 18-Feb A Seely, Morgan Morgan Seely & wife of Osceola m. 43 yrs. Last Friday
1891 29-Dec A Shaw, F. M. & wife m. 26 yres. On 24 Dec., Mansfield
1891 8-Jul A Sherwood, H.M. & wife m. 55 years ago 3 July
1891 22-Dec A Smith, E. M. & wife, Tioga, m. 30 yrs. Xmas eve.
1891 14-Jan A Smith, H.E. H. E. Smith & wife of Tioga m. 60 years ago

Last Updated on 1/24/2011
By Joyce M. Tice