The History Center on Main Street

61 North Main Street, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933

Community Genealogy & History

Explore Local History One Township at a TIme in Tioga & Bradford Counties  PA & Chemung County NY
Troy Township & Troy Borough
in Bradford County,

Early picture of Troy from Edward P Ballard. 
Colored original located in Troy Library. 

Troy Borough & Township Histories
Named for Troy in Asia Minor. Troy Township was Created 1815 from Burlington
Mother of Granville 1831 and Mother of Alba 1843 (Alba Later joined Canton)
Troy Borough was formed 1845 from Troy Township
Troy History from Seven Counties Outline...
Troy History by D.C. Craft
Troy History from Bradford Reporter
Troy History by C. Heverly
Troy History by H. C. Bradsby
Troy Fair 100th Anniversary Booklet 1975
Troy History 1980 Troy Gazette-Register
Troy Articles
1869 - The Great Troy Fire
1905 Police Chief Fenner Killed
1912 Typhoid Epidemic
1913 Borough Officer Nominations
1914 Troy's First Custom Built Car
1935-37 - Several Troy Articles
1935 Memorial Day
1939 H. K. Mitchell Testimonial
1940 Longo Plane Crash
1943 Gas Rationing
1975 Troy Fair Celebrates 100th Year
In My Merrie Oldsmobile
2005 Moving the Merchants Building
Architecture in Troy
Troy Postcards & Photos
Panoramic View of Troy
Troy Fair Grounds
East Troy Overview 1899
Some of Troy's Historic Residential Buildings
Troy Business Photos from Ed Ballard
Some Troy Area Postcards
Troy Photos from F. Marshall Case Collection
Troy Photos from Don Stanton Collection
Troy Photos from the Bud Mitchell Collection
Long's Pond Photos & Article
Postcards Published by Carpenter & Pierce
World War One - Red Cross Parade
Then and Now in Troy
Then & Now - Main Street Looking East
Then & Now - Corner W. Main & Canton Streets
Then & Now - Canton Street Looking North
Then & Now - Main Street from Canton Street
Then & Now - West side of Canton Street
Bridges, Roads, Train Stations
East Troy Bridge 1904
Working on the Road
Northern Central Railroad Station
Paine's Hill Crossing
Historic Buildings
VanDyne Building Many Old Troy Photos included
Troy PA Historical Afghan (Soon)
Oscoluwa Fire House
Holcombe House (Pictures and Article son site soon)
Mitchell Properties & Troy Buildings & Statistics 1925 (Real Estate Booklet) (In Process)
Some of Troy's Historic Residential Buildings
Yesterday's News From the Neighborhoods and Villages
1880s Scraps 1883 Troy Register 1885 Troy Register 1886 Troy Register
1900 Troy Register 1901 Troy Register 1902 Troy Register 1903 Troy Register 1904 Troy Gazette - Register
1911 Troy Gazette - Register 1912 Troy Gazette-Register 1913 Troy Gazette-Register 1914 Troy Gazette - Register
1915 Troy Gazette-Register 1916 Troy Gazette-Register 1917 Troy Gazette - Register 1918 Troy-Gazette-Register 1919 Troy Gazette-Register
1922 psr
Post Offices
Troy PO
East Troy PO
Villages Past & Present
Troy Borough & Township Census Records
1800 Wysox, Luzerne County
1820 Troy Census
1830 Troy Census
1840 Troy Census
1850 Troy Census
1860 Troy Township Census
1860 Troy Borough Census
1870 Troy Township Census 1880 Troy Township Census
1870 Troy Borough Census 1880 Troy Borough Census
1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 Volunteers Needed
Troy Township Directories
1935 Troy Voter Registration List
Troy Borough & Township Tax Records
1812 Taxables (Columbia incl. part of Troy).
1812 Taxables (Springfield incl. part of Troy)
1812 Taxables (Burlington incl. part of Troy)
Tax Lists (Volunteer Needed)
1820 Troy Taxables
1914 Troy Township Financial Statement 1914 Troy Borough Financial Statement
Troy Borough & Township Cemetery Records
If You can Provide GOOD Driving Directions or GPS coordinates for any of our 700 cemeteries, please send to Joyce
Glenwood Cemetery 2001 History of Glenwood Cemetery 1922
Glenwood Article 1970s Glenwood Cemetery Obituaries
Glenwood Cemetery Deed Holders 1880-1980
Ballard Cemetery Case Cemetery East Troy Cemetery
Ballard Cemetery Obituaries Case Cemetery Obituaries East Troy Cemetery Obituaries
Hilton Cemetery 1982 List Hilton Cemetery - May 2005 Hilton Cemetery Obituaries
Hunt Cemetery 1970s  Hunt Cemetery 2001 Hunt Cemetery Obituaries
Oak Hill Cemetery 2001 Oak Hill Cemetery Obituaries
St John's in Troy Boro St. John's Cemetery (2002) St. John's Cemetery Obituaries
Troy Borough & Township Schools
Troy Academy 1842-1867 1873-1944 Troy High School Grads
1881 Troy High School Class Photos 1882 Troy Graded & High School
1887 - Boys at Troy High school Case School - Undated
1890 Troy High School Students
1893 Troy High School Graduates
1896 East Troy Graded School
1896 School No. 2
1897 East Troy Graded School
1898 East Troy Graded School
1900s Troy School Postcards
1900 Case School
1901 History of Troy High School
1901 East Troy Graded School
1902 East Troy Graded School
1903 Troy High School Graduates
1903 Troy Teachers
1905 Mt. Pisgah School
1906 Troy Graded School
1906 Troy High School Graduates
1907 Troy High School Graduates
1908 Troy High School Graduates
1910 Thomas School No. 7
1911 Thomas School No. 7
1912 Thomas School No. 7
1911 History of Troy Schools
1912 East Troy Graded School
1912 Troy High School Graduates
1914 Thomas School
1915 Case School
1916 East Troy Graded School
1917 East Troy Graded School
1917 Thomas School No. 9
Troy High School in World War One
1919 Troy Commencement and School Play
1920 East Troy Graded School
1920 Pierce School
1922 East Troy Graded School
1922 Old Troy School before and after fire
1922 Troy High Graduates
1922 Thomas Public School
1924 Thomas School No. 5
1924 Troy Teaching Staff
1930 East Troy School
1932 History of Troy High School
1842 - 1932 Principals at Troy 
1932 Troy First Graders
1887-1932- Items of Interest on Troy Classes
1946 Troy Graduates
1869 School Districts
1. Not Named 8.Joint District (W/ Columbia)
2. Not Named 9. Not Named
3. Not Named 10. Not Named
4. Not Named 11. Dunbar District
5. Spalding District 12. East Troy District
6. Wheeler District 13. Upham District
7. Not Named
W. R. CromanThe new elementary school in Troy has been named W. R. Croman Elementary School in honor of Mr. Croman’s 40 years of service as supervising principal of the Troy Schools.  He came to troy in 1915 as head of the school system of nine teachers and 250 students.  Since that time the system has grown to the largest in Bradford County, with 74 teachers and 1, 880 students.  He retired on November 30 after 49 years as an educator.  Harry Crumbling succeeds him as supervising principal.
From “50 Years Ago – 1950”: the Canton Independent-Sentinel, Canton, PA December 22, 2005.
Troy Borough & Township Business Histories & Photos
Pomeroy Brothers and predecessors Bowen's Tannery
1907 Troy Borough Businesses Ice House on Porter Road
1907 Troy Township Businesses 1883 Professional Cards
Fairview Dairy - Seba B. Wood Milk Wagon 1932 First Bus to Troy
1914 Troy Engine & Machine Company 1939 Bill Palmer Retires
1879 Troy Businesses & Professionals Troy Business Photos from Ed Ballard
Carpenter & Pierce Pharmacy - History & More History Davison Apartments  1919 - 1968
Continued as Cooke's Pharmacy Vickery Funeral Home
Walter Dewitt Retrires after 40 Years with Bank Troy Shoe Factory Photo
1961 - Troy Business Leader Biographies Troy Glass Works
Troy Gazette-Register 1863-2008
Hotels in Troy Borough & Township
Adams House Troy House Eagle Hotel
Welch Hotel Williams House
Party Time at Troy House Turn of Century
East Troy House 1866 Party Invitation
Physicians of Troy
Dr. Silas E. Shepherd
Dr. Charles F. Paine
Dr. Mahlon Ballard
Dr. Elijah G. Tracy
Dr. John W. Phillips
Troy Physician (Dr. Phillips) Shoots Bank Clerk
Tribute to Thalia C. Wilson, Nurse
Photographers in Troy Borough
Gustin & McKean F. D. Wood
M. Gustin & Son Lee of Troy
O. E. Dewey (1858-1887) / Dewey Studios E. Lewis of Troy
F. M. Spencer (Mansfield & Troy)
Russell & Beeles, Blossburg & Troy H. M. Beeles
Beckner & Wood B. L. Wright - 1879
Moses Gustin 1812 - 1891
1884 Bradford Reporter : M. Gustin, Photographer, having been engaged in that business since 1852. He takes elegant cabinets of all styles, cards and tintypes; also does copying in India ink. He can make you look prettier than yourself, if you don't believe it give him a trial and be convinced. Mr. G. took the first ambrotype in the county. Mr. G. is the proprietor of the Pisgah tower, and is making valuable improvements for the coming summer, where those troubled with hay fever may find a home and cure.
Historic Houses of Troy

Some of Troy's Historic Residential Buildings
Troy Borough & Township Organizations
1919 Formation - Brooks-Flick Post 49 American Legion
Western Bradford County Band - History
Bradford County Heritage Association and the Farm Museum
Bradford County Farm Museum at Troy
Golden Star Rebekah Lodge
1883 Farmer's Club
Directors of the Troy-Canton Bull Association
1916 The Progress Club at Troy Fair
The Bachelor's Club
1926 Troy D.A.R. Chapter
Boy Scout Troop 1
Oscoluwa Engine & Hose Company History
1942? Troy Harmonica Band
Troy Band 1890
Brooks-Flick American Legion Auxiliary Articles
1950- Boilermakers Orchestra
P.O.S. of A
Troy Engine Company Band
December 2008 - Troy Historical & Genealogical Society, a division of Allen F Pierce Library is officially organized with a board of trustees consisting of Janet Ordway, []. Kelsey Jones, Thelma Hilfiger, Joy Laue and Rev. Garry Zuber. Many new items of interest, including over 200 diaries, over 350 photographs, ledgers and postcards have been obtained from the F Marshall Case Estate, Fred & Ethel Pierce Estate, Vivian Hall, Janet Tillotson and Edward Ballard Estate. Allen F Pierce Library has graciously offered an area in the library for use of the organization. Troy Historical & Genealogical Society is a not-for profit organization whose mission is to record and preserve the history of Troy, Pennsylvania and western  Bradford County; by collecting, preserving, exhibiting, and interpreting that history and its relationship to the region, and nation beyond, to audiences of all ages and interests; To promote an understanding of the history of Troy  and surrounding area and to make that collection available to the general public; to stimulate the interest of all people in the history of the local area; and for any other lawful activities to educate and enlighten the general public about the Troy area. Troy Historical & Genealogical Society does not contemplate pecuniary gain or profit, incident, or otherwise, to its members.   Historical papers, documents, photos, diaries, etc are now being accepted. See any board member or stop in the Troy Library. The Society is in the process of cataloging and recording items, with the hopes of having a research area at the library. 
Troy Borough & Township Churches
Histories, Records, Photos
Troy Church Records
East Troy M. E. Parsonage
1964 - Hiram Bennett, Priest for Fifty Years
Autobiography of Thomas Sheardown
St. John's Church
Margaret Fanning - 39 Years as Church Organist
1883 - 1886 East Troy and Columbia M. E. Churches - Pastor's Memorial
Troy Presbyterian Church Records 1828 to 1852
Troy Borough & Township Family Bible Records
Williams - Case Family Bible Stanton - Blow Family Bible
Kiff - Case Bible Wilson - Rockwell Family Bible
Peters - Morse Family Bible
S. Stanton - H. Rockwell Family Bible Ballard - Blakeslee Family Bible Pierce - Burgess Family Bible
C. Stanton - B. Rockwell Family Bible Pierce - Ransom Family Bible Beach - Blundell Family Bible
Shaw - Certright Bible Lee - Williams Family Bible VanHorn-Cornwell Family Bible
Herrington - Perry Family Bible
Troy Borough & Township Families & Individuals,
Genealogies, Photos
Troy Page is dedicated to Local Historian F. Marshall Case who died April 2005. His mark will long be felt in Troy.
Reminiscences of the Porter Road
Pranks in Troy in the 1850s
More Tales of Troy
Flora The Horse
Rev. Fine and Family
Fitch Family
Mary Salsbury & Moses Gustin David C. Wattles Biography
Susan Marietta RUGGLES Morse Parsons Family
Baby of the Year - Wilson N. Smith Lois PRESTON & Clem SMEAD
Jane E. & Deacon Caleb S. Burt Henry P. Davison - From Troy to J. P. Morgan
Sally WEBBER & Colburn PRESTON Henrietta Davison Pomeroy
Pat Ballard, Songwriter Troy Township & Borough Marriages
Brooks Family Reunions Ward Twins Turn 80 (2002)
Robinson Family R. E. Decker
Orin P. Ballard - Booklet by "Pat" Ballard 1958 Paine - Freeman Family
McKean Family Reunion Notes
Mahlon Ballard, M. D.
Dr. Mahlon Ballard of Troy, at l82 one of the oldest practicing physicians in the United States, passed away.  He was a lifelong resident of Troy and had practiced medicine for 62 years.  At the time of his death he was a doctor for the Pennsylvania Railroad and was Bradford County Physician and medical director for many years.
From “50 Years Ago – 1950”: the Canton Independent-Sentinel, Canton, PA December 22, 2005.
Troy Township & Borough Resident Photo Album
Botcher Family Photo 1920 Marie Stanton and Car
Baxter-Budd Family Photos 1902 Helen Ballard &Children's Band
Thomas Ballard & Catherin Provin 1840s 1912 Sarah Fanning & James Beach
Migrations - Where did they come from and where did  they go - Tracking our people
I will be developing this section of the site further, WITH YOUR HELP,  and adding both the names of the women that the history books seldom considered, and the place of origin and family histories. For now, I am just trying to get the order of who came when established. Some of the tax records, that would demonstrate that, are missing. This immigrant section is in draft mode subject to change.
Troy Township Immigrants - Where our people came from and when 
Space Here for your Troy Immmigrant Article
Troy Township Emigrants - Where our people went and when

Space here for your Emigrant article
Ben E. Calkins to Butte, Montana
Troy Borough & Township Diaries & Letters
Rufus Rockwell Family 1850-1900
1889 Rockwell Letter
The Simpson - Parkhurst Letters
19th Century Letters from our Emigrants
1883 Letter from Dana Dunbar to C. F. Heverly
1864-1865 Letters from James B. Wood to wife Emily 1909 John W. DeWitt updates Uncle Paul Cudworth in Michigan on Troy and Mainesburg
Troy Borough & Township Wills, Deeds, Legal Documents 
Elihu Smead Will 1825
Guardianship of the Pratt Orphans 1829
Elizabeth Ferris 1850 Will
Thomas Parsons Will 1853
Alonzo Pratt Will 1854
1897 Lease Parsons to Troy Ag. Soc.
Caleb Williams Will 1855 and Johnson Williams Will Marietta RUGGLES Morse Will 1905
Jere Adams Will 1867 Joel Adams Will 1906
Solomon Morse Will 1893 Beriah Pratt Land Warrant Request 1831
Troy Borough & Township Military Records
Henry Newell Pension 1878
William Newell Pension 1881
Albert Newell Pension 1887
Daniel Newell Pension Papers 1889
Troy's Civil War Military Persons
Troy's Civil War Veterans Letters From Civil War Soldiers to Mary & Oliver Williams
Civil War Pension Application - Hosea P. Scott
I have located four WW1 markers. Two still on trees in front of the Boro Hall, the other two are on the wall inside the front door of the Vets Club
a.       (Donated by Women of Troy) In honor of Pvt Scott Francis Comfort
b.       In honor of Pvt Ernest Allen Borgeson
c.       In honor of Sgt Lee Addison Brooks
d.      In honor of Pvt Milan Wayne Flicke
Do you know how many there were?  Janet PETERS Ordway 18 NOV 2008
Troy's World War One Military
Company F Roster
Joseph Dillin - Civil War
1913 - Civil War Soldiers
Louis Aumick - WW1
Joseph E. Barker - WW1
Wilford Brewer - WW1
Hugh Cameron - WW1
Scott F. Comfort - WW1
Earl Cowl - WW1
Homer J. Dewitt - WW1
Milan W. Flick - WW1
Clarence Foster - WW1
Clarence & Harry Huntley - WW1
Lawrence C. Meeker - WW1
Herbert Morris - WW1
John S. Parke - WW1
Harold R. Peters - WW1
Robert L. Putnam - WW1
Carlton Sherman - WW1
Charles Stanton - WW1
Charles Stanton - WW1 - D.S.C.
Edward Stanton - WW1
Archie G. Ward - WW1
Frank E. Ward - WW1
Red Cross Parade
Troy Borough & Township Sports 
1902 Troy Shoe Factory Baseball Team
1923-24 Boys' Basketball
Und. Boys' Basketball
1925-26 Boys' Basketball
1925-26 Girls' Basketball
1924 Troy Baseball Team
Track Team
1927 Troy Football Team
1931-32 Trojans - Basketball
1930-32 Girls' Basketball
(1946/47) Troy Rotary Basketball
Township Population Statisticss