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1883-1886- The State of the Telephone System
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This article is presented here to remind us to be a little more grateful for our technology. We take a lot for granted and maybe this will give us a little better perspective on some of our modern benefits. 
The Troy Register
March 28, 1883


When telephones can be made as cheaply as stated by the American Farmer, there is no reason why every well regulated family should not have one. This journal gives the following directions for making a phone: To make a good and serviceable phone, good from one farm house to another, only requires enough wire and two cigar boxes. First select your boxes, and make a hole about half an inch in diameter in the center of the bottom of each, and then place one in each of the houses you wish to connect; then get five pounds of common stove pipe wire, make a loop in one end and put it through the hole in your cigar box and fasten with a nail; then draw it tight to the other box supporting it when necessary with a stout cord, you can easily run your line into the house by boring a hole through the glass.  Support your boxes with __ts nailed across the window and your telephone is complete.  The writer has one that is 250 yards long and cost forty-five cents that will carry music when the organ is played thirty feet away into another room.

The Troy Register
March 18, 1886

The expense of telephone service greatly decreased.
Some remarkable tests without the use of batteries

The U. S. Telephone Co., at Madison, Ind. has devised an improvement in the construction of telephones which bids fair to revolutionize the cost of telephonic service and at the same time an almost perfect system. The clearness and distinctiveness that results in the use of these telephones is wonderful. The telephones were tried on a line twenty miles long and a reporter carried on a conversation which was far more distinct than for a few blocks with the ordinary telephones. There was none of the infernal humming that is almost always heard in other telephones. Not a sound marred the clearness of the conversation. The cost of batteries is enormous which would be saved by the use of these telephones. The telephones are made to work on the club system with trunk lines and require no Exchanges. As the Company sells the telephones outright, consequently there is no exorbitant rents to pay.
By sending your address and a postage stamp to the U. S. Telephone Co., at Madison, Ind., you will receive an illustrated circular, giving description of telephones with prices, &c. The Company have been in operation for years, and are composed of reliable business men. -- Exchange

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 24 MAR 2004
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice

You are the visitor since the counter was installed on 24 MAR 2004 

The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933