Tri-Counties Genealogy & History by Joyce M. Tice
1885 Seven Counties History - Bradford County PA
1908 Postcard of Mitchell House in Troy 
contributed by Creig Crippen
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ReTyped for Tri-Counties by Pat SMITH Raymond . 
Book Submitted by Walt Samson
HISTORY OF SEVEN COUNTIES presented by the Elmira Weekly Gazette". It is an “Outline History of Tioga and Bradford Counties in Pennsylvania, Chemung, Steuben, Tioga, Tompkins and Schuyler in New York by TOWNSHIPS, VILLAGES, BORO’S AND CITIES.” Written expressly for the Gazette Company, Elmira, N. Y. Copyright 1885.From AN OUTLINE HISTORY of Tioga and Bradford Counties in Pennsylvania, Chemung, Steuben, Tioga, Tompkins and Schuyler in New York by TOWNSHIPS, VILLAGES, BORO'S AND CITIES"


Troy township was formed in the year 1815, taken from Burlington.  Troy borough was formed from Troy township, by an act of the Legislature of May 14, 1845.  The township of Troy is bounded on the north by Columbia and Springfield, on the east by West Burlington, on the south by Granville and Canton, on the west by Armenia.  The township and boro of Troy are situated on the head waters of Sugar Creek, on the line of the Northern Central railroad, about twenty-five miles south of Elmira, N. Y.  The township is distinguished for its fine farms and the excellent quality of its dairy productions.   Troy borough is one of the neatest and cleanest in northern Pennsylvania, and distinguished for its elegant private residences, business places, its public schools and churches, its fire department, its public press, its manufactories, and the enterprise and wealth of its citizens.  It is a half shire and the courts of Bradford county are held semi-annually at Troy.  It is also distinguished for being one of the great centers, and shipping points for butter and cheese, of western Bradford.

Its early settlers were Elihu Smead, Aaron Case, Moses Case, Joseph Wills, Thomas Backer, Samuel Rockwell, Nathaniel Allen, Horace Spalding, Reuben Case, John Barber, Caleb Williams, Samuel Case, Doct Rowley, Uel Porter, John Porter, Reuben Wilbur, Joseph Barber, Thomas Barber, Doctor Almeron Herrick, Major Ezra Long, Silas Rockwell, Luther Rockwell, Stephen Palmer, John Ward, Samuel Conant, Adriel Hebard, Timothy Nichols, Elder Elisha Rich, Churchill Barnes, Laban Landon, John Dobbins, Elihu Newberry, Zoroster Porter, Benjamin Oviatt, Isaac N. Pomeroy, Anson Williams, Vine Baldwin, Elihue Case, Abraham Case, James Lucas, Daniel Gregory, John McKean, Allen Taylor, Alfred Parsons, O. P. Ballard, Dummer Lilley, John Cummings, Nelson Adams, George Kress, Doct Silas, E. Sheppard, Joseph Morse, Calvin Dodge, James Hickok, Reuben Smead, Laban Bowen, Jonathan Peck, William Dobbins, E. C. Oliver, Daniel F. Pomeroy, Eli Parsons, Seth Paine, Rufus Rockwell, Thomas Paine, Moses Calkins, G. F. Reddington.

--The early name of Troy was Augusta.
--There is a chapter of R. A. M., in Troy.
--The Troy Academy was erected in 1842.
--The first settler in Troy was Elihu Smead.
--The first road through Troy was opened in 1798.
--The first blacksmith in Troy was Caleb Williams.
--Esther Case was the first white child born in Troy.
--John Ward erected the first grist mill in Troy, the site of Long’s mill.
--The first house erected in the borough, was built by Timothy Nichols, in 1800.
--Elder Elisha Rich who died in the year 1812, was the first death in the township of Troy.
--Troy was named by Churchill Barnes, who had previously been a resident of Troy, N. Y.
--The first Baptist Church was erected in Troy, in 1808.  Rev. Elisha Rich the first minister.
--Ezra Long was the first hotel keeper in Troy, and the first shipper of butter from Troy, in 1840.
--Troy borough is connected by railroad, telegraph, telephone and stage lines with other    communities.
--O. P. Ballard, Esq., for many years was one of the most prominent business men in western    Bradford county.
--Rev. Silas Shepard an early resident of Troy, visited the Holy Lands and was distinguished as a    writer and theologian.
--East Troy is a village situated on Sugar Creek, about three miles east of the borough of Troy,    and a center of considerable business.
--Col. I. N. Pomeroy was a celebrated bridge builder, stage proprietor, hotel keeper, banker, and a    prominent business man of Troy.
--Hon. Dummer Lilley was a printer, and editor, county commissioner, register, and recorder, and   in 1862 represented Bradford county in the State House of Representatives.
--Hon. Reuben Wilbur a prominent and early settler of Troy, was associate judge of Bradford county, sheriff, state senator for two terms, presidential elector, state inspector of prisons, and a life long democrat.
--Trojan Lodge No. 306, F. A. M., chartered January 19, 1857.  Elihu Case, W. M.; Amasa Greeno, S. W.; Jeremiah Adams, J. W.
--The first assessment of property in Troy borough in 1845, showed a valuation of $58,925.  The actual valuation is now over $1,000,000.
--Priam Lodge No. 247, I. O. O. F., was instituted August 31, 1847.  Frank Smith, N. G.;  E. W. Hazzard, V. G.; W. G. Newberry, Sec; C. F. Finch, Treas.
--Troy Farmers Club organized in the year 1874.  First officers J. C. McKean, Pres; G. M. Card, Sec.;  A. M. Cornell, Treas.; A. S. Hooker, Reporting Sec.
--The first officers of the borough of Troy were E. C. Oliver burgess, G. F. Reddington, V. M. Long, Frederic Orwan, Layton Runyon, councilmen; Allen E. Thomas Clerk.
--Hon. Delos Rockwell of Troy, one of the most prominent members of the Bradford county bar, was elected by the democrats as state senator, in the year 1874.  He led the forlorn hope “and came out victorious,” the first democratic senator from Bradford county in many years.

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