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Mansfield in 1958
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The following material came from the house that had been owned by the Neal family in Mansfield. I believe that these are carbon copies of the Mansfield news submitted to the Mansfield Advertiser. Either Elizabeth Neal or Mary Neal may have written them. They were removed from the house after the death of Mary in 2004. They were returned in 2011 by me having purchased them from the person who cleaned out the house initially. When I first received the papers they were saturated with water and had to be dried. As a result they are moldy, stained and brittle creating occasional illegibility. Need I say they also smell bad?

These are the gossip columns we might call them and so they are full of insignificant details. However, as time passes they also serve as a reminder of who was living in Mansfield at this time. They also give us clues about some of the details of the lives of those people: for example : what church did they belong to, what organizations did they belong to, who were their relatives and friends. They also tell us what events took place in Mansfield at the time. They become less insignificant as they tell us of the lifestyles of earlier times.

In the custom of the day, women were identified with their husband’s name only.  I will supplement that by identifying them in brackets where possible, at least with a first name if not a surname.

January 6, 1958
Mr. and Mrs. Tom W Crittenden of Mansfield have announced the engagement of their daughter, Marjorie Louise, to Arnold C Brion, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claire Brion of Liberty, PA. Marjorie recently completed her work at the come Comptometer School of Pittsburgh and has resumed her duties at the First National Bank where she is employed.
Mrs. Kathryn Loveland will be hostess to the Alpha Delta class of the Mansfield Methodist Church January 7 at eight o'clock. Assistant hostesses are Mrs. Doris Allen, Mrs. Gladys Stillwell, Mrs. Nina Bailey.
Mr. and Mrs. the Petrovich and daughter, Helen, are vacationing in Mexico.
Mr. Morty Levinson is a patient in the Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hospital, Wellsboro.
Pvt. Franklin Geiger has returned to Fort Lee, Virginia after spending some time with his mother, Mrs. Ruth Geiger, and his family here at home.
The annual congregational meeting of the First Presbyterian Church will be held Wednesday, January 8 at eight o'clock after a fellowship dinner at 6:30. An organizational meeting of the trustee board will follow the congregational meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry McNaney, Mr. and Mrs. John Wise, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mecum, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ruggles, Mrs. Edward NcNaney, Mr. Roy Carbough, all of Elmira, New York were among the out-of-town guests at the McNaney –Young  wedding held December 28.
Miss Helen Colegrove, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Colegrove, Brooklyn Street, has joined the Army. She will report to Wilkes-Barre January 7 and will then be assigned to basic training. Helen looks forward to this new experience and hopes it will afford the opportunity to travel.
Mr. James Preston was a patient at the Blossburg State Hospital last week. Mrs. John Preston has been ill at home and is now improving.
Mrs. Stephen Beach entertained the Pres-Teen club with musical selections at their New Year's party December 31 from nine till 12. About 38 young people were present at this annual affair. Patty Lunn was in charge of the decorations. Nancy page was in charge of the refreshment committee. Bob English took care of the program. Mrs. Elizabeth Thatcher, Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Neal were invited to attend the party as chaperones. Rev. William McIlwain officiated at the watch night communion service at 11:30 we appreciate the cooperation with the parents to make this party successful

January 7, 1958
Mrs. Ruby Bixby has moved into the apartment on second floor, R. E. A. Building.
Mrs. Genevieve Stacey and son, John, of Elmira, New York, were weekend guests at the home of Miss Mary Neal.
The offices of the Prudential Life Insurance Company are in the process of being remodeled and enlarged.
The Mansfield fire department answerede two calls Monday, January 6. At 10:30, Scott industries, manufacturers of trailers, sounded the first alarm. Workers were spraying a lacquer paint in one of the trailers under construction. The fumes of the paint got into a space heater causing an explosion. The damage is estimated around  $100.00. At 3:35, there was a call to the rear of the residence of Maybelle Wright. A grass fire was burning extensively at the railroad right-of-way at E. Main St.
Many Mansfield people were attending the Sunday afternoon matinee of “Around the World in 80 Days” at the Elmira theater. During intermission, we noticed that Mansfield was well represented. Victor Borge is coming to Elmira soon. He should be very entertaining with his humorous piano comedy routine. Another event to look forward to.
Mrs. Norman Alden Downs was the guest speaker at the M. S. T. C. Assembly program Tuesday, January 7 at two o'clock. Her subject was “Women and the law in Pennsylvania".
Mrs. Elizabeth Thatcher will be hostess to the Westminster class Tuesday evening January 7 at six o'clock for supper.

January 21, 1958
last Thursday, a new business opened in Mansfield. The Hoagie House will be open from four o'clock until 11:30 serving the best submarine sandwich available in these parts.
Mr. Kenneth Brace is a patient in the Blossburg State Hospital. He suffered a heart attack Tuesday morning while at school and Blossburg where he teaches.
Miss Gertrude Jupenlaz  is installing a new hi-fi system in her home, the Little Brown House, on N. Academy St.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G Peterson have returned from California after visiting their son, Mr. Gerhart Peterson, and his family for the holidays.
Attorney and Mrs. Robert Farr are in the process of remodeling and changes at their home on Sherwood Street.
The Wednesday Club will meet at the home of Misses Elizabeth and Mary Neal, January 22, at 7:30. Assisting hostesses are: Miss  Marian Gleckler, Mrs. Ernest Jupenlaz, Mrs. Darwin Neal, and Miss Lucy Wall. Every member is asked to bring a new tea towel for the church kitchen.
Mrs. Ralph Taylor will be hostess to the Presbyterian Ladies Missionary Society Friday afternoon at 3:30.
 The annual church men's banquet will be held in the Baptist Church Tuesday, January 21 at 6:45. A large attendance is expected.
Mr. William Barnes attended the Presbytery Meeting of Northumberland, Tuesday, Jan.  21 at the Bethel Presbyterian church of Bottle Run PA.
Mr. Morty Levinson is improving. He is still at the Wellsboro Soldiers and Sailors hospital. His sister Mrs. Mary Walpert, has been ill since her return from New York City recently.
Mrs. Albert Sundberg has been visiting friends and relatives in New York City.
About 18 members were present at the Junior Council meeting Monday night January 20 at the home of Miss  Elizabeth Neal. Assisting hostesses were Mrs. William Bradshaw, Mrs. Jan Jenkins, Mrs. Darwin Neal. After the business meeting the club president Mrs. Margaret Costley gave a report on the state convention. A bingo party with white elephant prices followed the meeting.
Miss Thelma Ching was guest speaker at the Wellsboro Business and Professional Women's club Monday evening January 20. Ms. Chang is a member of the Mansfield State Teachers College faculty, Junior High School supervisor.
Miss Jeanne Snyder of the M. S. T. C. Home economics department participated in college night at Coughlin High School, Wilkes-Barre, Monday, January 20. Mr. Bertram Francis of the music department was also present to represent the college.
Mrs. Kathryn Loveland will be hostess to the D. L. S. Club of Elizabeth Rebekah Lodge Wednesday, January 22 at eight o'clock. Assisting hostesses are Mrs. Nellie Knowlton, Mrs. Genevieve Lawrence, Mrs. Irene Wells and Mrs. Bertha Locey. The program will be presented by Mrs. Mary Rasmussen and Mrs. Maud Scott.
Mrs. Ernest Vosburg was hostess to the PA. T. A. Executive committee at her home Monday night January 20.
Mr. John Myers is a patient in the Sayre hospital.
Mrs. Marian Ballinger has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Richard Heltzel and family at Hellum, Pennsylvania.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan C Neal, R. D. 1, left Tuesday morning for Louisville, Kentucky to attend the National Trailer Show. They will return to Mansfield Sunday.
Mrs. William Bradshaw was in Wellsboro this week to be on Grand Jury.
Mr. Edgar Page, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert page, was home for the weekend. Edgar is a student at Penn State University, State College, PA.
A large congregation was present at the First Presbyterian Church for the communion service, Sunday, January 19. Miss Lida Thomas, a student at the college, presented organ selections. Reception of new members was held. The communion service was very impressive at which Rev. William McIlwain officiated.

January 28, 1958
Mr. and Mrs. John A Booth have returned from their wedding trip to Niagara Falls and Canada. They are residing at the apartment on third floor in the Decker apartment house on S. Main St. Mrs. Booth, the former Donna J Soper, is continuing her employment at Ballard machine and tool company
the Pres-Teen club met at the church at 7:30 Sunday evening, January 26. The members present enjoyed sledding party On Clinton St., hill. With weather conditions right for an outdoor party, the regular business meeting was omitted for this active sports event. Following the sledding, refreshments and fellowship hour were enjoyed at the home of Rev. and Mrs. William McIlwain.
Youth week will be observed in our area with a special service by the Tioga County Sunday school Association in the Methodist church next Sunday evening at 7:45. This service for youth will feature the Rev. Chancey Varner as the speaker. Mr. Varner is the state director of youth work of the Pennsylvania Council of Christian education.
Miss Susan Rush and Mr. Robert English participated in the service for the observance of Westminster Fellowship Sunday, January 26, 1958, at the First Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Stephen Beach, organist, presented many special selections. The organ postlude was “Tocatta” by Dubois was especially outstanding
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Holton [Nelda Cook]  were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Darwin L Neal, [Ina Cook] River Road.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Messinger have returned from New York City where they attended the New York furniture show.
Mrs. Marie Johnson and Rev. Norman West, Jr. Are to be contacted in case you have any information regarding old records of the canoe camp church of Christ
Mr. Kenneth Brace continues his stay as a patient at the Blossburg State Hospital. It is reported that he is improving.
Many Mansfield people attended the Victor Borge one-man performance at the Elmira theater Friday night, January 24. During intermission it was like old home week greeting the Mansfield people. Wasn't it lucky to be home before the snowstorm. I read in Jim Morse's column that Mr. Borge had packed his bags and was out of Elmira before the storm started as well
Dr. Lewis Rathgeber, president of Mansfield State teachers College, was guest speaker at the Mansfield joint schools parent-teacher Association meeting, Monday evening, January 27, at the Senior high school and eight o'clock. Mrs. Ernest Vosburg, president of BP. T. A., Conducted the business meeting. Group singing was led by Mr. Benjamin Houston. Mr. Lunn assisted with the interview with Dr. Rathgeber.” A look to the future “ was the theme of Dr. Rathgeber’s speech.
Ruth W Thomas and Leonard L Yaudes of Mansfield received bachelor of science degrees in education at the midyear graduation exercises at Mansfield State teachers College Monday, January 20, 1958.
Mr. Elwin Kuhl recently attended the three-day florist short course at Cornell University, sponsored by the floriculture Department of Cornell and the New York State flower growers.
Mr. J Collins McSparrin, master of the Pennsylvania state Grange will be the guest speaker at the annual meeting of the members of the Tri-County Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. to be held at the Mansfield Methodist church Tuesday, January 28. The ladies of the church will serve dinner at noon. A business meeting will be held which will include the selection of officers and directors and annual reports.
The Blossburg Hospital auxiliary will meet Tuesday night at 7:30 at the hospital recreation room. All members are urged to attend.
The basketball game, M. S. H. S. Vs. Troy, was postponed for Tuesday night, January 28, because of weather conditions.
A special meeting of the school board was held Monday evening, January 27, at which time a further account of the bids and contracts for the new Junior Senior High School were given. This meeting included the Rutland school board, the Sullivan school board, and Mansfield school board and the joint school authority.
Mr. Robert English, son of Mr. and Mrs. D Webster English, reported a busy Saturday shoveling sidewalks and driveways around Mansfield. Butch Townsend and Tommy Husted were busy too. The town committee working Sunday to remove snow from the main streets put in full-time as well.
About 75 members of the Mansfield Churchman's group responded to the roll call last Tuesday evening at their eighth annual fellowship dinner at the Baptist Church.
The History Center on Main Street, 83 N. Main Street, Mansfield PA 16933

Bradford County PA
Chemung County NY
Tioga County PA

Published On Tri-Counties Site On 29 DEC 2011
By Joyce M. Tice
Email: Joyce M. Tice