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1883 Tioga County PA History

History of Tioga County, Pennsylvania

History of Tioga County, Pennsylvania, (W. W. Munsell & Co., New York : 1883), 
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History of Tioga County, Pennsylvania

Biographical Appendix


Many other biographical sketches, embraced in the body of the work, may be found by reference to the Table of Contents.

GEORGE W. AVERY was the son of George and Ruth Avery, and was born in Salisbury, Herkimer county, N.Y., August 12th 1825. January 20th 1853 he married Miss Martha A., daughter of Luther and Eunice Keyes, of Deerfield, N.Y., who was born May 10th 1832. He was a farmer and settled in 1854 in Charleston, where he died November 9th 1868. Mr. and Mrs. Avery had two children, Cora J. and George W.

O. D. BLY was born in Norway, N.Y., in 1831. When a young man he removed to Pennsylvania, and in 1857 married Miss Susan Miller, of Millerton. He engaged for a time in farming and teaching; was elected a magistrate of Jackson township in 1857, and served 16 years. In 1880 he was chosen superintendent of the county poor, which office he still holds.

THOMAS R. BOWEN is the son of David and Sarah Bowen, natives of Wales, who came to America before the birth of their son, which occurred in 1847, in Charleston. In 1870 Mr. Bowen married Miss Martha Barty, of Sullivan. Their children are Sadie, Bessie and Lottie. Mr. B. is a farmer. He has always been identified with the temperance cause, and is a member of the M.E. church.

ALONZO BREWSTER was born in Susqhenna county, Pa., in 1831, and came to Tioga county in childhood with his parents. He married in 1852 Miss Delana Culver, of Charleston. They had one son, Arthur. Mr. B. went into the army in 1864, and died in the service in 1865. His widow was married in 1866 to Ira Newhall, of Charleston, who died in 1880.

WILLIAM H. CLARK.-The place of his birth was Richmond, Pa., and the year 1844. He married Miss Phebe Warters, of Richmond. He owns a farm, and is one of the firm of Warters & Clark, owners of a large steam saw-mill at Willard's Station, which they built in 1873. They employ 12 men, and cut 4,000,000 feet of lumber annually. There is also a feed grinding attachment to their mill.

CHARLES CLOSE, of Round Top, was born in Chatham, Pa., in 1826. In 1847 he married Miss Ann Owlett, of Chatham, a native of England. They have five children living. Mr. C. is a merchant, the postmaster, and proprietor of the Round Top cheese factory. He came to Round Top in 1857, from Westfield. He has been a magistrate ten years. His father, Newbury Cloos, settled in the Cowanesque Valley in 1804; was a large land owner, and a magistrate many years.

CHARLES COOLIDGE was born in 1809, in Canada, whither his father had removed from Massachusetts. After the breaking out of the war of 1812 he returned to the States, and located in Wellsboro in 1815, in the mercantile and lumbering business. Mr. Coolidge is a printer, and served an apprenticeship in the office of the Phoenix at Wellsboro. In 1852 he purchased a large tract of land at Round Top and removed there.

IRVING S. HARKNESS, son of Joel and Almira Harkness, was born in Covington, Pa., in 1825. In 1852 he married Miss Ann B. Elliot, who died in 1857. In 1860 he married Clarinda J. Rockwell, whose death took place in 1866. In 1867 he was married to Mrs. Henrietta Webster. He has six children now living. He is a tanner and currier, and is also a farmer. Early in 1865 he enlisted in Company D 16th Pa. cavalry, and served to the close of the civil war.

ABRAM HART was born in 1811, in Herkimer county, N.Y. In 1831 he married Miss Lucinda Klock. In 1834 he removed with his father and mother to Charleston, and took up 56 acres of land, upon which he has since resided. He has lost two sons-Lyman at Petersburg during the civil war, and James by an accident while lumbering.

JOHN HART JR. was born in Manheim, N.Y., in 1810. He removed to Tioga county in 1836, and located in Charleston. In 1837 he married Miss Eliza Peak. He took up 110 acres of land, and remained thereon until his death. His widow and son Hiram J. still reside on the farm which he located.

JOHN C. JENNINGS, son of Joseph and Lucy Jennings, was born in Cayuga county, N.Y., July 2nd 1811. He removed to Charleston in 1837. He first married Laura, daughter of Robert Pratt, in 1836. Their children, four in number, are all dead. October 10th 1847 he married Sarah A., daughter of Michael and Catherine Sloat, of Richmond. Their children are Alfred D., Orson V., Henry C., Susan C. and Charles M. Mr. J. has followed farming and lumbering through life.

ELI JOHNSON.-Delmare was Mr. Johnson's birthplace, and the year 1818. His father, Luther Johnson, settled in Tioga county in 1806, and married Zilphia Shumway. They had nine children. Luther Johnson died in 1856. Eli Johnson married Miss Harriet Barlow in 1842. He has always been a farmer.

IRA JOHNSTON, born in 1810, in Danby, N.Y., in 1832 married Miss Betsey Griffin, of the same plae. They have two children. He removed to Tioga county in 1857, and purchased 142 acres of land in Charleston, where he now resides. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church.

ANDREW KLOCK, son of Adam h. and Nancy C. Klock, was born in Charleston, June 11th 1839. He enlisted August 24th 1861 in the 11th Pensylvania calvary for three years; re-enlisted in December 1864; was honorably discharged in 1865. He was taken prisoner in June 1864, and was at Andersonville, Camp Lawton, Libby and other prisons. He escaped while being transorted, and, reaching New Brunswick, made a raft and floated out upon the ocean, where he was picked up by Unionists. October 10th 1865 he married Esther M., daughter of Frederick D. Avery, of Salisbury, N.Y. She died June 30th 1876, leaving three children. In 1877 Mr. K. married Mrs. Frances C. Johnson, daughter of George S. Collins.

HIRAM KLOCK was born in Charleston, in 1842. His father, Adam A. Klock, married Peggy Hart and removed from Herkimer county, N.Y., to Charleston at an early date, where he remained until he died, in 1875, leaving a widow and nine children. Hiram Klock enlisted in 1864 in Company K 207th Pa. Volunteers; was wounded April 2nd 1865, and honorably discharged. He was first married in 1866, to Miss Mary E. Davis, of Manheim, N.Y., who died in 1879, leaving two children. In 1880 he married Miss Eliza Parks, of Elmira.

NELSON V. KLOCK, son of Jeremiah and Phebe M. Klock, was born in this township, in 1848. In 1871 he married Miss Addie G. Bush, daughter of Tunis and Amanda P. Bush, of Wellsboro. He is a farmer.

NATHAN LESTER, son of John W. and Eleanor Lester, was born in Ulster county, N.Y., in 1825. When he was 12 years of age his parents removed to Tioga county. Since the age of 19 he has been a successful farmer, and for 38 years has operated threshing machines. When 18 he married Lucy, daughter of Gideon Dewey, of Covington, who died in 1872, leaving four children. In 1873 he married Mrs. Zilpha Scott, daughter of Lyman Whitmore, of Charleston.

SAMUEL LUDLAM, son of George and Elizabeth Ludlam, was born in 1809, in Derbyshire, England, where he married Miss Martha Barbour in 1834. In 1835 he came to America and settled in Middlefield, Otsego county, N.Y., and remained there until 1867, when he removed to Charleston. He has seven children living. Henry enlisted in 1861 in a New York regiment; was wounded at Gettysburg and died in hospital in 1864. Samuel jr. resides on the homestead farm.

THOMAS D. MARSH is the son of Levi H. and Keziah Marsh, and was born at colesville, Broome county, N.Y., May 1st 1837. He carried on a farm till 1879, when he engaged in the mercantile business in East Charleston. He enlisted September 21st 1861 in the 45th Pa. infantry, for three years; re-enlisted and served through the war. August 20th 1867 he married Alice A., daughter of Lucius L. and Eliza Russell, of Gaines. Their children are William H. and Hattie N.

WARREN L. MILLER was born in 1829, in Richmond, Pa. His wife was Miss Ann Webster, of Sullivan, Pa. They have four children now living. Mr. Miller has a farm of 160 acres, on which he located in 1865. His father was Leonard Miller, who married Mehitable Elliott, of Covington. His grandfather was David Miller, from Burlington, Pa., and his grandmother Mehitable Miller. His parents and grandparents settled in Richmond, Tioga county, in 1810.

FRANK C. PEAKE, son of Elijah and Nancy Peake, was born in Charleston, in 1855. He is a farmer. He married Miss Ella Close, of Chatham, in 1878. His father was a native of Onondaga county, N.Y., and settled in Charleston in 1836. Has three children living.

LEONARD J. PREBLE is from Lincoln county, Me., where he was born in 1826. He removed in 1849 to Jersey Shore, Lycoming county, and there married Miss Marion Barlow. In 1860 he located in Tioga county, on a part of the original farm taken up by his wife's father, Lucius Barlow, who in 1821 had settled on a farm in Charleston, where he died in 1875, at the age of 85, having been a magistrate 25 years, and a soldier in the war of 1812.

GEORGE W. SHUMWAY is a son of William P. and Mary Shumway, and was born in Charleston, in 1850. His wife was Miss Catherine Bacon, of Delmar, Pa. He has a farm of 80 acres in Charleston.

LUTHFR H. SHUMWAY, son of Solomon and Desdemona Shumway, born in Charleston in 1821, is a grandson of one of the earliest settlers of Tioga County, Peter Shumwav, who came to the county in 1806. Luther Shumway married Miss Clorinda Merrick, of Charleston, and they have four children. He has been treasurer and supervisor. He owns a farm of 112 acres.

WILLIAM P. SHUMWAY.--His native place is Charleston, where in 1847 he married Miss Mary Bacon. They have six children. His occupation is farming, and his farm covers 200 acres. His father, Sleeman Shumway, was born in Massachusetts, and came to Tioga county in 1806. He married Desdemona Wetmore, of Vermont, and died in 1864, aged 67, leaving five sons. William P.'s grandfather, Peter Shumway, was a Revolutionary soldier; came from Massachusetts to Tioga county in 1806; located first in the Tioga Valley, and two years later took up 250 acres on what has since been known as Shumway Hill, where he died in 1833.

JASON E. SMITH, born in 1831 in Mansfield, Pa., in 1858 married Miss Mary A. Wilbur, of Potter county. He lives upon his farm, and owns 350 acres. His father, James H. Smith, of Delaware county, N.Y., married Sally Button, of Otsego county, and came to Tioga county in 1825. After a short stay on Pine Creek and in Wellsboro he bought a farm in Charleston in 1827. He died in 1878, and his wife in 1877.

DARWIN THOMPSON, son of Alden and Lucretia Thompson, was born in Charleston, in 1829. His father came from Otsego county, N.Y., to Tioga county in 1813, locating first at Wellsboro, and in 1820 on Shumway Hill, in Charleston, where he resided until his death, in 1872. His mother was a daughter of Peter and Dolly Shurnway. Darwin Thompson first married Miss Adeline Warner, in 1864; she lived but a year, and he then married Mrs. Ellen Kriner. They have two children. He is a large farmer, owning 425 acres, and resides on the old homestead.

ANDREW J. TIPPLE is a native of Verona, N.Y., born in 1828. At the age of 21 he settled in Charleston, on a farm of 100 acres, the gift of his father, and in 1867 purchased the farm, of 167 acres where he now resides. He married Miss Sarah Lent; they have two sons.

ELIAS TIPPLE, son of Abram T. and Almira Tipple, was born in Peterboro, N.Y., December 26th 1820. He came to Charleston in 1845, and five years afterward bought 40 acres; then purchased the farm now owned by Henry Card, where he lived 20 years. He was a merchant at East Charleston two and a half years, and was postmaster six years. He then removed to his present farm of 100 acres in East Charleston. He has been twice married; to Anna, daughter of John Kingsbury, of Oneida county, N.Y., and to Mrs. Caroline A. West, of St. Lawrence county, N.Y. He has three sons and two daughters.

PHINEAS VAN HORN was born at Jersey Shore, Lycoming county, in 1817, and came to Wellsboro in 1838, where he was engaged in the boot and shoe trade until 1847, when he purchased the farm on Shurnway Hill where he has since resided. In 1842 he married Miss Lydia Lock, of Wellsboro. They have five children.

BENJAMIN WALKER, born in 1857 at Round Top, rnarried Miss Della Best, of the same place, which is still his post-office address. His occupation is farming, and his residence Charleston. 

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