Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
School Memorabilia of the Tri-Counties
Durrell School, Asylum Township, 1900
Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

See Also 1948 Durrell School Fire
School: Durrell School 
Township: Asylum Township, Bradford County PA
Year:  1900
Submitted by: Susan Miller
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This is the Durell School of 70 Years Ago (Newspaper article dated in the 1970s)

Front row, from left: George Elliott, Jewii Neiley, Cleveland Benjamin, Lester Chilson, Dannie Vanderpool, George Benjamin, Jimmy Vanderpool, Clifford Johnson, Nellie Johnson, Rachel Neiley, Ruth Neiley.

Second row: Horace Johnson, Angie Ackley, Eva Grippen, Edith Bennett, Laura Chilson, Anna Benjamin, Aubrey Johnson, Alfred Thompson and Leslie Johnson.

Third row: Nathan Johnson, Myron Frisbie, Esmond Johnson, Allene Thompson, Della Elliott, Josie Frisbie, Mildred Kerrick, Louise Johnson, Vella Benjamin, Sadie Ackley, Ethel Johnson and Grace Haight.

Back row: Laura Lamb Kitchen, teacher; Howard Kerrick and Vernor Johnson. Photo taken about 1900.

Photo submitted by Susan Miller, email at

Uncropped version shows whole building 

Detailed vew below

1904 Durrell Center School
1904 Durell Center School, Asylum Twp.

Mildred Kerrick   Josie Frisbie   Sadie Ackley 
Howard Kerrick   Ethel Johnson   Alline Thompson 
Grace Haight    Della Elliott   Myron Frisbie 
Esmond Johnson   Leon Frisbie   Earl Bennett 
Alice Grippen    Arthur Grippen  May Pierce 
James Cowell    Edith Bennett   Eva Grippen 
Anbrey Johnson   Edwin Delong   Horace Johnson 
Alfred Thompson   George Elliott   Ralph Benjamin 
Nathan Johnson   Rachael Neiley  Myrtie Cowell 
Cleveland Benjamin   Judson Pierce   Ruth Neiley 
Lester Chilson    Clifford Johnson  Nellie Johnson 
James Vanderpool   Daniel Vanderpool  Marie Buckley 
Rachael Cowell   Melvin Bennett  George Benjamin 
Wesley Chilson   Nellie Chilson 
Will L. Stethers – Teacher

1905 Durrell Higher Grades
1905 Durell Higher Grade, Asylum Twp.

Sheldon Kerrick   Josie Frisbie   Howard Kerrick 
Alliene Thompson   Carl Clark   Mildred Kerrick 
Paul Frutchey    Grace Haight   Roland Benjamin 
Ethel Johnson    Gordon Vander Pool  Adaline Benjamin 
Myron Frisbie    Sadie Ackley   Layton Benjamin 
Della Elliott    John Miller    Edmund DeLong 
Edith Bennett    George Elliott   Angie Ackley 
Aubrey Johnson 

J. Andrew Morrow – Teacher

School Officers 
J. J. Elliott, Pres. 
F. J. Braund, Sec. 
Guy C. Benjamin, Treas. 
F. D. Kerrick 
F. A. Thompson 
F. N. Phillips 


1913 Durrell School

Sadie E. Ackley – Teacher 

School Officers 
Jesse Coolbaugh, Pres. 
G. M. Barnes, Vice Pres. 
C. L. Hendershot, Sec. 
U. R. Acla, Treas. 
Edwin Ellis

1913 Durell Public School, Asylum Twp 

Emma VerBryck   Amelia Neiley   Lida Buchanan 
Mabel Kerrick    Zelma Acla   Bessie Acla 
Grace Stoneman   Maude Chilson  Hazel VerBryck 
Carrie Bailey    Hettie Benjamin 

John Trumbull    William Acla   Atley Acla 
William Buchanan   Clarke Buchanan  James Elliott 
David Neiley    Floyd Fenner   Lawrence Kerrick 
Nelson Neiley    Alvin Chilson   Lawrence Kelley 
Lloyd Bailey    Reed Fenner   Rodney Fenner 
Wilson Fenner    Horace Larrabee  Leslie Bunnell 
Clinton Benjamin 


1932 Durrell School

Durell School - February 22,1932 

Front Row: L to R: Beatrice Spencer, Ellen Kinsley, Winifred Mosier, Elwood Ellis, Charles Miller 

Second Row: Donald Sickler, Carlton Sollick, Ethel Prymer, Winifred Kerrick, Ethel Carr, Angelique Frutchey, Mildred Kilmer 

Third Row: Admiral Johnson, Roy Chilson, Daisy God, Mary Mosier, Jane Kerrick, Martha Miller 

Absent from photo: Frederick Kerrick, Teacher – Malford Page and Eugene Johnson, students

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA
Published On Tri-Counties Site On 112/01/2003
By Joyce M. Tice
Email Joyce M. Tice

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